Email from Chris Jerdee 09-26-2014AI -Jaff, Sharmeen From: Chris Jerdee [cjerdee7 @gmail.com] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 11:26 AM To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen Cc: Chris Jerdee Subject: proposed lot split and site development on W. 65th Street in Chanhassen Hello Sharmeen, My name is Chris Jerdee and I live at 2081 W. 65th Street in Chanhassen. I think I spoke to you a couple of weeks ago on the phone about the lot next to mine and a proposed splitting of the lot. The property was recently sold to gentlemen who is "flipping" the property and it's come to my understanding that he plans to split the lot into two parcels. The purpose of my letter is twofold. First, I want to inform you and/or whoever else might be working on this particular project that the lot in question has a pretty significant water problem. I'm surprised it was ever built on in the first place because the lot literally becomes a duck pond every spring when the snow melts and then again every time we get any significant rainfall. It will get standing water more than ankle deep on both the western edge of the lot bordering mine and also on the south side of the lot. As I understand it there are springs underneath the ground and the water table is very high. This is coupled with the fact that the street is higher than the lot so the water has nowhere to drain. I tried to remedy this on my property by having a landscaping contractor install drain tile that ties into the catch basin in the culdesac. Unfortunately the lot in question next to me has an even larger drainage problem so it still impacts my property. Second, and more importantly, I want to be sure that if the lot is indeed approved to split and a new home is built that the proper steps are taken to ensure that any watershed does not impact my lot further. If any grading is done to build a new structure I want to be sure that it is not done in such a way that simply moves the water problem from that lot on to mine. Hopefully whoever buys the property does their due diligence and has a percolation test done because if not I think they might end up being surprised. Thanks in advance for your consideration regarding this matter. If you or anyone has any questions I can be reached at 612- 385 -1329. Chris Jerdee CIT OFCHANHASSeN RECEIVED SEP 2 p ?014 CHANHASgEN PANNING AEP�°