Incomplete Letter 07-21-2014July 21, 2014 CITY OF Finance Mr. Bruno Silikowski 7700 Market Boulevard Autobahn Motorplex, LLC PO Box 147 The application fee. Please contact the city to get the fee for the mailing list. Chanhassen, MN 55317 3615 Zircon Lane North Evidence of ownership or an interest in the property. Plymouth, MN 55446 Administration Re: LaMettry's Collision — PID 25- 0151215 Phone: 952 227.1100 Subdivision Fax: 952.227.1110 Fax: 952.227.1110 Dear Mr. Silikowski: Building Inspections (1) Identification and description: Phone: 952.227.1180 City staff has reviewed the submittal for the above - referenced project and determined Fax: 952.227.1190 that the application is incomplete. Since the site plan is only for a 2.02 -acre site and a. the entire property is 23.1 acres, a subdivision and site plan review will be required. Engineering Therefore, we cannot schedule this item for review until the following information is Phone: 952.227.1160 submitted: Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance • A completed application signed by the property owner and the applicant. Phone: 952.227.1140 • The application fee. Please contact the city to get the fee for the mailing list. Fax 952.227.1110 . Evidence of ownership or an interest in the property. Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Subdivision Fax: 952.227.1110 (1) Identification and description: Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard a. Proposed name of subdivision, which shall not duplicate or be similar in Phone: 952.2271400 pronunciation or spelling to the name of any other plat in the county. Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & b. Legal description. Natural Resources Phone: 952.2271130 c. Names and addresses of the record owner, subdivider, land surveyor, Fax 952.227.1110 engineer, designer of the plat, and any agent having control of the land. Public Works d. Graphic scale not less than one inch to 100 feet. 7901 Park Place e. North arrow. Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax 952.2271310 f. Key map including area within one mile radius of plat. Senior Center g• Date of preparation. Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 (2) Existing conditions: Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us a. Boundary lines of proposed subdivision. b. Existing zoning classifications for land within and abutting the subdivision. c. Acreage and lot dimensions of proposed lots. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing forToday and Planning for Tomorrow Mr. Bruno Silikowski LaMettry's Collision July 21, 2014 Page 2 of 7 d. Location, right -of -way width, and names of existing or platted streets; locations of parks, buildings and structures, railroad right -of -way, easements, section lines and corporate boundaries within the proposed subdivision and to a distance 150 feet beyond. Boundary lines of adjoining platted or subdivided land, within 150 feet, identified by name and ownership including all contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider. Topographic data within the property to be subdivided and 100 feet beyond the property boundary, showing contours as follows: two -foot intervals where slope is ten percent or less; five -foot intervals where slope is ten to 15 percent; ten -foot intervals where slope is greater than 15 percent. All areas of the subdivision to be platted with a slope greater than 25 percent must be clearly indicated. However, on undevelopable sections or larger acre lots topographic data may be reduced to significant physical characteristics, such as top and toe of slope, if in the opinion of the city the area is viewed as unsuitable for future subdivision. Location and elevations of on -site and abutting water courses, lakes, wetlands, rivers, streams, and marshes at date of survey and their ordinary high water mark plus approximate high and normal water elevations shall also be shown. A wetland delineation report and surveyed wetland line for all jurisdictional wetlands on or within 100 feet of the property boundary shall be submitted. The delineation shall be no more than three years old, unless accompanied by documentation demonstrating the delineation has been reviewed in the past three years and is accurate or revised to reflect changes on- site. Floodplain areas, location of wooded areas, rocky outcrops, power transmission poles and lines and other significant physical features shall also be shown. e. Location, size and approximate grade of proposed public sewer and water mains. f An accurate soil report indicating soil conditions, permeability and slope. g. Utilities on or adjacent to the property, including location, size and invert elevation of public sanitary and storm sewers, catch basins and manholes; location and size of water mains and hydrants; location of gas mains, high pressure lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone lines, and street lights. The direction, distance to, and size of such facilities shall be indicated. h. Location of any wetlands. i. Within the Bluff Creek Overlay (BCO) District, the application shall also include: 1. Identified boundaries of the primary zone and secondary zone on a drawing depicting existing conditions and on a site plan depicting the proposed development pattern. 