Traffic Study Memorandum SRF No. 0148676 To: Michael Hoagberg Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC From: Matt Pacyna, PE, Senior Associate Jordan Schwarze, PE, Senior Engineer Date: November 21, 2014 Subject: Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Introduction SRF has completed a traffic study for the proposed senior living facility development located near the TH 212/County Highway 101 interchange in the City of Chanhassen (see Figure 1: Project Location). The main objectives of this study are to review existing operations within the study area, evaluate the traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway network, and recommend any necessary improvements to accommodate the proposed development. Furthermore, this study will provide a comparison between the traffic impacts associated with the proposed development and those associated with the maximum potential traffic demand under the proposed zoning, which is assumed to be market rate apartments. The following information provides the assumptions, analysis and study recommendations offered for consideration. Existing Conditions The existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline in order to identify any future impacts associated with the proposed development. The evaluation of existing conditions includes peak period intersection turning movement counts, field observations and an intersection capacity analysis. Data Collection Peak period turning movement counts were collected by SRF during the week of October 27, 2014 at the following study intersections: • County Highway 101 and Lake Susan Drive/TH 212 Westbound Ramps • County Highway 101 and 86th Street Note that the 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive intersection volumes were derived from County Highway 101/ 86th Street intersection turning movement counts and surrounding land use trip generation estimates. Historical and year 2013 annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes within the study area were provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). ONE CARLSON PARKWAY, SUITE 150 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55447 | 763.475.0010 | WWW.SRFCONSULTING.COM 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 1 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 1 _ P r o j e c t L o c a t i o n . c d r NO R T H No r t h 86th St 101 Project Location 212 Lake Susan Dr Project Location Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 3 In addition to the intersection turning movement counts, observations were completed to identify roadway characteristics within the study area (i.e. roadway geometry, posted speed limits, and traffic controls). Currently, County Highway 101 is a four-lane divided roadway with a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour (mph). 86th Street is a two-lane roadway with no posted speed limit and parking allowed only along its north side. The study intersections are side-street stop controlled, except the County Highway 101/Lake Susan Drive intersection which is signalized. It should be noted that County Highway 101 is functionally classified as a minor arterial, while other study roadways are classified as local streets. Existing geometrics, traffic controls, and volumes within the study area are shown in Figure 2. Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis An existing intersection capacity analysis was completed to establish a baseline condition to which future traffic operations could be compared. The study intersections were analyzed using Synchro/ SimTraffic software (V8.0). Capacity analysis results identify a Level of Service (LOS) which indicates how well an intersection is operating. Intersections are ranked from LOS A through LOS F. The LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle, which correspond to the delay threshold values shown in Table 1. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation, while LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity. Overall intersection LOS A though LOS D is generally considered acceptable in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Table 1. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections LOS Designation Signalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) Unsignalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) A ≤ 10 ≤ 10 B > 10 - 20 > 10 - 15 C > 20 - 35 > 15 - 25 D > 35 - 55 > 25 - 35 E > 55 - 80 > 35 - 50 F > 80 > 50 For side-street stop controlled intersections, special emphasis is given to providing an estimate for the level of service of the side-street approach. Traffic operations at an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control can be described in two ways. First, consideration is given to the overall intersection level of service. This takes into account the total number of vehicles entering the intersection and the capability of the intersection to support these volumes. Second, it is important to consider the delay on the minor approach. Since the mainline does not have to stop, the majority of delay is attributed to the side-street approaches. It is typical of intersections with higher mainline traffic volumes to experience high levels of delay (i.e. poor levels of service) on the side-street approaches, but an acceptable overall intersection level of service during peak hour conditions. 