Letter from Mission Hills Garden Homeowners Association 12-05-2014December 5, 2014 Sharmeen AI -Jaff, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen Dear Sharmeen: CITY OFCHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 0 0 2014 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT This letter is in follow -up to our telephone call yesterday and the letter you received dated October 28, 2014 concerning the proposed senior housing development on the southeast corner of Highway 101 and West 86th Street. As we discussed, the Mission Hills Garden Homeowners' Association would like to be involved in the planning discussions concerning the redesign of the West 86th median where it intersects with Mission Hills Drive, leading to Highway 101. We also request that we be involved in the planning of the changes to the intersection of Highway 101 and West 86th Street resulting from the increased traffic from all area development. Our biggest concern involves the control of traffic at 101 and 86th, making a left hand turn or going south on 101 is a problem today, and will grow with the two housing projects being connected to 86th in 2015. As we also discussed, future development on the west side of 101 on the remaining open land should be taken into consideration at this time. Also the city trail that crosses 101 at 86th will also need to be addressed. As an association we request the City give serious consideration to working with all government agencies involved to construct a roundabout on 101 where it intersects with 86th. If the roundabout is not feasible, we are open to other traffic control systems to improve the current problem of left hand turns /south bound 101 traffic coming out of 86th Street. Sharmeen, please consider this letter to be our second request to be participants in the planning and re- design meetings for the future intersection of Highway 101 and W 86`h Street. Respectfully submitted David F Nickolay, Vice President Mission Hills Garden Homeowners' Association