Email from Matt Wilkins to Kate Aanenson 07-10-2014Aanenson, Kate From: Matt Wilkens <mwilkens@damonfarber.com> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 6:41 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Cc: Tom Whitlock Subject: Chan Pioneer Cemetery - Meeting summary - 7-10-14 Hi Kate! Below are some brief notes from our meeting yesterday at the Pioneer Cemetery. Please add on if there's something that I've missed... • Attendees: Kate A, Todd G, Karen, Jill S, Matt W. • Purpose: Review of site for initial and future columbarium locations. • Determinations/assumptions: views from Galpin into cemetery to remain open to allow graves monuments, site trees and lawn areas to continue to be seen, improvements to maintain charm of the cemetery, existing trees to be maintained, site improvement to fit existing character and materials of cemetery, provide space for snow build up (approx., 5 ft off of sidewalk egde) • Determined that a columbarium unit is made up of columbarium, approximately 40 niches, 2 stone benches on concrete pads, maintenance provision to make mowing easy, lawn surfacing, possible planted hedge for privacy and sound attenuation • Determined that the initial columbarium should be placed at the south end of the planned space near Galpin Rd. due to the relative flatness of that location. No immediate slope correction would be necessary for the first unit • Future columbarium units, placed in a east/west fashion going north along the Galpin space would likely need low retaining walls to correct the slight slopes. It was discussed that a low fence/wall combination could be used to help correct slopes. Fencing along Galpin would also help "announce" Pioneer Cemetery. Fencing would be a future installation. • Columbariums to be low, possibly two rows high and approximately 10 to 12 feet in length, niches arranged back to back, provide options for 2 persons in one niche, columbariums to be stock items, potentially 5 total units along Galpin. Further study to confirm niche totals. • DFA to provide 1. Plan of initial columbarium unit and proposed future columbarium locations (installation to move north sequentially), 2. Rendered graphic of columbarium unit from Galpin (side view), 3. Rendered graphic of columbarium unit (front view) • Timeframe: not urgent Hope that covers most of it. I'm out of the office all next week, but will contact you the week of July 21 to follow up! Have a good week. Talk to you then, Kate! Matt MATT WILKINS, PLA, ASLO Landscape Architect DAMONFARBERASSOCIATES Landscape Achiiedxe+ Uroan Design +Ste Planniing