PC Minutes 09-16-2014Chanhassen Planning Commission – September 16, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING: SHOPS AT CHANHASSEN: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 4,450 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL/RESTAURANT BUILDING ON APPROXIMATELY TWO ACRES OF PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) LOCATED ON OUTLOT A, CHANHASSEN RETAIL ADDITION AND A PORTION OF THE TARGET PARKING LOT. APPLICANT: HALIFAX DEVELOPMENT, LLC. OWNER: TARGET CORPORATION, PLANNING CASE 2014-28. Aanenson: Thank you Chairman, members of the Planning Commission. This item will appear th before the City Council on October 13. The applicant is Halifax Development, LLC. The actions before you tonight are two. One is a subdivision and the second is a site plan review. th This property is located just south of West 78 Street and east of Powers Boulevard, surrounding nd what is called the Target PUD. It is an outlot called Chanhassen Retail 2 Addition. There’s 3 other restaurants in that site. If you recall the City went through a process of up-zoning some of the downtown core in order to encourage intensification of development and actually we had met with Target and then said that there’s an opportunity, based on their parking, that they could put th additional parking on some of the City’s property and then put a restaurant maybe on West 78. As it turned out the applicant is actually looking at putting the restaurant on the City’s property and working through the parking with Target Corporation. So again access is gained via what’s called Target Lane, which is a public street right here. So in order to assemble the property to make it fit on the site and work through the access to the site, Target Lane comes in and takes a sharp U-turn to go to the 3 restaurants and then also then you can coming south you could take a left going into Target. So through this subdivision you’re actually reconvening the parking between Target and the proposed use. So property being sold to the, from the City is about 26,370 square feet and then property is being assembled from Target so there will be a subdivision of our parcel and then the Target parcel will be administratively added to that to create the lot so it’ll be a total of .79 acres. So the original survey that was in the staff report shows the property plus there’s a little piece that was added to it in order to put the utility, storm water into an easement. Not just an easement but property owned by the City so there’d be a little bit larger piece than what’s shown on the survey but that will be corrected and recorded when we get to that phase. Just wanted to clarify that. So that’s the subdivision on that. So the second part of it then would be, the site plan itself. So this is a little bit more detail on the, showing how the parking will be reconfigured and actually better access going into when you come down off of Target Lane, coming into the site. Reconfiguring those, that turning movement there. So you have Perkins that would be right in front of it so this building then would be right behind the, kind of behind the Perkins area there and the building itself as you can see right in this area here showing that parking and then in more detail here. So the building itself is, has two users in it and is 4,412 square feet so right now they have the one user that they know which will be Noodles and the second one is undetermined yet as tenant. So in order for the parking to work, there’s enough for both Target and this user to be whole and requirement even for a restaurant with both, for the Target to maintain their’s they will have a cross access easement across the Noodles property but both of them do meet the required standards of the ordinance of the parking standards. The other issue then would be the signs. They have submitted a sign plan. They can have signs on 3 elevations because it does Highway 5 and the change in grade. You’ll get good visibility from the wall signs. We just want to make sure that, how we do channel letters are required. There’s a little bit of, in the illustrations that they presented, again just illustrative of what they would do. We are confident that they would meet city ordinance as far as how they’re put on the building itself and then they do have a, are 2 Chanhassen Planning Commission – September 16, 2014 allowed a monument sign and that sign is off of Target Lane, kind of when you come in before you get to Perkins. The applicant may provide an opportunity for the other users in there to go on that too which is fine in the PUD and they would eliminate one of those if they, if that worked out and they could eliminate one of the other signs. If it doesn’t then they would just continue to maintain their own sign on their property. They have submitted a landscaping plan. Again there is outdoor seating in this area here which is adjacent to Highway 5 so we wanted to make sure that that was landscaped well again because of the change in grades from Highway 5. Highway 5 is actually a little bit higher there. You have a berm that’s going to the west so there is adequate screening for that outdoor seating. Again we encourage those sort of things on sites. They have submitted building material samples. I’ll put that up but I’ve got that on the screen here too. Let’s see. So the materials itself, the stucco and the brick. Lighter than when it originally came in. It originally came in, it was a little bit darker and so now they’ve lighten up the materials which we think looks a little bit better. Kind of what’s within the surrounding areas. Again the Noodles has kind of their trademark, the red awning on the building itself which I think is a little bit kind of characteristic of what we saw on the BP site when we came on that kind of similar view. Perspective. So again this shows the two uses in a little bit more detail. So this would be the Noodles site and then potential other restaurant or retail site on that property and then the outdoor seating here too. And the dumpster which we have a condition again that it meets the same material as the building itself. And then we did ask for some illustrations again because of the views from Highway 5 and what you see on the top. The roof does have a parapet wall which is screening the rooftop equipment so again we think that it meets all the standards of the city ordinance. So with that we are recommending approval. Again the motion states for the preliminary plat and for the site plan so with that I’d be happy to answer any questions that you have. Aller: I think the report was well done. Straight forward. I don’t have any questions. Does anybody else have? And for those again that are present or at home, all these materials are found on the Chanhassen website on a regular basis. You can go check out