Park Shelter Projects, Award of Quote for Shelters, 20150 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 2271100 Fax 952 2271110 Building Inspections Phone 952 2271180 Fax 952 2271190 Engineering Phone 952 2271160 Fax 952 2271170 Finance Phone 952 2271140 Fax 952 2271110 Park & Recreation Phone 952 2271120 Fax 952 2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 2271400 Fax 952 2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952 2271130 Fax 952 2271110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone 952 2271300 Fax 952 2271310 Senior Center Phone 952 2271125 Fax 952 2271110 Website www ci chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO: TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent DATE: January 26, 2015 09' SUBJ: Award of Quote, Park Shelters at Chanhassen Hills Park, Curry Farms Park, Pheasant Hills Park PROPOSED MOTION: "The City Council awards the quote for park shelters to be purchased and installed at Chanhassen Hills, Curry Farms, and Pheasant Hill Park to Midwest Playscapes in the amount of $55,920 Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council BACKGROUND This year's park and trail capital improvement budget contains $120,000 for the installation of covered shelters in three parks This budget includes the purchase of the shelters, installation, concrete foundations and site restoration The structures will serve as central gathering locations for organized activities and events and provide shelter from inclement weather The addition of these shelters will fill a void in the city's park and recreation infrastructure to help ensure that our park system remains a strong element in our mission to provide for today while planning for the future. These improvements are scheduled to be completed by early summer The following quotes were received for shelter structures, which includes installation Bidder Total Cost Midwest Playscapes $55,920 Northland Recreation $57,375 Webber Recreational Design $67,005 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council award the contract to Midwest Playscapes in the amount of $55,920. Funds for the project are included in the 2015 Capital Improvement Program. ATTACHMENTS I Quotes 2. CIP Sheet PK &T — 120 Neighborhood Park Shelter Initiative g \pw\adam\award of quote - shelters 2014 docx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow PROJECT CHANHASSEN 2015 PARK SHELTERS OWNER, City of Chanhassen Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Chanhassen, MN BID FORM CITY OF CHANHASSEN Bids must be returned by January 14, 3 00 p m by email or fax Email abeers @ci chanhassen mn us Fax 952 227 1310 Attn Adam Beers SUBMITTED BY Name M1awe 5f �QV9LaD�'S Address 500 tc Pi11E ` T, %T— Telephone S), �j(o 1 370Li ( X 1 Z� 5L6+e– ICA Fax 952. 3r-,1 • 354 9 C'hasKca � Mt1. 5531a email pIav5LaDe5 ear t-hl;nK.ne+ Contact ivy i KE 1 6 a-TN PROJECT DESCRIPTION OFFER Vendor will be responsible for delivery and installation of structure (See line item q 5 in section A) Designs must comply with all local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and /or guidelines Engineering All building designs must include stamped Minnesota engineered drawings for local MN building codes along with snow and wind loads Footing design and engineering must be included Snow loads should be no less than 37 Ibs /sgft Wind load should be no less than 90 MPH Soil load should be no less than 1500 Ibs/ sgft No Corrections Shelters will be located at three seperate park locations Chanhassen Hills Park, Curry Farms Park and Pheasant Hills Park Shape Hexagon/ Size 28'/ Roof Metal two tier roof type (No Cupola)/ Steel Frame Construction No/ Low maintenance The undersigned, being familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents, including the Drawings and ANY Addenda, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to furnish all labor matenals and equipment necessary to complete the order and installation in Chanhsssen Parks Estimated quantities listed on bid form or clanfied in Addendum will be used along with bidders submitted unit nnces and lump sum prices to tabulate bid totals Each submitted bid will be calculated using the same estimated quantities Estimated Quantities shown on the Bid Form are not guaranteed "UNIT PRICE" bids Shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, etc , necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents Final payment to the Contractor for "UNIT PRICE" bid items shall be based on the actual authorized and installed Contractor s bid quantities Each bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for "LUMP SUM" bid items and submit a total bid sufficient to cover all the work outlined in the Contract Documents "LUMP SUM" bids shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags etc , necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents Final payment to the Contractor for "LUMP SUM" bid items shall be based on the Contractor's bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents OWNER'S RIGHT The Owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule The Owner, based on budgetary considerations, reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item 'Lump Sum and "Unit Price" bids in the Bid Schedule shall prevail for eliminating or changing quantities of work items from those indicated in the Contract Documents AWARD OF CONTRACT The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Form, will be awarded to the lowest qualified quote Lowest quote will be determined by the TOTAL BID PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities, plus any alternates chosen by owner No Section Description Est Qty Unit Unit Price Total unit x 1 28' Metal Two Teir Multi Rib Roof Type Shelter 300 l p. p, f 3 (o S'% 4 Delivery 300 oo, " 31 9 0 Alt - 5 Installation of Park Shelter/ per universal building code & City of 300 Chanhassen permitting Anchor bolts to be installed by vendor BASE BID TOTAL I hereby propose and agree to furnish all labor, materials, removal, overhead, profit, insurance and other costs required to complete the Base Bid Work described in the Drawings for the following amount f' 1 WRITTEN F1�iY rIV6 7hba5a rid Nim f- m r6 -lalo +y DOLLARS CONTRACT B. QUALITY CONTROL The undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Completion shelter structures by May 15, 2015, Bidder understands the retainer is set at 5 0% until satifactory completion of work 1 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8 29 14 I have visited the work site to verify existing conditions in regard to the Contract Documents I QUOTE GUARANTY PERIOD It is understood and agreed that this Proposal cannot be withdrawn within Sixty (60) days without the consent of the Owner �An Name --- 1" ���jjjt���Ji K e �J Signature ��1� i Street 500 K, ?1410- ST. tai 1- iO4 City, State, Zip Ck(L�KQ, Mtn, 6531? End of Contract Firm Name K iw e�+ f LLA scck P Q S Phone 957.l156l •350 { Fax q57 3121 ' 3�yq If a partnership, list name and addresses of all partners If a corporation Affix corporate seal and list State of incorporations The person signing this form is a person authorized to bind the company for which they are signing 2 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.29 14 010WEST PLAASCAPES, INC. ..............* ................. ' ....... ­­­­­ .... ....... ­­­ ....... 500 Pine Street, Suite 104, C........ * ... ...haska, MN 55318 www.rnidweatplayaeopes.com Quotation Project: City of Chanhassen Contact: Adam Beers Ship To: Chanhassen Public Works 7901 Park Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 Email: abeersCcD_ci.chanhassen.mn.us Shipping Contact Name: Telephone. 9 52-3 6 1- 3 5 0 4 Fax: 952-361 -3549 Toll Free: 800-747-1452 E-mail: ployscapes@ecarthlink.net Ina 11t� s�t��sMrraEiw—� Office Phone: 952-227-1304 Cell Phone: 763-639-4944 Bill To: Dote: 1/14/2015 Qty Design/Item # Description Total 3 CHARLESTON Classic Recreation Park Shelters $ 36,570.00 Model - 28' Charlestons (Hexagon Shape) features: -2Tier Roof HR 36 Roofing - 4:12 Roof Pitch - 76" Eave Height 24 ga Trim Fascia - 6, Surface Mount Support Columns - TGIC Poly Powder Coat w/Zinc Rich Primer - Structural Calculations (3 sets) for Intergral Pour Slab - 90 mph Wind Load - 40 ib Snow Load Ir.... 1��1 I ..Y rw.. • r- YY ��rrl Ir.... 1 I r.rr .Ir Subtotal $ 36,570.00 Freight $ 3,900.00 Tax Exempt # * Please provide certificate Sales Tax $ - Total $ 40,470.00 NOTE: Price Is contingent upon all (3) Shelters being purchased and shipped together. Allow 10-12 weeks for delivery. NOTE: Shelter Size is measured from point to point. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, prices shown are material only. They DO NOT include: assembly, installation, border, safety surfacing, drain tile, geotextile fabric, removal of existing equipment, site preparation, excavation or site restoration, unloading of equipment, disposal of packaging material, storage of equipment, additional insurance and bonding would be extra, unless otherwise stated above. if playground equipment or materials are stored off site, customer is responsible for transporting equipment to job site. Prices, f irm. for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Our terms are net 30, A, f nance charge of 1.5% will be imposed on the outstanding balance unpaid for more than 30 days after the shipment of materials. Equipment shall be invoiced seperately.from other services and shall be payable in advance of those services and project completion. Retainage not accepted Once