Letter from Ed & Peggy Bennet 10-14-2014 October 14. 2014 Re: Zoning Variance Request 7015 Sandy Hook Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Members of the Planning Commission: We are the immediate neighbor to the North of the above property and request that you refuse this variance. As citizens, we rely on the reasoned judgment of the planning commission to evaluate the necessity of approving these types of variances. The desires of property owners to make changes to their property to accommodate their personal preferences are understandable, but must be balanced against the zoning restrictions enforced by the city. These restrictions are rooted in established, common agreement among the residents of the city through their representatives, and exist for many good reasons. The owners’ stated purpose in requesting the variance to the hardcover limit is that the owners’ intend to park more vehicles externally and along the side of their garage (enclosed letter and email) and in direct view of our property, rather in their garage and driveway as they do today. Thus, granting a variance will result in creating a ‘parking lot’ appearance as viewed from our front yard and home entrance (enclosed photos), as well as from other viewpoints, which does not exist today. While the hardcover limit is not a limit on vehicles directly, it is a limit on the acceptable ratio of hard covered parking surface to lot size, and therefore related. Our home is set back further from the street than the 7015 property, so the visual effects of this variance would be even more pronounced from our entry and windows. Moreover, the posted plan shows a ‘gravel parking space’ in addition to a requested variance for hard cover. This too, by itself and with more vehicles, will detract from the norms and home values of this community. The burden of necessity should fall on the variance seekers, not the other property owners. If their lot is not suitable for their needs, it should not be made so at expense of others. Sincerely, Ed and Peggy Bennett 7017 Sandy Hook Circle. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Peggy and Ed, Enclosed is the survey we submitted to the City of Chanhassen for the variance request. The parking /garage spot is proposed to be 12' wide with the driveway angled into our existing driveway for access. The set back from your property line should be 13'. We now have four vehicles and will soon have four drivers and we feel an extra spot will be better for both safety and aesthetics. To mitigate additional water runoff we have proposed adding a rain garden to the north side of the new driveway which we would maintain. The grass has always been difficult on that side so the garden should be an improvement. As part of our addition the excavator will also be creating a swale to the north of our garage so the water doesn't flow into your yard. We hope and believe these improvements to our property will help to increase the value of the houses on our street. Thank you so much for your consideration and if you have any questions please let us know. Thanks, Julie and Rick Page 1 of 1 Ed Bennett From: Peggy Bennett [bnntt2003 @msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:00 AM To: edb @impacticx.com Subject: Fwd: Kolbow Variance Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Julie Kolbow <iuliekolbow(&Pmail.com> Date: September 23, 2014 at 9:27:19 AM CDT To: Julie Kolbow <luliekolbowggmail.com> Subject: Kolbow Variance Dear Neighbors, You will soon be receiving notice from the City of Chanhassen that we have applied for a variance to add a parking spot next to our garage. We have a two car garage and hope to add a third stall in the near future. In the mean time we would like an extra parking spot. Chanhassen has a hardcover limit of 25% of property square footage. We need a hardcover variance because adding this parking spot plus a driveway exceeds the allowable property hardcover by 4.8 %. It is about 600 square feet over. We are also in the process of adding a small addition to the back of our house which is 260 square feet. Because our lot size is small we would still be applying for a variance regardless of the addition. To mitigate the extra runoff from this additional hardcover we plan to install a rain garden next to the driveway. We hope you will be supportive of these improvements to our property. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thanks, Rick and Julie Kolbow 10/15/2014