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Administrative Packet
Administrative Packet Riley District Office SIPA 14500 Martin Drive Purgatory Suite 1500 Bluff Creek Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Tel (952) 607-6512 Watershed District www rpbcwd.org You are invited to an Evening with the Watershed May 7, 2015 7:00pm Chanhassen American Legion 290 Lake Dr E This spring's speakers include, Paul Moline from Carver County Water Management Organization, Peggy Knapp from The Freshwater Society and District Staff. Paul will be presenting on the Carver County Groundwater Initiative Three-quarters of Minnesota's residents get their water from groundwater. However, concerns are growing in regard to the unsustainable use of groundwater. Paul's presentation will focus on what Carver County is proposing to help protect and manage this resource. Peggy Knapp will present on the Master Water Stewards Program The program certifies and supports community leaders to install pollution prevention projects that educate community members, reduce pollutants from urban runoff, and allow more water to soak into the ground before running into storm sewer systems. The program will be coming to the District this fall. Help us protect our waters now and for future generations. Our last speaker will be Conservation Technician for the District, Josh Maxwell. Josh, in partnership with BARR engineering, will be presenting the Creek Restoration Action Strategy study that includes analysis of all three creeks in the District: Bluff, Riley and Purgatory This study will allow the District to approach all three creeks in a comprehensive manner and have a good understanding on how healthy or unhealthy our waters are. This event is free and open to the public. Please join us at the Chanhassen American Legion. Sincerely, /fin /Lc Claire Bleser District Administrator Board of Managers Mary Bisek Jill Crafton Perry Forster Kenneth Wencl Leslie Yetka Minnetonka Bloomington Eden Prairie Chanhassen Minnetonka • . • . • • • 11 I ' / I , • • 4 • • • • i • • •S, / 0. ••0.••0.0.0.• '••• 0.0.• \ \\ I // / • • • ♦ • • • • • \s\N \ .•. Thurs ••.•.•.•.•. . • ' May 7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 m a VDU AMinclie? le an • p • P. 'ENING wITH THE wAjuisH--_-J • • • • • _ • • • . • ••• • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • Riley / / /v. i Purgatory Bluff Creek Watersh-d Dis i JI MRS REFRESHMftffS STE / DSHPP WITH PRESENTATIONS ON Carver County Groundwater Initiative Paul Moline 1 1 Master Water Stewards Program Peggy Knapp Creek Restoration Prioritization • Josh Maxwell ( cwt. ! ;i „g ,, • r •r • ______j :it,fkirltve f C 6::71 \ * ( .... Iiiil 011 • ,___ ri • :--i- r.: , c \ rpbcwd.org� C-41)-3 ("— ) . • 10) (77...) . aiChi 1 I The slow fluid movements of Tai Chi promote balance and relaxation.The short form is the perfect place to begin learning this ancient Chinese health exercise All the movements are performed in a standing position.Classes are fun and informative. Instructor, Ron Erdman-Luntz has been teaching tai chi for over thirty years. He is a gifted teacher and has taught thousands of students during his career. Prerequisite for class:Must be able to walk comfortably for twenty-five minutes. Please wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes. Session 1: Wednesdays, May 6-June 10, 10-10:45am Registration Deadline:Wednesday,April 29 Code No.4153.100 Session 2:Wednesdays,June 17-July 22, 10-10:45am Registration Deadline:Wednesday,June 10 Code No.4153.101 Chanhassen Recreation Center$48 Resident/$53 Non-Resident For more information,please call 952 2271125 Please mail or drop off registration forms to Chanhassen City Hall,7700 Market Blvd P 0 Box 147, Chanhassen,MN 55317 or fax(including credit card number)to 952 2271110 Please make checks payable to City of Chanhassen.No refunds given after the deadline date unless the event is canceled by the Senior Center. 2 TAI CHI $48 Residents/$53 Non-Residents O Participant's Name Date of Birth LL z Participant's Name. Date of Birth. 