CC Work Session Staff Report 12-01-20140 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 2271100 Fax 952 2271110 Building Inspections Phone 952 2271180 Fax 952 2271190 Engineering Phone 952 2271160 Fax 952 2271170 Finance Phone 952 2271140 Fax 952 2271110 Park & Recreation Phone 952 2271120 Fax 952 2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 2271400 Fax 952 2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952 2271130 Fax 952 2271110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone 952 2271300 Fax 952 2271310 Senior Center Phone 952 2271125 Fax 952 2271110 Website www ci chanhassen mn us A.D., MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: December 1, 2014 SUBJ Lifestyle Center BACKGROUND With the update of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in 2008, the city guided the 116 acres of property located in the southwest corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevard either Regional Commercial or Office The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate � i4s1: f � � The 116 acres in now under one owner. The developer would like to proceed with a regional commercial project A Trade Area and Demographic Characteristic and Sales Potential was completed by McComb Group, Ltd in June of 2014. The developer will be at the meeting to briefly describe their proposal and goals Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt Lifestyle Center December 1, 2014 Page 2 VISION The land use change to either Office or Regional Commercial District as a part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan was based on the city's vision for the a lifestyle center The Comprehensive Plan states 2 7.4 Regional /Lifestyle Center Commercial "Deftnition/Vision: A mixed commercial district with retail and entertainment uses of a scale and function that serves a regional market. The physical environment emphasizes an attractive comfortable walking experience for shoppers and visitors and is designed to serve trail users and mass transit as well as automobile traffic Centers of this type have at least two mayor retail anchors and are characterized by the diversity and mix of retail and service uses within their boundaries. Uses within this district should complement existing retail users in the other commercial districts Development of these centers shall be planned as a group of organized uses and structures to accommodate a sensitive transition between commercial activities such as loading, parking of automobiles, lighting and trash collection and surrounding residential uses Such centers shall be designed with one theme, with similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system Goods and Services Examples • Entertainment • Department Store • Comparison Shopping • Specialty Retail /Boutique • Restaurants • Hotels • Residential A new zoning district RC (Regional Commercial) will be created in the City Code to implement this land use The city has given a dual land use of the 160 acres at the southeast corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevards to accommodate this use " ANALYSIS In 2009 the City adopted standards and guidelines for a regional /lifestyle center commercial planned unit development Sec. 20 -509. - Standards and guidelines for regional /lifestyle center commercial planned unit developments. Todd Gerhardt Lifestyle Center December 1, 2014 Page 3 (a) Intent (1) The use of planned unit developments for regional /lifestyle center commercial purposes should result in a reasonable and venfiable exchange between the city and the developer This district is intended to provide for the development of regional and community scale integrated retail, office, business services, personal services and services to the traveling public near freeway interchanges It shall strive to create a self - sustaining pattern of land uses with cultural, employment, entertainment, housing, shopping and social components. (2) The regional /lifestyle center commercial district is a mixed commercial district with retail and entertainment uses of a scale and function that serves a regional market The physical environment emphasizes an attractive, comfortable walking experience for shoppers and visitors It shall be designed to serve pedestrian and mass transit users as well as automobile traffic Centers of this type, generally, have at least two major retail anchors and are characterized by the diversity of mixed retail and service uses Uses within this district should complement existing retail users in the other commercial districts. (3) Development of these centers shall be planned as a group of organized uses and structures to accommodate a sensitive transition between commercial activities such as loading, parking of automobiles, lighting and trash collection and surrounding residential uses. Such centers shall be designed with one theme, with similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme, but shall avoid monotony in design and visual appearance. Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system " To receive the Regional Commercial zoning the ordinance requires that the property be under one owner and be developed under a PUD. The developer is required to demonstrate that they are meeting the vision of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan as well as the intent of the zoning District Staff is recommending that the developer proceed thought the concept PUD process in order to demonstrate concurrence with the city's vision Chanhassen City Code Sec 20 -517 — General Concept Plan "(a) In order to receive guidance in the design of a PUD prior to submission of a formal application, an applicant may submit a concept plan for review and comment by the planning commission and city council Submission of a concept plan is optional but is highly recommended for large PUDs In order for the review to be of most help to the applicant, the Todd Gerhardt Lifestyle Center December 1, 2014 Page 4 concept plan should contain such specific information as is suggested by the city Generally, this information should include the following information appropriate to the type of development, e g, commercial, industrial or residential (1) Approximate building areas, pedestrian ways and road locations, (2) Height, bulk and square footage of buildings, (3) Type, number or square footage or intensities of specific land uses, (4) Number of dwelling units; (5) Generalized development plan showing areas to be developed or preserved, and (6) Staging and timing of the development (b) The tentative written consent of all property owners within the proposed PUD shall be filed with the city before the staff commences review. Approval of the concept statement shall not obligate the city to approve the final plan or any part thereof or to rezone the property to a planned unit development district (c) The final acceptance of land uses is subject to the following procedures (1) The developer meets with the city staff to discuss the proposed developments (2) The applicant shall file the concept stage application and concept plan, together with all supporting data (3) The planning commission shall conduct a hearing and make recommendations to the city council Notice of the hearing shall consist of a legal property description, description of request, and be published in the official newspaper at least ten days prior to the hearing Written notification of the hearing shall be mailed at least ten days prior thereto to owners of land within 500 feet of the boundary of the property and an on -site notification sign erected (4) Following the receipt of the report and recommendations from the planning commission, the city council shall consider the council may comment on the concept plan " The PUD process will also provide for an opportunity to receive clear direction from the Planning Commission, the City Council and the residents of Chanhassen One of the conditions of the concept PUD will be an update to the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) which was done in 2003 prior to the subject site land use amendment The traffic component will be one of the most critical elements needing to be updated The amount of traffic being generated and the impacts to the surrounding transportation system will need to be examined The traffic study and its impacts may affect the land use recommendations Todd Gerhardt Lifestyle Center December 1, 2014 Page 5 RECOMMENDATION Staff is looking feedback and expectations on the proposed lifestyle center before the applicant proceed through the Concept PUD process to ensure concurrence with the city's vision for the Regional Commercial /Lifestyle District ATTACHMENTS 1 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 2 — Land Use. 2. City Code Sec 20 -509 Standard and Guidelines for Regional /Lifestyle Center Commercial Planned Unit Developments. 3. 2007 Community Survey g \plan\auar\2014 -15 update \cc 11 -24-14 background.docx 2 Land Use 21 - INTRODUCTION The purpose of the land use plan is to identify appropriate locations for all types of uses and provides for the orderly expansion of municipal services through the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) phasing plan The land use plan influences the framework for the way the land is used and ultimately provides the community's quality of life The plan also provides the structure for the City Council, Planning Commission, and Park and Recreation Commission to make decisions on individual development requests 2.2 - DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCES The City has a wealth of natural resources including 12 lakes, 356 wetlands, and the origin of several major stream drainages including Bluff Creek, Riley Creek, and Purgatory Creek. The City also has some very sensitive aquatic resources such as Assumption Creek, Seminary Fen, and the wetlands associated with the Minnesota River. Cumulatively, wetlands total 2,370 acres within the City limits, which is approximately 15% of the total area of the City Storm water ponds account for an additional 78 acres of aquatic habitat Lakes compose a significant portion of the City, with the 12 mapped lakes comprising 1,526 acres Cumulatively, surface water features (lakes, wetlands, streams and ponds) account for 4,269 acres of the City's surface area. The City is bordered by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum to the west, the Minnesota River to the south, and is border by six municipalities. Shorewood, Minnetonka, Victoria, Shakopee, Chaska