CC Minutes 02-23-2015 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Peterson, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman and Roger Knutson PUBLIC PRESENT: Mike Cohrs 1025 Creekwood Debra Roesser 1025 Creekwood Jill Kaiser 10326 Magic Drive, Eden Prairie Mike Hoagberg, Headwaters Development 17550 Hemlock Avenue, Lakeville Dave Kirkbrios 2080 Boulder Road Eric Reiners, Sperides Reiners Architects 4200 West Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington Keith Matte, SRF Consulting One Carlson Parkway No, #150, Minneapolis Chapin Hall 14451 Highway 7, Suite 204, Minnetonka th Robert Boecker 610 West 96 Street Mayor Laufenburger: Well good evening and welcome to this council meeting. Those who are present in the chambers as well as those who are watching on Mediacom Channel 8 in your homes. I hope you’re staying warm tonight. First item is let’s just review the agenda. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda? If not then we will proceed with the agenda as printed. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilwoman Ryan seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated February 9, 2015 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 3, 2015 3. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 27, 2015 4. Award of Quote for Concrete Work, Neighborhood Park Shelter Project. Chanhassen City Council – February 23, 2015 Resolution #2015-10: 5. 2015 Street Rehabilitation Project (Kerber Boulevard): Approve Plans and Specifications th Resolution #2015-11: 6. Approve No Parking Resolution on West 86 Street from CSAH 101 to Mission Hills Way West. Resolution #2015-12: 7. TH 101 (Pioneer Trail to CSAH 61) Improvement Project 14-08: Resolution Approving Master Contract with MnDOT. 8. Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Approval of Amendment to Chapter 20 of City Code to Permit the Sale of Wine on Golf Courses located in the Agricultural Estate (A2) District: Applicant: Mike Cohrs, Bluff Creek Golf Course. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Laufenburger: Sergeant Anderley is here. Our police liaison with Carver County Sheriff’s. Sergeant Anderley, welcome. Nice to see you. Sgt. Peter Anderley: Good evening Mayor, council. You have the January reports if there’s any questions on any of the numbers there, I can certainly go over through that. If you don’t. One thing I did kind of want to talk about tonight a little bit just for people out there, kind of make you aware of something. It’s been around a little longer, a little while but a new law took effect st in August 1 of 2014 regarding Narcan. It’s a prescription drug that will reverse the side effects of drug overdoses such as heroin and oxycodone and opioid overdoses. I know the fire department probably talked about it earlier or late last year. They have it. It allows first responders and deputies to carry that drug to administer to somebody when they have it. One of the big things about the law is it does provide immunity to the people who call 911 so if someone collapses from a drug overdose and is not breathing, it provides immunity for them to call 911. They’re not going to get in trouble for the heroine so we can get there and administer first aid to those people. The sheriff’s office started carrying it mid-January after everyone was trained in it. Last Wednesday Chaska had a medical call of a party unresponsive and one of our deputies responded and administered Narcan to a person who was not breathing. Within a minute that person woke up and was actually talking and come full circle so that’s the first time we used it but just want to make you aware of it that we are carrying it and there’s the whole law about immunity so we encourage people if they have a medical emergency like that we are able to get there and help fast. Mayor Laufenburger: So Sergeant this is, this drug Narcan, this is obviously not an over the counter drug. This is a controlled substance, is that correct? Sgt. Peter Anderley: It is. 2