CC Minutes 09-08-2014 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Laufenburger, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman, Greg Sticha, and Roger Knutson PUBLIC PRESENT: Gary Disch 1401 Park Road Sam Chase 6621 Arlington Steve Johnson 1508 Welland Avenue, Minnetonka Vernelle Clayton 422 Santa Fe Circle Mayor Furlong: Thank you and welcome everybody. Those here in the council chambers as well as those watching at home. We’re glad that you joined us this evening. At this time I’d like to go through a few changes and modifications to the agenda that was published. First of all at the request of the applicant, item number 5. E(5) on the consent agenda which is, was to consider the Bluff Creek, Preserve th at Bluff Creek 6 Addition will be removed so if you’re here for that item, number E(5), we will not be discussing that this evening. Also the resolution relating to item number E(9) has been modified with a change in the, Be It Resolved that the City Council hereby requests installation as opposed to approving the installation. That resolution is in front of the council members. You should have that. We’ll continue to have that on the consent agenda unless someone would like separate discussion on it. And then also we will add an item 3 under New Business which relates, or we’ll consider approval of renewing an agreement with the BCA for data access for our prosecution. So at this point unless there are objections, we’ll proceed with the agenda as published with the addition of those modifications. With that let’s go ahead and start then this evening with our consent agenda items. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated August 25, 2014. 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated August 19, 2014. 3. Bandimere Park Expansion Project PK&T-114: Approve Demolition Contract and Site Grading Contract. 4. Approve Payment to Eastern Carver County Schools for 24% of Boiler Replacement Costs; Bluff Creek Elementary School/Chanhassen Recreation Center. 5. Deleted. Chanhassen City Council – September 8, 2014 6. MG, LLC, 1380 Park Road: Request for a Conditional Use Permit to Allow Screened Outdoor Storage on Property Zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP), Northeast Corner of Park Road and Park Place, Applicant/Owner: MG, LLC. Resolution #2014-58: 7. Resolution Approving Temporary Lifting of No Parking Restrictions on Kerber Boulevard and Santa Vera Drive, Centennial Hills Apartment Project. 8. Carver County, Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Improvement Project: Approve Wetland Alteration Permit #2014-23. Resolution #2014-59: 9. Approve Resolution as amended for the Request for CenturyLink Utility Service for Pioneer Pass and The Preserve at Bluff Creek Addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Sam Chase: Thank you. The name’s Sam Chase, 6621 Arlington Court and I’d like to talk about the road conditions just real briefly. I’ve lived here most of my life and last year the roads were just abysmal for a period of time. I saw people sliding through intersections. I had a personal experience where on Mulberry I spun 360. Almost wound up in the lake. I had 2 cars that I pulled out of ditches or pushed out of ditches and I ran into a number of telephone, not me but I saw a number of telephone poles that people had run into. I talked to the gentleman in charge of the roads and he said it’s because they’re not using sand anymore. And the State had stopped using sand. So I called MnDOT. MnDOT said there are three reasons they’ve quit using sand. The first was because at 70 miles an hour it didn’t work. We don’t go 70 miles an hour here. The second was they had a lot of high winds blowing on the roads and we don’t have that. And the third was that he said we clear the roads and the highways within 3 hours right to the pavement and that’s not a reasonable expectation. The city of Chanhassen there will be times when it’s days before the roads are cleared so this year I talked to Charlie Burke and asked him if they were going to start using sand at all because last year was so horrendously bad and he said no. It was his decision with one other person and they weren’t going to use it. He said they had sand but I couldn’t really get an answer from him as to whether they’d ever use it and it kind of boils down to either it pollutes. It’s bad for the environment. Or it’s costly and I looked everywhere I could on the internet. I cannot find anything that says sand is worst than salt and chemicals. Sand doesn’t mix with anything. Sand doesn’t corrode anything. Sand doesn’t pollute anything. It just sits and the gentleman last year said they’re using extra chemicals to try and compensate for this. I’ve talked to multiple teachers and parents where I volunteer in the school. We’re all eagerly hoping that this will change. I’m not asking that you dump sand everywhere but I would hope that there would be times when you look at the roads and say this is just beyond belief. We can’t work with salt. It’s not evaporating or dissolving the ice. We need to use some sand. It’s just entirely too dangerous. Last year I stopped shopping in Chanhassen because I just couldn’t move around on these roads safely without being worried that I was going to hit someone or someone else was going to hit me. I know it costs money but it’s a matter of public safety and the families and the people who work in Chanhassen really need to be able to move around without having to worry that they’re going to slide into a ditch or another car or a light pole or who knows what. That’s it. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Sam Chase: Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Thank you Mr. Chase. Appreciate it. Mr. Gerhardt, Mr. Oehme, any thoughts or comments on the mixtures that we use for, and our process that we use here in the city streets? And 2