5 Senior Center s MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 FROM: Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator DATE: June 15, 2005 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 SUBJ: Senior Center Activities Update Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Participation in all of the events and programs at the Senior Center this winter and spring has been great! With the opening of SummerWood and with many new seniors moving into Power Ridge and other condo/townhome developments, we have experienced an increase in the number of participants in senior center activities. With the increase in the numbers, I am now able to double schedule activities using both spaces i.e.; the east (new) and west (old) center. Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 The quarterly newsletter (see attached), which is mailed to 550 people, has a new format. The newsletter features comments from the coordinator, special events, health, education and fitness happenings, trip information and our regular clubs and activities. Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 I continue to look for opportunities to work with new and exiting venues in Chanhassen to offer new programs and activities for seniors. Some examples of this include: Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Chanhassen Lions: Sponsored and hosted the annual June Lake Ann Senior Center Picnic. 80+ people attended and there were 12 Lion club members present to grill and serve food and provide entertainment. A great time was had by all and the Lions have asked if, "they can do it again next year." Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Park Nicollet Clinic: A group of seniors are helping complete a mosaic art piece which will be displayed at the new Chanhassen Park Nicollet Clinic. A number of senior center participants will be volunteering at the new clinic as a result of an informational session that was held at the senior center. Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Chanhassen Library: In July, Kathy Perschmann will be offering a class for seniors on how to use the Carver County library system computer database. I am working with her on ideals for authors and speakers as well as promoting the numerous events at the library. Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Southwest Metro Transit: I will be showing people how to utilize bus service as we board "the bus" to Como Park for one of our summer day trips. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Mr. Todd Hoffman June 15, 2005 Page 2 District 112: I have met with administrators about programming for baby boomers and possibly hosting some evening classes at the senior center opposed to Chaska locations. Senior Commission: I have met with some of the members to brainstorm for ideas in programming offerings for younger seniors. A few of the commission members will be teaching our new 1: 1 basic computer instruction. MAAA (Minnesota Area Agency on Aging): Will be offering a number of information sessions at the Senior Center on the new Medicare Part D program. G:\Senior Center\Senior Center Update for Todd\Park & Recreation Report 12-04.doc 2 Chanhassen Senior Center Volume 37 ews 7700 Market Blvd., P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1125 Summer 2005 Coordinator's Corner b1] Sue Bill Erma Bombeck once wrote that she imagined that all volunteers in the United States set sail on a ship and left our country. She then went on to talk about the effect it would have on our country if suddenly all the volunteers were gone. Basically, she stated that our country would nearly collapse because we depend so much on volunteer efforts and their talents. The Chanhassen Senior Center is also very dependent on all our volunteer efforts and appreciates everything that all of you do. I can't say Thank You enough to all who have helped to make the Chanhassen Senior Center the wonderful and successful place it is today. I couldn't do it without you! ''Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others." - Danny Thomas Special Eve 11 ts Call the Senior Center at 952-227-1125 for more infonnation on any of these events. Fishing CAlting All are welcome, men and women, for this free and exdtingouting sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center Men's Club. You don't have to be a member of the Men's or Women's Club to attend! Meet at 9 a.m. at the Headla's (6870 Minnewashta Parkway) for a morning of fishing, or at 8 a.m. at the Chanhassen American Legion for breakfast (on your own and optional) beforehand. Please bring your own tackle (for panfishing) and P.F.D. Iifejacket if you have them, clothing for the day, raincoat or windbreaker, sunscreen and sun glasses. Extra life jackets and tackle will be available for those who don't have it. Men's Club will provide bait, amateur gUide service, cold drinks, and prizes for the longest and shortest catch. We'll be off the lake by noon. Lunch is on your own. Monday, June 20 8 a.m. - Breakfast at the Legion 9 a.m. - Fishing Outing Call 952-227-1125 to RSVP by noon, Friday, June 17 Ice Cream Social Come cool off after listening to ''The Beachcomber" perform at the Lunchtime