CC Minutes 10-27-2014 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2014 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Laufenburger, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman, Greg Sticha, and Roger Knutson Mayor Furlong: Thank you and welcome everybody. Those here in the council chambers as well as those watching at home tonight. We’re glad that you chose to join us this evening. At this time I would ask if there are any changes or modifications to the agenda as published. I would announce for those who might be here for a couple items, the Economic Development Authority meeting that was posted for being on th this evening will be postponed and we will do that most likely now at our November 10 meeting. Also one of the public hearing items that was noticed and published, item I(1) relating to a metes and bounds th subdivision at 2061 West 65 Street is also been deleted for tonight’s agenda so if you’re here for either of those two items, we’re not going to be covering them this evening. With that are there any other changes or modifications from members of the council they’d like to discuss? If not then we’ll proceed with the agenda as published with those modifications that I mentioned. With that let’s begin this evening. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: INVITATION TO SEMINARY FEN WORK DAY. Mayor Furlong: I’d like to extend an invitation to everyone relating to the Seminary Fen fall clean-up event. This is the third annual Seminary Fen Fall Clean-Up that will take place on Saturday, November st 1. That’s this coming Saturday. Everyone is invited to spend the morning helping to restore the State designated scientific and natural area down along the Minnesota River. DNR staff will be on hand to lead the volunteers as they pull buckthorn, pick up trash and do other activities. Afterwards the volunteers will be invited to tour the fen with the DNR Naturalists and learn more about that unique area in our town. The event is sponsored by the Chanhassen Environmental Commission in partnership with the DNR. Volunteers will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the fen parking lot, right off County 61, Flying Cloud Drive. For st more information, including a location map can be found on our City’s website so again, November 1. Seminary Fen clean-up. That’s this coming Saturday. 9:00 a.m. down off of Flying Cloud Drive at the fen parking lot. Everyone is welcomed to help. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated October 13, 2014 2. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes dated October 7, 2014 3. Award of Bid, Neighborhood Park Shelters. 4. Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Reports: Resolution #2014-63: a. 2015 Street Rehabilitation Project 15-01. Resolution #2014-64: b. Kerber Boulevard Overlay Project 15-02. Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 5. Approval of Service Agreement for Joint Assessment with Carver County Assessor, 2015-2016. Resolution #2014-65: 6. TH 101 Project (Flying Cloud Drive to Pioneer Trail): Approve Resolution #2014-66: Resolution of Support for Federal Grant Applications for Reconstruction. Approve Resolution of Support for Federal Grant Applications for Pedestrian Trail Improvements. 7. Deleted. 8. Approval of Amendments to Personnel Policy to Comply with State Law. 9. Approval of Impound Contract with Countryside Veterinary Clinic. 10. Award of Bid: Security Improvements at City Hall, Public Works Building and Fire Station. 11. Vistas at Bentz Farm: Final Plat Approval and Approval of Development Contract and Plans & Specifications. 12. Approve Lease Amendment for T-Mobile Antenna on Minnetonka Middle School West Water Tower. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Furlong: This evening we have our monthly updates from our sheriff’s department and fire department. We’ll start with Lt. Jeff Enevold with the Carver County Sheriff’s Office. Good evening Lieutenant. Lt. Jeff Enevold: Good evening Mr. Mayor, council. I think I’ll get to address you as Mr. Mayor but one more time and that will be it. Is the clicker up here Kate? One more please. I just wanted to update you st on a, an update here. A burglary update that occurred on October 21 of this year. Deputies responded to a burglary where residents were over $25,000 of items were taken and our investigator the following day. Investigatory Raschke received information that the suspect that we had related to this burglary was arrested in a neighboring community for DUI and the car that he was arrested in matched a description from a witness of a car they had seen near the burglary update so Deputy Raschke went to the neighboring police department. Took a picture of the car. Brought it back to the witness and the witness said yeah, that’s the car that was there. So Detective Raschke and Detective Wagner assisted the City where he was arrested with a search warrant on the vehicle and they recovered half of the stolen property from their home. They went to jail. Interviewed the suspect and got a full confession of the burglary and we were able to return the stolen property to the owner so a great outcome and I just wanted to recognize the excellent work that was done from the initial response. The deputies going there. Taking all the necessary information and to the confession so just kind of underscores the importance of having an investigator up here that can gather all this information and take it and solve these crimes so. Next thing I want to do is bring Sergeant Wollin, Deputy Bengtson and Deputy Fiedler up here. I want to recognize th them on a call for service that they were on that is pretty unusual. Put up the next one. On October 6 at about 10:25 p.m. Deputy Bengtson and Deputy Fiedler responded to a medical of a pregnant female who was having contractions. They arrived and without getting into too much detail it was obvious they 2