CC Staff Report 11-24-2014CITY OF 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.2271100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.2271180 Fax 952.2271190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.2271120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952 2271125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website wwaciohan hassen.mn.us 6M.— MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Sharmeen Al -Jaff, Senior Planner DATE: November 24, 2014 IIAW SUBJ: Moline's Addition Metes and Bounds Subdivision Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition - Planning Case #2014 -30 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots subject to the conditions of the staff report and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision." City Council approval requires a majority vote of City Council present. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting metes and bounds subdivision approval to divide 30,324 square feet into two lots. City council may approve a metes and bounds subdivision of a lot into two lots inside the urban services area if both resulting lots meet the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance and abut an existing public street, pursuant to Section 18 -37 (b) of the Chanhassen City Code. PROPOSAL SUMMARY Request for a metes and bounds subdivision of 30,324 square feet (0.69 acres) into two (2) lots on property zoned Single- Family Residential (RSF) and legally described as Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition (2061 West 651s Street). Applicant: JMBC — James Brudos 14846 Timber Hills Road Minnetonka, MN 55345 (612) 855 -4949 Jmbrudoscompany@gmail.com Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65th Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 2 of 8 Owner: John Corey 6409 Oxbow Bend Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 221 -8923 Coreyonel994 @gmail.com The site contains a single - family home which is proposed to remain. Access to the site is gained via West 65th Street. The site contains a low area along the southwest comer of the property. There is a septic mound west of the existing single - family home that is proposed to be removed. There are some mature trees on the site. The majority of the trees are proposed to remain undisturbed. — — t.4 - West 65th Street r • • L • 40 BLOCK �2 53l 3A'lt £ td9 E4 Min Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65h Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 3 of 8 The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property and locate a single - family home on the westerly portion of the site. The proposed subdivision meets city ordinance requirements and staff is recommending approval subject to the conditions of this staff report. BACKGROUND The Moline's Addition plat was filed with Carver County on December 29, 1969. The existing home was built in 1981. No other records exist. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article XII, "RSF" Single - Family Residential District LAND USE: Residential Low Density (1.2 — 4.0 units per net acre) SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting a metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots. The net density of the development is 2.8 units per acre. Both parcels meet all the lot area, width and depth requirements. Parcel 2, which contains a single- family home, will have a total hard surface coverage of 24 %. The city code allows up to 25 %. The existing structure meets all required setback requirements. EASEMENTS MOLINE'S ADDITION .e The developer proposes 10 -foot front and rear yard and 5 -foot side yard drainage and utility easements on each lot, as shown on the plans. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65b Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 4 of 8 A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul- de -sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10 /parcel. STREETS The proposed subdivision is adjacent to West 65"' Street, a 25 -foot wide public street within a 60 -foot wide right of way without curb and gutter. This street was constructed in 1979 and was overlaid in 2013. The current standard for new streets within Chanhassen is 31 feet wide with curb and gutter. Staff does not recommend that the developer install curb and gutter along the property frontage since the remainder of the roadway would remain a rural section. UTILITIES There is one sewer and one water service within West 65h Street that provides service to the existing home. The developer proposes to install a new sewer service to the existing home. Prior to recording the subdivision, a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. A new water service will be installed to service the proposed lot. The water main is outside of the street, therefore, there will be no street restoration required with this installation. Based on the property file in the Building Department the well servicing the existing home was sealed in 2011. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886 /unit= $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664 /unit = $664 The remainder of the water and sewer hookup fees shall be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. GRADING & EROSION CONTROL Surface water currently drains from the back to the front of the property. The developer proposes grading on Parcel 1; Parcel 2 with the existing home will not be altered. The developer will install a private storm sewer system on the Parcel 1 and grade the property so that surface runoff will not leave the site. The proposed private storm sewer system will connect to the city storm sewer in front of Parcel 1. A plumbing permit is required for the private stone sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city stone sewer manhole. Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65t` Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 5 of 8 There is evidence of high groundwater conditions in the area: Infiltration into a sanitary sewer manhole in the area. The infiltration was abated with the 2013 street project. 2. Site investigation performed in 1980 by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. (attached) indicated mottled soils on the property 18 inches below the surface. Mottled soils are indicative of periodic soil saturation. Site investigation performed in 1981 by Subterranean Engineering, Inc. (attached) indicating presence of water during borehole drilling, rising to 2.6 feet below the ground surface. 4. Site investigation performed by Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc on October 25, 2014. On Parcel 1 the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18 -40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab - on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18 -40 (4) 2 (i). Interstate Geotechnical Engineering recommendations include removal of some of the material found on the site and placement of controlled fill. On November 13, 2014 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering provided a follow -up letter with a professional opinion that the groundwater elevation will return to its original level after the soil corrections are completed on the lot. PARKS AND RECREATION The proposed subdivision is located within an area that is in the municipal park service boundaries of Pheasant Hill Park and the Minnetonka Middle School West Campus. The property has access to the city's comprehensive trail system located on Galpin Boulevard. In lieu of parkland dedication or trail construction, the development shall pay full park fees in force for the one new lot at the time of subdivision approval. Parks fees for 2014 are $5,800.00 per single - family lot. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant did not submit tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. Estimated calculations are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands ) .....................30,324 SF Baseline canopy coverage .............. ............................26% or 8,160 SF Minimum canopy coverage allowed ..........................30% or 9,097 SF Proposed tree preservation ............. ............................25% or 7,720 SF Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65d' Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 6 of 8 The applicant does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed; therefore, the difference between the baseline and proposed tree preservation is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replacement plantings: Difference in canopy coverage ........ ..........................1,377 SF Multiplier....................................... ............................1.2 Total replacement ............................. ..........................1,652 SF Total number of trees to be planted ...........................1 tree The total number of trees required for the development is one. There are no bufferyard requirements for this subdivision. MISCELLANEOUS A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the hispections Division before building permits can be issued. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. COMPLIANCE TABLE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Buildine The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Area (s q. ft.) Width (ft.) Depth ft. Setbacks Code 15,000 90 125 Front /Rear 30' Sides 10' Parcel 15,165 97.50 155.5 30/30/10/10 Parcel 15,159 97.50 155.5 30/30/10/10 Total 30,324 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council approve the subdivision creating two lots subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Buildine The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 651' Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 7 of 8 Engineering 1. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul -de -sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. 3. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10 /parcel. 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886 /unit = $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664 /unit = $664 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18 -40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18 -40 (4) 2 (i). Environmental Resource Specialist 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the front yard. Todd Gerhardt 2061 West 65' Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision November 24, 2014 Page 8 of 8 Parks 1. Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single - family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Plannine Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. Water Resource Coordinator 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision. 2. Resolution with attachments. 3. Development Review Application. 4. Reduced Copy Existing Conditions Survey. 5. Reduced Copy Lot Split Exhibit. 6. Reduced Copy Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 7. Reduced Copy Utility Plan. 8. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. 9. Soil Percolation report from Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. dated September 2, 1980. 10. Soil Investigation report from Subterranean Engineering, Inc. dated June 29, 1981. 11. Subsurface Soil Investigation Letters from Patrick J. Hines, PE, President of Interstate Geotechnical Engineering Inc. dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. 12. Correspondence from: a. Chris Jerdee dated September 26, 2014. b. Terry Atherton dated October 27, 2014 c. Bill and Judy Ashenbach dated October 29, 2014 g1plan\2014 planning cases\2014 -30 2061 west 65th street metes & bomds\staff report2.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION IN RE: Application of John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for Subdivision approval. On November 24, 2014 the Chanhassen City Council met at it's regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for a metes and bounds subdivision approval to create two lots. The City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The City Council heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single - Family Residential District, RSF. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this subdivision ordinance; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. 5. The planning report #2014 -30 dated November 24, 2014, prepared by Sharmeen AI -Jaff, et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the metes and bounds subdivision creating two lots. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 24h day of November, 2014. CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL IM Mayor CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: November 24, 2014 MOTION BY: RESOLUTION NO: 2014- BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION CREATING TWO PARCELS AT 2061 WEST 65th STREET WHEREAS, John J. and Kimberly E. Corey have requested a subdivision of the property into two lots of 15,165 square feet and 15,159 square feet; and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen City Council held a public hearing on November 24, 2014, and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the metes and bounds subdivision of 2061 West 65' Street (Planning Case #2014 -30) for John J. and Kimberly E. Corey for property legally described as Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, subject to the following conditions: Buildin The existing structure on proposed Parcel 2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection — permit required. 2. Properties must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Site on proposed Parcel 1 must be properly discontinued and abandoned — permit required. En inga eering The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a "Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes" document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul -de -sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision) plus $10 /parcel. 4. Prior to recording the subdivision a $10,000 security must be provided to ensure that the street is restored. The security can be released when the city determines that the patch is in good condition after one freeze -thaw cycle. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for the new lot, a portion of which shall be collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: Water: 1 unit x $1,886 /unit= $1,886 Sewer: 1 unit x $664 /unit = $664 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2014, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. The remaining 70% of the sanitary sewer and water hookup fees must be paid with the building permit at the rate in effect at that rime. 8. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 9. On Parcel 1, the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18 -40 (4) 2 (iii) is a slab -on -grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations, the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the ground elevation of the soil boring. The developer must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18 -40 (4) 2 (i). Environmental Resource S ecn ialist 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to grading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Parcel 1 is required to have one tree planted in the front yard. Parks Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single - family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. Planning 1. Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in the attached exhibits titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014. 2 Water Resource Coordinator 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 24a' day November of 2014. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hines, PE 8167 100 St S Cottage Grove MN 55016 (612) 414 -5770 25 October 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timber Hill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 65th St, Chanhassen, Minn CITY 0FCHANHASSEIi RECEIVED NOV 0 4 ?014 CHANHPMEIE PANNING[]Ep7 In accordance with your authorization, I have completed the above referenced investigation to determine site suitability for the proposed construction. A summary of my findings together with boring logs and my conclusions and recommendations are presented in the enclosed report. I found, as you already have been briefed, more than usual problems with the site. There is a total of 5'/4'& 04 at the locations of Boring 1 & Probe 1A, respectively, of unsuitable soil in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, and buried original humus. Below at first is a low sand content lean clay, generally dark in color, saturated, very soft to soft (w/ depth). It is "normally consolidated" (consolidated enough to only support its own weight, not additional weight of fill soils or structures above). The overburdening fill has not been inplace long enough to force further consolidation. The moisture content test in this material indicated nearly 42 %, high for a lean clay. This material extends only from 53/4 to 7' in Boring 1, but from 61/4 to 83/2 in Probe 1A. The first 9" of this material in Probe IA is very soft and is a borderline marl material. All of the aforementioned materials are unsuitable for structure support should be removed. I do acknowledge that excavators are often reluctant to excavate further once the buried organic soil is cleared, so understandings should be inplace at the time of gathering bids. Base soil below at first is a lean clay, a little sandy, dark gray, saturated, rather soft to medium. It has inclusions of a poorly graded (biased finer grained) sand with a few fines, also dark gray, saturated, loose to firm. Deepest soil, commencing at I Pin Boring 1, is a lean clay, rather sandy, dark gray, low gravel content, medium. Theses materials are glacial till. The sand inclusions in the upper portion are glacial outwash. All of these base mineral soils are suitable for residential construction, with conditions. Refusal to auger advancement was not encountered by boring termination depth of 23', indicating lack of bedrock to this level. Very importantly, groundwater was found in the main Boring at 1.8' (elev 96'/4±). It is aquifer groundwater, but marginally so. It appears to be contained primarily in the sand inclusions at 7' +. But it also is coming from the upper soft and very soft clay, possibly from SCANNED Mr James Rudos 25 October 2014 Page 2 the lower organic soil. Proper construction on the site (removing the softer lean clay, promoting good site drainage) will mitigate some of this. Thus, water found presently can be regarded as a maximum level. Slab grade of the proposed residence should be set in accordance with City requirements utilizing this level. I recommend complete removal of all unsuitable soil which is likely to be the fill and buried organic soil as encountered plus the overly soft clay found in both the boring and probe. While this amounts only to another V/a in the vicinity of Boring 1, it is another 2'+ in the vicinity of Probe 1A. As indicated, excavators may be reluctant to excavate below organic soil level, but it is necessary (see longer discussion in the report). It is so important that full time inspection of the excavation by a soils engineer may be necessary. Of course, other zones of unsuitable soil not represented by the boring and probe could still be encountered due to the nature of small volume random sampling. Any other depths or zones of unsuitable soil should be removed as well. You could lower footings somewhat so that you have to provide less oversizing and not stray onto the neighbor's property. But footings here should not be lowered so much as to rest directly upon the suitable base soil as it is only marginally suitable. You need a little fill (2' is recommended) to spread footing loads out with depth. Footings maybe generally designed allowing the usual 2000 psf foundation bearing capacity, which will likely result in normal strip or pad footings. Special attention is again drawn to the advisory that excavations be examined by the Soils Engineer to verify soil boring results and to document adequacy of site preparation. Again this is very important as how much soft/very soft clay must be removed will require a high degree of field judgment. Fill, as used, should be tested for compaction adequacy. Soil correction should not be abated below slabs in any manner (ie, do not let the excavator try to "trench around" slab areas). Thank you for the opportunity to have been of service. If you have any questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, RSTATE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, Inc a 'ck J Hines, P> President enclosures pH/SC SOIL BORING LOG Patrick J Hines,, PE 8167 100th St Proposed Single Family Residence — �`�b" "� •m JJV 10 _ PROJECT: West of 2061 W -.5th St Chanhassen, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION: IN 98.1 /-- FEET DESCRIPTION AND GEOLOGY N WS SAMrLE LAB 3 OTHER TESTS CLASSIFICATION # TYP' R W DE, _ L.L. DZF- LEAN CLAY, variably sandy, Organic (OL �'1 I Topsoil il P. L. set _ ue Black, w/ tr's mineral Soil, + Fill N 1 HA very moist, loose to firm "' 96 LEAN CCAY, somewhat sandy, Pred Dark Gray (CL) w/ a.