14-30 vacation14-1 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARV 'R CERTIFICATION } I, Karen J. I`:n�i��.l.!�,.i.rilL., duly ,ippu thud, qualified, and acting Deputy Clerk for the i,:J t.y of Clanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I hav,, c• - r,r?red the foregoing copy of Resolution __ .n4_i.tled "Partial Vacation of the Westerly 140 Feet e' V 65th St r, - -., =L as Shown on the Plat of Moline's Additior. with the or..igi. i<<J. C-1\:, now can File in my office, and have found the same to •. ri.ni. corn=et o ;,py thereof and as approved by the City COUIlC J i Witness my !- :1, , .,,..' .f!:ic•j.al .,.•::.ti at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 7.7th c., ;na.t 19 83 :ma.cr l nge . dt, Deputy Clerk,` 15g CITY 01' CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLU`1'ION DATE: September 20, 1982 RESOLUTION NO: 82 -55 MOTION BY: Mayor. Hamilton SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN: Geving PARTIAL VACATION OF T'BE' W.BISTERLY 140 FRET OP' WEST 65TH STREET AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF MOLINE'S ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen has received a petition from the owners of Lut 4, block. L and h,d. 4, lilucic 2, Mollnu Addition to vacate the portion of ir.Iht -ol -way of West 65th Street which lips west of the . r. f _:!..ny cc.i l.- dc.r -:; c„ at the terminus of the road- way described as: That part oL 65th Strr:,et as dedicated in the recorded plat of MOLINE'S ADDITION, lying westerly o1 the westerly arc of a circle having a radius of 50.00 feet-. The center of said circle. is the point: of` ';intersection of the center line of said 65th Stree!:..r.: the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 3, Bloc' i.!c said plat. WHEREAS, a publ�.c Pu =aring was held on said petition on September 20, 198,2, ar,.! WHEREAS, sa;_." ,_:ublic hearing was preceded by two weeks published and oust; =ci. notice as required. by Section 412.851 of Minnesota Stati)r(e s, and. WHEREAS, there is no public interest to be served by the con- tinued public ownership of that portion of the above - described right -of -way, and WHEREAS, the City is not now using any portion of the above described right -ol -way for any of the purposes set forth in Minnesota Statutes t;A,62.358, Subd. 7, and it is unlikely that it will so use said r'ight-- oi;-'n-!y in the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that any and all. of that por- tion of West 65th Street described as follows: That part of 55th Strer -,t as dedicated in the recorded plat of MOLINE'S ADDITION, Lying weste.r.;.y of the westerly are of a circle having a radius of 50.00 feet. The center of said circle is ttu.a point of i.nters..,ct _on of the center line of said 65th Street and the � ;outhaexly extension of the west line of Lot 3, iiloc`; 1 in said plat is hereby vaca.t::'. �sts JV e I GEORGE A. JACKSON CUNSFRU•. rIUN, INC. Flt 164, P 559 0 361 416.9 -- 20 21 MELODY � HILL 19 co - LUCIEN SPARKS Q IF No, tool? 0 � lz r 440 27 -- � . r Val mc t 1s L-L [ r, ., rl1 Pv(l •_ _A:Wr J'J e'e/ L 4,� : /.fy-- Gdsnra � �/ r Fail F "ds, °� y 1 I PAUI. J. WOLF JAMES McMU LUOUGH I Rv, Ise, n r4 UK 115, P 514 STREET .._. 111:133• N I 4 JHbI$° B,LER FIN 11.3, P d0.'. DOCUMENT NO. OFFICE OF Cf"ILINTY f'4E',.'.t r F)ER STATE t ?i- ,W1INNES yj; ,. COUNTY OF CARVER This is to certify that this document . was filed in this office on the 13n._ day of vuu+r.- uAto'1 A. D. at ci.xk._ ?_R�. and was duly recorded in Boos( ­(,,,_(a_ of l lscn_ Page h10 a 1 �W.,�,GJ r County Recorder ;} by 'CLARK NICHOLSON, Jq 1-66 - -� UK 62, n 556 t C/ Gi' � I SN 1 try 1i W m w�h U 9 wv n IW E MATTbJN �p QI . IY _ �I Y I UN 52,V SSJ JY 'pklVt aeb°2p W 12 ` °°.GRESTVIEW 4 5e7 °Oz W ° i Sea °J5'W •;,� 4 '*9�J' 1' 1 3U- s 65 °29•E Ue ... tl6 6 5e > °15•W Ij LlN '3 5 t( RQL D' NIK J .. W CLAI an 31 o n , 9 BK b3 R I 10 e NO 54 'CLARK NICHOLSON, Jq 1-66 - -� UK 62, n 556 t C/ Gi'