and Eden Prairie With Minnetonka, Eden Prairie and Shorewood by and large mostly developed, Chanhassen will continue to see growth in all sectors of land use One of the biggest factors influencing this growth is the construction and anticipated completion of new Highway 212 In the City's 2020 Land Use Plan, a build /no -build scenario was contemplated for Highway 212. With the construction of the highway, the City was afforded the opportunity to revisit the recommended land uses along the corridor It is anticipated that residential growth will continue on its pace with access to the new highway. Job creation has grown and the City will have added over 3,500 jobs over the last ten years The City anticipates over 15,000 jobs by the year 2030 2 3 - GROWTH FORECAST Figure 2 -1 outlines anticipated development in five -year stages- City of Chanhassen • 2030 Colnprehenszve Plan LAND USE 12 1 Figure 21; Land Use Table in 5 Year Stages, Existing and Planned Land Use in Acres Within Urban Service Area Allowed Density Range Housing Units /Acre Existing (2000) 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Change 2000 2030 Minimum Maximum Residential Land Uses Low Density Residential (developed) 1 2 4 2,600 3,100 3,920 4,500 4,550 4,702 2,102 Low Density Residential (vacant) 2 102 1,602 782 202 152 Medium Density Residential (developed) 4 8 155 300 320 350 375 400 245 Medium Density Residential (vacant) 245 100 80 50 25 High Density Residential (developed) 8 16 55 112 140 180 195 218 163 High Density Residential (vacant) 163 1 106 78 1 38 23 Mixed Use Primarily Residential* (developed) 8 20 30 40 45 50 50 50 20 Mixed Use Primarily Residential* (vacant) 20 10 5 - - - C/I Land Uses Est Employees /Acre Commercial (developed) 25 240 270 300 318 320 328 88 Commercial (vacant) 88 58 28 10 8 Industrial (developed) 7 500 632 800 1 841 860 883 383 Industrial (vacant) 383 251 83 42 23 Office (developed) 28 240 260 300 325 334 339 99 Office (vacant) 99 79 39 14 5 Mixed Use Primarily C /I* (developed) 26 35 40 45 65 65 65 30 Mixed Use Primarily C /I* (vacant) 30 25 20 - Extractive - Public /Semi Public Land Uses Institutional 1213 1213 1213 1,213 1,213 1,213 - Parks and Recreation 417 430 438 457 457 457 40 Open Space 934 934 934 934 934 934 - Roadway Rights of Way 1 237 1 237 1 237 1 237 1 237 1 237 Utility Railroad Airport Subtotal Sewered 10,786 0,799 0,807 10,826 10,826 10,826 3,170 Outside Urban Service Area Minimum lot size Maximum lot size Existing (2000) 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Change 2000 2030 Rural Residential 2 5 acres or less - Rural Residential 2 5 -10 acres 2 5 na 971 971 971 971 971 971 Rural Residential 10 -40 acres Agricultural 40+ acres 40 27 19 - - (40) Agriculture land use 904 904 904 904 904 904 Subtotal Unsewered 1,915 1,902 1,894 1,875 1,875 1,875 (40) Undeveloped Wetlands (within land use designations) 2 210 2 210 2 210 2 210 2,210 2,210 - Open Water, Rivers and Streams 2,059 2,059 2059 2059 2059 2059 - Total 14,760 4,760 4,760 4,760 14,760 14,760 3,130 2 2 1 LAND USE CY0, of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan 2.4 - LAND USE COMPARISONS Figure 2.2; 2008 2030 Land Use Comparisons Land Use 2008 Existm a Land Use 2030 Land Use Plan Acres Percent Acres Percent Commercial 142 12% 328 22% Office /Industrial 694 57% 883 60% Office 114 09% 339 2.3% Parks & Open Space 1,297 106% 1,391 94% Public /Semi - Public 1,204 99% 1,2131 82% Residential Large Lot 870 71% 971 66% Residential Low Density 3,295 270% 4,702 319% Residential Medium DensitV 219 18% 400 2.7% Residential High Density 120 10% 218 1 5% Mixed Use 1 51 04% 115 0 8% Undevelo able 1 4 200 344%1 4 200 285% TOTAL 1 12,2061 1 14,7601 Undevelo able Lakes, Flood lain, Rivers, Streams 2,059 Road Right-of-Way 11237 Agriculture 904 TOTAL 4,200 25 - RESIDENTIAL LAND USES Within the current MUSA, density ranges are those specified for the land use Outside the MUSA, the overall density limit is one unit per 10 acres. 2.5.1 RESIDENTIAL — LARGE LOT Developments within this category are likely to be either large -lot estates or rural, agricultural - oriented dwellings. Large -lot residential is generally found south of Pioneer Trail Other areas of large -lot residential exist north of Trunk Highway 5, along Lake Lucy Road and south of Trunk Highway 5, east of Galpin Boulevard Large -lot residential developments are subject to a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres. New large -lot residential subdivision proliferated in 1987 immediately prior to enactment of a one unit per ten - acre density limitation in the zoning code. Due to the current density restriction, mayor expansion of the R -LL use category is not expected Thus, the number of potential rural residential lots has been greatly reduced. For projecting land demand, an average of 0 4 net units per acre was used There are only two zoning applications within the large lot density. A2, Agricultural Estate District, and RR, Rural Residential District 2.5.2 RESIDENTIAL — LOW DENSITY The dominate type of development within the residential districts is low - density, single - family detached housing. Net densities within this category range from 12 to 4 0 units per acre For projection of land demand, an average density of two dwelling units per acre was used. There are several zoning applications within the low density including RSF (Residential Single Family), R -4 (Mixed Low Density), RLM (Residential Low and Medium Density), and PUD -R (Planned Unit Development - Residential) City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan LAND USE 12 3 Figure 2 -3. 