PC Staff Report 04-21-2015 l Y p PC DATE: April 21, 2015 ' • CC DATE May 11, 2015 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: May 19, 2015 9 S CASE #: 2015-09 H A BY: AF, RG, PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development rezoning and site plan review subject to conditions in the staff report; and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting ti rezoning of approximately 14 acres from Agricultural Estate Y (A-2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD), and Site Plan Review for a 33,000 square-foot Childcare Center— Children's Learning Adventure - Childcare Center. LOCATION 7750 Galpin Boulevard (northwest corner of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard) PIDs 25-0101800 & 25-0101810 APPLICANT: CLA Chanhassen, LLC Americana Community Bank 3131 East Camelback Road, Suite 420 10700 Prairie Lakes Dnve Phoenix, AZ 85016 Eden Praine, MN 55344 (602) 707-6991 (952) 230-9712 dnewton@childrenslearningadventure.coin PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A-2 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office and Residential High Density (south parcel) and Residential Low Density and Residential High Density(north parcel) ACREAGE: 14.29 acres DENSITY: F.A.R 0 05 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezomngs, PUDs, and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners withm 500 feet. Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 2 of 23 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is proposing to develop a 13 88-acre site as a Childcare Center The applicant is requesting rezoning of the property to Planned Unit Development(PUD) to permit a children's learning center and site plan approval for a 33,000 square-foot, one- story building with outdoor play areas and equipment t / This site is located southwest of the intersection of West ' 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard The property is divided <r- 4` from east to west by west 78th Street. The northern 1 ‘.k- portion - portion is within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and is c. x`04,%Fel ,=` referred to as Parcel A. This parcel has been identified as a key parcel to obtain for the protection of Bluff Creek and the completion of the Bluff Creek corridor greenway Parcel B is south of West 78th Street. Since the proposed improvements are to be located on Parcel B,this report will be in reference to Parcel B unless otherwise noted The proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan and meets the standards of the city code Staff is recommending approval of the project subject to conditions of the staff report APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6 Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article VIII Planned Unit Development District Chapter 20, Article XXI, "OI" Office and Institutional District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Supplemental Regulations Division 7 Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office-Institutional Developments BACKGROUND On April 22,2013,the Chanhassen City Council adopted the following three motions. A. Land Use Map Amendment from Residential-Low Density and Office,to Residential-Low and High Density and Office and Residential-High Density Planned Unit Development(PUD) B. Rezoning of approximately 14 acres from Agricultural Estate(A-2)to Planned Unit Development-Residential(PUD-R) C. Approval of a Site Plan for a 155-unit Apartment Building with a Variance for parking. While the land use amendment was implemented,the rezoning and site plan were never completed and the project became void Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 3 of 23 The 2008 Comprehensive Plan update changed the land use guiding the southern eight acres of property to Office In May of 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved the concept planned unit development for a 10-unit twin home development on the north side of West 78th Street, and a two-story office building development including a bank with drive-thru facilities with approximately 66,000 square feet of floor area on the south side of West 78th Street. This project never moved forward. On October 13, 2003, the Chanhassen City Council approved the Concept Planned Unit Development(PUD) review for development of a recreational center or office on the eight(8) acres south of West 78th Street The land north of West 78th Street, which was proposed for townhouse development, was not approved as part of the concept planned unit development. This project was never completed In 2000 and 2001, West 78th Street was constructed through the property,bisecting it into six and eight-acre parcels Additionally, the city extended sanitary sewer for the BC-7 and BC-8 sanitary sewer subdistricts across the northern portion of the property ANALYSIS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Justification for Rezoning to PUD The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 14 acres from A2 to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The project consists of a 33,000 square-foot, one-story education facility and day care center There is potential additional building site on the north side of the parcel B located south of West 78th Street The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance The PUD is a standalone zoning district for the items specified in the ordinance. All other zoning requirements are those established in city code. Section 20-501 Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards The use of the PUD in this instance is to preserve the entirety of the northerly parcel, which is adjacent to Bluff Creek, and provide the property owner with the ability to utilize the green area as part of the development south of West 78th Street. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts The proposed development provides a compatible development with the surrounding development Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 4 of 23 The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following land use goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan. • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line • The city will seek opportunities to provide transitions between different uses of different types • Development should be phased in accordance with the ability of the city to provide services Natural Resource Goals. • Protect and rehabilitate wetlands to maintain or improve their function and value • Preserve and protect a variety of natural environments • To establish and maintain a comprehensive water resources program that not only protects and improves the quality of existing water resources within the City of Chanhassen,but also recognizes the continuation of development throughout the City, and the importance of using this program as a guide in the evaluation of potential impacts on these valuable resources Staff is proposing the following development standards govern the development of the property, which shall be incorporated in the Planned Unit Development ordinance. Development Standards: a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD office institutional district The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal All utilities are required to be placed underground Each lot proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below More than one principal building on the lot is prohibited. Construction of additional principal structures and will a subdivision of the property The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Ancillary uses may be permitted as listed below once a primary use has occupied the site Shared parking may be used within the development. Except as modified below, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Office and Institutional District, OI Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 5 of 23 b. Uses Permitted Uses in this zone shall be limited to the following uses. 1 Community Center 2 Day Care- establishments providing for the care and supervision of infants and children on a daily basis 3 Health Services- establishments primarily engaged in furnishing medical, surgical and other health services to persons in a clinical or outpatient basis. 4. Library 5 Museum 6. Office-Professional and business office 7 Private or Public parks and open space(The property located north of West 78th Street(Parcel A) shall be limited to open space uses,which may include utility services) 8. Private or Public recreational facilities 9 Schools 10. Utility services Ancillary Uses (in conjunction with and integral to a primary use). 1 Antennas, as regulation by Article XXX of this chapter 2 Fences 3. Parking Lots 4 Play Equipment, Gazebos, etc 5. Sheds 6 Signs c. Setbacks The following building and parking setbacks shall apply Setback building/parking (feet) Galpin Blvd 50, 20 Highway 5 70, 20 West 78th Street 50, 20 Interior Lot Lines 0, 0 West Perimeter Lot Line 30, 20 The hard surface coverage is 65% for office and institutional uses. Any one site/lot can exceed the 65 percent hard coverage requirement,but in no case may the entire development exceed 65 percent. Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure-Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 6 of 23 d. Building Height, Materials and Design 1 Building height shall be limited to two (2) stories or a maximum height of 37 feet 2 The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design e. Alternative Access 1 Pedestrian access shall be provided from each site to the public sidewalk and trail system. 2. Each site shall provide areas for bicycle parking and storage GENERAL SITE PLAN/ARCHITECTURE O 0 ti., . O .:ti O ® . O O 0 - a. niQ " L 1 - OI © O a South Elevation • ,- . ' - . immig. t • 0 ® y • t O 0 P m -"IP 0 ® 0 O o IL�1 o [ o East elevation West Elevation O 4 o _ 0 - 1® . - ti _ r: 0 _ n ' • _ r_V - *41 Fli 111 1 4 North Elevation The applicant is proposing a one-story, 33,032 square-foot building with outdoor play areas and equipment. Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 7 of 23 ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Portion Placement The primary entrance is located along Highway 5 and is included within a 50-foot tall, glassed, circular rotunda The building is articulated both vertically and horizontally through the use of doors and windows, placement of bricked columns, changes in building material and the stepping of the building parapet up and down from a low of 23 feet to a high of 40 feet. Material and Detail Building materials include metal and glass curtain walls, stucco surfaces,brick and stone veneers and Exterior Insulating Finishing Systems (EIFS) Color Primary southern building material is glass curtain walls and anodized dark bronze window framing. The columns consist of brick veneer in browns, tans and reds (Saratoga Springs) The stone veneer is grey and tans (Western Grey) The upper stucco is greyish tan (Pigeon Grey) The lower is tan colored (Sahara) The bottom stucco and larger areas are a brownish tan("Bison Beige) The cornices are a white (Whisper Grey). Height and Roof Design The building height is staggered throughout the building stepping from a low 25 feet 8 inches to 28 feet 6 inches to 36 feet 9 inches to the rotunda height of 50 feet Height is limited to two stories This parapet stepping serves as a pitched roof element The decorative cornices and rotunda add additional architectural interest,but exceeds the two-story building height It is typical that a daycare would be one story and be a good transition and design between residential and commercial uses While the decorative cornices and rotunda provide architectural relief, the 40-foot 8-inch cornice and 50-foot rotunda heights create excessive massing in relation to the surrounding uses The intent of the PUD zoning is promote high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned Site planning, landscaping and building architecture should reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. The PUD shall provide sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the city Staff is recommending that the height of the architectural features including cornices and rotunda not exceed 36 feet 9 inches Mechanical equipment is screened via the parapets Facade Transparency Fifty percent of the first floor elevation that is viewed by the public shall include transparent windows and or doors. All other areas shall include landscaping material and architectural detailing and articulation While the southern elevation exceeds the transparency requirement, the eastern elevation must provide additional windows Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 8 of 23 Should the applicant wish to not provide transparent windows, then architecture detailing must be provided by the use of upper level windows, the use of spandrel glass or architectural detailing which provides arches,patterning, recesses and shadowing that provide aesthetic interest Site Furnishing Community features may include landscaping, lighting,benches, tables and play equipment. The applicant shall provide bicycle parking and storage facilities on site. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. The trash enclosures are located in the northeast corner of the building The enclosure is eight feet tall and is finished in a brick veneer similar to the building columns Landscaping along the eastern property line should also help to screen the enclosures Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping at the proposed development include 5,131 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, 10 landscape islands or peninsulas, and 20 trees for the parking lot The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 5,131 sq ft >5,131 sq ft Trees/parking lot 20 trees 20 trees Islands or peninsulas/parking lot 10 islands/peninsulas 10 islands/peninsulas Applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area Bufferyards are required along all property lines Boulevard trees are required along the collector road, West 78th Street Bufferyard requirements are as follows Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B —north prop line, W 78th St , 8 overstory trees Existing boulevard trees 830' 16 Understory trees 16 Understory trees 16 Shrubs 16 Shrubs Bufferyard B —south prop line, Hwy. 5, 5 Overstory trees 3 Overstory trees + 580' 10 Understory trees existing trees 10 Shrubs 10 Understory trees 19 Shrubs Bufferyard B —east prop line, Galpin Blvd., 11 overstory trees 10 Overstory trees 580' 15 Understory trees 16 Understory trees 26 Shrubs 26 Shrubs Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 9 of 23 Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard A—west prop. line, 200' 0 overstory trees 0 Overstory trees 3 Understory trees 3 Understory trees 3 Shrubs 14 Shrubs Boulevard trees, w 78th St 28 overstory trees 13 overstory trees+ 30 existing overstory All bufferyard requirements have been met. A few minor changes are necessary to the landscape plan First, the landscape plant schedule calls for two species of trees that are not acceptable for planting in Chanhassen; Chinese elm and golden ash The applicant shall change Chinese elm to Princeton elm and Golden ash to an overstory, deciduous species selected from the city's Approved Tree List Second, the applicant has proposed boulevard trees along the north side of West 78th Street. These trees are required but only one species of tree is called for with all 13 trees Staff recommends that no more than five trees of one species be planted in a row The applicant shall revise the plans to incorporate diversity within the boulevard plantings. Third, there are overhead power lines on the south property line along Highway 5 No overstory trees are recommended with the power line easement. The applicant shall change the proposed oaks along Highway 5 to an understory species All tree species selections must be made from the city's Approved Tree List Lot Frontage and Parking location The applicant is orienting the building toward Highway 5 which is required by city code One row of parking shall be allowed in the front setback, which is 70 feet from Highway 5. Parking is distributed around the buildings and no more than 50 percent of the parking is between the front facade of the principal building and the primary street Miscellaneous The building is required to have an automatic fire-extinguishing system Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota(if applicable) Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction Fenced"playground" areas must be provided with approved code- compliant exiting systems Detailed occupancy and accessibility-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures The building will be subject to the State Building Code in effect on the date of permit application (the State is currently transitioning from the 2007 MN Building Code to the 2015 MN Building Code, effective date not yet announced). A three-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants. No burning permits will be issued for tree/brush removal "No Parking Fire Lane" signs and yellow-painted curbing will be required Contact Fire Marshal for specifics Twelve-inch address numbers of contrasting color shall be Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 10 of 23 installed on building side facing Galpin and also on monument sign at dnveway entrance. Fire Marshal must review and approve prior to install. 7 _ a _- ®® / / { ,1/ /., .. , , ,/,;,/,, �. ' 1 j - ix / 1 F, ',I, :/r', i = mn Imp iunumuu�IMillilly., I i ;, \ r - x5,,' STREETS,ACCESS AND INTERNAL SITE CIRCULATION The property is adjacent to State Highway 5, Galpin Boulevard (a County Road) and West 78th Street(a city major collector road) The developer proposes to utilize a full access from West 78th Street, approximately 550 feet west of the Galpin Boulevard intersection This access meets the City's access spacing guideline A right-in, right-out is proposed on Galpin Boulevard, approximately 220 feet south of the West 78th Street intersection The developer proposes to install a right turn lane into the site at this access. This access and turn lane are subject to Carver County's review, approval and permitting The developer submitted a traffic impact analysis for the proposed development The peak trip generation numbers in the report are appropriate given the expected enrollment in and staffing of the facility The study determined that the existing road infrastructure is sufficient for the additional traffic from the site, specifically. 1 The level of service of West 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard will remain acceptable, 2. The existing and forecasted northbound U-turn movement at Galpm Boulevard and West 78th Street will operate with minimal conflicts due to the roadway geometncs, and 3 Queuing impacts are not expected in the left turn lane on southbound Galpin Boulevard to eastbound Highway 5. The site improvements will require relocation of the City's existing 10-foot wide bituminous trail on the west side of Galpin Boulevard. An escrow for the trail work shall be collected with the site plan to ensure that the area is restored and functioning properly after one freeze-thaw cycle Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure–Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 11 of 23 The developer proposes to install a 26-foot wide access around the building. The northern portion of the site is not proposed for development at this time. The developer proposes to install a 25-foot long driveway stub to this area just north of the Galpin Boulevard access. A barricade must be installed at the end of this stub. Full access to the site is gained via West 78th Street A right-in and right-out access is provided along Galpin Boulevard Access to Galpin Boulevard is under the jurisdiction of Carver County. Access to West 78th Street is under city jurisdiction GRADING/DRAINAGE �bp N 033,3E-b 185.-22 a3. —_ _____ v / e / - \ El - ` 1I y// ,.-vim' /4!Ai i1 I ��\� c I b" �Li li ✓ p x,,,, ,„,_, (r/,, --,:2 )) / /7.: -,...fv . ' . 1 _i - : \ / ; i • / / 7 `"-- -"ze-=-7=4.1--- -, 1--- -- -===i ; -; -'(( . l� IJP I I', - I c*L-DREtP6 o :ADVBJNRE t. I 1 I//, U- ccE G 4 C.- -i„ J III i e -� L" �` i \lI _,t < ——,� C '4,,.'' . nit . - - • II -� _86512e E 305-78 S 84'51'26'E 260.22 — Site Grading: Dramage The site drains from southeast to northwest where surface drainage collects in a Manage 3 wetland prior to discharging under West 78th Street through a 21-inch culvert This culvert discharges into a wetland and then into Bluff Creek Bluff Creek is included on the 303D list as impaired for turbidity and fish indices of biological integrity(IBI) Under developed conditions the site will maintain the same overall drainage pattern but will be directed through a series of bioretention facilities before discharging under West 78th Street The proposed stormwater management plan does not increase rates from existing conditions under any storm event modeled Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 12 of 23 Site Grading: Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control The proposed development will exceed one(1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore,be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant shall prepare a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit to the city for approval prior to the issuance of any grading permits or the commencement of any earth-disturbing activities This SWPPP shall be consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit Many of these elements are included in various areas throughout the plan set and supporting documentation This area is tributary to Bluff Creek which is included on the 303D list as being impaired for turbidity and fish IBI This area must be protected from sediment and sediment-laden water throughout the duration of the project, and stormwater must be treated to a higher standard as is required by the Chanhassen 2nd Generation Surface Water Management Plan and Appendix A of the NPDES Construction Permit Some specific comments, as they pertain to sheets C5 and C6 as well as applicable details are as follows. 1. The pond which discharges directly to the wetland shall be used as a temporary basin throughout the project A temporary outlet and inlet shall be designed and constructed This basin shall be graded to the approved design upon substantial stabilization of the remaining site. The plans must indicate this requirement. 2. The bioretention area shall be graded last and perimeter control in the form of silt fence with metal tee posts shall be installed to protect the area from construction traffic and material storage A note shall be added to the plan set to this effect 3 City code requires that six (6") inches of topsoil be placed on all disturbed areas to be vegetated unless other engineered soil is to be used such as in bioretention areas Topsoil shall be stripped on the site and stockpiled with adequate erosion prevention and sediment control practices The plan shall indicate this requirement and demonstrate how this will be accommodated 4 Slopes immediately tributary to wetland shall be stabilized within 48 hours of cessation of earthwork activities The slope must be stabilized with a hydraulic erosion control product or net-free biodegradable erosion control blanket 5. Inlets with the potential to have sediment introduced as a result of import/export of materials shall have inlet protection installed. Dandy bags are not an acceptable inlet protection device See City Detail 5302A 6 Item B2 on sheet C6 shall be changed to delete the 21-day requirement. 