Landscape Plan471 + 1411 ���`'/ 5' '` TOTAL UPLAND AREA Pond #1 r NWL -956.0 +H16 10.5 H10 166 .5 H 17 + H 5 161 H 11.5 + 160 163 2 5 + 1 10. + 35% (EX. CANOPY /TOTAL UPLANDAREA) 110 T32 H15 148 X16 956.6 + 2.5 "BB Straight single leader REQUIRED CANOPY (35% OF TOTAL UPLAND COVERAGE + 130 129 131 x12.5 H12.5 128 150 13 + 118125 �� H13.5 H14 158 126 146 14 147 H12.5 ASH12 1 14 1 5 / SF 127 H 10.5 a 157 151 136 H 100 144 + 71866.74 , 155 156 H19.5 H24.5 H10.5 H14 + 135 + H2O 143 2.5 "BB Multi -stem clump 153 Red Maple Acer rub urm r��p� X18 137 V H 1613817 H12.5 t / / `� H18 Red Oak Quercus rubrum �+ 10 + 2.5 " BB / � 11 1 5M Sugar Maple A cer saccharum + 2.5 "BB . /�. \j/ \1/ x 953.8 j/. 67 + iiQX X24 X10.5 .// \1/ \4/ \1/ \1/ 69 [+1 70 10.5 / 71 11.5 Pond #2 �. �7 60 11.5 VX, / •1. / �` NWL -958.0 X;1.5 + / HWL- 959.2 X11 82 + X11.1 8 X10 / � � . //• / 10 j /. /j• 1L�/ X412.5 63 •// �/ ./ /// • \ / 5 66 11 %QX12 62 13. ./ �T X19.5 3 / 7q, + 5 + X11 X1 DESIGNER TDW DRAWN BY TDW CHECKED BY TDW DATE 04/24/14 APPROX CR / 47 ^X13.5 108 OP r v * 3* I'1 1 T26 4 EEK ✓ / 36 35 S 46 X24.5 19 ASH2O 42 7 45 BAS37 + + EX. 15 "PVC ® 10401 3.'1 �,�512.5 AS3 SAH ASH14 X25 BLUFF CREEK OV 4a ERLAY DIST. ASH 14.5 X11 34 32 31 X24 21 u ASH11.5 18.5 X14 3014 Ii +7X1' BOX155COT18 + t �! 5 10 20 a12.5 �X1 �I t EX.MH 3317 T7 BoX OX11.5 + 9 x NO. BY DATE REVISIONS r r d 4 i 2 2 9/1 x X1 C 60X1 1: .2 x \Q + Q � 969.2 t 967.1 J� J� 966.2 1 TDW 9/17/14 Add new base, rev'd trees per additional removals USE (INCLUDING COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, AND /OR CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION) OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT NORBY & ASSOCIATES 2 NM 9/19/14 Tree placement and Lot Numbers LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE I hereby certify that this pia 1.1 sp ification or report was prepared by WITHOUT SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL me or under my direct u rvis n and that I am a duly registered THEREBY INDEMNIFY NORBY & ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. OF ALL Landscape Architect erlf laws of the State of Minnesota. RESPONSIBILITY. NORBY & ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE Signed: FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. Date: 7 -29 -14 Registration #: _ 20144 247 COT19 COT28 248 + WIL27 + 250 249 o �fmQT15.5 253 L20.5 + 57 1 24 258 020 261 PIN165 259 ®+ PIN22 ®+2 EL 11263 268 BAS1 4 264 + AS13. 265 L �d 8 . 32 3 13 EL 0. WA 13. I 16. 18 + + u t E MI S8R 16 Io IL 3 M10 9 I„ 988.0 988.1 �c 987.5 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS NOTES: Each Lot shall be provided with a minimum of One Deciduous or Conifer Tree to be placed in the Front Yard. Conifer Trees must be at least Eight Feet High. 984.9 Deciduous Trees must be at least Two and One -Half Inches in Diameter. No more than 10% of the Trees may be from any One Tree Species. No more than 10% of the Trees may be from any One Tree Genus. BUFFER REQUIREMENTS NOTES: 1. Buffer Landscaping shall be provided along Galpin Blvd. 2. Existing Tress North of the Intersection are proposed to stay. Therefore no Buffer Plantings required. 