0 Address: City,State&Zip: a � Home Phone Alt Phone. email. I- yI,the participant,do hereby agree to participate in the above-mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and at liability • for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s)arising out of,or in any way with,his/her participation in this activity.I do hereby allow the City of WChanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s)named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of re one year from the date I have signed below Data Privacy Policy The information requested on the registration form wit be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility,and equipment needs You/your child's name,sex,birth date,address,phone number and health information wit be provided to city staff,volunteers,the 2 city attorney,insurer,and auditor Although you are not legally required to disclose this information,failure to do so wit prevent you from participating in the program ix▪ Participate Signature Date Payment ❑ Cash ❑ Check ❑Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑AmEx Total Charge$ dCard# Card Expiration Date MEMORANDUM CITY OF TO: Bob Generous, Senior Planner CHANHASSENFROM: Todd Hoffman,Park&Recreation Director6 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: Apnl 7, 2015 PO Box 147 Chanhassen,MN 55317 SUBJ: Children's Learning Adventure Childcare Centers Northwest Corner of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard Administration Phone 952 2271100 Fax 952 2271110 PARKS Building Inspections Phone 952 2271180 This property is located within the park service areas for both Sugarbush Park and the Fax 952 2271190 Chanhassen Recreation Center Engineering TRAILS Phone 952 2271160 Fax 952 2271170 The subject site has access to pedestrian trails located adjacent to both Galpin Boulevard Finance and West 78th Street. Well-planned pedestrian connections between the subject site and Phone 952 2271140 the Galpin Boulevard trail should be included in the project. Fax 952 2271110 Park&Recreation PARK AND TRAIL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Phone 952 2271120 Fax 952 2271110 No conditions of approval regarding the city's Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan are being contemplated for this submittal Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 2271400 Fax 952 2271404 g\park\th\childrens learning adventure.docx Planning& Natural Resources Phone 952 2271130 Fax 952 2271110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone 952 2271300 Fax 952 2271310 Senior Center Phone 952 2271125 Fax 952 2271110 Website www ci chanhassen mn us Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SITEMAP Fs'Ds+�a�a ryoo \O �xG`P - -- N 3"39x':,8 'R 185.73 - y Q``P``y ., P� y+D . +• 13 r1/41 I cZOy r ��� 95 PERAiANeyr CR I',-_- \\• rN� ^ i �,�o \ 010p i� 2;:R Wi S"t"y er. 10-.!--,r:11::::.11--t"--------\ — 4CT�luB am No. 1e-„ Y C'... /kA' '9T�,` / / NDI3TURBED 1 1i 1 \ PT 40+15 4 _ \CO AREA 2 13 AC j \ 'T ,A CG SEC 10 I �� \ _ 0'N L'NE MNCOT PARCEL 2}6 I I 1 4ZC�� .„6,7/../„/ / NI \\ / 4 / g;Tll44t::Ns /At. 1il �j /1 ' / /J-1 -.' ,s,CP£v ACCESS N. i / D �J a •ni`/,\/ /-� UNDDT,'<p1Y;C• N , }3 i8 ,\." 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I"'' -_ ---•-•'' __ J ' _ 5,....t.-.—:-= _t_ _ Hwy-15 - � / ; tl fi�-- 1 Reach for Resources Inc 1001 Hwy 7 Hopkins, MN 55305 Phone 952-988-4177 Fax 952 988-6728 www reachforresources org * 4 The * 111 A ,.."isi/ I „, er Summer 2015 Helping Individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential Reach for Resources en B u d d ice s Board of Directors Te Patrick Boley Larson King, LLP President Melissa Rahn Reach has worked with Minnetonka's Be a Fredrickson & Byron Buddy program over the past few summers en it Vice-President "i The program involves recruiting volunteers from Erin Kober the City of Minnetonka between the ages of 13 ( '. University of Minnesota j and 18 to be a mentor or"buddy"for a teen . - Secretary with a disability enrolled in the summer Teen 04 itit. Explorers program The goal is for individuals is Andy Weinstein j to create a bond of friendship and learn from f Minnesota Twins one another as they attend and experience Treasurer recreational activities together Other goals __ .' , a ✓� _ include breaking down social barriers, Sharla Duerre enhancing understanding between teens with 11 // The Lacek Group and without disabilities,and teaching teens that they are much more similar to than different from I their peers The program has been well received and has proven beneficial for both those with and Gary Johnson without disabilities Due to this success, Reach will expand and develop a mentor program to Wells Fargo enhance its impact on teens throughout the metro area Since it began,Reach has expanded and Renae Kimpel i enhanced the Be a Buddy concept by marketing the opportunity to teens and developing a Helena Family Supports formal teen mentor training program Autism Therapy Center The Teen Buddies program started with one buddy, Jill Kaiyalethe Receive the Reach Reader through has expanded to include over 30 buddies,and now Fairview Health Services email and you could WIN! works with multiple cities and programs including special events, bowling basketball,and more.One Nicolas Montoya ( Help Us Save Costs of the Buddies has described this opportunity " Student Sign up to receive the Reach Reader through a fun way to meet new people and volunteer.It email between