Lyrics Concert in the Park" with a good old-fashioned Ice Cream Social. Enjoy Ice Cream Sundaes, Root Beer Floats and other cool treats. Thursday, July 21, 1 p.m. $3 per person RSVP by Thursday, July 14 Ladies Tea Luncheon &V intage Hat Show Join us for a delicious Tea Luncheon and Vintage Hat Show ''A Century of Hats." Wear your favorite old or new hat for this special occasion and you just might win a prize. Space is limited so reserve your spot early. Wednesday, August 10 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $15 per person RSVP by Friday, July 15 . ;. ONE DAY TRIPSEi===II~ Registration Policy: All trip payments are due on or before the registration deadline. Registration cannot be confirmed until payment is made. Payment may be made via our website, by check, cash, or Visa/MasterCard. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Registrations should be mailed to or dropped off at the Olanhassen Senior Center, 7700 Market Blvd., P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317. No refunds are made for cancellation unless the trip is cancelled by the Senior Center. If the registrant chooses to cancel after the registration deadline; they are responsible for finding a replacement. New Dlto Part II We11 have a stomping good time at Morgan Creek Vineyards, which were established in 1993 and are Minnesota's only underground winery. Next we'll dine on German cuisine at the 20th Street Grill and then we are off to the August Schell Brewery. This handsome brewery has gained national and international recognition for its old world craftsmanship and pride in producing some of the finest beer in the world. We11 enjoy tours and tasting at both sites. Before leaving town, we11 take a quick visit to the newly refurbished Hermann the German Monument. Wednesday, June 15 8:15 a.m. . 4:30 p.m. $35 (includes transportation, tours, and lunch) Code: 6053.101 Registration and payment deadline: Wednesday, June 1 Grand Casino HincKley Viva Las Vegas Hinckley! Play Slots, Black Jack, Poker and the Roulette Wheel. Enjoy a round trip deluxe motor coach ride to Grand Casino Hinckley. Each participant win receive a $25.00 coupon once we reach the casino, where we will spend approximately 4 hours. Lunch is on your own. Tuesday, June 28 8:45 a.m. . 4:45 p.m. $25 Code: 6053.102 Payment/Registration deadline: Wednesday, June 22 lir!lI. Corne ~de Wi'th Me... Como 'Park ZOo 0/ Conservatory Join us as we ride the Southwest Metro bus to Como Park Zoo and Conservatory. We will see the new Conservatory, have time to visit the zoo, and have lunch before we board "the bus" back to Chanhassen. Thursday, June 30 9 a.m. . 1 p.m. Meet atthe Chanhassen Recreation Center at 9 a.m. to board the bus. Please bring 50 cents for your bus fare and money for lunch. Department 56 Showroom Tour Join us for a guided tour of One Village Place, Eden Prairie, which is the headquarters of the 10,000 square foot Department 56, Inc. showroom. Department 56 began in 1976 with the introduction of six hand-painted lighted ceramic buildings - the first pieces of the Original Snow Village Collection. After the tour we11 enjoy a delicious lunch at Famous Dave's in Minnetonka. Wednesday, July 20 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. $26 Code: 6053.103 Payment/Registration deadline: Friday, July 8 LaKe pepin Players Join us as we travel along one of America's most scenic roadways. We'll lunch atThe Pickle Factory Restaurant in Pepin, which is located on Lake Pepin adjacent to the Marina. Next, we'll travel to the Allen/Hovde Theater for the matinee performance of ON BROADWAY. This brand new musical revue features great songs from Broadway musicals over the last forty years and is per- formed by the Lake Pepin Players. Join us for a wonderful summer day filled with exceptional entertainment in a beautiful small town! Thursday, August 18 10:15 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. $49 Payment/Registration deadline: Monday, August 1 Code: 6053.104 For information on any of the activities, trips, or clubs, call the Senior Center at 952-227-1125. - ----------- ----------------------- 'SeuiorCluhs .',"';- . :'. ,,' ; :. ..." -. '- . ", " Book Club Meets the 4th Monday of the month from 1-2:30 p.m. at the Chanhassen SeniorCenter. Join the group for a lively discussionof new and dassic books. Upcoming ~C3tes :' '- are June 21 JUIy2S.~.::.' . .... .."'...0. " ., , and August 22. . .' .' CHAN~o-laires Come share your talents with this groupfNery Tuesdayfrorn 12:45-2:15 p.m. New members are always welrome. The group sings at various locations & special events throughOut the year. . Interested in ' ..' joining the group or booking a performaneett.all Jadd KUlverS at 952-934-8967.Ptease notethat the group does not meet in June, , July,or AlJQust Men's Club This group meets every 1st,and 3m ,Monday of the month from 9: 10:30 a.m. in the Senior Center. ~njoyguest speakers, volunteer opp,ortunities, and some field trips. Our upcoming schedule ' ::~.~~ July 4 4tbofJuly ,.. No Meeting July 18 Medicare'i'art o Presentation Aug. 1. RegularMeeting Aug. 15 Regular Meeting Aug. 29 JOintBreakfastMeeting, Paul Moline, Carver Co; Senior Survey GOIfi;i. :%~o::r;;and Il,ll.'