Purchase Agreement 12-28-2012OITY OFCHANHASSEN RECEIVED CZAR 14 2014 PURCHASE AGREEMENT CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of December 28, 2012, (the "Effective Date ") between IC JOHN, LLC ( "Seller ") and CENTER COMPANIES, LLC a Minnesota limited liability Corporation, and or assigns ( "Buyer "). In consideration of this Agreement, Seller and Buyer agree as follows: 1. Sale of Property. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller the Property (hereinafter defined) including the real property (the "Real Property "), located in Carver County, Minnesota, PID and address below, legal to govem: PID #251800560 7910 Dakota Avenue Chanhassen, MN The Real Property together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereto are herein collectively referred to as the "Property". 2. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The total Purchase Price ("Purchase Price ") to be paid by Buyer to Seller for the Property shall be 4M''Hundred Thousand Dollars ($540,000.00), payable as follows: 41k X&zf /boy �, a. $1,000.00, cash, as earnest money, ("Earnest Money "), shall be deposited I Carver County Abstract & Title hereafter ( "Escrow Company") or ( "Title Company') within one business day of the Effective Date, in an non - interest bearing escrow account in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. As provided in Paragraph 17, herein the Earnest Money shall be delivered to Seller and applied to payment of the Purchase Price, unless Buyer cancels this agreement as provided herein. The earnest money shall be refundable until all contingencies, as provided in Paragraph 3 herein have been satisfied. b. the balance of $539,00.00 shall be payable in cash on the Date of Closing stated in Section 4 of this Agreement. 3. Contingencies. The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are subject to and contingent upon each of the following contingencies: a. Representations and Warranties. The representatives and warranties of Seller contained in this Agreement must be true now and on the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date. b. Title. Title shall have been found acceptable to Buyer, or been made acceptable by Seller, in accordance with the requirements and terms of Section 6 of this Agreement. C. Soil Tests. Buyer shall have determined that it is satisfied with the results of and matters disclosed by such soil and geotechnical tests of the Property as Buyer may deemed necessary, all such tests to be obtained at Buyer's sole cost and expense. Seller shall deliver to Buyer all soil tests and other inspections, reviews and reports pertaining to the Property, if any, that are in Seller's possession or control or have been previously prepared on Seller's behalf within ten (10) days of this agreement. d. Environmental Assessment. Buyer shall have received, on or before the Contingency Date herein, a Phase I Environmental Assessment and Phase II Environmental Assessment of the Real Property or such other environmental investigations as Buyer shall deem necessary. Said Phase I Environmental Assessment and Phase II Environmental Assessment or other environmental investigations are to be obtained at Buyer's sole cost and expense. Buyer shall have determined that all matters disclosed by and the results of the Phase I Environmental Assessment and Phase lI Environmental Assessment or other environmental investigations are acceptable to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion. Within ten (10) days after the date of this Agreement, Seller shall deliver to Buyer all environmental assessments, reports or similar documents pertaining to the Property, if any, that are in Seller's possession or control or have previously been prepared on Seller's behalf. e. Governmental Approvals. Buyer shall have obtained all required approvals, including final site and development agreement from the City of Chanhassen as required for Buyer's intended development and improvement of the Property with a Retail building of approximately 8,000 square feet in area, and, in addition, such other approvals as may be required from any other governmental body having jurisdiction over the Real Property and Buyer's intended improvement of the Real Property, all which acceptable to Buyer in his sole discretion. £ Utilities. Buyer shall have determined, on or before the Contingency Date, that the Real Property is served by all necessary utilities to support Buyer's intended use and improvement of the Real Property as described in Paragraph e., above. Within ten (10) business days after the date of this Agreement, Seller shall deliver to Buyer all documents, if any, in Seller's possession or control and which evidence the location and/or capacity of utilities available to the Real Property all which acceptable to Buyer in his sole discretion. g. Project Pre - Leasing. Buyer shall have an executed leases with Buyers Tenants all at lease rates and terms that are acceptable to Buyer in his sole discretion. h. Construction Financing. Buyer shall have obtained construction financing at an interest rate and terms that are acceptable to Buyer in his sole discretion. i. Permanent Financing. Buyer shall have obtained permanent financing at an interest rate, amortization and terms that are acceptable to Buyer in his sole discretion. 