PC Minutes 02-03-2015 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 2015 Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Steve Weick, Lisa Hokkanen, and Maryam Yusuh MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Undestad and Kim Tennyson STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Paul Oehme, City Engineer/Public Works Director PUBLIC PRESENT: Randy Barto 400 Lakota Lane Mike Cohrs 1025 Creekwood Sam Wetterlin 6609 Dakota Trail, Edina Danny Church 608 Flying Cloud Drive Kate & Dan Smith 1020 Hesse Farm Road Stephanie Walsh 10165 Trails End Road Luke Thunberg 1701 Mayapple Pass Paul Beard 10160 Trails End Road PUBLIC HEARING: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT, PLANNING CASE 2015-04: REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 20-ZONING OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE TO PERMIT THE SALE OF WINE ON GOLF COURSES LOCATED WITHIN THE AGRICULTURAL ESTATE (A2) DISTRICT. APPLICANT: MIKE COHRS, BLUFF CREEK GOLF COURSE. Aanenson: Thank you Chairman. The zoning ordinance amendment on Chapter 20 is because it’s a zoning ordinance amendment and in this section of the code a public hearing is required before the Planning Commission. There’s also another item that I did cross reference here in the staff report which I’ll discuss in a minute. That’s really under the purview of the City Council but this request, this request is for an applicant amending, to allow the sale of wine at golf courses. Golf courses are permitted in the agricultural zoning district A2 as a conditional use and the current standards addressing golf courses limits the establishment to just malt liquor. 3.2 malt liquor so the City has received a request from Bluff Creek Golf Course to amend the ordinance to allow for the sale of wine at golf courses. And so this amendment would then again, because they are operating a golf course and have seating as a part of their establishment and banqueting they want to be able to provide that. So the, I did cross reference the section of the code for licensing requirements which states you know seating of 25 people or more and there’s a percentage requirement. That’s not again, not under your purview but I wanted to explain it to you because if that was important to you making a zoning decision or not, how that would relate. Staff is recommending approval of the amendment. This would affect two golf Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 3, 2015 courses. The Bluff Creek Golf Course and Halla Greens but both of them would have to apply for that license. It doesn’t automatically grant that so with that we are recommending approval and the ordinance, proposed ordinance amendment is attached so our recommendation would then be to recommend the attached amendment to the City Council. And I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Aller: I don’t have any questions and I appreciate the additional information because we like to make our decisions with all the information available so thank you. Any comments or questions from the other commissioners? Alright. Would open the public hearing on the matter and, unless the applicants wish to come forward. So we’ll open the public hearing. Anyone wishing to speak either for or against the request for the amendment can do so at this time. Please come forward. State your name and address for the record. Mike Cohrs: My name is Mike Cohrs. I actually work at Bluff Creek Golf. I was the one to turn the request in. The reason that. Aller: Welcome Mr. Cohrs. Mike Cohrs: What’s that? Aller: Welcome. Mike Cohrs: Thank you. The reasons we want it primarily because the customers are demanding a change. The female golfers, we’re getting a larger proportion of them and they’re really requesting it. We really just serve beer right now. They’re kind of thinking it’s almost a discrimination against them because it’s all we serve so we’ve had a lot of requests for it so we’re trying to appease them. Next one would be just to increase our choices. With 3.2 you’ve really just got a few beer companies making 3.2 so we’re hoping to get some local companies in. You know Summit, Surly. Anything kind of Minnesota we’re trying to shoot for and then lastly just to remain competitive. It’s, most of the other courses surrounding us all have liquor license. You know we’re not asking for that but just the ability to serve something a little more that people want so just to remain competitive. Aller: Great. And my understanding is you’ll be applying for the license then if this goes through. Mike Cohrs: Yes. Aller: With the State and the City. Mike Cohrs: Yeah the exact same process, yeah. We’ll try and apply for that one. Aller: With the sales of 3.2 are you subject to spot checks as far as the guys coming in for underage drinking and services? Mike Cohrs: Yep. Yeah, at least once a year we get that. 2 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 3, 2015 Aller: And this is not an off sale license. This is on premises, consumption. Mike Cohrs: Just on premises only, yep. Aller: Great, thank you. Any other questions? Great, thank you. Any additional individuals wishing to come forward to speak either for or against the item? Seeing no one come forward I’ll close the public hearing. Open it up for comment. Do you feel discriminated against? Hokkanen: I’ll make a motion. Aller: Guys drink wine too. Weick: I was going to say being a heavy wine drinker myself I take note. Aller: I think it’s subject to all the rules and regulations that will be put upon them by the other ordinances and the licensing and so I think as long as they’re going to be competitive and we want people to be competitive and they’re serving alcohol already. Hokkanen: Right. Aller: It seems appropriate. Any other comments? Suggestions. Then I’ll entertain a motion. Hokkanen: I’ll move the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the ordinance amending Sections 20-258(7) of the Chanhassen City Code to permit the sale of wine on golf courses located within the Agricultural Estate District (A-2). Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Yusuf: Second. Aller: Having a motion and a second, any further discussion? Hearing none move to the vote. Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the ordinance amending Sections 20-258(7) of the Chanhassen City Code to permit the sale of wine on golf courses located within the Agricultural Estate District (A-2). All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CSAH 61 CORRIDOR, PLANNING CASE 2015-06: AMENDMENTS TO 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CHAPTER 2, LAND USE (LAND USE MAP AND FIGURES 2-1 AND 2-2). Generous: Thank you Chairman Aller, commissioners. The Planning Case 2015-06 is for land use amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission is holding the 3