1. Certified Resolution 2015-13CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No. 2015-13, "Resolution Approving Land Use Map Amendments within the CSAH 61 Corridor to the City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Plan" dated February 23, 2015 with the original copy on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 25th day of February, 2015. ardt, 64puty Clerk CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIESMINNESOTA DATE: Februar0 2015 RESOLUTION NO, 20iS-�13 n0 MOTION BY: Rva SECONDED BY: Cammon RESOLUTION APPROVING LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS WITHIN THE CSAH 61 CORRIDOR TO THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLA1\\T WHEREAS, the CSAH 61 Corridor Land Use and Utility Study was finalized and approved by the City Council on October 289 2014. A joint meeting with City Council and the Planning CoAnm, ission was held on December 19 2014 to review the CSA H 61 Corridor study results. WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen submitted the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendments within the CSAR 61 Corridor to adjacent communities on December 129 20149 for their review. There were no objections or negative comments received. The 60 -day agency rev er;nr� p on Febriary 10, 201 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to,review the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments on February 3, 2015, found the amendments consistent with the City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Plan and voted to recommend that City Council adopt the amendments. WHEREAS,, the Chanhassen City Council held a hearing on February 23, 2015 to review the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council approves the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments within the CSAH 61 Corridor subject to review and determination of consistency with the Metropolitan Council 2030 System Plan. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23 d day of February, 2015. ATTE -J 4, Todd Gerhardt, City Manager D Laufe urger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Campion Laufenburger McDonald Ryan Tjornhom. Lm am 0; V) z J LLI W 2 D W 0 Lu C) 0 8 UJ 1V V) < D < < C.) a — — < — CO) n. - :5 J w z D LLI 0 w Z z z "J Lij w w w z w P a. z ;-J o w D i:o ►Lm 0 co V5 w �2 -i z 0. m w X U- o U- w 0 o — w 0 2 w w 0 w D 0 :' CL CO LM Lm Ile v VM if jog two ar Co 0 4) 3T as 3t CIO 0 11 AM i:o ... ........ MffAJ O VOW, 00 00 LM V- ------- --- --- (M) 10 vv% Lm am V5 0 z V) z J LLI W 2 D W 0 Lu C) 0 8 UJ 1V V) < D < < C.) a — — < — CO) n. - :5 J w z D LLI 0 w Z z z "J Lij w w w z w P a. z ;-J o w D i:o ►Lm 0 co V5 w �2 -i z 0. m w X U- o U- w 0 o — w 0 2 w w 0 w D 0 :' CL CO LM Lm VM if ar Co 0 4) 3T as 3t CO Z V5 0 z V) z J LLI W 2 D W 0 Lu C) 0 8 UJ X () M 0 a? w iUJ V) < D < < C.) a — — < — CO) n. - :5 J w z D LLI 0 w Z z z "J Lij w w w z w P a. z ;-J o w D W LL w 0 co V5 w �2 -i z 0. m w X U- o U- w 0 o — w 0 2 w w 0 w D 0 :' CL CO Figure 2-1. LAND USE TABLE IN 5 -YEAR STAGES Existing and Planned Land Use Table (in acres) Within Ut?an Service Area t Minimum Maximum - Exng < t2OOO) 2019 2915 2020 2025 2031 Change 2000-2030 Residential Land Uses Low Density Residential (developed) 1.2 4 2,600 3,100 3,913 4,498 4,540 4,692 2,092 Low Density Residential (vacant) 2,102 1,602 779 201 152 - Medium Density Residential (developed) 4 8 155 300 326 356 381 496 341 Medium Density Residential (vacant) 245 100 170 140 115 - High Density Residential (developed) 8 16 55 112 140 180 195 240 185 High Density Residential (vacant) 163 106 100 53 45 - Mixed Use Primarily Residential* (developed) 8 20 30 40 45 50 60 72 42 Mixed Use Primarily Residential* (vacant) 20 10 27 22 12 - C/I Land Uses Est. Employees/Acre Commercial (developed) 25 240 270 300 318 320 328 88 Commercial (vacant) 88 58 28 10 8 - Industrial (developed) 7 500 632 760 801 813 843 343 Industrial (vacant) 383 251 83 42 30 - Office (developed) 28 240 260 242 263 272 277 37 Office (vacant) 199 79 35 14 5 - Mixed Use Primarily C/I* (developed) 26 35 40 45 55 60 72 37 Mixed Use Primarily C/I* (vacant) 30 25 27 17 12 - Extractive Public/Semi Public Land Uses Institutional 1,213 1,213 1,213 1,213 1,213 1,213 - Parks and Recreation 417 430 438 457 457 457 40 Open Space 934 934 944 944 944 944 10 Roadway Rights of Way 1,237 1,237 1,237 1,237 1,237 1,237 - utility _ Railroad Airport _ Subtotal Sewered 109786 10,799 10,852 10,871 100871 10,871 3,215 OuU� eM Areas( - -tot Itx6mx�r #w .261#1 't5 2020 2025 � hano 4 Rural Residential 2.5 acres or less Rural Residential 2.5 -10 acres 2.5 na 971 971 948 948 948 948 (23) Rural Residential 10-40 acres Agricultural 40+ acres 40 27 19 - - - (40) Agriculture land use 904 904 882 882 882 882 (22) Subtotal U nsewered 1,915 1,902 1,849 1,830 1,830 1,830 (85) Undeveloped Wetlands (within land use designations) -- -- 2,210 2,210 2,210 2,210 2,210 2,210 - Open Water, Rivers and Streams -- -- 2,059 2,059 2,059 2,059 2,059 2,059 - Total 14,760 1 149760 1 14,760 14,760 1 14,760 149760 1 3,130 C:\Users\karene\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\7VJA9TOV\Land Use 5 year revised CSAH 61 August 2, 2005 Figure 2-2 2008 - 2030 Land Use Comparison 2020 2030 Land Use Plan Land Use Plan Change 2020-2030 Additional Land Use Acres Percent Acres Percent Acres Comm./Ind./Off. Commercial 142 1.2% 328 2.2% 186 1,377,367 Office/Industrial 694 5.7% 843 5.7% 149 1,103,375 Office 114 0.9% 277 1.9% 163 1,810,571 Parks & Open Space 11297 10.6% 15401 9.5% 104 Public/Semi-Public 19204 9.9% 11210 8.2% 6 Residential Large Lot 870 7.1% 948 6.4% 78 Residential Low Density 31295 27.0% 47692 31.8% 17397 Residential Medium Density 219 1.8% 496 3.4% 277 Residential High Density 120 1.0% 240 1.6% 120 Mixed Use 51 0.4% 144 1.0% 93 Undevelopable TOTAL 49200 12,206 34.4% 45181 149760 28.3% 19 21554 Undevelopable 4,291,313 Net sq. ft. change Lakes, Floodplain, Rivers, Streams 2,037 Road Right -of -Way 11237 Agriculture 882 TOTAL 41156 C:\Users\karene\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\7VJA9TOWand use comparison 2008 - 2030 2/25/2015