April 10th and June 10th and does not feel like volunteeringat all I am there just Dan Nelson Student you could win one of two$25 Target Gift Cards, having fun with everyone else!" During the basketball program,the teen buddies encourage Kari Schamber To sign up please visit our the players to stay active and engage with one U.S Bank website or send an email to :` another One mother commented on how she no- info@reachforresources.org ticed her basketball player has became more social and motivated since the Teen Buddies started attending the program Reach welcomes volunteers of all ages' If you are interested in helping out at any of the exciting recreation programs, no matter your age, please contact Reach at 952-988-4177 ADAPTIVE RECREATION REGISTRATION DEADLINES -SEE PAGE 4 0 Children's Mental Health Case Management...page 3 More Inside 0 Summer Programs...pages 3- Easketball Sponsors...page 11 Letter from the Executive Director Community Living Services/ Hello, Making A Difference This past spring, our Board of Directors and employees REACH has been working with a young lady took a look at updating our strategic goals. Over the next finding housing. She previously had section 8 year and a half, we will continue to strive to make things housing and lost it a couple of years ago. better for those who utilize our services as well as making The Community Living Department was able the work more efficient and enjoyable for our staff Our to first find her an apartment with a goals include technology upgrades, building awareness roommate of our services through marketing practices, assessing the quality of our current services, developing a strong training After living with the roommate REACH has program, and a focus on engaging others in the valued recently been able to find her an apartment work Reach provides to individuals and families These where she can live on her own' She is excited goals will create stronger supports and services at Reach. to be able to have her own place again' Many of our programs have seen significant increases in Board Highlight the number of individuals and families supported through Reach and we have therefore increased our staffing Our current space has been stretched beyond our capacity (,;/ My name is Erin Kober and I have been a Reach Board member and so we have started to look into different office space. since 2009. 1 enjoy volunteering We plan to stay within the area and services and programs will continue as planned. We will keep you with Reach because I think it is so posted of this change in the near future important to help all people get involved in the community and We hope you continue to enjoy your involvement with • create a more meaningful life Reach Please feel free to reach out to us if you have suggestions or want to get involved We look forward to I work at the University of seeing many of you at our summer fundraiser on July 21 in - Minnesota as the Marketing Hopkins and our other summer events Director for Student Unions & Activities. In my spare time I enjoy camping, kayaking, All my best, cooking, scuba diving, running, beer tasting at local breweries and traveling whenever I Kate Bottiger can. Reach in Action Marcus is an 10-year-old who has been a participant in Children's Mental Health Case Management Services at Reach for Resources Inc for the past year Marcus has had some tough times with school and accessing services In the past three months, Case Management Services have helped Marcus in several ways Marcus attended his first eye exam and received his first pair of glasses after it was discovered his struggles in school were related to poor eye sight He has established weekly therapy appointments in a convenient setting for him - at school! In the past, Marcus was not taking medications to help his mental health symptoms. He has recently established care with a psychiatrist who started Marcus on a medication routine to help address his needs Marcus received his first wellness check in four years with his primary doctor, and had his annual dental cleaning. Marcus used to miss school once or twice a week because he did not have a way to wake up on time in the morning. He has been given an alarm clock and is now attending school regularly! _ scHooL Marcus' Case Manager coordinates with Marcus' family, school, and mental health professionals in order to monitor services and ensure he is functioning at his best in all _e areas of life ` '°� - - 2 Did you know that REACH offers supported employment services? Reac r. Summer 2015 for Resources, Inc. REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the west and northwest metro area 1001 Highway 7, #235 Services include counseling,therapy groups, community living, Hopkins, MN 55305 training and