'isle The buyer shall have until May 1st 2014 the "Contingency Date" to obtain items "a through P above. If any of the above contingencies have not been satisfied, in the sole opinion of Buyer, on or before this date, then this Agreement may be terminated, at Buyer's option, by written notice from Buyer to Seller. Upon such termination, the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer and upon such return, neither parry will have any further rights or obligations regarding this Agreement or the Property, unless otherwise specified herein. Should Buyer fail to give written notice of termination to Seller by the Contingency Date provided in this Section, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived all contingencies. All the contingencies set forth in this Agreement are specifically stated and agreed to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Buyer and the Buyer shall have the right to unilaterally waive any contingency by written notice to Seller. Seller shall allow Buyer, and Buyer's agents, access to the Property without charge and at all reasonable times for the purpose of Buyer's investigation and testing. Buyer shall pay all costs and expenses of such investigations and testing, except as herein otherwise expressly stated, and shall hold Seller and the Property harmless from all costs and liabilities relating to Buyer's activities. Buyer shall further repair and restore any damage to the Real Property caused by or occurring during Buyer's testing and return the Real Property to substantially the same condition as existed prior to such entry. 4. Closing. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing ") shall occur on or before June 1st 2014. The Closing shall take place at the Title Company or such other place and time as may be mutually agreed to. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. a. Seller's Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, Seller shall execute and/or deliver to the Buyer the following (collectively "Seller's Closing Documents "): i. Warranty Deed. A Warranty Deed conveying the Property to Buyer, free and clear of all encumbrances, except the Permitted Encumbrances hereafter defined. ii. Title Policy. The Title Company shall deliver the Title Policy, or a suitably marked up Commitment for Title Insurance initiated by Title, in the form required by this Agreement. iii. Seller's Affidavit. An Affidavit of Title by Seller (Uniform Conveyancing Blanks Form No. 116 -M) indicating that on the Closing Date there are no outstanding, unsatisfied judgments, tax liens or bankruptcies against or involving Seller or the Property; that there has been no skill, labor or material furnished to the Property for which payment has not been; made or for which mechanics' liens could be filed; and that there are no other unrecorded interests in the Property, together with whatever standard owner's affidavit and/or indemnity (ALTA Form) which may be required by the Title Company -3- to issue an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance with the standard exceptions waived. iv. FIRPTA Affidavit. A non - foreign affidavit, properly executed and in recordable form, containing such information as is required by IRC Section 1445(b)(2) and its regulations. V. Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by Buyer to be necessary to transfer the Real Property to Buyer free and clear of all encumbrances. vi. Building Leases. All leases by Seller, written and or verbal shall become null and void without further legal remedy or action and the building shall be One Hundred Percent (100 %) vacant. b. Buyer's Closing Documents. On or before the Closing Date, Buyer will execute and/or deliver to Seller the following (collectively, "Buyer's Closing Documents "): i. Cash. The balance of the Purchase Price, by cashier's check or wire transfer to the account of the Title Company for delivery to Seller on the Closing Date. ii. Title Documents. Such affidavits of Purchaser, Certificates of Value or other documents as may be reasonably required by Title in order to record the Seller's Closing Documents and issue the Title Insurance Policy required by this Agreement. 5. Proration's. Seller and Buyer agree to the following proration's and allocation of costs regarding this Agreement. a. Title Insurance and Closing Fee. Seller will pay all costs of providing the Title Evidence. Buyer will pay the premium required for the issuance of the Owner's Title 'Insurance Policy. Seller and Buyer will each pay one -half of any reasonable and customary closing fee or charge imposed by the Title Company. b. Real Estate Taxes. On or before the Closing, Seller shall pay all real estate taxes, and any penalties and interest thereon due and payable with respect to the Real Property for all years prior to the year of Closing, including all deferred taxes (including so- called "Green Acres" taxes) attributable to the year of Closing and years prior to the year of Closing. General real estate taxes due and payable in the year of closing shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer as of the Closing Date based on 365 days. General real estate taxes due and payable in years subsequent to the year of closing shall be paid by Buyer. M C. Special Assessments. Installments of special assessments certified as due and payable in the year of closing shall be paid by Seller on the Closing Date. On the Closing Date, Seller shall also pay the balance of any remaining special assessments levied or pending against the Real Property as of the date of this Agreement. Buyer shall assume all special assessments that become pending after the date of this Agreement. Seller shall deliver to Buyer copies of any notices of a pending special assessment received by Seller after the date of this Agreement. Installments for special assessments, if any, due and payable in years subsequent to the year of closing shall be paid by Buyer. d. Other Costs. All sewer connection fees, water connection fees, administrative fees, costs of site grading and utility construction and any and all other costs and expenses associated with or imposed as a condition of Buyer's development and improvement of tf`11Y},e Real Property shall be paid by Buyer. Ru*r 5�"L� W°L Yv�dev -tavw� V`eWnN++'ai. �t)a.