Incomplete Determination Response Letter 03-30-2015CITY OF March 30, 2015 CAANNSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PC Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ms. LisaBeth Barajas Engineering Phone: 952227.1160 Manager Local Planning Assistance Fax: 952.227.1170 Metropolitan Council Administration 390 Robert Street North Phone:22271100 F Faxx::95522.227.1110 St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 Building Inspections Re: City of Chanhassen CSAH 61 Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Phone: 952.227.1180 Metropolitan Council File No. 20265-8 Fax: 952.227.1190 Incomplete Determination Engineering Phone: 952227.1160 Dear Ms. Barajas: Fax: 952.227.1170 Phone: 952.227.1300 I am writing in response to the Metropolitan Council determination of the Finance incompleteness of the submittal and to request the continuation of the review. Phone: 952.227.1140 Plan. As part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update, the City will utilize the new Fax: 952.227.1110 Required Information: Park :Recreation Phone: 952.2271120 The ma amendment of the Hennepin Count Regional Rail Authority HCRRA P P Y gt tY ( ) Fax: 952.2271110 property was inadvertently included on the map submittal. If you review the staff Website report discussing the amendments in areas 2 and 3, you will see that the land was not Recreation Center included as part of the analysis for a land use amendment. Nor did we notice the 2310 Coulter Boulevard property owners about such a change. We have revised the map to show these PFax:952.227.14040 properties as currently guided for Residential Large Lot (enclosed). Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & As part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update, the City will look at amending the Natural Resources HCRRA properties from Residential Large Lot to either Parks and Open Space or Phone: 952.2271130 Public/Semi-public. It should be noted that the existing land use and its consistent Fax: 952.227.1110 zoning would permit parks and open space uses. Public Works Advisory: 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 The City is not proposing amending the forecasts within the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. As part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update, the City will utilize the new Senior Center land uses in estimating housing, population and employment projections and in Phone: 952.227.1125 developing TAZ data. Fax: 952.227.1110 Website As stated above, the City will look at amending the HCRRA properties from www.d.chanhassen.mn.us Residential Large Lot to either Parks and Open Space or Public/Semi-public as part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Ms. LisaBeth Barajas March 30, 2015 Page 2 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I have previously emailed all this information to reviewcoordinator(i�metc.state.mn.us. If you require additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1139 or kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, AA$r�;ti � Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director Enclosure ec: Robert Generous, Senior Planner Todd Gerhardt, City Manager g:\plan\2015 planning cases\2015-06 cash 61 land use amendment\met council incomplete response ltr.docx County Road 61 Corridor Study r, Current Legend D C( C O 4 L V C C 4 0 P t COMMERICAL�°P+. =2 ° ® N 4 P°< t 4oD4G P OFFICE O 94 5 C�k a P o < ®d OFFICE INDUSTRIAL — MIXED a RESIDENTIAL LARGE LOT i RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY 4Po oc4°c(4p c c k RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY 'c o°v° p ° p v RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY PP Imo__ AGRICULTURE PARKS OPEN SPACE °° v v o e e _ PUBLIC SEMI PUBLIC`S c D 4 ( ( 2030 �Land Use 4 `t,t r 4 o va 'c 2�r' aaG(IFtN'0 c 4 c e as 6(IFROy W' p40C c 4 G P G t i Rice5.49 b k. 4V0 4 4P°4 ct Lake 9 t Cp p (Y 4 C ( O CPO p O OHW 699.2 V O V c 4 p v C c o D P - o4ao 4 C o a P G 4 0 4 c Z b V V 9°CC4°O ( C 4 C V o e c 4°oo4co P e c c G°C°C`c°4'P°c°p P p a c p p JJ, 4 r r r d rr- I� �r as 6UFtYu9 9 < e P C D v D C( C O 4 L V C C 4 0 P t =2 C C c e P o C O O 4 O 4°G(G p p P P P D P O°P P P p G P P P 4 5 C�k C 4 a D P P D( D i 4Po oc4°c(4p c c k 'c o°v° p ° p v PP 4c °° v v o e e c D 4 ( ( p ( 4 `t,t r 4 o va 'c 2�r' aaG(IFtN'0 c 4 c e as 6(IFROy W' p40C c 4 G P G t i Rice5.49 b k. 4V0 4 4P°4 ct Lake 9 t Cp p (Y 4 C ( O CPO p O OHW 699.2 V O V c 4 p v C c o D P - o4ao 4 C o a P G 4 0 4 c Z b V V 9°CC4°O ( C 4 C V o e c 4°oo4co P e c c G°C°C`c°4'P°c°p P p a c p p JJ, 4 r r r d rr- I� �r as 6UFtYu9 9 < e P C D v C G C C c e P o C O O 4 O 4°G(G p p P P P D P O°P P P p G P P P D P p P D D P D P P D( D i Rice Lake OHW 699.2 " 4 County, Road 461 (Corridor StudytfProposed Land Use G 4 G P pp(