Letter from MN DEED 10-23-2014Department of Employment and Economic Development October 23, 2014 Steve Dakolios, President Federal Package Network, Inc. 4044 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Mr. Steve Dakolios: I am pleased to inform you that Federal Package Network Inc.'s application for Job Creation Fund designation is approved. As outlined in the application, Federal Package Network Inc. is expected to have $1,063,225 in eligible capital expenditures and create 37 new jobs. Based on those and other factors, the Department of Employment and Economic Development will provide up to $147,161 in a Job Creation Fund award to Federal Package Network Inc., consisting of up to $94,000 in a job creation award and $53,161 in a capital investment rebate. The contract will have a four (4) year term. A business subsidy agreement is being prepared by the Business and Community Development Division staff. They will also provide you with additional information on performance goals, reporting and requesting funds. For additional information, contact Emily Johnson, Job Creation Fund Program Manager, at 651- 259 -7450. Thank you for your investment and job creation in Minnesota. We are excited about your expansion and look forward to your long -term success. My best regards, Katie Clark Sieben Commissioner C: Senator Julianne Ortman Representative Joe Hoppe Mr. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Business and Community Development Division 1 st National Bank Building ■ 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 ■ Saint Paul, MN 55101 -1351 USA ■ www.mn.gov /deed Toll Free: 800 -657 -3858 ■ Phone: 651- 259 -7114 ■ Fax: 651- 296 -5287 ■ TTY: 651- 296 -3900 AN EQUALI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND SERVICE PROVIDER