` �o ke�.(i - �a�nnt%� c�V.tpvv.c..Jt Ysr�[�t4,vcwlri� j��� e. Recording Costs. Seller will pay the cost of recording all documents necessary to place record title in the condition warranted by Seller in this Agreement. Buyer will pay the cost of recording all other documents. 6. Title Examination. Title Examination will be conducted as follows: a. Title Evidence. Seller shall deliver the following documents (collectively the "Title Evidence ") to Buyer: i) Within twenty (20) business days after the date of this Agreement, a Commitment ( "Title Commitment ") for an ALTA Form of Owner's Policy of Title Insurance committing to insure title to the Real Property in the amount of the Purchase Price, issued by the Title Company. The Title Commitment will commit the Title Company to insure title to the Real Property, but subject to approval and filing of the Plat and also subject to the Permitted Encumbrances, and shall include a Special Assessment Search and be accompanied by copies of each document evidencing liens and encumbrances affecting the Real Property_ ii) Within fifteen (15) business days after delivery of the Title Commitment to Buyer, an ALTA/ACSM survey ( "Survey') of the Real Property prepared by MFRA, certified to Buyer and the Title Company, and including such ALTA certifications as Buyer shall reasonably request by written notice to Seller within ten (10) days after the date of this Agreement. iii) Within twenty (20) day after the date of this agreement permitted encumbrances (Exhibit B) shall be attached hereto for Buyer review. Buyer -5- shall have fifteen (15) days to make written objections as described in b. Buyers Objections below. b. Buyer's Objections. Within fifteen (15) business days after receiving the last of the Title Evidence, Buyer will make written objections ( "Objections ") to the form and/or contents of the Title Evidence. Buyers failure to make Objections within such time period will constitute a waiver of Objections. Any matter shown on the Title Evidence and not objected to by Buyer shall be a "Permitted Encumbrance" hereunder. In addition, the encumbrances identified in Exhibit B hereto shall be "Permitted Encumbrances" which Buyer has agreed to accept title to the Property subject to. Seller will have sixty (60) days after receipt of the Objections to cure the Objections, during which period the Closing will be postponed as necessary. Seller shall use its best commercially reasonable efforts to correct any Objections. At such time as the Objections have been cured, the parties shall close the transaction described in this Agreement upon ten (10) days' written notice from Seller to Buyer, but no earlier than the Closing Date. If the Objections are not cured within such sixty -day period, Buyer will have the option to do any of the following: i. Terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of the Earnest Money. ii. Waive the Objections and proceed to close. C. Title Policy. At closing, Buyer shall receive the Title Policy ( "Title Policy ") pursuant to the Commitment, or a suitably marked -up Commitment initialed by the Title Company undertaking to issue such a Title Policy in the form required by this Agreement. The Title Policy shall ensure fee title to the Property in the name of Buyer, subject only to the Permitted Encumbrances, and shall include such endorsements as Buyer shall reasonably request, all to be obtained at the sole cost of Buyer. 7. Representations and Warranties by Seller. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows: a. Title to Property. Seller shall, on the Closing Date, have good and marketable title to the Property, free and clear of all encumbrances except the Permitted Encumbrances. .E-A. .... -.. -. M C. Environmental Laws. To the best knowledge of Seller, without inquiry, no toxic or hazardous substances or wastes, pollutants or contaminants (including, without limitation, asbestos, urea formaldehyde, the group of organic compounds known as polychlorinated biphenyl's, petroleum products including gasoline, fuel oil, crude oil and various constituents of such products, and any hazardous substances as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ( "CERCLA "), 42 U.S.C. Section 9601 -9657, as amended) have been generated, treated, stored, released or disposed of, or otherwise placed, deposited in or located on the Property, nor has any activity been undertaken on the Property that would cause or contribute to (i) the Property to become a treatment, storage or disposal facility within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within the ambit of, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ( "RCRA "), 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq., or any similar state law or local ordinance, (ii) a release or threatened release of toxic or hazardous wastes or substances, pollutants or contaminants, from the Property within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within the ambit of, CERCLA, or any similar state law of local ordinance, or (iii) the discharge of pollutants of effluents into any water source or system, the dredging or filling of any waters or the discharge into the air of any emissions, that would require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq., or