CC Staff Report 04-28-2014 Contamination Cleanup GrantCITY OF CHANNAS3EN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.2271100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager DATE: April 28, 2014 o SUBJ: Resolution of Support; Application for a Contamination Cleanup Grant Submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED); 7910 Dakota Avenue PROPOSED MOTION: "The City Council approves the Resolution of Support for the Contamination Cleanup Grant Application to DEED for the redevelopment of the Sinclair gas station site, 7910 Dakota Avenue." (See Attachment #1) Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council. PURPOSE/BACKGROUND The Sinclair gas station redevelopment site has contaminated soils from the gas tanks leaking over the years. Additionally, both the city's property and some of the Sinclair site have poor soils that are not suitable to support a foundation. In some areas, over 30 feet of soil needs to be removed and replaced with suitable fill material or geo -piers (see Attachment #2). Due to these soil conditions, the applicant is applying for a Contamination Cleanup Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The purpose of these grants is to clean up contaminated sites to allow for redevelopment, reduce the potential contamination, create jobs, and increase the tax base by maximizing these unproductive sites. REDEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 2014 Total Estimated Value Fax: 952.227.1110 $484,000 Total Estimated Value After Redevelopment $3,600,000 Web Site New Jobs 35 full -time and 18 part-time = 53 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Current Taxes $18,164 Proposed New Taxes $47,600 Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow I Mayor & l,1ty Council April 28, 2014 Page 2 The applicant is requesting the City Council approve a Resolution of Support for this project. By giving the city's support, it increases the chances of receiving a grant award. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution of Support for the Contamination Cleanup Grant application to DEED for the redevelopment of the Sinclair gas station site, 7910 Dakota Avenue. ATTACHMENT 1. Grant Application 2. Soils Report 3. Resolution of Support gAplan\2014 planning cases\2014 -11 dakota retail (sinclair)\support contamination grant application.docx P�OOSSIITTIIVE /LLY�� ///�� FY 13 �i/��/� %�I� Y�SV�%�t/• Bepartmant of Employment a1M Economic OavelopmeM tat National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 5 51 01 -13 51 Contamination Cleanup Grant Application and Part 1 of the Revolving Loan Application Cover Page Applicant (Public Entity): City of Chanhassen Head of Applicant Agency: Tom Furlong (ex. Mayor) Applicant Address: 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147 City: Chanhassen Zip Code: 55317 Project Contact Person for Public Entity: Todd Gerhardt Phone: 952.227.1119 E -mail: terhardtna,ci.chanhassen.mn.us Mailing Address: 7700 Market Boulevard, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota, 55317 Project Manager for this project from the Public Entity, in the event of an award Name Todd Gerhardt Phone 952.227.1119 E -mail tgerhardtnu ci.chanhassen.mn.us Mailing Address: 7700 Market Boulevard, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota, 55317 Application Author: Ben Merriman Author's Phone and email 612 - 720 -9213 bmerriman(i�eentercomoanies.com Cleanup 4#&AWWr #1 LM193 Provide a written executive summary of the project, including the applicant's involvement in the project to date and how the applicant intends to manage the project should a grant be awarded. The project identified as "Dakota Retail' includes the redevelopment of a long standing brownfield site along the County Road 5 corridor in Chanhassen Minnesota The plans include the removal of the existing Ivan Gas Station and construction of a new 8,000 square foot retail center. It is estimated that over 52 new iobs will be created and will nearly triple the existing tax base. The City of Chanhassen has actively worked with Center Companies both on this project and other proiects within the city Center Companies has a proven track record of success and is a valued partner that consistently contributes to the redevelopment initiatives within the city and our dedicated staff of professionals are committed to overseeing the grant process from initial application through payment requests and final reporting. Our attention to detail and close working relationships with the project team will facilitate timely responses and successful documentation of the funding process. I. SITE IDENTIFICATION AND HISTORY SITE INFORMATION 1. Name of Site: Dakota Retail Site Address: 7910 Dakota Avenue City, County or Township: Chanhassen Zip Code: 55317 Acreage of Site: 1_7 Sq. Ft. of Site: 74,052 If City is applicant, what form of government? X Home Rule Charter _ Statutory City Minnesota Legislative District # A 47 B (Note: The Minnesota Legislature has a tool to look up legislative district numbers. You must have a precise address and know the zip code of the site. Go to: http: / /www.leg.state.mn.us/ and use the "Who represents me ?" tool. 2. Is the site located within a designated Transit Improvement Area (TIA ?) _ *Yes X No *If yes, please