Email from Matt Wilkens to Kata Aanenson 07-30-2014Aanenson, Kate From: Matt Wilkens <mwilkens@damonfarber.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 9:54 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Cc: Rachel Blaseg Subject: Columbarium talking points Hi Kate, Some talking points for the columbarium expansion in the front (lower area) versus on top of the hill (upper area)... 1. The columbarium are whole units (3W x 12L x 4H) crane lifted off from a flatbed trailer... which likely will be easier, closer crane range, have better access (driveway) and more cost effective long term from the lower (front) area than the upper area 2. ADA accessibility is more achievable on the lower area (we didn't look at this in our study, but the best route for accessibility would be from the south, probably around where the hydrant is and can go north between the columbarium and the existing plots, right around 5% right now) 3. Frequency. More people will be use cremation as a burial option... hence more people will visit the cemetery. In our thinking, it is likely better for more cemetery traffic to happen on the lower side than the upper side... thinking not much room on the driveway, considering the hill in the summer AND winter 4. Obstructed views from columbarium at the lower area.... (we'll confirm that there are none or very few obstructed views at our mock-up tomorrow) 5. Screening needs (neighbors to the east). This will happen on the upper side whether there are burial plots or columbarium. 6. View of development. Depending on how you look at it... visible expansion could be good for business. The columbarium additions would likely not be visible from Galpin if they went in on the upper side... We'll send more ideas as they come to us..... Matt MAIT WILKENS, PLA, ASLA Landscape Architect DAMONFARBERASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture + Urban Design + Site Planning 401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Phone: 612.332.7522 Web: www.damonforber.coni