2. Calculations and /or drawings that identify the allowable density (number of units or building coverage) under this Code, including lands lying in the primary and secondary zone. Calculation of allowable density shall specifically exclude lands classified as bluffs, floodplains and designated wetlands. Calculation of allowable impervious cover may include bluffs and floodplains but shall specifically exclude designated wetlands. Mr. Bruno Silikowski LaMettry's Collision July 21, 2014 Page 3 of 7 (3) Proposed design features: a. Layout of proposed streets showing the proposed names, the right -of -way widths, centerline gradients and typical cross - sections. Street names shall be assigned or approved by the city. b. Location and width of proposed trails, sidewalks and utility easements. (4) Supplementary information: a. Statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of buildings with number of proposed dwelling units or type of business or industry to reveal the effect of the proposed development on traffic, fire hazards and density of population. b. Any proposed protective covenants. c. A drainage plan for the area indicating the direction and rate of natural stormwater runoff and those unaltered areas where stormwater collects and percolates into the ground. A proposed drainage plan for the developed site indicating the direction and rate of runoff, the path of all stormwater discharge to the public stormwater infrastructure and those areas where stormwater will collect and percolate into the ground shall also be included. Stormwater management shall be consistent with the city's surface water management plan. d. A proposed grading plan shown at contour intervals appropriate to the topography or spot elevations indicating 1. All proposed retaining walls must be shown on the plan. The top and bottom elevations of the wall must be noted. a) The design shall comply with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) standards for retaining walls. b) Retaining walls over six feet in height located within ten feet of any public way (sidewalk, street, trail, alley, etc.) shall have have a fence or other barrier, such as a berm or landscaping, to impede access to the retaining wall when the public way is adjacent to the top of the retaining wall. c) Fences or berms shall be installed no closer than 18 inches from a sidewalk or trail. d) Landscaping between staged retaining walls should be low or no maintenance. e) The following materials are prohibited: Smooth face concrete (poured in place), however, stamped or patterned concrete face may be acceptable, masonry (mortared), railroad ties and timber. Mr. Bruno Silikowski LaMettry's Collision July 21, 2014 Page 4 of 7 f) Maintenance and repair of retaining walls, which cross lot lines, built in conjunction with the subdivision shall be the responsibility of the developer, and upon completion of the project, the homeowners association. 2. The preliminary and final grading plans must be 50 scale or larger. The grading plan must comply with the following design standards: a) The lowest floor elevation must be minimum three feet above the highest known groundwater elevation and must meet the minimum requirements set forth in subsection 20- 481(e)(1). b) If an emergency overflow route is adjacent to the property, the lowest building opening must be minimum one foot above the emergency overflow. c) The style of home (e.g., slab on grade, split entry, lookout, walkout, full basement) must be noted on the plan. d) The standard lot benching detail for each proposed style of home must be shown. e) Drain tile service must be provided to all properties where runoff will flow from the back to the front of the lot. f) Identify proposed soil stockpile areas and note stabilization measures that will be taken. e. Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that proposed for the subdivision, a general development plan of the remaining property depicting the possible relationships between the proposed subdivision and the future subdivision. The plan shall address the overall land use, traffic circulation, utility easement configurations, and general lot layouts. f. A soil erosion and sediment control plan, as well as a copy of the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP), as required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting process. The plan shall include a timing schedule and sequence of operation indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the particular development segment and the estimated time of exposure of each area prior to completion of effective erosion and sediment control measures. Gradients of waterways, design of velocity