2008 Land Use Map W- f E JULY 1, 2008 1SS/ 2 4 1 LAND USE City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan Figure 2-4: 2030 Land Use Map Lake bfinnewosha •.wn \ i. omv nu.s �_ d Minnesala tanduape Arboretum CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2030 Land Use Plan _ COMMERICAL OFFICE OFFICE INDUSTRIAL MIXED E3 RESIDENTIAL LARGE LOT EM RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY December 17, 200S RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY AGRICULTURE i PARKS OPEN SPACE i PUBLIC SEMI PUBLIC C3 BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY CORRIDOR * POTENTIAL SUPPORT COMMERICAL City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan Mum �, asnuas Wa omvcs � I -r1�7 ED „— �i IIP.T•��_ ��I L j"r� °.���� LAND USE 12 5 2.5.3 RESIDENTIAL — MEDIUM DENSITY The medium density designation is intended to accommodate multiple units including duplexes, townhouses and lower density apartments, or condominiums A net density range of 4 0 — 8 0 units per acre is covered by this category with an expected density of 6 0 units per acre The zoning options in the medium density land use include R4 (Mixed Low Density), RLM (Residential Low and Medium density), (Mixed Medium Density Residential) and PUD -R (Planned United Development - Residential) Medium density is viewed as transitional use between low density and commercial, office or high density areas 2.5.4 RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY The high density category includes units with a density range of 8 -16 units per acre accommodating apartments and condominium units Within this category, an average density of 10 units per acre is used for land use projections The zoning options in the high density land uses include R -8 (Mixed Medium Density), R -12 and R -16 (High Density Residential), and PUD -R (Planned United Development- Residential) High density is located on major transportation corridors that include transit, commercial centers and employment centers. 2.6 - INDUSTRIAL LAND USE In the last 10 years, the City has added over 3.2 million square feet of commercial and industrial use The City anticipates to accelerate industrial development with the completion of Highway 212. The City has historically seen the development of office /industrial types uses. The City has reduced the office /industrial land use and created more office guiding in the 2030 plan The appropriate zoning for this land use includes IOP (Industrial Office Park) and PUD (Planned Unit Development - Office /Industrial) 2.7 - COMMERCIAL LAND USE The City has maintained a long - standing policy of directing commercial development into the Central Business District Chanhassen historically has and maintains an active business community. With the construction of Highway 312, the City sought the opportunity to re- examine commercial opportunities outside of the downtown core The City, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, contracted the McComb Group, Ltd. to study the City's retail opportunities The study found that the City could support a potential regional mall and continue to have a healthy downtown business district The City contracted with SRF Consulting Group to develop different commercial scenarios The City will be revising the commercial land use and zoning districts to provide for additional commercial adjacent to the downtown and for a regional mall /lifestyle center. The percentage of commercial land use has doubled in the 2030 plan Following are the new zoning districts. The City zoning ordinance will be amended to create the development standards for these districts 2 6 1 LAND USE City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan Figure 2 -5. Chanhassen Commercial Land Use Categories B - ®,�..E.x�MIM.��� iii "/Y'i'p �����R ����ar�a�aa■ �a � ronIms" ate■ 2M., "% Now A 18 `%• D / f� \ I r. 10 P t� �I i ill Is Revised April 18 City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan LAND USE 12 7 B M / 312 14 _ w 212 A Central Business District B - Neighborhood /Convenience Commercial 1 • -t � C Community Commercial D Regional /Lifestyle Center 0 2,000 n,m 61000 Feet N Revised April 18 City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan LAND USE 12 7 2.7 1 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Definition /Vision• A business, commercial, office and residential district that provides a comprehensive range of services at higher development densities and with greater variety of uses in a compact, walkable environment The Central Business District has the greatest concentration of jobs, services, housing and civic uses found in the City Generally, the City's highest density development is found in the Central Business District area. Other development - supportive infrastructures such as parking garages are more likely to be found downtown than in other land use districts A combination of convenience