customer has signed quotation, your order cannot be changed or canceled.Please allow 3to4 weeks. for delivery after receipt of order. Standard manufacturing design, specification, and construction apply unless noted otherwise. Customer is responsible. for the identification of all underground utilities. Area must be accessible to Bobcat and other equipment necessary, for installation or additional. fees will be charged. Freight quote is based on customer unloading equipment and checking in all equipment, for any missing parts. If product is refused by customer upon delivery. for any reason (unless damaged), without prior authorization, from Midwest Playscapes, Inc., the customer agrees to pay 20% restocking. fee plus, freight charges. Price does not include prevailing wages, unless otherwise noted. If we can be of Other Assistance, please,feel.free to contact us. Signed: Accepted - 4-t Mike Korth Dote: Printed Name: 4k r Date: Project Name: Location: Contact Name. Phone. Email MIDWEST PLAYGROUND CONTRACTORS INC. 500 Pine Street, Suite 103 Chaska, MN 55318 Phone- 952 - 361 -3504 Fax: 952 - 361 -3549 Email playscapes@earthlink net Installation Quotation 1/13/15 City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Adam Beers 763 - 639 -4944 abeers @ci.chanhassen.mn.us Descriptionof work to be done .......... ...................... Installation of Three (281) Charleston Shelters....... $15,450.00 on existing Concrete Footings. (Park locations are Pheasant Hills, Curry Farms and Chanhassen Hills). Amount $ 15,450 00 Note: All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practice Any alterations from the above specifications involving extra costs must be executed upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the purchase agreement Unless otherwise stated a level site matching the drawing dimensions and the corners of the site must be staked prior to our arrival If MPCI is to excavate, all material /dirt will remain on site to be removed by others, unless stated otherwise Prices shown do not include Site Restoration Terms Prices are firm for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Terms are Net 30. A finance charge of 1 5o will be imposed on the outstanding balance unpaid for more than 30 days after substantial completion of the work Standard manufacturing design, specification and construction apply unless otherwise noted Area must be accessible by a bobcat and all other equipment necessary for installation or additional fees will be charged. Installation rates are based on normal conditions. Price does not include prevailing wages, unless otherwise noted If we can be of further assistance please contact us. Accepted by: Date. PROJECT CHANHASSEN 2015 PARK SHELTERS OWNER City of Chanhassen Todd Gerhardt City Manager Chanhassen, MN SUBMITTED BY: Portercorp (Poligon) / Northland Recreation, LLC 10085 Bridgewater Ba Woodbury, MN 55129 Bill Johnson PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID FORM CITY OF CHANHASSEN Bids must be returned by January 14 3 00 p m by email or fax Email abeers @ci Chanhassen mn us Fax 952 227 1310 Attn Adam Beers Telephone 651 - 815 -4097 Fax 715- 338 -3111 email ohnson northlandrec.com Vendor will be responsible for delivery and installation of structure (See line Item fr 5 in section A) Designs must comply with all local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and /or guidelines Engineering All building designs must include stamped Minnesota engineered drawings for local MN building codes along with snow and wind loads Footing design and engineering must be included, Snow loads should be no less than 37 Ibs /sgft Wind load should be no less than 90 MPH Soil load should be no less than 15001bs /sgft No Corrections Shelters will be located at three seperate park locations Chanhassen Hills Park, Curry Farms Park and Pheasant Hills Park Shape Hexagon / Size 28 / Roof - Metal two-tier roof type tNo Cupola)/ Steel Frame Construction No/ Low maintenance OFFER gn the undersied, being familiar with the local conditions affeumg the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents including the Drawings and ANY Addenda, and in accordance with the provisions thereof hereby propose to furnish all installation in Chanhsssen Parks labor, inan teals and equipment necessary to complete the order mid t._.. ���� +umaiea c tiantines shown on the Bid Form are not guaranteed UNIT PRICE' bic Shall include all labor materials, storing equipment overhead, profit, insurance tags etc necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents Final panrient to the Contractor for "UNIT PRICE bid Items shal I be based on the actual authonzed and installed Contractor's bud quantities Duch bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for