CC Work Session Minutes 07-14-2014City Council Work Session – July 14, 2014 City. Greg Sticha stated he will email information to the council regarding questions raised at the work session. Councilwoman Ernst asked if this would impact the City’s bond rating. The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.m. It was reconvened at 7:45 p.m. CONTINUE TO DISCUSS CARVER COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY ISSUANCE OF GO DEBT FOR CENTENNIAL HILLS APARTMENTS. Councilwoman Ernst emphasized that her question was how this would impact the City’s bond rating. Todd Gerhardt explained he didn’t believe it would and noted there would be a review of the City’s bond rating in early August. Councilman Laufenburger expressed concern with the agency’s lack of planning for future major improvement projects. DISCUSS STUDYING HOUSING IMPROVEMENT AREA DISTRICTS. Todd Gerhardt stated this item was addressing the creation of Housing Improvement Areas (HIA) in the city to assist homeowner associations to pay for major improvement projects in common areas. Kate Aanenson reviewed the analysis paper showing the list of homeowners association numbers. Councilwoman Ernst stated she was struggling with the precedence of getting involved with homeowners associations. Councilman McDonald explained that he was not in favor of getting involved with loaning money to property owners and expressed his concern with the work involved with overseeing the investment. Councilwoman Tjornhom commented that the City doesn’t do this for private property owners so why should they do it for homeowners associations. She also expressed concern with loaning money to people who have shown they haven’t managed their money well in the past. Staff explained that certain homeowners association are reaching out to the City to help with their association in fixing driveways, decks and roofing and used the example of Village on the Ponds as an association who is having trouble maintaining their private roads. Council members asked how the City will mitigate the risk and how the city will manage the investment and from a policy standpoint does the City want to get involved or let the market play out. After discussion the consensus of council members was letting the market play out and not get involved with loaning money to private property owners. UPDATE ON CHANHASSEN PIONEER CEMETERY PROJECT. Kate Aanenson provided background on the surveying work, planning for the landscaping and columbarium, and explained that a neighborhood meeting will be held in the future to show them the proposed plans. Mayor Furlong asked about fencing of the property. Todd Gerhardt explained the fund analysis was prepared to address developing a perpetual fund for the long term operation of the cemetery and upgrades in the future. Councilwoman Ernst asked for clarification of the $400 plot cost that was used in the analysis. Councilman Laufenburger asked for clarification on the length of the fund. Staff explained they were looking for consensus on the plot and internment fees being recommended. Council asked to see the plan regarding the location of the columbarium. Council asked for clarification of the interment fee. Mayor Furlong explained that this is another enterprise fund which will be tracked separately from the general fund. Council members discussed numbers for residential and non-residential plot fees which will compete with market rates. Staff explained this item will come before the council for formal action after the neighborhood meeting. Councilwoman Ernst stated she was adamant about setting rates at $250 for residential and $650 for non-residential with an annual review. Council members discussed setting rates that are comparable to surrounding communities and key financial strategies cities. 2