Park Shelter Projects, Award of Quote for Concrete Work, 2015 MEMORANDUM
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park &Recreation Director
CITY OF FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent
CII IIASSE DATE: February 23, 2015 0t
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147 SUBJ Award of Quote, Concrete Work Associated With Picnic Shelters at
Chanhassen,MN 55317 Chanhassen Hills Park, Curry Farms Park and Pheasant Hills Park
Administration PROPOSED MOTION:
Phone 952 2271100
Fax 952 2271110 "The City Council awards the quote for concrete work to be completed at
Chanhassen Hills, Curry Farms, and Pheasant Hill Parks to Theis Construction,
Building Inspections Inc in the amount of$30,804
Phone 952 2271180
Fax 952 2271190 Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council
Phone 952 2271160 BACKGROUND
Fax 952 2271170
This year's park and trail capital improvement budget contains $120,000 for the
Finance installation of covered shelters in three parks This budget includes the purchase of
Phone 952 2271140 the shelters, installation, concrete foundations and site restoration The structures will
Fax 952 2271110 serve as central gathering locations for organized activities and events and provide
Park&Recreation shelter from inclement weather. The addition of these shelters will fill a void in the
Phone 952 2271120 city's park and recreation infrastructure to help ensure that our park system remains a
Fax 952 2271110 strong element in our mission to provide for today while planning for the future.
Recreation Center These improvements are scheduled to be completed by early summer
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone 952 2271400 The following quotes were received for concrete work to be completed and are within
Fax 952 2271404 the anticipated capital improvement budget
Natural Resources Bidder Total Cost
Phone 952 2271130 Theis Construction, Inc $30,804
Fax 952 2271110
Built Rite Concrete $35,000
Public Works
7901 Park Place 2015 PICNIC SHELTER BUDGET
Phone 952 2271300
Fax 952 2271310 Shelter structures *555,920
(*Approved by City Council on Jan 26,2015)
Senior Center Concrete base/walks $30,804
Phone 952 2271125 Bituminous trail sections at each site $10,000
Fax 952 2271110 Erosion Control/Turf Establishment $5,000
Website Projected project costs $101,724
wwwci chanhassen mn us Budgeted project cost $120,000
Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Mr Todd Hoffman
February 23, 2015
Page 2
Staff recommends that the City Council award the contract to Theis Construction, Inc
in the amount of$30,804 Funds for the project are included in the 2015 Capital
Improvement Program
2 CIP Sheet PK&T— 120 Neighborhood Park Shelter Initiative
g\pw\adam\award of quote-park shelter concrete 2015-1 docx
OWNER City of Chanhassen
Todd Gerhardt,City Manager Quotes must be returned to by January 30th,3°00 p m.
Chanhassen,MN by email or fax
Email abeersL+.Ci.Chanhassen mn us
Fax-952-2271310 Attn Adam Beers
SUBMITTED Name ! 5 67, ' " 7,
Address - �.+�.�w ;..r-6-/ , - Telephone cs1 - vo aJ&8
4 truer rs 5757/_5 _ Fax ' 7? ngrzyjEr " sir`
email `�-��,._+�-�
Contact �r'r„ifE r `�f��1: — €i'3 V I ! i /de Ajet2ens, eei'n1
Concrete work as indicated in place at three separate park locations(Pheasant Hills Park,Curry pains Park,and Chanhassen Hills Park)
Contractor to verify work in nod with owner
The undersigned,being familiar with the local conditions affc the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents,Including tbe Drawings and ANY Addenda,
and in accordance with the provisions thereof,hereby propose to all labor,materials and equipment necessary to complete construction for CONCRETE WORK
itr Chat$isssen Parks
,u acct.uannn i r . id rm o cl?a i t n.a...el durn will be elf a ldders submitt iL - -tid urn.aunt in a,...le ud total .Each
submi u. .; +• Ile estimated, r • St1� :lied Quantities shown oxt It Form are not guaraitt--r. "UNIT'PRICE"bids Shall
Mel .e all labor,materials,storing,equipment,overhead,pro t,Insurance,tags,eta.,necessary to cover the work described to the Contract Documents Final payment to
the Contractor fur"UNIT PRICE"bid items shall be based on the actual authorized and installed Contractor's bid quantities
Each bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for"LUMP SUM"bid iteolts,and submit a total bid sufficient to cover ail
the work outlined in the Contract Doouotenis,"LUMP SUM"bids shall include all labor,materials,storing,equipment,overhead,profit,Insurance,tap,etc.,necessary to
cover the work descnbed in the Contract Documents- Final payment to the Contractor for'LUMP SUM" id stern,shall be based on the Contractor's id price for
completion of the work outlined ru the Contract Documents,
The Bidder is familiar with the PLANS and understands the provisions thereof, The bidder is responsible for rewewiitg the site conditions(both sutlace and subsoil)and
Contract Documents to establish a cleat understanding of the work within,the scope of this project The bidder shall not rely on verbal tnforrnation obtained from
employees of the Owner or Consultant.
