CC Minutes 11-10-2014 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Pledge to the Flag was done during the EDA meeting. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Laufenburger, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson and City Attorney Andrea Poehler PUBLIC PRESENT: Bruce Lamo 607 Washington Avenue So, Minneapolis Mayor Furlong: Start with asking members of the City Council whether there are any changes or modifications to the agenda. If not we’ll proceed with the City Council agenda as published. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated October 27, 2014 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated October 21, 2014 Resolution #2014-70: 3. 2015 Sanitary Sewer Televising Project 15-01-1: Approve Quote. Resolution #2014-71: 4. West Water Treatment Plan: Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Study. Resolution #2014-72: 5. Approval of Resolution Participating in the Livable Communities Act. 6. Establish Fees for Graves and Interments at the Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetery. 7. Shops at Chanhassen, Halifax Development, LLC: Resolution #2014-73: a. Resolution Approving Conveyance of EDA Property to the City of Chanhassen. Resolution #2014-74: b. Resolution Approving Final Plat, Chanhassen Retail Fourth Addition. Resolution #2014-75: 8. Approval of Resolution Transferring Fund Balance. 9. Award of Bid, Large Diameter Hose for Fire Department, EQ-137. Resolution #2014-76: 10. Approval of Resolution Establishing a Cemetery Fund. Chanhassen City Council – November 10, 2014 11. Dakota Retail Property, Chanhassen Dakota Retail One, LLC: a. Approval of Amendment to Purchase Agreement. b. Approval of DEED Grant Agreement. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. TWIN CITIES SELF STORAGE, 1900 STOUGHTON AVENUE: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1987-02 TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF STORAGE BUILDINGS; AND APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN FOR FIVE ADDITIONAL STORAGE BUILDINGS; APPLICANT/OWNER: BRUCE LAMO, TWIN CITIES SELF STORAGE, CHASKA, LLC. Kate Aanenson: Can I just get clarification if you can see this on your screen? Mayor Furlong: Oh I should say, yeah. We are having some technical difficulties with the monitors this evening so we may not be able to. I don’t know if we can broadcast them or not but we don’t have them in the council chambers. Kate Aanenson: Okay. So this item as you mentioned Mayor, council members is on 1900 Stoughton Avenue. Mr. Bruce Lamo, the applicant. This property is zoned Business Fringe. If you recall the history on this property, we did do a conditional use amendment on the, he’s requesting a conditional use amendment from the original one that was done. As you recall this property was split and the conditional use that over rode the entire property, there was some ambiguity there so we changed our ordinance to make sure that there’s an existing conditional use. You can administratively split the property. So that, the storage unit did put in a stormwater pond to the back to resolve some of those issues and now Mr. Lamo wants to continue with additional phases so it needs a CUP amendment. Some of the concerns when we had the Planning Commission public hearing was to make sure that there’s screening across the street on Stoughton Avenue. They were concerned about the visibility. The staff did require Mr. Lamo, I do have the material samples here to match the existing or the architectural standards. Not what was put in place then but to meet the new standards. As you may be aware, these types of buildings can last quite a while on a piece of property so we wanted to make sure. I think the other discussion that we had with Mr. Lamo and Mr. Generous and myself talking to him about long term wise we looked at some of the access points to this property. We talked about this on our 61 corridor study that we did. We informed Mr. Lamo that that is our intention to bring sewer and water down in this area and that if we’re down in that area before this developed there’s still an opportunity to provide municipal services to the back of this property coming through an access way through Chaska and making sure that he’s provided an opportunity so I think we’re in sync on that to make sure that, provide him the most opportunities for future development as possible. So right now he’ll be kind of doing the buildings in increments. Not attending them all see how he, how much use there is but again he’s planning on five additional buildings again to taking those incrementally. So the BF district again was intended to look at limited use of commercial properties if this was guided industrial it still could be a use in that zoning district so we did take a look at that but again we are coming forward with the Comprehensive Plan amendment in this area itself. The difference with the BF district in the, when that was put in place is intended to be kind of a temporary use without municipal sewer and water. If this was some other type of facility we’d want to see that. The one issue with the BF district it does require the 40 percent, which is a higher percent of green space requirement so that does limit the ultimate development of the property so again looking at providing municipal service and giving him that opportunity. So cold storage warehousing is permitted in the BF district so we are saying it does meet the standards of the zoning district and as the site plan, 2