Administrative Section� � _ �� � f r i y ,e � g' PRESS RELEASE: October 16, 2014 CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PROGRAM Since 2012, the City of Chanhassen has operated an enhanced program to combat the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). Prior to formulating policy relating to the issue of AIS, the City Council, City Commissions and staff obtained extensive input from the community, including lake associations and individual citizens, the DNR and watershed districts. The City conducted a public information meeting regarding Aquatic Invasive Species at the Chanhassen Recreation Center on October 29, 2011. At that meeting, DNR experts and Lake Association representatives presented information. The City's AIS action plan was approved by the City Council on February 27, 2012 and includes a watercraft inspection program, the incorporation of updated DNR Best Management Practices (BMP) for water access at the three City - owned public access points, collaboration with other project partners, public awareness and education, and the preparation of an annual year -end report to consider future actions. Funding partners for the watercraft inspection program include the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the City of Chanhassen. The 2014 Aquatic Invasive Species Program included watercraft inspections at Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lotus Lake. Inbound and outbound inspections were conducted by trained MnDNR inspectors employed by the city through a contract with Volt Workforce Solutions. Inspectors were on duty at city -owned public water accesses on variable schedules from May through October. This past boating season, inspectors were on -duty at Lake Ann and Lake Susan for 739 hours each and at Lotus Lake for 2,315 hours. Lotus Lake watercraft inspections will continue 7 days a week through November 15. The results of the City of Chanhassen 2014 Watercraft Inspection program through October 8 are shown in the table below. Total Inspections Total 3662 Susan 546 Ann Lotus 445 2671 Total Arrivals 2037 301 246 1490 Number arriving with plug in place 61 10 3 48 Percent arriving with plug in place 2.99% 3.32% 1.22% 3.22% If plug was in, people were asked if it was in when they arrived: Number who say they arrived with plug in 22 2 1 19 Percent who say they arrived with plug in 1.08% 0.66% 0.41% 1.28% Number arriving with aquatic plants 35 8 2 25 Percent arriving with aquatic plants 1.72% 2.66% 0.81% 1.68% Number arriving with zebra mussels 3 0 0 3 Percent arriving with zebra mussels 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.20% Number arriving with water on board 6 0 01 6 Percent arriving with water on board 0.29% 0.00% 0.00%1 0.40% The three watercraft arriving at the Lotus Lake boat landing with zebra mussels attached were stopped on June 8, August 5 and September 7, 2014. The boat arriving on June 8 at 8:23 am had last been on Prior Lake. The boat arriving on August 5 at 7:18 pm had last been on Lake Minnetonka. The boat arriving on September 7 at 12:41 pm had last been on Lake Minnetonka. The zebra mussel or mussels identified were attached to the watercraft, watercraft trailer or vegetation attached to the trailer. Clean, drain and dry your watercraft and trailer before every boating outing to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Zebra mussels have not been