The Owner reserves the right to revise the scope gt-tho work Outlined on Mc Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule The Owner,based an budgetary
considerdtioos,reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item "Lump Sum"and 'Unit Price'bids In the Bid Schedule shall prevail for animating or changing
quantities of work items from tboso indicated in the Contract.00umonta
The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Form,will be awarded to the lowest qualified quote Lowest quote will be determined by the
TOTAL BI)PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities,plus any alternates chosen by owner
No. Section Description Est Qty Unit Unrt PnCe Total unit x
1 6'concrete walks/grill pads and base(314"clear) locations)ear)(at 3 park ltions) 1284.00 SF r W 2 Shelter Foundations. 3.00 EACH rj y �' , ca
"Note-The shelter structure will be 28'from point to point,(heron
shape). All subcut will be fnishad by City of Chanhassen NI base
material will be supplied/installed by=tractor
4"in middle with thickend edge 2'6"wide lay 10"deep. Concrete
integral slab pear wheber&base material j 3/4"deer red rick)(at 3 park
Iocahons-sac attached document}
I hereby propose and agree to furnish all labor,materials,removal,overhead,profit,insurance,and other costs required to complete'the Base'Bid Work described in the
Drawings for the following amount.
WRITTEN' SR,/ .. • . . •,' ��, . .�f DOLLARS
NUMEIUCAL' $ al 8'0 o
The undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Completion of all concrete work by May 1,2015, Bidder understands the retainer is set at 5 0%until said-artery completion of work
t or 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quota Form 5.2054
I have visited the wror*Me to verify existing condglons in regard to the Contract Documents,
L Firm Name /c� ` L.L/y�7 •+,
Name ey . J� PhQrle 955"779"58r2Fax 7u g 494/
•y ,',/ t 4 If a parinetship, at1d addresses of all partners if a corporation Affix
Signature —_
corporate seal and 1x3+.$fate of incorporations. The Person signing this form is a
Street -6-6-3�!e-- 45- person authorized to bind the company for which they are signing
City State Zip r f i7/Y)
End of Contract
2 of 2 Chanhassen Parka Concrete Quote Form 8.2914
Built Rite Concrete 1 ."3\
5780 North Arm Drive M wi
Mound, MN 55364 f =
Estimate r
Adam Beers 1591 Park Rd
Chanhassen, MN
Date Estimate No. Project
01/30/15 PrkShelters
Item Description Quantity Cost Total
Concrete Provide gravel for compaction 6 inches of class 35,000 00 35,000 00
5 From shelters approx 28 x 28 Octagon shaped
with thickened sides 14 inches and 5 inch
concrete in middle Re bar to be epoxy coated 2 ft
8"grid wit two rods in piremeter Form amd pour
grill pad amd side walks as per plan All concrete
4000 PSI with grant Total cost for work material
and labor$35,000 00 If we added 2 inch foan
under concrete shelter pads would be an additional
$1,800 00
Thanks for the opertunity to bid your work Total $35,000.00
Projects By Funding Source 2015 thru 2019 Department Park&Trail Improvements
City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman
Project# PK&T-120 Type Improvement
Useful Life
Project Name Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative Category Park
Account#1 400-4008-4706 Account#3 Priority n/a
Account#2 Account#4
I Total Project Cost. $500,000
Installation of covered park shelters in parks to serve as central gathering locations,provide shelter from inclement weather and provide a meeting
location for activities and events
2015-Chanhassen Hills Park,Pheasant Hills Park and Curry Farms Park
2016-Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach Playground
2017-Minnewashta Heights Park,Herman Field Park and South Lotus Lake Park
2018-Sunset Ridge Park and Prairie Knoll Park
This initiative will fill a current void in the City's park and recreation infrastructure system helping to ensure that our park system remains a strong i
element in our mission of providing for today while planning for the future
Prior Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
100,0001 Construction 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000
Total Total 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000
Prior Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
100,000 General Fund Surplus 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000
Total Total 120,000 80,000 120,000 80,000 400,000
Budget Impact/Other
This will add minimal annual operations impact