Letter from Joan Ludwig 09-16-2014TO: Chanhassen Planning Commission Bob Generous Rose Kelly FROM: Joan Ludwig, 9005 Lake Riley Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 9/16/14 RE: Requested Variance at 9015 Lake Riley Blvd I am the neighbor to the north of this address. My concern about the proposed variance is regarding to the drainage to my property at 9005 Lake Riley Blvd. When the property at 9015 was re constructed, a drain swale was eliminated between that property and my own. The two properties used to be at the same level, and with the increased height and drainage of 9015, as well as all of the additional construction up hill from here, things have changed dramatically. The drainage onto my property has been significantly increased. Each year, the storm drains have had issues in heavy rain as well as in freezing periods in the winter. Additionally, my property has been suffering from standing water in the yard and on my back patio that is much greater than it had been prior to the re build next door and the density of ground cover in the general area. I want to be clear that I am not opposed to Rose Kelly having the improvements to the property that she desires. However, I do seek assurance and oversight from the city to be certain that my property will not be further compromised by additional water drainage. I seek assurance from the city planning department and the city engineering department that steps that have already been discussed will be implemented and that mitigation of future flooding to my property is being adequately addressed. The city engineering has stated that they will: 1. Clean the storm drains to assure that they are functioning properly and to capacity. And to make this area a first priority to mitigate for draining issues. 2. Clean the holding pond across the street from our properties to assure that it is holding the needed amount of storm water and draining properly 3. Re implement the drain swale between the two properties to properly direct excess storm water. (This includes removal of the tree at the yard line to accomplish the swale, and I am currently assisting in getting bids.) 4. Accomplish other re landscaping as needed to protect my property (including home and yard) from becoming over burdened with drain water. Again, I am not opposed to homeowners having the improvements that they desire. However, proper care and assurance must be given to assure that my property is not the recipient of water due to the addition of impervious surfaces and drainage that will again put me underwater again. Further, I just want to assure that professionals evaluate the variable lake level to assure that additional structures and improvements will not bring the lake level up to a level that will flood my property during heavy storms.