G-2. Lake Susan Preserve Spent Lime Reactor CITY OF MEMORANDUM CIIAMISSI N TO: Todd Hoffmann,Park and Recreation Director 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 FROM: Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator Chanhassen,MN 55317 DATE• April 28,2015 Administration Phone 952 2271100 RE: Lake Susan Preserve Spent Lime Reactor Fax 952 2271110 Building Inspections In 2010, Lake Susan was included on the Clean Water Act, Section 303(d)list as being Phone 952.2271180 impaired for excess nutnents This listing is based upon the North Central Hardwood Forest Fax 952 2271190 (NCHF) ecoregion shallow lakes standards Engineering Phone 952.2271160 Table 1 Lake Susan Water Quality Sununuty Fax 952 2271170 Total Phosphorus Chlorophyl-a Secchi Deph(m) Finance Existing conditions [75 µg/L [37 µg/L (0 7 Phone 952 2271140 NCHF Shallow Lakes [60 tg/L [20 µg/L (1.0 Fax 952 2271110 Standard Park&Recreation In 2013, Chanhassen and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed Distnct updated the Use Phone 952 2271120 Attainability Assessment(UAA) for Lake Susan. The UAA modeled the phosphorus budget Fax 952 2271110 for Lake Susan and calibrated it with the 15 years of data collected by the watershed distract. Recreation Center Based upon this model, it was determined that the annual phosphorus load should be reduced 2310 Coulter Boulevard by 185 pounds Phone 952 2271400 Table 2 Load Allocation Summary foi Lake Susan Fax 952 2271404 Recommended Load Source Existing TP Load t Target TP Loading Reduction Planning& (lbs,'year) eat) (lbs;}ear) Natural Resources Watershed 424 366 58 14% Phone 952 2271130 Upstream Lakes 16 16 0 0% Fax 952 2271110 Atmosphkre 21 21 0 0% Internal Load 281 154 127 45% Public Works TOTAL 742 557 185 25% 7901 Park Place 'Fxrstmg load is the average for the years 2004-2005 and 2008-2012 Phone 952 2271300 Fax 952 2271310 The UAA divided the watershed into five areas shown on the attached map; Figure 3-8 from the UAA. In addition to an in lake, Aluminum-Manganese(Alum)treatment,the UAA Senior Center identified four potential projects that could be implemented to address the external load to Phone 952 2271125 Lake Susan with a relatively short horizon These projects are improvements to the pond Fax 952 2271110 south of Target and north of TH 5, improvements to the pond northeast of Lake Susan in Website Lake Susan Park, improvements to the pond just south of Lake Dnve West and west of www ci chanhassen mn us Powers Boulevard and the construction of an iron-filing filter within the wetland in Lake Susan Park Preserve This last project is the purpose of this memorandum Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Mr.Todd Hoffman April 28, 2015 Page 2 The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed Distnct has allocated funds to make the improvements within Lake Susan Park Preserve in 2015 Barr Engineenng,the District Engineer,has worked with the City on the design of the system to assure that the finished project has the greatest removal efficiency in terms of dollars spent per pound removed,has the least impact on tree removal and wetland and is in keeping with the intended use of the preserve. To meet this objective,we evaluated a woodchip bioreactor in two locations, an iron enhanced sand filter at two locations and a spent lime treatment system The spent lime was second only to the spent lime system as shown in the UAA but at only a quarter of the cost and a fraction of the footprint it was determined that the spent lime system made the most sense Table 3 Summary of Lake Susan projects fi'onl Bari Engineering repoi I prepared foi RPBCWD Estimated Wetland Upland Engineer's Annual Cost Conceptual Design Annual TP Impacts Impacts Opinion of per Pound TP Reduction Probable Cost Removed (lbs/yr)1 (acre) (acre) (5) (S/lbs