Letter from Richard Dorsey 6-12-05 & 7-29-04Development Opportunity Chanhassen Minnesota MIAMI h , , i , rF 1♦ as ^ 1 :. � � '�^� r i ,,* P cy�_ ,� � �� � L: E r�f ( j ±e •�' � " , . i � f t P• .. r r J � f KF « , 'y� r V w• r .+ �_ + r R '`;� '� eta». X • • , � , �"�` • °� k ' "�,_� � - �`'^ •. E' TR Fi + � a _ • v , ,}. • 4 f f IL iL T a 4L x - � 1M. °r'.* ,: {.. � _. •( '� W - 1' a r. F .. - i , • 1 . f L ' a M `r + a • V , t 1 ,t , i s ti « , • , • r « • , . 1 r .r J` Y , r i f• June 12, 2005 To: Cit Plannin Commission, Cit Council, and Cit Staff for the Cit of Chanhassen Re: 2005 MUSA Expansion Improvements Comments: We as well as the other land owners of the properties included in the 2005 MUSA have a lot of pride in ownership of our properties and have owned them for man y ears. We reco that over time the use of land needs to chan to be put to hi and best use for the benefit of the communit Toda we are in that position with respect to our proper- ties. Attached is a letter I wrote to Paul Oehme , the Director of Pubic Works/ Cit En in Jul 2004 outlinin m families outlook with respect to future development in Chanhassen which would include our propert The followin is our current vision for the area with the followin g oals - to desi and create an active mixed use nei for people to live work and pla to desi the nei in a pedestrian friendl manner where the pedestrian comes first, to desi appropriate product at the densit desired to maintain a feelin of openness within each subdivision, work with the Cit of Chanhassen to provide appropriate public spaces within the development and to desi the infrastructure around the nei not the neighborhood around the infrastructure. Such a development would have features similar to Centennial Lakes in Edina, includin ponds, fountains, walkwa and perhaps an indoor park. The development of this land should be done patientl to assure the propert is no Lj ust developed but that it is put to its hi use that will make the communit as well as the current owners proud. There are no other blocks of land this close in to downtown Minneapolis the size of this parcel, providin the Cit of Chanhassen the opportunit few other cities have. That bein to create a "Si Development" with a stron tax base to g o alon with it. Allowin development for the sake of developing Would be short si in the lon run extra da weeks, or months in the Z__ r_3 plannin sta and takin time to attract premium development is time well spent. Wh it is special? The propert is actuall an infill development (propert that is surrounded b developed verses on the ed of town development which is now Waconia and Watertown). Let's look at just what this propert has to offer: * Approximatel 250 buildable acres of undeveloped land, one of the lar remainin undeveloped parcels this close to downtown Minneapolis * Rile Creek Park overla district includin approximatel 200 acres of pristine park land and future hiking/bikin trails, * Two access points to the new State Highwa 212, making it within four to five minutes to Interstate 494 (there are no other such intersections in the Twin Cities this close in with this much available land and development potential), * Two major private g olf' courses and one public g olf Course within one mile (Hazeltine National, Bearpath and Bluff Creek); Three lar re parks includin Carver Count Park, the Universit of Minneaota Arboretum and Lake Minnewashta Re Park in addition to cit parks-, * Convenience; developed central business districts within one mile include B Rainbow and Cub Foods g ro- cer stores, two Tar stores, a Home Depot store, about a dozen banks, numerous health care providers, over a dozen churches of var denominations, a new Carver Count Re Librar and the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, * And three recreational lakes within five miles (Lakes Rile Minnewashta and Minnton-ka). Communit Development C As a cit develops it g enerall y starts with lower cost affordable housin and acre estates because land prices are less expensive than inner rin communities. As the area continues to develop a communit can draw hi q ualit y com- mercial propert and more expensive mid -ran homes. As the communit reaches maturit hi end homes tend to complete the cities development as land prices have continued to rise and completed infrastructure ( parks, shoppin entertainment etc.) makes the area ver desirable. The last parcels tend to draw the hi q ualit y development and hi tax base for a communit because there is enou population to support them. The t of development for this site should take advanta of these assets, providin exceptional livin conditions and expand commerce in the Cit and its tax base. What is a Si Development? 19 A Si Development is t a uni mixed use neighborhood that incorporates design and natural features 9 t� t!5 like parks and ponds. Most are joint public/private ventures that include public spaces. The nei sets it self off from others because of its detailed plannin and is widel reco b name alone. It becomes a s for the communit a g reat place to g o to and a nei the cit can be proud to tie its name to. Recentl built si nei include Centennial Lakes in Edina and Excelsior Grand in St. Louis Park. Both are mixed use develop- ments. At Centennial Lakes the open space for the park is maintained b transferin some of the densit verticall with multistor condominiums. 