provide Station Area name: A. Current property owner(s): See Attachment 1 When was the property purchased? From whom was the property purchased? Cleanup For what amount? FY 13 B. Who will develop the site? Center Companies, LLC Will the developer own the property at any time? X Yes _ No When was /will the property be purchased? June 2014 For what amount? $625,000 C. Are eminent domain proceedings necessary to acquire the property on which the cleanup and redevelopment will occur? No If so, explain any difficulties anticipated in accomplishing the project. D. Who will own the project site after development? Center Companies, LLC When was /will the property be purchased? June 2014 For what amount? $625,000 4. Provide a legal description of the site. Please see Attachment 1. SITE VALUATION: ASSESSMENT OR APPRAISAL If you are applying for cleanup grant funds you may submit either assessed value information or an appraisal. If you are applying for a revolving loan, you must submit an appraisal and may not submit assessor's information in place of an appraisal. Attach an appraisal completed by a qualified independent appraiser licensed under chapter 82B using accepted appraisal methodology which shows the current market value (pre - cleanup) of the property, separately taking into account the effect of the contaminants on the market value. This value should include both the value of the land and, if applicable, any buildings on the Site. Along with the appraisal, please include the projected value after cleanup and development. Current Appraised Value M' Projected Value Attach documentation showing the assessed value of the property for the latest year, as determined by the local assessor, shown on the most recent valuation notice used under Minn. Stat. § 273.121. Along with the assessed value, please include the projected value after cleanup and development. Current Assessed Value Projected Value $3,600,000 Assessed values are included in Attachment 1. Cleanup nrlk7 MAPS AND SITE FEATURES 6. Attach an accurate and legible site and location map showing locations of prominent and relevant site features such as buildings, retaining walls, etc. (NOTE: maps shall include property boundaries, a north arrow and bar scale). The map(s) should show the following: • The current condition of the site including labeled structures; • The proposed development of the site including labeled structures; and • The location(s) of contamination. Adding photographs is recommended. See Attachment 2 CURRENT AND FUTURE SITE USE Zoning/Land Use: A. Current: Industrial Commercial X Residential Mixed -use Other (Specify) and Highway and Business Service B. After Cleanup: Industrial Commercial X Residential Mixed -use Other (Specify) 8. If a change in zoning is necessary, please provide a schedule of required approvals. Zoning Change is not required. 9. Current economic condition: Vacant lot Developed site X Other 10. How many buildings are currently on site? Industrial How many are occupied? If vacant, for how long? Commercial 1 How many are occupied? 1 If vacant, for how long? Residential How many are occupied? If vacant, for how long? 11. Year building(s) was /were built: Late 1970s 12. Please describe the condition of the buildings on the site. Structurally, the building is in fair condition, but the exterior facade lacks character and is si nificantly outdated The visual asneets of the building diminish the value of the intersection. 13. Is demolition required for RAP implementation? No Is demolition addressed in the RAP? Cleanup FY 13 14. Please describe how site redevelopment will spur adjacent development. Several new developments have already been completed in and around this high traffic intersection and the Dakota Retail project will continue to be a driver for new developments within the City of Chanhassen. The proiect is being constructed using attractive and high quality building materials: and includes substantial landscape upgrades that will bring new life to the southwest corner of the intersection. The existing businesses in the area will see immediate benefit and speculative proiects may surface. SITE HISTORY 15. Please attach a brief synopsis on the history and general background of this site. This includes but is not limited to former uses of the site, known and/or suspected causes of contamination, etc. Also describe the current condition of the site and include a description of existing structures and existing occupants of the site. Historically, the site consisted of cultivated agricultural land from at least 1937 until the late -1970s when the site was developed into a gas station. The original gas station included five underground storage tanks (USTs) that ranged in capacity from 560 - gallons to 8,000 - gallons and contained gasoline, an alcohol blend, fuel oil, and used or waste oil. In March 1990, one 1,000 - gallon waste oil UST was removed from the Site. Petroleum impacts were detected in the UST basin and a release was reported to the MPCA and assigned Leak ID #2386. Subsequent investigations were completed in accordance with MPCA requirements and Leak #2386 was closed by the MPCA on April 29, 1991. In 1992, the four remaining USTs and associated piping were removed from the Site. Petroleum impacts were detected