Geotechnical ReportTableofContents DescriptionPage A.Introduction......................................................................................................................................1 A.1.ProjectDescription..............................................................................................................1 A.2.Purpose................................................................................................................................1 A.3.BackgroundInformationandReferenceDocuments..........................................................1 A.4.SiteConditions.....................................................................................................................2 A.5.ScopeofServices.................................................................................................................2 B.Results..............................................................................................................................................3 B.1.ExplorationLogs..................................................................................................................3 B.1.a.LogofBoringSheets...............................................................................................3 B.1.b.GeologicOrigins.....................................................................................................3 B.2.GeologicProfile...................................................................................................................3 B.2.a.GeologicMaterials.................................................................................................3 B.2.b.Topsoil....................................................................................................................3 B.2.c.Fill...........................................................................................................................4 B.2.d.OrganicDeposits....................................................................................................4 B.2.e.GlacialDeposits......................................................................................................4 B.2.f.Groundwater..........................................................................................................4 B.3.LaboratoryTestResults.......................................................................................................5 C.BasisforRecommendations.............................................................................................................5 C.1.DesignDetails......................................................................................................................5 C.1.a.BuildingStructureLoads........................................................................................5 C.1.b.PavementsandTrafficLoads.................................................................................6 C.1.c.AnticipatedGradeChanges....................................................................................6 C.1.d.PrecautionsRegardingChangedInformation........................................................6 C.2.DesignandConstructionConsiderations............................................................................6 D.Recommendations...........................................................................................................................7 D.1.BuildingandPavementSubgradePreparation...................................................................7 D.1.a.Excavations.............................................................................................................7 D.1.b.ExcavationOversizing.............................................................................................9 D.1.c.ExcavationSideSlopes...........................................................................................9 D.1.d.ExcavationDewatering...........................................................................................9 D.1.e.SelectingExcavationBackfillandAdditionalRequiredFill.....................................9 D.1.e.1.WallBackfillBelowFloorSlabs...............................................................10 D.1.f.PlacementandCompactionofBackfillandFill....................................................10 D.2.SpreadFootings.................................................................................................................10 D.2.a.EmbedmentDepth...............................................................................................10 D.2.b.SubgradeImprovement.......................................................................................11 D.2.c.NetAllowableBearingPressure...........................................................................11 D.2.d.Settlement............................................................................................................11 D.2.e.FootingsinWallBackfill.......................................................................................11 D.2.f.GradeSupportedInteriorSlabs(GarageFloors)..................................................11 D.3.BelowGradeWalls............................................................................................................12 D.3.a.DrainageControl..................................................................................................12 D.3.b.Selection,Placement,andCompactionofBackfill...............................................12 D.3.c.ConfiguringandResistingLateralLoads...............................................................13 TableofContents(continued) DescriptionPage D.4.InteriorSlabs.....................................................................................................................14 D.4.a.MoistureVaporProtection..................................................................................14 D.4.b.Randon.................................................................................................................14 D.5.ExteriorSlabs.....................................................................................................................15 D.5.a.IsolatedFootingandPiers....................................................................................16 D.6.Pavements.........................................................................................................................16 D.6.a.EngineeredFill......................................................................................................16 D.6.b.SubgradeProofroll...............................................................................................17 D.6.c.DesignSections....................................................................................................17 D.6.d.MaterialsandCompaction...................................................................................17 D.6.e.SubgradeDrainage...............................................................................................18 D.7.Utilities..............................................................................................................................18 D.7.a.SubgradeStabilization..........................................................................................18 D.7.b.Selection,PlacementandCompactionofBackfill................................................18 D.7.c.CorrosionProtection............................................................................................18 D.8.ConstructionQualityControl............................................................................................19 D.8.a.ExcavationObservations......................................................................................19 D.8.b.MaterialsTesting..................................................................................................19 D.8.c.PavementSubgradeProofroll..............................................................................19 D.8.d.ColdWeatherPrecautions...................................................................................19 E.Procedures......................................................................................................................................20 E.1.PenetrationTestBorings...................................................................................................20 E.2.MaterialClassificationandTesting...................................................................................20 