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 2 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 2 _ E x i s t i n g C o n d i t i o n s . c d r 86th St 101 Existing Conditions 212 Lak e S u s a n D r ( 2 8 ) 6 (4 3 5 ) 6 2 9 (1 0 6 ) 3 8 Co . H w y 1 0 1 14 ( 4 6 ) 23 7 ( 4 4 0 ) 51 ( 1 3 4 ) Lake Susan Dr (43) 49 (7) 5 (39) 38 180 (137) 8 (52) 114 (271) NO R T H No r t h TH 212 WB Ramps Mis s i o n H i l l s D r 13 ( 7 ) 0 ( 0 ) 8 6 t h S t ( 1 3 ) 3 ( 4 8 ) 1 7 0 ( 0 ) 5 0 ( 2 1 ) Mis s i o n H i l l s D r (582 ) 8 4 6 (33) 1 2 267 (607) 8 (28 ) 3 (4) 8 6 t h S t 28 ( 1 5 ) 35 ( 1 3 ) Co. H w y 1 0 1 Project Location - A.M. Peak Hour Volumes - P.M. Peak Hour Volumes - Estimated Year 2014 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Volumes - Side-Street Stop Control - Traffic Signal Control LEGEND XX (XX) X,XXX 15, 1 0 0 14 , 9 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 5 Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 2 indicate that all study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the field or traffic simulation at the study intersections. It should be noted that all results shown represent the SimTraffic analysis due to the proximity of the County Highway 101/Lake Susan Drive intersection traffic signal and its impacts on operations at the County Highway 101/86th Street intersection. Table 2. Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay County Highway 101/Lake Susan Drive B 12 sec. B 17 sec. County Highway 101/86th Street(1) A/B 13 sec. A/A 9 sec. 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive(1) A/A 3 sec. A/A 2 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Year 2017 No Build Conditions To help determine impacts associated with the proposed development, traffic forecasts were first developed for year 2017 no build conditions (i.e. one year after anticipated completion). The no build condition takes into account general area background growth and traffic generated by adjacent developments, if any. The evaluation of year 2017 no build conditions includes details on the adjacent development, traffic forecasts and an intersection capacity analysis. Adjacent Development Based on discussions with City staff, the Preserve at Rice Lake development is expected to be complete prior to the proposed development. The Preserve at Rice Lake is located north of TH 212, near the eastern terminus of 86th Street (see Figure 3: Adjacent Development). This adjacent development will consist of 16 single-family homes and is currently under construction. Motorists traveling to/from the Preserve at Rice Lake would primarily be expected to utilize 86th Street, though Mission Hills Lane could also be utilized to access County Highway 101 northbound. Adjacent development trips were estimated using the ITE Trip Generation Manual, Ninth Edition. These trips were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown in Figure 4, which was developed based on existing travel patterns within the area and engineering judgment. Results of the trip generation estimates shown in Table 3 indicate that the adjacent development is expected to generate 12 a.m. peak hour, 16 p.m. peak hour, and 152 daily trips. 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 3 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 3 _ A d j a c e n t D e v e l o p m e n t . c d r NO R T H No r t h 86th St 101 Adjacent Development 212 Project Location Preserve at Rice Lake Mi s s i o n H i l l s L n 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 4 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 4 _ D i r e c t i o n a l D i s t r i b u t i o n . c d r 86th St 101 Directional Distribution 212 Lak e S u s a n D r NO R T H No r t h Mis s i o n H i l l s D r 10% 5% 40 % 45 % Project Location Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 8 Table 3. Trip Generation Estimates – Adjacent Development Land Use Type (ITE Code) Size A.M. Trips P.M. Trips Daily Trips In Out In Out Single-Family Detached Housing (210) 16 Dwelling Units 3 9 10 6 152 Year 2017 No Build Traffic Forecasts To determine the general area background growth rate, historical AADT volumes and the forecasts presented in the City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Plan were considered. Based on the information available, an annual growth rate of one percent was applied to the existing peak hour and daily traffic volumes. This background growth rate accounts for motorists that are expected to travel through the study area. The resultant year 2017 no build