found in any of the three lakes being managed through the City of Chanhassen watercraft inspection program. Questions or input regarding the City's Aquatic Invasive Species Program may be directed to Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator at tieffery( ci.clxanhassen.mn.us or 952 -227- 1168 or Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director at thotfhlan c ),ci.chanhasscn.mn.us or 952 -227 -1129. n rW V H rW VL cn 0 �0 Q O Q Q GV � GV • 0 0 0 a) o� O cq O O o H cq W � O c a� co U 4) CO Q 0 O A z w a di O Cq O O H r� W H^ r'1 • • • • CC O O cq cc r CC CC U U m H ct bA m Pi bdo CO r P O i O Ct O CCS Ll Lid O U Gq 4-D �-I O N � O C O O O � U � c U� cH bA �1 CC NO I--I w w bio Cq C a Cd cq co f a Cn NA O ct C� o MO Z's °F=-1 W X #4 0 ^^ W Q • r-i mQ� � '• r-I c FE--i-i -� Q O I—I v Q W � � I NO W O 4 ° � n �i✓ '^ c cd ^O, � V r�n V L F--v Z's °F=-1 W X #4 U � c NO °rte cd F--v ® Cd bUV Cd m • r W O r-1 r--1 CCU . r-4 O C� Al cq co GJ9- i r14 cq r-� r---I O cq CI--a O M U) �-I V H N O cc cq O O O r� U O 5 I--i ►, O W r-W F-�•I Q C Lo cd CD h-�-I C W � O � CD cd O cd > cd cd • r W O r-1 r--1 CCU . r-4 O C� Al cq co GJ9- i r14 cq r-� r---I O cq CI--a O M U) �-I V H N O cc cq O O O r� U O 5 W V1 H H H W ED a W Q O Lo O cq a O � p® bA .� D O ® �+ 4--) N O °® � U $71 O c > M U1 cy m '� ,0 O cz 4 CU Ct O• o CU CL) rj) OO �i cc C� CZ bjD � � O C� ,-i O +� � ,' �' U ^CU ^O O ,-' O O U) O O 4� bA .� O ® N O °® � U $71 O c > M U1 cy W 4r\ O CO cd W �y V1 � W •� W � � w W o Q I O � o O � G�1 4--) Ct biD Q a� a� O 4J cd cd a� oF==l aA oF=l 0 4) oF==l 4=-D y i 0 C) D 0 E—+ O O Cl) ilk � CIQ bn O b 0 C °® CO ® ° �+ -� bn FH ON W 1' U� O Q � W �- '-� 0 0 �-I r-j W W � o co � O a W CO &g O � LO cq 4� C� C� co co Q� O O GO- "Id r.-4 c� O O cq ffD- N H O C� U .$:i C� .O C� 1 N V U1 O � N c � � > •o M .r-4 Cd. c� tt NO � o O O � NO U r-4 '� Cd a+ O O ON W TT� V1 Q W H W W Q O O G�1 F", cz � -d �e4 �� O W NO ® U F-4 WD � W Cd O O cz Cd Cd w � � � N 4=D � F—I b-0 U ®� di ct o �A +� O W P.4 O ° � U cC U O -� � '� C 0 m O U O O , rH O ® ® O O CO N w CCU CCU O O N N bjD Cd CU CCO O O N C) F I-D 14 -., 9%71" III Cd Ct .O Cd � U O � N � Q � Loll X E N O O O U U � C� CC NO Tcd v •> O c� • O 43 � O ell O � O � O p � C� IM cd N 4� U •� H Cd W c v W Cn Cr) .> C� bL Q � O •� O p � O O � cd O O O CO N w CCU CCU O O N N bjD Cd CU CCO O O N C) F I-D 14 -., 9%71" III Cd Ct .O Cd � U O � N � Q � Loll X E N O O O U U � C� CC NO Tcd v •> O c� • O 43 � O ell C� IM N 4� U •� c v � I .> C� C O p � O cd O N cd cn • cc ON U � � O 'Z� O -4-Q cd • H -4--) • �--� o � � o c� NO Cf) � o CC o� bjO a� Lo W GOD - � U Q Q � m W o o cq 44 Cq co cn Cri ,—r LEA Cq GOD- 0 Lo SID- CO Cq cc ° W bL co c O �+ W O 4-D O r-H • H Cd r-.j cV G4 0 0 0 ON U � � O 'Z� O -4-Q cd • H -4--) • �--� o � � o c� NO Cf) � o CC o� bjO a� W Q H M� C) a w Q 0 ►s, 0 a) 0 �Ll 4-D 4=' .F- � V==l °® 4=) ° 4=) ® ° Cd 10 F�d o F= cQ ® � ~� ° cd > l °� � � °FA � ® � ® � 4=D Cl � U ' U) � (:d 5:14 5:14 ® d a NO cd crd .® ® ° P-4 -� °� �� m � °® a) � ® ° ° F =l —d •� ® � co ® v F===l 1==-4 D W Cf) co U CO 0 M� W �+ • rU-I H � H � a o O O � n W U O O � W � w O CI-a O C� O NA 4-D O cr) ci U � O b!J C O 4� O � CO cc o � Q Ct � O c as ct *4-D cc NO N Ct a� C ct x � � ct co o U p O N O C4-4 co COD U O O ��•� 0 4-4 � p O C O Cf) o a O H H NO COD Q O O O cd i u .0 biDN CJ O w co m I-� d� ff� O cc SO- cz cd 0 NO biD . o .