E.2.a.VisualandManualClassification..........................................................................20 E.2.b.LaboratoryTesting...............................................................................................20 E.3.GroundwaterMeasurements............................................................................................20 F.Qualifications..................................................................................................................................20 F.1.VariationsinSubsurfaceConditions..................................................................................20 F.1.a.MaterialStrata.....................................................................................................20 F.1.b.GroundwaterLevels.............................................................................................21 F.2.ContinuityofProfessionalResponsibility..........................................................................21 F.2.a.PlanReview..........................................................................................................21 F.2.b.ConstructionObservationsandTesting...............................................................21 F.3.UseofReport.....................................................................................................................21 F.4.StandardofCare................................................................................................................22 Appendix BoringLocationSketch LogofBoringSheets(ST-1toST-19) DescriptiveTerminology A.Introduction A.1.ProjectDescription WeunderstandChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLCisplanningtodevelopninesingleleveltwin homevillas,a132-unitseniorapartmentbuilding,andassociatedparkingareaonthevacantlot addressed8637–8655GreatPlainsBoulevardinChanhassen,Minnesota.Thelotislocatednearthe northeastquadrantoftheintersectionofMinnesotaStateHighway101andU.S.Highway212in Chanhassen,Minnesota. A.2.Purpose Thepurposeofourgeotechnicalevaluationwillbetocharacterizesubsurfacegeologicconditionsat selectedexplorationlocationsandevaluatetheirimpactonthedesignandconstructionoftheproposed development. A.3.BackgroundInformationandReferenceDocuments Tofacilitateourevaluation,wewereprovidedwithorreviewedthefollowinginformationordocuments: WereviewedaerialphotographsoftheprojectareausingGoogleEarthandBingMaps. Wereviewedconceptualsiteplansindicatingthelocationofthetwinhomevillasand apartmentbuilding.TheplanswereprovidedbySperidesReinersArchitects,Inc.(SRA)and wereundated. WereviewedtheSurficialGeologyMapforHennepinCountypreparedbytheUniversityof Minnesota,MinnesotaGeologicalSurvey.ThemapisdenotedasAtlasC-4,Plate3of9, SurficialGeology,andisdated1989. WehadconversationswithMr.EricReinersofSRAregardingvariousaspectsoftheproject. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page2 A.4.SiteConditions Thesiteiscurrentlyundevelopedandgenerallyvegetatedwithgrasses,althoughthesiteispartially borderedwithtreesalongtheeasternboundary.Siteelevationsatthesoilboringlocationsrange betweenapproximately900and927. A.5.ScopeofServices OurscopeofservicesforthisprojectwasoriginallysubmittedasaProposaltoMr.MichaelHoagbergof ChanhassenSeniorLivingDevelopment,LLC.Tasksperformedinaccordancewithourauthorizedscope ofservicesincluded: Performingareconnaissanceofthesitetoevaluateequipmentaccesstoexploration locations. Stakingandclearingexplorationlocationsofundergroundutilities. Performingsixpenetrationtestboringsto25feetintheapartmentbuildingfootprint,nine penetrationtestboringsto15feetatthetwinhomevillalocations,andfourpenetrationtest boringsto10feetindrivelanesandparkinglots. Performinglaboratorytestsonselectedpenetrationtestsamples. PreparingthisreportcontainingaCADsketch,explorationlogs,asummaryofthegeologic materialsencountered,resultsoflaboratorytests,andrecommendationsforstructure subgradepreparationandthedesignoffoundations,pavements,interiorandexteriorslabs, andutilities. ExplorationlocationsandsurfaceelevationsattheexplorationlocationsweredeterminedusingGPS (GlobalPositioningSystem)technologythatutilizestheMinnesotaDepartmentofTransportation's (MnDOT’s)permanentGPSVirtualReferenceNetwork(VRN). OurscopeofserviceswasperformedunderthetermsofourSeptember1,2013,GeneralConditions. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page3 B.Results B.1.ExplorationLogs B.1.a.LogofBoringSheets LogofBoringsheetsforourpenetrationtestboringsareincludedintheAppendix.Thelogsidentifyand describethegeologicmaterialsthatwerepenetrated,andpresenttheresultsofpenetrationresistance andotherin-situtestsperformedwithinthem,laboratorytestsperformedonpenetrationtestsamples retrievedfromthem,andgroundwatermeasurements. Strataboundarieswereinferredfromchangesinthepenetrationtestsamplesandtheaugercuttings. Becausesamplingwasnotperformedcontinuously,thestrataboundarydepthsareonlyapproximate. Theboundarydepthslikelyvaryawayfromtheboringlocations,andtheboundariesthemselvesmay alsooccurasgradualratherthanabrupttransitions. B.1.b.GeologicOrigins Geologicoriginsassignedtothematerialsshownonthelogsandreferencedwithinthisreportwere basedon:(1)areviewofthebackgroundinformationandreferencedocumentscitedabove,(2)visual classificationofthevariousgeologicmaterialsamplesretrievedduringthecourseofoursubsurface exploration,(3)penetrationresistanceandotherin-situtestingperformedfortheproject,(4)laboratory testresults,and(5)availablecommonknowledgeofthegeologicprocessesandenvironmentsthathave impactedthesiteandsurroundingareainthepast. B.2.GeologicProfile B.2.a.GeologicMaterials Thegeneralgeologicprofileatthesiteconsistsgenerallyoftraceamountsoftopsoilatmostboring locationsunderlainbyglaciallydepositedsoilsextendingtotheboringterminationdepths.Thefollowing subsectionsdiscussthestratainmoredetail. B.2.b.Topsoil Siltysandtopsoilwithtracesoforganicsandrootswasencounteredattheboringlocations.Twoofthe boringshadoneto11/2feetoftopsoil,however,themajorityoftheboringsencounteredonlyatraceto afewinchesoftopsoil. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page4 B.2.c.Fill Oneboring(ST-4)encounteredalayerofsandyleanclaywhichispossiblyapreviouslyplacedfillsoil. Thislayerextendedtoaboutthefourfootdepth. B.2.d.OrganicDeposits OrganicclaywasencounteredatST-4andST-5atdepthsrangingbetweenapproximatelyfourandseven feet,andzeroandfourfeet,respectively.Thesedepthscorrespondtoelevationsbetweenapproximately 903and908.Theorganicclaywasblackandwet. B.2.e.GlacialDeposits Glacialtillconsistingofsandyleanclay(CL)andclayeysand(SC)wasencounteredbeneaththetopsoil, possiblefill,andorganicclays.Theclayssoilsrangedfromrathersofttohardinconsistencyandthe clayeysandsweremediumdensebasedontheencounteredpenetrationresistances. B.2.f.Groundwater Groundwaterwasmeasuredorestimatedtobedownapproximatelyeightfeetand15feetinBorings ST-1andST-11,respectively.Thesedepthscorrespondtoelevations913.5and906basedonour reporteddatum.Groundwaterwasnotencounteredasotherexplorationboringswereadvanced. Duetothecoincidenceofgroundwaterandthesandseamencounteredatapproximatelyeightfeetin BoringST-1,andrelativelyshallowdepthatwhichgroundwaterwasobserved,wesuspectthatthe groundwaterwasperched.Thedepth/elevationatwhichperchedgroundwateraccumulatesseasonally andannuallywilllikelyvary. ThegroundwaterlevelatboringST-11wasmeasuredorestimatedtobedownapproximately15feet priortoboreholeabandonment.Giventhecohesivenatureofthegeologicmaterialsencountered, however,itislikelythatinsufficienttimewasavailableforgroundwatertoseepintotheboringandrise toitshydrostaticlevel.Piezometersormonitoringwellswouldberequiredtoconfirmifgroundwater waspresentwithinthedepthsexplored. Seasonalandannualfluctuationsofgroundwatershouldalsobeanticipated. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page5 B.3.LaboratoryTestResults Themoisturecontentoftheselectedsoilsamplesweredeterminedtovaryfromapproximately15.6to 23.7percent,indicatingthatthetestedclayeysoilswerewaslikelynearorabovetheirprobable optimummoisturecontent. PocketPenetrometertestsweretakenonselectsoilsamplestoestimatetheunconfinedcompressive strengthsofthesoilsamplestested.Theresultsofthesetestsrangedfrom1/2to31/2tonspersquare foot(tsf). Theindividualtestresultscanbefoundintherighthandmarginofvariouslogofboringsheets,opposite thesoilsampletested. C.BasisforRecommendations C.1.DesignDetails Theprojectdevelopmentconsistsofninetwinhomestylevillasanda132-unitlivingcomplex.Structural plansfortheprojectwerenotavailableatthetimethisreportwasprepared. Thewoodframed,slab-on-gradevillashaveplannedfinishedfloorelevations(FFEs)rangingbetween914 and917.Theplannedlocationofthevillasisinthenorthernportionofthesitewherecurrentelevations rangebetween908and924. Theproposedapartmentbuildingisafourstorywoodframedstructureoveraprecastplankmainlevel withproposedFFEof923.Anundergroundgarageisplannedwithaproposedelevationof912.Asingle storywoodframedwingadditionisplannedalongthesouthernboundaryoftheapartmentbuilding.The winghasthesameproposedundergroundgarageandentrylevelelevationsasthemainapartment building. C.1.a.BuildingStructureLoads Wehaveassumedthatbearingwallloadsassociatedwiththetwinhomevillaswillnotexceedtwokips perlinealfoot(klf);columnloadswillnotexceed35kipspercolumn. Loadsassociatedwiththemainapartmentbuildingwillnotexceedsixklfalongbearingwallsor400kips percolumn.Thewingadditionloadswillnotexceedfourklfalongbearingwallsor75kipspercolumn. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page6 C.1.b.PavementsandTrafficLoads Wehaveassumedthatbituminouspavements,typicalofresidentialneighborhoods,willbesubjectedto nomorethan50,000equivalent18-kipsingleaxleloads(ESALs)overanassumeddesignlifeof20years. C.1.c.AnticipatedGradeChanges ExistinggroundsurfaceelevationsarewithinapproximatelythreetosevenfeetoftheproposedFFEsat thelocationsofthetwinhomevillas.Elevationsarewithinapproximatelytwoto12feetoftheproposed basementlevelinproximitytotheapartmentstructures.Itislikelythattherangeofcutsandfillsacross thesitecouldbeasmuchas18feet.Itislikelythatseveralareasofthesitewillhavecutsontheorderof sixtotwelvefeetwhileotherareaswillrequirefillontheorderofthreetosixfeet. C.1.d.PrecautionsRegardingChangedInformation Wehaveattemptedtodescribeourunderstandingoftheproposedconstructiontotheextentitwas reportedtousbyothers.Dependingontheextentofavailableinformation,assumptionsmayhavebeen madebasedonourexperiencewithsimilarprojects.Ifwehavenotcorrectlyrecordedorinterpretedthe projectdetails,weshouldbenotified.Neworchangedinformationcouldrequireadditionalevaluation, analyses,and/orrecommendations. C.2.DesignandConstructionConsiderations Thegeologicmaterialsencounteredgenerallyappeartobesuitableforsupportofconventionalspread footings,gradesupportedslabs,andpavements.Thetopsoilandorganicclaysencounteredarenot suitabletosupportfillandstructuresandarenotsuitableforuseasengineeredfillinthebuildingpads orpavedareas.Also,anysoftorrathersoftclaysfoundinbuildingpadareasshouldbesubcut. Inordertopreventdifferentialsettlement,areasofconstructionimmediatelyadjacenttothetallwallsof theproposedgarageexcavationwillrequirebackfillofgranularmaterial.Becauseitisnotlikelysuitable granularmaterialwillbeencounteredduringexcavationandgradingactivities,theymayneedtobe importedtothesite. Duetothefrostsusceptiblenatureoftheclay-richsoilspresentatanticipatedexteriorslaband pavementsubgradeelevations,considerationshouldalsobegiventoincorporatingagranularsubbase intothepavementsections.Thiswillenhancesubgradedrainageeffortsandreducethepotentialfor pavementsubgradestobecomesaturatedandheaveuponfreezing;strengthlossuponthawingwillalso bereduced. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page7 Insomeareas,thesoilspresentatandjustbelowtheproposedfoundationlevelsaresensitiveto disturbance,particularlyiftheyarewet.Contractorsshouldselectequipmentandconstruction techniquesthatminimizesoildisturbance.Foundationsoilsthatdobecomedisturbedshouldbereplaced withcleansandorcleancrushedrock.Itmaybenecessarytoplaceaworkingsurfaceofrockin excavationstoreducesoilsdisturbancefromconstructiontraffic.Somecontingencyshouldbeprovided inprojectbudgetingforusingtheseimportedmaterialsintheexcavationprocess. TypicalsubgradepreparationproceduresasoutlinedinSectionD.6shouldbeusedforpreparationofthe newpavementareas.Theseproceduresshouldbeanticipatedtoprimarilyinvolvestrippingofthe existingtopsoilandanyorganicclaysorsoft,wetclays,subcutting/fillingtoproposedgrades,proofrolling thesubgrade,andthenmoistureconditioningandcompactionoflooseorsoftareasofexposedsubgrade soils. D.Recommendations D.1.BuildingandPavementSubgradePreparation D.1.a.Excavations Werecommendremovingthetopsoil,organicclays,andanynearsurfacesoftwetclaysfrombeneath theproposedbuildingpads,pavementsubgrades,andoversizeareas.Basedonthesoilborings, excavationdepthsareexpectedtorangefromapproximatelysixto12feet.Table1liststheexpected excavationdepthsbasedonthepenetrationtestborings.Notethatatseverallocations,excavationsto estimatedfootingandslabelevationswillextendbelowthedepthsneededforsoilcorrection. Table1.AnticipatedExcavationDepthsforVillaandApartmentConstruction. Boring SurfaceElevation (ft) ProposedFFE (ft) AnticipatedDepthof SoilCorrection Excavation (ft) ApproximateBottom Elevation (ft) ST-1921.89175917 ST-2918.99164-6**915-913 ST-3912.59151/2912 ST-4909.99159-11**901-899 ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page8 Boring SurfaceElevation (ft) ProposedFFE (ft) AnticipatedDepthof SoilCorrection Excavation (ft) ApproximateBottom Elevation (ft) ST-5908.39144-6**9041/2-9021/2 ST-6920.59141/4920 ST-7922.39151/49211/2 ST-8921.99161/49211/2 ST-9924.19171/49233/4 ST-10924.09121/49233/4 ST-11921.09121/49203/4 ST-12916.69121/49161/4 ST-13915.791259101/2 ST-14911.79121/49111/2 ST-15910.09121/49093/4 ST-16900.0911*1/48993/4 ST-17927.1920*1/49263/4 ST-18924.1916*1/49233/4 ST-19914.8913*1/49141/2 *Approximatefinishedpavementelevation. **Actualdepthofsoilcorrectiontobedeterminedinthefieldbyaqualifiedgeotechnicalengineerortheirrepresentative. Excavationdepthswillvarybetweentheborings.Portionsoftheexcavationsmayalsobedeeperthan indicatedbytheborings.Contractorsshouldalsobepreparedtoextendexcavationsinwetorfine- grainedsoilstoremovedisturbedbottomsoils. Priortoplacementofengineeredfillorfootings,werecommendtheexposedsoilsinthebottomsofthe excavationsbesurfacecompactedusingaminimumoffivepassesoverthefoundationareaswithalarge sheep’sfootcompactor.Thiswillincreasethedensityoftheunderlyingnaturalsoilsandprovideamore ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page9 uniformlycompactedbasetosupportanyadditionalfillorfootings.Werecommendthisworkbe observedbyageotechnicalengineer.Theengineermaymodifytheserecommendationsifthis compactionworkcausesupwardmovement(pumping)ofgroundwaterorsoildisturbance. D.1.b.ExcavationOversizing Toprovidelateralsupporttoreplacementbackfill,additionalrequiredfill,andthestructuralloadsthey willsupport,werecommendoversizing(widening)theexcavations1foothorizontallybeyondtheouter edgesofthebuildingperimeterfootings,orpavementlimits,foreachfoottheexcavationsextendbelow bottom-of-footingorpavementsubgradeelevations. D.1.c.ExcavationSideSlopes TheonsitesoilsgenerallyappeartoconsistofsoilsmeetingOSHATypeBrequirements,whichindicate excavationsideslopesshouldbeconstructedtoliebackataminimumhorizontaltoverticalslopeofone tooneorflatter.AnOSHA-approvedcompetentpersonorprofessionalengineershouldreviewthe excavationconditionsinthefield. AllexcavationsmustcomplywiththerequirementsofOSHA29CFR,Part1926,SubpartP,“Excavations andTrenches”.Thisdocumentstatesthatexcavationsafetyistheresponsibilityofthecontractor. ReferencetotheseOSHArequirementsshouldbeincludedinprojectspecifications. D.1.d.ExcavationDewatering Althoughperchedwaterwasonlyencounteredinoneoftheborings,itispossiblethatwatercouldbe encounteredinotherpartsofthesite.Ifencountered,werecommendremovinggroundwaterfromthe excavations.Becausethissiteconsistsofpredominatelyclayeysoil,sumpsandpumpscanbeusedto controlwater. D.1.e.SelectingExcavationBackfillandAdditionalRequiredFill Ifthebottomsofexcavationsarewet,werecommendtheinitialbackfillsoilconsistofatleast2feetof coarsesandhavinglessthan50percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#40sieve,andlessthan5 percentoftheparticlespassinga#200sieve.Weanticipatethatthismaterialwillneedtobeimportedto thesite. On-sitesoilsfreeoforganicsoilcanbeconsideredforreuseasbackfillandfill.Theglaciallydeposited sandyleanclay,beingfine-grained,willbemoredifficulttocompactifwetorallowedtobecomewet,or ifspreadandcompactedoverwetsurfaces. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page10 Werecommendthatgranularsubbasematerialforpavementsupportconsistofsandhavinglessthan12 percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#200sieve.Weanticipatethatthismaterialwillalsoneedto beimported. D.1.e.1.WallBackfillBelowFloorSlabs Thereareatleasttwolocationswhereexteriorandpossiblyinteriorslabsatthefirstfloorelevationwill bepartiallysupportedonrelativelydeepwallbackfillzones.Thisoccursnexttosectionsofthebasement levelwalls.Toreducerisksofdifferentialsettlementandpossibleslabdamage,werecommendthese areasofbackfillconsistofsandwithlessthan12%fines(materialpassingthe#200sieve).Thesandsoils beneathslabsshouldbecompactedtoatleast98%oftheirStandardProctordensity.Refertosection D.3ofthisreportforadditionalrecommendations. D.1.f.PlacementandCompactionofBackfillandFill Werecommendspreadingbackfillandfillinlooseliftsofapproximatelysixto12inchesdependingon thesoiltypeandsizeofcompactorused.Werecommendcompactingbackfillandfillinaccordancewith thecriteriapresentedbelowinTable2.Therelativecompactionofutilitybackfillshouldbeevaluated basedonthestructurebelowwhichitisinstalled,andverticalproximitytothatstructure. Table2.CompactionRecommendationsSummary Reference RelativeCompaction,percent (ASTMD698–StandardProctor) MoistureContentVariancefrom Optimum,percentagePoints Belowfoundations 98 -1to+2forClaySoils ±3forSandSoils Belowslabs 95to98*-1to+3forClaySoils ±3forSandSoils AdjacenttoUndergroundGarages 98 -1to+3forClaySoils ±3forSandSoils Belowpavements,within3feetof subgradeelevations 100 -1to+2forClaySoils ±3forSandSoils Belowpavements,morethan3feet belowsubgradeelevations 95 -1to+3forClaySoils ±3forSandSoils *98%compactionrecommendedforsandinwallbackfilladjacenttotallgaragewalls(seeD.1.e.1.) D.2.SpreadFootings D.2.a.EmbedmentDepth Forfrostprotection,werecommendembeddingperimeterfootingsofthetwinhomevillas,aswellas structuresoutsidetheapartmentbuildingandwingadditionsuchascanopies,retainingwalls,etc., 42inchesbelowthelowestexteriorgrade.Interiorfootingsmaybeplaceddirectlybelowfloorslabs.We ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page11 recommendembeddingfootingsnotheatedduringwinterconstruction,andotherunheatedfootings associatedwithcanopies,stoops,orsidewalks,60inchesbelowthelowestexteriorgrade. D.2.b.SubgradeImprovement Ifsmallamountsofgroundwaterarepresentwithinfootingexcavations,orifthefootsubgradesoils becomedisturbedpriortoplacingformsorreinforcement,werecommendsubcuttingthesoftorwet clayandplacinga6-to12-inchlayerofclearrock.Theclearrockwillprovideastableworkingsurface, andwillallowforflowofwatertoadraintileorsump. D.2.c.NetAllowableBearingPressure Werecommendsizingspreadfootingstoexertanetallowablebearingpressureof2,000poundsper squarefoot(psf)forthetwinhomevillasand4,000psffortheapartmentbuilding.Thesevaluesinclude asafetyfactorofatleast3.0withregardtobearingcapacityfailure.Thenetallowablebearingpressures canbeincreasedbyone-thirdtheirvalueforoccasionaltransientloads,butnotforrepetitiveloadsdue totraffic,orforotherliveloadsfromsnoworoccupancy. D.2.d.Settlement Providedthefoundationareasarepreparedasdiscussedinthisreport,weestimatethattotaland differentialsettlementsamongthefootingswillamounttolessthanoneand1/2inch,respectively, undertheassumedloads. D.2.e.FootingsinWallBackfill Ittakestimeforwallbackfillto“settle-out”afterithasbeenplaced.Footingsbearinginexteriorwall backfillmaybehavedifferentlythannearbyfootingsbearinguponnativesoils.Aconstructiondelayofa month,ormore,wouldallowthebackfilltoadjust,butthisdelayisnotpracticalformanyconstruction schedules.Alternately,thefoundationelementscouldbeextendeddowntonativesoils.Whilethis approachismoreexpensive,itreducestheriskofexcessivedifferentialsettlementbetweenthebuilding andfootingssupportedinthebackfill.RefertosectionsD.1.e.1.andD.3.foradditionalrecommendations forwallbackfill. D.2.f.GradeSupportedInteriorSlabs(GarageFloors) Thelowerparkinglevelfloorwillbesupporteduponthesoilspresentatapproximately912inBorings ST-10toST-15.Thesesoilsarecompetentbutsensitivetodisturbance,particularlywhenwet.Ifmaybe necessarytosubcutthesesoilsiftheybecomedisturbed. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page12 Werecommendusingamodulusofsubgradereaction,k,of150poundspersquareinchperinchof deflection(pci)todesigntheslabs. D.3.BelowGradeWalls D.3.a.DrainageControl Werecommendinstallingsubdrainsbehindthebasementwalls,adjacenttothewallfootings,andbelow theslabelevation.Preferably,thesubdrainsshouldconsistofperforatedpipesembeddedinwashed gravel,whichinturniswrappedinfilterfabric.Perforatedpipesencasedinafilter“sock”andembedded inwashedgravel,however,mayalsobeconsidered. Werecommendroutingthesubdrainstoasumpandpumpcapableofroutinganyaccumulated groundwatertoastormsewerorothersuitabledisposalsite. Generalwaterproofingofbasementwallssurroundingoccupiedorpotentiallyoccupiedareasis recommendedevenwiththeuseoffree-drainingbackfillbecauseofthepotentialcostimpactsrelatedto seepageafterconstructioniscomplete. D.3.b.Selection,Placement,andCompactionofBackfill Unlessadrainagecompositeisplacedagainstthebacksoftheexteriorperimeterbelow-gradewalls,we recommendthatbackfillplacedwithin2horizontalfeetofthosewallsconsistofsandhavinglessthan50 percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#40sieveandlessthan12percentoftheparticlesbyweight passinga#200sieve.Sandmeetingthisgradationwillneedtobeimported.Werecommendthatthe balanceofthebackfillplacedagainstexteriorperimeterwallsalsoconsistofsand,thoughitisour opinionthatthesandmaycontainupto20percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#200sieve. Clayisnotrecommendedaswallbackfillwherehigherelevationslabswillrelyonthebackfillforsupport. However,ifclaymustbeconsideredinareasnotsupportingslabstomakeupthebalanceofthebelow- gradewallbackfill(assumingadrainagecompositeorsandisplacedagainstthebacksofthewalls),post- compactionconsolidationoftheclayoccurringunderitsownweightcanbeexpectedtocontinuebeyond theendofconstruction.Themagnitudeofconsolidationcouldamounttobetween1and3percentof theclaybackfillthickness,orwallheight,andifnotaccommodatedcouldcauseslabstosettle unfavorablyorbedamaged. Shouldleanclaystillbeconsideredforuseasbackfill,however,wefurtherrecommendthat: ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page13 Thebottomsoftheexcavationsrequiredforbelow-gradewallconstructionarewideenough toaccommodatecompactionequipment. Backfillisplacedatmoisturecontentsatleastequalto,butnotmorethanthreepercentage pointsabove,itsoptimummoisturecontent. Backfillisplacedinlooseliftsnothickerthan6inchespriortocompaction. Therelativecompactionofthebackfillismeasuredthroughdensitytestingatintervalsnot exceedingonetestper50horizontalfeetforeachverticalfootofbackfillplaced. Werecommendawalkbehindcompactorbeusedtocompactthebackfillplacedwithinabout5feetof theretainingwalls.Furtherawaythanthat,aself-propelledcompactorcanbeused.Compactioncriteria forbelow-gradewallsshouldbedeterminedbasedonthecompactionrecommendationsprovidedabove inSectionD.1. Exteriorbackfillnotcappedwithslabsorpavementshouldbecappedwithalow-permeabilitysoiltolimit theinfiltrationofsurfacedrainageintothebackfill.Thefinishedsurfaceshouldalsobeslopedtodivert waterawayfromthewalls. D.3.c.ConfiguringandResistingLateralLoads Below-gradewalldesigncanbebasedonactiveearthpressureconditionsifthewallsareallowedto rotateslightly.Ifrotationcannotbetolerated,thendesignshouldbebasedonat-restearthpressure conditions.Rotationupto0.002timesthewallheightisgenerallyrequiredwhenwallsarebackfilledwith sand*.Rotationupto0.02timesthewallheightisrequiredwhenwallsarebackfilledwithclay. *Todesignforsandbackfill,excavationsrequiredforwallconstructionshouldbewideenoughandflat enoughsothatsandispresentwithinazonethat(1)extendsatleasttwohorizontalfeetbeyondthe bottomouteredgesofthewallfootings(thewallheel,notthestem)andthen(2)risesupandawayfrom thewallatananglenosteeperthan60degreesfromhorizontal.Weanticipatethesegeometricconditions willbemetiftheexcavationsmeetOSHArequirementsforthetypesofsoilslikelytobeexposedinthe excavation,andthewallfootingsarecastagainstwoodformsratherthananyportionoftheexcavation. Recommendedequivalentfluidpressuresforwalldesignbasedonactiveandat-restearthpressure conditionsarepresentedbelowinTable3.Assumedwetunitbackfillweights,andinternalfrictionangles arealsoprovided.Therecommendedequivalentfluidpressuresinparticularassumealevelbackfillwith nosurcharge–theywouldneedtoberevisedforslopingbackfillorotherdeadorliveloadsthatare ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page14 placedwithinahorizontaldistancebehindthewallsthatisequaltotheheightofthewalls.Ourdesign valuesalsoassumethatthewallsaredrainedsothatwatercannotaccumulatebehindthewalls. Table3.RecommendedBelow-GradeWallDesignParameters Backfill WetUnitWeight (pcf) FrictionAngle (deg) EquivalentFluid Pressure,Active Case (pcf) EquivalentFluid Pressure,At-Rest Case (pcf) Sand120333550 Clay120265070 