commercial, civic uses and attractive walking paths promote interaction and multiple trips among shoppers, visitors and residents New development in this district is encouraged to complement the mix and contribute to activity over an extended day, and provide attractive, comfortable walking environments between varied uses Goods and Services Examples • Residential • Office • Entertainment (Restaurants, Theaters, Music Venues) • Retail, Grocery, Household Goods and Services • Fitness Activities • Hotels • Health Services (Clinics) The zoning districts in this land use will be CBD (Central Business District) and BH (Business Highway) 2.7.2 NEIGHBORHOOD /CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL Definition /Vision: A neighborhood /convenience commercial district is intended for businesses that meet daily needs for the consumption of goods or services, by residents or nearby employees Neighborhood /convenience commercial districts are mapped for smaller sites with direct access to collector streets and preferably found close to intersections of collector or arterial roads The scale of these uses should be compatible with surrounding land use patterns, which are typically residential Neighborhood /convenience commercial uses should have a limited impact on surrounding areas, measured in terms of hours of operation, noise and light impacts, signage and odor No single use in a neighborhood /convenience commercial district should exceed 10,000 square feet in gross built area 2 - 8 1 LAND USE City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan Goods and Services Examples • Small to medium sized restaurants (no drive through windows) • Dry Cleaning • Health /Fitness Services (size limit) • Office • Day Care • Neighborhood Scale Convenience Store • Gas Stations • Personal Services The zoning application for this land use would be BN (Neighborhood Business District) 2.7.3 COMMUNITY AND GENERAL COMMERCIAL Definition /Vision: A large -scale commercial and office district with a need for high visibility along arterial roads This type of development has a moderate impact on the surrounding environment, including but not limited to lighting, noise and traffic Location criteria for Community Commercial uses are. access to arterial streets, preferably at intersections with collector and arterial streets; moderate to large -sized sites; public water and sewer service; environmental features such as soils and topography suitable for compact development, and adequate buffering by physical features or adjacent uses to protect nearby residential development Goods and Services Examples • Furniture and Home Furnishings • Electronic and Appliance Stores • Building Material and Garden Supplies • Auto Parts and Accessories • Sporting Goods A new zoning district CC (Community Commercial) will be created in the City Code to implement this land use 2.7.4 REGIONAL /LIFESTYLE CENTER COMMERCIAL Definition /Vision: A mixed commercial district with retail and entertainment uses of a scale and function that serves a regional market The physical environment emphasizes an attractive comfortable walking experience for shoppers and visitors and is designed to serve trail users and mass transit as well as automobile traffic. Centers of this type have at least two major retail anchors and are characterized by the diversity and mix of retail and service uses within their boundaries Uses within this district should complement existing retail users in the other commercial districts. Development of these centers shall be planned as a group of organized uses and structures to accommodate a sensitive transition between commercial activities such as loading, parking of automobiles, lighting and trash collection and surrounding residential uses Such centers shall be C v of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan LAND USE 12 9 designed with one theme, with similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system Goods and Services Examples • Entertainment • Department Store • Comparison Shopping • Specialty Retail /Boutique • Restaurants • Hotels • Residential A new zoning district RC (Regional Commercial) will be created in the City Code to implement this land use. The City has given a dual land use of the 160 acres at the southeast corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevards to accommodate this use 2.7 5 BUSINESS FRINGE DISTRICT The City has a Business Fringe district that was created to accommodate limited commercial activity without urban services This land use district located at the intersection of Highway 101 and Flying Cloud Drive will no longer be consistent with the City's land use once urban services are available 2.8 - PUBLIC SEMI- PUBLIC LAND USE Uses in this land use designation include the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Campfire Girls — Camp Tanadoona, public school buildings including Districts 112 and 276, City owned property and the 170 -plus acres of the Eckankar campus. The zoning is either OI (Office and Institutional District), A2 (Agricultural Estate District) and RR (Rural Residential District) 2 9 - AGRICULTURE LAND USE Consistent with the 2030 Regional Development Framework, the City does not provide for a purely agricultural land