-little Organic Fill (elev ° +)2 HA 2 Soil, w/ tr gravel j }moist to very moist, loose to firm 3ILEAN CLAY, rather silty, Organic (OL) Buried 3 HA Black, w/ small roots, tr's undecom- Humus 4 posed vegetation, saturated, rather i borderline Sapric Peat in soft 5 per ortion I j sl lighter, less organic, w/ depth 5.75 LEAN CLAY, a itt a sandy, y, ery Dark to Lacustrine Y 4 HA 41.9 Dark Gray (CL), very soft to soft (w/ Deposit 77 — depth) Poop y a pre amine gr, w med, tr cs). w/ a few fines, Dark Gray Glacial Y 5 7} 8/13 -;'saturated, loose to firm Till w/ banded w/ LEAN CLAY, a little sandy, Outwash inclusion I Y 6 FA 25.6 Dark. Gray (CL), saturated, rather soft to j soft to medium @ 8P+ 10 more of clay, less of sand, w/ j depth 11 LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray Glacial N 7 FA 12, (CL), w/ a little gravel Till saturated, medium I 13J I I 14 j I 15� I I 8 FA � I I _� 16- J 17- i 18 I 19 20 21 j I SW 0�5 mph± Breez9 Mostly (rnnt-iiaued next- qbpgt) (24t") 70jF +, Clear, eather: C23td) 70 °F±, — WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS DRILLING DATA Cf6aF, -�1 DATE I TIMI, I �]YS SAMPLED CASING DEPTH DEPTH CAVE.IN DEPTH DRILLING IYUD LEVE WATEA LEVEL Crew Cn;er DH F�� 23 Oct 16:29 71' None 3.8' Memod. 3" Hand & 4" Power Flight* Augers *Mobile B -31 Drill Rig on Dodge Power Wagon Camenced: 23 October Boring CDaDisrod: 24 October 2014 24 Oct 13:51 51 1 8' " 14:35 to 23' 6r 3, "_ 15:20 5 }' 2,1 -SOIL BORING LOG (continued) Parvtr -k J Ello a-, FK 816 loot° St S Cotn'g r mrp INN 95016' Proposed Se Family Residence PROJECT: West of 2061 65tinglh St Chanhassen Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 1 DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION: 98.1 SAMPLE LAB b OTHER TESTS IN GEOLOGY N WS LL FEET DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION ifl TYPE R W DE P.L. LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray (CL Glacial N 9 FA w/ tr to a little gravel Till 22 saturated, medium 23 End of Boring - No Refusal 24 Bore hole void backfilled w/ native 25 cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite on 24 October 2014 26 27 Probe IA - Elev = 97.8 28 0 -6j' Topsoil Fill, Fill.(Si.iess than Boring 1), Buried Humus 29 Lean Clay, possibly Marl, 30 Gray, saturated, very soft 7' -8§' Lean Clay, rather silty, Dark 31 Gray, saturated, very _soft_to > soft 8}' -10}' Lean Clay,, w/ band inclusions, 32 Dark Gray, saturated, soft to medium 33 Probe put down by power flight auger. i J method on 24 October 2014 & ummed« � 34 ately backfilled w/ native cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite 35J 36 371 1 38 39 4 41 42 43 44� I � I i 46I 1 � I 0.w 'ra � r, w C m .w o Ln a Ln w Y W 01'�� .. 2 a� °ate tip ' N a .. m m c N L O O H b w y uPa.. rl H a� o m v b 4 3 a>, o y N w oG w ro N U q O d O pg LL y 00 ~ ON pN 0.05 W y U ZH II J N P4 p v0i H P4 v� a w w v U U H � •r� ? J y N o U %0 r 31 45 CO cn z ar a °l aa° w approximate property line T Rd {p C FROM : INTERSTATE GEOTECHNICAL ENO PHONE NO. : 651 769 2467 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Dines, PE 8167 100* St S Cottage Grove MN 55010 (d 12) 414 -5770 13 November 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timberhill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 651s St, Chanhassen, Minn Nov. 13 2014 11:05RM P2 This is in response to your contact of recent regarding groundwater on this project. As you know, I investigated the lot last month and issued a report dated 25 October 2014.1 found a total of 7 & 8V, of unsuitable soil at the locations of Bating 1 & Probe 1A, respectively, in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, buried original humus and overly soft clay or marl. First suitable base soil is a loose to firm sand or a soft to medium lean clay. I recommended removing these materials and placing controlled fill, noting that you will have to seriously control groundwater in the process. Regarding groundwater, I found it very high on this site - at a stabilized level of 1.8'. As I understand it, The City of Chanhassen has asked if this water level will change as a result of site correction. I used as a stabilized water level the 1.8' found a day after the hand auger phase was completed. I had encountered water while drilling and did achieve the base granular soil that first day. When I did the power auger phase, water was creeping up to nearly the same level a few hours later, so I felt that the 1.8' is valid. I believe that, when you correct this lot, controlling groundwater, and compacting fill, most likely granular, the groundwater will soon rebound to its original level - 1.8' as found in my boring. If you construct ordinary and good site drainage on your finished project, groundwater will not be affected by any artificial recharge the result of your activities. If you have any additional questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Zo1C3TECHNTc�I1�IEER3NG, Inc r 1l SrCBu 1. f�r I� .I,T.J 1�irr:111 SPL VIP'CYIIJ,'�i Utl tea{ `O 8q i rll c , ✓ LE . c ,y�i }, "_ Y � isl, IJ.:CCT w {c .�. '.1'.� �, 1 1' -� ! i;i�il f�i.l A `.-.'�U. Y UGE-i'.7E D PK:FSSIONAI Patrick I Hines, PE "�'A� tTATE Bin " �IEE='s U1' i l li "c LAWS OF THE S7ATE Or UNI-NESOTA president � ��� ' STATE pH/SC tee �s�;w .s° s`es+ ORTE: 1 � ( ]>' MNE50TA REG. No. P 'r%7 sou a e -.off COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RECEIVED Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 5533 EP 26 2014 Phone: (952) 227 -1300 / Fax: (952) 227 -1110 CNAt'MAWIRNpiM wDEP�" APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Date Filed: c11-1 A --!'� 60 -Day Review Deadline: Planner: � K Case Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) ❑ C h ' PI A d t $600 'ff Subdivision ❑ ompre enslve an men men ......................... ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on -site sewers ......$100 ...........................$300 ❑ Conditional Use Permit $600 + $15 per lot * ❑ Single - Family Residence ...... ...........................$325 Received from &, n (.o.rw j Consolidate Lots ................... ❑ All Others .............................. ...........................$425 Lot Line Adjustment .............. ❑ Interim Use Permit Final Plat* ............................. ...........................$250 ❑ In conjunction with Single - Family Residence..$325 Escrow will be required for other ❑ All Others .............................. ...........................$425 development contract. ❑ Rezoning ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD) ...................$750 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD .................$100 ❑ All Others .............................. ...........................$500 ❑ Sign Plan Review ........................ ...........................$150 ❑ Site Plan Review ❑ Administrative ....................... ...........................$100 El Commercial /Industrial Districts* ......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area 'Include number of existing employees: and number of new employees: ❑ Residential Districts .............. ...........................$500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ❑ Create 3 lots or less .............. ...........................$300 ❑ Create over 3 lots ...................... $600 + $15 per lot * Metes & Bounds ..................... ... $300 + $50 per lot Received from &, n (.o.rw j Consolidate Lots ................... ...........................$150 ❑ Lot Line Adjustment .............. ...........................$150 ❑ Final Plat* ............................. ...........................$250 (CUP /SPRNACNARNVAP /Metes & Bounds Subdivision) fC= ..r4c= `Requires additional $450 escrow for attorney costs. Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. ❑ Vacation of Easements / Right- of- way ...................$300 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ Variance ..... ............................... ...........................$200 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Single - Family Residence .... ...........................$150 ❑ All Others ........................ ............................... $275 ❑ Zoning Appeal ........................... ...........................$100 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment . ...........................