Resistancetolateralearthpressureswillbeprovidedbypassiveresistanceagainsttheretainingwall footings,andbyslidingresistancealongthebottomsofthewallfootings.Werecommendassuminga passivepressureequalto300pcfandaslidingcoefficientequalto0.50.Thesevaluesareun-factored. D.4.InteriorSlabs D.4.a.MoistureVaporProtection Iffloorcoveringsorcoatingslesspermeablethantheconcreteslabwillbeused,considerationshouldbe giventoplacingavaporretarderorvaporbarrierimmediatelybeneaththeslab.Somecontractors prefertoburythevaporretarderorbarrierbeneathalayerofsandtoreducecurlingandshrinkage,but thispracticeriskstrappingwaterbetweentheslabandvaporretarderorbarrier. Regardlessofwherethevaporretarderorbarrierisplaced,floorcoveringmanufacturersshouldbe consultedregardingtheappropriatetype,useandinstallationofthevaporretarderorbarrierto preservewarrantyassurances. D.4.b.Randon Inpreparationforradonmitigationsystemsunderresidentialstructures,werecommendthatslabson gradebeconstructedoveralayerofgaspermeablematerialconsistingofaminimumof4inchesof eithercleanaggregate,orsandoverlainwithageotextilemattingsuitableforventingthesubgrade.The cleanaggregatematerialshouldconsistofsoundrocknolargerthan2inchesandnosmallerthan 1/4inch.Sandshouldhavelessthan50percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#40sieveandless than5percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#200sieve. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page15 Abovethegaspermeableaggregateorsand,apolyethylenesheeting(6milminimum)shouldbeplaced. Thesheetingshouldbeproperlylappedandpenetrationsthroughthesheetingsealed.Penetrations throughtheslabandfoundationwallsshouldalsobesealed. D.5.ExteriorSlabs Allorsomeoftheexteriorslabswillbeunderlainwithmostlysandyleanclaysandleanclayswhichare consideredtobemoderatelytohighlyfrostsusceptible.Soilsofthistypecanretainmoistureandheave uponfreezing.Ingeneral,thischaracteristicisnotanissueunlessthesesoilsbecomesaturateddueto surfacerunofforinfiltrationorareexcessivelywetin-situ.Oncefrozen,unfavorableamountsofgeneral andisolatedheavingofthesoilsandrelatedsurfacefeaturescouldalsodevelop.Thistypeofheaving couldimpactdesigndrainagepatternsandtheperformanceofthepavedareasorexteriorslabs,aswell asanyisolatedexteriorfootingsandpiers.Toaddressmostoftheheaverelatedissues,werecommend thegeneralsitegradesandgradesforsurfacefeaturesbesettodirectsurfacedrainageawayfrom buildings,acrosslargepavedareasandawayfromwalkwaystolimitthepotentialforsaturationofthe subgradeandanysubsequentheaving.Generalgradesshouldalsohaveenough“slope”totolerate potentiallargerareasofheavewhichmaynotfullysettlewhenthawed. Evensmallamountsoffrost-relateddifferentialmovementatwalkwayjointsorcrackscancreate trippinghazards.Severalsubgradeimprovementoptionscanbeexploredtoaddressthiscondition.The mostconservativeandpotentiallymostcostlysubgradeimprovementoptiontohelplimitthepotential forheaving,butnoteliminateit,wouldbetoremoveanyfrost-susceptiblesoilspresentbelowthe exteriorslabs“footprint”downtothebottom-of-footinggradesortoamaximumdepthoffivefeet belowsubgradeelevations,whicheverisless.Werecommendtheresultingexcavationthenberefilled withsandorsandygravelhavinglessthan50percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassingthe#40sieveand lessthan5percentoftheparticlesbyweightpassinga#200sieve. Anothersubgradeimprovementoptionwouldbetobuildinatransitionzonebetweenthosesoils consideredtobefrost-susceptibleandthosethatarenottosomewhatcontrolwhereanydifferential movementmayoccur.Suchtransitionscouldexistbetweenexteriorslabsandpavements,betweenentry wayslabsandsidewalks,andalongthesidewalksthemselves.Forthisoption,thefrost-susceptiblesoils incriticalareaswouldberemovedtoadepthofatleastfivefeetbelowgradeasdiscussedabove.The excavationbelowthefootprintofthesidewalksorotherslabswouldthenbeslopedupwardata gradientnosteeperthan3:1(horizontal:vertical)towardthelesscriticalareas.Thebottomofthe excavationshouldthenbeslopedtowardthecentersothatanywaterenteringtheexcavationcouldbe quicklydrainedtothedeepestareaforremoval.Inthedeepestareasoftheexcavation,aseriesof perforateddrainpipeswillneedtobeinstalledtocollectanddisposeofsurfacewaterinfiltrationand/or ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page16 groundwaterthatcouldaccumulatewithinthebackfill.Thepipingwouldneedtobeconnectedtoa stormsewerorasumptoremoveanyaccumulatedwater.Ifthewaterisnotremoved,itisouropinion thisoptionwillnotbeeffectiveincontrollingheave. Regardlessofwhatisdonetothewalkwayorpavementareasubgrade,itwillbecriticaltheend-user developadetailedmaintenanceprogramtosealand/orfillanycracksandjointsthatmaydevelopduring theusefullifeofthevarioussurfacefeatures.Concreteandbituminouswillexperienceepisodesof normalthermo-expansionandthermo-contractionduringitsusefullife.Duringthistime,cracksmay developandjointsmayopenup,whichwillexposethesubgradeandallowanywaterflowingoverlandto enterthesubgradeandeithersaturatethesubgradesoilsortobecomeperchedatopit.Thisoccurrence increasesthepotentialforheaveduetofreezingconditionsinthegeneralvicinityofthecrackorjoint. Thistypeofheavehasthepotentialtobecomeexcessiveifnotaddressedaspartofamaintenance program.Specialattentionshouldbepaidtoareaswheredissimilarmaterialsabutoneanother,where constructionjointsoccurandwhereshrinkagecracksdevelop. D.5.a.IsolatedFootingandPiers Soilsclassifyingas“silt”(USCSsymbolsMLorMH),“clay”(CLorCH),orasbeing“silty”or“clayey” (includingbutnotlimitedtoSP-SM,SC-SM,SMorSC),havethepotentialforadheringtopoured concreteormasonryblockfeaturesbuiltthroughthenormalfrostzone.Infreezingconditions,thissoil adhesioncouldresultintheconcreteormasonryconstructionbeingliftedoutoftheground.Thislifting actionisalsoknownasheaveduetoadfreezing.Thepotentialforexperiencingtheimpactsofadfreezing increaseswithpoorsurfacedrainageintheareaofbelowgradeelements,inareasofpoorlycompacted clayeyorsiltysoilsandinareasofsaturatedsoils.Tolimittheimpactsofadfreeze,werecommend placingalowfrictionseparationbarrier,suchashighdensityinsulationboard,betweenthebackfilland theelement.Extendingisolatedpiersdeeperintothefrost-freezone,enlargingthebottomofthepiers andthenprovidingtensionreinforcementcanalsobeconsidered.Recommendationsforspecific foundationconditionscanbeprovidedasneeded. D.6.Pavements D.6.a.EngineeredFill Fillneededtoreachpavementsubgradeshouldbeplacedinthinliftsnotexceeding12inches.The engineeredfillplacedinpavedareasshouldbecompactedtoatleast100percentofStandardProctor maximumdrydensityandwithinonepercentoftheoptimummoisturecontentwhenpresentwithinthe upperthreefeetofpavementsubgrade.Belowtheupperthreefeet,thecompactionlevelmaybe reducedto95percentofStandardProctormaximumdrydensityandthemoisturecontentshouldbe ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page17 withinthreepercentofoptimummoisturecontent.Compactiontestsshouldbetakentoevaluatethe contractor’smethodoffillplacement. D.6.b.SubgradeProofroll Priortoplacingaggregatebasematerial,werecommendproof-rollingpavementsubgradestodetermine ifthesubgradematerialsareloose,soft,orweak,andinneedoffurtherstabilization,compactionor subexcavation,andrecompactionorreplacement.Asecondproofrollshouldbeperformedafterthe aggregatebasematerialisinplace,andpriortoplacingbituminousorconcretepavement. D.6.c.DesignSections LaboratoryteststodetermineanR-valueforpavementdesignwerenotincludedinthescopeofthis project.Basedontheclaysubgrade,however,itisouropinionthatanR-valueof12canbeassumedfor designpurposes.Forexclusivelyautoparking,werecommend3inchesofbituminousover6inchesof Class5aggregatebase.Fordrivelanesthatwillhaveoccasionaltrucktraffic,werecommendapavement sectionof4inchesofbituminousover10inchesofClass5aggregatebase.Bustrafficareas(ifany) shouldhaveaminimumof6inchesofbituminousover12inchesofaggregatebase.Thesepavement designsalsoassumethattheaggregatebaseisproperlydrained. Forenhancedlongtermperformance,considerationshouldbegiventoincorporatinga12inchsand subgradeintothedesign,especiallyindrivelanes.Ifa12inchsandsubgradeisconsideredthedrivelane sectioncouldbereducedto31/2inchesofasphaltandsixinchesofClass5aggregate. Theabovepavementdesignsarebasedupona20-yearperformancelife.Thisistheamountoftime beforemajorreconstructionisanticipated.Thisperformancelifeassumesmaintenance,suchasseal coatingandcracksealing,isroutinelyperformed.Theactualpavementlifewillvarydependingon variationsinweather,trafficconditionsandmaintenance. D.6.d.MaterialsandCompaction WerecommendspecifyingcrushedaggregatebasemeetingtherequirementsofMinnesotaDepartment ofTransportation(MnDOT)Specification3138forClass5.Werecommendthatthebituminouswearand basecoursesmeettherequirementsofSpecifications2360,TypeSP.Werecommendtheaggregate gradationsfortheasphaltmixesmeetGradationBforthebasecourseandGradationBorAforthe surfacecourse.GradationAcontainsasmalleraggregatesizethanGradationBandwillprovideasurface withlessvisibleaggregatewhichisdesirableforsomeowners.WerecommendthePerformanceGraded AsphaltcementbeaPG58-28.