and a release was reported to the MPCA and assigned LEAK ID #4987. After several years of investigation and monitoring, the MPCA closed Leak ID #4987 on January 17, 1996. Results of groundwater samples collected as part of a 2004 Phase II environmental site assessment (ESA) indicated elevated petroleum contamination compared to previous investigation results from monitoring well sampling. Consequently, the MPCA re- opened Leak ID #4987 on October 28, 2005 and requested a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) for a potential new release. Based on the information obtained during the LSI, a new release was not assigned and the MPCA closed Leak ID #4987 on August 28, 2006. Currently, the site consists of two parcels totaling approximately 1.70 acres and the slab -on -grade approximately 1,800- square -foot convenience store and gas station known as Ivan's Sinclair is present. Three active 8,000 gallon USTs and associated pump islands are located north /northeast of the convenience store on the eastern portion of the site. Paved parking and driving areas surround the convenience store and gas station. The western parcel is landscaped. Cleanup FY 13 An environmental investigation was completed in March 2014. Results from the 2014 investigation indicated that fill soils are present across the Site to depths of up to 12 feet below ground surface (bgs) and petroleum impacts to soil and groundwater were identified within soil borings ST -5 and ST -6. It was determined that the elevated concentrations petroleum impacts to soil and groundwater on the eastern portion of the proposed building will restrict off -Site reuse of fill soil and likely require disposal at a permitted landfill and that if dewatering was required as part of the proiect a Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) temporary groundwater discharge permit would be need to be obtained prior to dewatering Additionally, benzene was detected at a concentration above its 1OX Industrial ISV and a vapor mitigation system was recommended to be incorporated into the building design H. CONTAMINATION 16. Is applicant enrolled in an MPCA Program? Yes VIC Prog. I.D. PBP Prog. I.D. PB 4531 LUST Prog. I.D. Other VIC Project Manager PBP Proj. Manager Pam Foster _ LUST Proj. Manager 17. Name(s) of current environmental consultant Consultant Company: Braun Intertec Consultant Name: Tim Lenwav Phone: 952- 995 -2488 Phone: Phone: 651-757-2778 Phone: 18. What contaminants have been identified at the site? Petroleum based products in soil, groundwater and soil vapor. 19. What is the likely source of the contamination? Former underground storage tanks, Pining and puma islands. 20. To qualify for cleanup funding, you must attach a copy of the approved RAP and final approval of your Response Action Plan from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. See Attachment 3. Cleanup FY 13 21. Summary of Contamination Information: A. Provide a concise description of the identified contamination and proposed RAP. The description should include the occurrence of the contamination (i.e., are there distinct areas of contamination or is contamination widely disseminated across the site? Is the contamination at the surface or at depth ?). The detected soil impacts are primarily located on the eastern third of the site and have been identified both in shallow soil samples and at depth The proposed RAP includes remediation of soils beneath the building pad from within the proposed storm water retention pond, in parking and drive areas, and within utility corridors. Due to the presence of impacted groundwater, storm water infliltration will not be allowed and the pond will required installation of an HDPE liner to prevent downward migration of surface water to the underlying aquifer. Groundwater impacts are also limited to the eastern portion of the site and will likely be encountered during deeper excavations. Provisions for dischargin contaminated groundwater are included in the RAP. Elevated Photoionization detector (PI DI readings and soil vapor concentrations have also been detected and soil vapor mitigation is required under the building slab. A figure presenting the extent of impacts is included in Attachment 2 and excerpts from previously completed reports identifying impacts are included Appendix A of the RAP B. Complete the following table for soil contamination (be sure to include areas of contamination that have been identified at the site but will not be treated or removed as part of the approved RAP): General contaminant type (i.e., DRO, VOCs, metals, etc.) Total volume of identified contaminated soil c ds Total volume of identified contamin- ated soil to be remediated c ds Remedy RAP Cleanup Goal (i.e., residential SRVs, industrial SRVs, etc. Petroleum VOCs 9,000 CY 4,000 CY Excavation and Industrial DRO and GRO Disposal C. Complete the following table for groundwater contamination. If no or limited groundwater investigation has been conducted, indicate this. Also indicate if a groundwater investigation was conducted but no contamination was detected. General contaminant type (i.e., DRO, VOCs, metals, etc. Affected aquifer (i.e., water table, deeper aquifers) Approximate dimensions of contaminant plume on -site. Specify if the plume extends