Harvieux Addition Plat0KIL AL PLAT" ARVIEUX ADDITION o Denatas found iron pipe Droinega and vDity a sements shown thus: 0 Denates 1/2 - inch x 1+ inch it a pipe mehed by License Ne, 2241an 5 The north tine of Lot 2, Brock (, 0 0 - SA11+RE ADDITION has on as mad '- �r l- beodng of North GB degreeasu I 5 +9 mnutes 00 secan¢s West. �^ •—�I J I — L 9 W \ t\ y • ;,,a 6,9- ~V¢•8`� `?Z�7�•. 48' ��// T7: -} gi•o �•' IVfAr 9eing 5 feet in ritllh and adjoining lot lines. unless athcr.i.a indi -I.el an plot. and being ��. 10 lack in width and adjoining right -af -way \ Jam! i lines. unless nth —l.. Indicated an OWL Ss �- EASEMENT DETAIL 3D B 7D ao 1 .. in Feet J'_ ina r1t � \� CiN / ' =ee Basemen! detofl cam. 1, Y C. 1 > 1 N -_ I€ 4 I 4 to gl -15�a 1 (a, � I 17 - 0, I az .4o app{ F� 0Ci 68' 19`16" it T2523 S 7 on � 13 NQ° D \ I O EC tip Qo_c5` � �a BL 0 •p• ea ( l / 4/� T�Pp .Tg•9B f \ <Y 1: ^' \ �. £ has � � � itt `•�'. cam 4 -y 2B 'sass., � \ ei 39`� SaN � � �t �>8166• �/^ :� &I,l • /!} Vi � 3 �( Re X72 \ ..n=:v A "',mot' ��5 �.�'J �G�� / � •SA• 6 /ter 1 r t ^e O N S` . yO3p Or. 9 W \ t\ y • ;,,a 1 �l Jam! i 1 F. EASEMENT DETAIL 3D B 7D ao Stow T• =7D, Scale .. in Feet a . i 66rt'1 i� 16!tx,9 .7. i �p05 Ste / Ssaplemb0r 1� V A'� IEin9 NCg2o ;, g) O� as [Ee l L L a{LIUaELbag9 g9 sau�west a tiab pufa two owua Res near wo,Er l ,talarpl onhau N'gbe lh a pep �mEpt om san'nO, M la KNOVN By ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ronald E. Hor vux and Leanne K. Horeieu=, husband and wile, trustees of the Leanne K. Horvicuw LIHng T�usl doled April 25, 2001• fee owners of the following described property to wit: Lot Z. Block 1. SATHRE ADOfTfON AND Thal par[ of Horseshoe Carve, onginafly dedicofed Tn Ine record plot of SATHRE ADDITION and now la be ,rotated wh:.h fees eo=terfy of o line described o, foNaws: Csmmereing at the ndnhwesl corner ar Cat 2, Block I, in soil SATHRE ADDITION, thence sbutnerly, a dstonce of B4. 62 fcef, clang the -f "'y f e of sold Lot 2, to the paint of nag;nnfeg at the line to be described; !hence S1UIhef1y, tbngent to Cho ea on said waslarly line, a drvelrf. or 57.28 feet; thence saulherly, an o tangent(dl curve ePnabM to the west hoeing o radius of 756.0[ fee[, to thervwest pad a1 said H.—hoe Curve. Have caused in. soma to be surveyed and pfotted w HARViEUy ADDITION. and do h-raby donate and ded;aate to the public use focever the a... ants for drc;nago and utility pulp asaa as shown an the plot. M rg,­ whe,_f =old Ronald E. Her.icv+ and Leonna K. Hervieu, hvaoand and wile, Trus lees, bow hereon!,, let their hands M4 a cloy of t� zoos. SIGNED: Ranold E- Harxieux r i.connc K. Horvisus STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF h'ENNEPIN �, Th. foregoing Instrument rr acknowledged before me this 6 day of �e 'I-� 29� by Ronoid E• Harvieax and Leann- K. HarueuR hesband and wife, trustees oof the Leanne K. Herwovs Li.ing Trost doted April 20, 2001. I..�� A / F =r ^ :CDs ; =..1 Sitnh.=:ryC Notary Publ;e He ... W- I hereby Certify that I hove su rayed and platted the praparty described on this plat as HARPED% AD017ION :that this plot is a cerre Ct representation of the sulwey. that all distancao we correctly shown an the plat in feel end hundredtnit of a feat; that all manumcnls have been Correctly placed 0 the ground as shown or 41 be plead in the graand os sh--m that the - uts;de boundary Ines .,:(correctly ectly designated an the plot; and there are no w,Ifcndz as do fined in Minnesota Statutes, 505.02 Soto. 1 ar public highways to be designated on the rpleL David E. o raak,na Sur sa Minnel license Nvmbar 2241+ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN �j%p The Soregoing Enstrument was aeknaw1e-gad before me this 5aday of �C.1LA°'�� 20 r» by D—id E. Croak, Wed Surxyor. `d I .y ,,OrNTRIg.•an rR�a � :. u c.•wwamfr_eI [rotary Public H nnapTn County, u'mn -aota �' -- - = ^• �•,� My Commission expves �a /O CHANHASSEN. MN +NESOTA TATS !at of HARkiCL% ADDITION was bpplaw:d and accepted by the City Caunatl of the City of Chonhassan. hfnn riot. at a regular meeting bald In. %9 day o! 30 and is in eampLence w;(h the P- 4efans of Afinne -1. 5lalutee Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. All manumen Ea roll be eel of specified by Ins City Coupe¢ and as staled an Ihis plot acc,,rdulg to Minnesota 5latute. 50102, Subd Inaa 1, CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF CHAtfMASSCH, MINNESOTA �_ Moir , Clark COUNTY SURVEYOR• Carver County; Mmneso(a pufStloml fa Chapter 395, Minna3eto I.— of 1971, fhis plat hear bran approved Ih1s ta4L day at ,loan E. Freemyar" Career COUnty Surw CWNTY AUCiTOR. Caner County, Minncsale I hereby cerlTfy that foxes p a�-bla in 12D CIL and prior ye.. how been pa;d far land cfl—rbcd an this pbf. Catad this /3?3 doy or � rte!•. 20 Or MARX LUNDGREN BY.' X 2KVio County Auditor COUNTY RECORCLR, Caner County, Minnesota V: 1 hereby cartiiy that this plat of HARYCOx A007T70tr woo Ried on 1h;.1-1 ley of X01, L z , 2075, of a•_- -"e'aeck -2—x as Daaumanl N. gar °fir al L°` DEl fARS•- GABRIEL ea" LAND SURVEYORS, INC. CARL W. HANSON A. By... County Recorder