7 A note shall be included on Sheet C6 indicating that the bioretention areas must not be graded to their final condition until the contributing watershed is stabilized Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 13 of 23 8 Item El 0 on Sheet C6 shall be changed to read " due to construction equipment driving across or materials being stockpiled in the infiltration area" 9. Quantities of BMP measures must be included This shall include the volume of topsoil and the quantity of seed required 10 Because this site is tributary to an impaired water, the stabilization of all disturbed areas draining to Bluff Creek must be initiated immediately but in no case later than 7 days, the exception being those areas to be stabilized within 24 hours 11. A note shall be included on Sheet C6 indicating that topsoil is to be stripped and stockpiled onsite such that an adequate quantity exists to place six (6") inches over all disturbed areas to be vegetated 12 Include discussion of receiving water being Bluff Creek which is on the 303D list as impaired for turbidity and fish indices of biological integrity 13. Chanhassen requires that metal tee posts are used with erosion control fence Wooden posts are not allowed unless explicitly stated by the city. The plans shall use City Detail #5300 14 City Detail #5301 shall be used for the rock construction entrance 15 Final stabilization methodologies shall be included as part of the overall SWPPP SITE CONSTRAINTS Wetland Protection • In November of 2012, Kjolhaug Environmental Services performed a wetland delineation on the Three basins were identified with ' '� `�--'` • "' property — __-��. Y -4 one basin on Parcel B This delineation and the ;1� �'" -r%. , _ 44 applicable decision are valid for three(3) years 1'1 - and will need to be revisited next spring if changes ( or improvements are proposed with the potential ti "`' to adversely impact wetlands. l Buffer requirements are based upon wetland �fi ,,,,;,;.1' - management classification which is determined t 3 , ., ,� . using the Minnesota Routine Assessment ,' ,'tom Methodology(MNRAM). No MNRAM has k• - been completed for the wetland on Parcel B The I `� r '174a, developer will need to have a MNRAM ` * 0,‘"/"./t / performed to verify the wetland management Y $, • r•• • WA3iJ«SI ,} classification Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek !" Watershed District (RPBCWD) adopted buffer Figure 1.Delineated Wetland Boundaries rules in November of 2014 This basin will need to comply with those rules. This basin appears to be of Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 14 of 23 low quality and would likely be classified as Manage Class 3 Under RPBCWD rules, the buffer would need to average 20 feet with a minimum width of 10 feet If the basin is found to be Manage 2, or medium value, the average buffer would be 40 feet with a minimum width of 20 feet In order to assure that this basin is protected throughout construction, the plan set should clearly indicate the wetland boundary and the buffer boundary on all sheets of the construction plan set Further, a note should be added on the grading sheet and on the erosion control sheet indicating that the wetland discharges to Bluff Creek Bluff Creek Overlay District The majority of Parcel A hes within the Bluff Creek Overlay District Primary Zone. The Bluff Creek Overlay District was intended to preserve"the natural conditions found in the primary zone" and to create "an interconnected open space network"which would connect Mmnewashta Regional Park with the Minnesota River through a continuous greenway by encouraging innovative development patterns and techniques. To achieve this goal, and to allow for protection, and potential restoration of the wetland area which serves as the headwaters for Bluff Creek, Parcel A should be dedicated to the City. Bluff Protection There are no areas that meet the criteria to be classified as bluff Shoreland Management All of Parcel A and a portion of Parcel B lie within the Shoreland Management District for Bluff Creek The plans must show the limit of the Shoreland Management District. The proposed development must meet the DNR requirements for development within a shoreland area. The protection of sensitive areas is part of the PUD requirements for shoreland areas The PUD rules of the Shoreland rules also requires that"at least 50% of the total project area must be preserved as open space" and this "open space must include areas with physical characteristics unsuitable to development" This requirement further speaks to the protection of Parcel A through dedication Shoreland management also has specific requirements for erosion prevention and stormwater management. Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 15 of 23 Floodplain Overlay livar A portion of parcel A lies within Zone A ' j 44{ floodplain shown in blue in Figure 2 No structures may be constructed in this area. The Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan sets a goal of providing 100 year(1%) �•• flood protection to all persons and structures This protection would be accomplished, in this 0111 instance, through the preservation of Parcel A . GACPNBOULEVARD • in a natural condition • ARBORETUM BOULEVARD.475killi- "12' •• ••i•' Figure 2.Zone A Floodplain STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards Section 19-141 states that"these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features " Chanhassen operates under the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems under the National Pollutions Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System Permit Program (MS4) The MS4 permit requires that for new developments there is no net increase in stormwater discharge volume, stormwater discharges of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) or stormwater discharges of Total Phosphorus (TP)post development The permit does provide for exceptions to this requirement in Part III D 5.a(3)(a), however, from the evidence provided, the site does not meet any of the limitation criteria The project will be subject to the NPDES Construction Permit This permit also requires that a permanent stormwater management system be designed in conjunction with the project such that one (1) inch of runoff from the newly created impervious is retained on site The NPDES Construction Permit also sets limitation for when the permitee does not need to meet the full requirement Evidence has not been provided to show that the site meets any of the limiting criteria set forth in Part III D 1 j of the NPDES Construction Permit. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District adopted stormwater management rules in November of 2014 These rules closely mirror the Minimum Impact Design Standard (MIDS) guidelines The applicant will need to obtain a stormwater management permit from RPBCWD. Meeting their standards will satisfy the NPDES permit requirements The Bluff Creek Total Maximum Daily Load Stressor ID Report and Implementation Report identified flows as one of the primary causes of the impairment In particular, high flow events were found to have a deleterious effect on the stream One of the recommendations was to decrease the Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 16 of 23 volume of water directed to the stream and to improve base flows within the stream through infiltration In the drainage report prepared by CEI, they claim that the site is limited by soils in the hydrologic group C Based upon this supposition, they proposed to only abstract 0 55" of runoff The drainage report states that there will be 107,543 square feet of impervious surface on the site However, the site plan (Sheet C2) states that there will be 142,884 square feet of impervious surface associated with the site. The proposed stormwater management plan does not even adequately address the 0 55"runoff volume from the smaller impervious surface number When considering the site plan number, the abstracted volume is deficient by 27%. When compared to the necessary volume to meet the NPDES requirement the stormwater management is deficient by 60% As the applicant has not displayed adequate evidence to qualify as limited,the stormwater management system must be redesigned to meet the one (1") inch volume reduction requirement. In reviewing the plan it appears that performance may be improved by creating a series of infiltration basins where the current swale is shown along the southern boundary. Further, infiltration is not the only method of volume reduction. Stormwater capture and re-use is an accepted practice for volume reduction It also helps to reduce the burden on the municipal water supply and reduce long-term costs for irrigation. The design calls for two curb cuts to I " direct runoff from the parking and drive areas to the swale along the southern .;: boundary. These curb cuts have an x _ 'a ; effective opening of only three(3) feet • k _ai ,? and no pretreatment It has been the ,• ? - }f ^i` 9.51 � '45'1,4* r f. experience of staff that narrow curb z{ f a`. '' "°�- cuts with only rip rap as an energy dissipation technique result in erosive 1a• at. Y..-; ;.x ',.£_. ,SRT, x , x conditions and sediment deposition • " �' The deposition of sediment results in a , � - . decline in performance and leads to difficult plant establishment and ••'• P` maintenance The decline in plant growth further inhibits the effectiveness Figure 3.Example of erosion problems associated with narrow of the best management practice. The curb cuts. inlets should have pretreatment provided which is consistent with the recommendations of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Potential methods of pretreatment include a proprietary device such as the Rain GuardianTM, a grass swale or a forebay Given the depth to groundwater and the proposed bounce, the basin, which discharges to the wetland located easterly on the property, would be better served as a wet detention pond and should be designed to NURP recommendations A review of the provided geotechnical report shows the static water level may be within 0.6 feet of the proposed pond bottom This would pose a condition in which infiltration could not occur The proposed bottom of the remainder of the swale is at an Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 17 of 23 elevation at least 3 5 feet above the potential static ground water elevation indicated in the available borings The outlet structure into the wetland shows a submerged outlet—presumably to act as a skimmer of floatables. Public works staff has found these outlets difficult to locate, let alone maintain This must be revised so the outlet is not submerged and is accessible for inspection and maintenance. Other conditions that will be required for the stormwater management system include. 1. A drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the stormwater management features and the wetland. 2. The city will maintain the NURP basin upon revision to NURP recommendation and city design standards 3 The property owner shall be responsible for the long-term maintenance of the bioretention features 4 A maintenance agreement for the bioretention features shall be entered into by the land owner as required under the MS4 permit 5. An operations and maintenance manual shall be prepared by the applicant for the bioretention features This shall address the establishment period as well as presumed long- term annual and semi-annual maintenance requirements. UTILITIES The developer proposes to extend sanitary sewer service to the site from the existing stub at the southwest corner of Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street The developer proposes to wet tap the 12-inch water main within Galpm Boulevard to extend service to the site An escrow for the road work associated with the water connection shall be collected with the site plan to ensure that the road patch is functioning properly after one freeze-thaw cycle The developer must contact the city's construction manager at 952-227-1166 a minimum of 48 hours prior to the wet tap The developer must obtain any necessary approvals to grade and install improvements within the Xcel Energy easements on the western and southern portions of the property Stormwater Utility Connection Charges Section 4-30 of code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A water quality and water quantity fee are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the more intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. Because there is no subdivision associated with this application, no fee will be collected at this time. However, if the property subdivides in the future,the Surface Water Management fees will be collected at that time The estimated fee for Parcel B is calculated as shown in the following table Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 18 of 23 Per acre rate Parcel B size in acres** Totals Water Quality $22,060 00 7 87 $173,612 20 Water Quantity $8,560.00 7 87 $67,367.20 Credit per acre treated Area treated in acres Credit $11,030.00 5 25 ($57,907) Total due w/future subdivision based upon current conditions $183,072.40 **This does not remove the area that would be placed in a D&U easement and would be discounted from the calculations Additional credits will likely be available for water quantity in the future This calculations is based upon the 2015 rates LIGHTING/SIGNAGE The applicant is proposing 25-foot tall light poles along the parking area Wall-pack lighting units are proposed All fixtures must be shielded,high-pressure sodium or light-emitting diode(LED), with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees Wall-mounted lighting shall be shielded with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees Signage is proposed on the south, west and east elevations of the building. Rather than the business name, they are proposing"Afterschool" and "Preschool" on the appropriate service wings of the building The applicant is also proposing a five-foot tall monument sign. Staff has not reviewed the signage for conformance with city code. A separate sign permit shall be required pnor to the installation of building and site signage PARKS &RECREATION This property is located within the park service areas for both Sugarbush Park and the Chanhassen Recreation Center Trails The subject site has access to pedestrian trails located adjacent to both Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street Well-planned pedestrian connections between the subject site and the Galpin Boulevard trail should be included in the project Park and Trail Conditions of Approval No conditions of approval regarding the city's Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan are being contemplated for this submittal Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 19 of 23 COMPLIANCE TABLE PUD Children's Learning Adventure (33,032 square feet) Building Height 2 stories 1 story NA 50 feet Building Setback N - 50' E - 50' N - 142' E -140' W- 30' S - 70' W - 223' S -82' Parking Stalls 96 stalls 104 stalls (1 stall per 6 children in design capacity) Parking Setback N - 20' E - 20' N - 122' E - 20' W - 20' S - 20' W - 75' S - 42' Hard Surface Coverage 42% 65%# Lot Area 15,000 square feet 7 87 acres (0 34 acre) #Hard surface coverage must average 65 percent over the entire development Individual lots may exceed 65 percent site coverage. The current analysis only incorporates the southern parcel (7 87 acres) With the future expansion of the facility or subdivision of the site, the northerly parcel (containing 6.21 acres)may be incorporated as part of the site's pervious area RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Planned Unit Development rezoning and site plan review subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Planned Unit Development, PUD Approve the ordinance for the Children's Learning Adventure Planned Unit Development. Site Plan Review The following conditions shall be incorporated as part of the site plan approval. Building Official 1 A building permit is required prior to construction. Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 20 of 23 2 The building is required to have an automatic fire-extinguishing system 3 Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota 4. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction 5 Fenced "playground" areas must be provided with approved, code-compliant exiting systems Engineering 1. The proposed access and turn lane on Galpin Boulevard are subject to Carver County's review, approval and permitting. 2 An escrow for the trail work and water service connection shall be collected with the site plan to ensure that the area is restored and functioning properly after one freeze-thaw cycle. 3 A barricade must be installed at the end of the stub located north of the Galpin Boulevard access 4 The developer must contact the city's construction manager at 952-227-1166 a minimum of 48 hours prior to the wet tap 5 The developer must obtain any necessary approvals to grade and install improvements within the Xcel Energy easements on the western and southern portions of the property 6. The developer shall meet the requirements of the April 9, 2015 review letter from MnDOT Environmental Resources Specialist 1 The applicant shall change Chinese elm to Princeton elm and Golden ash to an overstory, deciduous species selected from the city's Approved Tree List. 2. The applicant shall revise the plans so that no more than five trees of one species are planted in a row along West 78th Street. 3 The applicant shall change the two proposed swamp white oaks along Highway 5 to an understory species The proposed Golden ash to be planted at the southeast corner of the property shall be moved slightly north to further avoid the OHE line Fire Marshal 1 A three-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants 2 No burning permits will be issued for tree/brush removal 3 "No Parking Fire Lane" signs and yellow-painted curbing will be required. Contact the Fire Marshal for specifics Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 21 of 23 4 Twelve-inch address numbers of contrasting color shall be installed on the building side facing Galpin Boulevard and also on the monument sign at the driveway entrance The Fire Marshal must review and approve prior to installation Planning 1. The eastern elevation must provide additional windows to meet the 50 percent transparency requirement or other architectural detailing as outlined in the staff report. 2 The applicant shall provide bicycle parking and storage facilities 3 Parcel A may be dedicated to the City. Pervious surface credit will be apportioned to Parcel B 4 The height of the height of the architectural features including cornices and rotunda shall not exceed 36 feet 9 inches Water Resources Specialist 1 The pond which discharges directly to the wetland shall be used as a temporary basin throughout the project. A temporary outlet and inlet shall be designed and constructed This basin shall be graded to the approved design upon substantial stabilization of the remaining site. The plans must indicate this requirement 2 The bioretention area shall be graded last and perimeter control in the form of silt fence with metal tee posts shall be installed to protect the area from construction traffic and material storage A note shall be added to the plan set to this effect 3 City code requires that six (6") inches of topsoil be placed on all disturbed areas to be vegetated unless other engineered soil is to be used such as in bioretention areas Topsoil shall be stripped on the site and stockpiled with adequate erosion prevention and sediment control practices The plan shall indicate this requirement and demonstrate how this will be accommodated. 4 Slopes immediately tributary to wetland shall be stabilized within 48 hours of cessation of earthwork activities The slope must be stabilized with a hydraulic erosion control product or net-free biodegradable erosion control blanket 5. Inlets with the potential to have sediment introduced as a result of import/export of materials shall have inlet protection installed. Dandy bags are not an acceptable inlet protection device See City Detail 5302A 6. Item B2 on Sheet C6 shall be changed to delete the 21-day requirement 7 A note shall be included on Sheet C6 indicating that the bioretention areas must not be graded to their final condition until the contributing watershed is stabilized. 8. Item El0 on Sheet C6 shall be changed to read "...due to construction equipment driving across or materials being stockpiled in the infiltration area" Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 22 of 23 9 Quantities of BMP measures must be included. This shall include the volume of topsoil and the quantity of seed required 10. Because this site is tributary to an impaired water, the stabilization of all disturbed areas draining to Bluff Creek must be initiated immediately but in no case later than 7 days. The exception being those areas to be stabilized within 24 hours. 11 A note shall be included on Sheet C6 indicating that topsoil is to be stripped and stockpiled onsite such that an adequate quantity exists to place six (6") inches over all disturbed areas to be vegetated 12 Include discussion of receiving water being Bluff Creek which is on the 303D list as impaired for turbidity and fish indices of biological integrity. 13 Chanhassen requires that metal tee posts are used with erosion control fence Wooden posts are not allowed unless explicitly stated by the city The plans shall use City Detail#5300 14 City Detail#5301 shall be used for the rock construction entrance. 15 Final stabilization methodologies shall be included as part of the overall SWPPP 16 Design of stormwater best management practices shall follow the guidelines of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual 17. The applicant shall meet the volume reduction requirement set forth in the NPDES permit of one inch from all impervious surface or demonstrate to the City's satisfaction that the site meets one or more of the limitations described in the permit. 18 In the event that a limitation does exist, the applicant shall provide volume reduction to the maximum extent practicable and shall evaluate the potential of practices beyond infiltration such as stormwater capture and reuse. 19 The final basin prior to discharge into the wetland shall be designed as a wet detention pond and must meet NURP recommendations and city design standards 20 Curb cuts shall be no less than five (5) feet wide and shall have adequate pretreatment prior to discharge into the bioretention features 21 The outlet structure from the pond into the wetland shall not be submerged 22 A drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the stormwater management features and the wetland. 23. The city will maintain the NURP basin upon acceptance of the final product. 24. The property owner shall be responsible for the long-term maintenance of the bioretention features. Planning Commission Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 April 27, 2015 Page 23 of 23 25 A maintenance agreement for the bioretention features shall be entered into by the land owner as required under the MS4 permit. This agreement shall be recorded against the property 26 An operations and maintenance manual shall be prepared by the applicant for the bioretention features. This shall address the planting schedule, establishment period as well as presumed long-term annual and semi-annual maintenance requirements. 27 The applicant shall procure all necessary permits from agencies with jurisdiction over the project area 28 The site must meet the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Shoreland rules. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2 Children's Learning Center Planned Unit Development Ordinance 3 Development Review Application. 4 Project Narrative 5 Building Perspective. 6. Survey with Topography 7 Demolition Plan. 8 Site Plan 9. Grading Plan 10 Utility Plan. 11. Erosion Control Plan 12 Landscape Plan. 13 Floor Plan 14. Site Details 15 Exterior Elevations Left and Front 16 Exterior Elevations Right and Rear. 17. Material Board 18 Site Map for Signage. 19. Sign Layout 20 Afterschool Sign Layout 21 Preschool Sign Layout 22. Monument Sign Layout 23 Parking Signs 24. Email from Linda Machemehl, Xcel Energy to Bob Generous dated March 24, 2015. 