Letter from Karla Thomsen 10-28-2014October 28, 2014 Kathryn Aanenson, Chanhassen Development Director Lyndon Robjent, Carver County Engineer Dear Kathryn & Lyndon: This letter is to request that the Mission Hills Garden Homeowners' Association would like to start discussions with the city and county about traffic control as the result of future development of property located on the southeast corner Highway 101 and West 86th Street in Chanhassen. Currently, the property is for sale, Barr Engineering has done soil borings during the past two weeks, and a surveying company is surveying /staking the property. As you are aware, a new housing development is currently being built on West 86th street and Tigua Lane. The combination of new traffic from this development plus the traffic generated by future development of the property on the SE corner of 101 and W 86th Street will compound the current traffic issues to access 101 from W 861H The Mission Hills Homeowners' Association represents 56 homes on the West Side of W 86th Street. A majority of our residents are retired and considered senior citizens of our community. We are concerned for the safety of our association members as they access the 101 & 86' intersection. The current median on West 86th & 101 will need to be redesigned to accommodate the access from future development of the SE corner property currently for sale. The existing driveway off of W 86th to this property was not designed to handle large amounts of traffic. It was designed for a farmer field access. The control of traffic at 101 and W 86th to allow residents using 86th to access 101 is our biggest concern. We would like to see a controlled signal intersection but are open to other traffic control systems to manage traffic at this location. Please consider this letter our request to be participants in the planning and design meetings for the future intersection of Highway 101 and W 86th Street. Respectfully Submitted, Karla Thomsen, President Mission Garden Homeowners' Association j�O.�XD k e +� Our Board Member Dave Nickolay is the board representative assigned to work with the City and County. He can be reached through the following: Mail: 552 Mission Hills Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 952- 974 -5285 Email: acmadave @gmail.com