4 Centennial Lakes, Edina Excelsior Grand, St Louis Park What will it take to make this a "Si Development" ? it starts with a Cit decidin it wants such a development and patience. The Cit will need to state publicl the area is 4:) a special parcel to the Cit it seeks a mixed use PUD and it will be patient and particular to draw a special premium development to the area. Such an approach in conjunction with the visible construction of new Hw 212 will draw lar developers with the capital to do a lar g er more desirable project. This approach will produce a win-win for the Cit and current land owners. The Cit will have a g reat development that is Gatewa to the Cit from new Hw 212 with a si tax base and the owners can be proud the propert is trul bein put to its b highest and best use for g enerations to come as well as be ampl compensated for bein patient in t:� seein the land develop. lips- Summar We believe the Cit of Chanhassen is at the mature level of development. As a result acceptance of projects can and should be more selective and favor hi valued development normal in mature communities that brin with them a hi tax base. Since no plans have been approved at this point, we re the Cit of Chanhassen pause and redirect the course of plannin for this area to be a future Si Nei We are currentl workin with the Fox famil and Jeff and Terri Fox in this direction. To we represent approximatel 110 acres of buildable land. Others could ver well be interested if the Cit supported it. Sincerel Richard A Dorse Land Owner 1551 L Blvd 952-831-720 Jul 29, 2004 To: Paul Oehme Cit of Chanhassen Director of Public Works/Cit En Re: 2005 MUSA Expansion Improvements Cit Of Chanhassen Project No. 04-05 Comments to present to Cit Council Dear Paul: Be prepared, be flexible but be on standb with respect to installation of services until more guidelines and plans are developed. Land holders of the "Project Area" have been commendable land stewards over the y ears. Great efforts have been made b them to keep the land in this area from bein chopped up. Those efforts now provide the Cit of Chanhassen a hi coveted opportunit to create a 'Signature Development' within its cit limits such as Centennial Lakes in Edina. Amenities which will draw the finest of development are in place (parks, schools, shoppin g olf courses, lakes, and convenient highway access). I cornmend the Cit for lookin at this area as a "whole" as it is the first step in developin a Signature 6 11:> Development. I believe the next step is to further develop the vision of the concept for the communit and develop g eneral conceptual ideas of how the area might look when completed. ID Example: Is the t of housin the same as other medium densit tract developments but more ti packed to accommodate the transfer of densit from wood and wet lands (10 -12 units per buildable acre, 5- 7 overall)? Or should that densit onl be made available if the project is more vertical so within the nei it still feels open and not j ust on the ed Should that development g o even more vertical be 3-4 stor apartments and condos to include 6-10 stor buildin leavin the feel of the nei even more open a la Centennial Lakes in Edina. Should desi encoura a more pedestrian friendl nei with smaller roads through the development to discoura an cut throu traffic. I favor a more vertical, pedestrian friendl neighborhood). Information has been g athered in the AUAR Stud and is bein g athered from residents of the area. Now that information needs to be structured usin the g uidance the Cit can provide, (for example forcin vertical t:p g rowth to the desired de b settin g green space and maximum covera re within the buildable area as well as within the g ross land area of individual projects, and what woodlands and/or In wetlands will be re to be preserved). The information necessar to economicall locate services within the developable area so as to not handicap the potential of the undeveloped and unplanned areas do not y et exist. Improvements specific to the developable area should be kept conceptual at this time and until more development plans close to the current service connections come forward. A development distant from hookups for services should not create an ur need to develop adjacent properties prematurel nor should it handicap the other undeveloped land b routin utilities throu those nei land to g et access to it. In addition roads and services should not be planned into the project area (cross an properties) without the caveat that the ma be altered as other plans come forward. To maximize the lon term value to the Cit (i.e. maintain maxillIL1111 tax base) I believe the dia road across the project area should be desi to accommodate onl residential traffic local to the development and should be pedestrian friendl narrow, and non-intimidatin An and all commercial development should be desi into the developable area to directl e to collectors on the ed of the pro area so as to maximize the q ualit y of life for those who reside in the pro area ( the dia road should not be the e point to office or industrial propert Ultimatel the tax value of the residential nei will be reduced if it is chopped up with another ma road with traffic which could be redirected at the desi sta In summar I believe maximum flexibilit for all parts of the project area must be maintained. I am not in favor of development leap fro (ultimatel increases the land cost and financial burden for middle properties). I favor more vertical development (over 33-4 stories so as to not appear