Memo to Paul Taunton from Carver County WMO 06-02-2014cr- � �Car`V Co my y 1 LWater Management Organization at Memo I�w.w...r. (wa La M —C—V Carver County Water Management Organization Paul Taunton, Business Impact Group From: Kristen Larson, Carver County Water Management Date: June 2, 2014 Re: Business Impact Group - Approval File: WP20140012 cc: Jared Jones, MFRA Terry Jeffery, City of Chanhassen Paul Moline, Carver County Water Management Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD Seth Bossert, Carver SWCD Kent Torve, Wenck Associates Enclosures: example maintenance and operations plan Marna, "WaxM®raDept Grnmrrxnt Carter - Adnlnhtmtlm M*q 600 East 4h Rtr Chaska, Mhvesats 55318 Ph": (952)3614820 Fax: (95213641828 ..mcamr.mn.us/wa Carver County Water Management received an application for water rules compliance for the Business Impact Group Project in Chanhassen on April 21, 2014 and revised plans and information on May 14, 2014, and May 21, 2014. This letter is to inform you that Carver County Water Management is pleased to give approval for the project. The permit is valid until December 2, 2015 (18 months from the date of this letter). If the authorized work does not commence within the above time period, or the project specifications have changed, our office must be contacted to determine the need for further approval or re- verification. General Permit Information Please keep in mind the following prior to and during construction: 1. Authorized Work. This permit authorizes the activities described in the plan set with revisions dated May 21, 2014. 2. Financial Security. Financial security in the amount of $2,000 is required for this project and should be submitted prior to the start of construction. The security is deposited with the county for faithful performance of the approved plans and to finance any necessary remedial work. 3. Preconstruction Meeting. The general contractor for the project should contact Chip Hentges at the Carver SWCD (952.466.5230) to schedule an onsite meeting prior to beginning construction on the site. 4. SWCD Monitoring. The Carver SWCD will monitor the site to ensure compliance with Erosion & Sediment Control requirements, County Water Rules, and NPDES requirements. Additional BMPs may be needed as field conditions change. 5. Soil Export. If soil import or export is necessary, haul routes and disposal areas should be discussed with the Carver SWCD 48 hours prior to material being exported off site. If fill is exported to another site within the Carver County Watershed Management Organization area, additional permit approval from Carver County Water Management may be required. 6. Stop Work Orders. Carver County Water Management has the authority to issue Stop Work Orders if it feels that a site is not being properly managed for stormwater protection. Prior to a stop work order, all involved parties will meet to try to resolve the issue. If further violations continue, a Stop Work Order will be enforced until a time that Carver County Water Management feels all stormwater issues have been resolved. 7. Maintenance Plan. A maintenance plan for the stormwater management system and any necessary maintenance agreements must be submitted to the County. The maintenance plan should define maintenance responsibilities following completion of the project, specify types and frequency of inspection activities and maintenance activities, and specify who will conduct inspections and maintenance activities (see attached example for additional information). 8. As- builts. As- builts documenting the bioretention basins (inlet, outlet, tile elevations, etc.) will need to be submitted in order to demonstrate that control structures and other features were installed according to the approved plans. Collecting elevations and locations during construction will reduce cost and time. If you have any questions about as -built submittal requirements please contact Chip Hentges, Carver County SWCD, at 952.466.5230 or Kristen Larson, Carver County Water Management, at 952.361.1824. 9. Satisfactory Compliance Inspection. Upon completion of the project, the County will conduct an inspection of the site to ensure that the site has been stabilized, all erosion and sediment control measures have been removed, and that stormwater treatment features have been installed correctly. 10. Return of Financial Security. The responsible party shall provide $2,000 as financial security for the performance of the authorized work. The security shall be released after grading is complete, the site has been re- vegetated, all erosion and sediment measures have been removed, stormwater treatment features have been installed correctly, and as- builts and a maintenance plan have been submitted. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me or contact the individuals listed above. < 7�` c Kristen Larson 952.361.1824 klarson &o. carver.mn. us • Page 2