conditions, including general area background growth and traffic generated by the adjacent development, are shown in Figure 5. Year 2017 No Build Intersection Capacity Analysis To determine how the adjacent roadway network will accommodate year 2017 no build traffic forecasts, an intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Results of the year 2017 no build intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 4 indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue operating at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulation at the study intersections. Table 4. Year 2017 No Build Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay County Highway 101/Lake Susan Drive B 12 sec. B 17 sec. County Highway 101/86th Street(1) A/B 13 sec. A/B 11 sec. 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive(1) A/A 3 sec. A/A 3 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Proposed Development The proposed development is located along the east side of County Highway 101, north of TH 212 and south of 86th Street. The current development proposal shown in Figure 6 consists of senior housing including 18 independent living townhomes and a 134-unit facility offering memory care, assisted and independent living. The proposed development is expected to be constructed by the end of the year 2016. Access to the development is proposed along the south side of 86th Street across from Mission Hills Drive. Further discussion regarding site access is documented later in this study. 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 5 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 5 _ Y e a r 2 0 1 7 N o B u i l d C o n d i t i o n s . c d r 86th St 101 Year 2017 No Build Conditions 212 Lak e S u s a n D r ( 2 9 ) 6 (4 5 2 ) 6 4 9 (1 0 9 ) 3 9 Co . H w y 1 0 1 14 ( 4 7 ) 24 8 ( 4 5 5 ) 54 ( 1 3 9 ) Lake Susan Dr (45) 50 (7) 5 (40) 39 185 (142) 8 (54) 117 (279) NO R T H No r t h TH 212 WB Ramps Mis s i o n H i l l s D r 13 ( 7 ) 0 ( 0 ) 8 6 t h S t ( 1 3 ) 3 ( 6 0 ) 2 0 0 ( 0 ) 6 1 ( 2 7 ) Mis s i o n H i l l s D r Project Location - A.M. Peak Hour Volumes - P.M. Peak Hour Volumes - Estimated Year 2017 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Volumes - Side-Street Stop Control - Traffic Signal Control LEGEND XX (XX) X,XXX 15, 7 0 0 1 , 2 0 0 15 , 4 0 0 (600 ) 8 7 0 (39) 1 4 275 (625) 9 (34 ) 3 (4) 8 6 t h S t 33 ( 1 8 ) 41 ( 1 6 ) Co. H w y 1 0 1 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 6 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 6 _ S i t e P l a n . c d r 8 6 t h S t 101 Site Plan NO R T H No r t h Mis s i o n H i l l s D r Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 11 Year 2017 Build Conditions To help determine impacts associated with the proposed development, traffic forecasts were next developed for year 2017 build conditions (i.e. one year after anticipated completion). The build condition takes into account general area background growth and traffic generated by the adjacent and proposed developments. The evaluation of year 2017 build conditions includes details on the traffic forecasts and an intersection capacity analysis. Year 2017 Build Traffic Forecasts To account for traffic impacts associated with the proposed development, trip generation estimates for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours and a daily basis were developed. These estimates, shown in Table 5, were developed using the ITE Trip Generation Manual, Ninth Edition. It should be noted that several land use assumptions were used to identify specific development types and sizes for trip generation purposes based on discussions with project staff. These assumptions are intended to provide a realistic development scenario that could occur. Table 5. Trip Generation Estimates – Proposed Development Land Use Type (ITE Code) Size A.M. Trips P.M. Trips Daily Trips In Out In Out Residential Townhouse (230) 18 Dwelling Units 1 7 6 3 105 Senior Adult Housing-Attached (252) 67 Dwelling Units 5 9 9 8 230 Congregate Care Facility (253) 67 Dwelling Units 2 2 6 5 135 Total Trips 8 18 21 16 470 Results of the trip generation estimates indicate the proposed development is expected to generate approximately 26 a.m. peak hour, 37 p.m. peak hour, and 470 daily trips. The trips generated were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown previously in Figure 4. The resultant year 2017 build conditions, including general area background growth and traffic generated by the adjacent and proposed developments, are shown in Figure 7. Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis To determine how the adjacent roadway network will accommodate year 2017 build traffic forecasts, an intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Results of the year 2017 build intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 6 indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue operating at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulation at the study intersections. Given the minimal anticipated impact caused by the proposed development on study area traffic operations, roadway improvements are not required under year 2017 build conditions from a traffic operations perspective. 