G-1. City Council Action Update City Council Action Update MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING:  Approval of Conditional Use Permit for Cell Tower, 2290 Lyman Boulevard, American APPROVED Tower Company –  th APPROVED Preserve at Bluff Creek 6 Addition Final Plat Approval –  Vistas at Bentz Farm, 7280 & 7300 Galpin Boulevard, Applicant: Homestead Partners, Inc: Request for Rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Residential-Low & Medium Density (RLM); Conditional Use Permit to Allow Development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; and Preliminary Plat with Variances Creating 15 Lots, 4 Outlots, and Public Right-of-Way on APPROVED Approximately 19 Acres – The minutes for this meeting can be viewed from the City’s website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us, and click on “Agendas and Minutes” from the left-side links. g:\plan\forms\city council action update.doc