what’s been done. What is being done and what has been done in the past. So with that would the applicant like to come forward and make a presentation? Hans Kuhlman: My name is Hans Kuhlman with Halifax Development. Aller: Welcome Mr. Kuhlman. Hans Kuhlman: Thank you. I’m more than happy to come forward but I think from a presentation standpoint I really don’t have anything to add. Kate did a marvelous job so I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have. I don’t think I can really add anything that she did not cover. Aller: Do you foresee any problems with for instance snow removal or any of those other things that would be? Hans Kuhlman: No, we’re going to have an agreement with, we’ve got to work a lot of things out with Target with a number of easements we need with Target as well as maintenance. We’re going to share maintenance of that roadway costs. That drive that we’re recreating so I’m sure we’ll be able to work the snow plowing and snow stacking in that as well. 3 Chanhassen Planning Commission – September 16, 2014 Aller: Okay. Thank you. Any other questions? Hans Kuhlman: Alright, thank you. Aller: That’s it, thank you so much. With that we’ll open the public hearing portion of the meeting. Anyone wishing to come forward and speak either for or against this item can do so at this time. Seeing no one come forward I will close the public hearing and open it for discussion. Hokkanen: I’m excited it’s coming. Aller: I think the color changes are nice but I think it comes closer to what we’ve been doing downtown. I like the fact that we’re bringing new development into the downtown area and making that vibrant and keeping it vibrant. I think that’s what we’re looking to do. Weick: For sure. Aller: It’s a good project. Any other comments? If not I’ll entertain a motion. Hokkanen: The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the preliminary plat to replat .79 plus acres into one lot and one outlot. Planning Case 2014-28 as shown in plans dated received August 13, 2014 and approve the site plan consisting of a 4,412 square foot multi- tenant building as shown in plans dated received August 15, 2014, subject to the conditions in the staff report including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Weick: Second. Aller: Motioned by Commissioner Hokkanen and seconded by Commissioner Weick. Any further discussion? Hokkanen moved, Weick seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the preliminary plat to replat .79+ acres into one lot and one outlot, Planning Case 2014-28 as shown in plans dated received August 13, 2014, and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions: Engineering 1.Before the final plat is recorded the Surface Water Management fees, Park Dedication fees, and GIS fees must be paid as well as any recording fees not collected with the final plat application. Park and Trail 1.Full park fees in lieu of additional parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected as a condition of approval for Shops at Chanhassen. The park fees will be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. 4 Chanhassen Planning Commission – September 16, 2014 Planning 1.The applicant work with staff on minor subdivision modifications. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Hokkanen moved, Weick seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the site plan consisting of a 4,412 square-foot multi-tenant building, Planning Case 2014-28 as shown in plans dated received August 15, 2014, and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions: Environmental Resource 1.The applicant shall provide Rational Method calculations for proposed pipe design. The applicant shall work with City staff to assure downstream system has adequate capacity to handle the additional volume directed from the new impervious surface. 2.The applicant shall submit $25,000 in lieu of constructing stormwater best management practices. This shall be due at time of final plat to be put into an account to be used exclusively for the improvement of water quality downstream of the site. 3.The erosion prevention and sediment control plan must be consistent with Section 19-145 of Chanhassen City Code. 4.The Storm Water Utility fee is estimated to be $22,345.40 and shall be due at final plat. Building Official 1.The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2.Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3.Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4.Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5.The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Engineering 1.The developer must work with the neighboring property owners, including the City, to acquire temporary construction easement for all off-site grading and construction. 2.The developer must acquire a permanent easement over all improvements the developer shall own and be responsible for maintaining, such as the storm sewer. 5 Chanhassen Planning Commission – September 16, 2014 3.The developer must obtain an access agreement from the City for construction and maintenance of the sanitary sewer and water main within the right of way of Target Lane. 4.The developer’s engineer shall include the Perkin’s parking lot islands in the topographic plan. Current plans do not show all islands within the survey area. 5.Final plans shall include existing and proposed elevations at the property corners and structure corners. 6.The grading plan shall include drainage arrows to indicate the direction of water flow. 7.The developer shall submit an accurate soils report indicating soil conditions and permeability. 8.The grading plan shall identify proposed stockpile areas. 9.The grading plan shall show the top and bottom elevation of the retaining wall near the Target sign. 10.The parking spaces shall be adjusted so that minimum dimensions are measured from the gutter flow line. 11.The developer must pay the partial payment of the SAC fees and the WAC fees with the final plat. Planning 1.All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views. 2.Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance. Wall signs shall be limited to the north, east and south elevations. Wall and monument signage shall comply with the sign ordinance. All signs require a sign permit. 3.The applicant may share a monument sign within the same PUD contingent upon the removal of the existing monument sign. 4.The exterior material for the trash enclosure must be of the same exterior material as the building. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure. 5.Light levels for site lighting shall be no more than one-half foot candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. All fixtures must be shielded. 6. Approval of the site plan is contingent upon approval of the subdivision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. 6