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 7 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 7 _ Y e a r 2 0 1 7 B u i l d C o n d i t i o n s . c d r 101 Year 2017 Build Conditions 212 Lak e S u s a n D r ( 2 9 ) 6 (4 6 1 ) 6 5 2 (1 0 9 ) 3 9 Co . H w y 1 0 1 15 ( 4 8 ) 25 5 ( 4 6 1 ) 56 ( 1 4 1 ) Lake Susan Dr (46) 50 (7) 5 (40) 39 186 (144) 8 (54) 117 (279) NO R T H No r t h TH 212 WB Ramps 86th St Mis s i o n H i l l s D r 13 ( 7 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 8 6 t h S t ( 1 3 ) 3 ( 6 0 ) 2 0 ( 2 1 ) 8 0 ( 0 ) 6 1 ( 2 7 ) 0 ( 0 ) Mis s i o n H i l l s D r Dev e l o p m e n t A c c e s s (16 ) 1 8 (0) 0 (0) 0 - A.M. Peak Hour Volumes - P.M. Peak Hour Volumes - Estimated Year 2017 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Volumes - Side-Street Stop Control - Traffic Signal Control LEGEND XX (XX) X,XXX 15, 9 0 0 1 , 7 0 0 15 , 6 0 0 (600 ) 8 7 0 (51) 1 8 275 (625) 13 (43) 3 (4) 8 6 t h S t 41 ( 2 5 ) 51 ( 2 5 ) Co. H w y 1 0 1 Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 13 Table 6. Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay County Highway 101/Lake Susan Drive B 12 sec. B 18 sec. County Highway 101/86th Street(1) A/B 13 sec. A/B 11 sec. 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive(1) A/A 5 sec. A/A 4 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Year 2017 Build Conditions – Alternate Development While the proposed senior living facility development is not expected to significantly impact traffic operations within the study area, it should be noted that the proposed zoning of the study property would allow for a more intense land use. Based on discussions with City staff, the highest intensity land use under the proposed zoning is assumed to be market rate apartments. Therefore, to better understand the impacts under an alternate development scenario, traffic forecasts and an intersection capacity analysis were once again completed. Year 2017 Build Traffic Forecasts – Alternate Development To account for traffic impacts associated with the alternate development, trip generation estimates for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours and a daily basis were developed. These estimates shown in Table 7 were developed using the ITE Trip Generation Manual, Ninth Edition. It should be noted that a density of approximately 20 dwelling units per acre was assumed based on an inventory of nearby apartment complexes, which equates to approximately a 175-unit apartment complex. Table 7. Trip Generation Estimates – Alternate Development Land Use Type (ITE Code) Size A.M. Trips P.M. Trips Daily Trips In Out In Out Apartment (220) 175 Dwelling Units 18 71 71 38 1,164 Results of the trip generation estimates indicate the alternate development would be expected to generate approximately 89 a.m. peak hour, 109 p.m. peak hour, and 1,164 daily trips. The trips generated were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown previously in Figure 4. The resultant year 2017 build conditions, including general area background growth and traffic generated by the adjacent and alternate developments, are shown in Figure 8. 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 8 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 8 _ Y e a r 2 0 1 7 B u i l d C o n d i t i o n s - A l t e r n a t e D e v e l o p m e n t . c d r 101 Year 2017 Build Conditions - Alternate Development 212 Lak e S u s a n D r ( 2 9 ) 6 (4 8 0 ) 6 5 6 (1 0 9 ) 3 9 Co . H w y 1 0 1 18 ( 4 9 ) 27 6 ( 4 7 0 ) 61 ( 1 4 3 ) Lake Susan Dr (49) 51 (7) 5 (40) 39 187 (149) 8 (54) 117 (279) NO R T H No r t h TH 212 WB Ramps 86th St Mis s i o n H i l l s D r 13 ( 7 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 8 6 t h S t ( 1 3 ) 3 ( 6 0 ) 2 0 ( 7 1 ) 1 8 0 ( 0 ) 6 1 ( 2 7 ) 0 ( 0 ) Mis s i o n H i l l s D r Dev e l o p m e n t A c c e s s (38 ) 7 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 Alternate Development - Market Rate Apartments - A.M. Peak Hour Volumes - P.M. Peak Hour Volumes - Estimated Year 2017 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Volumes - Side-Street Stop Control - Traffic Signal Control LEGEND XX (XX) X,XXX 16, 2 0 0 2 , 4 0 0 15 , 9 0 0 (600 ) 8 7 0 (78) 2 4 275 (625) 17 (66) 3 (4) 8 6 t h S t 65 ( 3 5 ) 80 ( 3 7 ) Co. H w y 1 0 1 Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 15 Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis – Alternate Development To determine how the adjacent roadway network will accommodate year 2017 build traffic forecasts under the alternate development scenario, an intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Results of the year 2017 build intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 8 indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue operating at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulation at the study intersections. Given the minimal anticipated impact caused by the alternate development on study area traffic operations, roadway improvements would not be required under year 2017 build conditions from a traffic operations perspective. Table 8. Year 2017 Build Intersection Capacity Analysis – Alternate Development Intersection A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay County Highway 101/Lake Susan Drive B 13 sec. B 18 sec. County Highway 101/86th Street(1) A/C 18 sec. A/B 14 sec. 