off -site. Remedy Petroleum VOC, Water Table 140 feet by 150 feet Source area removal DRO and GRO Cleanup FY 13 D. List all compounds comprising the identified release in soil and the corresponding average and maximum concentration for each compound. Also include petroleum in the table. If distinct areas of contamination are present at the site, please describe separately. (NOTE: It is acceptable to provide an overview with estimated average and maximum concentrations if the amount of analytical data is overwhelming.) (Note: for PAHs, please provide individual compound concentrations or Benzo(a)pyrene equivalent concentrations for the carcinogenic PAH compounds.) Petroleum is the only contaminant of concern on this site and several petroleum related compounds have been detected in soil and groundwater. The data presented below is only for compounds that have exceeded regulatory criteria for petroleum. Please note that although there is not a soil reference value (SRV) or helath risk limit (HRL) for diesel range organics (DRO) and gasoline range organics (GRO) in soil and groundwater, the MPCA considers DRO and GRO concentration above 100 milligrams per kilogram (mg /kg) in soil as restricted fill and above 200 micrograms per liter (u2 /1) in groundwater as an action level. Compound Tier I SRV residential Average Concentration Maximum Concentration Benzene 14 mg /kg 4.2 mg /kg 16 mg /kg Xylenes 110 mg /kg 30 mg /kg 190 mg /kg GRO NE 576 mg /kg 1,400 mg /kg DRO NE 1,845 mg /kg 9,100 mg /kg 1,2,4- trimethvlbenzene E. Please do the same as in D. for groundwater. Compound HRL Average Concentration Maximum Concentration Benzene 2 ue /l 1,667 ug /1 9,600 ug /l Ethylbenzene 50 ug /l 511 ug /l 2,700 ug /I Toluene 200 ug /1 1,484 112/1 13,000 u2/1 Xylenes 300 ug /1 1,670 ug /1 12,000 112/1 1,2,4- trimethvlbenzene 100 ngn 300 ug /1 870 112/1 GRO NE 1 6,627 ug /1 59,000 ug /l DRO NE 13,117 ug /1 220,000 ug /1 F. If groundwater at the site is contaminated, note the geologic makeup of the affected Cleanup FY 13 aquifer (sand/gravel, till, lacustrine clay, etc.), and the estimated average linear velocity (be sure to indicate how this number was determined). The geologic makeup is clavev determined using the C.W. Fetter data model. G. Briefly describe possible exposure scenarios posed by identified contamination at the site (i.e., ingestion or human contact with contaminated soil, consumption of contaminated groundwater, ecological impacts, etc.), and nearby receptors that could be affected by contaminants migrating from site (high value wetland/creeks/ rivers, etc.). The highest potential for exposure from identified contamination is dermal contact to construction workers and soil vapor risk associated with building occupants. Removal of the impacted soil from the source areas and construction of the lined storm water pond will reduce the potential for continued contaminant migration to groundwater. Installation of the vapor mitigation system will reduce the potential for exposure via soil vapor pathway. H. If you are requesting costs for soil vapor mitigation, you must have supporting data. Soil vapor impacts have been identified at the site both from PID readings and from soil vapor sampling conducted during the investigation. Benzene was detected at lOx the MPCA industrial screening value in one vapor probe advanced within the proposed building footprint. Results from the soil vapor sampling are discussed in the RAP that is included in Attachment 3. Elevated PID ranging from 7 parts per million (ppm) to 841ppm have been detected within 100 feet of the proposed building footprint. Cleanup FY 13 III. COST ANALYSIS: INVESTIGATION, CLEANUP AND PROJECT COST BUDGET 22. What is the total of all eligible investigation, cleanup and project costs for the site? $287,800 23. How much grant funding are you requesting from DEED (cannot be more than 75% of the cost listed in the question above)? $215,850 24. Please fill out the following budget table to identify the investigation costs, cleanup costs and project costs for the site as defined in the instruction section of this application. Attach additional sheets if necessary. See Attachment 4 for additional budget information. BUDGET Eligible Activities for Investigation and RAP Development %Complete Date(s) Completed Total Cost Phase I and II Response Action Plan 100 100 Feb /March 2014 $20,000 Feb/March 2014 $5,000 MPCA Fees 100 Feb /March 2014 $2,500 A. Investigation Costs Subtotal $27,500 Eligible Activities for Soil & Groundwater Cleanup % Complete Date(s) Completed Total Cost Environmental Consulting Fees 0 Summer 2014 $54,800 Installation of Vapor Mitigation System 0 Summer 2014 $40,000 Load Haul Dispose Contaminated Soil 0 Summer 2014 $120,000 Installation of Pond Liner 0 Summer 2014 $27,000 Contaminated Water Dewatering 0 Summer 2014 $15,00 MPCA Fees 0 Summer 2014 $3,500 B. Cleanup Costs Subtotal $260,300 C. Total A & B This is your total cleanu cost* $287,800 Other Project Activities Necessary to Implement the RAP % Complete Dates) Completed Total Cos[ D. Project Cost Subtotal E. Total A, B & D !1287.800 Cleanup 10 FY 13 25. What is the breakdown of sources for the above budget? Amount Source Status (Committed, pending decision date) $215,850 DEED Contamination Cleanup PendinE $71,950 Private Equity Committed $287,800 TOTAL (should equal Total in line E above) *(12% of the above cleanup costs in line C must be paid with unrestricted funds, as defined on page V; Please indicate which source(s) will contribute to the unrestricted match.) 