2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form4t Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form Please complete the following information. When completing this form electronically, fields in grey need your input. Use the Tab key to quickly navigate to each field. Question 37 on the last page of this form is for MUSA Expansions or Changes only and does not contain grey fields, but is directly editable. The form for Question 37 is also available in Excel format. htti)://www.metrocouncil.orq/[)Ianning/assistance/resources.htm This form is available in electronic format on the Metropolitan Council's website: htto://www.metrocouncil ora/planning/assistance/resources htm. AMENDMENT NAME CSAH 61 Corridor COMMUNITY PROFILE AND AMENDMENT OVERVIEW 1. Please provide the following information: Local governmental unit: City of Chanhassen Contact name: Kate Aanenson.AICP Contact title: Community Development Director Address: 7700 Market Boulevard, P. O. Box 147 City, State, Zip: Chanhassen, MN 55317 Telephone number: _(952) 227-1139 FAX number: _(952)227-1110 Email address kaanensonnaci.chanhassen.mn.us Date of preparation: February 24, 2017 2. Identify the type of amendment and describe. Check all that apply: a ® 2a. Land use change: Amend the land uses within the CSAH 61 corridor in Chanhassen. ❑ 2b. MUSA expansion or change: ® 2c. Text Change: Amend Figures 2-1 and 2-2 of the Land Use Element ❑ 2d. Other: 3. Provide a description of the amendment: Location: CSAH 61 corridor in southern Chanhassen The County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 61 Corridor is a key southern gateway to the City of Chanhassen. Impending transportation and infrastructure changes can increase the development potential of parcels within the corridor. The city completed a framework plan that will guide future public and private -sector decision making, shaping this important city gateway. The City of Chanhassen initiated the CSAH 61 Corridor Land Use and Utility Study to investigate future land use Brief description: recommendations consistent with the gateway's importance. Affected area, in acres: 288 Number of housing units in CPA area, if any: 8 existing May 2011 1 it Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form SECTION 1: PROCESS OVERVIEW htti)://www.metrocouncii.org/planning/LPH/LPHSectl.i)d 4. Indicate the official local status of the plan amendment. Check all that apply. NOTE: The local governing body must take action on the proposed amendment before submittal to the Metropolitan Council. Action Date of Action ® Acted upon by the planning commission. _February 3, 2015 ® Approved by governing body, contingent upon Metropolitan Council review February 23, 2015 S. List the adjacent local governments, school districts, and other jurisdictions that were contacted and the date the copies were sent. Notifying adjacent governmental units and affected school districts is one of the criteria the Council will use to determine whether an application is deemed complete for review. City of Eden Prairie, City of Shorewood, City of Excelsior, City of Victoria, City of Shakopee, Hennepin County, Carver County, Scott County, Jackson Township, Minnetonka School District, Eastern Carver County School District, City of Chaska, City of Minnetonka, Minnesota Department of Transportation. December 12, 2014. 6. Identify outstanding issues or conditions made in the Metropolitan Council's review of the municipality's 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update or subsequent comprehensive plan amendments: ® The Council's review(s) did not identify any issues or conditions. ❑ The Council's review(s) identified the following issues/conditions: Issue/Condition Steps taken or future planned actions, including date 7. Will/has and environmental review (Environmental Assessment Worksheet, Environmental Impact Statement, or Alternative Urban Areawide Review) be/been completed for this site? ® No, none required. ❑ Yes. Indicate the type of review and approximate date of completion. If completed, include a summary of the findings below: May 2011 2 4t Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form SECTION 2: '7, FORECASTS.. 