Information Letter 5-31-05 J.EDWINCHADWICK, LiC Land and Farms 11430 Zion Circle Bloomington, Minnesora5 5437 Office (952) 853-2473 FAX (952) 886-0492 May 31, 2005 Ms. Kate Aanenson . City ofChanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen,MN 55317 Re:. PetersoniJ acques Farm Tnform~tionLetter Concept PUD Application to follow DearMs. Aanenson: This. info]Jl1ation letter is coming. forth. at this time. after two- years of deliberation and extensive work with city staff, MNDOT and the AUM team. Timing The letting of the Tru11k Highway 212 project and therapiddesigI1/buildptocess being undertaken by the contractor makes this a very timy sensitive project. Additionally, the AUAR study has.been completed over the last couple of years, the feasibility report fof infrastructure fof the area is in place and there is a natural synergy of timely limd planning and construction inconcert with the large Highway 212. The City has indicated that there is a desire to undertake the East West Collector Street and bridge project shortly as well. Clearly the time is now. Ownership Background The property is owned by Mr. Sever Peterson and has a long history with the Peterson family. Mr. Peterson, has owned the farm for four decades a:ndbeen farming it even long~r, having worked with the thrashing crew as a boy assisting .his father and grancifather. Due to this long attachment to this parcel of land, Mr. Peterson wants to see a style of development which is sensitive to the existing natural features arid takes full advantage of the spectacular views on the site. Existing Land Use The site js currently a mix of farming uses and natural open space adj acent to anci induding parts ofthe Primary Bluff Creek Overlay Area; The topography has beautiful rolling hills and is one of the highest points in Chanhasseni resulting in spectacular views at many locations on the site. Adiacent Land Use , The land to the west of the site is where Town and Country Homes, Inc. has proposed the Liberty Developmel1ti which isa neighborhood of approximately 350' mid.,density residential townhomes. The land to the north of the Peterson farm is under contrac;t with Pemtomand is intended for housing. , The land totheeastofthePeterson farm iscontrolledbyTownand Country Homes, Inc. and is in~ended for residential development. The land to the south is part oftheZ015and 2020 MuSAexpansion areas and also includesthesoon-to.:b~-constructed Highway 212. This areaisalso near one of the possible. neW CR 41" river crossing. corridors, however, tfie.impac( of that potential project is questionable at this time due to the uncertainty of itsJinal " . iocationand thattheprojectis unfunded and therefore will likely notoccllr until after 2020, which should be long after full development of the 2005. MUSA has occurred. .' Access to Infrastructure The East.,West Collector will run through the Peterson property inthe northwest comer. This project calls fora nice sweeping boulevard and installation of sewer and water and is intended to start in 2005 or early 2006. The second major roadway improvement will be the road labeled inthe AUAR as the Southern Connector Road which will run from the new East-West Collector to 'Pioneer Trail. Proposed Land Use The proposal is a residential planned unit development (P1]D) on approximately 67 acres that is in concert with the residential component that is called forth by the CityofChanhassen Comprehensive Plan. The current guidance calls for development of4-8 units per acre of housing and although the ultimate density is still being worked out in design, we anticipate it will be at the lower end of that ' density range. .' This reduced density is due in large part to the constraints of the . topography and soils and also due to the desire to preserve and enhanc~, the acceSs tdtheexistingnatural resources and views. We waritto work w~th the existing topography and resources rather than over-engineer the site and destroy much of its unique and special character. Issues of density transfer of units that could be built within Bluff Creek Overlay# 1 but must be relocated outof the Primary district will be worked out over time with City Staff. The East.:West Collector and Southern Collector toads are proposed to heutil1zed as buffers between areas of higher and lower densities. Higher densities. ate . , proposed onthewest side ofthe sitetp remainCOlnpatible with the adjacent Town and C911ntryHomes, Inc.proposeddevelopnientand then the density drops off. significantly as the topography rises in the east and adjacent to the Bluff Creek Overlay Area. Our engineer did look at the suitability ofthe topography and soils