25 Letter from Karen Scheffing, MnDOT, to Kate Aanenson dated April 9, 2015 26 Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. g\plan\2015 planning cases\2015-09 children's learning adventure\staff report cla doe CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE. Application of CLA Chanhassen, LLC and Americana Community Bank for rezoning of the property to Planned Unit Development(PUD)to permit a children's learning center, and site plan approval for a 33,000 square-foot, one-story building with outdoor play areas and equipment On April 21, 2015, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of CLA Chanhassen, LLC and Americana Community Bank for a site plan review for the property located at 7750 Galpin Boulevard (northwest corner of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard) The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed site plan was preceded by published and mailed notice The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2. 2 The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Residential-Low and High Density and Office and Residential High Density. 3. The legal description of the property is See Exhibit A. 4 The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6)possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are. a The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan b The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance d. The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed 1 e The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property 5. Site Plan Review. a The proposed development is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted, b The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements, c. The proposed development preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by preserving the northerly six acre parcel as permanent open space and minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas, d The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development, e The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses, and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking 2 f Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 6 The planning report#2015-09 dated April 21, 2015,prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development rezoning and site plan review ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 21st day of April, 2015 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY Its Chairman 3 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel A That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County Minnesota, described as follows Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1,023.08 feet, to a point on said West line distant 1668.88 feet South of the West Quarter corner of said Section 10• thence South 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 177 77 feet; thence South 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 100.40 feet, thence South 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, o distance of 194.14 feet, thence South 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 150.00 feet, thence South 47 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 75.43 feet, thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 74.98 feet, thence South 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 84.58 feet, thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 163.25 feet, thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 82019 feet t the Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway 5; thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 s conds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 33.08 feet; thence South 56 egree 40 minutes 55 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, o distance of 158.95 set, Silence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along Northerly right of way a distance of 516.22 feet to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 Township 116, Rangd 23; thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along sold West line of the • Nort west Quarter, a distance of 9 12 feet to the point of beginning h lies Northwesterly of that particular Northwesterly right—of—way line of Parcel 216, as as'Oh wn on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-08, iororded as Document No 265755 and as amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ANSPORTATiON RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-14, recorded as Document No. 279658 described follows: mmencing at the Southwest corner of sold Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of th 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of • said Section 10, a distance of 401 19 feet, to a particular right—of—way line of said Parcel 216 an the point of beginning of the line to be described, thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 17514 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line; thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 22.71 feet to a point of curvature in said right—of—way line, thence Easterly a distance 662.60 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the South having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632 76 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17 I minutes 27 seconds East to on angle point In said right—of—way line, thence North 56 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East, not tangent to sold curve a distance of 114.28 feet, to an angle point In sold right—of—way line, thence North 22 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East, along said right—of—way line, a distance of 11613 feet and said line there terminating. 33.60 AND ra Parcel B. /.960.3 That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116 Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows. 359.5 Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1 023.08 feet, to a point on said West line distant 1668.88 feet South of the West Quarter corner of said Section 10, thence South 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 177 77 feet, thence South 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 100.40 feet; thence South 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 19414 feet* thence South 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 150.00 feet thence South 47 degrees ra i,4147 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 75.43 feet, thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 i=96saeonds East a distance of 74 98 feet; thence South 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, INva°$Nbtance of 84.58 feet; thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 183.25 feet; thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 820.19 feet to the Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway 5, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 33.08 feet, thence South 56 degrees 40 minutes 55 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 158.95 feet, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 518.22 feet to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23; thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 912 feet to the point of beginning L EXCEPT that part of the above described property which lies Northwesterly of that particular so.oNorthwesterly right—of—way line of Parcel 216, as shown on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO 10-08 recorded as Document No 265755 and os amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-14, recorded as Document No 279658, described as follows Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 401.19 feet, to a particular right—of—way line of said Parcel 216 and the point of beginning of the line to be described thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 17514 feet, to an angle point in said right —of—way line, thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 22 71 feet, to a point of curvature In said right—of—way line, thence Easterly a distance of 662.60 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the South having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632.76 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds East to an angle point in said right—of—way line. thence North 56 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East, not tangent to sold curve a distance of 114.28 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line thence North 22 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East, along said right—of—way line, a distance of 11613 feet and said line there terminating AND EXCEPT said Parcel 216 Carver County, Minnesota Abstract Property 4 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel A. That port of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County Minnesota, described as follows. Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 10, thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, o distance of 1,023.08 feet, to a point on said West line distant 1668.88 feet South of the West Quarter corner of sold Section 10, thence South 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 177 77 feet, thence South 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds Eost, a distance of 100.40 feet, thence South 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 194.14 feet, thence South 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence South 47 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 75.43 feet thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 74.98 feet, thence South 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 84.58 feet, thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 163.25 feet; thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 820 19 feet t the Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway 5, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 s conds West along sold Northerly right of way, a distance of 33.08 feet, thence South 56 egree 40 minutes 55 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 158.95 set, Spence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along Northerly right of way a distance of 518.22 feet to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 Township 116, Rangd 23' thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along said West line of the Nort west Quarter, a distance of 912 feet to the point of beginning h lies Northwesterly of that particular Northwesterly right—of—way line of Parcel 216, as PP4 h wn on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-08, orded as Document No. 265755 and as amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-14, recorded as Document No 279658, described s follows: ommencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of orth 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 40119 feet, to a particular right—of—way line of said Parcel 218 an the point of beginning of the line to be described, thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 175.14 feet, to an angle point In said right—of—way line thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 22 71 feet, to a point of curvature in said right—of—way line thence Easterly a distance 682.60 feet, along a non—tangential curve Iconcave to the South having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632 78 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17 l minutes 27 seconds East to an angle point In said right—of—way line, thence North 56 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East, not tangent to said curve a distance of 114.28 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line, thence North 22 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East, along said right—of—way line, a distance of 116.13 feet and sold line there terminating MO- AND 3.80AND is Parcel B /.960.3 That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116 Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116 Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota described as follows. 359.5 Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 10, thence on on assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1,023.08 feet, to a point on said West line distant 1668.88 feet South of the West Quarter corner of said Section 10, thence South 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 177 77 feet, thence South 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 100.40 feet. thence South 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 19414 feet; thence South 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence South 47 degrees N.kW minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 75.43 feet, thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 i=9sefeonds East, a distance of 74.98 feet, thence South 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, INVerklletance of 84.58 feet, thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 163.25 feet, thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 820.19 feet to the Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway 5, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 33.08 feet; thence South 56 degrees 40 minutes 55 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 158.95 feet, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 518.22 feet to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 912 feet to the point of beginning L EXCEPT that part of the above described property which Iles Northwesterly of that particular 7,a0Northwesterly right—of—way line of Parcel 216 as shown on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF so.oTRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO 10-08, recorded as Document No 285755 and as amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-14, recorded as Document No 279658, described as follows. Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 401 19 feet, to a particular right—of—way line of said Parcel 216 and the point of beginning of the line to be described thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 17514 feet, to an angle point In said right —of—way line, thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 22 71 feet, to a point of curvature In sold right—of—way line, thence Easterly a distance of 662.60 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the South having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632.76 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds East to an angle point in said right—of—way line; thence North 56 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East not tangent to sold curve a distance of 114.28 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line, thence North 22 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East, along said right—of—way line, a distance of 11613 feet and sold line there terminating AND EXCEPT said Parcel 216 Carver County Minnesota Abstract Property AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE,THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY CHILDREN'S LEARNING CENTER PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS• Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code,the City's zoning ordinance,is hereby amended by rezoning all property within the property descnbed in Exhibit A to Planned Unit Development for office and institutional uses Section 2 The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards. a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD office institutional district. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal All utilities are required to be placed underground Each lot proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below. More than one principal building on the lot is prohibited Construction of additional principal structures and will a subdivision of the property The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design Ancillary uses may be permitted as listed below once a primary use has occupied the site Shared parking may be used within the development. Except as modified below, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Office and Institutional District, OI b. Uses Permitted Uses in this zone shall be limited to the following uses 1 Community Center 2. Day Care-establishments providing for the care and supervision of infants and children on a daily basis 3. Health Services- establishments primarily engaged in furnishing medical, surgical and other health services to persons in a clinical or outpatient basis 4 Library 5. Museum 6 Office-Professional and business office 7 Private or Public parks and open space (The property located north of West 78th Street shall be limited to open space uses) 1 8 Private or Public recreational facilities 9. Schools 10 Utility services Ancillary Uses (in conjunction with and integral to a primary use) 1. Antennas, as regulation by Article XXX of this chapter 2 Fences 3 Parking Lots 4. Play Equipment, Gazebos, etc 5 Sheds 6. Signs c. Setbacks The following building and parking setbacks shall apply. Setback building/parking (feet) Galpin Blvd 50, 20 Highway 5 70, 20 West 78th Street 50, 20 Interior Lot Lines 0, 0 West Perimeter Lot Line 30, 20 The hard surface coverage is 65% for office and institutional uses. Any one site/lot can exceed the 65 percent hard coverage requirement, but in no case may the entire development exceed 65 percent d. Building Height, Materials and Design 1 Building height shall be limited to two (2) stones or a maximum height of 37 feet. 2 The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. e. Alternative Access 1 Pedestrian access shall be provided from each site to the public sidewalk and trail system 2 Each site shall provide areas for bicycle parking and storage. 2 Section 3. The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning,but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance Section 4 This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2015,by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on ) 3 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel A. That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County Minnesota described as follows' Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 10, thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1,023.08 feet, to a point on sold Weat line distant 1668.88 feet South of the West Quarter corner of said Section 10; thence South 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 177 77 feet, thence South 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 100 40 feet; thence South 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 194.14 feet; thence South 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 150.00 feet, thence South 47 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 75.43 feet, thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 74.98 feet, thence South 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 84.58 feet, thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 163.25 feet; thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 820 19 feet t the Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway 5, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 s conds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 33.08 feet, thence South 56 egree 40 minutes 55 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 158.95 set• yience North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along Northerly right of way, a distance of 518.22 feet to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 Township 116, Rangd 23, thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along said West line of the Nod west Quarter, a distance of 912 feet to the point of beginning 66 h lies Northwesterly of that particular Northwesterly right—of—way line of Parcel 218 as '4h wn on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO 10-08, ,., orded as Document No. 265755 and as amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO 10-14, recorded as Document No. 279658, described s follows ommencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of sold Section 10, a distance of 401 19 feet, to a particular right—of—way line of said Parcel 216 an the point of beginning of the line to be described thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 16 —I seconds East a distance of 17514 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line, thence 9. North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 22 71 feet, to a point of curvature in said right—of—way line, thence Easterly a distance 662.60 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the South having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632.76 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17 ' minutes 27 seconds East to an angle point in sold right—of—way Ilne, thence North 56 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East, not tangent to said curve a distance of 114.28 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line; thence North 22 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East, along said right—of—way line a distance of 11613 feet and said line there terminating 33.60 AND is Parcel B' /.e960.3 That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows 359.5 Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 10, thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1,023.08 feet, to a point on sold West line distant 1668.88 feet South of the West Quarter corner of said Section 10, thence South 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 177 77 feet, thence South 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 100.40 feet; thence South 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 194.14 feet; thence South 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 150.00 feet, thence South 47 degrees N hili? minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 75.43 feet, thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 f=96sseonds East, a distance of 74.98 feet, thence South 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, INve libtance of 84.58 feet; thence South 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 163.25 feet, thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 820.19 feet to the Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway 5, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said Northerly right of way a distance of 33.08 feet; thence South 56 degrees 40 minutes 55 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 158.95 feet, thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said Northerly right of way, a distance of 518.22 feet to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 Township 116, Range 23, thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 912 feet to the point of beginning - EXCEPT that part of the above described property which lies Northwesterly of that particular I_„).o.0Northwesterly right—of—way line of Parcel 216, as shown on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO 10-08, recorded as Document No. 265755 and as amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO 10-14, recorded as Document No 279658, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 10, thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West, along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 401.19 feet, to a particular right—of—way line of said Parcel 216 and the point of beginning of the line to be described, thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 17514 feet, to an angle point In said right —of—way line, thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 22 71 feet to a point of curvature in said right—of—way line. thence Easterly a distance of 662.60 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the South having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632.76 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds East to an angle point in said right—of—way line; thence North 56 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East, not tangent to said curve a distance of 114.28 feet, to an angle point in said right—of—way line, thence North 22 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East, along said right—of—way line, a distance of 11613 feet and said line there terminating AND EXCEPT said Parcel 2161� Carver County, Minnesota Abstract Property 4 ' CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT__�._.