3. Buffer Plantings are proposed South of the Intersection. 4. Existing (saved) Trees shall count towards the Buffer requirement. 5. Galpin Blvd is a collector, therefore, Buffer requirements are calculated based off Bufferyard "B ". 6. Buffer Length = 450' 7. Buffer Width = 30' 8. Per City Code Sec 20 -1176, the necessary Buffer plantings for Bufferyard "B" are: 2 Canopy Trees 4 Understory Trees 6 Shrubs 871 BUFFER PLANTING CALCULATIONS: 450ft / 1 00f = 4.5 Multiplier for 30' wideBuffer = 0.4 Number of Canopy ( Overstory) Trees Required: 4.5 x 0.4 x 2 = 3.6 = 4 Overstory Trees Number of Understory (Ornamental /Conifer) Trees Required: 4.5 x 0.4 x 4 = 7.2 = 8 Understory Trees Number of Shrubs Required: 4.5 x 0.4 x 6 = 10.8 = 11 Shrubs Saved Existing Trees: Number of Canopy ( Overstory) Trees: 2 (Maple & Willow) Number of Understory Trees: 4 (Spruce, Ash, Walnut, Elm) BUFFER PLANTINGS REQUIRED: Canopy Trees: 4 - 2 = 2 Understory Trees: 8 - 4 = 4 Shrubs: 11 -0= 11 988.7 TREE REPLACEMENT RECUIREMENT EX CANOPY COVERAGE 1411 ���`'/ 5' '` TOTAL UPLAND AREA Pond #1 r NWL -956.0 +H16 10.5 BASE LINE CANOPY COVERAGE // 0 35% (EX. CANOPY /TOTAL UPLANDAREA) Redmond Linden HWL- 958.5 �• 132 14.5 2.5 "BB Straight single leader REQUIRED CANOPY (35% OF TOTAL UPLAND COVERAGE 229633.95 130 129 131 x12.5 H12.5 128 139 13 + 118125 SF H13.5 H14 � 126 CANOPY NEEDED - SF 127 Princeton Elm Ulmus americana Princeton' REQUIRED COVERAGE X1.2 71866.74 H 21 125 0 124 66 Betula nigra 1 TREE PER 1,089 SF 2.5 "BB Multi -stem clump R Red Maple Acer rub urm 6 H12.5 t Straight single leader Ro Red Oak Quercus rubrum 6 2.5 " BB Straight single leader 5M Sugar Maple A cer saccharum 5 2.5 "BB Straight single leader IW Ironwood Ostrya virginiana 2 1.5 "BB Straight single leader Wo White Oak / 16 6 6 2.5 "BB Straight single leader Evergreen Trees BH Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca densata 8 6'1313 NP Norway Pine Pinus resinosa 7 (18 \j/ \1/ x 953.8 j/. 67 + iiQX X24 X10.5 .// \1/ \4/ \1/ \1/ 69 [+1 70 10.5 / 71 11.5 Pond #2 �. �7 60 11.5 VX, / •1. / �` NWL -958.0 X;1.5 + / HWL- 959.2 X11 82 + X11.1 8 X10 / � � . //• / 10 j /. /j• 1L�/ X412.5 63 •// �/ ./ /// • \ / 5 66 11 %QX12 62 13. ./ �T X19.5 3 / 7q, + 5 + X11 X1 DESIGNER TDW DRAWN BY TDW CHECKED BY TDW DATE 04/24/14 APPROX CR / 47 ^X13.5 108 OP r v * 3* I'1 1 T26 4 EEK ✓ / 36 35 S 46 X24.5 19 ASH2O 42 7 45 BAS37 + + EX. 15 "PVC ® 10401 3.'1 �,�512.5 AS3 SAH ASH14 X25 BLUFF CREEK OV 4a ERLAY DIST. ASH 14.5 X11 34 32 31 X24 21 u ASH11.5 18.5 X14 3014 Ii +7X1' BOX155COT18 + t �! 