to sprawl and provides more open space). I favor the dia road desi be kept as flexible as possible and not installed Untl I 111ore development plans encompassin a g reater portion of the area are approved. I favor the dia road be non intimidatin o cross (narrow, pedestrian friendl the ri of 9 t-) wa ma be wider to accommodate center island and sidewalks but road itself be desi primaril as 2 lanes for onl local neighborhood residential traffic not industrial or cut through traffic (if y ou build it t> 'In bi the will come). I favor the cit maintainin hi residential densities but establishin g uidelines as soon as possible specif g reater open space within each development not just open around it, (maximum densit and densit transfer onl available if it is a more vertical development, so the development doesn't feel crowded). I favor an improvements to the collector roads around the pro area plannin to be enlar as a result of the need for access to the new HWY 312 to be shared e with the whole communit as ever will use and benefit from them. Sincerel Rick Dorse Propert owner on L Blvd 952-831-7204 (phone) June 12, 2005 To: Cit Plannin Commission, Cit Council, and Cit Staff for the Cit of Chanhassen Re: Comments Re a plan proposed b Town and Countr Homes for propert on Audubon : We believe the 2005 MUSA development area should be a sier nature/preMiLlm development for the communit It should be a mixed use PUD nei includin a variet of "custom" move up t nei of multifamil t� y homes. The development would embed residential and commercial propert in a wa that blend to in a more open park like settin The development would be desi to include product incorporatin vertical structures to g ive it increased densit without feelin crowded. It would maintain open g reen space within the nei not just on its ed where it abuts park land. It would provide public space within the nei of appropriate size to the nei being developed. It would have connectivit through desi includin trails, land use and housin st It would serve the communit b providin g an upscale neighborhood for current residences lookin to move tD from sin famil homes as well as new residences to the area. It would be multi - g enerational. with respect to hous- in services, and recreation. As lon term owners of our land we want this area to be somethin to be proud of, a nei y ou or I would ver much like to live in and not J ust another avera development. What does g ood development mean to us? It is based on plannin Identifying what uses for the land are in the best interest of the communit for the next hun- dred y ears or more. Then la out nei and connectin them with *infrastructure. When its done it means the development should feel g ood to live, work and pla in, it means the product mix of homes and business propert should be arran so there is still plent of open space within the project and not j ust on the ed This can be accomplished with lower densit development of more expensive properties or b desi at least some product that is vertical ( multi-stor y ) if hi densit is to be used. Ever propert should feel some openness with ade dis- tance between buildin ( i.e. g reen space) and be easil accessible b the owner and g uests. Good development adds value to a communit and provides a higher tax base in the future when compared with a lessor q ualit y development. ZD We believe the Cit started on a g ood path in i looking at the whole area as a development project b initiatin the 0 tD AUAR stud for the area. As owners in the pro area we felt it was important for all involved to g ather information together, to assure one pro wasn't built at the expense of its nei In short to identif what infrastructure mi be needed and to assure appropriate infrastructure would be put in place so it would not ne impact prop- er-ties without development plans. The Cit a it was not in its best interest or fair to citizens ownin land in the area to run infrastructure across properties which didn't have a development plan in place ( limitin g their development options) or impose assessments that forced development prematurel "This area would be development driven.". The end of the line developments would not push those properties at the source points for road, sewer and water. Area Wide Issues Need To Be Resolved Before Movin Forward Unfortunatel one propert ( Town and Countr is ahead of the curve havin been working on its plan for two y ears and is pushing for approval of their pro This project happens to be the furthest from existing infrastructure, mean- iz> tD in roads and utilities will have to cross man other properties, and it is also pushin to maximize densit with its plan. At this point in time there have been no other properties in the 2005 MUSA area with even concept plans submitted much less a plan approved b the plannin commission. Therefore, movin forward with the Town and Countr plan at this time, when it is dependent on infrastructure that is dependent on other properties havin time to put plans to to put that infrastructure in place, is inappropriate. 