�-.. ,,::��..._,.,_ _._...,: .....,....�..._.W,,,,��.:�, �.�,�,�.,,,M:: v:�:.,._�,,..�-..: I MAR 2 0 201 Planning Division—7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address— P.O Box 147, Chanhassen, MNM4.7.— CITY OF CHANHASSE111 Phone (952)227-1300/Fax: (952)227-1110 R HA5SENP1aANIWNG APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Date Filed 40 i j 60 Day Review Deadline' /tg (5 Planner 6 11-- Case tiAL , th _ . _. — _ Section-1• Application-Type (check all that apply) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment , , $600 ❑ Subdivision ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers,., ,$100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less $300 I ❑ Create over 3 lots $600 +$15 per lot ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Metes& Bounds $300+$50 per lot ❑ Single-Family Residence,,, „ $325 ❑ Consolidate Lots $150 ❑ All Others $425 ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Final Plat* , , „ ...$250 ❑ Interim Use Permit 'Requires additional$450 escrow for attorney costs Escrow will be required for other applications through the ❑ In conjunction with Single-Family Residence $325 development contract ❑ All Others $425 ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) ® Rezoning ® Planned Unit Development(PUD) . . $750 ❑ Variance,,:, , ,: , „ „ .. ....$200 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD . $100 ❑ All Others $500 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Single-Family Residence $150 ❑ Sign Plan Review $150 ❑ All Others . . . .. ........... . .. .. .. $275 ® Site Plan Review ❑ Zoning Appeal . . , ,. $100 ❑ Administrative $100 ® Commercial/Industrial Districts* .., .,., .,$500 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment . . . ... . ...$500 Plus$10 per 1,000 square feet of buildin area NOTE When multiple applications are processed concurrently, I 'Include number of existing employees, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application and number of new employees 50�_ 1 ❑ Residential Districts , . ,., $500 (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal Plus$5 per dwelling unit information that must accompany this application) ADDITIONAL REQUIRED FEES. , ® Notification Sign $2q0 TOTAL FEES• $ 2,079 00 i (City to install and remove) ® Property Owners' List within 500' $3 per address Received from (City to generate—fee determined at pre application meeting) 1 ® Escrow for Recording Documents..$50 per document Date Received: 3l,)1I(-- Check Number VASA (CUP/SPRNACNAR/WAP/Metes&Bounds Subdivision) -7 Section 2: Required Information Project Name CHILDRENS LEARNING ADVENTURE - CHILDCARE CENTER Property Address or Location 7750 GALPIN BLVD, CHANHASSEN, MN Parcel# 250101800& 1810 Legal Description: SEE ATTACHED ALTA, FOR FULL LEGAL Total Acreage 13 887 Wetlands Present? ®Yes ❑ No Present Zoning A2 -AGRICULTURAL ESTATE Requested Zoning PUD Present Land Use Designation OFFICE Requested Land Use Designation COMMERCIAL Existing Use of Property CURRENTLY VACANT Description of Proposal ® Check box if separate narrative is attached SCANNED Section-3 Property-Owner-and-Applicant Information ---- APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER. In signing this application, I, as applicant,represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application I agree to be bound by conditions of approval,subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application This application should be processed In my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself Informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application I further understand that additional-fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility-studies, etc with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct Name CLA CHANHASSEN, LLC Contact: DAVID NEWTON Address' 3131 EAST CAMELBACK ROAD, SUITE 420 Phone: 602-707-6991 City/State/Zip. PHOENIX, AZ 85016 Cell 623-221-0424 Email dne a nchlldrenslearningadv-nture.com Fax' 602-707-6996 Signature: ( �/ Date. 0 3--13 -)' PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner,have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application, I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc.with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name AMERICANA COMMUNITY BANK Contact JAMES J SWIONTEK Address: 10700 PRAIRIE LAKES DRIVE Phone 952-230-9712 City/State/Zip EDEN PRIAIRE, MN 55344-3858 Cell 612-209-8106 Email'jlms@arerlCanatinapcial corn , Fax Signatures" 1�� �UC� Date 77 )7-C- / This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application PROJECT ENGINEER(if applicable) Name CEI ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC Contact. ALAN CATCHPOOL, PE Address 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD, SUITE 210 Phone 651-452-8960 City/State/Zip: MENDOTA HEIGHTS,MN 55120 Cell 612-414-5011 Email, ACATCHPOOLACEIENG.COM Fax: 651-452-1149 Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information, ® Property Owner Via EZ Email ® Mailed Paper Copy Name ® Applicant Via: D3l Email ® Mailed Paper Copy Address l2j Engineer Via: ®Email 0 Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: (� 11) Other* Via ❑ Email ID Mailed Paper Copy Email I (3:1•101,131) ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 210 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651)452-8960 Fax(651)452-1149 {R www ceieng corn March 20, 2015 Robert Generous, AICP, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE. Project Narrative Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Centers NWC Highway 5 & Galpin Blvd. Chanhassen, MN. Dear SIR. This letter is to provide a project narrative for the proposed childcare development at Galpin Boulevard and Highway 5 About Children's Learning Adventure (CLA) All CLA facilities are learning environments catering to a variety of age groups. They offer programs for infant care, toddler care, preschool/Pre-K, afterschool programs and summer camp programs For the preschool/Pre-K programs and Kindergarten, CLA offers specialized play and learning classrooms that expose the children to a variety of environments paralleled to real world scenarios These specialized learning classrooms are as follows • Imagination Island — it is a miniature city complete with shops, government offices, cafes and other community services for children to interact among each other in real world "play" environment • Laboratory Lagoon — a cutting edge science center, complete with a planetarium • Picture Paradise — a multi media room with a mock TV studio utilizing real cameras • Reading Reef— an expansive library with books for all age groups • Art Studio —where the children can express their creativity in different mediums • Indoor gym For the Afterschool and Camp programs, CLA offers enrichment specialized classrooms that are specifically designed for the school age child These classrooms are as follows • Computer Lab • Library • Theater equipped with a stage area for performances and musicals • Bowling lanes • Culinary kitchens • Indoor gym, and • Homework study area ..;ITYOFCHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAR 2 0 2015 Providing Consolidated Land Development Services CHANHA$$ENPLANNINQIDEPT CALIFORNIA ■ TEXAS • ARKANSAS ■ MINNESOTA • GEORGIA ■ PENNSYLVANIA SCANNED CLA offers an outdoor playground environment with challenges designed for each age group In addition to the age appropriate playground areas, there are additional outdoor amenities • Nature's Nook—an outdoor garden area for children to grow local herbs, vegetables and annuals/perennials plants • Miniature tennis court • Miniature basketball court • Miniature kickball court • Miniature soccer field How CLA Operates Each internal CLA facility is broken down into three main areas • Home Rooms / Pre-School , • After-School, and • Extra-Curricular. (Children from the Home Rooms are rotated through these classrooms during the day for extra- curricular activities ) CLA's hours of operation are from 6 30 am to 6 30 pm, Monday through Friday They are closed nights and weekends CLA does not rent their centers nor allows other events (I e.. no weekend receptions, parties, etc ). As far as capacity for their facilities, the Fire Departments "Maximum Occupancy" will be much greater than the State's "Licensed Capacity" which will be greater than Enrollment Unlike an elementary school (where all of the students arrive exactly 8 00 a m and leave exactly at 2 30 pm ), our enrollment is spread over • 5-Days per week full time, • 3-Days per week full time, • 2-Days per week full time, • 5-Days per week part time, • 3-Days per week part time, and • 2-Days per week part time CLA's Drop off and Pick Up Procedures. Generally speaking, people tend to automatically predispose the same issues related to traffic, parking and queuing that one associates with an elementary school, that is, the floodgates open for 15-20 minutes twice a day at exactly 8.00 a m and 2.30 pm That is not the case While traffic flow surrounding each site can be affected differently, CLA's process for drop off and pick up is a key component to its overall methodology for security and safety. The typical center's peak hours for drop-off are spread out over three main time frames • 6 30 a m to 9 30 a m. represents the primary/peak drop-off hours, • 11 00 a m to 1 00 p m. represents a secondary period of pick-up/drop-off for half-day students, and • 3 30 p m to 6 30 p.m. represents the primary/peak pick-up hours for full-day students CLA's policy and standard procedure, is that all parents are required to park their vehicles and enter the center with their children by utilizing the fingerprint entry scanner at the main entry of the center Then, the parents are required to sign in at the front desk and walk their children to their classrooms Once the parents are ready to exit the center, they must sign out at the front desk This process usually takes about 5-7 minutes The doors closest to the entry are the accessible parking spaces in the amount required by code The next-closest parking spaces are designated for families caring infants. Traffic Impact Study Per the TIS completed by Wenck Associates, Inc. dated January 8, 2015, the following conclusions were drawn • Traffic generated by the proposed project does not change the level of service of any movement to an unacceptable level during either peak hour No improvements are needed at the intersections analyzed to accommodate the proposed project • The proposed right turn access on Galpin Blvd will result in increases to the northbound u-turn volume at Galpin Blvd/W 78th Street As shown in the level of service analysis, the increase in u-turns does not impact the left turn level of service The increase in u- turns does not significantly impact the intersection operations • Traffic observations during the a m and p m peak hours indicate that adequate space is available between T H 5 an the proposed right turn access We do not anticipate vehicle queuing impacts at this location. • The project trips have minimal impact on the overall traffic operations No improvements are needed to the surrounding street systems to accommodate the proposed project The proposed right turn access on Galpin Blvd provides a secondary access for the site, resulting in greater dispersion of traffic onto the surrounding roadway system Carver County has agreed to allow the Galpin Blvd access as a right-in/right-out only meeting County design requirements Future Development• Per the CLA site plan dated (3-20-15), a specific use for the north open space on the 7 88 acre site south of 78th Street has not been designed CLA is currently reviewing options for an appropriate use and will apply for a Conditional Use Permit in the future, which will conform to all zoning requirements The 6 09 acre parcel North of 78th Street will remain undeveloped Signage: Per the CLA signage plan dated (3-19-15), no signage is proposed for the rear or 78th Street side which faces the neighborhood All signage has been placed on the T H 5 frontage and sides, which are appropriate to the scale and architecture of the building Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to give me call Sincerely, CEI Engineering associates, INC Alan Catchpool, PE MN Branch Mgr e .! N+it III• 'bk 4h1 `n SPy $ V' t s t ry •1* . 1::: i ' :I; 4. ,.1' gra u7 i, W '''r • � .F~, � r'7, },.!i T !v ff f2 !t Q $+ t I r • 1 y v.4if 4,.4,' , ,-- w 0 r,t d { ., - U 'fix 1 x�` \ w� LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 .0 ,, Paeel A: X x°4 \ Range portlhat of the Southwest orthe•.t Quarter of the Southwest tt eoet Duerteraf of5Sec X115 Township 1 lit. r °+�1 I I , POINT 1660.66 FEET SOUTH \ Rage 23,Caves County MYxawto.dratted m fotlae I .xl• 3/ -OF CORNER X% a OF SEF 10,T116,R.23 \ J 4 dew..g rt fM Swlhe•00 tamer of old thenen 1k therm an an oewmed bearing of Nortm 1 ,14114495.3.6T. (,,^ odq 36 m t 40 port n West aaq N•NWt too of eoNf feet88.88 Soo w!ofth the W a dhtond 0.:,x , t Rieder 1.j /UNABLE To ACCESS J paten an e South West Ihd�w 326mhu 20*monde East�dstoroo of tamer feet;sold.nae S 1k degrees 32 minutes 20 weeds Eort,a distance of 100.40 feet - 177.77 theme South 86 - thence south 78 dgan 32 miner 20 emends Diet a distance of 794.14 feet thence South -' �,--_ ,•E _ 74 d•grr 32 seconds 20 seconds Eat,a 7&43x•of 150.00 feet thence82de degree. 47 minutes =- i.4 ` 17 mhutp 20 seconds s o diatoms o/75.43 feet;thence d@gr.m 42 degrees 40 3 3 4r° - - -" - S 7e OWNER n£ODORE d<MARLENE E,E872 mat.East a distance of 74.98 feet;thence South 56 degrees 17 maul«20 seconds foot -� ;' ,..,, I ^ ° ° ° X2'20'E o distance of 84.58 feet thence South 69 dgws 17 mhuw ee ewmd•Eat a a&tam.of /fi+ Tx I / „ASS .i ib ..4• 194,14 ;Ara Nevi. 163.25 needs thence sous 18 degrees 17 m,nut«40 woonoe t,85 di.tona.ofa8217.19 fast � _ t, /I I \-♦' 'e'i ! - M'.-9 zv' •the Northerly right of r One of Trunk II a % _� , 6 1 •' Yt U N P LA TTE D0.Y d N s:thence North doges 54 minutes So _ S 74euj mAutp S5 Northerly t of w 7 NaU,ed of 13.08 feet tin South 58 //34�w�� 9 Y rlylt of way,a d&tax•of 136.9• \\ exec / .�- - Its. 20• .t yneme Nora tis dagrop Wert o So•sarhds et O Wang Northerly IS.or way a x,/I°,I -- WEST LINE OF SWI//4 Q'\ • 4?, .., \- 2 e5 -�, - �: An of 518.2/feet to the Wert Me of the Northland Quarter of Section n5.Tewf he 118. 1 . SEC.10.T116,R.23 x - -9i- f°4 t.O /� 0 1�2J thence North 1 oe degree 37 seconds 50 soon.West along mid West Me of the / \ / w°40- \`x /` ^--a. -""*"---0 r*_''' +lam �t L:+. % w«!Quarter o dst3xe of ail feet to the pint e1 beginning. ss;s �/ 9 \ x--•ez /" ° 7_ J \ mss- I \ 6 Ids Nora««ter10EPARIYENr o TRANSPORTATION RIGHT right-of-my I 10-134 Parcel a• GENERAL NOTES /- (Jo t' >t Tr e; as - ....1......_--,__- ••• L 0.0 •9.,T is an MINNESOTA 1 .vf mil..11x1 ° , -•• Oacunent No.285755 and«amended an MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF SCALE 7 INCH= 60 FEET'0x \I:*lt, �! /�iI/ `�\ 7 _--9ez- _ -9w 'i;>rt�'\�L P N 874M4�= 1 y, v-•ce 911 « .-.TA71011 RICHT OF WAY PIAT N0.10-14,recorded w Dammed No.2790.34 described 1.The bearing etit•n,Need&mourned. 'r \ \ m 4'rOx 'a'x \ ,�9 \ '$ - (�� _ k a''YZ.: 1 >> ., / 7x44. \.ze\ I _0 _ � � it /\'1 3 fo6ows 2.The keernan of the,.dagraund unities Mown hereon.If ser,m approximate only. `�lj �'x I \ ,i' x� 9tx % •\))k ig. '.°/' /__ - .a. .`b• k 1 4.7.. 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ALTA/AGSM speellkoliona �'I I l�• \ Y 4: - _ x/ M' x4u f,,^ 4i \ / ) $e- \�\yirxs+:t ��•"R3- Seat \ ♦ / / /ag4,Ny/.YF \ _Ss' xw0.. rf` /r,.'¢.sw3 f I ifs rro'��\�.�\\\ \ �I AND 7 This survey era mob m the grouse and h aceardance with the M&inm Standard i4 - -�t " I ♦I / si / „// r .. e� /i 7i-w,,. 9.91 f I/9,:' ,.',\,.'\\ .,E . .11)/1 o' '•e e._ Mal Requirement.for Lend n0.. aadopted byALTA and AGSM. I 1 1 \ x°�r / , f \�s�'r , 4,x 14 /'' I / 'h \. 3 •• • ''''1,_,`,, u_9s{I0.4- Party B: R•99Surveys S. / / -•4 _ -• ,WOR''1` 1r,x I� .off•ttONv.-960.3 •'^I I I / / •/ /1sE':._fn ° __ ) - / .0. 1`la- �l I \'"0 0 � That part of a.southwest Water or tla sa,ew•et sorter or sworn 70.Town•n4 nee 4 h 21 wney 1 have retied upan tie supporting docurtlmts and as _ 3 �/ @°-- ,A x Cammfemwent iw TH&hw«me.fe3rtl by CanmereN Partner.THIe,LLa havhq a, ) I /�'°x / / /i'// / 90.23• & N441'" - 9se., _ - : ices .♦t j -.7'� •.L9 Rona 23 and Caner Naawest Ouwhr of 0.e Nmew«t W3tm of Swtbn 13.Township 716. effective dote of November 3,2014 and bearing fee number 39346 Fort Supplemental. q °>ut i ( y$ ) 4Lx ,�/ / Ili) /�/ / w ��-��9°�-� •�' .Ah. 1 ) .,kr, °Ws.ge ves.95y.R Car+!Camt pp �„/f anq•20. %M&newl4 drm/•d a•folbwc R a Ed 4 I 1 i ,,�'YOWT 40119 FEE7\',IIgITH rax ��/% / / Y,r -.' _ ✓-.�. ',%' x 7.'"*.. z mho of reales Maiwand=regrdmg Erred•inthOfc da Seravert wen a edl=i 9.There&no abeervmle evidence of ea.eter&s h the Meld a of record •O satin / dr, / / 58 9 10.The ewvesar ww not provided with 3m&9 information by as clearer W«s+mt to rents I I 10 a ,,q % �• 11 // '�° / $ wf 'kr4, 4, air. R, 44�A4- . ' of 1.02108 feet,to°point an sold West IM Aslant 1668.68 het South of the West Water x°ire /_SEW 10,T 116.R23 / f l y h'x T/ 1e k dews« East,°distance of A Item 6o a 80. -1' I 4r-ALSO'' t 74//4;/ $ - --964-visa. 4r. , 'r` , + J.X F sere feet South 8 em J miwids 202em 20 swanta I J .r RdW UNE *'.x yr,.., / '// ' '., . 1. i, fi �. �:.` thence South 78 depress 32 mime 20 seconds Eat•a distanceends f 1994.14 distance ttheinccei feet; 11 There&w Mate dive ground evidence of earth movie work,building construction a w I r )!!''L1 7° , .[(( 4' - / hawing odd-Mane within recent mantha g 9 µCf. ,, ,) / i r OT PARCEL 2I8 , // �,o ,/ q4 /'\" C (y,,� •s�4r y +. $ $ 'x $/�/ 74 degrees 32 setons 20 ascends East.°distance o/730.00 feet;thence South 47 degrees Ejt•.G �( Sr maw 11.14. ./ CP �S./1f�, •1;, ;. \ , +E, �..$ Q 4r' /°e 44O`° „sm.ee minutes 20 seam.East,a distance of 75.43 feet,Pana North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 12 There he no ob.ervabt.evidence of recent street or sidewalk...Ruction or repairs. I / x$d AT. --' x ; / �•i,.., ,.. -� ` - 1s. ' .. '''' 4y•w e+/a / • degrees met to Pan&no Male above ground evidence of t+•ate behq used«°wild wade / it z4'NE...M 0`v r i /A.p� i z ' x /i.:. X94>r _+.+k�,� 0-,,,.:- ,d' `A1 ,7F • • „/ e a of 64.'58 feet of 89 degree.1 S mutes 20secondsd&tanc of z. s0. genes \ ,/ /•" L 4 �'7[1.a3" -- . e 0 /7y_. \ 183.25 feet thence South 1e degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West,a dietance of 620.19 feet wp r( r, / ♦}�P $: w- _ ": _ - ::,t..� 4y to to the Northerly right of line of Trak degrees 54 minutes 50 dump,amp a sanitary land.. _ x ( , / // / z Alp, 8 mss" •1'\ ' F° -�O.R� - 4' / per=98s._ •.`�' moon.40.dm ,da No�rii,M�rlaht of °Y x thence North feet then.tis 1 here. certify that this survey, Ian or 4 4l( i Ems' -� , /ii/ •• 4, ^- \ <4;40-19070,'11 st ,p� d.gw 411/c m&ut g.SS agree..ween t.. .add Nath of 04 A.1aee of15095report waspreparedY me w under 14,There m no Male porty walls.Then are no party.dile.ymxl.d by e.dint a by F° $ I e>=// t° 4, _ _90 1 rer.6 , *'a ,5 N BLV. ".:.e 7 way,a D by my recorded Party wall Agreements m subject property pursuant to Tab&A Kan t0a pWNER:At t I 1 k `� �, • v ,» R` 4 $ t •$ 3'gs- , "II' 4& l� �' hep Gena Nara 85 54 mehnw 50 wean.West d supervisionduly i. - 4" 5 INV.-95e d•gr•« clang sad Northerly right of way,a direct and that I am a AMELIA 3 x `T 'v / \x 1 x13 _ , • 7"el e "' m W INV. 4.5 distance of 518.22 feet to the Wert lee of to Northwest Quarter of Seat.,15,Township 716. Registered Land Surveyor under the laws e / y. ys9 �"`k1�1' ■� ,d ♦ Rang.23;then.Nae 1 37 minute 50*monde Wart don add Wee!One of the 15.Then m no visible wetlands a dethwled byauthorities. &ANNA ,I y / \ /•-'55-- / w/ grey s I $`�rRw.yeg3s Moo,AVIA* V �1 k� '~} 4N‘W' ee x /\ NarOnw..t Water o diet degree 9.12 feet t°the point of Spinning. makahgs denoting appropriate _ , _ - / Doi rl Iof the State of Minnesota 16.AK utiles wring the subject property enter and exit the subject property through - - . f r__ \ / ' a •.) `�• rrD' '' ' 'R„ \i�\ \ 'te `ft-N wv_9s7.7 P Ry. . y \ .*r./, Y +'q,°I.o \ Of w or I 6, /0' Y e 1 `$ . SW wV..95ss4 $° *. g�,�• 4 /, _ 'y�4,k t, _ _4 YN_ EXCEPT that part of the above a••vbd y Mich get NorthwestM of that particular public rightsYthrough emenents specifically dedicated to each unlit?*Nose OWNER:THOMAS , g w'Y // .+'! ! f•, .�ev,°1• \1 \ \ \ 4° $ x 9z / , ---- )Y / ft,. 51 y \ -No-ves7i Northwesterly right-of-my la of Parol 6,m sham on MINNESOTA DEPARTIEN OF 16.Extreme mow me k•ear of sub t survey k HELEN I - ° / / / 4 4� aa• V x a,,) x YIR -•1 '�� ,5 0.v-%o.o jet y area may cause some Improvements to ptNST $. 1 / I' .P../''',/,/ ds,/ % .�. i R, \\ 1 \ Y \. \ OF$ 4!•k �.y41';',41,..0.---!. >•,LE r+-� ;: : .�i 94 \ x4 7RANSPOR7AT1aN PoCHT Of Y/Ar PUT Na 10-04 recorded w Dowment Na 2as7ss and w he non w1M.rt the or enlMy. ce dr'°r //a \ I \\\ \ ) I ii fir/ ;x/_ h \ , 't-44. i .4• mended m MINNESOTA DEPARTADIT OF TRANSPORTAMON RICHT OF WAY PUT NO.10-14, / yi Yet ., $ !worded m Document No.279654 described ce Marc Tis-eso.59 5``Si �r1/ / a,. ♦1 - 4',� I 1 x 1 �` 18 OPEN A ... P(�'s'i 44 (' \ 7r� .`¢t.� r.eW�w,._ I M ,/. .yn3✓ Orr .,;>:61' 1 rt,.1 MNOOT P N660 Ito Ft4$- i, �e . \ 4 Thomas HodorH, L.S. - sE BLV..05e.s I V rax '../' `jx �� �r°xi 1 l \ 1 1 1 / c 2' 56 may,#4� •10 a %- a '1(, inq a!the Southwt ewer of sld Section 1k theme m an wwlm.d bearing or Minnesota Reg No. 23677 ge r\`R,° . ,[1 w 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I ...d< •e •! 4,4•4, f x �'4, -Rlaw9w„ �'1 d@0 I sa aha ce 4o esmd@ bleat a p a•wort t-of ay hoe ol Cuaeel 1 er-960.T1. I r {(` li{•/�Y I T1 � ,R 8f 41'',� f 4�.4/. x said Section to a distance of 40119 feet to particular right-of-way Me of add Pared 216 wv._95T.z r 1 /X •" f�''c -/ 5, 1 a 1 I 1 I 1 s 1 I 4.:,1 s\♦vel. qe, 4r ` x wv._959.7 old a• t of beg0., of a•Ian•, be en a p:thorn Nath 47 1e mhutw 16 (,Sts r/ , ,�c " I �y y I \ a 1.1 ; ••/........i d@q sae VICINITY MAP OWNER: I ! 4/ �►,.4E'r...1.1'//i \`b. a IN..it,\ �n41 ^I } 1 1 I*fi I 04 y J�a° �rt4y x<°'"' q I sQ wamd@�a.i a Astanee o1/7614 feet to m mqb Poi l&wk rlght-of waY I&e thence Date Jan 26 2015 j pE(X1Y 1 / , 42, / - , x1 I I I Ix l 1 1 "i s' BI IOUs i4, 14F x tin / $ 4 x �mu'p°'z° Nara 47.grew 16 mint s,D wcmb E°rt°A.tma.or 227,feet to a Port of cur. WOLFS r / n / / , 4 •![[r�� 4 Pvc«1Nv.-sena rqn ray ISoC Paw.E°.t«l defence of 66280 fist d l le I r.0.e l-of arnp a nm-cogen •/• �, L /s Q6X-2,-fT3 I R 1 I I J 1 a I 4i 'x 4++ 3`'``` x 7/.• n A ``•` a; 16 r of ACCESS arm�9O`1 tos the sand haring a radius f 3276 feet hie a central angle of 59 degrees ,'. / V nE4,_ 5I $,e +` / ' p~j'\ 1 4, mi mesh.se wconb and - 3 4 //�'�/Y 4F �I ,L I I I I I x ' 14tx s y_., 4tx'` 'ih nit,... � ` -�_ urwoT Row minutes 27 dsemd@ East w an o chord of mid 76 reel which sea.Noce n a.gr.w t7 ,I .' 4 I I I I 1 y/ ) + g T NO 10-14 angle tangent right-of-way distance Iter•thaws eat, 56 degree. /Ey' /' / /7 / .// x4,, I 1 I v`\. {� I :4490.... ..,!.../..:.. � 4°gr N0./79658 pe minute.s0.10 seemf-East,not theme North said aures a Act°f 10 sen het to m angle ," yDW ,� I m✓ / p > ) 1 I I ) \ ( 4x ones '4e v4 'I�e,S�, y� �' 't port r said rant-or-.ay law aenee 22 13 minutes monde Eat olonq ALTA LAND TITLE SURVEY g+•" / . r \•I7�: _ 4¢ / .?„.v/ / I \e„'%,,,,, 1c•'"v t "" n r / said right-of-way line,a dietance of 116.13 feet and wW Ihe there terminating. •' , 'x� /. xg .{r ,\ ` 1 I \ 4§,x`+k r \`;p" / 'PQ7 '�C e•, g. ink _ / •59� �y/�f x' =='w:9ao.e9xQr 0. "`� \ x-0l \ i $Y 11,.^xt 1 ,�° Iii%'i;/ I t�pN,a�syk AND EXCEPT said Pored 216. WITH / / .,.. ._ II", ''fir. 24-NE 1NV..9so.7 ,'% a_x\ I \ \ \ I I I / �?x �'x Q. 1w �Ii/t`� '"R•S_,/ e\;yS@/ / & `3,�2•xw wv..ess.e �./a_. I 1 �, \ 1 1 I 4r �';`,\4�, �/�r ♦C4k' I e, E'��.. County,Minnesota TOPOGRAPHY si ID / .' i *r'/ o-94,11i ,� .. 4;ot •x /' 1 I I 1 I 4pr I x't ,�' I $ .x E7/ +�. ; J t0., • Property 4ti ,/ // ,r INX_9sa6• / ,--95B.