CC Minutes 10-27-2014Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 Laurie Hokkanen: The base service starts at $87 an hour for mowing and then there’s a separate cost for weed treatment or if they need, often they need to use specialized equipment because they can’t go in there with their regular mowers. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. Laurie Hokkanen: And they charge on an hourly basis I believe in 20 minute increments. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. And so do we know how many properties they do? Laurie Hokkanen: It’s not very many. This summer I think there were 5 that we did more than once and maybe 4 or 5 times each. And maybe another 3 or 4 that we did once and then the property owner called or the property turned over and it got taken care of. It fluctuates from year to year but it’s never been a large problem for us. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay, thank you. Roger Knutson: Mayor just a quick comment on. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Knutson. Roger Knutson: On the stormwater. That’s specifically authorized, that charge is specifically authorized by statute and we follow the statute to the letter. It’s Minnesota Statute 444.075. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any other discussion? If not, without objection we can probably deal with both of these items in a single motion. If somebody would like to make the motion. Mr. McDonald. Councilman McDonald: Yes I’ll make a motion that we take both of them items and approve them. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion’s been made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none we’ll proceed with the vote. Resolution #2014-67:Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts the Resolution Certifying Delinquent Utility Accounts to the County Auditor. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Resolution #2014-68: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts the Resolution Certifying Delinquent Code Enforcement Accounts to the County Auditor. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. CHANHASSEN SPECIALTY GROCERY: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY AND TH FINAL PLAT FOR VILLAGES ON THE PONDS 11 ADDITION; AND SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 14,000 SQUARE FOOT ONE-STORY BUILDING WITH A VARIANCE TO THE SIGN LETTER SIZE; AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. APPLICANT/OWNER: VENTURE PASS PARTNERS/NORTHCOTT COMPANY. 9 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. This item did appear before the th Planning Commission on their October 7 meeting and they did recommend approval. Just wanted to give you a little background on the Villages on the Pond. It started, we put the PUD together in 1996 and everybody thought it would kind of come to fruition and a lot faster. It’s evolved. When the PUD was put together was for mixed use commercial as well as high density residential, institutional and office. Again one of the drivers on this site was actually St. Hubert’s Church was the large institutional use so they were kind of the engine that made this happen so the City was looking for an opportunity to put some other retail space. At the time it was put together we envisioned it’d be kind of more of a village concept, hence the words Villages on the Pond. Kind of maybe quaint, smaller stores. When Presbyterian Homes came in that was kind of the vision that we had which was the retail on the first floor and the residential above but it kind of ebbed and flowed. AmericInn was one of the early users too. Then with Houlihan’s. When Culver’s came in, the Planning Commission and the planning staff had recommended against the drive in because we thought was more traditional and not kind of the, what we envisioned this area. So as time elapsed and here we are a number of years later, there’s been things that we hadn’t thought of that came in. You know the Foss Swim School was great for kind of a gathering place. Kind of a nice thing and then we were excited when, then we got the Lakewind’s to come in because that was always an element too and you most recently approved the Village Shoppes at Chanhassen is another more restaurants there. So now right next to it then we have the specialty grocery going in. I don’t want to leave anybody off there. The Bookoo Bikes is always making a nice component but we’re down to kind of after this use we’re down to the two lots that are closer to St. Hubert’s but I just wanted to give you that background. How this thing has kind of evolved and kind of what the original vision was. Again adapting to the time and to the market. Being a little bit flexible as it’s moved forward. So as I stated this request before you is located on the corner of Lake Drive and Main Street and it’s, some of the parking here, as the platting itself encumbersome of the streets itself and I’ll go through that in a little bit more detail. So the request then is for preliminary and final plat for Villages on the th Pond 11 Addition and then the site plan for the Chanhassen Specialty Grocery with a variance on the sign. So the subdivision itself is creating one lot. Two lots but they’re just platting the one at this time. This would be a future lot and outlot. The Planning Commission and the staff did recommend, there’s parking on this. That that be included with the Lot 1 and that would also include extractions for stormwater fees and managing that since there will be hard cover on that. So this will be the final plat. This lot right here would be where the specialty grocery would