and erosion control measures, and landscaping of the erosion and sediment control system shall also be shown. g. A vegetation preservation and protection plan to provide stabilization of erosion or sediment - producing areas. Mr. Bruno Silikowski LaMettry's Collision July 21, 2014 Page 5 of 7 h. Required variances. i. Water distribution system. Site Plan 1. Complete site plans including all civil engineering plans, signed by a registered architect, civil engineer, landscape architect or other design professional, to include the following: a. Name, address and telephone number of applicant, engineer, and owner of record; b. Legal description (certificate of survey will be required showing entire property); c. Date proposed, north arrow, engineering scale, number of sheets, name of drawer; d. Vicinity map showing relationship of the proposed development to surrounding streets, rights -of -way, easements and natural features; e. Description of intended use of the site, buildings and structures, including type of occupancy and estimated occupancy load; and f. Existing zoning and land use. 2. Tabulation box indicating: a. Size of parcel in acres and square feet. (our records show the property is 23.1 acres) b. Gross floor area of each building (warehousing must include mezzanine area). c. Percent of site covered by building. d. Percent of site covered by impervious surface; e. Percent of site covered by parking area; f. Projected number of employees. g. Number of parking spaces required; h. Number of parking spaces provided including handicapped; and i. Breakdown of the building area allocated for specific uses, e.g., manufacturing, office, retail, showroom, warehouse, etc. (note mezzanine area) Mr. Bruno Silikowski LaMettry's Collision July 21, 2014 Page 6 of 7 Site and Building Plan: 1. Property line dimensions, location of all existing and proposed structures with distance from boundaries, distance between structures, building dimensions and floor elevations. 2. Grading and drainage plans showing existing natural features (topography, wetlands, vegetation, etc.), as well as proposed grade elevations and sedimentation and stormwater retention ponds. Plans shall include runoff and storage calculations for ten -year and 100 -year events. If stormwater is proposed to be routed to existing stormwater ponds, documentation shall be provided to demonstrate that the downstream pond is sufficient to accommodate the additional stormwater. 3. All existing and proposed points of egress /ingress showing widths at property lines, turning radii abutting rights -of -way with indicated centerline, width, paving width, existing and proposed median cuts, and intersections of streets and driveways. 4. Vehicular circulation system showing location and dimension for all driveways, parking spaces, parking lot aisles, service roads, loading areas, fire lanes, emergency access (if necessary), public and private streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, direction of traffic flow and traffic - control devices. Note drive aisle must be 26 feet for two -way operation and parking must be set back 30 feet from Audubon Road and 25 feet from Motorplex Court. Parking setbacks may be reduced to 10 feet if the applicant can demonstrate 100 percent screening at least five feet above the adjacent parking lot. 5. Landscaping plan in accordance with the provisions of article XXV. 6. Location, access and screening detail of trash enclosures. 7. Location and screening detail of rooftop equipment. Screening shall be provided from the perspective of a point six feet high at all adjacent property lines or from a distance of 250 feet, whichever is greater. 8. Location and detail of signage including method of lighting, height, width, sign display area, etc. 9. Lighting location, style, mounting and photometrics. 10. Utility plan identifying size and direction of existing water and sewer lines, fire hydrants, distance of hydrant to proposed building. 11. List of proposed hazardous materials, use and storage. Mr. Bruno Silikowski LaMettry's Collision July 21, 2014 Page 7 of 7 Prior to submittal, you should schedule a meeting with city staff to review the proposal. If you have additional questions you may contact myself at (952) 227 -1131 or by email at bgenerous @ci.chanhassen.mn.us. For drainage, erosion control and storm water issues, please contact Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator, at (952) 227 -1168 or by email at tjeffery @ci.chanhassen.mn.us. For transportation, site circulation, grading and utility questions, please contact Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer at (952) 227 -1164 or by email at afauske @ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Respect -, Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec: Rick LaMettry Rick Asplin Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator gAplan\2014 planning casm\2014 -23 1651 motorplex court- lameltry's collision site plan\incomplete letter.doc