--/x7/1 ) I 1 I �) f` I x� ) x y,r r • J 4 $ *►/ / )e i d.. ♦x "£, (31)(1././b.4../C-:' e x i 4'°x ��+�+ ING� bN l P�'+ rQ! `��+ +»_ / NOTES CORRESPONDING TO SCHEDULE B For: W.7970 ST. I 1 1 �1^ ,y x Ir e I , \ \ / /I \ \�` ) /" \vi r $ I ` x` I '� �,p4.r e1 •. • '�S 0�•. I 4,,\/ I x0.., / C5,E..enane for electric transmission me distribution purposes,r favor of Northern State.Pew 4sex siva ?'? \ �\+\ ::: ^\� iL xRII a9i/ ) 1 \xN, 1 gSt14 SRy° x f L&rpm%°Mrn.sta...MOM Ito mammas and i i era (fir I W January 22. R as created P document AiFFEECTTS ober is \ . S ^. \ / / 1 1 \ $x • x ,9sa sed Jus ,as4. Document No e5ee4 r Book s7 or Page ( CHILDREN'S LEARNING wba /r _Aar \ , �' 1 x.r+r •� ,y� ( 1 1 \ 6 \ P. 5 ii,. y PROPERTY.As SHOWN ON SURVEY) NOT TO SCALE C'� 9AA l/-_ - d �r /x 4 1 14+,x \�'�f:'�J� • ' x /\\ 'fir\ x C s X °4, / I i 1 ,� 1 $\ i {-'' ,. r 4, '° Aulgned w shown b t and Assumption of Easements dated limanber 30.2000,feed Jen 7 f v� 4 x/ o, '/ tj / sy I ,�4 1 40. �/ r Assignment p �r ADVENTURE CHILDCARE _ / ,�•�"' ¢e" 2d@ 2001 a Document No.A261203. ...... �`;"' "l. \\ a\ 4b, i ? / / / / / x / 1x44., "'�� /4":244I/. \°$ i d F_ /4,,x/ �4/ / F' x'� u S/ / %.... , I� I' 40 (74 4J 1962 Do un NanS O1 E. olut 9Appro Approving )vision _ �\ ?r� "I. vL / � ° 3i � c(I,- •,.,.., TermsAPpn 9 adopted August 20.1962•Med November 12, 0444,1‘,......,' k•..x • '1jI •w . 44x: 4ry-°.7d�/4P. ••o Illi ,,,I 7 / 1 f �..,_ !. .: J'x a 4 v A 9� q� / 4 4 Eaeenent for electric tronern&e&n and MUlution purposes h favor of Northern Stow Power 1 4r! �, °"-- °I SBI, / \ se/ / 'o•'/' e� 4 �' y o Mlnnewla eerpaotbn,M wueea•em and adslgra,w mated r document doled December 20. LEGEND rte 1111 I '� , 8 , �'x d �R%�7^ �? $\ / o/ �j7!' ",� 4� 2000,Ned Newry 4 200, w Document No.A280553,including but not limited to the right to enter 4Tr Iit�1 1`411. 911 i \ d uA +y / b•4ero d+ 4', 'Se ixa,°1 .� d.ekk / upon the Ian.and to remove my structure,tree a object which interferes with said tnnsmbkn lineo. SITE: 1 r l/° L,x3 r 1,, / ...,,i16/ ELEV.-9+9.94- II 111111 " r 44 ty `g- '�ks /•' x / J \ it, yr / ..,..ti ',;� / _ / (AFFECTS PROPERTY,AS SH04M 0.N SURVEY) • Property Monument 1 1 11�� 4r` h! +1 I h I vx \g 4, x+.. \ .21411 .I Concrete 4p/1111 IIIIIIII R '•'f I-I 1 ''41, 24/� L..:;:y4.,_1 ,,, I 0 $7 4P // acs ""-• // X,, ,ct a �3 Ememmh for mai oma papoose.a favor of the state of Minnesota,created by Amended Frd �1,,� II III I 1' qa 1 1 a" , r ypI ape / * 4e ,e„4�,1 + / Ificete a to Parcel 218 dated June 24,2010,Med July 19,2010.a Docement No.A522088.The Concrete Curb 1:/`"'0.L ELE I 1 p ( , p' a(zeu / =x,_-- x �. er' « d B6fl d drainage*moments,f depicted w Parcel 216 an MMarota Department of Transportation Right of Way Fence EA.L 111 . \8..y- / 4r / 4y9 .0 dr \� / _3g,_- • . ...'•11/./41/ , '-/ "'• `_18 RIGH of ACCESS PER Plat Numbered 10-14,fled December 19.2000 a.Document Na 279656(AFFECTS PROPERTY.AS SHOWN ET�y ,64 J Mt )T ROW PUT NO.10-74 ON Overhead Electric A1nn 1{ l` Pi fie''►144 I( / \ ,\ /� zG pest,µ 279658') 7750 GALPIN BOULEVARD ---.,., Underground Electric „0..,11111 ,... / / Ton it+ 'P--- x7+9 x4}9 )"kx �, �t,, 05 •�4A' / Partially assigned to the City f Chanha«en byarc diocese Dees sated November 10./Dna fled December --- Underground Telephone I r,�lF-xl� '+ 9r' . _ $ �W.�# x sx/ Y° CHANHASSEN,MINNESOTA \ �!e y� 70.zma w Document Na Asaa3ea. .-. Water 111111,..\,, t t _ _„,,,,,,../ i1w.M. + �,/ �e-°/'/ - -m2' °N-gazes Partially maimed to Carver Canty by Quitclaim Deed dated November 13,2013,Med February 4,2074.w --a-- - Gas WEST LINE OF sir 1/4 OP• \ vi $, \ y0 r._x'!63'• p s*r[' UX& err", .i' --- - i, Document Na A590431 Sanitary Sewer SEC.10,1.11e R.23, , 1 j, x .. /, A$ •Kai$0/ jay 144° \ / .� 0 0 44. Right of Access '1 11 4 ,, ifs" res" fi'+.2n7 } ids, \ e SEC' ' Tree Rii3 i•YY�"-a'° • / '// 4z CARVER COUNTY •1' I a` ;o -F,D •7 ' ° ,'�' _ r S� x / / , •. R/�' •10. A«3 r«trtat&n.emtallo h A.enaed Fra Soot do la Poral 216 dated Jae 24,2010.Med 0 Electric Meter POS,) KI R\ � .%••••,:--7--,... . el Cireo .. j� �c r^ K//j./l 1 y 19 2do,trim Ne.As220B8.r 0.K Goim Dees dated Navelber is 20,3.Med Dacamba 10. E Electric Box SW CORNER a SW 1/4 ,o ),1,6•F+ `4,et ,et '- 'r V r 0, .w_N1r OF TRUNK .D u ent No. No.90 31 lhet{.and r WKdain Deed dated Parcel to Min 1w.FWruarr 4.2014. SEC.,0,7.116,R X ...._. u•'sv>_•=' dj A2 +I OW)_' / a Document No.A590431 The access cont10-m Weed b Parcel 216 an Minnesota Department 27965. ��. • 0 �/lx c I ac N Y NO.5 PER DESCRIPTION O Electric Manhole } , � • �- F9 >�a- 1of 4, icy..`." .>•- /T-.. /er i+' TrFFECTS R Right of Way PW!Numbered 10-14,aged December 19,2000,m Document Na 279858. fd Power Pole ,tr' - i - - r tr �" _ _ - ----- t Hydrant •y t y? 2 r r=1 e _ _ (AFFECTS PROPERTY As SHOWN ON suevErj ININEIMINIIIIIII Hydrant WEST UNE OF NW 7 4 OF NW 1 -'s' 6.... ;\ .10-1 ��_ .C°� d�/ 1 v /ice - H Unknown Manhole / /�-.�$" -'� r ���'0 e<31' �" / L 0 Gate/Valve OF SEC.14 T116,R23rt��.4,:f. °e3 _ K i N .14 ..m gra-22 0.1 ..°`.fit; " 4 R 268$ x My�� = /• /„r•,'le 0.'c N,4 . ._ �x4e 96 ,0.I ,n'b4x- _ • Catchbasin --.-----ens--961 _-'_-4. . _- / 4 -i _1".�x Tb4 HARRY S JOHNSON CO INC ® Catehbasr ii.% it, . -- _ala--. .-_'-.�%7.w r'-.1%°e° N-8-Ri iT ��_ fr.-,A,♦� -_.9 i�� I� •,-x �� ® Air Conditioning Unit �, '4,1 $ - `' a.', ! 4A -MNB6i-RBi`f48Pr,ND•lo- 'Y'" �` --11''' 11 esaa / `-0�;-°3_ �-„� LAND SURVEYORS Ni Ught Pole $ 4 D�aNa�47esse`ba xsy °'.Z_P�7kN'4 9F xl iii 4 ) t N wv w,., p Gas Meter r I m Telephone Manhole r NOROl (PUBLIC RICHT OF WAY) ' Ikab 4 OR,SEC.'MrS.T R �.v q 'b` v .gtg mow..-gate-- epNW I 4 x`Iwo°.°o BITUMINOUS S $ stn `� - - 9063 Lyndale Avenue South Telephone Box AHE NW I 46 4 Bloomington,MN 55437 ® Water Manhole > td@ 'y, tt, 9 Sanitary Manhole a 9 G Stone Manhole 1 .•• 'e/ a Tele 952-884 5341 Fax 952 884 5344 -_--908--- Existing Contouran-and' X 851 27G Existing Spot Elevation Gutter I`/ ‘Ir I / \ ! www.hsjsurveyors.com X 934.3 Existing Spot Elevation V{ r �,�" /'1 ' ``,c,e. BITUMINOUS. 60 eSO 0 0.0 120 180 I V Y VL/e `)/ E'2"-M%2,15 STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL ENCROACHMENTS s 1 Fie No monammeme There m no visible above ground encroachments ow or acres my property lines o/subject premert% °oe. 1-3-8361T SCALE IN FEET 18 0..0 Number clwTeamx,a 2014531 I 90.15,. 1 OF 1 se 00BASIN\ IP" TREE STCRM BEFORE /�'� W PIPE �® Esio Py Olio X60 Q �K N 831938" .., ,, 7 1/�0., „„ N ®DAB NH S 82 2F V, y1y c 3o ns EV BITUMINovs S ®®IttP` 1M DUMPED T' �,Ir� � ®TRar � OTq DNE GP��' MiIM � � DWI) MATERIAL � 1���y. TM"S® HYDRAN ♦♦i SCALE IN FEET ��� �/`, I i EXISTING a '�1%+. '�' ,•e,=1 Ili �i 0.'PPI' — ®®daSIN STORE '�-�i ;it �+! t , ®FIFE Y�`� �� • •i %" A,-4..--- ,4•.-• ` �'/'''''S i PROPERTY MONUMENT UNKNOWN MANHOLE CUR88 "` 'f��I�'� T//I CONCRETE GATE VALVE ®G:IRER 581f ... s �t� ®.,une$ • CONCRETE CURB CATCHBASIN � ,�!`�` G I FENCE / _ �L CATCHBASIN REESr A y, �� OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LIGHT POLE • ®(TYP) ..),)',2'/ � �� `y, �� 'sC UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC GAS METER �� /// �wRl , / GASI UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE TTELEPHONE ELEPHONE BOX HOLE ��r / *40 ��i�-;.�/ % �_NE® GAS WATER MANHOLE f/ tt� .,�+s' / SANITARY SEWER SANITARY MANHOLE /// c4aA i ,�/ �' / RIGHT OF ACCESS STORM MANHOLE i/I/+' PAVEMENT® ,/`r4.l / ELECTRIC METER EX CONTOUR STC �, .14/ � / ELECTRIC BOX EX SPOT ELEV GUTTER /b<") OOypN \ // \ '��j / 'j*��A� / ELECTRIC MANHOLE EX SPOT ELEV _ V. \ ij'�/�" ��• I II pf POWER POLE ♦ 1.�1 y� CO81rFES I / .' A: ibe srDRM / •"� \ ,�,/� !!'•� vire! GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES CLilB A /` ((� 41 �����,� � iti ,��+ = //il A. TrE Si E WORK FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE STANDARD SITE WORK /5C) (i:"=R /. �" \ I - ♦�' �� 'H �1 SPECIFICATIONS. " {.X' I Wi / '\�.y,/`. //11311ITUIJINOUS / 8 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURES RELATED w r� UTILITIES.PAVNG UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AND ANY OTHER EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS AS / M! �: , / NOTED'SEE SRE WORK SPECIFICATIONS / A ; \ �.,' C CONtIWCTOYI IBTO REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ALL DEBRIS RUB85H ANDOTHER MATEflIAlS - - \ p�' - ULAN? v.,:- RESUL:NG FROM PREVIOUS AND CURRENT DEMOLITION OPERATIONS.DISPOSAL WILL BE IN •' ® ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL STATE AND/OR FEDERAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH //. \ I y _.1 L-, I \ 4.7, ®:iY IV, `�% TRA.I.28-, OPERATIONS. Via! , ! �� I �' \ +/,A."�,•, D. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PflOPERP' j /,(2� /, �, )4—EXISTING WETLAND �w�� \ .,�� 1j� ,� HfRAN' DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THIS PROJECT THE /// `((\\__ / • /" DELINEATED BY ' ��� \ I, 1i�I,,�51 ��/ ANO PIPES... CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO THE ADJACENT J/ KIOHgUG It 12 T2 �� ! X / i CCN'_ //ll\ '� I JUMPED ` A'1� j v U STAL ® PROPERTEB OCCURRING DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THIS PROJECT / ! • ' I MATER!. / / E. PGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR J ! '�/ NO WORK OF WETLANOTH'N LIMNS T-CON'RACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF ' ! '4//....IDE / / :T'J TIER 172 LF® EXISTING JT ILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY /� / / COMPANIES.PND WHERE POSSIBLE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD.THE INFORMATION IS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST �/� /•++•+ i IPjri i j NOT TC BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE THE CONTRACTOR M..Si CALL THE APPROPRIAT! //./.•. +� '� �'w4 ®PAVEMENT • �I EXACT F WTOR TO RELOCATE A•EIOEXgtBTN GOF UTTUTIES IT UTILIT ES WHICH CONFLICT UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 �WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY PfiOPOSEOFMPROVTHE EMENT35HOWI.' ! +• •••+• • . *� 7``S \ I1 t4A1FH 14f ON THE PIANS. / • • . • • • . , --it w- T ', `/�./ BVALVE ®® ! �1 it ��� 1/00://4"." ;5,,,,AEU'sL*qr Q DEMOLITION NOTES 4114 / //----- — �Ster. / �(\, _—tea.-- ------- -- , � N, %. ' ,8A EXISTING TO BE REMOVED CC. �;i: -� 4y�.-�� I �i 1 180 EXISTING iO BE RELOCATED 4�'�.`t�` 'S4. 1 •�I.1P -BEES '�/ S-� /�/ ®®.Y.P� 18E POINT OF RELOCATION SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEET 4 rt'�4� �)) Y•' ,,,,,4: 19A EXISTING TO REMAIN 44 it; �4 %:till 51B LIMITS OF EX/STING AND PAVEMENT REMOVAL �O�Yrf4 �{ *, / ie ',��i 1Ij • 510 PROTECT EXISTING STRUCTURES AND/ORPIPESEDURNL WITH XCEL DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION PHASES '�/, 74A CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PEDESTAL REMOVAL WITH XENERGY ie '� �J�r ��y, ft4 TPAli 28i t. �iw1,0' II* �•—e+�� �;'►:�!� O) ❑DEMOLITION DETAILS Q / .,,�+� `,��!'>�, ,AN,6 fir 50H TREE PROTECTIC..SEE LANDSCAPE DETAILS ( .. „ \ U iER ELECTRIC,. ' - PAVEMENT Pe➢-STAL o 0PAVEMEIT�� *4 , SD4* 2 1.0\t CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE �,, �i*/ ledi i co IV '44, co �v�, �t �;'►����+rt g- 0 33,032 SF �''!� ♦ ��% I s' ATRDO Q- g ' FFE 966 75 // •-.,4 .ve ��l� Na DATE D_SCPIPTION A M T rV4y *4 A PAVE./- C> REV-0 3/20/2015 INITIAL CITY SUBMITTAL NE / • . i • \ 1 *� /Jg 47 �t 14 4. ;�RES® r i, .� * 441t *414I ti. CO �, •���� ,� ��� ////II //I/i/////.I! ®�I /I/�xe� i�� "�' 26660 ai2ons ALC sm✓ cue cMR 'A. \ CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOH PM DES DRW �.,�1110 �' i' �! '.11 ',.,f = �r� � '* � r�1 E� Engineering s '1n1� *4 ,14 ','T ''� / _pi_r/ �\�; y�\ .41- f---; J (N�JEp( P(ANslsociates$,/Ign1�c}jM$ • 8 a�ASS �j —` - --.6 �I\ !' ��I� IANOSGIPE ARL7n7ECT5QV4ERS FNiAL SQENlI$l5 ��I HES'P _. 1!(:,,.. \ I, I �I\ ®IP>S !�1�3.2`is` �ri _ C PRELIMINARY 2025 Cenfre Pointe 8v0 Su;fa 210 (6511452-8960 F./', JO TR_E 6i` Mendota Heiph(s.NN 55120 16511452 1149 '`l4:NALl PDL`-,:'. t-vpl®® - r - -- -- / NOT FOR CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE CONSTRUCTION ��► AP S 84'51' E 206 78 S 84 51'24" E 268 22 UTI.ITY EEDTH ,r • CURB aHAl�WS56V AN1E9'TA $ POLE ® uNES O GUTTER® REV DATE SHEET NA • •• DEMOLITION PLAN 3/20/15 c1OF s REV-0 0 200 LL d GIMEIONVO A4LCAIE$IC SITE DATA OVERALL DATA AREA 342 747 S.F 7 87 AC c:::,,.. YOG/77--****- O� EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 22.840 S.F 6.66%EXISTING PERVIOUS AREA 319.907 S.F 93.34%PROPOSED BUILDING AREA 32.032 S.F 9.35% Sy"�• PARKING LOT AREA 64 143 S.F 18 71% '�� JB 30=5 so Y PL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 45 709 S.F 13.63% \ SCALE IN FEET (NON-BLDG/PARKING) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 142.884 S.F 41 69% ...........- PROPOSED / \ EXISTING I'_I PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA 199,863 S.F 58.31% / I....... \ \ CONCRETE RMONUMENT HYDRANT A-2 AGRICULTURAL UNKNOWN MANHOLE ZONING u \ \ ® d GATE VALVE ESTATE DISTRICT PO'„. / // CONCRETE CURB .� CATCHBASIN FENCE S CATCHBASIN / / OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UGHT POLE PARKING REQUIRED PROVIDED \ \ ® RaB - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC GAS METER 9'x18 STALLS-7 SPACE/6 KIDS 96 100 �� I:n ®® ,�0c°/ / WATER TELEPHONE BOX UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE TELEPHONE MANHOLE , WATER MANHOLE HANDICAP STALLS 4 4 /113201 \1\ yS�Of'' / \ 1/ SANITARY SEWER SANITARY MANHOLE TOTAL PARKING 96 104 j 557 V' 00`` \ ELECTRIC METERRIGHT OF S - - --- ED CONTOUR STORM LE P 777 ELECTRIC BOX EX SPOT ELEV GUTTER ''' ELECTRIC MANHOLE EX SPOT ELEV BLDG HEIGHT 50 MAX ��'• ` j \ / y� POWER POLE BLDG SPECIFIC USES EDUCATION ® / - \ / // PROPOSED \ / /I]}� / CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. CURB INLET y ALr� SEE DETAIL Ot A/018 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 40 STAFF !" / hi / / S BUILDING CONTROL POINT 431> LIMITS OF SIDEWALKS AND \. R126 26' // 12 / (- �:� CONCRETE APRONS(PER ARCH O //�- / PLANS) # PROPOSED PARKING SPACES / I / / // / I / L 1325 ® // GENERAL SITE NOTES El V J A. ALL OWENSEONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED �. _ f� � A B. JNLE.SS OTHERWISE SHOWN CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE �� __ PER DEICATIO •ALL CURB AND GUTTER ADJACENT TO ASPHALT PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED Y\ / I RM PER DETAIL 010 ALL CURBING ADJACENT TO CONCRETE PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL t� �, / ' /I / El R25. ®40. - .'L ' 018. 11(/ ✓ ` E C. ALL PA/IMO LOT SIGN BASE SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 12F // /1 I / R30' R.35 283.1 I I ® `� E R20 - O ALL ACCESS.BLE PARKING STALLS SHALL HAVE SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 095 ® ® ® ,t SEE LAIUNOUPE AND ARCHITECTURE PLANS FOR FENCE AND GATE DETAIL. / / I 1 m , / `14 ®®®� SEE ARCHIRHCTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF PORCHES RAMPS --/-_________ 1325 ND' ® A3.-15F SD h9 -DO 1111 133 PRECIS�._E.SLOPED PAVING TRUCK DOCKS BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS AND I I �FPRECISE BOLDING DIMENSIONS I — Alla A ® / SITE NOTES 7 : tiiYT +.r's-'r' •:->na---,....,„_,,,..„-„-•,..,...:,,,,..Y .C_'rtw. . ,A. O.»1...'1",T svxx....T .k.!-^-,_-.7,-...,:,,....„--,.•. ® 1 L — I ® IMI ® ISA 4 INCH TRAFFIC YELLOW LANE STRIPE(SEE LENGTH INDICATED AT SYMBOL) --/ �,''4•r �WET04N^v SETBACK / // 128 4 INCH WIDE PAINTED YELLOW STRIPES 2.0 FOOT 0.0 @ 45 DEGREES(SEE AREA INDICATED AI / .1!;! h 1 SYMBOLS ill 21A TAPER CURB TO MATCH EXISTING CURB / 213 TAPER CURB FROM BINCHES TOOINCHES OVER 2FEET / x+'33 � / I7 // --• 70A 6 FOOT METAL FENCE WITH BRICK COLUMNS(PER ARCH PLANS) 7013 TRASH ENCLOSURE(SEE ARCH PLANS FOR DETAILS) / PLAYGROUND SEE LANDSCAPE PIANS '' \� � ]OC PLAYGROUND GATE(SEE ARCH PLANS FOR DETAILS) ]OD CONCRETE PAD CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH EXCEL ENERGY FOR EXACT SIZE AND / 0?q ,I."1,.:,h��flO" ® / iii OCATION _ (A�s/J�'�) / 70E MONUMENT SIGN(SEE ARCH PLANS FOR DETAILS) OJ ❑ SITE DETAILS Al.,____ . - - !- - / pp..�� /; 1431 ITYPE A CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER iV L R / � • I . it "�� �^� _P J' 4if'j/ 01BB TYPE B CONCRETE INTEGRAL CURB AND GUTTER y O / ; 02A WHEEL STOP 03C WHEELCHAIR RAMP IN SIDEWALK 03D CONCRETE SIDEWALK I _ 26 / / WALK OBA STANDARD DU03M WHEELCHAIR TY ASPHALT MP IN EPA NG I ® ! , I��LANDSCI LANDSCAPE / / 088 HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVING • • S I I �,aT i II i 1 63' /9 OBC HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVING ¢ I R20 r • i 1� ® v - KT-1.4.111.. / / 09S ACCESSIBLE/VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN I I I i I O 1 //// 1 09U ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL(WHITE).� 10E RIGHT TURN ONLY PAVEMENT MARKING F ® ^ / IDA TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW I OB STOP BAR I I I I • —I ®' Fa �, �' / IID RIGHT TURN ONLY SIGN 18 2E -' it -� 12F SIGN BASE 12G STOP SIGN s'!` '( ( // / 29A ASPHALT STREET OR DRIVE CUT REPAIR 1 I �^ 1 \ I O I ]OA 10 BRUMINOUS TRAIL m `P,A GPOJ.NO SEE I� 1 A / 708 TYPICAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL STREET SECTION g r• 1 N S:;APE PIANS T 7 -� Tc ®� SOD TYPICAL CURB AND GUT70C PEDESTRIAN CURB TER I -17i i-. • CHILDREN LEARNING ADVENTURE I '_1!: P. Q / - TOE TYPICAL STREET PATCHING BITUMINOUS I O i 8 26 I // I I FE 966575 I I NO DATE DESCRIPTION 2 I 1 i 10 I •'� o ai I f >� �' TYI®• ` , 11000,..., IvIMMILWIMS � ���� REV-0 3120/2015 INITIAL CITY SUBMITTAL V,i V1130 ij . I ., ® ,.rS. B' ®i n ® • 1 416,1MOMISSini;111 J ' L)0'BUILDING SETBACK_ —1330 +.. ' :v��®�, '_ _ ,_ 20 _ __ • �®TNT �` �O .o�` I ®��m�l �_ _ 'Zy / 81 _ ..- -_.__ _ _ RSS RI 133- YP.� 1�9 4,9 9�I133' IS'..M .i. 1331 i9 P�iYL)TYP Y F.3' ->'0 TVP tYP .YP ® H / � � 2866E 3IALD ALC SW DES CMO �'�--Ei-� ..\--0--\.. / CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW 67,' iii 2'3.2' Engineering Associates, Inc g \ � - ;i.' -.._ ....„:„.........././.07............ ENGINEERS PLANN R / LANDSCAPE ARLYIITECTS EN -dJLIEiVTAL NTl/S \\9- N20 PARKING SET 34CK ., PRELIMINARY 2025 Centre Pointe DEA Suite 210 (650452-8980 NO/ FOR Mendota AlOU s.NN 55120 (6511452 1149 CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE a -- I ,7801 I 248.67 -- -- I ID/V I CONSTRUCTION nsoC.ALPNBOULEVARD • CHAAF1,4556V ABWESOTA I _ - - - SITE PLAN REV DATE CSHEET M0. 320716 REV-0 O 880 CO Ulii'M M" rq NC STORMWATER SUMMARY • �" PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS F// ,^ OEFORE y G O STORM EVENT PEAK RUNOFF(CFS) GP /�C N 83'1<!'3g" W 185 3 's 2-YEAR 4.08 _ 10-YEAR 9.56 43 ��I SSL /� 'i, T($QN • 100 YEAR 22.48 `I' 100-YEAR 10-DAY SNOWMELT 8.45 S 8?•''- / •` Z �� y'��' \ F` -\ 0 30 45' 6G NM III POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS •-'� -"---- , ® )16, S�q CWE c,i,oMI= IIIMII - / / \ (� SCALE IN FEE( STORM EVENT PEAK RUNOFF(CFS) J ..- ------- \N' EXISTING 2-YEAR 4.08 // 'I I "'--'1 \�• 10-YEAR 8.41 ,� \ \ \ PROPERTY MONUMENT HYDRANT 1O0-YEAR 19.96 % / UNKNOWN MANHOLE •100-YEAR 10-DAY SNOWMELT 7.63 f / '_-�I \ \\ ' ®V CONCRETEE CURB 18 GATE VALVE Z2 CATCHDASIN / F`,SG GRADE AFTER FT'53E6L 'C S61.]3� N \.W FENCE U/ CATCHSABIN RETENTION BASIN 0 gc2%.3 ////// / \ \ 6TOVERHEAD ELECTRIC LIGHT POLE NORMAL WATER LEVEL 956.00 / a I:u(nFEO MnTERwL \ \J I• 1UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC gGASMETERHIGH WATER LEVEL 959.25fTc 462 b5 TC 9t2.ed T;96].&: %1 - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE TELEPHONE MANHOLE DRAW DOWN TIME HOURS G 962 19 G 962.4n / / \ r.567 18-1�(`I WATER TELEPHONE BOX \ 1 - GAS WATER MANHOLE (HOURS) 36.35 TC 9G2.8f. \ ) / SANITARY SEWER ,- SANITARY MANHOLE / --- -- RIGHT OF ACCESS STORM MANHOLE rG 2'J9 ti: / / j ELECTRIC METER - - - EX CONTOUR WETLAND �\ / \ / I / I ELECTRIC NOV EX SPOT ELEV GUTTER TC 963.52 2 ) POWER PaENHOLE EX SPOT ELEV NORMAL WATER LEVEL 955.15 5y G 963.02 / EXISTING HIGH WATER LEVEL 956.95 / - 7 PROPOSED HIGH WATER LEVEL 957 15 / \ / / Y TC 963.38 / / �-/"\ G.9.11, s2ee \, \.J PROPOSED DRAW DOWN TIME(HOURS) 38.30 X ,� PROPERTY UNE/RIGHT OF WAY LINE J ro 6 re �� TC 964.08 TC 966 95 ! 1�• / 6963.58 i GRADE BREAK G 968.45 TC 969.93 ' �% ��,/ ---__ G 968.43 // XXX- CONTOUR ELEVATIONS e ie / STORM DRAIN 1 SPOT ELEVATIONS' ' , /\ ^r 1/ I ' TC G 385 - �5\FC/E�]04 / x XX.XX iC=TOR OF CURB FG FINISH GRADE / _ TC 969.16 / FS=GUIDER FL=FLOOD LINE DL C 964.63 FI X W TOP OF WALL B=TOP OF BANK ' G 964.13 6968'64 ,TC 968.91 TC 960.61 BW BOTTOM OF WALL Hp=HIGH POINT IL G 968.11 THT=THROAT / • iC 963.51 G 966.41 INV=INVERT �• Q.v ���� / 6 966.01J^TG 969.34 968.84 , / ••J��•\` :� / I 1` 1Tcs6].eb ^L.. TO 96604 TC 96J0 GENERAL GRADING NOTES ''.J m TC 9E6.53 \ g 6+°6460® TC 96].4386]34 \TG 968.34 C 968.84 696854 GC_oe e9 960.20 TC 968.]8 A PR OR TO INSTALLATION OF STORM OR SANITARY SEWER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE / I /(I G 464.G'J 59 v 561.40 ` C 967.43 TC 968.45 �• / I ip \ 696 g�84iJ� / Og6]95 /-ge 6968.28 VERIFY AND CALCULATE ALL CROSSINGS AND INFORM THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY / TC 563.82 'GC;65.]6 Zgg ,,,,,,,______ C- 96].02 -1 A CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE ENGINEER WILL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THE KS/\` G 963.32 5.26-...- ••••96629\6%'.-.5' 9E6 x6 • G 966.52 , T 96909 / ENGINEER IS NOT NOTIFIED OF DESIGN CONFLICTS /\ / / ' _ dr TC G 558.59 / �5 o TO 954.34 I J ry G 99565 ` �� i/ B ALL SLOPES AND AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH AND 4 OF TC 9"o4.3C G 963.80 26.^L 15 HIJ�f: TC✓56 8`? TOPSOIL APPLIED IF ADEQUATE TOPSOIL IS NOT AVAILABLE ON SITE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL A / / • TC 963.57 3993.80, FN • as '$' y4' `5 TO 969'26 PROVIDE TOPSOIL EDPROVED BY THE OWNER.AS NEEDED THE AREA SHALL THEN BE SEEDED ' \ :/ I 0.50'5 - 9��o m U 9`4° TC 968.06 G 960.74 ,G 968.30 FERTILIZED MULCHED WATERED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL HARDY GRASS GROWTH ESTABLISHED G 963.0] -C 564.4 _�� ..•TC 965.83 TC 965.83 TC 966.16 6967.567 -_-.. _ / 5 I' : IN ALL AREAS(SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SEED LAI%AND PROPER E PLICATI T RATE)ANY AREAS G 963.94 �•- G 96533 G 965.33 _.,(0 {� /L G 965.66 ! 'TC 968.40 DISTURBED FOR ANT REASON PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT SHALL RE \ L2 ® 1-- _- ® B3 %963.21 �'�•���s� TC g66.6g / 696].90 CORRECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. / '4 2...- ;..1\.955.]5 / IS G963I ����c_ ' \ 6966.19 ! / d• Lam^ • ® INA 959.95 y ave , -. :L I .ITROL'1 • ® a _- TC 964.]0. TC 966.05 TC 9E6.05 TO 965 38 f',/ Y / b C. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION ANO/OR ELEVATION OF ❑' NI�059.25E F ---a,E "]4 2 g% '5 964.20 G 965.55 = G 965.55 G 964.88 FG 966.20 N` _V1 / / ‘,..;,,,eEXISTNNG UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THERE PLANS 13 BARED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY A. 1\ �` . F Sit _' _` `•` ��R^tzy�i py Z awiew'+-«s•.oy. 'P\ „f( COMPANIES,AND Vrt1ERE POSSIBLE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD.THE INFORMATION IS \\VV • _n` •1 `SO ' '� TC 966.39 TO 966.66• NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE.THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE INY�T 1 ' '8 FG 966.39 G 965.89 5% G 986.16 APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST // $ 1' // /81Li EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES O.9:v -----:„.......11'-'9'°6.>954°' ,f'TC 963.80FG 965.44 FG 966.31 4 G 966.08y • __ '/4. G 963.30 i;=•''''. i`FG 966.31'�.' ©� Q!/ j �) D UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS' g I ` / / ,N All STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 28A. STORM Df. PIPES TC 963 37 AVE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURES AND ENDS OF FLAWED END SECTIONS. • !]F I'H. /� G 362 B ./,h1� !// 1 C1: J� / !�� //?�(�y` FG 963 90 Y 43v 1 !j 11v.� ,/14. RYu� / . / :7'7;7 � ::1„.56:r.31; 76.;961 C 96385` ..•nf \�° 1` J `11�.. ,� : FG 965.45 /• 696335 tiF�-956.t2i'+ /6965.35 // � Q GRADING NOTES / @ 11.11 e /:// FG 963.94' 4'' FG 966:22_::0:97:132 6.22. A+ ::;96119:51 . N i -d F -JPe 02LE-15 D x!H_2 C{a6.BP / f .B _EN')SECTION IH-- 'F ;H:, T- TC 985.]6 4' Nt.. y ig •o... 9 ri P.IM 565.))O 3) ANY - $ I 959.85 RLI�""!' FG 966 75- - ® YJ 93t 1 0965.26 / !'