$500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FEES: ems; TOTAL FEES: $ Notification Sign ................... ............................... $200 ® (City to install and remove) Property Owners' List within 500'......... =�7�- $3 per addressX;)i4 Received from &, n (.o.rw j (City to generate — fee determined at pre - application meeting) Escrow for Recording Documents. :$50 per document )( Date Received: 9- —t Check Number: (CUP /SPRNACNARNVAP /Metes & Bounds Subdivision) fC= ..r4c= !Ci(.t. / Project Name: 2061 LA/es+ 6S••!-(-\ S+reet Property Address or Location: 2061 V%/est 65 {L-. Sf reet Parcel #: 25-5360OZ2 Legal Description: L°+ 3, Total Acreage: 303 Z 9 Wetlands Present? ❑ Yes &rNo Present Zoning: (CS F Requested Zoning: QS F Present Lan�4 Use Designation: F�,Q5— Low '1� quested Land Use Designation:�_tJowlD Existing Use of Property: )'ZS F Description of Proposal: *W0 l o i-s ❑ Check box if separate narrative is attached Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: JM6C Contact: �TgwtCS Qruc%o -S Address: /VEg6 �ir-71?pr R jS Rani Phone: City /State /Zip: �'J:nnEf ka /4ZAI SS'3'/S Cell: 6(2. SsS-YN' Fax: p Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: -To� n Corey Contact: ':yQtI^ Co! Address: — 6gOca 0,40 � 621d Phone: (2 ) ZZ( -89 Z3 City /State /Zip: 01gnhaSSfn IP7A/ SS317 Cell: Email: Cord/ `Dn(> 19 9(4 cn Grn4; l < Corm Fax: Signature: 6,11C// C!n/id Date: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: SOA1-° — Qer5�vN .1 1h C Contact: gory Synsfcl e'en Address: /S'O S"W%k QralC�waY Phone: i`j�Z x/76 -6�� City /State /Zip: wA 2ato AJ S53 cA I Cell: (612) lw%Z- 32 2 Z Email: irory Sa-1tire, COP" Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: ❑ Property Owner Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: ❑ Applicant Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑ Engineer Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City /State /Zip: ❑ Other* Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: SCANNED aS fee s S ae! to s ¢ € sa' e.r xi i3 ®.o:.pe.aupoo la.amoo ° Ete 3 �w U� Z° 99 mr� \ j \\ 1111 I 1 ICE ss ssl apc,araro� —' N� e � �� a I .1 t _ I 1 _ '1 \ , tad ... . ia. --` -- _ 4 �q§ A "ad =95 GO g I �s �g°,�s y£ np b gppgi�SiA �II�`�IIIrIII��III � v m s t w.� 5�v 33� 9p$'A�Ass$ J ®® w el ®9 a�eos o ®eoz.po�du @eo l5ema F3� W N CW UZ f €t z k o= s w'4 R GI W O = a t s q 3 Eiig g flB : a � R G iR fl <g °2m zo 'u53H. Re %% i es gg I Y'_ 0 g dg it p9 1 Be sae sa '" i RIVE b� i LLJ W o w o 0 O m FfiSR a�gd� J m qq �'yaEd�6 ggP ��dW Eg ppi bd qqt J�e3a$osn�P3ga4�E� qqA'38��H��i� } 33 3 3 §k�� p 3 °o b Yoe fl <g °2m zo 'u53H. di� ° uV� KF2 � VZ I ` N 2 ry O m a� i w H ZZ ° 2 � 4' Re %% od gg I Y'_ 0 g dg it p9 1 Be sae sa '" i RIVE b� i LLJ Z o w o 0 O m FfiSR a�gd� N O N W di� ° uV� KF2 � VZ I ` N 2 ry O m a� i w H ZZ ° 2 � 4' od Z N it p9 1 i RIVE b� i LLJ 8's, 0 di� ° uV� KF2 � VZ I ` N 2 ry O m a� i w H ZZ ° 2 � 4' od Z N it 1 i RIVE b� i LLJ di� ° uV� KF2 � VZ I ` N 2 ry O m a� i w H ZZ ° 2 � 4' od i RIVE b� i 0 di� ° uV� KF2 � VZ I ` N 2 ry O m a� i w H ZZ ° 2 � 4' Y EE � �e E, € yy SapS pe 6FGp Sup §$ 6g 4 $ N w F i { 3e 99iiFO 29 Sg g�� gig i�{ y { { ik pS {!g W y1 Ei {,4F � !ji3 9 tit a4 €i °" �'� US W fl Z � O §g 0 O p P C T � 0 R YESY FF N W "g q��3Cg 1,c1 m GCg I� Z y a ¢N 34 HI I W < Z a� _ ffW$ � e � ii5 z3 So S flp� �! of L§ o kB 'ii:2 nZ. _ °uab.' 68�w Ell b ee w s wL yyywS ¢a Ho. <lip sad a c i� Sa� 5 §z digf � w eI §Bw s c 4 £ } U * j8$'W J ,' i gkag g°w NWT. &W� nou4a €g bill �o i EE � �e E, € yy SapS pe 6FGp Sup §$ §E§ F i B "s- 3e 99iiFO 29 Sg gg i�{ y { { ik pS {!g W y1 Ei {,4F � !ji3 9 tit a4 €i °" + ; {31,u11 fl w J J §g 0 p P "g m GCg EE � �e E, € yy SapS pe 6FGp Sup §$ §E§ F i B "s- 3e 99iiFO 29 Sg gg i�{ y { { ik pS {!g a §yF$ y1 Ei {,4F !ji3 9 tit a4 €i °" + ; {31,u11 fl CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on November 13, 2014, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Postponement of Public Hearing for 2061 West 6511 Street Metes & Bounds Subdivision — Planning Case 2014 -30 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. �jf 1 Karin J. Eng lha dt, Depu lerk Subscribed and sw rn to before me this jhday of , 2014. Notary P blic C d v a 0 d 0 z C v W d 0 z C Cd G 0 �V V N N s t V C d Cd 6 V V d N R C R t V ° O) rn 0. .. 0. .3 ° C f°.J S C 0 N y .3 Co C Lo O L ,.k O T O T ._+ U3 j p ., 0 L p w o m o 0 '(4) p p w O O U 6 U 'V d co D O U O crU•U N Q C D (n p (U p E p T p y co C C"-'U) 0 p T C a ° = N t 00i O O. p 0 0 p m "_ fl. V r L 0 N O O O 7 O- O w L 0 N CL •L O p .L] p,p L d .... U r N O .t.. O_ O O_ C- ?i U C L yN ON 0 _p N L p� N C p O y -0 CO � �•= N— .. CO � N -0 .4 IL - -aI d p a � 0 E C ... LL � a) � LO .a ° � 0 � CL L d' O ° E d d L co V L p 0 L UN � a y D O C .0 0 0 N oNW p 0 0 L r 6) N L.L.. i6 ccn O.N L w US E 0L V NL N M U D O 'Cp i m M 0 3( L E N N y 0 O O L 0 0 0 N .m o C 0 r0+ L �% .° O f6 ) N O L y "' N .% V) C N° E N 0 ,.T..0 > -p '� O E L C :.+ co C T .. +' C p C ..+ > O N U> N p O U) pQ Q E° ..+ p C 0 p 7 0 U (n 0 m N US U3 i E L > a) O (n 0 -p N p L O Oi N O 0 p T °) E US N U .0 (T6 U) U 7 6 p U) L C .' p O T (n O d w- p. C p Z L N p 0 C y 0 U .�L. N .C. °) E co E L ry) E p p U (0 m U > L *' 0 0 E w U p p Z �% .Q C O p p i- p 0 Co E C US p (n N p 0 C O O (n (u O L N CO > d 7 m 0 E T N p M R 0 E E 0 0 1 L p p "" �O +� _� 7 (U m L U (U L "� U) O L L C C� 0 0 >` L y y a) p (°)U Lam_ L (U a E U E Cfl C L �L cn ++ = O cn C w -- E w U w N C (y6 O E U V z 8 U C Y N p w N D C N L V C "'' U) L N E y y C y= US U C U C O U L T y— (U s m y LL C >' M >> > ,� t°n (D L N O O L U E D U > 3 N U (°n N M r E a) U) C 7 p -0 y= p O p N 'E U p .0 0 v C. E 0) CO L O 7 d (pn O a) O E ',� r :O Q y O C TO O Qrn rncL (fl C (6 0 0 m o :+ O D CL o L U) 2 (nHUa=o p 2SUr- O N >, p Y (LU L Tr4o a E o p o N m L "= 21 UI-- �N/ LLO(n(L O O O p U"o O CH Q OLL �NM4 —' a :°(n N co N O U O L O� L c 0 CO O d w O O d a) U w O C y .. C R N C pU cc C y C jU N d N ., C C a N c c y E O C U C N O V N d O « N O r+ O d= CL - p N 7 E Z L s R O C QQJa v O s O w y 0060 O QL O. QQJCL 3L R E ('JotSU 0 -0 N O) 0. .. .3 ° y LO O T ._+ U3 j p U) 0 w p '(4) p O O U 6 U 'V co D U) D (n C E E N (D C O w 'O fl. V r M O i cu y O. 7 p 0 O w L 0 m CL •L O. O O) r N O ON Q LO a _p N 0 y L py N C p ELM. - -aI � ID co N C ... LL d a) O.'o CD w0 E '• 7 w0 >+ r O ° E C d L co V L 7 (n � C L N D O C .0 0 0 r+ .O N O> p 0 0 L r 6) N O — of O i N .� — L w US E y U N d US 7 (U L U D O 'Cp i m M y .L. c= a p "6 '6 C N j N .m o C 0 L '� ) N O 3 co N° C E cD _T - E p C �' " �- > '" p C N p U> Q .- C N° p U co O N E L > 0 O p N p 0 O) p T m L T U U L y C p T (n O O. C U) L z pE ���yOU.`«.N 72 °)E�r c6E�'ym�'L�p.a�y U N >OO E `� p p Z �% .Q C O p p E "" O N p U y p CO L O ca 0 i N V O p mo C CO N p N R N U E 0 0 1 Y U) L L C N >. U) y m E Co ', L ( !� CO E yL,,, O L T N° c ca 0 O Q U C w -- N L =_ ° j O N z •0 0 (y6 O E U E y C U .._, C L — O- p L w N D C N L E C (n C Cl 0 U� >; L� O y V ri C p m 3� p >' M 3 >° t°n (D O E j C V= p 0 a) .O 06 otS (o d L a p m N N E 4 U p .0 p E r E 'C p -O d (pn C (� T OO d«.n Q O O C L p r y d E O (n F-' U d 'O 0 0 Y N n E O_ >O N US p 2SUr- p(O C tU �O(nd�NQ 0c) Os CH O.N OO.L rNMd' >,N = O L @(n (UN NN O p U"o LLL a C 0 O d w O N C a) U w C y .. C R N C C d O y C V C .0 N O R 2 •C''6 N d O 0 :+ O ., C C a N y E Z i O U O s CL - p 7 E C.L a QQJa E 0060 BERNARD C JR & SANDRA BENZ BRUCE A & JEAN A MATTSON CAROL ASLESEN CHILD 2061 65TH ST W 2020 CRESTVIEW DR 6482 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9006 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8007 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8994 CASEY C MCDANIEL 2020 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9005 CRAIG R & CATHERINE JOHNSON 2071 MELODY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8888 DORIS L NIKOLAI TRUST PO BOX 1461 SHERWOOD, OR 97140 -1461 JOHN J & JUNE A HAMSHER 2081 MELODY HILL EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8888 KATHERINE MARIE ANTOINETTE FOR 6486 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8994 PAUL S TUNGSETH 2051 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8008 ROBERT M & LINDA M PETERSON 2040 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9005 WILLIAM C & JUDITH J ASHENBACH 2041 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9006 CHARLES R & BEVERLY J JACKSON 2110 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8009 CYNTHIA A BODIN 2061 MELODY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8888 DOUGLAS E & MARY K JOHNSON REV 6474 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8994 JOHN J & LYNNETTE J DELUCA 6484 MURRAY HILL RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8994 MICHAEL J STACHOWSKI 2050 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8007 PEGGY LOU TRAGER 2080 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8007 STEVEN S & LORI A ABBLETT 2081 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8008 CHRISTOPHER M JERDEE 2081 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9006 DANA F NICHOLSON 6500 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9013 GARY A NYBERG 6410 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8018 JOHN THOMAS FAVORITE II 2080 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9005 NANCY H LIBERG REV TRUST 3543 LILAC LN MINNETONKA, MN 55345 -1024 RICHARD & BARBARA D ATHERTON 2082 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9005 TIMOTHY P & HEIDI S LARKIN 2150 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -8009 1 CCA D)" AANS ®N professional engineers and surveyors i 'NDERS ®N ASSOCIATES, Inc. P.O. Box 665 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 6121427 -5860 September 2, 19$0 �f Mr. Bernard Benz 311 3rd Street i Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 'f Re: Benz Percolation Dear Bernie: At your request percolation testing was performed at your lot located at part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3 Township 116 North