26. Is all of the project's financing in place? (i.e. cleanup, construction, operations) Community Bank of Chanhassen is committed to funding this project. A finacina term sheet is included in Attachment 5. 27. If requesting project costs, please explain why these costs are necessary to remediate the contamination. We are not requesting project costs. 28. If any of the activities listed above are partially or fully completed, how were those activities financed? If work has occurred, please submit the invoices for which you will be seeking reimbursement. Investigation and RAP development costs were funded with private equity. The completed costs listed above were financed with Private equity. Conies of invoices are included in Attachment 6 29. If you are requesting acquisition costs and the amount for acquisition is different from the appraised or assessed value, please explain why there is a difference. We are not requesting acquisition costs. ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES 30. Please indicate whether you have applied for or received all funds available to you from other funding sources. If you applied for or received funds, please list the amount(s) below. Source Requested or received all funds available or ? Amount(s) requested or received? Date(s) requested or received? Met Council Yes - Requested Requested $287,800 5/1/14 County ERF Grant PetroFund ACRRA MPCA Funding EPA Other (Specify) Cleanup 11 FY 13 COST RECOVERY 31. Has the site been identified as a state or federal Superfund site? Yes X No 32. Based on question 19, are there any existing or former businesses or landowners who may have caused or contributed to the contamination on the site? X Yes No If yes, who? Sinclair was identified as the responsible party for the two releases identified at the Site. Sinclair has completed all of the investigation work as requested by the MPCA and the sites are currently closed. What is the status of the business (in operation, sold, closed, moved)? Sinclair sold the site in 2006 to the current owner listed as IC John, LLC. No additional releases have been reported at the site. 33. What efforts have been made to recover some or all of the cleanup costs from the party(ies)? The responsible parties have completed the applicable investigation work as required by the MPCA and the leak site are currently closed. No further work was requested by the MPCA. There is a mechanism to recover costs from the responsible party if this grant receives funding. See Minn. Stat. § 116J.557 for further details. No FINANCIAL INFORMATION 34. Please submit a copy of the applicant's most current audit, or financial statement if an audit is not available. If this information is available electronically, you may submit the web address in lieu of a paper copy. www.ei.chanhassen.mn.us /audit 35. Is there a possibility that the site will be cleaned up without DEED money? Yes X No Explain your answer to the question above: The environmental cleanup costs for this represent 9% of the total project cost and the project cannot financially overcome this hurdle. The proiect will not proceed without public grant funds to off set remediation costs. Cleanup 12 FY 13 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN AFTER CLEANUP 36. Describe in detail the Development Plan for the site after implementation of the RAP? (Number of buildings or housing units, square footage, etc.). Please see Attachment 7. 37. Describe how the project advances or promotes the growth of the green economy as defined in Minn. Stat. § 1167.437. (see https : / /www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us /statutes / ?id =1167 ) All demolition buildine materials will be recycled. To the maximum extent practical local /high quality and energy efficient building materials and HVAC/Plumbin systems will be energy efficient. 38. Have all of the required local/city approvals necessary for this project to proceed been obtained (planning commission, zoning, etc.) If not, what remains to be done and what is the process for completing the process of obtaining approvals? The application for a Site Plan Review and Subdivision was approved by the Planning Commission on April 15, 2014 and by the City Council on April 28, 2014. 39. What is the estimated cost of the Development (construction costs not including the cleanup costs)? Construction costs are approximately $2,347,200 (excludes cleanup and land acquisition) Of these how much is public? $ private? $2,347,200 40. Is all of the financing in place for the final development of the site? If yes, attach evidence that funds for the project have been secured. If not, what is the process to secure the funds and the timeline for securing them? Community Bank of Chanhassen is committed to funding this project. A finacing term sheet is included in Attachment 5. 