_A C.GRADING a NG PIPE TO DOORWAY TRENCH DRAIN(SEE PLUMBING PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION) -NJ = -- '' TC 98.84_! / 738 CO.FIECT S HDPE PIPE TO ROOF ORAIN(SEE PLUMBING PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION) i Nro / J; _A F __ \_ - - ,/e6.LF'>L.UI+t / 6965.14 / / 7M' NYLOP AST 24 DRAIN BASIN WITH UGHT DUTY 24 PEDESTRIAN GRATE ASSEMBLY-TYPE B(2499CGP ®Z .i s f- ® ® A ® G 95'0.75 I tf L4 O.SOs S,� / PER LLM1.4TCttiFER DETAIL) 2 -.�a FG 966.]5 t 1 FG 96b 7> RM 962 2 7;.p RIP W1'PAD(SEE SIZE THIS SHEET) ei �� 'NV 959. O°0.50% � ® II FC 95fi J3 /`$u, / � n _ ® / / ] CQNNECT6HO"EPIPETO TRENCH DRAIN(SEE PLUMBING PLAIN FOR EXACT LOCATION) ir..3.55 ®® JITC 964.84 / 'Y- CO.NECT 4'HD>E P PE TO DRA H PIPE FROM RAISED CONCRETE PLANTERS IN COURTYARD iC 96:1.30 G 966 34I(i. G 962.80 - iy9/G 9SJG5 ®® ® ®® Y II `2 G ITr CONNECT 4 HOPE PIPE TO TREE PI PIE FRom RAI IN COURTYARD ®Mn. ' I yr, '3 ..93+ fiiY 9E4 V?®.y FG 963.63 PoM 9E5.50 II1 SFS 4LN'J 961&:c 649g ® - /509s a5 -:,0.5 -- / G%S.10 // ❑ GRADING DETAILS3'6. 1E 24 HDPE $ G..53.99 '4's- ( Cao-CSM @ oso,o ® '6.5.:%- _ II55e`a1 / / nA cuae curmry �� n ® IIo56 -` 1G96 Tdi21A CIURB INLETi) m __ff �-FG 965.15 ® 09N30 -- - C 915.74 15.7 27C FRENCH DRAIN m 03 2( FG 955.95 TC 966.20 4TC 96449 -__.....- 74-:6'757,0'.?'" 3ro.75 '=11_s% - TC 965.40 6985.25 44.15E 3 ,�.. All ]OE TYPICAL STREET PATCHING BITUMINOUS G 963 70 PG 9..75 T V _ 1. 5 NV 561.5 6.'-r' G 964.98 / ]3A OUTLET CONTROL OF TC 563 0' •I• „„ ® .e I9'S 736 RIP RAP OVERFLOW PAD G 963.49/ - II 97 9E64C !' �'$ J O 730 P1650)ED WALK OFF MAi(SSE ARCHITECTURAL PLUMBING 65.71 3 m I n ® 9 .58 t n` PLANS) tti FE 0 1 N 69�Y n CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE r% mss. .I \ { ;til/�f j °+j+ / 33 032 SF •k,;', I LC 946.06 1 F0906.13 3 A! FFE 966.75 ® II _ TC 9660/ I -696556 I Tc 966.56 -' •, II G 965.81 t x TC 966 22 G 966.0` I) 1 /JCS 54 I FG 966.]aFR 966 01 TC 966 13 �G 965.72 � /G sss 3 NO DATE DESCRIPTION / REV-0 3.20/2015 INiiIAL CITY SUBMITTAL C Ia 953.30 n EWA H.V 558.TO® : FG 9Ei.h] FG 96587.�Ma•� G 96583 ��Tr I / I Li /( ).S.o TC 966.40 ?C96E 40 FG 46592 I. '13 ' TC 966.01 '• _- FG 96].25 "`VVV Z '' SUMP 954.10 FG 935-39 ®e - ' G 965 51 /�._` L •'0 // ,.1 \ FG 966.63 6965.90 696590 IG 96566 CONNECT TO. ATL �•fG 967.20 L/ - 3r/TC 962.72 FG 965.82 FG 566.31 'I R TABLE DRAIN$ '- TC 965.86 TC 965 9] , �IFG FG 966.36 1 1 g% T FG 66/S FG 966.75 Be FG 96,m ' 'F�Nts'. 65 36/„„ 6 G 95>A7 z el. 6962.22yy _ ■ � --_ oo -_' 1 FG 96.1 02 ;_ ' 1!�.0°P 1 \ ,�/1� `,. F0 955 6 965 23 T . _ _ L! \ TC965]3 -77 ••/•'•77 � v BEFORE y Z ❑ UTILITY DETAILS oP�� G 6O N _8_3'1 2'J 36A FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY �� ,14b 1L 398 PRE CAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE sS /f 6" 1877 7�-�I 40C SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT / N L_ ]0E TYPICAL STREET PATCH NG BITUMINOUS `.7, N / 4211 O ]BA TYPICAL HYDRANT INSTA_LATION(PER CITY OF CH\HASSEN) �,Y ANO S 8�� Z yy /�,� � J^ 6s 1 5J 0 30 45 60 /r �_ I , N/: VERIFY INVERT®® 0 TMS ii 4 ONE GPG\ NM 1111111 E— 1 IN FIELD SCALE IN FEET / , EXISTING / a PROPERTY MONUMENT HYDRANT / /// CONCRETE UNKNOWN MANHOLE / / LI _ GATE VALVE / CONCRETE CURB CATCHBASIN FENCE CATCHBASIN 1 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LIGHT POLE / 1 I UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC GAS METER I 1 UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE TELEPHONE MANHOLE WATER TELEPHONE BOX GAS WATER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER SANITARY MANHOLE / -- - RIGHT OF ACCESS STORM MANHOLE I ELECTRIC METER __ - EX CONTOUR ()'J / ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ROX EX SPOT ELEV ANHOLE EX SPOT ELEV GUTTER V ADJUST PIPE TO 1 MEET EXISTING / / POWER POLE ^^\ STUB0 RSLOPE / d / / PROPOSED f/f (r _ +�/v (OCD - 11 X"G GAS SERVICE /�V/ZT /,„..,\''' X"S$— SANITARY SEWER SERVICE _ SMHRI /II I RIM 968.]5I / UGE UNDERGfiOUND ELECTRIC SERVICE f�� 0'V 084"e5 II % —UGES,T� UNDERGROUM1D ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE SERVICE ` �/ �� `I © 2 •.'x.'® 1 —UGT� UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE SERVICE •kW // A.<).-_.< •0/\ N J LY_4111111 -00 O F C WATER SERVICE ' . _ FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION 40 5 B ERR COVER GENERAL UTILITY NOTES � A. ALL WATER LINES SHALL BE DIP WITH 8 MIN COVER B ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE SDR 35 WITH 8 MIN COVER. �/�/- �'' /' C CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY DISRUPTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES WITH -T 1 / === - ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ^\Vf / C ALL ELECTRIC TELEPHONE AND GAS EXTENSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE LINES SHALL BE / l GT" tI DISCONCONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS ALL UTILITY ---_ oc / �.��.. v DISCONNECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE DESIGNATED UTILITY COMPANIES. sf c c / D CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT START ON ANY -'_c / ®d1+ PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL HAS / ----------------,-,;, -.,,..--,5; _____- -cs TWW'' BEEN RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER FROM THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND (`!V /i--14 tl• CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER `\ ._s. .N!•-. 5;5�, t:. S\FIy s,v't.il i' .aTcTA fk:Wtiuj n t%✓:i''s,:n13:x'ftwr'S f U±.Ic.':.1i.-'..._'e�.M'4 a.1,.!''i}':,I<i"'.Yy�ihf S:t. ®® E_ PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR CONNECTION TO ANY STORM DRAIN SANITARY SEWER I �) �1� / WATER MAIN OR ANY OF THE DRY UTILITIES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE VERIFY AND II / .�}•5' / CALCULATE ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION AND ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS AND INFORM CEI / - / �h / �, ENGINEERING AND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF ANY CONFLICT OR REQUIRED DEVIATIONS FROM N{%` 0 �• / T ti THE PLAN NOTIFICATION SHALL BE MARE A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CEI • / ro r ENGINEERING AND ITS CLIENTS SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR II % 41111: / N FAILS TO MAKE SUCH NOTIFICATION II %/ rV�fi'-;-., /// F UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS. (// B % +/ / ALL WATER LINE FITTINGS SHALL RE INSTALLED WITH THRUST BLOCKING PER DETAIL 3 ALL // G .- 4 / / 0) WATER LINE PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 42A ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE �tiy.6-'.'' .v / / BEDDING GRAS.BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 420 // 0 UTILITY NOTES �/ <> __ _ ____ ____ _ / j 228 M.J.TAPPING SLEEVE WITH Mn TAPPING VALVE AND THRUST BLOCKING WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX EE SIZES THIS _ , , , • - - - -- - 1 /111 22A POINTSOF CONNECTION SHEET) SERVICE(PER LOCAL CODES) r' • II II / 22C M.J.GATE VALVE WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) // ..Z. : 11 220 M.J.TEE WITH THRUST BLOCKING(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 1 \ �� Ir I >�I 'NS 957.52 / / U 221 22 1/2 DEGREE Ni BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) �� II"' I. II ® / ( T�_ 22K SPRINKLER ENTRY PER ARCH PLANS(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) // • R.N /II 22L METERED DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH PLANS(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) II I / (V i.0pti 22M PROPOSED WATER METER(PER LOCAL CODES AND SPECIFICATIONS) ®:N4 IN 958''2 1 H -�r \ II MV OUT 957.9] l'if 22% INTERIOR WATER METER(PER LOCAL CODES) 1 �� 7-��---I 22Y INTERIOR BACK FLOW PRESENTER(PER ARCHRVICE(. I' 23A POINT OF CONNECTION-SANITARY SEWER SERVICE(PER LOCAL CODES) 23E SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ENTRY(PER ARCH PLANS) eM --�—� I II x c 24A POINT OF CONNECTION FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE(PER ELECTRIC COMPANY REQUIREMENTS) IINV.958.]5 25U PROPOSED ONNECTI TRANSFORMER iWR ® II gI' 26A POINT OF CONNECTION FOR UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE(PER TELEPHONE COMPANY • 00 ft , ITL ®TN.958.)5 r - -fy! REQUIREMENTS) vr yn ,I-IJ^ 8'55 YY 5 SS 6"S2]A POINT OF CONNECTION FOR GAS SERVICE(PER LOCAL GAS COMPANY REQUIREMENTS) H / 27B GAS SERVICE PER LOCAL GAS COMPANY �� _ 655.1 30A STUB OUT FOR FUTURE CONNECTION PER LOCAL CODES B O O 29A MAINTAIN MIN THIS UTILITY AS SHOWN IS FOR DRAWING PURPOSES ONLY CONTRACTOR SHALL " CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE II ® 44 1.87•4 / VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED UTILITY I GM 866.05 f LINE TO BE CONNECTED CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CEI ENGINEERING IF THE DESIGN AS SHOWN /Ij r� IN'.9`...® I ! IS NOT ACHIEVABLE 33 032 SF 76A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION/PER ARCH PLANS) $ 1 ✓/� II ..A 1.05% I 768 GREAN INTERCEPTOR(PER PLUMBING PLANS) Fs �� FFE 966 75 :J NO DATE DESCRIPTION g in a r c! // ' (' / mptimie REV 0 3.20/2015 INITIAL CITY SUBMITTAL .-- L';'' Z 1 � �', allimuir --.1 _ r. d GE tu'E I J' 1 ,5. Ii. ggtO GAS • ® _ • o \ cp== \............ ti:. _<x4E ..-,. '`x rrt:�� - 1 41t�` _?! ' �vs '4$l .. �✓ (t ® O / 8 MIN.COVER ,'H1 Mil 11.. A \ i�> 8'WN CG`hR 30LF6O:P -.6 1: 0,1:�,' e� 4� 8'M4R.COW R W <. /;eI m UGT .:Gi UGT UGT UG IIGT ___ • RODE 3IALO ALC SMJ CMR CMR ® /�t CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES ORW a000 /�I,sd J Engineering Associates, Inc _ t-0\-, A ........"<, M7SCA TS NNERS �1/R ERTi pLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ENVIRONMENTAL 5pfNTi$iS 0 oz v4,‘ 'o i\` - `L I•T�22 - PRELIMINARY 2025 Cone Po,A,e BMJ.,SAC 210 (651)452-8960 ` k NOT FOR Mendota Heights.MN 55120 (65/)452/149 3 _ __ _ __ __ CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE S 84'51'24" E 206.78 S 84'51'24" E 268.22 - CONSTRUCTION 7750QALPNBIOILLEVAfm C HAA- U A`/NESOTA REV DATE SHEET Na UTILITY PLAN 32°/15 C40F 9 REV-0 0 2018 GD eIGNEONYO ASRLYAR/E5 RC GENERAL EROSION NOTES GENERAL EROSION NOTES(CONT) BEFORE yDG A ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS INVOLVED WITH STORM WATER 0 DUE TO THE GRADE CHANGES GAPING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT THE F,1 - �� POLLUTION PREVENTION SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADJUSTING THE EROSION CONTRO. N S3°!��, O'' Y✓ 85 PREVENTION PLAN AND THE STATE OF (CTA NATIONAL POLLUTANT MEASUfl_5(SILT FENCES STRAW BALES ETC.)TO HELP PREVEN EROSION AND —�._��__�.__ R1J,_______„,s_,........... BS DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM GENERAL PERMIT(NPDES PERMIT)AND BECOME STORM WATER POLLUTION FANILIAR WITH THEIR CONTENTS h 1 62�—�� ' SS ` -'-'� ,ffsQ0 R. ALL OFF-GTE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING E THE TEMPORARY PARKING AND STORAGE AREA SHALL ALSO BE USED AS THE DAY THIS INCLUDES BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES FOR STORM DRAINS&U".ITV ,2'10 ^— I O EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AREA EQUIPMENT CLEANING AREA.EMPLOYEE BREAK CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT OF GRAVEL CR BITUMINOUS PAWNG FOR ROAD 8::///..".'"...7 = I \ ` ? +a 002 �tg AREA.AND AREA FOR LOCATING PORTABLE FACILITIES,OFFI^E TRAI ERS AND CONSTRUCTION V \ TO LET FACILITIES THE EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE -l�� I `\ J 2(<`s � 515 0 30' 45 60 OWNERS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER S CONCRETE TRUCKS SHA'L HAVE A SELF CONTAINED WASHOU.SYSTEM SO THE/ IN .�A ...... OT ARE NOT WASHING OUT ON THE GROUND v+ vi / _ ` q Aj(NE CPLimi C ALL WASH WATER(CONCRETE TRUCKS VEHICLE CLEANING EQUIPMENT CLEANING I I (J? / I ^ SCALE IN FEET ETC.)S SHALL IBEA DISPOSED M IN E MANNER THAT PREVENTS R MON E SITE BETWEEN / I� % 1 / 11�,/\P.9/) THESE MATERIALS AND STORM WATER THAT IS PREVE FROM HE SITE J/ D MAINTAIN ON THE SITE OR HAVE READILY AVAILABLE SUFFICIENT OIL AND GREASE ,/ ®0 ' ` �• I \\‘‘ EXISTING ABSORBING MATERIALS AND FLOTATION BOOMS TO CONTAIN AND CLEAN UP FUEL \ 1 \ \7:t OR CHEMICAL SPILLS AND LEAKS. ''7° I E DUST ON THE SITE SHALL BE CONTROL_ED BY SPRAYING WATER ON DRY AREAS OF PROPERTY MONUMENT HYDRANT THE SITE THE USE OF MOTOR OILS AND OTHER PE ROL'UM BASED OR TOXIC 0 dr, 1 `� CONCRETE UNKNOWNMANHOLE LICUIDS FDA DUST SUPPRESSION OPERATIONS IS PROHIBITED I.�S�'/ 1`" ICP GATE VALVE I : ' ♦ CONCRETE CURB CATCHBASIN Y NO RUBBISH TRASH GARBAGE OR OTHER SUCH MATERIALS SHALL BE DISCHARGED 0.45,,' / ' %` \ FENCE CATCHBASIN INTO DRAINAGE DITCHES OR WATERS OF THE SATE ®j . ,,, I ` \\ OVERHEAD ELECTRIC - LIGHT POLE fa^..`, 1\ -- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC GAS METER I UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE TELEPHONE MANHOLE G. ALL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES PRESENTED ON THIS PLAN I -.Ci J 1 AND IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PIAN SHALL BE IMI'ATED AS / i * B I t - WATER TELEPHONE BOX SOON AS PRACTICABLE I _ �.�1"" I GAS WATER MANHOLE `t� � ` I It SANITARY SEWER SANITARY MANHOLE H DISTURBED PORTION'S OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WILL STOP FOR II ��• ® I�. II - RIGHT OF ACCESS STORM MANHOLE AT ABET 21 DAYS.SHALL BE TENPCRARI'Y SEEDED WITHIN 14 DAYS a •I ELECTRIC METER E%.CONTOUR Awg t It ELECTRIC BOX EX SPOT ELEV GUTTER 1 DISTURBED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS - ta PERMANENTLY STOPPED SHALL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED THESE AREAS SHALL HE ` .:45.' y ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE E%SPOT ELEV SEEDED NO LATER.THAN I4 DAYS AFTER THF.LAST CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ` S../4!....A4% . 5'i I !tPOWER POLE OCCURRING IN THESE AREAS REFER TO THE LANDSCAPING PIAN ' t 1IiJ IF THE AC'DN CF VEHICLES RAVELING OVER THE GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION IENTRANCES IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO REMOVE THE MAJORITY OF DIRT OR MUD THEN ``'At ,�tTHE TIRES MUST BE WASHED BEFORE THE VEHICLES ENTER A PUBLIC ROAD IF •` IIPROPOSED WASHING IS USED PROVISIONS MUST BE MADE TO INTERCEPT THE WASH WATERAND TRAP THE SEDIMENT BEFORE IT IS CARRIED OFF THE SITE THE EXACT (� �"LOCAT'ONS SHA_L BE COORCIYATED WI H THE OWNERS CONSTRUCTION MANAGEqt EASEMENT K. ALL MATERIALS SPILLED DROPP'D WASHED OR TRACKED FROM VEHICLES ONTO \•J ` h / �.► FLOW ARROWS ROADWAYS OR INTO STORM DRAINS MUST BE REMOVED IMMECIATELY j \ I L C 'TRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS WI L BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING I I XXX CONTOUR ELEVATIONS E IMENT IN THE DETENTION POND AFTER THE STABILIZATION OF THE SITE AND IR� t - - STORM DRAIN ALOE ANY SEDIMENT THAT MAY HAVE COLLECTED IN THE STORM SEWER DRAINAGE 4 / i s s EMs •�'� I. 1.. _--- — — aMITSOFDSTUPBW:E IF OIL STOCKPILING IS EMPLCYEC ON THE SITE.SILT FENCES SHALL BE USED TO /�HEL ONTAINTHESEDNENT (; ® `LL1u ' EROSION DETAILS N. SLOPES SYA L BE LEFT IN A ROUGHENED CONDITION DUPING TYE GWWING Ph5E •,I \t - JTO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOOITIES AND EROSION , 1 SF SF SF F SF 0 (,`E TEMP HH R STONE CO.STR,h;:YON ENTRANCE / i E •• 0 SEDIMENT BASINS ARE ATTRACTIVE TO CHILDREN AND CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS IX - $i ALL CASES.LOCAL ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING HEALTH AND I 96 !"� l� SAFETY MUST BE ADHERED TO t _pir:,..,_ \ 996—g69 9T0- 44..1:_z.0. • I-I I 'I —ST— SF TEMPORARY SI-FENCE 9'c6 L5698Y 966 •:•/I 11, P ALL EMPORARY EROSION AHD SED AIENT CONTROL.MEASURES SHALL BE DISPOSED 966 _ j:•�-�'j/ OF WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL STABI'RATION FINAL STABILIZATION H0.5 1 -� ==s= .� ',0::::, I` ,.•/It TEMPURAS!SILT FENCE GALT PROTECTION OCCURRED WHEN ALL SCI'_DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETED ANDA �LyO� —_ s�_ UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER YO H A DENSITY OF]C%OF THE COVER h t yh _ IP6,(o B /JI t $�III.ems�� 1i+ SO SILT DIKE:ON EXISTING PAVEMENT) A. ! SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION vV te = _ � � _ II - 550095 96 /� / Sg � � //'.� / 04,- a- t2. PRE ARE TEMPO FPARY PIABRKING AND STORAiF Aq:A-I/ Ia ®® -.-_____ �(�' / t 3. CONSTRUCT1iiES1TFEYCES Cdlr_SiE I y>a✓ ��F'- y� / 4. C_EAR At10 G4J8 HE SITE 4/ �`' / / t 5. BEGIN GRADING THE SITE_ 3 II /� 3 • lt, i'ill I tor t 6. STMT RARISTRUCif D OF BIM.C'EA PAD AND STRUCTURES .R - ® �.._� 7 TEMPORARILY SEED DENUDED AREAS '3g QI i9 GV {{{///�� �'''996 1� \ •� it/ 7// t� - R INSTALL UTILITIES UNDERORAINS STORM SEWERS CURBS AND GUTTERS ® / t o°- �o o N� {� Lh I // 9 PREPARE INLET FOR PAVING DEVICES \ 10 PREPARE SITE FOR PAVING �U/ g n.:r i / -I'� II AVE SITE IIv: �3°a 5g �l 12 12 COMPLETE GRADING AND INSTALL PERMANENT SEEDING AND PLANTING o i I4 �6•y5 J / 13.REMOVE ALL TEIAPORAgY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES(ONLY IF SITE IS STABILIZED) ,c.„:// �0 �I 0 d's .. _ ____ ____ ____ __ a un6nkcE M INTENANCE ;T ,g ALL MEASURES STATED ON THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AND IN THE STORM WATER •II I LPN i t POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN FULLY FUNCTIONAL CONDITION UNTIL FINAL II _ J J / :1 STABILIZATION OF THE SITE ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MABURES SHALL BE I I CHECKED BY A OUAHESI PERSON R LEAST ONCE EIMEN SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS ANO WITHIN 24 , II \ I ` 1 i HOURS OF THE END OF A RAINFALL EVENT AND SHOULD BE CLEANED AND REPAIRED IN ACCORDANCE P 1 /( e II -r\ L WITH THE FOLLOWING r/ IP6 0 —1r : 1 --ir—I,I L INLET OF UNDERMINING DEVICES AND BARRIERS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IF THEY SHOW itel _; 31`'° ? I " Y 14 ,lk _t F' SIGNS OF UNDERMINING OR SHALL BE REPLACED IF THEY SHOW SIGNS OF DETERIORATION tr v /I S'; —_`_\ II R'% 2 ALL SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO SEE THAT A G000 STAND IS MAINTAINED �J 33'• '_ /r I II AREAS SHOULD BE FERTILIZED AND RESEEDED AS NEEDED. C.i'' Ii • 193; - I 3. SILT FENCES SHALL 0E REPAIRED TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITIONS IF DPMAGEO SEDIMENT SHPLL , // , I.11 596 00BE REMOVED FA M THE SILT FENCES WHEN IT REACHES ONE THIRD TO ONE HALF THE HEIGHT OF ' R, THE SILT FENCE I�Ii S° _ O 4 THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CON'OITION WHICH WILL PREV'NT �j7-A1 p e p eq 4 TRACKING OR FLOW OF MUD ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP 'c': y/ CHILDREN'S ���®N�1�1[ ADVENTURE �I i 6% 1 9%. ss `' - U DRESSING OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTANCED AS CONDITIONS DEMAND R,C 1 E\/l LL��iNN0005THETEMPORARYPARKING AND STORAGE AREA SHALL BE KEPT IN GOOD CONDITION(SUITABLE FOR m ; �r : II i i PARKING AND STORAGE)THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING OF THE TEMPORARY PARKING 33 032 SFmm �. FFE 966:75 II ' AS M ONS DEMAND i I11 I n --- rr —� A 1 NO DATE DESCRIPTION rr ' / I REV-0 3.120/2015 INITIAL CITY SUBMITTAL 3% o j O E/ Tp. I� _1••:-R®'� f/ t II T °CV' <.I% __.,..4,:,-„..,.,...,,,„,;:„„4-:„. ..a. `.(4TriNTis'i_ �I. I�if'3.'IMIIIMIPMR^� a.—. �Al.!di.' .F. �!' °v �' 0 _ iiivi 0 CID il ti T o `I 1 /�. • �_ ��, M.,.. 1 �� o/ 1 \ "R P. O •T-�' _ zasfio sizoils ALC SW CNC CAIN yl,' Al.?'ti 964 I o /' p'3, 595 'A X95 6 ® / CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW •` : I s III 1 { • /--�``•,,i-,-,/ ® 0 • s u� ,..;;!°' '" _.,/ , Engineering Associates, Inc a ��}CIN.-°‘ A _.. � I` �, ENGINEERS • PLANNERS SURAfYfNHS ® LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ENVIRONMENTAL USCr TSS 7.>;• �.� _• i ` I I t.`P�n``•� i �� PRELIMINARY 20250 t P5te 000 Suite 210 (650452-8960 O',; 95'2 96/ 296 196 LTV :I f A %�Yt (LOGO AAVAIs.MN55120 (8511452 1/49 �o `��_., - -i 564 969 � � 996 16 >' \\ NOT FOR CHILDREN'S LEARNING ADVENTURE ® ts4:.,x'24 E--tabsttr3F 3 ,.F---s-$�-- — -- SF �F CONSTRUCTION 7750GALPIIvBOULEVARD CHAAHASSEN PInnESOTA REV DATE SHEET NO EROSION CONTROL PLAN 326/15 c5DF s REV-0 C Ma CD A40CAILs Arc ,I___ -_ N —_ •.;1� OWNER THEODORE&MARLENE BENTZ �\� `� • / ,E � /,'',, f-----253- ~s'- _ _ U N P LATTED / / ° 5, 5 D Know whatrsbelow. ;, ;'• :�t'1-- k-r -- - - :�•� Call before you fig. SCALE IN FEEL .^A56_.--- .057 y ii*S' x'•'J f..i, � , Yi \I___4.--!:-/- `. �i = ' \ \ EXISTING ( x' h yh ---`953 • ______0 '_ ,g. �'.\ 11fel r.�al(f•9 ''-88s_`'-96D- __•__--960. _'�r�!J?R? \ ._--.s J� _ \ ! —,, -D' PROPERTY MONUMENT HYDRANT E VALVE g +(��{ ( ,'t• i I r__ __--863 --__ ,t\ .t i }. \ / �,/ e UNKNOWN MANHOLE j O + -__ `__ ,'�.t y, :. \ //\ z.- CONCRETE GATCHBASI �y \ 4J • \`, 1, g,v._ • --- s-- ,.yl " ., 40. - \ ^ / / ( p cATcr+anslN 0,4 o \\ �R`I'! 'F i -- w.-:-.-._-_-_-.7-:..------2-----------------,_- ------_ - +'T�! S YZ,� ! s \\ _ ..— CONCRETE cuss cATCHRASIN ), Y, I! J r /----____967 _ _ B65-. - ,,,,,t.... _*; ,y` \ t ,t,\ ` ( !A A, _ X Y_.. FENCE li `^/!�r1 r:rr/ Z7,5=' - ^ ^, -- -880--N, /^' '065` ... F 'L`-. ;A,�/II'" 4' - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LIGHT POLE Pe.`3. e55 ! i;- r s671 ELECTRIC -# GAS METER m r' ,• „ -,-.::::„..7--.'-,,T.'. - `,,,;, 6?, .” :d" _ TELEPHONE MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE O y I '`/////‘'/J,'', „„..7.7,;b717-"c )„--=:-_-„------, ``.�` Y4. .G_qJ`. , UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE • TELEPHONE BOX ./\ 1. i y' °�',4,l /firr/1`. .066 - ‘----,..e.,)•-„----..1., ,eJ.at 'i 4 til •I ------0—::—'' w WATER • WATER MANHOLE B53- �°/� N"j + v"e 115 \.- - -- a -,O' — sA°"sNITARYSEwER a STORMMANHOLE ` y • ' --By6 �6B`,^� \_.._ -:--44.41 , r ) O RIGHT OFIC ACCESS - • _ IX.CONTOUR `,1O�L ` \\ ASy tr«_ _le I t1-10%..„..,,,,,-------9”' +. -_.A67 't`i �`� 4 4pp4 / t D ELECTRIC BOX Efl ti ; �,\ d .�� ! /".;.,`111,---- �e I �Lf"'7S \w ,$'y `969= 98_y_^ , ��•�'H /'Y/ ^�, y� G ELECTPOWERPOLE ICWNHOLE x Y4.• 3�G IX.SPOT ELEV GUTTER o Jh bss \ ni( i ![+\ ! ,/y.Ue �r rr * ! d ,_��� :?, g vir R �j ISTU Eb AR / Ir '- % ; ' ;',d A��„Q. ' ? V !�; \! 1 UNDISTURBED�� �r / 4u�t` `` :. ,i A0�`- ' I' 1 '',`'i / i 1 `� / ►'c� I LEGEND Q. , \ t r 'A� K'! �, • " .5•tN: `ye 8aB-^_�4 S '!i of 'ii �� X.k - ``l I ' +rr0! 1 : QF•• ..-`G. ,.4.......„... 1 4.� 'r !`\',/ \� ( O SHADE STRUCTURE I COLORED CONCRETE p I ..,,r Y •-� ��.� I \ _ _ _ _ _ PLAVGROUNDEWIPMENT FALL ZONE ,t C `\°`,rte. !/ . '1'�'r l ! r /r o° , w g67 r �i�'+w -'_.._ �►�s� _.,: - Z: Q /,, ^ C DONCRErE HE,wER �' ' 1i i 1 T Ids ' .'r r r 1 /' lY r' �E ll i R I /! fi//K' { i ( .�� 8-" 24' 7E HEADER JJ �{L-�(y\ 5 I i ; I +i' lilt, / +'e tr ..-�'- ' - --^s _ 1� ...• 4 AOE SEPNLATINO FENCE 1 SYNTtIETIC TURF ( u� •% !� .�J � � -"! �! I i- 12'TENNIS COVRT FENCE / K 1 t/ ,1 ,'.. �,_ .a/i' ,• ...,- .-.4e,-4/,,,' 2 �"/Pi t� ' �G / I!C74- --t--- lm \` .� 6TAMPED CONCRETE BOARDWALK 1 v J " ,yi 1: - `� j \ \I�rf '+l EXISIBIO TREE tNI::42.- '4. - _ :�` _ N ----7 \ +� 1 ��y�� ►`��� EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN '� I�IIr --- --ti 'Lt O41.-- --; IANOSCAPE SCHEDULE(TREES) pNNEf2 aME8A T'1 ,i 1 --055- f ��,,�,h•�1176i -, •` J. `3` ���-`T41� !'^r it�Ll ]� _ ''` LARGE TREES GHUMURA , \ / •+,f / -'� .....;;;;:e......:. �f�` ::46:4111:\ ••a8 �'>,` '$ ! ., !�X n1 `N. `��� �\. COMMON Hu1E 1 / /61�' L`--�- i ,t tL t/\ tt ,;\ 6 ill r1.. /r /--__ _ 7 '�•�• /- / OTYN,�,E E /HTTTNG SPACING NOTES as r pl -_� .�-+ �I 0 HAceERRY s .rPESTft \ , \ , �.{7Fll �.-_..___:\` AUA` • ! '! Y t +' + S t ` / 3 CALIPER sEE PI.a+ '-iii `:a,- - V 3 ERNST -k, ; p�j ,'-: �iA `'' 9r I iI + t't t ', q, p C,/ t ;� ho� - -4i��- / / 1 fxws PIOZUS. BfiB s w.IrER iL'� 1 .i, " \ 1 V ';f S I I��i'J� 1r \ _�� 11), 0 OranT.o- lnosxNm. ' 1 'y '! `i aft "��i S� f GOliCtLDEN ASH B88 3'CALIPER SEE PLAN /•K ,. 4S' ,i `\ 1 i \ ` ,t '1 1 T. 27• , , ,�� .* 14 FrmbINB mlaklor'J..Dkoe '�, �'/ 1� , i�t iFq /'•®., ' 3'GLIPER SEE PLAN 1 (�`v� 1 gs+ , i ''i f$ 1 S, PF;MINOUS r440/''.t,� i '` \ 5 6PmrDE B6B rl,Eawr .ryNER' cRAfD !tAj/ '(�\/ / ! I' 1 ,L S ! / ::/ i' C���ORNAMENTAL TREES/ NOTES O &PEFfY _ / I�'(_ 'W../ II " i ' 1 .*� GRIp rillr 1 r9 CdM50N N ME ROOT SIZE/HT AT RANTING SPACING WTH- 4/A'.f. /:',. ,co '-'; / \i I ' t `'k. _/.. I .44 I CITY BotMncLL N.WE 5y ' . �` I I • 1 ll • it/ / i AUTIMN SRIWANCE 41Y7 ' .S+ / I ; 1t M ` r' )1 ,...70,..