Range 23 West in Carver County, Minnesota. Standard methods of percolation . testing were employed. Elevations are relative to an assumed elevation of 100.0' based at the top of the hydrant at the northeast property corner (see enclosed sketch). This report includes: 1. _ oil boring logs 2. Percolation test results 3. Testhole location sketch and system configuration diagram 4. Septic system design specifications 5. Discussion and recommendations. The soil boring logs show sandy loam to sandy clay loam surface materials overlie heavier and firmer clay loam materials at depth. Significant soil mottling begins at about 1.5 feet depth at both boreholes. Soil mottles (spots of contrasting color) are accepted indicators of periodic saturation in soils. Soil gleying begins at about 4.0 feet depth at both boreholes. Gleying (dull gray soil color) forms in soils which are saturated and in a chemically reduced condition for long periods of time. Because the Chanhassen sewage ordinance requires three (3.0) feet elevation difference between the bottom of standard sewage absorption trenches and the water table or soil mottling, the site is unsuited for installa- tion of a conventional trench type septic system. An alternative means of sewage disposal, such as the mound (also known as the berm) system, is recommended. The percolation test results (below) show that measured percolation rates are faster than the 120 minute per inch minimum rate for mound systems. Soil texture at Hole Elevation Depth(inches) bottom of hole Percolation rate (min /in) #1 98.1 24 Silty clay loam 3.0 112 97.9 28 Sandy loam to sandy 2.1 clay loam OCT 1 4.1981 CITY 08 CHANHASSU civil 0 municipal planning soils land surveying Mr. Bernard Benz - 2 - September 2, 1980 Measured percolation rates are somewhat rapid for the soil material in which the percolation tests were run. The design of the mound' is based on a per- colation rate of 30 -60 minutes per inch which is a typical rate for permeable clay loam soils. ry The minimum rockbed area for the mound is based on estimated sewage flow from a three bedroom house, 450 gallons per day,,and the design infiltration rate of the medium sand fill material, 1.2 gallons per square foot per day. 450 gallon /day i 1.2 gallon /ft2 /day = 375 ft2 Two rock beds, each 10 feet wide by 20 feet long, provid� the needed area. The required basal area of the mound is based on the design infiltration rate for a soil with a percolation rate of 30 to 60 minutes per inch, or 0.74 gallons per square foot per day. 450 gallon /day - 0.74 gallon /ft2 /day = 608 ft2 With 3 to 1 sideslopes and 1.5 feet of medium sand fill beneath the rock beds, the basal area of the mound is 1,845 square feet; so sufficient infiltration area is provided by the design. The pressure distribution system consists of Schedule 40 PVC pipe. The supply pipe is 2 inch inside diameter pipe. The supply pipe should slope back towards the pumpi g chamber so that it drains after the mound is6dosed. The laterals are 1.5 inch inside diameter pipe. The laterals should have 1/4 inch diameter holes drilled at a spacing of 3.0 feet. The laterals should be connected to the manifold so the holes point downwards into the rock. The distal ends of the laterals should be capped. Also, the last hole in each lateral should be drilled horizontally in the end cap near the crown of the pipe to facilitate air venting. A submersible effluent pump capable of delivering at least 34 gallons per minute at a total dynamic head of at least 13.7 feet should be selected. Headlosses are calculated as follow: 1. Elevation headloss of 7.5 feet between top of mound (elevation 100.5) and pump discharge (approximate elevation 93.0) 2. Friction headloss of 1.2 feet in 50 feet of supply pipe (2.4 feet loss per 100 feet of 2 inch I.D. plastic pipe) and 3. Five (5.0) feet to account for losses in distribution network. If elevations or distances are changed, headloss should be recalculated. The sole purpose of soils data contained herein is evaliationof soil suitability for on -site absorption of septic tank effluent at the test site. Although soil p Mr. Bernard Benz - 3 - September 2, 1980 texture and horizonation and ground water elevation data may be helpful for the setting of basement elevations at this site, we cannot warrant any such interpretations or the use of this data for other purposes. i If you have any questions regarding information containe in this report, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Gary ICJ. Rath /bun, Soil Scientist GJR /jkw Enclosures File: 740.01 b LOGS OF SOIL BORINGS PROJECT: Benz Percolation FILE No, 740.01 BORING PITHOD: Borehole #1 - 3" Hollow tube O- VDATE: 8/28/80 4" Flight auger 4 -6.5' Borehole #2 - 4" Flight auger 0 -7.5' Borehole #1 Borehole #2 DEPTH o.o EIJ VATIO — 98.0• DEPTH 0.0 ' I F1 PWATY — 97.9 (feet) Black sandy clay loam Grayish brown sandy loam to sandy clay loam with many Gray silty clay loam with many yellowish brown mottles 4k Gray clay loam with many red and yellowish brown mottles, moist , Grayish brown sandy clay r .loam to clay loam with many red and yellowish brown mottles, many bluish gray gleyed area END OF..BORING 1.: 1.f 3.3 4.2 6.5 GROUND WATER AT 93.6' ON 8/28/80 fig' IMSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC, (feet) 5.5 6.5 GROUND WATER AT 93.2 ON 8/28/80. BY:A�c zP v Dark grown sandy clay loam 4 S Light'grayish brown sandy loam to sandy clay loam with few brownish yellow mottles Grayish brown sandy clay loam with many yellowish brown mottles Grayish brown sandy clay, with many red and yellowish .brown mottles, soft and moist Grayish brown clay loam with many red and yellowish brown mottles, many bluish gray gleyed areas, firm Bluish gray sandy clay with many red mottles, firm END OF BORING. . GROUND WATER AT 93.2 ON 8/28/80. BY:A�c zP v Af CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERS 612/546 -6938 SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. 7415 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE II I MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55426 Job No, S -81139 June 29, 1981 Mr. Bernard Benz 311 - 3rd Street Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 re: Soil Investigation Single Family Dwelling Lot 3, Block.2, Moline's Addition 2601 West 65th Street Chanhassen, Minnesota We were retained by Mr. Dwight. Cravens, acting in behalf of Mr. Bernard Benz, to conduct a soils investigation for this project. The purposes of our work were to determine the general soil and ground water conditions within the proposed building area, and to prepare a report of our findings, including comments on recommended foundation types, footing design and installation procedures, etc. PROCEDURE A total of two (2) soil test holes were drilled at locations designated by Mr. Cravens in the field. The field work was performed on June 22, 1981 using a truck - mounted CME -55 drill unit. SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, FIELD LOADING TESTS, ROAD SUBGRADE INVESTIGATIONS, EARTHWORK CONTROL 8 PAVEMENT DESIGN, MATERIALS TESTING, OBSERVATION AND CONSULTATIONS 2 The test holes were'4adv'anced with 34 "i.d. x 7 "o.d. continuous flight, hollow stem augers which act as a temporary casing to prevent collapse of the sides of the holes. Standard penetration tests were performed in advance of the auger tip at 2 to 5 foot intervals of depth, in accordance with procedures designated in A.S.T.Mi. D -1586. Periodic observations for grou water levels in the boreholes were made while drilling and afte completion. All soil samples obtained were brought to our laborator for examination and classification. They will be retained for a period of at least 90 days from date of issue of this report, after which they will be discarded unless we are otherwise notified. Drawing No. 1 is a site plan showing the soil test hole locations in relation to the outline of the proposed house. Detailed soil descriptions along with a plot of the standard penetration test blows per foot are given on the Borehole Log sheet, Drawing No. 2. Following the regular written soil descriptions are capital letters in parentheses, which represen the appropriate group symbols of the Unified Soil Clossificatio System. A chart explaining this system is appended. All elevations in this report are to geodetic datum, and were obtained using the bench mark noted on the site plan. SITE AND GEOLOGY The property under present study is located on the upper portion of a large hill south of Lake Minnetonka. Natural inorganic soil at the site consists mainly of clayey glacial t/] SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. x x" MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. KI related to the Des Haines ice lobe of the Wisconsin glaciation. During post - glacial times, a surface layer of topsoil has formed. According to information published by the State of Minnesota Geological Survey, the uppermost bedrock stratum under this site is believed to be dolomitic limestone of the Prairie du Chien formation. There is an area of dumped fill just south of Borehole SOIL CONDITIONS Only two basic soil types were encountered in our inve tigation. These are: topsoil; and Des Moines clayey glacial till. Topsoil A surface layer of topsoil,ranging in thickness from 1.5' to 2', occurs at our test hole locations. The topsoil consists of black organic silty and sandy clay. It is in a soft condition, with standard penetration test values of 2 an 4 blows per foot. It is overlain by a thin layer of brown silty clay fill at Borehole 2. The topsoil is unsuitable for foundation or floor slab support, or as a subgrade below a pavement. Water Modified Clayey Glacial Till The topsoil is underlain by a major stratum of clayey glacial till. The uppermost 3 to 6 feet of the soil stratum has been modified by alluvial action, and consists of a mixture of grey and brown silty