14-08 Findings of FactCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Lakewest Development, LLC and Naomi Carlson for Subdivision approval with variances. On September 16, 2014, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Lakewest Development, LLC and Naomi Carlson for preliminary plat approval of property to create four lots with variances for hard cover (32.4 % on Lot 1 and 28.2% on Lot 2) and a 20 -foot front yard setback from Bretton Way for Lot 1. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single - Family Residential District, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is shown on the attached Exhibit A. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance subject to the granting of the variances requested in conjunction with the subdivision; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan since it provides a single - family home at density within those established by the comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter subject to compliance with the conditions of approval; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage provided additional storm water management is provided as recommended by staff, f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record subject to the vacation of some of the existing private easements; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature is available or being provided as part of the subdivision. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. 5. Variance Findings— Section 20 -58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The subject site is zoned Single - Family Residential District. The hard cover variances are to permit homes compatible with the surrounding properties. The purpose of the setback variance request is to permit a 20 -foot front yard setback to create greater separation between the building and the existing access driveway to the property to the northeast. The 10 -foot encroachment into the required front yard provides adequate separation between the structure and the street and maintains the adequate separation from the driveway for snow storage. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: The practical difficulty of complying with the hard cover is the existing driveway which accounts for 67.2 and 37.7 percent of the allowable coverage on the respective lots. The practical difficulty of complying with the front yard setback is due to the lot configuration of the property and the existing driveway accessing the property to the northeast. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The stated intent of the request is for a typical single - family home on the lots. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The difficulty of complying with the hard cover and front yard setback is due to the lot configuration of the property and the existing easement and driveway. 2 e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The granting of the variance would be in keeping with the character of the area and permit homes typical to those in the neighborhood. f Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 6. The planning report #2014 -08 dated September 16, 2014, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat with variances. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 16th day of September, 2014. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION Its Chairman EXHIBIT A Legal Description Parcel 1: Tract C, Registered Land Survey No. 105, files of Registrar of Titles, Carver Count, Minnesota. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No. 18584.0 Parcel 2: Outlots C and D, Curry Farms 2nd Addition, according to the plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No. 19182.0 Parcel 3: That Part of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 28, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said tract, thence due South along East line of said Tract 197.74 feet; thence South 88 degrees 4 minutes West 376.7 feet; thence South 1 degree 56 minutes East, 65.33 feet to actual point of beginning of tract to be described; thence North 1 degree 56 minutes West 51.33 feet; thence South 88 degrees 4 minutes West, 101.74 feet; thence North 77 degrees 44 minutes West, 60.97 feet; thence North 67 degrees 44 minutes West, 66.07 feet; thence North 85 degrees 14 minutes West, 35.67 feet to the West line of said tract; thence southerly along said West line 24.71 feet to an intersection with a line bearing North 48 degrees 15 minutes West from a point bearing North 89 degrees 19 minutes West, 190.50 feet from actual point of beginning; thence South 15 minutes East, 92.88 feet to said point bearing North 89 degrees 19 minutes East, 190.5 feet to actual point of beginning. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No. 27468.0 Parcel 4: Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 105, file of Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota. 0