- ` SERVICEBERRY SEE PLMI'/ Yi / I1 J \, i \i ,`i ( ,'` 15 NrtuHu+.ea x exuptwu 88B 2'CALIPER _ // �t i t V ; J �� Aurl.Hx Bmwul¢' j I 04,0'WSµ,£Yp (G- j c,. ' // t 1 + S y t v lav T°.Ew°LDiAowFs'NE Aw Bfie r ca.IPER sEE PLAN ' V� ,'} ' // (, t 1 i wy ��� �/ i' 18 PBRArmRYWINE ABAPPIE SEE PLAN / - B6B T CALIPER , , //' /�ti 'r'�Il::_ ; �r� MLLV4'BBA RAN a 1 j \�i ''411d. sil �``�`� � ' �' SUN VALLEY MAPLE 033 T CALIPER SEE PLAN 4, 1 ��,1r R ;v�' s �� ��� .ik . 1�,4 %:..p �:� 3 ASR. .'S N Y.LL.x • tr; j%74p / a 1pik !7 Jar a/ ,41, i.-.t,:, . . /iii t i\ ,,",/ .. ta- V s51 `�+ ��( �,/�'. \ r _ t \ / , • __ L r• • �' i ANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS • Fe OPY ,. �,�„i,1 ,li'``ce:.�.i I A- I/ T d , - ir,,,,b F .fz,..i„,-• 4 /( 1111 '•'Art � O / AREA BUILCS FMENT ilE0UB1ED �'+ S' . BUILDING FOUNDATION YES l ♦ /y� DVER4I.L Pl/JTTXIG AND DUMPSTER 152;91.7:083,...8:6:0,7094.YEHICU7207 i ''51; 1 SFr , B+e i 1,/��jr , w SCfEENIN0 RE0U1f ED1/ �' s - �J/�[ A :f. / lI r( ie IT ' , \2 �' BSFOF LAND6DAPE AREA PER LAR 5.016 SF OF PARWNG LOT �_`.. 1 �1 25 BUFFER VARDL I"rt,,, , R -/ ) I l I(r! Ik(S.,, ®! i;$e / t�{ ©\ •Q }4' 1 W OF VEHICVUR USESF APEPfiONDED„f t Iii _,',', ___.;�a2�ey= / �+ina .. 3 ��Y fA�. •� \ 1 cT63V::GLOTiTREEPER2505FOFTREE3 pigy!pE0!1 tt gQ 1i= I lY�illb FJ1 1 5 i1 \, 4 '_'' `'fir ! 1 / • a- REDO REDPARroNG LANOSCArENEzo rr EEs �1tj1N I'• 1i -_,:i1):A•• 1 I 1 a sI.M'i .�► 1' �� ' 7BTHSTREET BUFFEA YARD TREES 11p;',,\‘,,',;\ �' s� 4 . i / 1 N$ �^viait RE • ti /j ` YPE B 9D W DTH•.4 PLANT SO IXSTR i CANOPY ( I 1 lx >• / i, I D!,,...-- 111uAC'�C J,l it UNRS fiE0U1RED11CANOPYXDERSTORYTl E9MI0 'SIB IMDER3TORi TREE6it J-�. o '33,032 SF 1a' !•t\tt+, ; ' r, SFE \ ,$ 0TREES2lMDERSTORY TREE6IBSMWBS ''1DFIPST qry gU8L11TTA1O + I t`1 ` `___ , - 31 ' r (t JqND 2 6HW1B3PEP 100Lfl• t 16SHRUBS PROP09ED3/20/2015 1 ;tt 41111,1`1P1': ..q84- --•gb7--'`'•..-' "A a - I 0 1111 i 1� V• 7' E _ J j -} !'�-- � � ¢_ sse �� •� ,,I 7IGHVLAYT5HBUF. zEXIsr1NocoNIFERLwsND DATE �oESCRrT� MAPION 1111111 t 1�• � ,� ' t Be i"�fir! /�� �,ele d f1i1L 1 i` I�t x 7` ]�x...c._. -.�� t B ' �I `7�v, R'Ry ( FERYARD TYPE TPEES PPESEPVEDSPROJi2B6W //6/ib M1N AWP I:11,11,1,111, i \ �a..x�• .�:. - yy rtry MoT .+PtANL wms,c.f.,TREES Io 3 cnNOPr IF ' ���' ® - —I „ow/twit-1w.. / REOLnREO(t DNIOPY TrE3 2 JNOE>B70Y'riES Nm PR01'NED zips:CTNit. IINITIALDATE IDPOR I PM DES! 1 ittt` \l \ �i �ll, L '�• L:i*':�r-.- `- IIIqY/ ' JLINDERSTORY TREES AND 2 10 SHRUBSa 10 UNDER6TORY TPEES111!11 '` t �II' ,. BHRUSS PER 100 LW•5281E En ineering Associates,inCiI ! «< �. � ��/�i ��%■ ©' �� �� aif „ s °S PROPOSED 9' , �JI.�►_�.'tl � � I 3 vLwNCRsll',\ 1 \ --=- _ �® .�' s.o8 AwscAPE rars1 \1%�, t /4 � =..� `-'1r�' /(� 5 REEFERGALPINBLVDBUF;TRE,Y OwDANOPYrREEsLANoscaaeAPpnTEOTSeMNPatu[!v;:ii nsTs,,t t , 1 -- � y TYPE B 20•WIDTH• .8 Pl1M 10 CITREES.15 'DOSED T TREES731i ,t ,tt 1` ` Ali� � :. / YUr0T6 REWIRED(2 CANOPY ,BIDERYTREES AND .15 UNOERS ORi ewsY. e l°o l 1 y \+1/.' .! !: TREES 3 UNDERSTDRI'TREES +2R SG E0 FAX 132 -7-'.611/'i Qat i:� _ �_ Pi,' l ��� �� •--w-_ - 2s stmu6.. Dales,TX 75231 X //I t \�.� `�� � �� V y..1-. - - ANOSSHPUBS PFA t001F1 �265NRUBS PfiOPO6ED ;.,1 ; riz; I� ”", ----. _....0_________ .,,r_.,.....___________,..___//101.,Y - I 'ftr`�j 5/R S/ ,- c�R WEI) CHILDREN'S LEARNINGAENTURE jj6° +2 1,---\:------(1-;_,,-,___z_._. _ --7 �F a, APR 07 2015 - f r 1 \g WEST P LOPEPTY uHE A7 T f (�ALPlV VD 6 HgHWTDIE......:V z ------------.8,3---_ iN 8551 •gT 31,m`mjA.221aT f""_ �` c , rREspl,,yFWMENgM lY30EPYI No._ / �orweuFFER Tt+3 T3UNDERSLOPI' To sREEr__ n ' Cllr--. TYPEA•.4 UNI IRIDERSTORY PROPOSED964 3 0 OVERALL LANDSCAPEPLANR -0s+ `- y ,/ �yµ►�._ �- - /��[.- -_..�._ ._ •�.�"�` aEIX11RED (lUN0Efi3TOI6' 39FiPoRS 6X65a �I -flST-==_ _ >,/7-F•Y-Y1`�T"7' - __`_ -- ������ E ANDiSNRUB PFA f00lF7f e tMA R.A a1 .. .. ..n,ruT rK WAY' c 10877 WATSON ROAD ST LOUIS MO63127 } 1 I _� t ��, 411_. J _ PROJECT S o' I ,.� I I I ,..1«a. -. --I I 1 ICOT 21 T��_r__ I— I—I —I�..I I I /etli II I I I 1 lir— __ ' 1 L__J EXPLORERS#7 1 , ii i ■ 11.11 , , i - - _3 ____ :di�_Il' • ---J 33 • YR `--- EXPLORERS#5 `--' ` ' 401 SQ FT L ® --J VOYAGERS#3 33mos 5YR I I AD6 ANTU SEOR s#1 16 32 mos I w CLASSICAL DANCE rto1,FT�.' ® ® 1I I I I II 6 12 YR i I, 700 SQ FT I I r--- ( 115 N 109 Hai) 701 SQ FT thj „ , , , 1 , 536 SQ FT I..1. 1051 SQ FT f- _-- ---, I �]• I ,I I, I _ I [L�:1h11®�� corz OIILIhI ` I+• I '� .. D 1111. -_ .IIr • VOYAGERS#1 F7::.7., Z i_ IYIh1 :"` COT2 T II • COT2 [iJ["�l� ®*.1-: 1 1111 16 mos 132,mos _ VOYAGERS 32 mos }� r�1 O ^ �' �_I L-- ---J EXPLORERS#6 , ��, i lu---' r .•. I _ I�• I 'I Q imi IBEEImmum �I '�I I EXPLORERS#8 I I 491 SQ FT a • �I ---1 r--'1 \� J 33 Os 5YR I 1 I 1�� I 514 SQ FT 0 uJ ITo20E.i 1__J 1 _ -- 15 L 1 1 126 II ®®�0 ,..• _ � ri Lv� OT 1_ ___J 70350 FT r 700 SQ.FT Ili 7.,- •.. ,1 I I r LLQ I z • L_ ®�®�® 1 1 i VOYAGERS#2 F� . 1 fi_ Y ®® I H z .1111...,_......:. 11 " �_"��..� � P Z 0 C Q re \ L 7��/ II to RE OURCES KITCHEN II FAN:, IJ LI 1490 S46 mos 32 mos 2 ) Lr ti VOYAGERS moss � I LU Z • I I e L.- _ Ilyll _ — ® Ra xs I L I _ .. 307 I )' co +e Ro q I II –F 'SAM ® L-1111 1 THEATER i I 1 � IAi 6 12 yearsAFTERSCHOOL COMTER I it II ■it"'I 11 I ���_ II -� �_4J 513 SQ FT Q 106 6 12 years L---�`-''-'-� I I� 0 r 7r 7 +I: EQUIPMENT I'•• -� I� L___ K 525 SQ FT 1 108 ( u ! s E •�; • �. '^ 0 1 AlI N< aoa R® 1111 _v) I --_1 1055 SQ FT NN f:` "3 ^'IIs�� EXPLORERS#1 11 i *U J Z NA ��,. 33i os 5YR VOYAGERS#6 Q Ii---I r NA 1 V I I I t+]r'lIY]. Y S 1 VO6AG uos Z = II Li I I (I- 70 ®' 1111 mi I®.,.,.,�.' L JL J I I O Q FT _ 1 F` U LI m®® L__J I I ` �' 513 SQ FT I U I r ---� n,, T 1 LIQ SPA•, 1° \ MODERN DANCE ' II I I ,f ' : - -� r c I-�®® t1 zae I `- -I.: ®�' 1 209 6 2 e.rS -!7-....1:.o. 1 ,1 I 1 I/ 1_ ■�I AlII iii.• ' li� - I L-p- - ',j - -, fi'•• i i :.: .11.'.11 I I I e.._ •� _ J Lr__ Tc € 1 ' . I _.._ 'I+• L tl i• 2 NN.® ., I i Y 1rI �� 11 ®0 a N I�''��^�t o42 S.]F I A R I �I 2a 1 11� .�OT � [� Y �J'Y -•. nommtal I I -M ®_ I/ 0 . - II gel N b-1,--: ==' E3PLORERYR 2 r 'p V , 1 I 8 THE READING REEFF--- I • •1 n 11 I i I i -.J 33mos 5 \ BASKETBALL 3 12YRS ® 1 L__-� L__-� L_ _� 1 WI LII I �' i �T,� I 3®s (.127 L_ 11 `1111 700 SQ FT 1060 SQ FT 1050 SQ FT r- . � �, \ ART ROOM 11II a11 ---o 1 L___J �f I; 312 YR f II -- 1050 SQ FT v -1111- -.. 1111 ] �11�1 ,_, BIM I _ �-pFFIrP IMAGINATION ISLAND L., t taro) 3-5YR. V : r___,•-. Milli i �.,., l 11 IIIII --_J 1 IV I 1 EXPLORERS#3 •0�• I i I 1027 SQ FT 33mos 5YR I i i :.► 1 _ I 1111 _ ,I `ET. 0 AFTERSCHOOLACTTo%• w ' '--' I I I = 1111 1111 701 SQ FT �,I MEM I I I I I I W Ni.I 6I1105as II. I It I , L__J 15__I L__J - 1052 SQ FT u L II L__J II 1/ ; ,Ip`I r .,.,_ -AN AFT,..CHO• , `� �- 1I_` 1 +• ` .1 Nmalia mom COM ' ®®® I_ ®®®�DIIi1I�11 -1.---n... ;�C ___ I _ 1 LABORATORY LAGOON \` 1 315 1 / ..1,__,I 1. , C AFF\ C b1 :,.--I11■I1■ 1 b i ,.,„, I ' 1■ f•3Ff •MB F L__ 11,_ ;il�• t„.., . R 10 i CULINARY COV e 4 YRS EXPLORERS#4 I �Q� ,.■ - - / -- ® -- PICTURE PARADISE :,„ • , ® (12 YRS -- i I I , • .�7� 31 Y'S ,b. 4 –- NIIII 7271SQ FT L_ 11\®e �7 _ 11 J 877 SQ FT Q ® A ! `�.yrxRE R3 Es OF I. lI J11 7ss SQ Fr Ise r v T MED — . VIC..7.„. I ' i , \❑ , 1053 SQ FT I ---rL�Ir-�� ,fin / • .a-s - .-= GB—L--- ,I_II.1111 ,a♦ %,.-- _$�Y `I� AFTERSCHOOL V . E CAP,L.IY'20 L_ll V- Ir___ ' '� 11/ C a L J ey -1111 L® -- 1111_ 1111_.' '�- -.-. `�_.+i:li. I -J I� o REf N 00 P.4 T IIg g 8� � 1AOA` (— FOOTPRINT INCLUDING j— BUMP-OUTS AND ARTICULATION 1- 33,014 SF - 244 SQ rr _ 78 FILES FOOTPRINT OF MAIN BUILDING WALLS 32,690 SQ FT - NOTES - 1 THIS BUILDING WILL BE EQUIPPED - THROUGHOUT WITH A FIRE SUPPRESSION - SYSTEM PROFES AIALOFRECORD 2 THIS ISA ONE STORY BUILDING - vxoHE ma Azl nw MAIN PARAPET HEIGHT 25 8 - Ja°x"_ 915494 FEATURE PARAPET HEIGHT 36'9" FEATURE ROTUNDA HEIGHT 50'0” .: FOR APPROVAL •,..E NONE 3/18/15 Ic"„` FLOOR PLAN ~-1 c FINISH LEGEND INF AI KEYNOTE 6QO@CI 10877 WATSON ROAD ST LOUIS MO 63127 A FELDCMgt DUNNEDWARDS:DEC750ESONBEIGE OREl. PROJECT B ACCENT COLOR Y1 DIINNEDWARDS:DEC76S'WHISPER GREY ONEQ. MANAGERS C FIELD COLQR DUNN EDWARDS:DEC]47 NAHARA•OR EO. D PREFWISHTD ALLVINUM0 MOWED DARK MP.OR EO. E BRICK ACME BRICK:'SARATOGA SPRWGS'OR APPROVED 508AL F STORE OLD CASTLE CISTOLISTONE-WESTERNGREC CHOPPED PATTERN W G NOT USED. N H STONE CAP SIONEGATE DESIGN:'NATURAL WHITE OR ED. 3 NOT USED I- K FIELD COLON DUNN EDWARDS:0E6210%GEON OR, Z L NOT US60 W (/)�/� • N r LL I- co O • W z ZU _ Z WZ Q CC < ai ill U) -I 5:2, x a) a Z = U WV IY 0 J_ PFRECAST CAP = •T}yy}��y��• NISH H• �,NfYIMP :P_ BRICK VENEER i. , . . , ;1= __ FINISH E ErI IT , ' 6 a S I :, , ,/,'''',''',' N1..fT''' ,L c FIN.GRADE E I- 6...x1/4 STEEL TUBE POST WI !IID WELDED END CAP PAINTED TO MATCH TYPICAL ELEVATION'B' III FENCING9 NHII, ilIlt NOTE AlkAMI ''� ELECTROSTATIC PAINTED GATE,POSTS TO ROOF DRAWS lar ® VS FENCINGOR PRECAST CAP_fINI$H'H' FENCING TO MATCH FENCING COL . DIRECT RUNOFF 4'X2'X1P1 STEEL TUBE FRAME,MITER `# WITH CRICKETS TVP 1 'if WELD AND GRIND SMOOTH.INFILL W/ 1'Xt'X1M VERTICAL STEEL PICKETS �� CONSTRUCTED �'t4 O.C.SEE NOTE ? + WITH TAPERED ED. -� EO. NI, 16 GA.PERFORATED MTM.PANEL WI . , ROLLING RACK 3132 6.3/16'STC.PATTERN TACK _ SLOPE CRINSUQTIICKETS 1/4 / 16 O E STORAGE 6'GUTTER AND jmiiii'L _ DOWNSPOUT�`� PAINT TO MATCH \WAlI.© v pp N �7t w0 uM u7DATE ETION A • Q� NLS E160Za • DDEVICEHTItTRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS DECORATIVEFENCE PANEL FENCEPLAN DECOCL$$'E•BUILT-UP 411) AS1-1 SCALE 7/4=1'-0 14-0 BONZE TO MATCH SEE DETAIL IWAS1-1ROOF SYSTEM 5�SEE5/ / 12'-03H' STOREFRONT. 81]/ASL-2mm-UIFLATsN1J T MY.�'r4are'/ a'-o �, an• �z.4ae�• #� L•e. . ma r ®I'� 9 EE 5IASt-2 FOR FW- ///////)//////// I � 4�� T ��_ �, NO STEP SIGN SEE FOUNDATION Q F0�1 +yN.ae. DETAIL 15/A1-9 TVP INFORMATION # # / _Q—�.—.Q # iii7 �' �; Nc 7 1+ I / ( frcr--}lTL I _�E NOTE:REFER TO SHEET AIJ FOR ROOF PIAN GENERAL NOTES LINE OF FOOTING BELOW SEE r- # %0 I I [RIMESTER �j ' I0 I FENCE ELEVATION 51051.2 �� 12'-0315 CLEAR I I I I P., Iii 8 CMU WALL W/VENEER.SEE I+ :e 2,B 3'-0 C 0-0 „y.053' / I I II N I.� it I I I o se I18/A51-1 FOR VENEER TYPE r �L__ _ J� FENCE ELEVATION ///,////,/.////// // I L - J I I D FILE STORAGE ROOF PLAN 2 FILE STORAGE PLAN 6 DIA CONCRETE FILLED PIPE # \`/, 6 BOLEROS PANT OSHA YELLOW `1E • 18B 053-1 SEE DETAIL II/AS.O. I —-Q—Q -1t va� L_-- -_ I AS1-, SCALE 1/4=1'-0 AS11 SCALE.1/4=1-0+ AS1-1 SCALE 1/4=1-0' COORDINATE INSTALLATION f�s-tea l _# W/FOOTING BELOW COORDINATE SLOPE WITH CIVIL- S•~ d r-II FOMENTER IH-I -'VI�U Z \\ \ I I I I / J WALL 8 ROOF LINE BEYOND I II I / Imo( WALL 8 ROOF 8'X16 STORM PROOF METAL 74, 6 GUTTER 8 d'DOWNSPOUT 6 MIN.THICK SEALED CONCRETE ' I I-I I / INF LINE BEYOND LOUVER VENT WI INSECT PAINT TO MATCH WALL. PAD OVER COMPACTED BASE b I 1 I I II N I/, II I / SCREEN AT BOTH SIDES OF PER OVERC COMPACTED ED BASE I a PREFINISHED PREFINISHED SPACE CLOSEST TO HIGHEST WALL 8 ROOF PREFINISHED � _ J� / b u ALUMINUM COPING ALUMINUM COPING POINT LINE BEYOND ALUMINUM COPING 6.X6.TUBE STEEL EMBEDDED A 1.1-_-_-_---_=_J I / FINISH II FINISH'El FINISH.0 MINIMUM OF 3'-6'NTO CONCRETE / _ _ i...'. N��+ TUCCO FINISHED COORDINATE INSTALLTION I I——— —J / ,,' ,�` STUCCO FINISHED STUCCO FINISHED --_ r Y Y WffOOTNG BELOW / CORNICE-FINISH'S' CORNICE FINISH B' STEEL GATES WITH SCREENING • / f CORNICE FINISH B II LOCKING HASP B THROW BOLT t PREFINISHED GALVANIZED STUCCO FINISH FINISH A PROVpE WHEEL SUPPORT AT L I :d FINISH A STUCCO FINISHMI S TUCCO FINISH PDOEND R ATE.NO WHEEL POST DOWN FINISH A ARCHITECTURAL SPOUT ALLOWED.PROVIDE HOLES IN ARCHITECTURAL CAST STONE CAP ARCHITECTURAL PAD FOR THROW BMT IN CAST STONE CAP FINISH'H CAST STONE CAP FINISH 81 CLOSED 8OPEN.RECEI ER SL - FINISH'M 1 STONE VENEER PROVIDE NIL.RECEIVER SLEEVE STONE VENEER STONE VENEER SET IN C.C.AT CANE BOLT 18A _ FINISH•E - -- -_ - FNISH'F CONCRETE PAD SEE IM e1 tm—a®b ® �P' ® In m~0® – b ti I„N Iw j vv ? ._rz .� ...a.F.c r' _-- e= STRUCTURAL CIVIL)EXTENDING J.... .,---../.0.0 .7..-... .,.-.0.---.-L---7.:-....=- y�e_m.�` BEYOND ENCLOSURE WALLS AS - -- PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD DOOR PONE:31.821-1100 REQUIRED TYPE© NOTE:REFER TO SHEET A2-0 FOR ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES NM 915494 P1, 9 FILE STORAGE FRONT ELEV 5 FILE STORAGE SIDE ELEV FILE STORAGE REAR ELEV =e ASNOTEDDrawn K.11.1 16.60/0 ,LP AS1-t SCALE.1/4=1'-0 AS SCALE:1/4=1-0 AS 1 1 SCALE.1/4=1-EC AS 1 1 ] TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN _ AS,I SCALE ,/d=,-D SITE DETAILS @agigo 10877 WATSON ROAD ST LOUIS,MO 63127 PROJECT MANAGERS / �.DUgo W 60 B _I &40Q BORNM.F—_ ) 11 ri Q ;r09 0'O PILA57FR 0 W O -2.59-V'''' __- a ► __ ����������♦��♦�♦�1___ z w 60.BPIlAS�R _ ___________ _ __ r ___ E, (1 Ct uE ill EN iiignini ,____________a W U 0 fY 0 J_ 2 ELEVATION LEFT I0 A2-0 SCALE 1/8=1.-(Y Iylil 1,12 MINI �i;yi, �ii� I ROTUNDA CORNICE:WHISPERGREY o V .••I OI I r MINI SCORED EIFS:BISON BEIGE 'R I f9T.2 CORNICE__ '1 40'0 SCORED EIFS:BISON BEIGE i Vi ll g��{/� 'ILII ��^ 9' EIFS%CASTER T'4•P 6'9' I 1 TO.%LAjg' .4' -__ ----. TRHA:WHISPER GREY :III IFS CORNICE. 0#4 -___-____- WHISPER GREY STUCCO:BISON BEIGE \ TOPq EiA /!'STUCCO:BISON BEIGE -♦♦♦.♦.♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦�..�- •.-A 28P STUCCO:PIGEON GRAY / �P� / STUCCO:PIGEON GRAY 1====u 1- v r// STUCCO:BISON BEIGE 09 B V&STEftTRIM- 'W_Nr TRIM NMISP RGREY Q ___=_3��__ ____� I= = ______: 1 _=_ --------- --------- -------- - --- -- --------- --------- -------- -------- ------ -------- - -------- =- - R Ilimi.mini _ SARATOGA SPRINGS — BRICK:ACME BRICK y —.1.0___s CURIA V WALL.GtAZ NG CURTAIN WALL GLAZING STUCCO: SCIXiED EIFS' STONE: CURTAIN IVALL GLPZING EIFS PILASTER EIFS ACCENT %GEON GRAY SAHARA CCAUSIEOM STONE-'1VESTERN GREY'CHOP I IM'WHISPERGREV BAND:CCENT RGREY Z C/</</< <J ®ELEVATION FRONT SCALE 1/8.1.-0 PXONE 314-821.1100 PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD Job. 915494 SIIIV O..: R 44 OPTION A re•-,•B i- ELEVATIONS FOR APPROVAL 3/18/15 Sheet No. H as I3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 33K @a2@o 10877 WATSON ROAD ST LOUIS MO 63127 PROJECT MANAGERS W T-ROTUNDA CORNICE:WHISPER GREY D 50'0' m—_ I \ Z Z SCORED EIFS:BISON BEIGE W (I) i_< 1 0 LLI p I T,Q �.B H EIFS CORNICE'WHISPER GREY 7EIF5 CORNICE:WHISPER GREY ^ 7 1-1--I SCORED EIFS:SAHARA (•' LZ STUCCO:BISON BEIGE STUCCO:PIGEON GRAV V zUW _ I, • Vzs'0 \ >, CL Lu Z W W Q u) r���`' r�411 -' o = •---_----__ 1111- ,.......� B.Q�y15�3TER TRIM n ---1111-- ----- ri .- 6--''' 1 II 4,_,:..„„„„,„ — — BRICK ACME I ao• CURTAIN WALL GLAZING BRICK SARATOGA STONE CUSTOM STONE- L BRICK ACME BRICK SPRINGS' STUCCO:PIGEON GRAY 'WESTERN GREW CHOP EIFS ACCENT STUCCO:BISON BEIGE SAPATOGA SPRINGS `EIFS PILASTER PATTERN BAND'WHISPER GREY TRIM'WHISPER GREY •ELEVATION RIGHT SCALE. 1/8=1'0 I- 1— !II PI LI ..I ,;;I: rti id •III 111 _ ) I ® i _. ( T.9,PI T R 14.4133'e' � — m 'yyrO BA 1855=_ v�o SSSSSZ=-D_ ___ —='.....,=------- - 1� _ � �y G -_ 1111 -___-'__•_____ - -._.-.-_._. / BO-PI� t: � 1111.- -------- 16RIB 4.19 __ :._ ____ = ___ ________-______ _ _ _______ = __- ___ _ ------ - - - _---111_1-_-_ __ ______________ _- ;}` 'II._ ____ - - _____ v 7.3555 VI - 7T = I[ ___ 7 = __ - F°S1)— a-o' ®ELEVATION REAR SCALE.1/8=1'0 PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD ,''Na 915494 K. ELEVATIONS FOR APPROVAL I ., i 3/18/15 SIRNo. 41, 11 g EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 33K 1 O �ir vASIER rave¢ Tn.w 6r • Ow _ m .„ O © 0 0il I- O 0 D3 �.. 0 -- — H-.._ — - - 0 tix O © 11 0 - ,,,, iwimplumai; L. -.11111111 ELEVATION FRONT O tivuaww r CF p� Y• _, T a M-A4fltr 1 --. 0 I r x 1 T]PA IM.aFTFN O ti To . --. �ro.ar"r. Oiniait ,. w _ • eta s .r . _ I ; I I 0 ly,m — 1111111111111111.1111111 I rdli 61111 ''' 0 r ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT I 3 I 1 DUNN EDWARDS DEC785 2 STOREFRONT-SOUTHWEST 3 MASONRY-ACME BRICK d STUCCO-DUNN EDWARDS 5A STUCCO- 56 SCORED EIFS- 6A STUCCO-DUNN e8 SCORED EIFS- 7 STONE-CUSTOM STONE "WHISPER GREY" ALUMINUM"ANODIZED DARK, " - j. .. •, , "- DE6214"PIGEON GREY" DUNN EDWARDS DUNN EDWARDS EDWARDS DEC750 DUNN EDWARDS "WESTERN GREY" -- - BRONZE' DEC747"SAHARA" DEC747"SAHARA" "BISON BEIGE° DEC750"BISON BEIGE" C HA N HAS S E N MN CHIIPREN`S�FARNING�_ EXTERIOR FINISHES PlIM'4 CASCO 03/18/15 Childcare Centers . 1 SITESMAP • _- �- - \ / - \ / - \ \ � UNDISTURBED 4 u;o°°' / AREA 2 13 AC \ / \ 4 \ / p \ / / NI \ / / y / / / VII / // ....O. .... / / ! I/ I WETLAND / - /Ei�h'D SETBACK / / / Lr :_ gl 1,ir l /' /( �s,ceNTq_aL.T.F ARE •A � T f f t \ ° 'f //� / `. :jp •• :-•,,,�'1 q/ o I I • • • 16 , -- ° . - - �� /I/ _ '.HFGE SHAD= •• • — —STRUCTURE • • O 0 / 4 1 • //, • �11D S4ACE L 1, •` / 1111 ocICC�.'IALK //• \ .,--. .. •• \ _ i \ 1 - 1 ` O.if •p �5 I I , •,.. • !rte© . .i ._;: / l� .. i J IL-- --u,.. �.� ' T oecGS SC Ov j 1-1.4 _— // 3308• -: 54 50• `� • 0 ,7,'l'^cETOACK1�,>y , '4) .. i 0 --.•i— r. —IAV W s. HWY 5 I I 1 i ELEVATIONS .,• '-..., AB 04••••••4#1 :72011815MCkr©RiD • • ' PEM©11_1(VE MI 1111111111111111Ma_ RE. -:e1M. — = —11.117::;)mmmi...,..,K11111111111111111,um=E.t* A itt immEmm 114 ..Iii.::, n n n n i,:i.5k }. .11. ilE:n LIE — 010 - - 111111111 - 11111 1 ------ 11 .--:::::1111111,-_,1111.11111111116 il 0011111111111 I 11111 • FRONT ELEVATION ' 1 r ., e .4, . xx D • •- - - - - - % A kt *. . — ,, •$.4x*a.. A PEMENOT, _ — ____.:.„, .._, --.,,,,, 4A• ' 2: :.ffer -----, _ ----------------- IN.1.55: gin le w .. ' 77 11P77 R I I F I 1 I.I I I .1-- Ti-- -..,-..-..i..-..-...: .--,--.--::,--"Kr: 111 I I """_3;III,A• E-:::-:,-, — I• -- -- . ;gi;g! - RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION 'r 7 =-_,._•._----- 1 W- , -7-:--------r- -------- --11.111.1 ::::.,E.w• %- - -- --- • ___=,.. N=.-._ ____..........._______...„..T. -:::::::: ...______ ______ ME_ __ 11 . ::::"..11111Ar I 1511177 '::::::"7""ifi-' P" i!.i!!! _ HI MILIT I 11_ ! • _ ,3:._-w 7,- .- 3 El _- -_ : w '''_'.-- I AO' _ _ _ - ' ---- A iv---W - - _ .- - REAR ELEVATION SIGN LAYOUT SCALE: 1/32" = 11-0" i AwningsQp SPECIFICATIONS A Daslnns �� '''''''''7444/4) event FABRICATE & INSTALL(1) SET OF ILLUMINATED Tsa#18579 CHANNEL LETTERS "` SIGN&AWNING SINCE 1979 O CHANNEL LETTERS- 6015• FACES: 3/16" 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC 5kylineDt - Houston,Tx 77057 Phone:713.780-1151 Fax:713.780.7518 • RETURNS 5" .040 ALUMINUM PRE-FINISHED BRONZE wwv.accenisiaca cDn7 • TRIM 1" JEWELITE PRE-FINISHED BRONZE • BACKS: .063 ALUMINUM (WHITE) • ILLUMINATION' WHITE LEDs • POWER SUPPLY REMOTE HOUSED IN CAN • MOUNTED DIRECTLY TO WALL WITH MINIMUM 3/8" p+ FASTENERS WALL MATERIAL: ati +e3ni�iei.;iey a Neosa mkt to tomtit ALL CHANNEL LETTERS REQUIRE WEEP HOLES Project Information ELECTRICAL LOAD: Job Name CLA 1.76 Amps @ 120V Location: 7750 Galpin Blvd ( ECTRELREQUIREMENT: ICAL , ONE 20 Amp CIRCUIT @ 120V aa'9• City/state: Chanhassen, MN _�\ Date: 1 29 15 r_ ) I Clt___I 1 Sales Rep: Nathan Niemeyer ..) n 1 Drawn By: Ace Schlitznicky \ \ I \ ,_ ) \ ../ ) Drawing#: ASA15 0035 Revisions 168.7 SQ FT 1 3.18.15 REVISE LAYOUT AS 2 3 18 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS SIGN LAYOUT 3 3 19 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" POWER SUPPLY Production Approval RETURNS Salesman. Date ---TRIMCAP Copyright --FACE THIS RENDERING IS THE PROPERTY OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS ANY BACK REPRODUCTION OR EXHIBITION OF DRAWING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED 02011 ACCENT SIGNS&AWNING THIS RENDERING MAY NOT BE USED TO BUILD AND/OR CONSTRUCT WHAT IS DEPICTED HEREIN WITHOUT LEDS THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS Underwriters Laboratory 6w d.d�ro vg.b.�.d.d»r ws�..d w wa.e...e..u..d.d. MIN 3l8"X 5" FASTENER UL IV w...1`"":::.14-3""Z..e.w,�,-t: Mnro achs de...a .deddb.6y Electrical A m..nexm�by OS*tewa.i.me.mini lot irovu Amyl Lg.d MOM b..ah.d d vim VOLUM'pm.w.a.w<M1rq. 4 mngm.aMydya.....Md N gm.sd...Haws m tobe SECTION VIEW ..�11/.a SCALE NTS Page 5 of 8 NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE ONLY ACCURATE WHEN PRINTED ON 11"x17" PAPER AT FULLSCALE DATE._I_I_ LANDLORD APPROVAL DATE II CLIENT APPROVAL. SPECIFICATIONS B a�\�ySi9ngE Awnings�� 0 40�— ez.. ccent FABRICATE & INSTALL (1) SET OF ILLUMINATED = ,If Tsa#18579 CHANNEL LETTERS SIGN&AWNING SINCE 1919 © CHANNEL LETTERS: • FACES 3/16" 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC 6015 Skyline DE - Houston,Tx 77057 • RETURNS: 5" 040 ALUMINUM PRE-FINISHED BRONZE Phone:www.8accceSnIsiggancoo13-C7180-7518 • TRIM 1" JEWELITE. PRE-FINISHED BRONZE • BACKS 063 ALUMINUM (WHITE) • ILLUMINATION:WHITE LEDs • POWER SUPPLY REMOTE HOUSED IN CAN • MOUNTED DIRECTLY TO WALL WITH MINIMUM 3/8" FASTENERS. WALL MATERIAL ,- iElbialu tiaycpptX P4ase titer b tentr t ALL CHANNEL LETTERS REQUIRE WEEP HOLES Project Information ELECTRICAL LOAD: Job Name: CLA 1.76 Amps @ 120V Location: 7750 Galpin Blvd ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT: ONE 20 Amp CIRCUIT @ 120V City/state: Chanhassen, MN zr s- I Date: 1 29 15 , ,/ ., �, 7"------ Sales Rep: Nathan Niemeyer (- J ( Ix- J ! \ n Drawn By: Ace Schlitznicky I ' !J a Drawing#: ASA15 0035 j \ � , � \ \ \ y t ` ��\ \� Revisions 1 3 18.15 REVISE LAYOUT AS 138.3 SQ FT 2 3.18 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS 3 3 19 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS SIGN LAYOUT SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" POWER SUPPLY Production Approval RETURNS Salesman Date ——TRIMCAP Vi Copyright FACE THIS RENDERING IS THE PROPERTY OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS ANY BACK REPRODUCTION OR EXHIBITION OF DRAWING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED `\ 02014 ACCENT SIGNS&AWNING THIS RENDERING MAY NOT BE USED TO BUILD AND/OR CONSTRUCT WHAT IS DEPICTED HEREIN WITHOUT I LEDS THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS Underwriters Laboratory } MIN 3/8"X 5" FASTENER ULie. a6..a"wa« ada .w�iy.""tti W..Ib whin 4 pap mi..r b..yg AElectrical Pm cide ron rye nn.i*AM.a a«EY YE k�..es.sn.,*, Ib."Mdd TIER K UM'.de,rouvmkdwt.g 4hmwd or.m"hfM e1 Peen eyn.iand gmed mayday ay is to main!4 mta".a SECTION VIEW SCALE: NTS Page 6 of 8 NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE ONLY ACCURATE WHEN PRINTED ON 11"x17" PAPER AT FULLSCALE DATE. II LANDLORD APPROVAL. DATE_I_I_ CLIENT APPROVAL. 1 CHILDREN`S LEARNING- a`"ys`gpsIZ17Awnings(1p��� SPECIFICATIONS ADVENTURE °°' FABRICATE&INSTALL(1) A MONUMENT SIGN WITH Childcare Centers Cent 15(1#18579 REVERSE ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS ANS ONE SET OF FRONT AND REVERSE LIT LETTERS. SIGN &AWNING SIN CE 1979 O CABINET.ALL ALUMINUM FABRICATION FINISH P1 607707 • BACK PAINTED P3 9'-7 1/4" Phone'713-780-1151 Dr. HoFuxustQ 713n,Tx 8057518 O REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS 4.-0 " 2'-9 1/2" 4" ` 11-0" 4" rvvra^a.acrerltxiRllc .com • "CHILDREN'S LEARNING 125"ALUMINUM FINISH P3 I._____ • "ADVENTURE 125"ALUMINUM FINISH P4 0 _ • RETURNS 3" 063"(PAINTED TO MATCH FACE) — - _ ____ 1 • BACKS 150"CLEAR POLY-CARBONATE ---.,' , • • ILLUMINATION-WHITE LEDs • _ • POWER SUPPLY REMOTE HOUSED IN PAN --. / CHILDREN'S LEARNING V ,.,. .... • INDIVIDUALLY CLIP MOUNTED 1 1/z" FROM BACK o ...,... PAN SIGN \ . "R" HIGH PERFORMANCE VINYL V2 / O POLE COVER FINISH P4 nethil3ioiaLay appltlPteasaWit lametna. (1)STEEL PIPES 8 625"OD WELDED TO SIGN FRAME, / FOUNDATION (FOOTING) Project Information 24" DIA X 6'-0" DEEP CONCRETE PIERS N / CONCRETE PAD 3"BIGGER ALL AROUND IIDI(E#AITIIRE © lob Name CLA O FRONT AND REVERSE LIT CHANNEL LETTER: o v • 150"POLYCARBONATE.FINISH V1 in • 1/4" FCO ACRYLIC SOLVENT BONDED TO FACE FINISH.P3 Location: 7750 Galpin Blvd • RETURNS 3" 063"ALUMINUM FINISH P5 • BACKS 150" CLEAR POLYCARBONATE City/state: Chanhassen, MN • TRIM 1"JEWELITE FINISH P5 0 Date: 1.29.15 • ILLUMINATION WHITE LEDs . - • POWER SUPPLY REMOTE HOUSED IN PAN o Cli i I d c a ��e Centers • © Sales Rep: • INDIVIDUUALLYYCLIP MOUNTED 1 1/z"" FROM FRONT OF Nathan Niemeyer PAN SIGN ' o © LETTER SURROUND: 090"ALUMINUM Drawn By: Ace Schlitznicky FINISH P2(MATTE FINISH) • 0 Drawing#: ASA15 0035 6 • ELECTRICAL LOAD. 2.8 Amps @ 120V �_ Revisions ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT' ONE 20 Amp CIRCUIT @ 120V 1 3.18.15 REVISE LAYOUT AS SIGN LAYOUT 2 3 18 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS SCALE: 3/4" = 1 '-0" 3 3 19 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS POWER SUPPLY �— _D L D _ -- _ _� -r-T-7-7- _� Production Approval �, Salesman Date 1 - - RETURNS TRIMCAP ' / / j� Copyright FACE II Q 1 € / , / I ` / 1 THIS RENDERING IS THE PROPERTY OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS ANY Q BACK /a ACRYLIC FCO / / / / / 23 6 sq ft REPRODUCTION OR EXHIBITION OF DRAWING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED SOLVENT BONDED ' l ' X2014 ACCENT SIGNS&AWNING.THIS RENDERING MAY NOT BE USED F I TO BUILD AND/OR CONSTRUCT WHAT IS DEPICTED HEREIN WITHOUT 4"--n�1 I1 L_________JfLI U THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF ACCENT SIGNS 8 AWNINGS c ( MIN 3/8"FASTENER 1 0 150 POLYCARBONATE 1 1 I -LEDS I) �'a Underwriters laborat I 150 POLYCARBONATE 7.