5 10 20 a12.5 �X1 �I t EX.MH 3317 T7 BoX OX11.5 + 9 x NO. BY DATE REVISIONS r r d 4 i 2 2 9/1 x X1 C 60X1 1: .2 x \Q + Q � 969.2 t 967.1 J� J� 966.2 1 TDW 9/17/14 Add new base, rev'd trees per additional removals USE (INCLUDING COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, AND /OR CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION) OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT NORBY & ASSOCIATES 2 NM 9/19/14 Tree placement and Lot Numbers LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE I hereby certify that this pia 1.1 sp ification or report was prepared by WITHOUT SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL me or under my direct u rvis n and that I am a duly registered THEREBY INDEMNIFY NORBY & ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. OF ALL Landscape Architect erlf laws of the State of Minnesota. RESPONSIBILITY. NORBY & ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE Signed: FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. Date: 7 -29 -14 Registration #: _ 20144 247 COT19 COT28 248 + WIL27 + 250 249 o �fmQT15.5 253 L20.5 + 57 1 24 258 020 261 PIN165 259 ®+ PIN22 ®+2 EL 11263 268 BAS1 4 264 + AS13. 265 L �d 8 . 32 3 13 EL 0. WA 13. I 16. 18 + + u t E MI S8R 16 Io IL 3 M10 9 I„ 988.0 988.1 �c 987.5 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS NOTES: Each Lot shall be provided with a minimum of One Deciduous or Conifer Tree to be placed in the Front Yard. Conifer Trees must be at least Eight Feet High. 984.9 Deciduous Trees must be at least Two and One -Half Inches in Diameter. No more than 10% of the Trees may be from any One Tree Species. No more than 10% of the Trees may be from any One Tree Genus. BUFFER REQUIREMENTS NOTES: 1. Buffer Landscaping shall be provided along Galpin Blvd. 2. Existing Tress North of the Intersection are proposed to stay. Therefore no Buffer Plantings required. 3. Buffer Plantings are proposed South of the Intersection. 4. Existing (saved) Trees shall count towards the Buffer requirement. 5. Galpin Blvd is a collector, therefore, Buffer requirements are calculated based off Bufferyard "B ". 6. Buffer Length = 450' 7. Buffer Width = 30' 8. Per City Code Sec 20 -1176, the necessary Buffer plantings for Bufferyard "B" are: 2 Canopy Trees 4 Understory Trees 6 Shrubs 871 BUFFER PLANTING CALCULATIONS: 450ft / 1 00f = 4.5 Multiplier for 30' wideBuffer = 0.4 Number of Canopy ( Overstory) Trees Required: 4.5 x 0.4 x 2 = 3.6 = 4 Overstory Trees Number of Understory (Ornamental /Conifer) Trees Required: 4.5 x 0.4 x 4 = 7.2 = 8 Understory Trees Number of Shrubs Required: 4.5 x 0.4 x 6 = 10.8 = 11 Shrubs Saved Existing Trees: Number of Canopy ( Overstory) Trees: 2 (Maple & Willow) Number of Understory Trees: 4 (Spruce, Ash, Walnut, Elm) BUFFER PLANTINGS REQUIRED: Canopy Trees: 4 - 2 = 2 Understory Trees: 8 - 4 = 4 Shrubs: 11 -0= 11 988.7 TREE REPLACEMENT RECUIREMENT EX CANOPY COVERAGE 287870 SF TOTAL UPLAND AREA 656097 SF BASE LINE CANOPY COVERAGE 43.88% LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 35% (EX. CANOPY /TOTAL UPLANDAREA) Redmond Linden Tilia amerrcana