LUMP SUM' bid items and submit a total bid sufficient to cover all the work outlined in the Contract Documents. LUMP SUM' bids shall include all labor materials, storing equipment overhead, profit insurance, tags etc necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents Final pavment to the Contractor for LUMP SUM bid Reins shall lx based on the Contractor s hid price for completion of the work ouilined n the Contract Documents The Bidder is familiar with the PLANS and understands die provisions thereof the bidder is responsible for reviewing the site uonditions (both surface and subsoil) and C'ontraLi Documents to establish a clear understanding of the work within the swpe of this protect The bidder shall not rely on verbal information obtained from employees of the Owner or Consultant OWNER'S RIGHT Hie Owner reserves thy, fight to revise the scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule The Owner, based on budgetary considerations, reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item Lump Sum' and Unit Price bids to the Bid Schedule shall prevail ror ehrninating or changing quantities of work items from those indicated In the Contract Documents AWARD OF CONTRACT The Contract for the work outlined in the Conirdct Documents and this Bid Form will be awarded to the lowest qualified quote Lowest quote will be determined by the TOTAL BID PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities plus any alternates chosen b� owner Nn Section Descnption 28' Metal Two Teir Mulb - Rib Roof Type Shelter Delivery Alt - 5 Installation of Park Shelter/ per universal building code & City of Chanhassen permitting Anchor bolts to be installed by vendor BASE BID TOTAL Est Qty Unit 3.00 300 300 Unit Price _.$_l 1,768 00 $ 40000 Total unit x $ 35,30 $ 1,201 $ 20,87 $ 6 957 00 I hereby propose and agree to frirnish all lalwr materials removal overhead profit Insurance and other costs required to complete the Rase Bid Work described in the Drawings for the following amount WRiTI EN iPifiy Seven Thousand Three Hundred Sevent? I IvL DOLLARS The undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Completion shelter structures by May 15, 2015 Bidder understands the retainer is set at 5,0% until satufactory completion of work I of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete quote Form 13.29 14 I have visited the work site to verify existing conditions in regard to the Contract Documents D. QUOTE GUARANTY PERIOD It is understood and agreed that this Proposal cannot be withdrawn within Sixty (60) days without the consent of the Owner Name _Bill Jof�psnit Signature Street _10085 Bridgewater Bay City, State Zip —_:Woodbury MN 55129 End of Contract Firm Name Portercorp (Poligon) / Northland Recreation, LLC Phone _651- 815 -4097 Fax_715- 338 -3111 It a partnership, list name and addresses of all partners If a corporation Affix corporate seal and list State of incorporations The person signing this lbnn is a person authorized to Kurd the compam for which they are signing. 2 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8 29 14 PROJECT CHANHASSEN 2015 PARK SHELTERS OWNER City of Chanhassen Todd Gerhardt City Manager Chanhassen, MN SUBMITTED BY Webber Recreational Design Inc. 1442 Brooke Court Hastings, MN 55033 Jay Webber PROJECT DESCRIPTION OFFER BID FORM CITY OF CHANHASSEN Bids must be returned by January 14, 3 00 p m by email or fax Email abeers@ci Chanhassen mn.us Fax 952 2271310 Attn Adam Beers Telephone 612 - 581 -4704 Fax 651 -438 -3939 email webber@webberrec.com Vendor will be responsible for delivery and installation of structure (See line item ✓t 5 in section A) Designs must comply with all local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and /or guidelines Engineering All building designs must include stamped Minnesota engineered drawings for local MN building codes along with snow and wind loads Footing design and engineering must be Included Snow loads should be no less than 371bs /sgft Wind load should be no less than 90 MPH Soil load should be no less than 1500lbs/ sgft No Corrections Shelters will be located at three seperate park locations Chanhassen Hills Park Curry Farms Park and Pheasant Hills Park Shape Hexagon/ Size 28'/ Roof Metal two -tier roof type (No Cupola)/ Steel Frame Construction No/ Low maintenance The undersigned being familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents, including the Drawings and ANY Addenda, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to fitmish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the order and installation in Chanhassen Parks ..._. __ - ___. -._.. ,...... .. .. - — linatcu �uannnes snown on me tsid konn are not guaranteed "UNIT PRICE' bids Shall include all labor materit •ing