clay, clayey silt and clayey sand with random lenses of sand. SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. n x MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 4 The upper mixed glacial till has a soft to stiff consistency, with standard penetration test values ranging from 2 to 8 blows per foot. This soil layer has low load bearing capacity and moderate compressibility. Des Moines Clayey Glacial Till Commencing at a depth of 4.6' to 8' below present ground surface, and extending beyond the terminal depths of our borings, is a dark grey sandy clay with traces of gravel, and random thin lenses of fine sand. Standard penetration test resistances within the dark grey clay vary from 5 to 13 blows per foot, representative of a stiff to tough consistency. This soil has moderate load - bearing capacity and low compressibility, and is a good foundation subsoil. GROUND WATER CONDITIONS Free ground water was observed in both boreholes, at a depth of 13' below present ground surface shortly after compl n drilling. The water then slowly rose to a dept of 2.6' below present ground surface, corresponding to 3'. There are a number of lakes in the vicinity of the site. Lake Minnetonka and Galpin Lake to the north have average water elevations of 930' and 942' respectively. Lake Minnewashta to the west has an average water elevation of 944 Christmas Lake to the northeast has an average water elevatio of 932', and Lake Lucy to the southeast has an average water elevation of 956'.. / SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. xy x MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 5 A smaller lake known as Harrison Lake, to the south, has an average water elevation of less than 1000' An analysis of this information indicated that the observed water levels in the soil borings represents perched ground water conditions, wherein the water is retarded fron further downward percolation by relatively impervious clay soils below. Thus, even though some seepage could potentially occur in excavations extending deeper than 3 feet, the volume of such seepage water would be small, and could be handled by conventional pumping. DEVELOPMENT PLANS It is proposed to build a single family dwelling along with an attached garage at this lot. The proposed house is a 4- level, split -level home. The major portion of the house is a slab -on -grade structure with only a relatively shallow sub- grade crawl space level below the family room. The buildin will have masonry foundation walls to outside grade level, wi wood frame construction above. Structural loads on the foot- ings of such a building are relatively light. Lowest design floor level is approximately at existing ground level. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The stiff to tough clayey glacial till soils underlyi this site are competent foundation subsoils for the proposed residential structure. 1 i- OR SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. r All obviously organic topsoil and any overlying existing fill should be stripped and removed from the buildi and pavement areas. In addition, it is recommended that the upper soft clay zone should be subcut in the proposed buildi area, and should be replaced with approved compacted sand fi Removal of topsoil and subcut of soft clay soils to a depth of 3' below grade at our test hole locations is recommended. Fill necessary to reach design grades should be an approved inorganic sand soil, free of any foreign material o debris. It should be spread in 6 to 8 -inch maximum loose lifts and should be compacted to achieve at least 93% Maximu Modified Proctor Dry Density, A.S.T.M..D -1557 in general fil areas and 95% Modified Proctor Dry Density in the uppermost 22 feet below pavement areas. It appears that it would be necessary to place the lowest design floor level approximately I' feet above presen ground surface at our test hole locations, in order to provi a minimum 4' separation between the floor slab and ground water levels observed in our borings as required by F.H.A. The building may then be supported upon conventional, relatively shallow apread footing foundation based on approv compacted sand fill. A net allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 pounds per square foot may be used for the footing design. SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. WYx MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 7 All perimeter footings in heated portions of the build ing areas must be a minimum of 34 feet below outside finished grade for frost protection purposes. Perimeter footings in unheated portions such as the outside garage walls should be at least 4 feet below outside grade. Continuous strip foot- ings under bearing walls should be at least 18 inches wide for practical reasons. It is also recommended that a perimet tile drain system should be installed around the footings to provide drainage from the sand fill. A conventional flexible pavement design, consisting of a 5" compacted granular base course overlain by a 2" hot -m bituminous wearing surface, may be used above the sand fill surface in the driveway area. GENERAL The soil conditions have been established at our test hole locations only. There are likely to be variations in conditions between and around the borings, and interpolation or extrapolation of the results is not warranted. During construction, all excavations, earthwork, fill placement and compaction should be monitored and tested by a qualified soil engineer. We would be pleased to provide the necessary field engineering observation and testing services. R7�. SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. The recommendations contained in this report are intended solely for a project of the type described herein. I the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the, building are planned, the recommendations and concl,us'. contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the recommendations and conclusi of this report are modified or verified in writing. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Bernard Benz and Mr. Dwight Cravens for specific applicat' to a Single Family Dwelling at 2601 West 65th Street, Chanhas t Minnesota in accordance with generally accepted soil and found( tion engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. Qavj uc. Patricia,�J. Bach Geological,- Engineer Mervyn indess Registered Professional Engineer PJB:MMIpg Distribution: 4 cc Mr. Bernard Benz 1 cc File SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. �YX MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. a 4 a¢ o n a c n � m W o O W 2 lO O O QNth W w tO J � p r = O ~ J N W W F- T m N r +¢ O J W � Q � W � 3 � a O U W O Y W W EL M 9 J, N O O U y O Y W Q N o w J W O J m a m w w H 0 z C'1 " J m y � 4 Q 4 'I I 0 z Om °t 5 M ° o K N O- a m � O m. W � u L "z c, O u- r o Q_a �' r � pV V O.m � m d ,1 NV 0b Yp A ;,l O Vin C O O U_I+IN IO vo-1 ^O `'v.l 'Y^� Q ObLi.O ONE. - T� hNOIJY O1 O m v^tL '- W ZbE °Y4N'. n O J °i Up`Iy.E�I1rY� d 'N E L `Or C. N m. a o = wo di W J Z 6 N O Y x z > m 3 W p S' O Z H m pausrS V, I� ° II •O n �3 O �m z O A m d 13 O Y Z o N� o d Inrx vw. -iyp ° rn� c .r c p d b �Q OTdI D•- V YF' WNV OOLYVN N Y- •M Y O. O S T y� .p 6 N d•O 4 6 aF v 0 •-I O'O mE- NVS ' Orb O i.. N OI O O 4 N ti✓ 1- C. V '!1 •O > X• `O ' Y C d LJ SS W.2.4N h"'10"`N °O °1 d F✓1 wIY yj \� - dmY md•Mbm V, I� ° II •O n �3 O �m z O A m d 13 O Y Z GENERAL NOTES n DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY DENSITY CONSISTENCY TERM N VALUE APPROX UNCONFINED TERM N VALUE COMPRESSION STRENGTH Very loose 0 -4 Soft 0 -4 0 — 1200 psf Loose 5 -10 Stiff 5 -8 1200 — 2000 psf Medium Dense I1 -30 Tough 9 -15 2000 — 4000 psf Dense 31 -50 Very Tough 16.30 4000 - 8000 psf Very Dense Over 50 Hard Over 30 Over — 8000 psf RELATIVE PROPORTIONS MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION TERM RANGE TERM SIZE Trace 0 — 5 a/a . Boulder Over 8 inches A Little 6 -150 /o Cobble 8 — 4 inches Some 16-30010 Med Course Gravel 4-3/8 inches With 31 -500 /o Fine Gravel 3/8 in -NO 10 sieve Sand NO 10 sieve -N0 200 sieve Silt and Clay Finer than 200 sieve MOISTURE DESCRIPTION DEGREE OF SATURATION % Dry 0 Humid 1 -25 Damp 25 -50 Moist 50 -75 Wet T5 -99 Saturated 100 WATER LEVEL SYMBOL -_ Water levels shown on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time and under the conditions indicated. In sand, the indicated levels can be considered reliable ground water levels. In clay soil, it is not possible to determine the ground water level within the normal scope of a test boring investigation, except where lenses or layers of more pervious waterbearing soil are present and then a long period of time may be necessary to reach equilibrium. Therefore, the position of the water level symbol for cohesive or mixed texture soils may not indicate the true level of the ground water table. The available water level information is given at the bottom of the log sheet. SUBTERRANEAN ENGINEERING INC. CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES ASTM Designation: D 2487 — 66 T AND D 2488 — 66 T Unified Soil Classification System Major divisions i Group symbols Typical names Laboratory classification criteria 6 „ c GW Well-graded gravels, gravelsand fines a D60 030)" Cu= greater than 4; C� between 1 and DIOXOba mixtures, little or no Din c o o c GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel- Not meeting all gradation requirements for GIN U « $ .