___ u,,...aa. 11.syermd.d is k....•a.d waded Y.,,i..0 V.d.t M J."Q.vaaA d and•AM d O.IYf a11bM ta4 wl'u A.•4mY.Yd 1 ad.!Mks a wawvanlaod 1.6y _ I € • � �� 1 Electrical \ _I_ _ I L ,��'� __I \ �' i © Mw1Mn�ImIM Oitge 4n�1.d.i11 be*I lx IIB VAI ��// *gal rim%.nnalad eFuse*iaad.w caroAGES"9.1e b' ng An REVERSE LIT REVERSE / FRONT LIT I , md+.da*et SCALE: NTS — Page 7 of 8 NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE ONLY ACCURATE WHEN PRINTED ON 11"x17" PAPER AT FULLSCALE DATE. I I LANDLORD APPROVAL. DATE' I I CLIENT APPROVAL , Awningstvc�� SPECIFICATIONS 0 °° O 1O --- ' Accent FABRICATE & INSTALL(7) S/F ALUMINUM _ Tut#18579 PARKING SIGNS WITH DIGITALLY PRINTED AND SIGN &AWNING HP VINYL GRAPHICS. DROPOFF SIGN - PLAN VIEW SINCE 1919 © PANEL- SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 6015 Skyline Dc - Houston,Tx 77057 • FACES. '/8"ALUMINUM. FINISH: P1 Phone:713-780.1151 Fax:713-780.7518 • www.accentsignco.cem DIGITALLY PRINTED LOGO AND V1 VINYL(DROP OFF ONLY) 1'-10 " • WELDED TO SQUARE TUBE SUPPORTS _ 1'-10" • BACKS, FINISH: P2 • SIGNS TO BE DIRECT BURIED • ; ;- T © SUPPORT: CHIl i''LLgRMING' - 1/8" ALUM PLATE >r (TACK WELDED TO 2" �„ • 2" X 2" SQUARE TUBE SUPPORT. FINISH: P2 _ ' _ ALUM SQ TUBE) T — _ �. trahllileNd ftay n Please*Auto metra& _Childcare_ Censers � , Drop off Only 1 Project Information FINISH SCHEDULE it PAINT COLORS-SATIN FINISH Job Name: CLA C) P1•WHITE2 X 3/16 WALL Location: 7750 Galpin Blvd IND P2.DARK BRONZE . � ALUM SQ TUBE City/state Chanhassen, MN BIWIMI_ Dp1 DIGITAL PRINT ON HP VINYL WITH UV OVERLAMINATE d. _ V1.HP BLACK VINYL Date: 1.29.15 I APPROVED BY c I Sales Rep: Nathan Niemeyer M Drawn By: Ace Schlitznicky Drawing#: ASA15 0035 6 I Ell 0WELD 316 Revisions 4" 1 2 1/8 1 AE-- /� 1 3 18 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS I I i ._ GRADE 2 3 18 15 REVISE LAYOUT AS " �R-III-. S11-111-I i '/z O HOLE FOR j " III III=111 111=1I I�I—III I11=' BOLT _ O BACK OF SIGN 3 3.19.15 REVISE LAYOUT AS III-111 �I I I—� I �—IP II 1,L--:-- 3/8" A� 1-7,111=1,;-111-11, II I�,'11 ' '_' 3/8" ALUM PLATE----, (WELDED TO 2" 7r \\ Production Approval ALUM SQ TUBE) • OPTION #1: PLATE MOUNT ON CONCRETE Salesman Date CUT TUBING OFF BELOW PLATE, SECURE 1 PLATE USING 3/8" BOLTS WITH LEVELING G I NUTS I 8 I Copyright • OPTION #2. DIRECT BURIAL IN DIRT THIS RENDERING IS THE PROPERTY OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS ANY PLATE DETAIL-AA BURY PLATE FLUSH WITH GRADE CONCRETE REPRODUCTION OR EXHIBITION OF DRAWING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED FOUNDATION TO BE 8"O X 1'-4" DEEP ©2014 ACCENT SIGNS&AWNING.THIS RENDERING MAY NOT BE USED SCALE 3" = 1'-O" TO BUILD AND/OR CONSTRUCT WHAT IS DEPICTED HEREIN WITHOUT PARKING SIGNS THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF ACCENT SIGNS&AWNINGS SCALE: 1 " = V-0" Underwriters Laboratory UL Up.kpeqlWA/6.bi.lbkfdM1YeidYWedMiulg..l.,. W nmaholsifd,MBS. ik&m4GYoYrAaRliki6N do 1wrlMe 6e mixed.g rwiy J, ^ rElectrical__ /�\ rnn.androM1anaww.aw v, m.•. aw,. lxvu kaiA...../IIUgM.•ghdd 9Ma gWAge'pb tesv.kti" . g. In aboadzinal*Sy of,,,sartrol Ind,**Pm ne NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE ONLY ACCURATE WHEN PRINTED ON 11"x17" PAPER AT FULLSCALE DATE_I_I_ LANDLORD APPROVAL. DATE I I CLIENT APPROVAL: Page 1 of 2 From Machemehl Linda K[linda k machemehl@xcelenergy corn] Sent Tuesday,March 24,2015 10.24 AM To Meuwissen Kim Generous Bob Subject RE City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center Kim Xcel Energy has overhead transmission that follows the north side of Hwy 5 and then runs north south along west side of this property Xcel Energy has a single phase underground primary and a single phase padmount transformer on the property There are no services any longer coming out of this transformer It could be used to serve a temporary during construction if needed See map below Linda Machemehl Xcel Energy—Responsible By Nature Designer 710 South Pine Street,Waconia,MN 55387 P 952 470.3321 C 612 718 2390 F 952.442.5599 E Linda.K.Machemehl@xcelenergy.com XCELENERGY COM Please consider the environment before printing this e mail r Off03# A \\\ M1, ,,,--:\ n� or illilli N / / o " ri VI til► � , t 1 • + ,..# u«P; - - ____. w •,• 1 ` 7730 + V Je 608 ,, +! i�49 ." . _ 77b rZf� .� 4 l4r� i -�+ 774 __L.:" /" r ,.._kV�e 7744Imt + )7d ,B-� .( fSf t>a virgi \ ` /}`// 3,-. 11111P. A IPA '� ~\\ /' / T �/ 'DV ' aok / i F05 2 D + /' O k 37.6• mH a.: 443 103 / F074 t 4 ' NJ // ) 90fC 41. FOB e o O r, o / - • - • r. F054 per. e � �Jr r From:Meuwissen,Kim[mailto:kmeuwisseni ici.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent Monday,March 23,2015 1 23 PM To 'Kate Miner','chentges@co.carver mn us','jennie.skancke@state mn us','tod sherman@dot.state mn us','melissa m.jenny@usace.army mil','cbleser@rpbcwd.org', 'cthompson@mediacomcc.com',Machemehl,Linda K,'cherie monson@CenterPomtEnergy com', Maureen.Amst@centurylink.com','brenda.sudheimer@centurylink.com', 'randall olson@centurylink.com' Cc.Generous,Bob,Mohn,Jerry,Fauske,Alyson,Littfin,Mark,Sinclair,Jill,Hoffman,Todd,Jeffery,Terry Subject City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center Development Plan Review Agencies Please review the attached request and respond with your comments no later than Thursday.April 9.2015 to Robert Generous,Senior Planner City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen,MN 55317 952-227 1131 file•///G•/PLAN/2015%20Planning%20Cases/2015-09%20Children's%20Learning%20Ad 4/13/2015 o°pNESOT' Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District 4). Waters Edge Building OF $ 1500 County Road 82 West Roseville, MN 55113 April 9, 2015 Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center MnDOT Review#S15-015 NW Quadrant of MN5 and Gaplin Blvd Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section 1002 Dear Ms Aanenson• Thank you for submitting the Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center site plan MnDOT has reviewed the plans and has the following comments Surveys. A dimension is missing on the northwest quadrant(TH 5/Galpin Blvd) sightline The line is graphically the correct length, but there should be another dimension of 51 22' at the sight corner or show the total length of line as 103 69' A turnback has been completed in which, Mn/DOT's right-of-way crosses Galpm south of the proposed entrance MnDOT no longer own right of way adjoining West 78th Street and this property. If you have any questions regarding these comments please direct them to Bruce Wetherbee in MnDOT Surveys at Bruce wetherbee@state.mn.us or 651-366-5176 Design: • MnDOT Highly recommends using Standard Plate 7035, Concrete Walk& Curb Returns at Entrances for the access along Galpm Blvd This detail provides guidance on to how integrate ADA concerns into the driveway See attachment • MnDOT right of way has noxious weeds. See attachment • The proposed grading ends at the MnDOT right of way line. Consider a setback in order to complete the grading while still staying within the property limits Show the MnDOT fencing on the plan and add a note to protect it • The pond side slopes are steeper than 1 3 and start immediately on the other side of the right of way line These slopes are not traversable nor recoverable by errant vehicles. The plans need to indicate how far these ponds are from TH 5, whether or not the ponds are within the Highwy 5 clear zone, and if the ponds are wet or dry. Roadside Vegetation It appears that all of the plantings will be off MnDOT right-of-way The trees and shrubs that are planned to be adjacent to the TH 5 Right of way will likely survive the roadside conditions The planned planting of Swamp White Oak may interfere with the overhead powerlines,which were not shown on the included plans If the trees' canopies will reach the overhead lines, the oaks should be replaced with a tree species that will be shorter when mature along TH5 The planting plan should be approved by the Chanhassen City Forester, Jill Sinclair Please direct questions to these comments to Tina Markeson in MnDOT's roadside vegetation unit,tina.markeson@state.mn.us, or 651-366-3619. Water Resources: A drainage permit will be required. The proposed development will need to maintain existing drainage rates (i e , the rate at which storm water is discharged from the site must not increase) The City or project developer will need to submit existing/proposed hydraulic computations for both 10 and 100 year rainfall events verifying that all existing drainage patterns and systems affecting MnDOT right of way will be perpetuated Drainage permit application can be found at. http.//www.dot.state.mn us/utility/files/pdf/permits/drainage-form-complete pdf Please direct questions concerning these issues to Nicholas Olson(651-634-7542) of MnDOT's Water Resources section Permits A short form permit is required for the water and gas connections if they occur in MnDOT R/W Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at www.dot.state.mn us/tecsup/utility Please include one 11 x 17 plan set and one full size plan set with each permit application Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (651-234-7911 or buck craig@state mn us) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section Review Submittal Options: MnDOT's goal is to complete the review of plans within 30 days Submittals sent in electronically can usually be turned around faster. There are four submittal options. Please submit either 1. One (1) electronic pdf version of the plans. MnDOT can accept the plans via e-mail at metrodevreviews dot@state mn us provided that each separate e-mail is under 20 megabytes 2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size plans will expedite the review process Plans can be sent to. MnDOT—Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113 3 One (1) compact disc. 4 Plans can also be submitted to MnDOT's External FTP Site Please send files to ftp•//ftp2 dot state mn us/pub/mcommg/MetroWatersEdge/Planning Internet Explorer doesn't work using ftp so please use an FTP Client or your Windows Explorer(My Computer) Also,please send a note to metrodevreviews dot@state mn us indicating that the plans have been submitted on the FTP site If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (651) 234-7784 Sincerely, Karen Scheffing Principal Planner Copy sent via E-Mail: Nancy Jacobson, Design Hailu Shekur, Water Resources David Sheen, Traffic Clare Lackey, Traffic Engineering Tina Markeson, Roadside Vegetation Doug Nelson, Right-of-Way Buck Craig, Permits Tara McBride, Area Engineer Dave Torfin, Surveys Bruce Wetherbee, Surveys Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council © / CURB AND GUTTER 0 6 IN WALK AT r1•.1,_, QUADRANTS 8 IN. PAVEMENT Q \6 IN. PAV T./ Q Q CCOM OINTSACTION I . •• • '• ,'. %I. • ; ... 1'. :..: ' . ' ... ...:1::. .:*: . ..°:: 1 I PAVED t 4 IN. • 0 I I 4 IN. WALK I ALLEY WALK I PRIVATE I I' 0 /41 IN. WALK I • •:""----PRIVATE 1 DRIVEWAY I 0 • WALK i i 4 PLAN •• 0 015 FT/FT (3/16" PER FT)TYPICAL 0 TOWARD ROADWAY / PROVIDE INTERMEDIATE 1/4" R. v JOINT AT SQUARED END z �(TYP) �---- IN SIDEWALK, WHEN a r m Q . ,; 4. .. ; .. I SIDEWALK IS ADJACENT Oo 3> TO CURB AND GUTTER La M a IVARIABLE WIDTH© U o Z SECTION THRU WALK •-(1) °° CONCRETE WALK . • 0 4 IN WALK-••• • ��40' NOTES: IA, Q ENTRANCE SEE ROAD GEOMETRIICDESIGN DESIGNMOF ENTRANCES. 5, FOR S.O'0- �`0 ..iiillidliftWeA/ WOULD BE EXCEEDED,OWABLE DUE TOENTRANCE THE POSITION OF GRADIENT® EXISTING WALK, THE WALK SHALL BE REMOVED AND '•'�t"A.;k • REPLACED, OR THE PAVEMENT WARPED TO PROVIDE C & G •'•''•"•''• ••A;.=`:::::;••'' �= • ' 60'TO 90' THE REQUIRED ENTRANCE SLOPE. ``�%�: :.••�:H :.;.:. t F-. Q SEE PLANS FOR PLACEMENT OF WALK AND • QM1:' ,• s. •r % O ••! DIMENSIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAYS °f` $ �;,,;.: . ® NO DEDUCTION SHALL BE MADE IN CURB & GUTTER • .,.., _ A FOR ENTRANCE. ` 'SVOQ . h Ol 1/2 IN.EXPANSION JOINT. 1/2 IN PREFORMED JOINT VARIABLE FILLER MATERIAL,AASHTO M 213 (REQUIRED WHEN A�./ 2 CONCRETE AREAS ARE POURED SEPARATELY) HALF PLAN PERSPECTIVE 02 1/2 IN. EXPANSION JOINTS AT 60 FT. (APPROX.) MAXIMUM INTERVALS. 0 MATCH INPLACE DRIVEWAY THICKNESS (6 IN.MIN.). 0 WITHOUT SIDEWALK, PAVE ONLY TO THE END OF DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT CURB RETURN WHEN ENTRANCE IS UNSURFACED OR _ LENGTH VARIES v)----.. CONSTRUCTION IS NOT NEEDED BEYOND THIS POINT. IC 0 WITH SIDEWALK, PAVE TO THE BACK OF SIDEWALK. 1/4" R 4 FT MIN-0- PAID FOR AS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT. 0 06 FT/FT. 0 MAXIMUM 02 FT T 1/4" R 0 CONTRACTION JOINT (FORMED OR SAWED) SLOPE / 0 EXPANSION JOINT NOT REQUIRED IF ADJACENT SECTIONS ARE POURED MONOLITHICALLY. SEE SECTION A-A. 0 SEE PLANS FOR PLACEMENT OF PED CURB RAMP 0 FORM CONTRACTION JOINT AS NEEDED TO PRODUCE 0 07 APPROXIMATELY SQUARE PANELS (MAXIMUM WIDTH 15 FT.BETWEEN JOINTS). SECTION A-A ©THE MINIMUM CONTINUOUS AND UNOBSTRUCTED CLEAR WIDTH OF A PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE SHALL BE CURB RETURN 4.0 FT. 11 SEE PLANS FOR PROPOSED CROSS SLOPE OF THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE,WHICH MAY NOT EXCEED 0.02 FT./FT.AS CONSTRUCTED. APPROVED JULY 25.2011 STATE OF MINNESOTA SPECIFICATION STANDARD DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE PLATE %; / CONCRETE WALK & 2301 6 1 NO. 035 STATE DESIGN ENGINE CURB RETURNS AT ENTRANCES 2531 7035N 0 ••-1- 0) u) LU 0 9 0 6ro W t - 1 1 o (1) 0 to 0 a l- a) ...„- 0 o (I) in 0 ..t c\1 (NJ 1-4, 1.....' "5 o O• M CO VD a) tt) 411) 7) I .E *41/ffl. E .0 n gs ra - r5 rill > a) cil -a Ell 10 1 ‘.. iiii i tit g! ti V i--si > C 0 CI ° W Z p p. -,I -g -.., 1 -- -1...... z .cx r- 0 t-,01 ____ ,.... 0 1' rii, 4417144tErlfrim % 114411 '1 , 1,:,- 2 I- e ,.... 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Z - ' it ,iio In A ' -:-'0 if''&4 ' .' cl „ .1.1 L11i Generous, Bob From: Aanenson, Kate Sent Friday, April 10, 2015 2 30 PM To: Generous, Bob, Fauske, Alyson Subject FW S15-011 Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status Flagged From•Scheffing, Karen (DOT) [mailto Karen Scheffing@state mn.us] Sent• Friday, April 10, 2015 2 13 PM To•Aanenson, Kate Subject• FW S15-011 Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center Kate A few additional comments came in regarding the Childcare center We felt this didn't warrant a revised letter but thought we should pass them on Karen From: Grugel, Todd (DOT) Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 5 24 PM To: Scheffing, Karen (DOT) Cc: Jacobson, Nancy (DOT), Andrusko, Andrew (DOT) Subject: RE S15-011 Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Center Karen, I think first bullet under design referencing usage Std Plate 7035 for driveways catches most of the ADA elements If not too late though, you could clarify that then entire 10'trail width through the driveway should have a maximum 2% cross slope The plate isn't clear on that aspect for trails (I think it says maintain minimum 4' PAR) Todd Grugel ADA Program Engineer 651-366-3531 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on April 9, 2015, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Children's Learning Adventure—Planning Case 2015-09 to the persons named on attached Exhibit"A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon, that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. (' , /,,,,ei.„--- ar n J En_, ha'dt, De st y Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9" day of Ap f ( , 2015 6.4K) r • I 1/17 OA.. Notary Pu is 0 '. KIM T N j` Notary PuWIc.Mtnnesota x„ My OtxtIrnissien Expires Jan 31.2020 7 2 /N./_ ,, a� w O T N a) N L "O L O U O • 7 Q i 4-, L to CD to O '--. ,/ Q d N m r m o o ° 2 O) o):!_, a) N U Q Nm LL, D 0 f0 O > �C 30 N U pl... � r o'Ya a2� EE yo g E5,,--E c CA'- nco ~ L L N U U coo -•(ll Q3 O C 0 U C = NUN E 3 E t E v a T Q (0 0-Z (0 - a) D (^0` O CA, O E C O O co aNi E o umi N, m° v-mo 0 (n W W W -C L N L U N N 3'- C N N T 5 +' 7 a) 3 0+% til Q (0 fn d O N c I- d N m > c..., m m c o CD rn • O a) O ❑ N > C (. 0.. CD p _CL p >, 73 to L ° Ec Uh9Iht11I lull p 1Jhfl N O V w -'-' O O V -2 E 3 E 8cN 0,UUL_ 0L C co m a) >, 0 O c cU - L mmc EONmL N.- m32E E 4- V' �i O a'a . E.. 6Z- mE C O +.' 0 C .,' EL 7 �No owmNN3 0,0A8 C (0 r V) +. O !? 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E U) O.0- ooE 0Errcm'mirc2aNa- 0 -E LO• ° N -' CE m O¢-0 2 C m °Y a° ° C E 0) �a a E oo n° m.5 50y` EC 3 8mm aymva2 m-a ooLc �Ed C E N 410 N .. o f N 8-U aO-° wYa) Op maa I- .. R C >+ C ca CC NF, 2S@22m-, m�� oaia0� _ ovmaNaNam °ad r 0 C) a) ra+ £ v v� oao �a °t doPc a) 0 Q Q0 N > > a0-o 0-8.8 9 ,o N2 o)3 N 4 CrO CL 0 .0 ce-9oo>o >ro2o Eoo co ,, rnv(U0 6.(3 J d Q d J R a UoEmm - a3 >2rn ¢ Em �a 6 . a AMERICANA COMMUNITY BANK AMY B TREBIL AMY M PEITZ 10700 PRAIRIE LAKES DR 2406 HARVEST WAY 2906 BUTTERNUT DR EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3858 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8452 CHASKA, MN 55318-1111 ARTEMAS ROBERTS III BLAINE D SHANSTROM BLAKE S HULANDER 7762 VASSERMAN PL 8516 IRWIN RD 7850 HARVEST LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4536 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55437-1523 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8453 BRAD L & ELAINE N DALAGER BRANDON R MESSER BRIAN R & BARBARA C FOLSOM 7847 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 2331 SCHOOLMASTER DR 2215 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8451 CHASKA, MN 55318-2804 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8339 CARVER COUNTY CDA CENTEX HOMES-MINNESOTA DIV CHERYL A STANTON 705 WALNUT ST N 7500 OFFICE RIDGE CIR STE 325 7720 VASSERMAN TRL CHASKA, MN 55318-2039 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-3786 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHRISTOPHER B CESAR CNBI LLC CONVENIENCE STORE INVESTMENTS 2194 BANEBERRY WAY W PO BOX 47570 PO BOX 2107 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8338 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55447-0570 LACROSSE, WI 54602-2107 DANNA M & GEORGE M MOKAMBA DAVID J WINDSCHITI DENEEN D YOUNG 2223 BANEBERRY WAY W 7620 RIDGEVIEW WAY 7852 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8339 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4507 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8451 DIANE JULSON DIANNE JANICE ERICKSON DUANE A LUBBERS 7740 VASSERMAN TRL 7735 VASSERMAN TRL 7754 VASSERMAN TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 DUNG D LE ELIZABETH D SANTIAGO ELIZABETH L SMITH 7842 HARVEST LN 2386 HARVEST WAY 2197 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8453 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 GELINO FAMILY TRUST GERALD P & PEGGY A WOLFE GRETCHEN JELINEK 7729 VASSERMAN TRL 7755 VASSERMAN TRL 7710 VASSERMAN TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 HANG CHAN HELEN E ERNST IND SCHOOL DIST 112 2201 BANEBERRY WAY W 7749 VASSERMANN TRL 11 PEAVEY RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8339 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHASKA, MN 55318-2321 JAMES F SAPIENZA IRA JAMES H &AMELIA A CHMURA JAMES P HERZING PO BOX 1409 7745 VASSERMAN TRL 6645 E LAKETOWNE DR ELYRIA, OH 44036-1409 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 ALBERTVILLE, MN 55301-4366 JEFFREY GIBBS JEFFREY M &TIFFANY M WEYANDT JOSEPH W & EILEEN D KIEFFER 8061 DAWN DR 7626 RIDGEVIEW WAY 7602 RIDGEVIEW WAY ROCKFORD, MN 55373-9317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4507 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4507 JULIE A SKOOG JUSTIN C ANDERSON KAREN ANN OLSON 2400 HARVEST WAY 7848 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 7850 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8452 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8451 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8451 KATHERINE M KORPI KATHRYN T STODDART KENDALL LIVING TRUST 7845 HARVEST LN 7305 GALPIN BLVD 7766 VASSERMAN PLACE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8453 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8059 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4536 LARRY S &TERESA M HANSON LEE ANN FRANZ LONNIE G &JAN M JOHNSON 7734 VASSERMAN TRL 7844 HARVEST LN 6706 PROMONTORY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8453 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346-1919 LORI J WIRTZ MARILYN G LEBLANC MARK A&SARAH L PLETTS 2360 BRIDLE CREEK CIR 2376 HARVEST WAY 7517 BENT BOW TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9338 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-6401 MARK C GOODMAN MARK I & MAUREEN E MAGNUSON MARK T &ALICIA F SCHIMKE 2370 HARVEST WAY 7715 VASSERMAN TRL 7626 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8334 MARYANN TOMPKINS MATTHEW S BLEWETT MAX C FOSTER 7724 VASSERMAN TRL 2396 HARVEST WAY 13723 54TH AVE N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 PLYMOUTH, MN 55446-1153 MELISSA A HEIN MICHAEL L & CAROLYN L SHIELDS MIRON E MARCOTTE 2193 BANEBERRY WAY W 7759 VASSERMAN TRL 7240 GALPIN BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8340 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-8058 MUOI TAM NGU NICHOLAS J SCHULIST PATRICIA S DEZIEL 2050 WATERLEAF LN W 2372 HARVEST WAY 2382 HARVEST WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8342 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 PAUL J WOLETZ RALPH H PAMPERIN RICHARD A OLSON 7756 VASSERMAN PLACE 7719 VASSERMAN TRL 7730 VASSERMAN TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4536 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 ROBERT L GRIFFITH ROBERT M & PATRICIA L PETERSON ROBERT P & CARRIE J WEBBER 7739 VASSERMAN TRL 2398 HARVEST WAY 7608 RIDGEVIEW WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4507 RUTH H MITAL SERLIN PROPERTIES LLC SON AND SHVETZOFF VENTURES 7750 VASSERMAN TRL 1 CVS DR LLC CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-6146 7135 15TH AVE S RICHFIELD, MN 55423-3429 SRIRAM VISWANATHAN STACY ANN BENNETT STANLEY W VALENSKY 7614 RIDGEVIEW WAY 2388 HARVEST WAY 7752 VASSERMAN PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4507 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4536 SUSAN M ERICKSON THEODORE A &ANGELA M THOMAS S BLUSTIN ELLEFSON 2198 BANEBERRY WAY W 2394 HARVEST WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8338 7609 WALNUT CURV CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9395 THOMAS W &SHARON D KRAUS TIMOTHY DESAULNIERS TIMOTHY J GUILFOIL 7744 VASSERMAN TRL 7845 AUTUMN RIDGE AVE 7714 VASSERMAN TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8451 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 TRUST AGREEMENT OF LAWRENCE VASSERMAN RIDGE MASTER VASSERMAN RIDGE PROMENADE & ASSOC INC 7725 VASSERMAN TRL 16305 36TH AVE N SUITE 600 16305 36TH AVE N SUITE 600 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4506 PLYMOUTH, MN 55446-4270 PLYMOUTH, MN 55446-4270 VICKIE S KLINE WALNUT GROVE HOMEOWNERS XUONG 0 LUU 2384 HARVEST WAY ASSN 2219 BANEBERRY WAY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8444 1801E 79TH ST#21 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8339 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55425-1230