. Wednesdayatthe . 6d Red Oak Golf cOurse in Mound~T Tee time is 9 a.m. Woodcarving This mixed group of men & women meets Wednesdays from 9-11:30 a.m. All talent levels ate welcome. A volunteer instructor is available for first-time and/or experienced carvers who would like to learn more! Bingo Join this group from 12:30-3:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. They play 20 games . . and each game costs $.25. Try your ,luck and see if you are a winner! Card-Club 500 a. Hand . a.'.FOOt Meets e>lery Thursday from 1-4:30 p.m. If you are interested In joining, call the senior center.' at 952-227-1125 . Women's Club.. Join this energetic group of ladles for interesting speakers, field trips, crafts, and communitY volunteer opPortu~f ties~ We meet every 2nd & 4th Monday of the month from 9:30 -11:00 a.m. Our upcoming schedule is listed below: June 13 Footworks,FOOtCare June 27 Regular Meeting -Speaker July 11 Ways to Improve Memory July 25 Regular Meeting Aug.8 Diabetes - What Seniors Should Know and Medication Tips Aug. 22 Regular Meeting Aug. 29 J()intBreakfastMeeting, Paul Moline, "Carver Co. Senior SUrvey Sel1ior Seffices ~~~e~n. The Cap Agenqy Senior Nutrition Program offers meals to homebound seniors in Chanhassen. The nutrition site is located in the Chanhassen Senior Center. Enjoy hot nutritious meals delivered right to your door! All meals are delivered by friendly volunteers. This service is aVailable Monday -Friday to seniors age 60+ woo are considered homebound and is great for seniors recovering from surgery or more long-term purposes. If you are interested in this program, or know of someone who could benefit from it, call 952-227-1127. Congregate Dining: The Cap Agency Senior Nutrition Program also offers Congregate Dining. Come and enjoy a hot and nutritious meal Monday':Friday at the Senior Center. A two-day reservation is required and the program requests a $3.00 contribution. If you are 60 years of age or older, please join your friends for a meal, fellowship and fun. For more information or reservations, . please call 952-227-1127. Health, Education & Fitness Happenings NEW!..Col1.lpl.Iter TutorS Availa'ble Need help with using the computer? BegiDDhig the week of Jun~ 20, the SeniofCenterwiU have computer 'tuto.rsavailable to worhv!th.you , one:-on:.one on beginJiing computer basiCs. . Some of the topics might include using ~niail; navigating the . Internet, and how to usevarious software programs. Call the Senior Center at 952-227-1125 to sign up for an appointment. Mutual times will be arranged for the instructor and participant. Health InsUrance Assistance Medicare can be complicated, but don't let it compliCate your life! Meet with a State Health Insurance Counselor who will provide individual . assistance with: Medicare, sUpplemental InsurancePresaiption-Drugs, Medicare Savings Programs, Long Tenn Care~nsurance, Medicare Fraud/Abuses.. More! This free program. is offered at the Senior CeJiter on the 2nd Tu~ay of the month froin9:00-11:00 a.m. Call 952-227-U25cto pre-register. U~~;.:T....;:.~d:~~:..Q. "...:'.... and August II 'p- Chair lExer.dse .Class Come join yourfrielids or meet new, friends at this lively workout without. ever leaving your chair. Work large and small muscles, bum calories, build strengtl)r stimulate bone growth, and'improveyour balance. -Bring 2-4 pound hand held weights. Meets ~n~:~4th Tuesdays of the, Month 10~go-10:30a.in. ChanhaSSe'I'i'Seriior Center $2 per class, payable at class NEW! Libtaiy Catalog Class. Join us for this 1 hour basic classon how to use the Carver County Ubrary catalog database. InstrUctor Kathy perschmann will work one-on-one with participants to sho~them how to search, reserve and renew books on-line as well as beginning data- base use. Class is limited to 8 participants, so register early. Thorsday, July 21, 10 a.m. Chanhassen Ubra~, RSVP by Thursday; July 14, by calling 952-227-1125. Foot Care Clinic Healthy 'Living Education Series Presented by Lutheran Social Services ':alid Carver County Community Health Services, the Healthy Living Education Series for seniors offers free health education sessions and has something . for every senior! All sessions are held at the Senior Center. For more information on the Series, please call Sue at 952-227-1125. Here is the upcoming spring schedule: Monday, June 6, 9 a.m. "Neurobics Exerdse" Monday, June 13, 10 a.m. "Footworks, FootCare" Foot care services are available the Monday, July 11, 10 a.m. 1st Tuesday of f!:o.iety month from "Ways to Improve Memory" 9:1~ a.m. -12:15 p.m., at the Monday, August 8, 9 a.m. Sem?r C~nter. Foot ca. re.., "Diabetes - What Seniors Should services Include a . Know s.. Medication Tips soak, assessment, nail. ". trimming, and massage. Appointments fast approximately 30 minutes. Due to the high demand for this service, we ask that you schedule appointments on an every other month basis. The cost Is $24 per visit and payrnentis made the day of, your visit. Appointments are' required and can be made by calling 952-227-1125. Upcoming clinic dates are June 7, July 12 (date c;:hange dueto the holiday), and AuguSt 2. 