� sand mixtures, little or no fines d utQa � 00 S, UZZ c c GM d Silty gravels, gravelsandailt mixtures = N w . Q e Atterberg limits below "A" line or P.I. less than 4 u � Above "A" line with f between 4 and 7 are b "A" iG 9° 6 ° Z m derine cases requiring t $j Z ? p„ 5 x o GC Clayey gravels, graveisand -clay c c , , Atterberg limits above of dual symbols mixtures •q • • • line with P.I. greater than 7 m . E 0 ° g c SW Wei 1-graded sands, gravel ly little no fines w o 0.2 i; ti D60 IDaolz Cu= greater than 6; Cc= between 1 and 3 �Q c � ;,-, sands, or Dlo DIOXD60 c 4 9 p � O A t o ° A O ° C SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW V .j sands, little or no fines iA o ; ° N O O _ y� n C c c~ -c U c E g o d�Yo'g c g E Atterberg limits below "A" ° `o c c SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures u ii .8 -' g t`' .0 ^ line or P.I. less than 4 Limits plotting in hatch 9 r u p tl c q $ c c $ g' MMZ Y zone with P.I. between and 7 are borderline a Cla a y sands, sand -cla y mix- Atterberg limits above "A" M = o E ` m requiring use of dual sy bola. SC tur e 2 16 u - line with P.I. greater then 7 xt Do Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clay - ML ey fine sands or clayey silts 60 c with slight plasticity rc° For classification of fine-grained Inorganic clays of low to me- will end fine fraction of coarse - v CL dium plasticit y, gravelly clays, s, y 50 grained will. .M =.E sandy clays, silty clays, lean Atterberg Limits plotting in 8 _ clays hatched area am borderline classi- CH �Oi o fictions requiring use of dual Z v ) Organic silts and organic silty 40 symbols. Equation of A -line: c OL clays of low plasticity x q PI- 0.73(LL -70) 30 •L Inorganic silts, micaceous or dye MH diatomaceous fine sandy or •" OH a MH .a silty roils, elastic silts S P. 20 LL " yy Inorganic clays of high plea- CL 6 CH tiit ft s cy, a clay 10 r se E itna 7 q ___ ....... MLa dOL Organic clays of medium to , ' * R2 OH high plasticity, organic silts 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 90 1 Liquid Limit -x' Past and other highly organic n"t1city Chart ' Pt wile T U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Certification By REGISTERED ARCHITECTS) /ENGINEERS(S) OR OTHER PROFESSIONALS) S/D Numbeh ' Z7 —D 75 S/D Name DL E 22 Tract or Unit Number .o L Number of lots City & State N ss[ni� INN Developer C I Mj�j� CRVYIiI (��N��ss Registered t /Engineer, or (designation), to the best of my personal knowledge, be17e? aand professional ,judgment, do hereby state that: (1) The attached Working Drawings and Specificationsav__i� s,rhdicir,;on identified above, meet D sio9f n procedures and HU tives described in books 4900.1. Chapters 3 and 6, 4140.1 and HG. j/ The drawings and specifica- tions ,_,n approved by local authorities and are in lance with applicable local standards: (2) The Working Drawings and Specificati a as 2/ inciud royal signature and seal as V e Ar, i t s neer or responsible f t —tle:r preparation; (3) The proposed development in accordance with these Wo :irrg" Dri?wirgs and Specifications (a) is- permissi- _ er the appl�ceble zoning, building, housi other codes, ordinances or regulation o ified by any waivers oLtaIied from a ate officials, and (b) complies with Miaim:d rty Standards and other applicable standards 'lines and criteria. :cv soli_ P-Mk7 S- -81139 Fels. 7&5 POJ60T IN <JVN6_ , P111-9n �yy� Waivers of codes, etc., were obtained as listed in atlachment: I am aware of applicable sanctions provided in Title 18 U.S.C. 1010 and hereby declare that the foregoing statements are not false, fictitious, or fraudulent. I am also aware that HUD will not accept future statements from me if any of the foregoing statements are false or incomplete. REGISTERED GI ER(S) 'baC`�� SignedY ` Signed Professional's ame Title Business /ddress G (, Name o Company 7445 WAYZA7 S 5 4 Business Address License Number 435— M�NM Telephone 7,S -z4�zo Date ittlG 13511 Date si9&i If a reference is not applicable to your certification, strike it out and initial. 2/ Identify Drawings and Specifications including information normally found in the Title Block of drawings. J Identify attachment. HUD Form 92255 -A April, 1980 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hines, PE 8167 1006 St S Cottage Grove MN 55016 (612) 414 -5770 25 October 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timber Hill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 65th St, Chanhassen, Minn CITY 0FCHANHASSE N RECEIVED NOV 0 4 7014 CHANHASSENPtANNINGDEPT In accordance with your authorization, I have completed the above referenced investigation to determine site suitability for the proposed construction. A summary of my findings together with boring logs and my conclusions and recommendations are presented in the enclosed report. I found, as you already have been briefed, more than usual problems with the site. There is a total of 5'/4'& 6'/4 at the locations of Boring 1 & Probe IA, respectively, of unsuitable soil in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, and buried original humus. Below at first is a low sand content lean clay, generally dark in color, saturated, very soft to soft (w/ depth). It is "normally consolidated" (consolidated enough to only support its own weight, not additional weight of fill soils or structures above). The overburdening fill has not been inplace long enough to force further consolidation. The moisture content test in this material indicated nearly 42 %, high for a lean clay. This material extends only from 53/4 to 7' in Boring 1, but from 6'/4 to 83/2' in Probe IA. The first 9" of this material in Probe lA is very soft and is a borderline marl material. All of the aforementioned materials are unsuitable for structure support should be removed. I do acknowledge that excavators are often reluctant to excavate further once the buried organic soil is cleared, so understandings should be inplace at the time of gathering bids. Base soil below at first is a lean clay, a little sandy, dark gray, saturated, rather soft to medium. It has inclusions of a poorly graded (biased finer grained) sand with a few fines, also dark gray, saturated, loose to firm. Deepest soil, commencing at 1 Fin Boring 1, is a lean clay, rather sandy, dark gray, low gravel content, medium. Theses materials are glacial till. The sand inclusions in the upper portion are glacial outwash. All of these base mineral soils are suitable for residential construction, with conditions. Refusal to auger advancement was not encountered by boring termination depth of 23', indicating lack of bedrock to this level. Very importantly, groundwater was found in the main Boring at 1.8' (elev 96'/4±). It is aquifer groundwater, but marginally so. It appears to be contained primarily in the sand inclusions at 7' +. But it also is coming from the upper soft and very soft clay, possibly from SCANNED Mr James Rudos 25 October 2014 Page 2 the lower organic soil. Proper construction on the site (removing the softer lean clay, promoting good site drainage) will mitigate some of this. Thus, water found presently can be regarded as a maximum level. Slab grade of the proposed residence should be set in accordance with City requirements utilizing this level. I recommend complete removal of all unsuitable soil which is likely to be the fill and buried organic soil as encountered plus the overly soft clay found in both the boring and probe. While this amounts only to another 1' /4 in the vicinity of Boring 1, it is another 2'+ in the vicinity of Probe IA. As indicated, excavators may be reluctant to excavate below organic soil level, but it is necessary (see longer discussion in the report). It is so important that full time inspection of the excavation by a soils engineer may be necessary. Of course, other zones of unsuitable soil not represented by the boring and probe could still be encountered due to the nature of small volume random sampling. Any other depths or zones of unsuitable soil should be removed as well. You could lower footings somewhat so that you have to provide less oversizing and not stray onto the neighbor's property. But footings here should not be lowered so much as to rest directly upon the suitable base soil as it is only marginally suitable. You need a little fill (2' is recommended) to spread footing loads out with depth. Footings maybe generally designed allowing the usual 2000 psf foundation bearing capacity, which will likely result in normal strip or pad footings. Special attention is again drawn to the advisory that excavations be examined by the Soils Engineer to verify soil boring results and to document adequacy of site preparation. Again this is very important as how much soft/very soft clay must be removed will require a high degree of field judgment. Fill, as used, should be tested for compaction adequacy. Soil correction should not be abated below slabs in any manner (ie, do not let the excavator try to "trench around" slab areas). Thank you for the opportunity to have been of service. If you have any questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, TATE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, Inc atri;R S k J Hines, PE President enclosures PH/SC I SOIL BORING LOG Patrick J Hines, PE 8167 100th St S Cottage Grove MN 55016 Proposed Single Family Residence _ F'ROJEC"T: West of 2061 W :65th St Chanhassen, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: I DEPTHS SURFACE ELEVATION: 98.1 SAMPLE LAB & OTHER TESTS IN GEOLOGY N WS FEET DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION { TYPE R I W DE: P.L. ILEAN CLAY, variably sandy, Organic (OL set ue Topsoil N 1 HA Black, w/ tr 's mineral Soil 5 1 1 very moist, loose to firm Fill DATE I T1YF SA �/FLcD CASING CAVE N ORILLING WATEA i j=,5 ILFAN CLAY, somewhat sandy, Pred Dark Gray (CL) % w/ a: little Organic Soil, w/ tr grave Fill (elev - ±j2 HA I 23 Oct I 16:29 7 None moist to very moist, loose to firm Method. 