(Ifadditionalresistancetorutting,scuffinganddimplingisdesired,we ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page18 recommendutilizingaPG64-28.Ifadditionalresistancetocoldweathercrackingisdesirable,we recommendutilizingaPG58-34.) Werecommendthattheaggregatebasebecompactedtoaminimumof100percentofitsmaximum standardProctordrydensity.Werecommendthatthebituminouspavementbecompactedtoatleast92 percentofthemaximumtheoreticalRicedensity. Werecommendspecifyingconcreteforpavementsthathasaminimum28-daycompressivestrengthof 4,000psi,andamodulusofrupture(Mr)ofatleast600psi.WealsorecommendTypeIcementmeeting therequirementsofASTMC150.Werecommendspecifyingfivetoeightpercententrainedairfor exposedconcretetoprovideresistancetofreeze-thawdeterioration.Wealsorecommendusinga water/cementratioof0.45orlessforconcreteexposedtodeicers. D.6.e.SubgradeDrainage Werecommendinstallingperforateddrainpipesthroughoutpavementareasatlowpointsandabout catchbasins.Thedrainpipesshouldbeplacedinsmalltrenchesextendedatleast8inchesbelowthe granularsubbaselayer–oraggregatebasematerialwherenosubbaseispresent. D.7.Utilities D.7.a.SubgradeStabilization Weanticipatethatutilitiescanbeinstalledpermanufacturerbeddingrequirements.Iflocalizedsoft areasareencounteredatpipeinvertelevations,werecommendplacingastabilizingaggregatebeneath thepipe.Thedepthoftheaggregatebeddingwillvary,however,aminimumofsixinchesanda maximumoftwofeetiscommonlyused. D.7.b.Selection,PlacementandCompactionofBackfill Werecommendselecting,placingandcompactingutilitybackfillinaccordancewiththe recommendationsprovidedaboveinSectionD.1. D.7.c.CorrosionProtection Thesoilboringsindicatedthesiteconsistspredominatelyofclaysoils.Thesesoilsareconsideredslightly tomoderatelycorrosivetometallicconduits.Werecommendwrappingmetallicpipethatisincontact withclayeysoilsorifclayeysoilsareplacedasbackfillaroundthepipe. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page19 D.8.ConstructionQualityControl D.8.a.ExcavationObservations Werecommendhavingageotechnicalengineerobserveallexcavationsrelatedtosubgradepreparation andspreadfooting,slab-on-grade,andpavementconstruction.Thepurposeoftheobservationsisto evaluatethecompetenceofthegeologicmaterialsexposedintheexcavations,andtheadequacyof requiredexcavationoversizing. D.8.b.MaterialsTesting Werecommenddensitytestsbetakeninwallbackfillandadditionalrequiredfillplacedbelowspread footings,slab-on-gradeconstruction,andbelowpavements. WerecommendMarshalltestsonbituminousmixestoevaluatestrengthandairvoids,anddensitytests toevaluatecompaction. Wealsorecommendslump,aircontent,andstrengthtestsofportlandcementconcrete. D.8.c.PavementSubgradeProofroll Werecommendthatproofrollingofthepavementsubgradesbeobservedbyageotechnicalengineerto determineiftheresultsoftheproceduremeetprojectspecifications,ordelineatetheextentof additionalpavementsubgradepreparationwork. D.8.d.ColdWeatherPrecautions Ifsitegradingandconstructionisanticipatedduringcoldweather,allsnowandiceshouldberemoved fromcutandfillareaspriortoadditionalgrading.Nofillshouldbeplacedonfrozensubgrades.No frozensoilsshouldbeusedasfill. ConcretedeliveredtothesiteshouldmeetthetemperaturerequirementsofASTMC94.Concrete shouldnotbeplacedonfrozensubgrades.Concreteshouldbeprotectedfromfreezinguntilthe necessarystrengthisattained.Frostshouldnotbepermittedtopenetratebelowfootings. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page20 E.Procedures E.1.PenetrationTestBorings Thepenetrationtestboringsweredrilledwithatruck-mountedcoreandaugerdrillequippedwith hollow-stemauger.TheboringswereperformedinaccordancewithASTMD1586.Penetrationtest samplesweretakenat21/2-or5-footintervals.Actualsampleintervalsandcorrespondingdepthsare shownontheboringlogs. E.2.MaterialClassificationandTesting E.2.a.VisualandManualClassification ThegeologicmaterialsencounteredwerevisuallyandmanuallyclassifiedinaccordancewithASTM StandardPracticeD2488.Achartexplainingtheclassificationsystemisattached.Sampleswereplaced injarsandreturnedtoourfacilityforreviewandstorage. E.2.b.LaboratoryTesting Theresultsofthelaboratorytestsperformedongeologicmaterialsamplesarenotedonorfollowthe appropriateattachedexplorationlogs.ThetestswereperformedinaccordancewithASTMprocedures. E.3.GroundwaterMeasurements Thedrillerscheckedforgroundwaterasthepenetrationtestboringswereadvanced,andagainafter augerwithdrawal.Theboreholeswerethenbackfilledorallowedtoremainopenforanextendedperiod ofobservationasnotedontheboringlogs. F.Qualifications F.1.VariationsinSubsurfaceConditions F.1.a.MaterialStrata Ourevaluation,analyses,andrecommendationsweredevelopedfromalimitedamountofsiteand subsurfaceinformation.Itisnotstandardengineeringpracticetoretrievematerialsamplesfrom ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page21 explorationlocationscontinuouslywithdepth,andthereforestrataboundariesandthicknessesmustbe inferredtosomeextent.Strataboundariesmayalsobegradualtransitions,andcanbeexpectedtovary indepth,elevation,andthicknessawayfromtheexplorationlocations. Variationsinsubsurfaceconditionspresentbetweenexplorationlocationsmaynotberevealeduntil additionalexplorationworkiscompleted,orconstructioncommences.Ifanysuchvariationsare revealed,ourrecommendationsshouldbere-evaluated.Suchvariationscouldincreaseconstruction costs,andacontingencyshouldbeprovidedtoaccommodatethem. F.1.b.GroundwaterLevels Groundwatermeasurementsweremadeundertheconditionsreportedhereinandshownonthe explorationlogs,andinterpretedinthetextofthisreport.Itshouldbenotedthattheobservation periodswererelativelyshort,andgroundwatercanbeexpectedtofluctuateinresponsetorainfall, flooding,irrigation,seasonalfreezingandthawing,surfacedrainagemodifications,andotherseasonal andannualfactors. F.2.ContinuityofProfessionalResponsibility F.2.a.PlanReview Thisreportisbasedonalimitedamountofinformation,andanumberofassumptionswerenecessaryto helpusdevelopourrecommendations.Itisrecommendedthatourfirmreviewthegeotechnicalaspects ofthedesignsandspecifications,andevaluatewhetherthedesignisasexpected,ifanydesignchanges haveaffectedthevalidityofourrecommendations,andifourrecommendationshavebeencorrectly interpretedandimplementedinthedesignsandspecifications. F.2.b.ConstructionObservationsandTesting Itisrecommendedthatweberetainedtoperformobservationsandtestsduringconstruction.Thiswill allowcorrelationofthesubsurfaceconditionsencounteredduringconstructionwiththoseencountered bytheborings,andprovidecontinuityofprofessionalresponsibility. F.3.UseofReport Thisreportisfortheexclusiveuseofthepartiestowhichithasbeenaddressed.Withoutwritten approval,weassumenoresponsibilitytootherpartiesregardingthisreport.Ourevaluation,analyses, andrecommendationsmaynotbeappropriateforotherpartiesorprojects. ChanhassenSeniorLivingDeveloper,LLC ProjectB14-07818 November18,2014 Page22 F.4.StandardofCare Inperformingitsservices,BraunIntertecusedthatdegreeofcareandskillordinarilyexercisedunder similarcircumstancesbyreputablemembersofitsprofessioncurrentlypracticinginthesamelocality.No warranty,expressorimplied,ismade. Appendix 4 8 12 12 16 17 1/2 1 3/4 Benchmark: Elevations were obtained using GPS and the State of Minnesota's permanent base station network. An open triangle in the water level (WL) column indicates the depth at which groundwater was observed while drilling. Groundwater levels fluctuate. 20 SM CL CL SILTY SAND, fine-grained, trace roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil Fill) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown, wet, rather soft. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown, wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) Layers of Poorly Graded Sand at 8 feet. END OF BORING. Water observed at 8 feet with 7 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed with 14 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 920.8 917.8 905.8 1.0 4.0 16.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-1 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-1 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 921.8 Depth feet 0.0 5 5 7 8 12 13 1 1/2 1 3/4 1 1/2 22 SM CL CL SILTY SAND, fine-grained, trace Gravel, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, wet, rather soft. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown, wet, rather soft to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 917.4 914.9 902.9 1.5 4.0 16.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-2 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-2 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 918.9 Depth feet 0.0 6 8 11 12 14 17 3/4 2 1 19 SM CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace roots, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown, wet, medium. (Possible Fill) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 12 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 912.4 908.5 898.5 896.5 0.1 4.0 14.0 16.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-3 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-3 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 912.5 Depth feet 0.0 6 5 5 5 9 9 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 20 24 SM CL OL CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace roots, with Gravel, gray, dry. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown to gray, wet. (Possible Fill) ORGANIC CLAY, black, wet. (Swamp Deposit) SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark gray, wet, rather soft. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown to gray, wet, rather soft to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 10 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 909.8 905.9 902.9 900.9 895.9 893.9 0.1 4.0 7.0 9.0 14.0 16.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-4 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-4 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 1 0 : 0 0 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 909.9 Depth feet 0.0 5 5 9 11 11 14 3/4 3 1/2 2 1/2 3 1/2 20 SM OL CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace roots, with Gravel, gray, dry. (Topsoil) ORGANIC LEAN CLAY, black, wet. (Swamp Deposit) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, gray, wet, rather soft. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to gray, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 11 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 908.2 904.3 902.3 896.3 892.3 0.1 4.0 6.0 12.0 16.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-5 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-5 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 1 0 : 0 0 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 908.3 Depth feet 0.0 14 16 15 14 16 16 3 1/4 2 1/2 20 SM CL SILTY SAND, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 920.4 904.5 0.1 16.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-6 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-6 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 1 0 : 0 0 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 920.5 Depth feet 0.0 6 12 13 13 12 13 2 1/2 2 3/4 3 1/4 16 SM CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, with Gravel, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to gray, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 922.2 906.3 0.1 16.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-7 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-7 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 1 0 : 0 0 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 922.3 Depth feet 0.0 6 9 10 9 14 19 2 1/4 3 1/2 3 21 SM CL SC CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace roots, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) CLAYEY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, brown, wet, medium dense. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 921.8 909.9 907.9 905.9 0.1 12.0 14.0 16.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-8 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-8 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 1 0 : 0 0 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 921.9 Depth feet 0.0 6 8 10 11 11 12 1 1/2 2 1/2 1 3/4 2 19 SM CL CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 924.0 920.1 908.1 0.1 4.0 16.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-9 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-9 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 1 0 : 0 0 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsf MC %Symbol Elev. feet 924.1 Depth feet 0.0 6 7 8 11 14 15 14 14 2 3/4 2 1/4 SM CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine-grained, trace Gravel, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, dark brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 923.9 921.0 905.0 898.0 0.1 3.0 19.0 26.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-10 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-10 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsfSymbol Elev. feet 924.0 Depth feet 0.0 6 7 9 9 11 13 22 59 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 1/4 SM CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine-grained, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, wet, brown, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, trace Cobble, gray, wet, very stiff to hard. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water observed at 24 1/2 feet with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water observed at 15 feet with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with bentonite grout. 920.9 917.0 902.0 895.0 0.1 4.0 19.0 26.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-11 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-11 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsfSymbol Elev. feet 921.0 Depth feet 0.0 6 10 10 10 15 14 20 17 2 1/2 2 SM CL CL CL SILTY CLAYEY SAND, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, wet, medium. SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 916.5 913.6 898.6 890.6 0.1 3.0 18.0 26.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-12 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-12 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsfSymbol Elev. feet 916.6 Depth feet 0.0 3 7 12 10 11 11 13 11 2 3/4 3 2 1/4 SM CL SC CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, soft to medium. (Glacial Till) CLAYEY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 915.6 909.7 906.7 889.7 0.1 6.0 9.0 26.0 10/16/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-13 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-13 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsfSymbol Elev. feet 915.7 Depth feet 0.0 18 20 15 17 18 18 15 50/2" 3 1/2 3 1/2 2 1/2 3 1/4 SM CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace Gravel and roots, gray, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown to gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown, wet, stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, hard. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 18 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 911.6 907.7 888.7 885.7 0.1 4.0 23.0 26.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-14 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-14 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsfSymbol Elev. feet 911.7 Depth feet 0.0 6 11 15 16 18 22 21 13 SM CL CL CL CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace roots, gray, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace roots and Gravel, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, with Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to gray, wet, stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 25 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 18 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 909.9 907.0 903.0 886.0 884.0 0.1 3.0 7.0 24.0 26.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-15 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-15 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota Symbol Elev. feet 910.0 Depth feet 0.0 5 6 13 17 1 3/4 2 3/4 SM CL CL CL SILTY SAND,, fine- to medium-grained, trace roots, with Gravel, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, dark brown to gray, wet, rather soft to medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 10 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 7 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 899.9 893.0 891.0 889.0 0.1 7.0 9.0 11.