TP/yr)2 Conceptual Design $111,000- Woodchip Bioreactor 32 <�.1 0.2 $150-$240 $194,000 (West Location) Conceptual Design 2 Woodchip Bioreactor <0.1 03 $107,000- $150-$230 (East Location) $187,000 Conceptual Design 3 22 <0.1 0.2 $194,000 $350-$580 Iron-Enhanced Filtration $339,000 Conceptual Design 4 45 <0.1 0.1 $160,000- $140-$230 Spent-Lime Treatment System $280,000 Conceptual Design 5 4592,000- Iron-Enhanced Filtration 53 -0.33 --0.13 $1,035.000 $400-$670 (2013 UAA Update Location) 1- Estimated annual total phosphorus(TP)reduction is the removal with the BMP the BMP perfomiance was evaluated over a 10- year penod(2003-2012)Additional removals in the upstream wetland through settling or infiltration are not included 2- Based on a 30-year period Includes estimated costs for permitting engineering,and construction; and estimated annual operation and maintenance costs of$1000/year 3- Approximate values based on available information.If this is the selected conceptual design,a wetland delineation is required during the next design phase to determine the impacted area The watershed distnct will pay for the cost of constructing the facility and the City will then assume ownership of the facility and will be responsible for the maintenance of the spent lime system moving forward. Upon final permit approval from the DNR and approval of the City,the distnct will finalize plans and solicit bids. The city and distnct will enter into an agreement stipulating responsibilities and the distnct will solicit bids for construction There will be some latitude given to the contractor regarding when the work is to be performed although it is anticipated that it will be late fall or early winter and the schedule must be communicated clearly to the city for approval The contractor is to keep the trail open throughout the project unless they receive approval from the city otherwise The contractor will be responsible for repainng the trail if it is shown that the work resulted in damage to the trail Grass pavers will be used to provide access to the facility for maintenance while allowing for establishment of vegetation consistent with the area A landscaping plan is being prepared that will provide screening of the system and a cover has been designed to make the facility safe while allowing access for maintenance The goal is to have a finished project that blends with the surroundings that improves the water quality of Lake Susan—ultimately resulting in it being removed from the 3O3D list of impaired waters Atachments G-\ENG\Tent'\Watershed Distncts\RPBCWD\Projects\Lake Susan Bioreactor\20150427_Park Commission_Memo describe spent lime project.docx .a:e An•: . 99 Cud .„tor ' Chanlwxn .e C 17 \ • Alf. 4 1•r L ! 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C- LL__L-__-3�SEf17/17/ Legend •°” r :.> �,,; n Lake Susan Direct r North Subwatersheds Subwatersheds 1 t'...:4„cr e_. �, 1 South Subwatersheds " �; ^West Subwatersheds WenckN /r —► Flow 1 500 750 0 1,500 ^ P = i hM:L:U0371011miCSubwatenheE preaa matl Feet N Alt, furl}a ttYti0J 0h�F: Storm Sewer Mains ;ate.7434013Tme:347.6 PM User 8ht4CO2,13 .. . Figure Figure 3-8. Lake Susan Watershed Flow Pattern T-\3057 RPBCWD\01 Lake Susan\Report\Lake Susan Report FINAL.docx 3-1 2 I L., - 3m D C =gw J �,..3 aNp O h O H O J \ka i U' J D J to H *C.' .NG 5 t' n U 0 W U 3 O v 30 pJ Q Q 4 o r Q > o W �g b n 5 - W N Z W Q J O C. C g �z 0 J �i E o > N o > 0 a f- w U H J_ N H LLQl 3 o % . - 3 3> > w v 91- lenj o ° ww aQ 1 o_ J- Q oZ C. 0, Es, E ^ 0, u, § z L- jw ¢ 3 w ?o I, - � N`� o p7 ws 4 S W ' Fes; a S Sgeq, 17, Z' I; D z qJ `L• .' W go Ad �nt '„€ QFzF v .ir y yy; oN$$ HR 8mgam47:1 Aid”- Er m y 0' o o o 4 m ,auowm Ie. F } U g WN aU' ce O t ...,...:41(4 "f64 s JOl NH' N mi t `� d' Q ✓ 4 1" w dp . 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