4:) We also believe that the infrastructure (roads sewer and water) should not g o in until the other properties north and east of the Town and Countr proposal have plans approved b the Cit Council. These owners should not be handi- capped with plannin a development around infrastructure runnin across their properties, because others were in first with their plan. Nor should the have to prematurel shoulder the expense of accruin interest on those assessments Z1_ which would onl add to the cost of their developments. Our Assessment of the Proposed Plan b Town and Countr We acknowled we don't have complete information on their plan but this is our assessment of the plan as we know it. As a nei propert in the 2005 MUSA area it is our opinion the current plan bein proposed b Town and Countr does not provide for a g ood development for this area at this sta of the Cit of Chanhassen's development. And should not be approved without si chan The development does not add value to the communit in that the product is inappropriate for the densit proposed per net buildable acre. Further, the developer has shown no con- cern for the nei propert owners in plannin their development. There has been no communication with nei propert owners on how the properties mi tie to with respect to use and connectivit (at least not with properties to the east that are impacted b their plan). The are first ones in with a plan and are g oin g to do what the do, if approved, and set the sta for the rest of the nei which from our perspective is not in the best interests of the Cit of Chanhassen. The t of product is not appropriate for the densit bein proposed. The densit on net buildable acres appears to ,approach the 8-9 units per acre. While the Cit will allow densit transfer we believe the t of product needs to chan to accomplish this. The buildin are positioned too closel to and too linear. There is no feelin of openness within the development (see attached pictures of a similar development in Eden Prairie). Each buildin should have a front, back and side y ard providin the same g reen space within the development as thou it didn't have a densit transfer. If an residents had y oun g children or g randchildren there is no place near their unit to run, kick a ball or pla catch except in the street. In the winter snow removal and stora ma be difficult. The percenta of hard surface (road and rooftops is concentrated and ma create problems like flooding sprin rin thaw and after y tn b heav rains. The urban desi with the units ver close to the street makes sense if there was a commercial or urban area around it (like close to downtown or within a mixed use nei This is not the case here. Pictures 1-4 of a new development in Eden Priaire ver similar to one bein proposed b Town And Countr gt 7 0 1 'INN -2H Note- Ver ti livin environment, if someone parks in the alle as seen here it makes it ver difficult for others to g et in and out of g ara g es. The decks are ver close, there are potential noise and privac issues, there is no space for kids to run or pla as seen here an adult pla ball with a child on the sidewalk (below left), and there is too much hard surface in the area built on leavin little g round for water absorbtion after a rain. Notice space ri around unit in pictures 1-4, there is no y ard, pla spaces are too far awa or a q uick g ame of catch y t) etc., the sidewalk or streets are the onl options close to home. The last two pictures ( 5-6 ) are examples of dense developments with more open space in other communities. The increased densit throu the transfer of densit from the Bluff Creek Overla takes this awa unless the densit is reduced or some of product on the site stacks units in taller buildin such a apartments, coops or condominiums. Traffic and Road Issues .f� The potential traffic from this development will also have a ne and detrimental impact on the properties to be developed to the east of it, particularl with respect to the proposed cast/west collector. As desi the majorit o traffic from this project will cut throu the properties to the east on the nei east1west road to access the new Hw 212 at Powers Blvd. Projected traffic g enerated from this development, in conjunction with throu traf- fic from Chaska nei will produce more traffic throu the eastern properties than is now on Co. Rd 18IL Blvd. and hi then the y ear 2010 projections for Pioneer Trail (Co. Rd. 1 and A udubon Rd (Co. Rd 17) (based on information in the A UAR Stud f or the area, fi 22, this road would carr 11600 cars per da at the east end With the limited depth of development on either side of the east/west road as proposed the hi traffic will turn potentiall desirable nei lots with hi tax bases to less desirable lots with lower tax bases. This r-n level of traffic throu a nei is unacceptable and since nothin has been built there is time to look at other options. If hi densit is to be developed in the 2005 MUSA area it would make more sense to have it on the east ed of the 2005 MUSA development area closer to the new hi 212 access. Lower densit development alon Audubon Rd would reduce the effect the cut throu traffic would have on future surroundin residences in the area. The other alternative is to develop this area with its other g uided use, industrial, and direct traffic to existing Count roads around the ed of the development area rather than through the middle of the neighborhood. It is now, the plannin sta of development that such issues need to be addressed. We ask y ou to shelve the Town and Count pro at this time and continue to work with property owners to investi other desi options for moving traffic through the area that won't have ne impacts on other future developments and their propert values i.e. the Cit future tax base. Sincer Y , Richard A Dorse Land Owner and Representa ve 1551 L Blvd. Chanhassen 952.831.7204 Phone