CC Minutes 02-09-2015 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Peterson, Paul Oehme, Bob Generous, Todd Hoffman, Roger Knutson, and Sgt. Peter Anderley PUBLIC PRESENT: th Dan Nesler 4700 West 77 St, Minneapolis th Brian LeMon 4700 West 77 St, Minneapolis Karen Engberg 910 Saddlebrook Curve PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated January 26, 2015 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated January 20, 2015 3. Approval of Two-Year Lifeguard Contract for Lake Ann Beach, Minnetonka Public Schools. Resolution #2015-05: 4. 2015 Street Rehabilitation project (Carver Beach Area): Approve Plans & Specifications; Order Ad for Bids. Resolution #2015-06: 5. Well No. 15: Accept Bids, Award Contract. Resolution #2015-07: 6. Approval of 2015 Vehicle and Equipment Purchases. Resolution #2015-08: 7. Approve Resolution Requesting Advance of State Aid Funding for Municipal State Aid Routes 194-101-030 and 194-101-040, City Project 15-02, th Kerber Boulevard from Powers Boulevard to West 78 Street. 8. Approval of 2015 Key Financial Strategies. Chanhassen City Council – February 9, 2015 9. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Liquor License; Love, Inc. Banquet; October 30; St. Hubert Catholic Community, 8201 Main Street. 10. Approve Extension of Site Plan for Chanhassen Specialty Grocery Until May 31, 2015, Villages on the Pond, Outlot B, Venture Pass Partners, LLC. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. 2015 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT (KERBER BOULEVARD): PUBLIC HEARING; CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. Tonight we’d like to have the council consider allowing staff to finish up plans and specs on the Kerber Boulevard improvement. So through the agenda tonight we’d like to talk about the background, the need for the project. The scope of the project. What’s proposed. The cost and financing of the project and the schedule and then we’d like to open up the project for a public hearing as well. So what is being proposed under this project is the rehabilitation of approximately 1.4 miles of streets and that’s on Kerber th Boulevard again from Powers Boulevard all the way down to 78 Street. So the road is 40 feet wide. It’s 35 years old. The southern half of Kerber Boulevard was originally constructed back in the 1940’s when this was just a smaller, little town. Been obviously reconstructed since then. It has been overlaid in ’96 and was also sealcoated. The reason for the project is, it is nearly 20 years old. There are some conditions of the pavement that staff feels should be fixed at this time. The street cannot be maintained cost effectively with say sealcoats and just regular maintenance package so we’re looking at a little bit higher level of maintenance at this time. The City does rate our streets in terms of the quality, of the ride ability and the, how structurally sound it is so rating our streets basically from 100 for a new street down to 0 for a deteriorated street and here’s just some examples of some, examples of severities of pavement distresses that we find and we rate. So with that system that we use for rating our pavements we do rate our streets, every street once every 3 years. This Kerber Boulevard was re-surveyed back in 2013 was the last time so based upon that survey the ranges are shown here. Anywhere from 23 as a low point up to 57 so this is in our range of where we typically would consider a mill and an overlay. Not a full reconstruction. Not ripping out or removing the whole pavement section but basically just the wear surface where we see a lot of pothole issues and cracks and ride ability issues. That’s the thing that we’d like to address under this project. What is being proposed is a 4 inch mill and overlay for the entire street section so we’d come in there. Hire a contractor to mill out 4 inches. Fix any distresses that are out there. Patch those areas and there’s some curb and gutter that also would have to be repaired in conjunction with that and then resurface the road. Also being proposed is, are the looking at the trails along Kerber Boulevard. They are basically the same vintage or they were put in at about the same time as the roadway. We also do rate our trails and they are within the range where we feel they should be removed and replaced at this time. We are looking at going out with bids for this, for the trail section with alternate bids so we have the ability to add that into the contract or delete it from the contract if the council desires. So storm sewer that’s being proposed, improvements. Many of the manholes out here, covers, rings are 2