41. If the site will be redeveloped for residential use, provide the following data: RENTAL: Total number of units NA Monthly rental cost per unit $ NA Number of affordable units* NA Level of affordability NA Construction cost per unit $ NA Cleanup 13 FY 13 OWNER OCCUPIED: Total number of units NA Purchase price per unit $ NA Number of affordable units/homes* NA Level of affordability NA Construction cost per unit $ NA 42. If affordable units will not be constructed on -site as part of this development, will the developer be contributing to off -site affordable units? NA If so, how many? Where in the applicant's jurisdiction will they be located? 43. Are you applying for HUD financing? No If yes, have you received an "Invitation to Apply" from HUD (attach a copy, if so). If not, where are you in the HUD financing process? PROPERTY TAXES 44. What are the property taxes on the site for the current year (prior to cleanup)? 1$ 8,206 45. What is the projected property tax on the site after redevelopment? 47,670 A. How were the figures in Questions 44 and 45 determined? The current taxes were obtained from Carver County tax records and the projected taxes were based on projects of similar size and scope in Carver County. Tax record are included in Attachment 1. B. Who determined them? Carver County and Center Companies JOB CREATION & RETENTION 46. Project the number of new jobs created after cleanup and development of the site. (Jobs that did not exist in Minnesota prior to development) cleanup 14 FY 13 NEW JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Total # of Part- Expected Full -Time Time Jobs Hiring Date Jobs Dentist 3 November 2014 12 1 November Dental Hygienist 2014 1 2 November Receptionist 2014 2 1 November Office/Medical Records 2014 Administration 3 November Food Service - Manager 2014 3 1 November Food Service - Assistant 2014 Manager 19 11 November Food Service — Retail 2014 2 November Janitorial - Cleaning 2014 Total New Jobs: 52 FTEs. This assumes 43 full time at 40 hours per week and 18 Dart time at 20 hours per week. 47. Project the number of retained jobs after cleanup and development of the site. (Jobs that existed either on -site or elsewhere in Minnesota prior to development) RETAINED JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Full -Time Jobs Total # of Part- Time Jobs Former Location of Retained Jobs Total Retained Jobs: 0 FTEs Cleanup 15 W W x U F U NC Y O % b N y Y � •Y Y Y U OO s � u, w -o>, ,o U O g N C4 b O s. b N .d O " C O j � O °i c3 � Y d � C y ,d O w 7 U 'b �w c Y O U Y N p TY, C O Y 0 ❑ a� x a 'Y N 7 � W Q U O t V M2 O a. � y .Y J N I�G QI O VJ 7 \• 1N �I .\I N ti N H �••1 R 7 yd. O � o O %L d o. U 0 0 U O L d y d � 0 � IV U g�'�101 ■IY100 IOIIIIYI�1�:� \• 1N �I .\I N ti N H �••1 R 7 yd. O � o O %L d o. U 0 0 U O L d y d � 0 � IV U FY I2 -13 THIRD PARTY /COMPANY COMMITMENT INFORMATION 50. If there is a commitment from a third party to develop on the site after cleanup, please complete the following: Third Party /Company Name: Center Companies Contact Person: Ben Merriman Title: Chief Manager Phone Number (include area code): 612 - 720 -9213 51. Do you have an executed development agreement? Yes X No The application for a Site Plan Review and Subdivision was approved by the Planning Commission on April 15, 2014 and by the City Council on April 28, 2014. 52. Please attach a commitment letter from the developer or other commitment documentation, such as a development agreement. (If you cannot obtain a commitment letter from the developer, please explain.) See Attachment 8. V. PAYMENT INFORMATION Most grant payments take place through electronic funds transfer (EFT). To ensure proper payment, a Vendor Number assigned by Minnesota Management & Budget is required. Vendor information is available at http: / /www.mmb.state.mn.us /vendor- resources Financial Contact Person: Danielle Washburn Telephone Number (include area code): 952- 227 -1141 State of Minnesota Vendor Number (if known): 9390134 If a Minnesota Vendor Number is not available, please supply: Federal Employer Identification Number: 41- 0885331 Cleanup 17 FY 12 -13 VI. RESOLUTIONS 53. Resolutions are required to be adopted prior to submission of the application package. The two required elements are: A resolution from the governing body of the city where the project site is located, which approves the application. 2. A resolution from the applicant committing the local match and authorizing contract signatures. Note: Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 412.201, Statutory Cities must authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute all contracts. An applicant may either provide a separate resolution for each of the above, or combine them into a single resolution, as long as they include the same elements. Resolutions are included in Attachment 9. Cleanup 18 a R Z t2 F 8 3 3m vv1NOOtu IWOU N3VHM W NOuvnw MNmmo m 14013NS NOUVOOI ONIMOS I IOS V105NIWN3Stl O B m `� a� \a i 10%4w&i 2w BRAUN' INTERTEC LOG OF BORING Braun Project BL- 12- 06753B BORING: STA GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LOCATION: See attached sketch. Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: K. Keck METHOD: 31/4" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2127114 SCALE: T. =4' Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 950.6 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm FILL FILL: Lean Clay, black, frozen. 