use, but rather supports the preservation of this use in greater Carver County. With the urbanization of the City, there is only one active farm There are some properties that continue to lease their land for crop production The City reduces the development pressures on agricultural land through its MUSA phasing plan and a policy of protecting agricultural land from premature development until such time as are services are available and requested There is one property in the city that has Agriculture Preservation designation. It is currently scheduled to be removed from that status in 2011 This property has been given a dual land use or either Regional Commercial or Office use The City has identified areas that are guided agricultural, but these are not likely developable because of being located in flood plain and extensive wetlands, including the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge and Raguet Wildlife Management Area 2 10 1 LAND USE City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan 2.10 - OFFICE LAND USE This land use has increased since the last comprehensive plan was completed In addition, the City has identified other property for this land use. In the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, less than 1% of the City was guided Office, this has increased to 2 3% in the 2030 plan With the increase in the number of dwelling units, the City has seen an increase in the number of "office" uses including medical uses and corporate headquarters The City has given a dual land use designation for the 160 acres at the southeast corner of Powers and Lyman Boulevards. Should a lifestyle center not be feasible, then an office development, corporate headquarters site would be appropriate The zoning district for the land is OI (Office Institutional District) 2.11 - MIXED USE LAND USE The City has two mixed -use districts which are located at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and TH 101, and south ofTH 5 east ofTH 101. The mixed use land use permits commercial and high - density residential development The northerly site was developed as a new urbanism development known as "Village on the Ponds ". The Lyman Boulevard site has pending development including an 800 -stall park- and -ride ramp, neighborhood commercial and high- density residential development The commercial use is intended to support or compliment the residential development. If the Lyman Boulevard site is developed commercially, it shall be with neighborhood - oriented commercial uses. These areas have been zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) 2.12 - PARKS AND OPEN SPACE LAND USE The percent of land use for Parks and Open Space includes approximately 75 acres of potential new park or open space The City has acquired additional open space with the application of the Bluff Creek Overlay District and the use of density transfer to preserve land adjacent to those areas that are wooded or have slopes in excess of 30 %. All City parks and Lake Minnewashta Regional Park are in this land use designation. All zoning districts permit parks 2.13 - POLICY ISSUES 2.13.1 BUFFER YARD CONCEPT Natural features should be used wherever possible to create buffers between residential developments located next to non - residential uses. When natural buffering does not exist, additional setback or buffering is required A buffering setback requirement has been created in the City Code 2.13.2 MUSA IMPACT ON EXISTING LOTS Prior to 1987, there were a number of large -lot subdivisions created These developments contain homes equipped with on -site sewage disposal systems These systems are a substantial investment on the part of the homeowner and are currently an environmentally acceptable method of dealing with waste generated by this type of development It is the policy of the City that these subdivisions remain large lot with a minimum lot size of 21 /a acres. Requests for changes may be made incrementally (on a case -by -case basis), but it is City policy to review land use and zoning changes on an area wide basis City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan LAND USE 12 11 Figure 2 -6. MUSA Expansion Map 2 12 1 LAND USE City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan 2.13.3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING MAP INCONSISTENCY Regardless of a property's land use designation, properties not served by urban services shall not be rezoned to a zoning category consistent with the land use designation until such time as urban services are available Current zoning of a parcel with a less - intensive land use designation may remain. Intensification of land uses may only happen with the provision of urban services 2.13.4 MAXIMUM USE OF ALLOWABLE DENSITY Based on the City's housing goals and participation in the Livable Communities Act, the City has the right to deny any project that does not meet the minimum density allowed in the land use designation Reasons for denial include deviation from City requirements, or off - setting the goals of the City. Additionally, the City may provide for a density bonus for the provision of affordable housing 2.14 MUSA STAGING The City will be fully developed by 2020 It is anticipated that infill and redevelopment