8. Does the plan amendment change the population, household, or employment forecasts that appear in the Metropolitan Council's published forecast tables? Published forecast tables can be found online on the Council's website: lith:lvr;_°. n;ttit,cc�:n<il coca/inetroarea/stats htrn. Please note that the Council's practice is to round forecasts to the nearest hundred. No, no change in community -level forecasts. This plan amendment enables development that is ❑ already assumed in current, approved forecasts. ® Yes. Identify the net changes to community -level forecasts in the table below: Net Changes to Community -level Forecasts (additions or reductions due to the amendment) 2010 Population Households 2020 2030 1,715 747 Employment I 1 1 -1468 1 t, •Item #10 Land Use •Item #11 Housing •Item #12 Critical Area / MNRRA •Item =13 Trip Generation •Item =22 Wastewater Flow •Item =32 Water Supply SECTION 3: LAND USE http://www.metrocouncii.orq/t)lanning/LPH/LPHSect3.i)df 9. Does the plan amendment propose any impacts to wetlands located on the site? ❑ No wetlands on the site. ❑ No, no impacts to wetlands located on the site. ® Yes. Describe the type of wetland(s), potential impacts, and mitigation plans below: Potential impacts will be determined and reviewed as part of development proposals in the future. The City will comply with the Wetland Conservation Act and city code requirements. 10. Describe land use changes in acres applicable to this amendment site in the table below. Use the community's land use categories as contained in the local comprehensive plan. ❑ Not applicable. No land use changes proposed. Land Use Designation (fill in All Land Uses in CPA Area Residential Land Uses Only ,ho c -if;, I—A A.-__ use categories) Pre -CPA Post -CPA Pre -CPA Post -CPA --- _ Agricultural 847 824 Office 159 100 Office Industrial 82 42 Park & Open Space Mixed Use (assume 70% residenfial/30% 42 52 commercial) 0 29 0, 10 units/cc. 171, 10 units/ac. Residential Large Lot 39 16 16, 0.4 units/ac. 7, 0.4 units/ac. Residential Medium Density 0 90 0, 4-8 units/ac. 458, 4-8 units/ac. Residential High Density 67 82 572, 8-16 units/ac. 699, 8-16 units/ac. May 2011 3 ItIt Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form Totals 1,256 1256 588 _ 1,335 CPA = Comprehensive Plan Amendment 11. Housing: If the proposed amendment changes the amount of land city-wide staged for development for the 2011-2020 timeframe for medium density, high density, or mixed use residential development, complete the following table to identify the amount of land available pre- and post - amendment. Acres city-wide for each land use category Pre -CPA Fill in all land use categories Developed Developable that allow multi -family Total Acres Acres Acres* residential development A B A— B= C * Developable means land planned for urban residential development, infill, or ** Amendment acres from the municipality's response to Question #10 above. Acres city-wide for each land use category Post -CPA Amendment Developable Acres** Acres D --C+D.=E_� 2011-2020 timeframe. 12. Mississippi River Critical Area / MNRRA: Does the proposed amendment include any land within the designated Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA) and Critical Area boundaries? ® No. Not a community with CA / MNRRA boundaries or project site is not within CA / MNRRA boundaries. ❑ Yes. Describe below how Critical Area guidelines and MNRRA Comprehensive Management Plan policies are being addressed with this amendment. SECTION 4: TRANSPORTATION httD://www.metrocounril.ora/nlanninci/I_PH/I. PHSert4-ndf 13. Trip Generation: Complete the table below using the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual to show whether this plan amendment increases or decreases trip generation compared to the planned land use and transportation element of the community's comprehensive plan. Estimated average daily traffic Trip Generation for the Site Based on Planned Land Use Pre -Amendment_ 29,755 Trip Generation for the Site Based on Planned Land Use Post -Amendment 25,737 Estimated peak hour traffic I a.m. 3,758, p.m. 3,724 a.m. 3,195, p.m. 3,145 14. Will these changes require improvements to the existing local and regional road network or to interchanges beyond what is in the community's current transportation plan? ❑ No, existing local and regional road networks can accommodate increase. ® Yes, improvements are needed. Describe improvements and who will pay for them below: Local street access to CSAR 61 will be needed at the time of development. CSAR 61 is currently under construction to improve traffic flows. The 101 river bridge is currently under construction to four lanes with a pedestrian trail to improve capacity and raise out of 100 year flood elevation. Highway 101 from CSAH 61 to Pioneer trail is being studied for improvements. Carver County, Chanhassen and MnDOT will all participate in the upgrade of this roadway. May 2011 4 tMetropolitan Council 'L Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form 15. If this site has direct access to a Principal or "A" Minor Arterial, is the location and spacing consistent with applicable County guidelines or MnDOT's Access Management Guidelines? (�ll L{5_ 1 �. �T.GIf 'ict/91_ le.