the Clean Air Act, U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq., or any similar state law or local ordinance. To the best knowledge, without inquiry, there are no substances or conditions in or on the Property that may support a claim or cause of action under RCRA, CERCLA or any federal, state or local environmental statutes, regulations, ordinances or other environmental regulatory requirements, including without limitation, the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act, Minn. Stat. 115B ( "MERLA ") and the Minnesota Petroleum Tank Release Cleanup Act, Minn. Stat. 115C. To the best knowledge of Seller, no leakage has occurred from Sellers fuel tanks, fuel lines or dispensers since November 2007. Buyer acknowledges the environmental report by ProSource Technologies, Inc. dated May 30th 2006, any all information contained within this report negates Sellers obligation to disclose as required in this paragraph. d. Water Wells. To the best of Seller's knowledge, no water wells exist on or under the Property or have existed on or under the Property. e. Rights of Others to Purchase Property. Seller has not entered into any other contracts for the sale of the Property, nor are there any rights of first refusal or options to purchase the Property or any other rights of others that might prevent the consummation of this Agreement. L Seller's Defaults. To the best knowledge of Seller, Seller is not in default concerning any of its obligations or liabilities regarding the Property- -7- g. FIRPTA. Seller is not a "foreign partnership ", "foreign trust" or "foreign estate" as those terms are defined in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code. h. Proceedings. There is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation or proceeding of any kind pending or to the best knowledge of Seller, threatened against any portion of the Property. Seller's Authority. Seller has the legal power, right and authority to enter into this Agreement and the instruments referenced herein, and to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby. All requisite action (corporate, trust, partnership or otherwise) has been taken or shall be taken by Seller in connection with the entering into this Agreement, the instruments referenced herein, and the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby. No consent of any partner, shareholder, trustee, trustor, beneficiary, creditor, investor or administrative body is required or, if required, has been obtained or will be obtained prior to closing. The persons or entities executing this Agreement on behalf of Seller have the legal power, right, and actual authority to bind Seller to the terns and conditions hereof. j. Pending Assessments. Seller has received no notice of any pending special assessments which may be levied against the Real Property. k. Access. The Real Property abuts on and has direct vehicular access to a public road, and Seller has no knowledge of any fact or condition which would result in the termination of such access. 1. Seller will indemnify Buyer, its successors and assigns, against, and will hold Buyer, its successors and assigns, harmless from, any expenses or damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees, that Buyer incurs because of the breach of or material inaccuracy in any of the above representations and warranties, whether such breach is discovered before or after Closing. Each of the representations and warranties herein contained shall survive the Closing for a period of two (2) years, after which they shall terminate and Seller shall have no further liability for the breach thereof. Except as herein expressly stated, Buyer is purchasing the Property based upon its own investigation and inquiry and is not relying on any statement or representation of Seller, any agent or representative of Seller or any other person and is agreeing to accept and purchase the Property "as is, where is" subject to the conditions of examination herein set forth and the express warranties herein contained. 8. Condemnation. If, prior to the Closing Date, eminent domain proceedings are commenced against all or any part of the Property, Seller shall immediately give notice to Buyer of such fact and at Buyer's option (to be exercised within thirty (30) days after Seller's notice), this Agreement shall terminate, in which event neither party will have further obligations under this Agreement and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. If Buyer shall fail to give such notice then there shall be no reduction in the Purchase Price, and the Seller shall assign to Buyer at the Closing Date all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to any award made or to be made in the condemnation proceedings. Prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall not designate counsel, appear in, or otherwise act with respect to the condemnation proceedings without Buyer's prior written consent. 9. Broker's Commission. Seller and Buyer represent and warrant to each other that they have dealt with no brokers, real estate agents, finders or the like in connection with this transaction, other than the Listing - Development Agreement between Seller, Buyer and Lotus Real Estate Services, Center Companies, LLC and agree to indemnify each other and to hold each other harmless against all claims, damages, costs or expenses of or for any brokers' fees or commissions resulting from their actions or agreements regarding the execution or performance of this Agreement, and will pay all costs of defending any action or lawsuit brought to recover any such fees or commissions incurred by the other party, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 10. Assignment. Buyer may assign its rights under this Agreement without Seller's prior written consent if Seller 11. Survival. All of the terns of this Agreement will survive and be enforceable after the Closing. 12. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given by any party upon the other shall be in writing and is given in accordance with this Agreement if it is: i) delivered personally to Seller or Buyer, ii) mailed to either Seller or Buyer in a sealed envelope by first class United States Mail; or transmitted by facsimile; to the addresses or facsimile numbers stated below: If to Seller: With a copy to Seller's Attorney: IC John, LLC Ivan C Johnson Fax No. If to Buyer: Ben Merriman Center Companies, LLC 2025 Coulter Blvd. Suite 215 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Fax No. 952 -474 -4826 With a copy to Buyer's Attorney: Fax No. Notices that are personally delivered shall be deemed effective upon delivery. Mailed notices shall be deemed effective two (2) business days after the date of mailing. Notices that are given by facsimile shall be deemed effective upon confirmation of receipt of facsimile transmission. Any party may change its address or facsimile number for the service of notice by giving written notice of such change to the other parry, in any manner above specified, ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 13. Captions. The paragraph headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. 14. Entire Agreement; Modification. This written Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties regarding the Property. There are no verbal agreements that change this Agreement and no waiver or modification of any of its terms will be effective unless in a writing executed by the parties. 15. Binding Effect. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. " 16. Controlling Law. This Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and such laws will control its interpretation. 17. Remedies. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Buyer in accordance with Minn. Stat. 559.21. If Buyer fails to cure such default within thirty (30) days of the date of service of such notice in -10- accordance with Minn. Stat. 559.21, this Agreement will terminate, and upon such termination Seller will retain the Earnest Money as liquidated damages, time being of the essence of this Agreement. The above provision for termination of this Agreement and retention of the Earnest Money by Seller does not preclude Seller from electing to seek and recover from Buyer damages for nonperformance and/or specific performance of this Agreement, provided Seller has not completed termination of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Section 17. ' If Seller defaults under this Agreement, this provision does not preclude Buyer from seeking and recovering from Seller damages for nonperformance and/or specific performance of this Agreement, provided Seller has not completed termination of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Section 17. In the event of any proceeding to enforce any of the terms, covenants or provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing parry in such proceeding shall also be entitled to be awarded its reasonable attorneys' fees. 18. Mutual Indemnification. Seller and Buyer agree to indemnify one another against, and hold each other harmless from, all liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees in defending against claims) arising out of the ownership, operation or maintenance of the Property for their respective periods of ownership. Such rights of indemnification will not arise to the extent that (a) the party seeking indemnification actually receives insurance proceeds or other cash payments directly attributable to the liability in question (net of the cost of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees) or (b) the claim for indemnification arises out of the sole act or neglect of the party seeking indemnification. If and to the extent that the indemnified party has insurance coverage or the right to make claim against any third party for any amount to be indemnified against as set forth above, the indemnified parry will, upon full performance by the indemnifying party of its indemnification obligations, assign such rights to the indemnifying party or, if such rights are not assignable, the indemnified party will diligently pursue such rights by appropriate legal action or proceeding at the indemnifying parties' expense and assign the recovery and/or right of recovery to the indemnifying party to the extent of the indemnification payment made by such party. 19. Counterparts. For the convenience of the parties, any number of counterparts of this Agreement may be executed and each such executed counterpart shall be deemed an original, but all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement. 20. Exhibits. All exhibits referred to in this Agreement are attached to and shall be considered a part of this Agreement. 21. Severability. Should any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. _11_ Seller and Buyer have executed this Agreement effective as of the date first written above. Dated: try 1, +3 _2011 SELLER IC John LLC By IvanC ohnson Its: l By Carol Johnson Its: Dated: AA 201J BUYER Center Com panes, LLC, and or assigns B errnnan Its: President -12- EXHIBIT A Legal description to be attached by Seller. -13- EXIIIBIT B To be attached after Title Update, see 6. Title Examination a. Title Evidence iii -14-