will take place between 2020 and 2030 The lift station planned approximately in the year 2010 will serve the rest of the development area in the City A revised phasing plan is being proposed in order to provide enough developable land for the construction of this lift station Because of the number of large lot subdivisions in the southern portion of the City, the phasing plan will be modified to 2010 and 2015 2.15 - GOALS & POLICIES 1. Goal• Achieve a mixture of development which will assure a high quality of life and a reliable tax base Pohcies • Develop and maintain the City's land use plan so it is utilized as a fundamental tool for directing the community's growth • Recognizing some uses pay their way in terms of the property taxes they generate and some uses do not Chanhassen will strive for a mixture of development which will assure its financial well being. • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line and at the same time Chanhassen will plan the reasonable and orderly expansion of the MUSA line to meet its need for additional developable land • Encourage low density residential development in appropriate areas of the community in a manner that reinforces the character and integrity of existing single- family neighborhoods while promoting the establishment of new neighborhoods of similar quality • The plan should seek to establish sufficient land to provide for a full range of housing opportunities These opportunities require that adequate land be designated for medium and high - density land uses. The City will seek to discourage the conversion of these areas to lower City of Chanhassen • 2030 Coynpyrhensive Plan LAND USE 12 13 Sec. 20 -509. - Standards and guidelines for regional/lifestyle center commercial planned unit developments. (a) Intent (1)The use of planned unit developments for regional /lifestyle center commercial purposes should result in a reasonable and verifiable exchange between the city and the developer. This district is intended to provide for the development of regional and community scale integrated retail, office, business services, personal services and services to the traveling public near freeway interchanges It shall strive to create a self - sustaining pattern of land uses with cultural, employment, entertainment, housing, shopping and social components (2) The regional /lifestyle center commercial district is a mixed commercial district with retail and entertainment uses of a scale and function that serves a regional market The physical environment emphasizes an attractive, comfortable walking experience for shoppers and visitors It shall be designed to serve pedestrian and mass transit users as well as automobile traffic. Centers of this type, generally, have at least two major retail anchors and are characterized by the diversity of mixed retail and service uses. Uses within this district should complement existing retail users in the other commercial districts. (3) Development of these centers shall be planned as a group of organized uses and structures to accommodate a sensitive transition between commercial activities such as loading, parking of automobiles, lighting and trash collection and surrounding residential uses. Such centers shall be designed with one theme, with similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme, but shall avoid monotony in design and visual appearance Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system (b) Minimum lot size 10,000 square feet (c) Minimum lot width at building setback 100 feet (d) Minimum lot depth 100 feet (e) Minimum setbacks • Building setbacks are also a function of the building height As a building's height increases above 35 feet, the front, rear and project perimeter setback shall increase on a one to one basis. The increased setback shall only apply to that portion of the building that exceeds 35 feet, e g , a 40 -foot tall building would be set back ten feet (front or rear) at that point where the building height equals 40 feet A building height may step back, providing the setbackibuilding height ratio is maintained. (1) PUD exterior 30 feet. The 30 -foot PUD exterior setback maybe changed, increased or decreased, by the city council as part of the approval process when it is demonstrated that environmental protection or development design will be enhanced. Building setbacks adjacent to exterior development lot lines abutting an area designated for residential use in the comprehensive plan shall be 50 feet, unless unique circumstances are found which would allow the city to reduce the setback requirement. (2) Front yard 5 feet (2) Rear yard • 5 feet (5) arking ISetbacks (feet). Office 15 stones Front 110 Side 110 Rear 110 (6) Parking setback exemptions a There is no minimum parking setback when it abuts, without being separated by a street, another off - street parking area b Parking along public streets shall provide an appropriate transition, which shall incorporate such elements as landscaping, decorative fencing, public art, berming, etc c. Parking setbacks adjacent to exterior development lot lines abutting an area designated for residential use in the comprehensive plan shall be 50 feet unless unique circumstances are found which would allow the city to reduce