Redmond' 5 2.5 "BB Straight single leader REQUIRED CANOPY (35% OF TOTAL UPLAND COVERAGE 229633.95 SF EX CANOPY REMOVED 118125 SF REMAINING CANOPY 169745 SF CANOPY NEEDED 59888.95 SF PE Princeton Elm Ulmus americana Princeton' REQUIRED COVERAGE X1.2 71866.74 SF TREE REQUIREMENT 66 Betula nigra 1 TREE PER 1,089 SF 2.5 "BB Multi -stem clump ­1 TREE PER LOT REQUIREMENT IS INCLUDED IN THE REPLACMENT TOTAL 986.8 L� 1Tree per Lot 15 Lots =15 Trees 7LAN/9 T IN BED INYL GING WITH MULCH 982.8 PLANTING BED VINYL EDGING WITH MULCH 978. 1( 974.5 /CANTING ED INYL ED NG WITH MULCH :jW_1► III III Iki10q =W=1 111 CANOPY REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS NOTES: 1. When planting Trees, one Tree shall be deemed to provide 1,089 Square Feet of required Canopy Coverage. 2. Trees must be from the approved List of Desirable Species. 3. No more than 10 % of the Trees may be from any One Tree Species and no more than 20% of the Trees may be from any One Genus. 4. Overstory Trees shall be at least Two and One Half Inch and Understory Trees shall be a minimum of One and a Half Inch. 5. Conifer Trees shall be a minimum of Six Feet in Height. 6. Plants Material used for the Reforestation shall be of a similar Species as Vegetation found on Site. 7. Trees shall be used that are appropriate to the Soil Conditions found on Site. 8. Trees shall be from Certified Nursey Sstock. 9. Not less than 75% of the total Trees required shall be Overstory Species. LANDSCAPING: 1. Vinyl Edging to be used and Hardwood Shredded Mulch spread around Shrubs planted on Berms. KEY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME QTY SIZE NOTES TREES AL Redmond Linden Tilia amerrcana Redmond' 5 2.5 "BB Straight single leader HA Hackberry Celtis occidentalis 5 2.5 " BB Straight single leader HL Honey Locust Gledistia trrcanthos inermis 'Skycole' 6 2.5 "BB Straight single leader PE Princeton Elm Ulmus americana Princeton' 6 2.5 "BB Straight single leader RB River Birch Betula nigra 4 2.5 "BB Multi -stem clump R Red Maple Acer rub urm 6 2.5 "BB Straight single leader Ro Red Oak Quercus rubrum 6 2.5 " BB Straight single leader 5M Sugar Maple A cer saccharum 5 2.5 "BB Straight single leader IW Ironwood Ostrya virginiana 2 1.5 "BB Straight single leader Wo White Oak Quercus albs 6 2.5 "BB Straight single leader Evergreen Trees BH Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca densata 8 6'1313 NP Norway Pine Pinus resinosa 7 6' BB Shrubs RD Red Twigged Dogwood Corpus sencea 'Baileyi' 6 36" HT NB Diabolo Ninebark lPhyscarpus opuifolius "Monlo' 5 24" HT Replacement Tree 2.5" Deciduous Norby & Associates Landsca e Architects, Inc. p 100 Esst Second Street Chaska, MN 55318 (952) 361 -0644 Total 77 Replacement Tree Required Lot Tree 7' Evergreen 2.5 "Deciduous CITY PROJECT NO. VICTORIA, MINNESOTA Existing Saved Tree Shrub 50 25 0 25 50 100 SCALE IN FEET NORTH FILE NO. LANDSCAPING PLAN VISTAS AT BENTZ FARMS L1 L1 w m Z Z Q U.1 2 Q z F- U w O 0-