01penSwim The Chanhassen Senior Center and the AmericIrln of Chanhassen have tearned together to proVide Open Swim opportunities for area seniors. Punch cards need to be purchased at the Senior Center prior to joining the program. Towels, changing rooms, and a hot tub/whirlpool are available. Call 952-227-1125 for information. 12-sessionpunch card $24 ReSIdents .Code No. 5OOO.i.OO Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Part D) Presentation Get ready...if you are on Medicare, you must take action! Minnesotans with Medicare will need to make a decision and choose a plan to receive the new Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. If you do not enroll in a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Plan during the initial enrollment period (November 15, 2005 - May 15, 2006) you risk having to pay more if you enroll in a plan at a later time. Stay informed and look for prescription drug plans in the fall. You will be able to compare the benefit In different plans before you make a choice. Come hear and learn about this new program at the Senior Center. Presented by Beth Wood from MAAA. Monday, July 18 9 a.m. Chanhassen Senior Center EXTENDED TRIPS I Branson Christmas Join us for this inspiring and enjoyable five-day Christmas excursion as we travel to Branson, Missouri. Sight-seeing includes Lost in the 50's, Cirque, Daniel O'Donnell, Presley's Jubilee, Jim Owens & Cal Smith and Bobby Vinton. What a wonderful way to start off the Holiday season. For more information or to make a reservation, contact the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1125. November 26-30,2005 $539/ double occupancy c Defensive Driving The Senior Center offers an 8 hour defensive driving class for those who have never taken the class and a 4 hour refresher course for participants who have. Participants receive an insurance discount certificate after class completion. Classes are held at the Senior Center and the cost is $13 per person. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen. Pre-registration is required and is due 5 days prior to start date. Register on the City website or stop by City Hall or the Senior Center to pick up a registration form. Phone registrations are not accepted. For more information or to have a registration form mailed to you, call the Senior Center at 952-227-1125. 4-Hour Refresher Course Mon., June 13, 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. :. Code No. 6052.105 Weds., July 20,12:30-4:30 p.m. Code No. 6053.105 Thurs., Aug. II, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Code No. 6053.106 8-Hour Course Thurs., July 14 &'21, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Code No. 6053.104 Weds., Sept. 7 &.14 12:30-4:30 p.m. Code No. 6053.107 SSES Stamping Class Our fun and exciting classes introduce practical and challenging techniques for beginners & advanced stampers. Everyone is welcome! We meet the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the Senior Center. Cost for each class: $6 Residents $8 Non-residents June 4 Buttons. Bows July 2 No class Aug. 6 Dry Embossing Call 952-227-1125 for more information on any of the dasseS. ,. s~~~~ _ f;D~~~~'M~~~ ~ Mondays Men's Club (1st & 3rd) .................... 9:00 -10:30 a.m. Open Swim .................................... 9:00 -11:00 a.m. Women's Club (2nd & 4th) .......... ..... 9:30 -11 :00 a.m. B~e ............................................. 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Book Oub (4th) .................................~. 1:00.2:30 p.m. Tuesdays Medical Ins. Counsel (2nd) ................ 9:00 -11:00 a.m. Foot Care Clinic (1 st) ................. 9:15 a.m - 12:15 p.m. Wednesdays Golf ........ ........ ...... ......................... ............ 9 :00 a.m. Open Swim .................................... 9:00 -11:00 a.m. Woodcarving .................................. 9:00 -11:30 a.m. BillgO............................................. 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Thursdays Bowling ......................................... 9:30 -11:00 a.m. Card Club (500 & Hand & Foot) .......... 1:00- 5:00 p.m. Fridays Game Day ...................................... 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. .. .SJiturdays . Stamping Club (1st) ......................... 9:30 -11:30 a.m~ .:.,~ Citlj ol Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 , SENIOR CENTER WILL BE CLOSED ON JULY 4! Mailing List To remove your name from the newsletter mailing list or update your mailing information, please call the Chanhassen Senior Center at 952-227-1125. Hall Display Case Check. out the display cases adjacent to the new Senior Center! Starting in July we will have rotating displays that feature the works and activities of Chanhassen Seniors. Volunteers Needed!! Computer Tutors are needed to work one-on-one teaching basic computer skills. If you know computer applications (e-mail, Internet, Word, or Excel) and can spare a few hours a month, call Sue at 952-227-1124. Bingo Callers are needed to call Bingo a couple of times a month on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Call the Senior Center at 952-227-1125 to volunteer! For more information about the Senior Center or programs offered in this newsletter, call the Senior center at 952-227-1125.