go. Outlot A including some of the parking, shared parking and then Outlot B would be a future lot. This site plan itself is for a 14,000 square feet of the store. The parking would include the area adjacent to the store and then also the parking on the streets here. As I mentioned this was the additional 13 stalls so we straighten out that lot line. Again this outlot will be platted in the future and the stormwater pond will actually go on that site. This is the utilities. This area is all private utilities. Private streets so there’s no development contract with this project. Grading as I mentioned there will be a temporary stormwater pond located on the outlot and when that project comes in and a building goes there, they’ll actually put this underground stormwater management for that site. So the subdivision as proposed, again we’re making preliminary and final plat and it does meet all the conditions of the subdivision regulations. So the architecture itself, I have the material here, if anybody’s interested in seeing that in more detail but it does meet all of our architectural design standards. It’s a nice looking building with the orientation. Again there’s some of it’s closer to the street and so we’ve looked at ways to screen so we’ve got some interesting green walls where we’ve got large spanses close to the street, trying to break up that architecture which we’ve done with some of the other buildings. Some relief in the sight lines and then the kind of the pitched roof element. The standing seam siding. Screening some of the roof top equipment. They are requesting a sign variance. This shows in a little bit more detail their sight lines that I talked about. How we originally thought this being a village concept. How some of the things have changed where they’re actually, some of the uses for example event Culver’s are taking advantage of exposure from Highway 5. So this building has exposure on the two sides and that’s where they would get the requesting the 42 inch letters and on the north and the west, on the larger sign there. We’re not recommending on the east 10 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 elevation because that doesn’t have the same exposure so at the Planning Commission they spent some time talking about this and I just wanted to show you illustratively some of the other sign elements that are in this area. So there’s different iterations. If you look at AmericInn they have a taller, kind of a cupola where they’ve actually taken advantage of that so their sign is pretty large on that building. Catching the visibility. 11 by 17. And then Bookoo Bikes is 48 by 12 and they’re taking advantage of the fact that you know they’ve got a, kind of a logo that wraps around, as does AmericInn. Maybe the letters aren’t that big but the actual sign area. Chanhassen Community Bank also did like a cupola on the top too to get the visibility and their’s is fairly large and the 54 inches with the sign area, and the same with the Foss Swim School. And to also include Houlihan’s which is individual letters but on a 2.6 and 8 and then finally Lakewind’s which has kind of the double wording there so their’s is actually 5 feet high. So looking at the fact that, going back to the signage for the building. While it’s 48 inches, it’s high. It’s not, it’s individual letters. There’s no detail and trademark or anything like that. Would just be individual letters for the sign so the Planning Commission and the staff felt it was consistent with some of the other approaches we’ve taken in that development itself. So with that we are recommending approval of preliminary and final plat and site plan and we have the motion set out for you here and I’d be happy to answer any questions that you have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Questions for staff. Mr. Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Mayor. Kate, you kind of had a big picture of the Villages and this would be, with the exception of the two vacant’s next to St. Hubert’s this would kind of fill it out. Can you tell us anything about what kind of tenant turnover has occurred, if any within the Villages. Within the Villages on the Ponds. Do you know of any? Kate Aanenson: That’s a good question. I would say the, right now we know that Starbuck’s is looking to move out. They want to get a drive thru. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Kate Aanenson: There’s been a few in that building. Councilman Laufenburger: How about in the Summerwood area? I know there’s some retail frontage. Kate Aanenson: A few in there too. Yeah. Councilman Laufenburger: Those are relatively small offices or. Kate Aanenson: Retail space. Councilman Laufenburger: Spaces. Yeah, retail space. Kate Aanenson: Yep, we’ve had a few changes in there but obviously the hotel, Houlihan’s, Bookoo Bikes have been there for a long time. Foss Swim School. Yeah, and Culver’s have done well there. Mayor Furlong: I think what I’m thinking and I think maybe the single tenant users, buildings have stayed pretty much the same. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Mayor Furlong: But there has been some turnover with the multi-tenant commercial sites. 11 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 Kate Aanenson: That’s correct, yep. Some of the restaurants have gone in or out. Councilman Laufenburger: Also Ms. Aanenson some residents have asked me what the difference is between a specialty grocery versus a grocery. Can you speak to that? Is it possible to speak to that? Kate Aanenson: I think it’s just a unique type of a grocery store. That’s the best I can do. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Mayor Furlong: So if you look up special in the dictionary you might be defined as unique. Unique might be one of the defining words. Councilman Laufenburger: Where’s my Thesaurus when I need it right? Thank you Kate. Mayor Furlong: That was good. Other questions for Ms. Aanenson. Kate Aanenson: I could answer it this way. Lakewind’s would probably be a specialty too. They cater to probably maybe a certain slice of the population. Councilman Laufenburger: So I would take then perhaps like an ethnic grocery store. Kate Aanenson: Sure. Councilman Laufenburger: That would be a specialty, is that correct. Kate Aanenson: Like a deli, sure. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay, alright. Okay, thank you. Mayor Furlong: The, and I guess to lead off that. That type of use is a permitted use under the PUD, is that correct? Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. And with regard to the sign variance and the size of the letters, with regard to and maybe this is as much a legal question as it is, well it’s a question for staff. Whoever wants to answer it. As I understood as you were describing that the specific request here is for a letters only sign. Unlike the examples you used, AmericInn, Lakewind’s, the others. Bookoo Bikes even. Kate Aanenson: Bookoo Bikes, yeah. Mayor Furlong: Is the letters are part of a bigger sign. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Correct. Mayor Furlong: And so this is, and so those letters may be meeting the 30 inch minimum that is required under the PUD standards, but the sign itself is bigger. And in this case the variance is being requested it’s a letter only sign. There is no bigger field or broader sign than that. Is that my understanding? Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. 12 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Okay. So is the variance then written such that it is only for a letter only sign or would it be available to take, because we don’t know who the user might be or the user could change over time. Even though it hasn’t. Is the variance written that you could put larger than 30 inch letters and then a bigger sign as well? How is that? Do you understand my question? Roger Knutson: The request is for the letters only to be larger. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Roger Knutson: So that’s what the variance will allow. Just that. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And that was our interpretation and our recommendation, that’s correct. Mayor Furlong: Is there, are the requirements in the PUD with regard to the size of the sign as well? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: So the Bookoo Bikes sign, the Lakewind’s sign, the AmericInn sign, those signs fit within the PUD requirements including the 30 inch letters. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Although the difference of, a couple of them were, because we intended them to be lower profile at the time when this was put together. The Villages. We didn’t anticipate for example the bank wanting better visibility. Going up higher. Mayor Furlong: And that was. Kate Aanenson: That was a variance for that, correct. Mayor Furlong: A variance was requested for that. Kate Aanenson: Correct. And same with the hotel for, to get higher. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: More visibility. Mayor Furlong: So with the multiple variances that have been there, does it make sense to take a look at the entire PUD? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: And update the sign requirements within the PUD. Kate Aanenson: Yes, yes. And I think that’s, we’ve talked about doing that. Coming back and just looking at, there were two approaches to do that. Going back and just amending the PUD to change the standards. 13 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 Mayor Furlong: Okay. And I guess that would be my recommendation so that we don’t have some users that might be limiting themselves to 30 inch letters with a bigger sign. If the expect, if time has changed expectations going forward, then perhaps just relooking at that. Those requirements of the PUD. Kate Aanenson: I think that’s wise, yeah. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Alright. Kate Aanenson: Because we do have two other buildings that are going to come in in the future too. Mayor Furlong: Right. And we have existing users that may want to. Kate Aanenson: Would change, correct. Mayor Furlong: Modify their signs to be consistent with their neighbors. Okay. Alright. And other than the PUD limitations on the sign, is what’s been shown to you and being requested as part of this variance, I think I read it in the staff report. That would meet our current city ordinance so they’re not trying to do something that’s beyond or outside of our current ordinance, is that correct? Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. So other than the fact that they’re in the Villages on the Ponds which has a separate PUD zoning requirement with some limitations on signs, if they were in a general downtown what they’re asking for. Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Mayor Furlong: Would meet the ordinance. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Any other questions on any of the development? Anything? Alright. Is the applicant here this evening? You’re welcome to come forward and address the council. Good evening. Randy Rauwerdink: Yeah, Mr. Mayor, council. It’s our pleasure to introduce the project to you. My name is Randy Rauwerdink. Vice President with Venture Pass Partners. Mayor Furlong: Welcome. Randy Rauwerdink: And also with me tonight is Dave Carlin, the President of Venture Pass Partners. Mayor Furlong: Good. Randy Rauwerdink: See we’ve been working the last several months very close with Kate and with Bob and with staff and I think we’ve put together and crafted a very thoughtful project that’s going to be an exciting, good addition to this neighborhood and community as a whole. Not a lot to add to the staff report. There were several conditions of approval that came out of the Planning Commission or just prior to the Planning Commission and we did respond with our engineers and architects I think even by the days just following the Planning Commission and we have addressed I think each and every one of those conditions I believe to the staff’s satisfaction. Nothing that was particularly onerous or difficult but 14 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 relating to some landscape issues, some stormwater issues. A little bit on building materials and I think we’ve addressed all of that very thoughtfully. Really not a lot to add other than that. Any questions that you have of us as applicants we’d be happy to entertain. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions of the applicant? Councilman Laufenburger: Just one. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Your name again was Randy? Randy Rauwerdink: Randy. Councilman Laufenburger: Randy. So I appreciate your responding to the conditions because as, in your response to the conditions do you think there’s anything that will preclude you and your potential tenant from moving forward with their plans? Randy Rauwerdink: Other than, in relation to the conditions? Councilman Laufenburger: Yeah. I mean that you had to respond to some conditions that came out of the Planning Commission meeting so are you, you’re prepared to move forward with the development with those conditions? Randy Rauwerdink: Yeah. We’re, yeah. Absolutely. Councilman Laufenburger: Good. That’s what I needed to hear. Thank you very much. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other questions of the applicant? I know there was a public hearing at the Planning Commission and some parties did speak there as well. There have been a few changes and modifications to the conditions and such since then so if there are some additional comments that people would like to provide to the council here this evening we would certainly welcome any public comments that some people may want to offer. No? Okay. Thank you. Let’s bring it back to council then for discussion. Thoughts and comments. On another development in Villages on the Ponds. It’s coming like babies to deputies here these last few meetings now so. It’s good to see development happening. Very much so in this area. It has been a number of years since we’ve seen any development in the Villages on the Ponds and it’s nice to see that we’re, in our work session tonight talking about economic development opportunities within the downtown. There’s lots going on and this is part of it so very nice to see this happening and it sounds like it will be a good addition. Any other comments or thoughts? Mr. McDonald, comments. Councilman McDonald: Well you’ve got most of them but yeah, it’s good to see this particular site beginning to fill out. You know with the other approval that we just did at the last council meeting and such. Now we’re down to two lots within the area and I think that they’ll be taken care of shortly also but this does bring something to completion within Village on the Ponds and will make for a nice addition and I think it will make a nice area for those of us in the city to go to and shop and eat and all kinds of stuff so I’m glad to see it happening. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Other comments. Councilman Laufenburger. 15 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 Councilman Laufenburger: Yeah I just want to relay some comments that some residents have shared with me that they’re very pleased to see the, the street between Summerwood and St. Hubert’s completed and I know that one of the developers in the area is with us tonight and I think it’s important that she know that their efforts to complete that has been very much appreciated by the citizens so I just want to go on record as saying that. Thanks. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. I’ve heard from a business owner in the area too and they’re very excited about getting some of the vacant lots filled in and with more business activity in the area. They’re confident that it’s going to help everybody in the area and that’s usually the way it works. As a business area or commercial retail area develops and there’s more activity there and that’s good for everybody so they’re excited about the opportunity as well. With that, if there are other comments great. Otherwise would somebody like to make a motion? Councilwoman Ernst: Mr. Mayor, I’ll make the motion. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst. Councilwoman Ernst: I make a motion City Council approve the preliminary and final plat for Villages th on the Ponds 11 Addition, site plan for Chanhassen Specialty Grocery with a variance to the sign letter size on the north and west building elevations, subject to the modified conditions of the Planning th Commission staff report. The development contract for Villages on the Ponds 11 Addition and adopts the Findings of Fact. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman Laufenburger: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion’s been made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Seeing none we’ll proceed with the vote. Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded that the City Council approve th the preliminary and final plat for Villages on the Ponds 11 Addition; and approve the site plan for Chanhassen Specialty Grocery with a variance to the sign letter size on the north and west building elevations subject to the following conditions; and the Development Contract for Villages on the th Ponds 11 Addition; and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Subdivision 1. The final plat shall include a 20-foot drainage and utility easement centered over the public utilities within Outlot A. 2. The fees collected with the final plat are: a. Surface Water Management fee: $46,377.06 b. Park Dedication fee: $33,875 c. GIS fee: $25 (plat) + ($10/parcel x 3 parcels) = $55 3. City water (WAC), City sewer (SAC) and Metropolitan Council sewer (Metro SAC) fees will be collected with the building permit and will be calculated based on the uses within the building. 4. Prior to issuance of the building permit the applicant must record a drainage and utility easement, or other equivalent protection as agreed to by the city, over the Ecostorm and the sand filter basin. This 16 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 recorded easement must specifically address who is responsible to own and maintain the system and must meet the requirements spelled out in Part III.D.5.(5) of the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System (NPDES/SDS) Permit Program. Site Plan with Variance Building: 1. The buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 4. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Engineering: 1. The western portion of Pond Promenade shall be at least 26 feet wide to meet the City’s minimum requirement for a private street serving two-way traffic. Fire Marshal: 1. “No Parking Fire Lane” signs and yellow-painted curbing will be required. Contact Fire Marshal for specifics. Natural Resource Specialist: 1. The applicant shall install trees in the larger landscape peninsulas located along Pond Promenade on the north and west sides of the lot. 2. The applicant shall re-submit a corrected landscape plan to the city prior to construction. Planning: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2. Install two benches east of the building on Main Street. The applicant should also consider providing additional benches on site and along Pond Promenade. The applicant shall provide benches similar to others used in Villages on the Ponds. 3. Change the design of the ECO mesh green wall to be slightly curved (in footprint) to help break the monotony of the long, straight wall along the street. 17 Chanhassen City Council – October 27, 2014 4. The street/sidewalk lights along Main Street have to be preserved and operational when the site construction is completed. 5. Additional landscaping shall be provided to the south of the building. Water Resources: 1. The applicant must provide adequate evidence that there is no area on the subject property suitable for infiltration. The discussion must include the practicality of altering the site layout. 2. The applicant must provide volume control to the maximum extent practicable and must provide a discussion of the feasibility of other methods of volume reduction. 3. The applicant must provide water quality modeling, acceptable under Section 19-144(a)(1)c. of Chanhassen City Code, showing that the water quality treatment conditions are met for the required water quality volume from all new impervious surfaces. 4. A comprehensive, stand-alone SWPPP document with all elements required by Part III of the NPDES construction permit and Section 19-145 of city code shall be prepared and submitted to the City for review and comment before any earth-disturbing activities, including but not limited to dewatering of the pond, removal of any existing surfaces or structures, and removal of vegetation. 5. Any dewatering of the pond must have a dewatering plan, approved by the city, prior to executing. This plan must assure that no sediment-laden water leaves the site and shall be incorporated into the SWPPP. 6. The applicant must comply with the requirements of all other jurisdictional agencies with authority over the project area. 7. The applicant will be responsible for procurement of any permission required by any other agencies with authority over the project. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Furlong: Very good, thank you and welcome to Chanhassen. Randy Rauwerdink: Thank you. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Furlong: I’d like to take the liberty of starting this evening under council presentations we have with us this evening for her final meeting our Assistant City Manager, Laurie Hokkanen. Laurie’s been with the City for 8 years and has served as the Assistant City Manager during that time. She has been the City’s liaison with our business, civic organizations. The Chamber of Commerce. Buy Chanhassen. She was instrumental in getting the Yellow Ribbon of Chanhassen off the ground and to recognition back in 2012 as a Yellow Ribbon City and I’m personally aware and there are probably some that I’m aware of, of service men and women and their families that organization has helped and I know that’s been a passion of Laurie’s and our city has benefitted from that. She has been, as Assistant City Manager she heads up our human resources functions. Deals with EDA. Our Economic Development Authority. Manages the TIF districts that we have in town. Cable TV. You’ve received one or two calls I think about cable TV. 18