CC Minutes 09-22-2014Chanhassen City Council – September 22, 2014 I’d like to recognize them and thank them for their service to the City. Together they compiled over 300 hours of service which is really fantastic for teenagers to be involved and to get involved, that’s something that we’re very proud of for each of them and we wanted to make a note and take time to recognize them so as I read your name if you’d come forward please and we’ll give you a certificates. Abbey Hamann. Eric Benson. Emily Saurer. Laura Price. Thomas Price. Anne Murphy. David Hodel. Quinn O’Connor. Mariah Aker. Blake Wosje. Kelly Klingelhutz. Luther Wilmot. Thank you. Appreciate your service. Thank you very much. Thank you. Let’s get a picture… Oh yeah, you’re free to go if you want to. Welcome to stay but free to go. Yeah that’s a great program and Meghan and Todd, thank you very much for providing that opportunity for teens in our city to be involved and to help with service. We really appreciate that. I’d like to move on now to next items on our council agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated September 8, 2014 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated September 2, 2014 3. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated August 26, 2014 4. Approval of Conditional Use Permit for Cell Tower, 2290 Lyman Boulevard, American Tower Company th 5. Preserve at Bluff Creek 6 Addition: a. Final Plat Approval b. Approval of Development Contract and Plans and Specifications 6. Award of Quote: Concrete Work Associated with Neighborhood Picnic Shelters for Sugarbush, Stone Creek and Roundhouse Parks. 7. Approval of Fireworks Display Permit, Pyrotechnic Display Fireworks, Chanhassen High School Homecoming, September 26 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT FOR KERBER POND PARK, GEOFF OLSON, TROOP 330. Mayor Furlong: We do have Eagle Scout candidate Geoff Olson with Troop 330 here to present a proposal for an Eagle Scout project at Kerber Pond Park. Good evening Geoff, how are you? Geoff Olson: I’m good. How are you? Mayor Furlong: Good. Thanks for coming. Todd Hoffman: Kate’s going to load up the presentation and this is a paper copy for all the council members. Mayor Furlong: Is it up? 3