�i) ❑ Not applicable. No direct access to a Principal or "A" Minor Arterial. ❑ No. Explain: ® Yes. Describe below: Local street access will be developed to CSAH 61. 16. Will the amendment increase or decrease by 10% or more the 2030 forecasted households, population, or employment forecasts allocated to the development's Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ)? ❑ Yes. ® No. If Yes, explain below: Transit and Other Modes of Transportation 17. Is the amendment likely to have any impact, positive or negative, on transit service? ® No, not currently served by transit or will not affect transit. ❑ Yes. List existing routes, describe changes, and identify proposed/necessary transit facility improvements (e.g. shelters, park & rides, etc) below: 18. Does the amendment include Traffic Demand Management (TDM) strategies or land use and urban design measures, if applicable? ❑ Yes. ® No. If No, explain why not. If Yes, describe below (e.g. car and van pooling, flexible work hours, mixed land uses that discourage vehicle trips and promote walking, biking, ridesharing, and transit): Development strategies will be determined at the time of development review. 19. Does the amendment include any pedestrian or bicycle access or facilities? ❑ Yes. ® No. If No, explain why not. If yes, describe access/facilities below: May 2011 5 44d Metropolitan Council '7e Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form 20. Does the amendment affect any airport functions? ® Not applicable. Site is not within airport compatibility area or search area. ❑ No. The site is within airport compatibility area or search area, but no impacts. Explain below: ❑ Yes. The CPA site is within an airport compatibility area or search area, and experiences off -airport impacts related to the following: ❑ Aircraft Noise. Describe whether the community has adopted land use compatibility guidelines, including preventive and corrective noise abatement and/or mitigation measures being applied. ❑ Airport Safety Zoning. Indicate whether the community participates on a joint airport/community zoning board, has an approved airport zoning ordinance, and how those requirements relate to the proposal. ❑ Airport Infrastructure. Describe how the proposal affects or is affected by the provision of services or facilities to the airport (e.g. roads, utilities, police/fire, etc.). SECTION 5: WATER RESOURCES htti)://www.metrocouncii.orQ/i)lanning/LPH/­LPHSect5.ipdf Wastewater' 21. What type of wastewater treatment will be used to serve the proposed amendment? ❑ Individual Sewage Treatment System (ISTS) ❑ Privately Owned/ Community Treatment System ❑ Local/ Municipal Owned Wastewater Treatment Plant ® Regional Wastewater Treatment 22. Wastewater Flow: Complete the following table to show whether the amendment increases or decreases wastewater flow compared to the currently planned land use and sewer flow projections. I Total Community Flow Total Community Flow Year Pre -Amendment (mgd) Post -Amendment (mgd) 2010 1 4.46 I 4.46 May 2013 6 4t Metropolitan Council "7� Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form 2020 5.96 5.96 2030 7.3 7.3 - - mgd =million gallons per day 23. Does the local wastewater system have adequate capacity or staged capacity to accommodate the proposed amendment? ® Yes. ❑ No. Explain response below: City untertook a Utility feasibility study in conjunction with the proposed amendment. 24. Does the regional wastewater system have adequate capacity or staged capacity to accommodate the proposed amendment? ® Yes. ❑ No. Explain response below: 25. Has the community and/or Metropolitan Council identified an inflow and infiltration (I/I) problem? ® Yes. ❑ No. If Yes, describe steps taken to address the I/I issue and plans for action below: City has drafted a five year work plan. City working with Metropolitan Council to televise sewer mains to determine UI problem areas. City is undertaking UI program including sewer line replacement, community education, specifying UI resistant manhole structures, etc. 26. Identify regional interceptor(s) that will be impacted by these changes and indicate if flows will be diverted from one interceptor service area to another below. Lake Ann 27. Does the amendment include any wastewater flow to an adjacent community? For new inter -community agreements, the receiving community must also amend the sewer element of its plan. ❑ Yes. Enclose a copy of the inter -community agreement with the amendment submittal. ® No. 28. Will stormwater runoff generated from the amendment be treated on-site? ❑ No. Check one of the following and describe: ❑ Runoff will not receive treatment. Describe below: ❑ Runoff will be treated off-site. Identify off-site treatment facility below: May 2011 7 it Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form ® Yes. Describe type and level of on-site pollutant removal treatment/mitigation plans below: At the time of development, General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination" (NPDES construction permit) will be required and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be developed. 