StarTribune Cemetery Article 04-26-2014JERRY HOLT• jerry.holt@startribu .corn Erick Perez Flores removed grave marking poles in the pioneer section of the BloomingtonCemeteryon Wednesday. The cemeteery �nras established in 1856. ,,'e'c q'P i gad. ne 'Cy"( 14 Givin new .ie to ocemetery Bloomington may expand cemetery started in 1856 and broaden eligibility on who can be buried -there. By MARY JANE SMETANKA • smetan@stutribme.com Amid the daily hubbub of managing Minneso- ta's fifth-largest city, the mayor and city manager of Bloomington make time for a humble duty: signing the title for every burial plot sold in the city's historic cemetery. In the pioneer section of Bloomington Cemetery rest missionary Gideon Pond, who came to Minnesota in 1834, and Susan, a 10 -year-old Dakota girl whose 1856 stone tells the dramatic story of her death with the word "MURDERED." There are monuments to Civil War vet- erans and pioneers. Unlike some cities, Bloomington is not content to let its historic cemetery molder. The city is moving to extend the cemetery's life, adding land and perhaps broadening the rules on who can be buried there. Together, those measures could ensure that the cem- etery is used for at least 25 more years. "When the cemetery was established, it was farm folks and families that lived here in the township," City Man ac nr AttarL Rar.,ha..icn., cu;A MIT.'— ­- 1n 11,E sc y e ve Come point where it's not just mom, dad and the kids and people V V who lived here and die here. to "Relationships are different, we have a more rapidly the Point changing population. Does that come into play or not? where it's not That's what we're exploring." The cemetery, at 10340 Lyndale Av. S, was established in 1856 by Oak Grove Presbyterian Church. The oldest Just mom, dad cemetery records were kept by Pond, who moved to what is now Bloomington in 1842-43 and was one of the and the kids church's founders. The earliest graves are at the cemetery's south side. andle mans known by a single name, pioneers who died lin- eeo P gering, painful deaths, and babies are buried there. Early who lived here gravestones bear pioneer names now familiar to Bloom - ington residents in street signs and parks: Bush, Hyland, and die here.' Stanley, Kell and Bailiff. When the church moved in 1864, the cemetery became Mark Bernhardson, the city's. Originally about 4 acres in size, according to a city history, it has been expanded at least three times and Bloomington city manager now is 8.5 acres. It has about 4,500 plotted grave sites, some 350 of them still for sale. Bloomington looking to give new life to an old cemetery +CENETERYfrom Bl If burials continue at the current rate, the cemetery would fill up in about six years. With Bloomington's popula- tion aging, family character- istics changing and crema- tion becoming more popular, it was time to re-examine how things work at the cemetery, said City Clerk Janet Lewis, who has responsibility for its operations. A city task force brain- stormed about how to make the cemetery more financially self-sufficient. The cemetery trust fund had about $1.2 mil- lion in it at the end of 2013; each year, the city spends $150,000 to $200,000 for maintenance such as mowing and watering. Ideas were presented to the City Council late last year. There are plans for a better cemetery road with a turn- around, a new sign, a covered area to offer shelter during bad weather and a columbarium for cremated remains. Most dramatically, the cem- etery could again expand. Bloomington owns 2.5 acres of vacant land just to the north of the cemetery. And the city is interested in purchasing 10 lots between that land and Lyndale Avenue, making the expanded cemetery one big rectangle. The city is already negotiat- ing with one willing property owner. "We want voluntary acquisi- tion only," Lewis said. Bernhardson said that ideally, money to buy the lots would come from the ceme- tery fund, though if properties came on the market all at once, the city could finance the deals and pay itself back from cem- etery revenues. ' Ifwehavetheopportunityto JERRY HOLT •jerry.holt@startribme.cum In the pioneer section of Bloomington Cemetery is the grave of Susan, a 10 -year-old Dakota girl who was murdered in 1856. The cemetery is under review for historic status. buy property right now, we will take advantage of that as things become available." he said. Who shmild be buried them? Still left unsettled is the issue of opening the cemetery to more people. Now, burials are open to people who were living in Bloomington when they died, or who had lived in the city for at least 10 years. The spouses of those people as well as their children and the kids' spouses are also eli- gible. The city is waiting for City Council members to weigh in on any changes, which could include reducing the residence requirement to five years, including the parents of qualifying residents, or allow- ing people who don't qualify by residency to pay higher fees for a burial plot or crema- tion niche. Now, a burial plot costs $1,400 — less, Lewis said, than at many other cem- eteries. v5 vi W 98th St. W.10Ath6t. �� 'z" W106th St. CBl n RAYGRUMNEY • StarThbane Bloomington Cemetery is under review for historic sta- tus, which could affect how much change occurs in at least the oldest part of the ceme- tery, Lewis said. Proposals for change or repairs would have to be submitted to the state. With about $70,000 a year coming in each year in burial plot sales, Bernhardson said he thinks there is a good chance the cemetery could become self-supporting. But he said the city intends to be flexible about that. As the son of a small-town Lutheran minister, he said he knows how important ritu- als surrounding death and places of remembrance are to people. "This is a long-term ser- vice that we made available to the people of Bloomington over the years, and we figured out how to keep it going for a while," Bernhardson said. "You kind of look at it as a trust. People put their money in and expect perpetual care. We are trying to be sustainable in that." Mary lane Smetanka • 612-673-7380