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-16 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerB. Kammermeier L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-16 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota qp tsfSymbol Elev. feet 900.0 Depth feet 0.0 7 9 12 11 SM CL SILTY SAND, fine-grained, with roots, brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 10 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 927.0 916.1 0.1 11.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-17 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-17 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota Symbol Elev. feet 927.1 Depth feet 0.0 6 8 9 10 SM CL CL SILTY SAND, fine-grained, brown, moist, medium. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 10 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 923.9 918.1 913.1 0.2 6.0 11.0 10/17/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-18 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-18 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota Symbol Elev. feet 924.1 Depth feet 0.0 8 10 15 25 SM CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, with Gravel, light brown, dry. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Gravel, brown, wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 10 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled with cuttings. 914.7 903.8 0.1 11.0 10/1/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington MN 55438 ST-19 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerR. Hansen L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-19 METHOD: BORING: BPF B14-07818LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 8 1 8 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 4 0 9 : 5 9 Braun Project B14-07818 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Chanhassen Senior Housing Project 8623-8635 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota Symbol Elev. feet 914.8 Depth feet 0.0 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Standard D 2487 - 00 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Rev. 7/07 DD Dry density, pcf WD Wet density, pcf MC Natural moisture content, % LL Liqiuid limit, % PL Plastic limit, % PI Plasticity index, % P200 % passing 200 sieve OC Organic content, % S Percent of saturation, % SG Specific gravity C Cohesion, psf Angle of internal friction qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf Liquid Limit (LL) Laboratory Tests Pl a s t i c i t y I n d e x ( P I ) Drilling Notes Standard penetration test borings were advanced by 3 1/4” or 6 1/4” ID hollow-stem augers unless noted otherwise, Jetting water was used to clean out auger prior to sampling only where indicated on logs. Standard penetration test borings are designated by the prefix “ST” (Split Tube). All samples were taken with the standard 2” OD split-tube sampler, except where noted. Power auger borings were advanced by 4” or 6” diameter continuous- flight, solid-stem augers. Soil classifications and strata depths were in- ferred from disturbed samples augered to the surface and are, therefore, somewhat approximate. Power auger borings are designated by the prefix “B.” Hand auger borings were advanced manually with a 1 1/2” or 3 1/4” diameter auger and were limited to the depth from which the auger could be manually withdrawn. Hand auger borings are indicated by the prefix “H.” BPF: Numbers indicate blows per foot recorded in standard penetration test, also known as “N” value. The sampler was set 6” into undisturbed soil below the hollow-stem auger. Driving resistances were then counted for second and third 6” increments and added to get BPF. Where they differed significantly, they are reported in the following form: 2/12 for the second and third 6” increments, respectively. WH: WH indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of hammer and rods alone; driving not required. WR: WR indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of rods alone; hammer weight and driving not required. TW indicates thin-walled (undisturbed) tube sample. Note: All tests were run in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. Particle Size Identification Boulders ...............................over 12” Cobbles ...............................3” to 12” Gravel Coarse ............................3/4” to 3” Fine .................................No. 4 to 3/4” Sand Coarse ............................No. 4 to No. 10 Medium ...........................No. 10 to No. 40 Fine .................................No. 40 to No. 200 Silt ....................................... No. 200, PI 4 or below “A” line Clay ..................................... No. 200, PI 4 and on or above “A” line Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very loose ................................0 to 4 BPF Loose .......................................5 to 10 BPF Medium dense.........................11 to 30 BPF Dense......................................31 to 50 BPF Very dense...............................over 50 BPF Consistency of Cohesive Soils Very soft...................................0 to 1 BPF Soft.......................................2 to 3 BPF Rather soft...............................4 to 5 BPF Medium....................................6 to 8 BPF Rather stiff...............................9 to 12 BPF Stiff.......................................13 to 16 BPF Very stiff...................................17 to 30 BPF Hard.......................................over 30 BPF a.Based on the material passing the 3-in (75mm) sieve. b.If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add “with cobbles or boulders or both” to group name. c.Cu = D60 / D10 Cc = (D30)2 D10 x D60 d.If soil contains 15% sand, add “with sand” to group name. e.Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GMwell-graded gravel with silt GW-GCwell-graded gravel with clay GP-GMpoorly graded gravel with silt GP-GCpoorly graded gravel with clay f.If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM or SC-SM. g.If fines are organic, add “with organic fines” to group name. h.If soil contains 15% gravel, add “with gravel” to group name. i.Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SMwell-graded sand with silt SW-SCwell-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SCpoorly graded sand with clay j.If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. k.If soil contains 10 to 29% plus No. 200, add “with sand” or “with gravel” whichever is predominant. l.If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. m.If soil contains 30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. n.PI 4 and plots on or above “A” line. o.PI 4 or plots below “A” line. p.PI plots on or above “A” line. q.PI plots below “A” line. Poorly graded sand h Peat Well-graded gravel d PI plots on or above “A” line PI 7 and plots on or above “A” line j PI 4 or plots below “A” line j Fi n e - g r a i n e d S o i l s 50 % o r m o r e p a s s e d t h e No . 2 0 0 s i e v e Co a r s e - g r a i n e d S o i l s mo r e t h a n 5 0 % r e t a i n e d o n No . 2 0 0 s i e v e Soils Classification Gravels More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Sands 50% or more of coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Silts and Clays Liquid limit less than 50 Highly Organic Soils Silts and clays Liquid limit 50 or more Primarily organic matter, dark in color and organic odor Group Symbol Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests a Group Name b GW GP GM GC SW SP SM CL ML OL OL SC Poorly graded gravel d Silty gravel d f g Clean Gravels 5% or less fines e Gravels with Fines More than 12% fines e Clean Sands 5% or less fines i Sands with Fines More than 12% i Fines classify as ML or MH Fines classify as CL or CH Clayey gravel d f g Well-graded sand h Fines classify as CL or CH Fines classify as ML or MH Silty sand f g h Clayey sand f g h Inorganic Organic Liquid limit - oven dried Liquid limit - not dried 0.75 Inorganic Organic PI plots below “A” line Lean clay k l m Liquid limit - oven dried Liquid limit - not dried 0.75 CH MH OH OH Fat clay k l m Elastic silt k l m Organic clay k l m n Organic silt k l m o Organic clay k l m p Organic silt k l m q Cu 6 and 1 Cc 3 C PT Cu 4 and 1 Cc 3 C Cu 4 and/or 1 Cc 3 C Cu 6 and/or 1 CC 3 C 0 10 1620 30 4050 60 7080 90 100110 7 “U” L i n e “A” L i n e 10 20 30 40 50 60 4 0 ML or OL MH or OHCL o r O L CH o r O H CL - ML Silt k l m