949.6 1.0 (Topsoil Fill) FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, dark brown, — brown and black, frozen to moist. _ 16 0.0 10 0.0 943.6 7.0 FILL FILL: Lean Clay with Sand, trace Gravel, black and _ gray. 12 0.0 12 0.0 939.6 11.0 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, with _ td seams at 15 feet, greenish gray and gr , mo' 1 0.0 16 0.0 = O 930.6 20.0 12 0.0 Auger sample, no CL C AY, trace Gravel, black, moist. _ (Buried Topsoil) recovery, possible 928.6 22. Cobbles encountered. CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brownish gray, _ moist, very stiff. (Glacial Till) 22 0.0 924.6 26.0 END OF BORING. Water not observed while drilling. Water not observed to cave -in depth of 22 feet — immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately grouted. oo-ia- voroco Braun lien wrporauon ST -1 page 1 of 1 BRAUN' INTERTEC � � P LOG OF BORING Braun Project BL- 12- 06753B BORING: ST -2 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LOCATION: See attached sketch. Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: K. Keck METHOD: 31/4" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2127/14 SCALE: V = 4' Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 943.0 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm FILL FILL: Lean Clay, trace roots and Gravel, black, frozen. 942.0 1.0 (Topsoil Fill) FILL FILL: Lean Clay with Sand, trace Gravel, black to - brown, frozen to moist. _ 12 0.0 939.0 4.0 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, brown and black, moist. 14 0.0 _ 12 0.0 933.0 10.0 15 0.0 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, tan and gray moist. 931.0 12.0 FILL FILL: Lean Clay, trace Sand and fibe , bl mo' t. (Buried Topsoil) 0.0 929.0 14.0 CL LEAN CLAY, trace fibers, g y O!is soft. Swamp epos �� 3 0.0 = O 924.0 19.0 An open triangle in the OL — ORGA I C Y ith layers of Silt, Sand, wood, and — ibers ro ghout, black, dark brown, and dark gray, water level (WL) column to et, rather soft. 4 0.0 indicates the depth at - — (Swamp Deposit) which groundwater was — observed while drilling. - — Groundwater levels — fluctuate. 919.0 24.0 — Q *Water observed at 24 OL — ORGANIC CLAY and SILT, trace fibers, black and dark — _ gray, wet, soft. feet with 25 feet of (Swamp Deposit) 3 0.0 hollow -stem auger in the - — ground. - — Water not observed to —_ cave -in depth of 20 feet - _ immediately after 914.0 9.0 _ withdrawal of auger. CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) Boring immediately 8 0.0 grouted. 912.0 31.0 1 END OF BORING.* Braun Intertec Corporation ST -2 page 1 of 1 BRAUN' INTERTEC ,: q�� � V(6rjj L O G OF BORING Braun Project BL- 12- 06753B BORING: ST -3 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) LOCATION: See attached sketch. 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: K. Keck METHOD: 31/4" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2127114 SCALE: 1" = 4- Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 938.5 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm FILL FILL: Lean Clay, trace roots and Sand, black, frozen. 937.5 1 0 (Topsoil Fill) FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, brown, dark brown and black, — frozen to moist. 19 0.0 11 0.0 931.5 7.0 FILL FILL: Lean Clay, trace fibers and Sand, black, moist. _ 12 0.0 929.5 9.0 OL — ORGANIC CLAY, trace fibers, gray below 12 feet, black and dark gray, wet, soft to rather soft. SZ 3 0.0 — 0.0 924.5 14.0 OL — ORGANIC CLAY, with woo , r@�QQts, d fib s — _ throughout, occ ' al Silt nd(S d s ms, la , — dark gray, brown, wet, ft o her s 3 0.0 �S mp epos) 5 0.0 914.5 24. — CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Sand layers, gray, wet, — rather soft. (Glacial Till) 5 0.0 912.5 26.0 END OF BORING. Water observed at 10 feet with 10 feet of hollow -stem — auger in the ground. — Water observed at 24 feet with 25 feet of hollow -stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately grouted. Braun Intertec Corporation 5T -3 page 1 of 1 0 a 0 0 Z V I ZI 2 6 BRAUN' �\JICLA S LOG OF BORING INTERTEC Braun Project BL- 12- 06753B BORING: ST-4 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LOCATION: See attached sketch. Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: J. Chermak METHOD: 3 1/4" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2125114 SCALE: 1" =4' Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 938.2 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm PAV 4 1/2 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of aggregate 937.2 1.0 base. 1.7 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel and fibers, dark - brownish gray to brownish gray, frozen to moist. _ 0.8 'Frozen soils, blow counts not reported. 933.2 5.0 12 0.6 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel and fibers, olive _ gray, moist. 930.7 7.5 8 0.7 _ CL LEAN CLAY, trace fibers and Sand, black, moist. (Buried Topsoil) 929.2 9.0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, dark gray, very — moist, rather soft. (Glacial Till) 5 0.7 926.2 12.0 CL LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel and wood, ca 'onal d - and Silt seams, gray, wet, soft. _ 0.6 (Glac' 923.2 15.0 2 0.5 CL SANDY LE LA , trace ra a ray, t ist, = soft to r er s1iff.1 \/) lacia Til 3 0.5 10 912.2 26.0 END OF BORING. Water observed at 12 1/2 feet with 12 112 feet of - hollow -stem auger in the ground. - Water observed at 24 feet with 25 feet of hollow -stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately grouted. Braun Intertec Corporation ST4 page 1 of 1 BRAUN`" Jugs LOG OF BORING INTERTEC Braun Project BL- 12- 06753B BORING: ST -5 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) LOCATION: See attached sketch. 