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive(1) A/A 8 sec. A/A 5 sec. (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side-street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side-street approach delay. Site Plan/Access Review A review of the proposed site plan was completed to identify any issues and recommend potential improvements with regard to parking, access spacing, sight distance, traffic control, and circulation. Parking As noted previously, on-street parking is allowed along the north side of 86th Street. Neighborhood concerns were expressed regarding parked cars causing sight obstructions in the vicinity of horizontal curves along 86th Street. However, since all of the parking demand associated with the senior living facility is expected to be accommodated on site, the proposed development is not expected to impact on-street parking. Access Spacing The proposed development access is expected to replace an existing field access along the south side of 86th Street across from Mission Hills Drive. Since the 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive intersection already exists as a full-access intersection, the proposed development access does not represent a significant change in access spacing and is in a logical location. It should be noted that an existing curb cut along County Highway 101 is not expected to be utilized/changed as part of the proposed development. Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 16 Sight Distance Based on field observations, horizontal curves exist along County Highway 101 to the north and south of the 86th Street intersection. Additionally, a vertical crest exists in the terrain of the study property which limits the sight distance to the south for motorists along 86th Street. Therefore, a review of the existing sight distance was completed. The required sight distance from a minor street, as indicated in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by AASHTO, is 500 feet for a 45 mph mainline roadway. Based on the field observations at 86th Street, there is approximately 620 feet of sight distance to the south and more than 1,000 feet of sight distance to the north along County Highway 101. Therefore, the sight distance available at the County Highway 101/86th Street intersection is sufficient to clearly identify approaching vehicles. However, special consideration should be made to limit any sight distance impacts from future structures, landscaping and signing. Traffic Control/Traffic Circulation Internal traffic controls were not identified. However, the following should be considered when designing internal traffic controls: • Incorporate traffic controls, signing and striping based on guidelines established in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). o In particular, it is important to identify traffic controls at intersections between internal roadways/driveways to minimize vehicular conflicts and driver confusion. Based on this guidance, stop control should be implemented at the site access to 86th Street to reduce the potential for driver confusion. A review of the proposed site circulation was also completed. The movement of general passenger vehicles within the proposed development is not expected to be an issue. However, truck turning movements should be reviewed to ensure that large vehicles (e.g. delivery/garbage/recycling trucks) have adequate accommodations to negotiate internal roadways. Furthermore, it is recommended that one-way operations be implemented at the access points to the parking lots of the main senior living facility. One-way operations should then be continued into the facility pick-up/drop-off zone to provide an orderly flow of traffic. Finally, it should be noted that the raised median along 86th Street west of Mission Hills Drive will likely need to be modified to accommodate large vehicles exiting the proposed development. It is recommended that the raised median be modified near the 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive intersection to allow for these types of maneuvers. The modification should include striping to help delineate the travel/turn lanes. An illustration of recommended improvements is presented in Figure 9. 