� O O GOD- 9 U U r-+ O � bio COD NO O � g� ° o o o � O � 0 0 0 O x H bL Lo M� W W G09- M � O H Q � O O GOD- O LEA � N Q +' NO Q � � W O Lo Lo � O O cd i u .0 biDN CJ O w co m I-� d� ff� O cc SO- cz cd 0 NO biD . o .� O O GOD- 9 U U r-+ O � bio COD NO O � g� ° o o o � O � 0 0 0 n n O H M� H nH I� W V O v a w Q 0 Lo 0 O °23 4-� „ � U � o N Cd b.0 > Cd O p ti O t-i" rI1 J o Cd U2 -- N Cd � U O � O � O Cd • � BOO � � '� "d '� Cd 0 0 � W) O �+ � P P-4 O zn ;-4 U O O O 0 °23 o N Cd O � U O � O � N � � Cd 4 U U M W Cd > O p • � � U � � p +D Cd '� U CC M a) O O N Cc U1 N -- ti Cd P Cd Cd ;-4 Cd Cll O W U + ' c4 ~ � N U . ,U.r a , �" .� (a) a� rL O Q a) g Q +� 0 4� � U wU a 0 O H r� ^H H m H W a w Q 0 Gq c� z a 0 CO � O NO O � NO � Cll � N O � bjO N N U Q x O N NO N O N Cll ct Cl) NO CAS CzN O � � O r--+ ;-4 � U C4-4 � U CCS N � � biD Cd � N CO � O NO O � NO � Cll � N O � bjO N N U Q x O N NO N O N Cll ct Cl) NO CAS CzN O � � O r--+ ;-4 � U C4-4 � U � N O C� Cd O bi) NO CO � O NO O � NO � Cll � N O � bjO N N U Q x O N NO N O N Cll ct Cl) NO CAS CzN O � � O r--+ ;-4 � U C4-4 � U C� Cd �1A L1A O CC Ici NO ,b- U•� NA .� O O O O O 0 0 bo OU CIS U CO � O NO O � NO � Cll � N O � bjO N N U Q x O N NO N O N Cll ct Cl) NO CAS CzN O � � O r--+ ;-4 � U C4-4 � U PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic Facilit Group Name (Optional) Procedure for Reserving Picnic Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall Impression of Facility Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 What did you enjoy most about the facility? (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added ?. What improvements do you feel would enhance the facility ?, ®o you have any suggestions or ideas to better,the picnic reservation process? -1-1- _ v t 6 , . , i Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it to: Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic Facility LE Group Name (Optional) j1 Procedure for Reserving Picnic Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall Impression of Facility Comments: Excellent Good ,average Fair Poor (Please circle one) 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5,) 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 � , --) /T A"v What did you enjoy most about the facility? /Zc1 /16, (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? 7 L /_ K--I !o /% What improvements do you feel would enhance the facility? <V kew S L-'°n° Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it to: Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952 - 227 -1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic Facility %�S Group Name (Optional)4 w r- Procedure for Reserving Picnic Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall Impression of Facility Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) 5� 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Comments: Q �:�� ( ���: ��G�$- ® r Ina ��_ ti�� ��� CAIAQ ,Ja -\C' What did you enjoy most about the fociIity? CA o<-R- Aa 1�-� j &P JJVL v;-bi) . c,1DS-4- ������� (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? What improvements do you feel would enhance the facility? Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? �f� (O nV cat.., (I c b v. C 1 1; iC e a Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it to: Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. oA-e PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317