equipment, overhead profit insurance, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents Final payment to the Contractor for "UNIT PRICE' items shall be based on the actual authorized and installed Contractor's bid quantities. Each bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for 'LUMP SUM' bid items, and submit a total bid sufficient to cover all the work outlined in the Contract Documents "LUMP SUM' bids shall include all labor, materials storing, equipment, overhead profit insurance, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents Final payment to the Contractor for 'LUMP SUM" bid items shall be based on the Contractor's bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents. The Bidder is familiar with die PLANS and understands the provisions thereof The bidder is responsible for reviewing the site conditions (both surface and subsoil) and Contract Documents to establish a clear understanding of the work within the scope of fhis project The bidder shall not rely on verbal information obtained from employees o£the Owner or Consultant OWNER'S RIGHT The Owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule The Owner, based on budgetary considerations reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item 'Lump Sum' and 'Unit Price" bids in the Bid Schedule shall prevail for eliminating or changing quantities of work items from those indicated in the Contract Documents. AWARD OF CONTRACT The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Form, will be awarded to the lowest qualified quote Lowest quote will be determined by the TOTAL BID PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities plus any alternates chosen by owner No Section Description 1 29 Metal Two Teir Multi Rib Roof Type Shelter 4 Delivery Alt - 5 Installation of Park Shelled per universal building cede & City of Chanhassen permitting Anchor bolts to be installed by vendor BASE BID TOTAL Est. Qty Unit Unit Price Total 3.00 $14,95000 $ 3.00 $ 58500 $ 3.00 $ 6,30000 $ $ 50000 $ 1 hereby propose and agree to furnish all labor, materials, removal overhead, profit, insurance, and other costs required to complete the Base Bid Work described in the Drawings for the following amount l WRPfTEN `7( K `�l��Zn :7::�rt9�/!li t /�_ rvxt ADC NUMERICAL $ 67,005 00 CONTRACT B. tt QUALITY CONTROL Time undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Completion shelter structures by May 15 2015 Bidder understands the retainer is set at 5 0% until satifactory completion ofwork. 1 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.2914 I have visited the work site to verify existing conditions in regard to the Contract Documents QUOTE GUARANTY PERIOD It is understood and agreed that this proposal cannot be withdrawn within Sixty (60) days without the consent of the Owner ' Firm Name Webber Recreational Design Inc. Name Jay Webber Phone 612 - 581 -4704 Fax 651 -438 -3939 Sag If a partnership, list name and addresses of all partners If a corporation Affix corporate seal and list State of incorporations. The person signing this form is a person authorized to bind the Street _1442 Brooke Court company for which they are signing City, State, Zip Hastings, MN 55033 End of Contract 2 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.29 14 Projects By Funding Source City of Chanhassen, MN Project # PK &T -120 Project Name Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative 2015 thru 2019 Department Park & Trail Improvements Contact Todd Hoffman Type Improvement Useful Life Category Park Account #1 400 - 4008 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description Total Project Cost: $500,000 Installation of covered park shelters in parks to serve as central gathering locations, provide shelter from inclement weather and provide a meeting location for activities and events 2015 - Chanhassen Hills Park, Pheasant Hills Park and Curry Farms Park 2016 - Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach Playground 2017 - Mmnewashta Heights Park, Herman Field Park and South Lotus Lake Park 2018 - Sunset Ridee Park and Prairie Knoll Park I Justification I This initiative will fill a current void in the City's park and recreation infrastructure system helping to ensure that our park system remains a strong element in our mission of providing for today while planning for the future Prior Expenditures 100,000 Construction Total Pt for Funding Sources 100,000 General Fund Surplus Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000 Total 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000 2015 2016 120,000 80,000 2017 2018 120,000 80,000 2019 Total 400,000 Total 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000 Budget Impact/Other This will add minimal annual operations impact