29. Does the community an updated local surface water management plan? ® Yes. Year adopted: 2006 ❑ No. Explain below: In processing of updating plan in compliance with Water Management Organizations. 30. Does the community have an adopted erosion control or stormwater management ordinance? ® Yes. Year adopted: 1992 ❑ No. Explain below: Storm water management ordinance updated in 2008. Erosion control ordinance updated in 2011. In process of updting storm water management ordinance in compliance with the current NPDES permit. 31. Does the community have an updated water supply plan? ® Yes. Year adopted: 2008 ❑ No. 32. Will the amendment increase or decrease projected water use from the community's current water supply plan? ❑ Yes. Provide the water supply plan amendment as an attachment to describe necessary facilities improvements or changes. ® No increase or decrease in projected water use from the water supply plan. SECTION.htti)://www.metrocouncil.org/i)lanning/­LPH/LPHSect6.i)d 33. Does the amendment include, or is it adjacent to or within +/2 mile of an existing or planned regional park, reserve, or trail as identified in the Metropolitan Council's 2030 Regional Parks Policy Plan? ® Yes. ❑ No. If Yes, indicate the name of the regional park, reserve, or trail and describe potential impacts and mitigations plans below: City will provide local connections to trails on the Hennepin County Regional Trail corridor, the CSAH 61 corridor and the 101 riverbridge. 34. Does the community have a Parks & Open Space Plan including regional park elements? ® Yes. Year adopted: 2008 ❑ No. May 2011 8 tMetropolitan Council Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form SECTION 7: IMPLEMENTATION htti):ZZwww.metrocouncil.orq/l)lanning/LPH/LPHSect7.1)d 35. Will the amendment require changes in zoning or subdivision ordinances, the capital improvement program (CIP), or other official controls? ® Yes. ❑ No. If Yes, describe proposed changes and timeline for making those changes below: The properties will need to be rezoned at the time of development. This land is outside the current urban services area. Utility services will need to be extended to this area to accommodate the future development. 36. Does the community have natural resources protection ordinances, including those addressing wetlands, tree preservation, or steep slopes? ® Yes. ❑ No. If Yes, identify applicable ordinances below: The city has adopted wetland protection, shoreland management, tree preservation, bluff protection and Bluff Creek overlay ordinances. DON'T FORGET! A complete comprehensive plan amendment submittal must include the following: ❑ Completed CPA Submittal Form ❑ Staff report regarding CPA ❑ Other relevant information related to the CPA And the following color maps: ❑ General location of CPA ❑ Current planned land use ❑ Proposed planned land use change ❑ Current sewer staging ❑ Proposed sewer staging changes ❑ Existing land cover (MLCCS if available) May 2011 _ > co O C a7C'c m O p Z C 5 + R U W O \ a U a) a) C Ii O >T 0 0 roo Y C N w C E -o _N �_ Z 9 U 90 1 v9+ A a. EC f0 a) R II Q) E -C H C a O N N N O Y y �L C w+Ti WCL 'LJ 0 R N LA V1 �• Q ° ai � ° a) CL VY>C 7 [P C E Io 'O Q O OI R �, E 'O J O C o u � 0 oE vI ° vi yO, r a off C'V y c d 'a a,R y dI `u: M w > o m c y a s E° C) c o d a c E0 a O a C C O Y I V C a) E cc) u.), F awl G L Y G IVO w 0 L _c¢am0uaj m a, +' a ° v io aa)i C 'i L. a ��c�ou C .cp -0 m y a) m- Q y c+� y w-0 C 0. u� R9 p o3'moo�Ol a v3o C N v cc ° e u a 3� m >,Fm 75 o 0 O G N R D a+ N ip u u v�Qj���i R �c� L N p C to V N L a.. •p D) o :n ,y O N •N +�+ I 'p Vi E V) � J I V W O Imp C) E C C 'U Ecl c:= LL = �' w, Y7 U - c c = - o > m ° o+c+ d g mtt� m c E C U R uI a '''ai Y O d £ L h a n 3 = r �m/Co- 0 fu cc c. Q'Eo� a C v E o dw v inLML t N n C O O R O L; v E o ° O.� c _.., Ol p� 'EO N v .2. R R R -1 o N C Xa o+-o,oa'wgmc > {A CP ia) M > m m O L y O 0)Qj c u O CTC R r N ul Q m�aj��C= c Y Q) Y L 3 L Y C v w u a. c Lu r.+>"OA R E E OI a v c 3� O i CL E (A E .0 3 !n R u c O q' �oa>v0Wa >zl c' F >E>> O1 Of D M-0 Ov �UaZaL+ cc, Fe 1 d Lu O v L a •yI a b Y C w o N 9 a) n L v N 0 w u m Q C N Y Q � O c O � J I > O i m i i v ya v Y E'�a V OI a W > p o D m u Iv I o 'a)ca 1 V N N y a � m a YamU E� a f a° - o �aG M '.. — o y = ';. l o u o 41" R 'o> � La3y s9co yu o mC co o f H C R ,rcoa 7'�i, o� iui o m a7' J rA V a'i a d a a rIA O I,I o 0 O 0 ITE m O � N N d @ N na p' m �E J U mg O1 Iu In s c i •c � � p m J d Fe 1