3" Hand & 4" Power Flight* Augers *Mobile B -31 Drill Rig on Dodge Power Wagon I 24 Oct 13:51 5' 1 8, I „ 3 •LEAN CLAY, rather silty, Organic (OL) Buried 3 HA to 23 6 }' 3 }' Black, w/ small roots, tr's undecom- Humus 5}' 2.V 4 posed vegetation, saturated, rather I I orderline Sapric Peat in soft 5 upper portion sl lighter, less organic, w/ depth Lacustrine Y 4 HA 41.9 6 LEAN CLAY, a itt a sal y, Very ar to 1Dark Gray (CL), very soft to soft (w/ Deposit depth) I Glacial Y 5 HA 7j' 7 1 AN , poorly graded pre one gr, wt I med, tr cs); w/ a few fines, Dark Gray � Till w/ (SP); saturated, loose to firm Outwash Y 6 FA 25.6 banded w/ LEAN CLAY, a little sandy, inclusion 9� Dark Gray (CL), saturated, rather soft soft to medium @ 8}'+ more bands of clay, less of sand, w/ I depth 11 LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray Glacial N I 7 I FA 12 IIsatnra/a little gravel Till 13, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21- mm� SW I I I I 5 mph± Breez$ Istly Clear,' h 70 v+ WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS DRILLING DATA Clear, Calm DATE I T1YF SA �/FLcD CASING CAVE N ORILLING WATEA i j=,5 OE FTN ' DETH DEPTH IMUD LEVE LEVEL Crew Chief: I 23 Oct I 16:29 7 None 3.8' Method. 3" Hand & 4" Power Flight* Augers *Mobile B -31 Drill Rig on Dodge Power Wagon I 24 Oct 13:51 5' 1 8, I „ 14:35 to 23 6 }' 3 }' Camenced: 23 October Boring COapleted: 24 0ctober 2014 " ! 15:201 5}' 2.V DV4L DvLl ilv BVV " (continued) 8167 100 St S p�rcick J Hir.y VR Cottog r; nVP MN.45016 Proposed Single Family Residence PROJECT: West of 2061 65th St. Chanhassen Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 1 DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION: 98.1 SAMPLE LAB b OTHER TESTS IN GEOLOGY N WS L L FEET DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION N TYPE R W DE P. LEAN CLAY, rather sandy, Dark Gray (CL Glacial N 9 FA w/ tr to a little gravel Till 22 saturated, medium 23 End of Boring - No Refusal 24 Bore hole void backfilled w/ native 25 cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite on 24 October 2014 I 26 27 Probe 1A - Elev = 97.8 I 28 0 -61' Topsoil Fill, Fill.(Sl.Less than Boring 1), Buried Humus 29 6V -7' Lean Clay, possibly Marl, 30 Gray, saturated, very soft 7' -8}' Lean Clay, rather silty, Dark 31 Gray, saturated, very soft to soft 8}' -10}' Lean Clayc> w/ band inclusio—ns, I 32 park Gray, saturated, soft to medium 33 Probe put down by power flight auger. (method on 24 October 2014 & ummed4 -- ,I 34 ately backfilled w/ native cuttings mixed w/ Bentonite 35 I I 36 371 38 3 4 i 41 � 42 43 441 45� 46- I i ^ . § ,0 ", rs . . % } / �a� / f 4,e<. —A a■£�J 5-44 • CO 4) .0 4) ON /) /§ . WPe o . . -, /\ jj . ~® °; }u _ 0/ §G �/ ). ` )§ /\ : @ (� ) \ \ % . _ . . Ai {| _, '0 m 1-4 a@ apTropdmte property line wa . •� �-� FROM : INTERSTRTE GEOTECHNICRL ENG PHONE NO. : 651 769 2467 Nov. 13 2014 11:05RM P2 Interstate Geotechnical Engineering, Inc Patrick J Hines, PE 8167 100" St 5 Cottage Grove MN $5016 (612)414 -5770 13 November 2014 Mr James Rudos 14846 Timberhill Road Minnetonka MN 55345 Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation Proposed Single Family Residence W of 2061 W 65th St, Chanhassen, Minn This is in response to your contact of recent regarding groundwater on this project. As you know, l investigated the lot last month and issued a report dated 25 October 2014.1 found a total of T& 8'/,'of unsuitable soil at the locations of Boring I & Probe IA, respectively, in the form of topsoil fill, general and varying fill, buried original humus and overly soft clay or marl. First suitable base soil is a loose to :firm sand or a soft to medium lean clay. I recommended removing these materials and placing controlled fill, noting that you will have to seriously control groundwater in the process. Regarding groundwater, I found it very high on this site - at a stabilized level of 1.8'. As I understand it, The City ofChanhassen has asked if this water level will change as a result of site correction. I used as a stabilized water level the 1.8' found a day after the hand auger phase was completed. I had encountered water while drilling and did aebieve the base granular soil that first day. When I did the power auger phase, water was creeping up to nearly the same level a few hours later, so I felt that the 1.8' is valid. I believe that, when you correct this Lot, controlling groundwater, and compacting fill, most likely granular, the groundwaterwill soon rebound to its original level - 1.8' as found in my boring. If you construct ordinary and good site drainage on your finished project, groundwater will not be affected by any artificial rr,Gharge the result of your activities. If you have any additional questions on this, or if I can be of assistance in any additional capacity, do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, INTF-RSTATE GEOTECHNI KI(1EE I P RE Inc _ Y , ... - R "V Is 7r F' ;I 1 t:ESEBY C ; :i'i Y TN^iT T!? ±S pL "11, SPe'CIr(CAT! ^vN D •~ r. `:,111 lyf P.i4 i7' v.J iYi♦w ViA iJY�J;., ie7, 17i.:cCT Patrick J Hines PE a v w rt 1l c.::i? .1':_� 1;;'�i I h i A •D _Y LICEN HE'D FRO= ;SSIONAAL t' a 1zrts6 sew tdEE'1 Uf' c Tire i.A1VS OF THE STATE OF NINI vESOTA President aY $TATS e 19s. OF ° °r��s�:a ?.» ° +';F:,:' BATE: ) 3 /�cJc� '(Y IVIINNE50TA REG. NO. i 2 iC 41 pH /SC ro.s�o u a4 g ad AI -Jaff, Sharmeen From: Chris Jerdee [cjerdee7 @gmail.com] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 11:26 AM To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen Cc: Chris Jerdee Subject: proposed lot split and site development on W. 65th Street in Chanhassen Hello Sharmeen, My name is Chris Jerdee and I live at 2081 W. 65th Street in Chanhassen. I think I spoke to you a couple of weeks ago on the phone about the lot next to mine and a proposed splitting of the lot. The property was recently sold to gentlemen who is "flipping" the property and it's come to my understanding that he plans to split the lot into two parcels. The purpose of my letter is twofold. First, I want to inform you and/or whoever else might be working on this particular project that the lot in question has a pretty significant water problem. I'm surprised it was ever built on in the first place because the lot literally becomes a duck pond every spring when the snow melts and then again every time we get any significant rainfall. It will get standing water more than ankle deep on both the western edge of the lot bordering mine and also on the south side of the lot. As I understand it there are springs underneath the ground and the water table is very high. This is coupled with the fact that the street is higher than the lot so the water has nowhere to drain. I tried to remedy this on my property by having a landscaping contractor install drain tile that ties into the catch basin in the culdesac. Unfortunately the lot in question next to me has an even larger drainage problem so it still impacts my property. Second, and more importantly, I want to be sure that if the lot is indeed approved to split and a new home is built that the proper steps are taken to ensure that any watershed does not impact my lot further. If any grading is done to build a new structure I want to be sure that it is not done in such a way that simply moves the water problem from that lot on to mine. Hopefully whoever buys the property does their due diligence and has a percolation test done because if not I think they might end up being surprised. Thanks in advance for your consideration regarding this matter. If you or anyone has any questions I can be reached at 612- 385 -1329. Chris Jerdee CITYOFCOMHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 2 p ?014 CHANHASSEN RANKING DEp, SCANNED j J 6 � Z,&rg Er 5 e° - �fi7t/t flAA Q1N)L ot;"% cDWL0 a�lLp .64;1Lp 44vTi�' tbt' 4�ro o J= rj�k3 .La7- Jwv 4/1-"9LaLr *4 alowAr /IVS ✓r tftoe —C 'W40II40 �tt7 C1�Y1 ' T /JZ Iy6�''!J' �trAi A /PA-$A eV P4w1UQ 3 xVr D,' e T,#cr OAT .KkF 7 e'12t ✓t�— rArS i' V AJpZ$&V bsv rte", Viso) 4VArA, .� 1,eA. k) /7' AdV &'L-e P9"1— 1 ai2.lA.rG .4/vr� i97 jt - S.EsS �T L3 a JJs', /.C�3 a -.c AJ ✓��v� / - /Z DJ =./7 rAg'S Div Ti'�i,S 577, C2�5�-k J �Ju2 g4l�90 ,Fe'4.Q.023 o Ct.� zt-y� T�'ti:5 L- �4•s�" J rJ.,A,�`. ;�'� /5� w,c- X1+9 } J sue=? o IJ rL c� OlAk SA4Lr , Ah" ,a3 aT T,&}x` J u1,o= 4-x.5 i2 5 uLe AAO - S f ea N G Co "a a %71p- 4,47. I-tv" am teems S 7°bly Al S rJdia'�- � ► �s�� +Ja G 1O - ut lLL TTY �,5► T�' . T,J, r D CdG, q- t4 !T 4--"t0 6sob WOtAJ .udOt /)"Al M ea5?° sY r1� Hvf Fo M S A1 j j,� Th' �" %�n"a� �% . ! 5 s AZV c.✓ 6�-f4 -T �J /Lte �#. N�k) D WAWA -71 S 00 W /7-H 7-,#tAC A-0,0 Yom` G!! A�rJ✓> Sa(V,rG S ..s7' (NiDldA.4 ) civ Ttt/S 4a7- _- Gary 7H-4/}000la /7, A-"i' T?_ 004 601,L7- OJ/T7fto7- A'Fr X7' r.//LL 3'ft ' w rc T of A-W A -00/7W A+ > /boat?& DD To 7Wv, 7-,j-,v4 c� -T'sysOL-� 1= '✓L�"nf y_�i�J�r- p a,�+ c��s 7-bs r�+ s- .`a�r9 -vr�' /�'"Cl ® /T7�?�! ._aF .ZffaritLs zs� 1 sFtt'LE"-- Lt�'r�:L.T !% pa add ,�,� -- axis �,��: �►- 1tt�../; AI -Jaff, Sharmeen From: judy ashenbach 5ashenbach @hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 11:16 AM To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen Subject: To The Honorable Mayer & City Council Members This letter is to let you know of our concerns regarding the development of another lot at the property next door to us; 2061 West 65th Street. When we purchased out home in 1975, we were told that lot was not a buildable lot and would not be developed because of stream and wet land. When Mr. & Mrs. Benz built there home this forced the water our way and we had to add additional drainage to our home. When they built, I watch the slab of their home being laid in water. The side of their lot that they built on is the driest part of that property. To add another home on that lot would mean more water problems for this street and home owners. I remember when city sewer was installed and the city had to pump water from under the street for several weeks before installing sewer. Please take our concerns to all concerned. Thank you for your service and thank you for taking the time to serve us and the City of Chanhassen. Sincerely, Bill and Judy Ashenbach 2041 West 75th Street Chanhassen, MN Phone 952- 474 -6821 jashenbach @Hotmail.com