Deed Document No. 113544Apr. 11, 2014. 3:05PM Nor 1436 P. 1 1-0 Trom r26IllEIlbPL • 136pa2 iii eni 95Z 351 -1930 Comments. • y • J 7, 201 No delinquent was; eirtificate Of no, estate value received! and tmefor entered on county Auditor by "fir Deputy 0 STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON:$ 226.1L9- Date: March 29 FOR VALUASU CONSIDERATION, Grace E. Lahr ).Akill, jjljj�31111nath Shibman Anti Itanap1b. as Personal Reptegentative or the Estate of Kenhw' a De6ident,. single W, =tried U.. at the time of death, hereby conveys to D vid W. Lemon Grantee(s), real property County, Minnesota, described as follows: 'Commencing at �jbe outheast.corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest (kjdrtjr'(NW 1/4 of SW 1/4) of Section 9, Township 116 North; Range 23 West; thence 225 feet West to a point; thence 90 degrees North for a distance of 30*.m feet to a point; thence 90 degrees East for tance of 225 feet to a poiht,;tfiehce 00 degrees South fora distance of%Wfeet to the point Of 1436E P 2 1 J—L%3'0%12 %LW,HANSONJR. oaa by! – By atceiptanci of .this deed, grantee acknowledges that grantor makes no representation, and shall not be responsible. for. any boundary lines, encroachments,. questions of survey, or quantity Of land, lif M' by, Mat 4 Mal6d, Mht;400 00 bXkl together with aU hereditments and appurtenances belonging tb to. L STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF rARVFR by The foregoing 4 before me this. 79 day Of March 19-2L� Grac& t agstrwn�nt was acknowledge as Personal Representative of the Estate of Vanripth A-Shjpman– aka Kenna t+ Sherman and Kenneth –xAkw@dmx HowArd Sherman, Decedent. amcN,a t' UWWFDMG d SPOUSE OF DECEDENT, CONSENTS TO THIS DEED, Name of Spouse STATE OF MINNESOTA Signature of SPOU50 COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument Was acknowledged before we this day of by— spouse of Decedent. Notary Public 'o 1 9101: 0-.- ? '? G. 0 ;t =�! THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: F Willemssen FlrsLliatimaL.Bank llld9.,PL Box 150— (pam) Statements for Mat estate taxes on the teal property described herein should be sent to: i AP r. 17, 20 14 ;0 5 P M 4601 Z SEV7774" ,� 1436E P b I,dhidwl IJ ` No delinquent tulle; certificste Of real estetc valge receivved% and ttanefer entered On peA Le 19� �.. County Auditor by �l►c�[nF Amu i .wvwP Deputy Thla 0Ise. 811d w..a duty mc9nJed ea dooument no.. JA3544 L W, HANSON JR. , O STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON t$ ZWK 11h i I Date: March 29 , i9.90 + 1 r _o ✓` ` FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Gr - a - . Q Grantor, CJ nth 7. Shprm n aka K th fl an A rannatn Ntwat -A C_F i aspetsonei Representative iedLO at the f David W. Lemo Decedent, tingle ®, roamed ❑ at the time of death, hereby conveys to �- r . , GranteeM, real property in--.arypr County, Minnesota, described as tollows: commencing at the. southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest. Quarter (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4) of Section 9, Township 116 North; Range 23 West; thence 225 feet West to a point; thence 90 degrees North for a distance of 150 feet to a point; thence 90 degrees East for a distance of 225 feet to a holm; thence 90 degrees South for a'distance of 150 feet to the point of hadinning. Subject to an easement for driveway purposes over the east ?5 feet' thereof. By acceptance of this deed, grantee acknowledges that grantor makes no representation, and shall "not tie responsible,for, awboundary lines, encroachments, questions of survey, or quantity of land. lif men ore B sc.aea, nndnor on hekl together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonginAce to.STATE OF MINNESOTA - -" } ss.l COUNTYOF CARVER -, ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this. _29 day of Marrh 19-9L, by (taro F I ahr as Personal Representative of the Estate of x HOW 7d Sherman. Decedent. 61W WRIGNT - ..NbsIrPAFILS6Y C011f'ITY he ' �140arelegtM-enuktle'2 —_.. SPOUSE OF DECEDENT, CONSENTS TO THIS DEED. ~ + - -- -- Name of Spouse STATE OF MINNESOTA Sl'ATC Signature of Spouse COUNTY OF -- _ A9 Feu hsi All, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before rce this day of by _ - , spouse of Decedent. ._...._ _ Notary Public -- -- -- -... Sii. " %,V Arm S THIS INSTRUMENT IVAS DRAFTED BY: Malcbe[t,..Huht:Ct,. Sindin R Wtll mccan Ft15LNatiRnaL.Baok ➢ lals.e P,9Box IN (Pam) i Statements for me[ estate tyres on the Teal property described herein should be sent to: jM0 14a7pltjoe Rlyel Fxr leinr NN 5SAA1 Ell a � 9