the setback requirement Unique circumstances include site elevation, separation by natural features such as wetlands or stands of mature trees or substantial visual screening through bermmg and landscaping. (7) Parking standards shall comply with City Code for type and location (f) Maximum building height Commercial— retail 12 stones Commercial— services 13 stones Office 15 stones Residential 15 stones (g) Protection and preservation of natural features The applicant must demonstrate that the flexibility provided by the PUD is used to protect and preserve natural features such as tree stands, wetlands, ponds and scenic views These areas are to be permanently protected as public or private tracts or protected by permanently recorded easements. (h) Landscaping plan An overall landscaping plan is required The plan shall contain the following. (1) Boulevard plantings Located in front yards shall require a mix of over -story trees and other plantings consistent with the site Landscaped berms shall be provided to screen the site from mayor roadways, railroads and less intensive land uses In place of mass grading for building pads and roads, stone or decorative blocks retaining walls shall be employed as required to preserve mature trees and the site's natural topography (2) Exterior landscaping and double fronted lots Landscaped berms shall be provided to buffer the site and lots from mayor roadways, railroads, and less intensive uses Similar measures shall be provided for double - fronted lots. Where necessary to accommodate this landscaping, additional lot depth may be required (3) Foundation and yard plantings. A minimum budget or plan for foundation plants shall be established and approved by the city As each parcel is developed in the PUD, the builder shall be required to install plant materials meeting or exceeding the required budget or prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy or provide financial guarantees acceptable to the city (4) Tree preservation Tree preservation is a primary goal of the PUD. A detailed tree survey should be prepared during the design of the PUD and the plans should be developed to maximize tree preservation (i) Architectural standards The applicant should demonstrate that the PUD will provide for a high level of architectural design and building materials. While this requirement is not intended to minimize design flexibility, a set of architectural standards should be prepared for city approval. The primary purpose of this section is to assure the city that high quality design will be employed and that home construction can take place without variances or impact to adjoining lots The PUD agreement should include the following. (1) Standards for exterior architectural treatments, (2) (2) Streetscape requirements. a Every building shall incorporate a streetscape, public realm space between the building the roadway The use of canopies, awnings or arcades is encouraged in these interfaces b Outdoor seating areas must be in a controlled or cordoned area with at least one access to an acceptable pedestrian walk Seating areas may be shared by multiple uses. When a liquor license is involved, an enclosure is required around the outdoor seating area and the enclosure shall not be interrupted, access to such seating area must be through the principle building Outdoor seating areas must be located and designed so as not to interfere with pedestrian and vehicular circulation c. Streetscape elements shall include- Landscaping, lighting and street furniture such as benches, bus shelters, kiosks, planters, public art, tables and chairs, etc (Or d No 488, § 3, 11- 23 -09) Dic City of Chanhasser Citizen Ssir+Q}, ._ ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS Four additional questions were a06J by the City of Chamliassen ay Lister! below. The remits for these questions an al9- available in the RepoA of Reaults, Question 16a, Policy Question 1 The cats completed a retail (two ma*et study that showed Chanhassen businesses successfully meet day-to-day department Shopping needs, and a No regional mall along with the new Highway 212 in the City of stores and Chanhassen would be viable preference and expand the retail Opportunities in our city. The specialty City Council would like to in terms of know the level to which you Neither agree or disagree with the Strongly Somewhat agree nor Somewhat Strongly following statements. stares) agree agree diaagres disagree disagree Total I would like a regional mall What size mall, if at built along the new Highway 212 29% 24% 16% 14% 17°x6 10096 would Nka the City b focus - — -- - - -- __ retail expansion in the downtown area and not along the new 1-Ilghway 212 21 °k 25 % 24% 20% 10% 100% I would tike to limit retail to the - - -- - amount currently found in Chanhassen and not build a Chanhassen? (saiew regional mall 16% 13% 17% 25% 29% 100% Question 16b, Palley Question Z Medium large I do not (two (multiple support the Small department department No development (Specialty stores and stores and preference of a regional stores specialty specialty in terms of mall In only) stares) stores) scale Chanhassen Total What size mall, if at all, would you like to see developed In Chanhassen? (saiew only one) 10% 34% 22% 9% 25% 100%