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: M. Takada METHOD: 31/4" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2/26114 SCALE: V. = 4' Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 938.0 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm 937.3 0.7 DONC °:.;`•° 8 inches of Concrete. 345.4 - FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, brown, gray and light gray, frozen to moist. - 53. "Frozen soils, blow counts not reported. ' 265.7 'Frozen soils, blow - counts not reported. 931.0 7.0 CL LEAN CLAY, trace fibers, Sands and Gravel, black, moist. 13 4091 929.0 9.0 (Buried Topsoil) CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace fibers and Gravel, black, — moist, rather soft. (Buried Topsoil) 5 82.3 926.0 12.0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, olive gray to gra , m st, rat r _ soft to medium. 22.9 (Glac' D 5 22.7 = O 7 29.5 Petroleum odor present 917.0 21.0 to termination depth. E OF BORING. Water observed at 20 feet with 20 feet of hollow -stem - auger in the ground. - Boring immediately backfilled. 53B Braun Interteo Corporation STS page 1 of 1 BRAUN' INTERTEC 0 o' LOG OF BORING Braun Project BL- 12- 067538 BORING: ST -6 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION LOCATION: See attached sketch. Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: J. Chermak METHOD: 31/4" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2126/14 SCALE: 1 " =4' Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 937.7 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm PAV 4 3/4 inches of bituminous over 6 1/2 inches of 936.8 — 0.9 aggregate base. 936.2 1.5 FILL 50.2 FILL: Silty Sand, trace Gravel, dark brown, frozen. — FILL FILL: Clayey Sand, trace Gravel, dark brown and _ brown, frozen. 12.7 *Frozen soils, no blow counts reported. 932.7 5.0 13 5.3 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel and wood _ fragments, dark gray and gray, moist. 930.2 7.5 7 2.3 _ CL LEAN CLAY with SAND, trace fibers, black, moist. (Buried Topsoil) 928.7 .0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel and fibers, gray, moist, rather soft. (Glacial Till) 5 2.6 925.7 12.0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, oli e, rat stiff. 2.5 (lilac' 922.7 15.0 15 2.2 CL SANDY LE LA , trace ra a ark t to _ — wet, stiff m���dddmaarrrggq lacia Till SZ 8 916.7 21.0 E OF BORING. Water observed at a depth of 20 feet of hollow -stem — auger in the ground after 20 minutes waiting period. bmun Intenec Corporation ST -6 page 1 of 1 0 a 0 0 w V I 1 BRAUN' INTERTEC LOG OF BORING Braun Project BL- 12- 06753B BORING: ST -9 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Retail (Former Ivan GS) LOCATION: See attached sketch. 7910 Dakota Avenue Carver, Minnesota DRILLER: J. Chermak METHOD: 3 114" HSA, Autohammer DATE: 2126114 SCALE: I., Elev. Depth feet feet ASTM Description of Materials BPF WL PID Tests or Notes 938.0 0.0 Symbol (ASTM D2488 or D2487) ppm PAV 4 1/2 inches of bituminous over 6 1/2 inches of _ 937.1 0.9 aggregate base. 936.0 2.0 FILL 4.5 FILL: Silty Sand, dark brown, frozen. FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, brown, frozen. — 2 'Frozen soils, no blow counts reported. 933.0 5.0 10 2.1 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel and roots, gray, _ brown and black, moist. 931.0 7.0 FILL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, blueish gray, moist. 8 5.0 929.0 9.0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel and roots, brown and gray, very moist to wet, soft. (Glacial Till) 3 927.0 11.0 END OF BORING. O = O Braun Interteo Corporation ST -9 page 1 of 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: April 28, 2014 RESOLUTION NO: 2014- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTAMINATION CLEANUP GRANT APPLICATION AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACT SIGNATURE FOR DAKOTA RETAIL/SINCLAH2 GAS STATION SITE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen as follows: 1. That the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the Contamination Cleanup grant application to be submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), by the City of Chanhassen for the Dakota Retail Development/Sinclair Gas Station site. 2. That the City of Chanhassen acts as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. 3. That the City of Chanhassen has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. 4. That the City of Chanhassen has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. 5. That upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Chanhassen may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above - referenced project, and that the City of Chanhassen certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. 6. The Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 28th day of April, 2014. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT F d r