Hardcover Calculation WorksheetCITY OF CHANHASSEN HARDCOVER CALCULATION WORKSHEET EXISTING AND PROPOSED HARDCOVER Property Address: 4—, cc A. House X = I B" )H S.F. Cos' q SEHD+J 12 X 1°I = 22rs S.F. 23z (Eire H ©RSESNEUtA.385' X 4B' = 184 S.F. �RECt A1hAj� i'r�s1 mac' - X = S.F. B. Garage 24 X q0 = q(Cc S.F. q I 1 9LN'4RovsL 12 X l [o = 1912 S.F. ✓ C. Driveway cbt3c X = 25q-1 S.F. Rsprtitt_'T X = 330.1 S.F.✓ D. Sidewalks csa p la X 10 = 1 oU S.F. C- P,gE;L 1 QR , X = 17, q4 3 S.F. E.Patio/Deck T.RR. X = 1gg0 S.F. X = S.F. F. Other t cNSFT Hie) X 10C = 4bco S.F. ✓ (i.e. shed, etc.) HCop 3l0 X Cl (D = 34510 S.F. SHED 48 X `I2 = ;4510 S.F. :,5q TOTAL HARDCOVER: S10, 0 S.F. 3`?`i TOTAL LOT SIZE: 18(0,'43`1 S.F. HARDCOVER PERCENTAGE: 19 oL18 % I9 5 2 MAXIMUM % ALLOWABLE: 20 %' Prepared by: f C)s 50EC11,i=2 Date: q 23 Signature: r� CAY�ki I.1d�2r�c Reviewed by: Date: Comments: t urn G: \PLAN \Forms \Hardcover Calculation Worksheet.xls EP 2 4 OHANHASSEIV INSPECTIONS Create Map Page 1 of 1 CARVER COUNTY PROPERTY INFORMATION SEP 2 4 2014 CHANHASSEN INSPECTIONS http: / /carvergisweb l . co. carver. inn. us / Public_ ParceUprint. htm ?MapPath = http: / /carvergisweb... 9/9/2014 Create Map Page 1 of 1 CARVER COUNTY PROPERTY INFORMATION 4 k k I 1trtD�B 3 +5ii_ r r 4WIWjL Map created on 9/812014 Aerial Photo: April 2011 Disclaimer. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Carver County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or q�d misinterpretation. The Preceding disclatmeris provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 46603, Yi Subd. 21 (2000), and the userof this service acknowledges that the County shall not be liable for CARVER anydamages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, i demm6f and hold harmless the County from any and all claims brought by User; its employees or agents, or mud parties which COUNTY arise out of the users access or use of data p owded. s Y W l7 aot Legend Aerial View Active SEP 2 4 2014 CHANHASSEN INSPECTIONS http: / /carvergisweb l .co. carver. mn -usI Public_ Pareellprint. htm ?MapPath= http:llcarvergisweb... 9/9/2014