Lake Ann Park, Award of Quote for Chain Link Dugouts and Back Stops, 2015 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director CITYOF FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent C`"""""`"""""' DATE: March 9, 2015 Al 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 SUBJ: Award of Quote, Installation of Chain Link Dugouts and Back Stops at Chanhassen,MN 55317 Lake Ann Park Administration PROPOSED MOTION: Phone 952 2271100 Fax 952 2271110 "The City Council awards the quote for ball field updates (dugouts and backstops) Building Inspections to be completed at Lake Ann Park to Town& Country Fence in the amount of Phone 952 2271180 $49,800 " Fax 952 2271190 Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council Engineering Phone 952 2271160 Fax 952 2271170 BACKGROUND The 2015 Capital Improvement Program features a project titled"Fenced Dugout— Finance Lake Ann Park" Staff has identified a number of improvements,primarily to improve Phone 952 2271140 safety at various ball field locations This project deals directly with the ball field Fax 952 2271110 fencing at Lake Ann Park Park&Recreation Phone 952 2271120 Four fields (Nos 2, 4, 5, and 6) will be improved. Field Nos. 4 and 6 will receive new Fax 952 2271110 dugouts and backstops. Field Nos 2 and 5 will receive new backstops only. These Recreation Center improvements will match existing dugouts and backstops that have already been 2310 Coulter Boulevard updated at this park location Completing these updates will create a safer playing Phone 952 2271400 environment for all park users Fax 952 2271404 Planning& The following quotes were received and are within the anticipated capital Natural Resources improvement budget. Phone 952 2271130 Fax 952 2271110 Bidder Total Cost Public Works Town&Country Fence $49,800 7901 Park Place Century Fence $53,485 Phone 952 2271300 Fax 952 2271310 RECOMMENDATION Senior Center Staff recommends that the City Council award the contract to Town & Country Fence Phone 952 2271125 Fax 952 2271110 in the amount of$49,800. Funds for the project are included in the 2015 Capital Improvement Program Website www ci Chanhassen mn us ATTACHMENTS 1 Quotes 2 CIP Sheet PK&T— 121 Fenced Dugout—Lake Ann Park g\pw\adam Chanhassen isla Communit(dug for Life-Providng for Today and Planning for Tomorrow CUSTOMER INF RMA ..110N ("itv of Chanhassen AJJrc%,r,.- 7700 Market Blvd. CI � C hanhassen, MN. 5 5 317 Attention: Adam Beers ESTIMATION WORKSHEET 8511 Xylon Avenue North 9 Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-1820 Office (763) 425-5050 Fax (763) 425-9006 www.tcfence.com JFFF BECKER Removals 4 ea. existing backstops. I ea. on fields 4".. 94, #5, and 46 4 ea dugout fences. Field #2. Remove 12$ If of dugout and sideline fences Field #6 RemoN!'e L.20 if of dugout and sideline fences Sale.sperson: Date of Contact: 02-09- l 5 Date of Quote: 02-09-15 Date to Install:_*aokk kt t)" Terms: PRICES QUOTED ARE GUARANTEED FOR 15 DAYS Install Field #4 and #6 Install I ea. New 10' wide xA20' wide x 10' wide x 20' tall galvanized chain link backstop Bottom 10* tall of center section will be stretched with 6 gauge I'abric,, all remaining sections will be 9 A T au e. Backstop will also include a 6" wide overhang about 2_0' height. Install 2 ea. dugouts with trusses for roofs 30 If of 10* tall on front, 30 If of 8' tall on. backs. and 71 l'of 10'* tall on field side down to 8 ' tall on backside x 7' Nvide on both ends of du Fouts.. Roof trusses will be 'Installed between front and back posts. Dugouts will match existing dugouts on field #5. and field ft." Field #2 and #5 Install I ea. New 10' wide x 20* wide x 10' wide x 20" tall galvanized c1lain link backstop Bottom 10tall of center section will be stretched with 6 gauge fabnc, all remaining sections will be 9 gauge. Backstop will also include a*6' xvide o�'erhang about 20* height. Total-= $4P,800.00 Ariv questions concerning our bid, please give me a call. I'hanks for the opportunity to provide you pricing on this fence pro . ect. .1 Sincereiv yours, Jeff Becker,, Sales Represe five TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE 8511 XYLON AVE. NO. BROOKLYN PARK, MN 55445 (763) 425-5050 Bill To: CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BLVD P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Invoice Customer No.: X Invoice No.: 3041661 Ship To: BALLFIELDS LAKE ANN PARK 1456 W 78TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9570 Date Ship Via F.O.B. Terms 10f30/15 Origin NET DUE UPON COMPLETION Purchase Order Number Order Date Sales Person Our Order Number ........................... ::......... .... ......:.. __ .::...:.. ... ........ . 10/30/15 JEFF BECKER Quantity Item Number Description Required Shipped B.O. 1 1 REMOVE EXISTING BACKSTOPS FOR FIELDS #2,4,5 & 6. REMOVE DUGOUT & SIDELINE FENCES FOR FIELDS #2 & 6. INSTALL NEW 10' X 20'X 10' X 20' TALL BACKSTOPS WITH 6' OVER- HANGS ON FIELDS # 2, 4, 5 & 61 (1) PER FIELD, (4) TOTAL. INSTALL NEW 30' LONG X 7' WIDE DUGOUTS WITH ROOF TRUSS SUPPORTS ON FIELDS #4 & 6. DUGOUTS WILL BE 10' TALL ON FIELD SIDE, AND 8' TALL ON BACK (MATCH EXISTING ON FIELD #5). Invoice subtotal Invoice total THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Unit Price Amount 49800.00 49800.00 Thank You 49800.00 49800.00 #A-rn C*',rfr cF 1'-9.(1//•7� ?4, _may- `J94 q e ok/G c.v ez1�.5 '*y vte- /tom?'/ ie_srre 3c g'e 4A-) )r, 6,ezrs L'n er4y aepwis o sc - x \ .,may 1. 3p (44-17L-.. .S (0 • zG c 10 'G • 491.Ace Xletige 1/,;:" 3c , 4 ierr 6416k. ;VAS' ayaic OfrtdrelY 2ty49,4r5 ew✓ v' 7 v . ,,----I-,,,,r/r -C/V -h;. —to-1, `tct 4 q C G 2 /r e ' �' G P49162 Gi 75' �`�� 04. 2) . 1 #44:: S‘44,4,: 11/44, VF44 .\, N' _ 'la frtio/e3c,arm /,4,,il..-S NM i0' Ddww..1 "1Z) € ' Ulna . 3e" / -SiDPF&zpS 6 ' o clst�/t w`c Cv/004,p.timoc �G ' # 't V \-- QGA � � �S �& ' F 84 . ' q G;e. I G• 4 ., d 10 ' .- QCA ID' 0.0 ttj,.t36% 1Cb bc.,A I O . 0$..1 690702. t; .Lo 2t0' 58-en4)►u G I0 q6k l ` 4i. L (,dd. Office 651-464-7373 <ENUIW FENCE <Kf2 Toll Free 800-328-9558 COMPANY Fax 651-464-7377 Cell Phone 612-454-9755 ;INCE 1917 THE MARK OF PERMANENCE E-mail berickson@centuryfence corn PO Box 277, Forest Lake, MN 55025 2/2/2015 Phone: 952-227-1300 Fax: Proposal To Ship To City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Park Adam Beers 7901 Park Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 x Installed Material Only n Prepaid Freight Freight Collect F.O.B.Job Site Delivery Schedule. NEW DUGOUTS ON FIELD #4 and 6 1 Remove and dispose of exisiting sideline and dugout fence as needed to install new dugouts 2 Install 4 new dugouts to match the existing dugouts on field #5 all new posts will be driven to a depth of 4' Each dugout will include 8 trusses and 2 1/2" 0 D line posts. All terminals will be 3" 0 D on center Material and Labor $19,340 00 NEW BACKSTOPS FIELD #2,4,5 and 6. 1 Remove and dispose of 3 exiling 12' high backstops 2 Install 3 new backstops 10 x 20 x 10 at a height of 20' tall All posts will be 4" O.D. and set in 12" x 48" concrete footings Horizontal rails will be installed a 0, 5, 10 and 20' heights Materials and Labor $27,860 00 Options 1 Install 3- backstop hoods on new backstops ADD. $6,285.00 Notes. 1. Price is subject to change if not accepted within 30 days 5 3 ytc 2 Excludes installation through rock, frost, concrete and backfill 3 Excludes cost to locate private utilities. Acceptance: This proposal when accepted in writing by purchaser and by Century Fence Company's Main Office becomes a contract between two parties The conditions on the attached "Terms and Conditions" sheet are made a part of this contract. Terms of Payment Net Cash upon receipt of invoice Buyer's signature Date Submitted by Ben Erickson Projects By Funding Source 2015 thru 2019 Department Park&Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MIST Contact Todd Hoffman Project# PK&T-121 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Fenced Dug Out-Lake Ann Park Category Park Account#1 410-0000-4705 Account#3 Priority n/a Account#2 Account#4 Description Total Project Cost $50,000 Installation of chain link dug outs on fields#4 and#6 and backstops on fields#4,#5 and#6 at Lake Ann Park Justification The dug outs will improve player safety All other fields currently have dug outs Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Construction 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Dedication Fund 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Budget Impact/Other