0148676 November 2014 Chanhassen Senior Facility Traffic Study Chanhassen, MN Figure 9 H: \ P r o j e c t s \ 8 6 7 6 \ T S \ F i g u r e s \ F i g 0 9 _ R e c o m m e n d e d I m p r o v e m e n t s . c d r 8 6 t h S t 101 Recommended Improvements NO R T H No r t h Mis s i o n H i l l s D r Implement one-way operations as shown to provide an orderly flow of traffic Modify the raised median at the 86th Street/ Mission Hills Drive intersection and stripe 86th Street to help delineate the travel/turn lanes Implement stop control at the site access to 86th Street Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 18 Summary and Conclusions The following study conclusions and recommendations are offered for your consideration: • Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis indicate that all study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the field or traffic simulation at the study intersections. • To help determine impacts associated with the proposed development, traffic forecasts were first developed for year 2017 no build conditions (i.e. one year after anticipated completion). The no build condition takes into account general area background growth and traffic generated by the adjacent Preserve at Rice Lake development. o An annual growth rate of one percent was applied to the existing peak hour and daily traffic volumes to account for general background growth. o The Preserve at Rice Lake development is expected to generate 12 a.m. peak hour, 16 p.m. peak hour, and 152 daily trips. • Results of the year 2017 no build intersection capacity analysis indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue operating at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulation at the study intersections. • The proposed development is located along the east side of County Highway 101, north of TH 212 and south of 86th Street and is expected to be constructed by the end of the year 2016. o The current development proposal consists of senior housing including 18 independent living townhomes and a 134-unit facility offering memory care, assisted and independent living. o Access to the development is proposed along the south side of 86th Street across from Mission Hills Drive. • The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 26 a.m. peak hour, 37 p.m. peak hour, and 470 daily trips. • Results of the year 2017 build intersection capacity analysis indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue operating at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulation at the study intersections. o Given the minimal anticipated impact caused by the proposed development on study area traffic operations, roadway improvements are not required under year 2017 build conditions from a traffic operations perspective. Michael Hoagberg November 21, 2014 Chanhassen Senior Living Developer LLC Page 19 • An alternative land use scenario was also reviewed to understand the impacts of the highest intensity use allowed under the proposed zoning, which was assumed to be market rate apartments. o Approximately 175 apartment units were assumed, which would be expected to generate approximately 89 a.m. peak hour, 109 p.m. peak hour, and 1,164 daily trips. • Results of the year 2017 build intersection capacity analysis indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue operating at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under the alternate development scenario. In addition, no significant side-street delays or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulation at the study intersections. o Given the minimal anticipated impact caused by the alternate development on study area traffic operations, roadway improvements would not be required under year 2017 build conditions from a traffic operations perspective. • Parking, access spacing, sight distance, traffic control, and circulation were reviewed in the Site Plan/Access Review section. Key recommendations and considerations include the following: o Special consideration should be made to limit any sight distance impacts from future structures, landscaping and signing. o When designing internal traffic controls, incorporate improvements based on guidelines established in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. In particular, it is important to identify traffic controls at intersections between internal roadways/driveways to minimize vehicular conflicts and driver confusion. o Implement stop control at the site access to 86th Street to reduce the potential for driver confusion. o Review truck turning movements to ensure that large vehicles have adequate accommodations to negotiate internal roadways. o Implement one-way operations at the access points to the parking lots and pick-up/ drop-off zone of the main senior living facility. o Modify the raised median at the 86th Street/Mission Hills Drive intersection and stripe 86th Street to help delineate the travel/turn lanes. H:\Projects\8676\TS\Report\8676_ChanhassenSeniorFacilityTrafficStudy_141121.docx