for non- residential purpO'sell and determined thatIVuch of the site was unsuitable for non- resident,ial u,'se,s d, u,e", totopogra, p,hy an, dso,i1 c, 0, nst,rain,t,s',Thatre,',po,rt h,a,sbe,en provided to Citystaff.' The Peterson Family would be disappointed ifthis beautiful site was turned into asea,ofparking lots, loa~ing docks and retaining walls.' ' Housing Product Types ,', . . " The hmd use design would call for threiresidential product typesof varying. size and density.' . ' The centerpiece of the project is an area of large lot executive home sites which would be overlooking or adjacentto the beautiful Bluff Creek. Valley. These homes can be some ofthepremier homes in the area. There are more20 acres of the Bluff Creek Park nature area whichwill preserved as part ofthis development and these homes willhavewonderful views ofthis amenity as well as a view from , the top of Chanhassen. ' " The .area west of the Southern Connector Road will be an area of 2-4 unit buildings which will provide a nice transition between Town and Country's offering to' the west and the generous single-family homes to east. The area north of the East- West Collector and on the western side of the parcel which would be contiguous with Town and Country will have ,a higher density townhome product which would be similar to what is being offered by Tow-nand Country in,area immediately adjacent to it. This area would lii<'elybe physically, connected to the Town and Country project throughfheextensionofToWn and. Country's local street system. If the Town and Country proj ect ends up reducing density adjacent to this area, it could be redesigned for more executive homes due to its proximity to the Bluff Creek Overlay and terrain. We look forward toreceiving input from the City regarding this proposal so that we can then move forward with the more detailed design informat~on that will be needed for the City Engineer's final roadway design on the East-West Collector and related infrastructure proj ects. s:ncerelY/~ ------0! -.-.-.QT-- -:;- ------- -.- .:.::1---------_ , , \J " -.} , , " , \ .........'-, , ~ RLK. ~ Oj~~""., Peterson Develo Chanhassen, MN tA ment Conce llo.ohtll.1Il11 _l..oo.l.., 1111 _..~r.:::::: P!:~1!~~1~~ _SITE DATA I PROPOSED RSF ZONING UNIT COUNT: 37 UNITS LAND AREA: 0039.8 ACRES (INCLUDES 0019.7 ACRES OF BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY OVERLAY DISTRICT) DENSITY: D.93 UNITS/ACRE LOT REQUIREMENTS: 15.000 SF MINIMUM LOT SIZE FRONT YARD SETBACK: 30 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK:30 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK: 10 FEET MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE: 90 FEET MAXIMUM HEIGHT: THREE (3) STORIES/FORTY (40) FEET PROPOSED R- 4 ZONING UNIT COUNT: 36 UNITS LAND AREA: :1:16.5 ACRES (INCLUDES 005.1 ACRES OF BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY OVERLAY DISTRICT) DENSITY: 2.18 UNITS/ACRE LOT REOUIREMENTS: 15.000 SF MINIMUM LOT SIZE FRONT YARD SETBACK: 30 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK: 30 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK: 10 FEET MINIMUM LOT FRONT AGE: 50 FEET (TWO F AMIL Y) MAXIMUM HEIGHT: THREE (3) STORIES/FORTY (40) FEET PROPOSED R-8 ZONING UNIT COUNT: 42 UNITS LAND AREA: :1:14.2 ACRES (INCLUDES 004.9 ACRES OF BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY OVERLAY DISTRICT) DENSITY: 2.95 UNITS/ACRE LOT REOUIREMENTS: 5.500 SF MINIMUM LOT SIZE (TOWNHOMES) FRONT YARD SETBACK: 25 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK: 25 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK: 10 FEET MAXIMUM HEIGHT: THREE (3) STORIES/FORTY (40) FEET MINIMUM lOT FRONTAGE: 150 FEET (TOWNHOMES) OUTLOT #1: :1: 3.13 ACRES OUTLOT #2: 002.33 ACRES (OUTlOTS #1 AND #2 ARE NOT INCLUDED LEGEND ~ OVERALL PARCEL L:::J IN THE ABOVE COMPUTATIONS) rIII1J 0~~~RN50~ISI~S -.,- BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY OVERLAY DISTRICT (129.71 AC.) ...-.. BLUFF CREEK SECONDARY OVERLAY DISTRICT (:1:49.84 AC.) BLUFF CREEK C'JI BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY OVERLAY DISTRICT c==J NET DEVELOPABLE AREA ~ FLOOD ZONE A 1 1" - - PROPOSED MNDOT R.O.W. (PER MN/DOT DEC. 2004) o EXCLUDING EXISTING PIONEER TRAIL R.O.W. (0043.12 AC.) D '00 ,-.;,; EXISTING WETLAND (:1:0.62 AC.) '::; ',-- '" FCC1 Date: June 3, 2005 ~ Peterson Bluff Aerial View ~ " :'" I~'':'I'' ~I 'i. 'I, ~ ,. . . . .1 'I I ,ii' , ft J~:-'~ , \ ' I ,-:( 1 , \~ , ,-\\:.. . l ./'~.. "F":;::;'." \: ,\ ~" +I, , , C'1 , ; " ~ ,\-\ .), , jY. \ i i, ""'. ~ . , ~ ~~~ N ._":..-- :,~ ... - ~" d ' .. ~_. ' .- ..... - -- - ,':' ...." 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