support,therapeutic recreation and leisure information (952) 988-4177 Phone and referral. www reachforresources org •Counselin • uca ion Children's Mental Health ARMHS Community Living Targeted Case (Adults Rehabilitative Mental Health Services) Services Management Services Independent Living Support ARMHS is a rehabilitative program that Reach for provides helps adults who have mental illness Community Living Services is an Reach fChildren's MentalResources provides idrgeted live independently in their homes and / in-home support service for adults Case Management servicesHeah to childrendor community by learning skills to help with disabilities who want to live who have emotional issues that affect manage their mental health symptoms independently, but have been a child's functioning at home,school denied access to other public for more information contact Jessica assistance programs or have been and the community These mental Cermak,ARMHS Treatment Director at health services are aimed at supporting placed on waiting lists (952)224-7243 or and improving children's emotional jcermak@reachforresources org Clients are assigned a skills trainer well-being and development,their who can provide on-going support relationships with family and friends, with: and their ability to get along with others • Housing and function effectively at home, in • Employment school and in the community Referral Eligibility Criteria • Daily living skills Interested individuals must meet the following • Managing finances Children's Mental Health Case • Physical and mental health issues Managers can assist a family with • Socialization • Have a Mental Health Diagnosis resources for health insurance, assist • Transportation with school issues by arranging and • Be 8 years or older • Government benefits attending school meetings,such as IEP • Have Medical Assistance, application discussions, and make referrals for MinnesotaCare,PMAP (prepaid • Regular phone check-ins services that would be beneficial for Medical Assistance Program) Community Living Services is the child such as day treatment, tailored to your individual needs. individual and family Therapy, PCA services and medication management Some fees may apply IY and will The goals of Children's Mental Health Case Management (CMHCM) include several vary depending on income, areas This service enables the child to improve or maintain emotional/behavioral personal situation, and eligibility functioning so that s/he can remain in the family home and community It also for other government assistance focuses on increasing family functioning through assisting the parent/child in programs. obtaining and maintaining medical,social, educational,and other services to address mental health needs Case Managers providing the service meet with Call Larissa Beck at(952)988-4177 families a minimum of once a month to coordinate monitor and evaluate service for more Information delivery for appropriateness, progress,and continued service need Did You Know? Reach is also a If you are interested in learning more about this service, please call Lisa Rivers SI LS and Waiver provider. If you at 952-224-7234 are looking for a worker who can meet your needs, give us a call! Help us save Receive the Reach Reader through Email and you could WIN! costs! You can Win one of two $25 target gift cards by just signing up to receive the Reach Reader through email.To sign up visit our website reachforrsources.org and enter your email to the stay informed box or send an email to info@reachforresources.org and we will make sure you start receiving the Reach Reader by email. Adaptive Recreation Program The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort between REACH for Resources and the Northwest Consortium and West Consortium of cities Participants from the cities below are considered "Residents"and given priority in registering according to the registration deadlines at the bottom of this page The Northwest Consortium Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Golden Valley, Inclusion Services Maple Grove, and Plymouth The West Consortium Chanhassen, Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, Reach for Resources provides inclusion St Louis Park and Waconia services for individuals with disabilities who would like to participate in their • Persons not living in one of the above communities and who have not purchased a city park and recreation programs membership are considered "Non-Residents" Persons with non-resident status will Registration for these programs is done not be allowed to register until after the Priority Registration deadline. Non-residents through your park and recreation also need to add$8 to the registration fee department After registering,contact • Do not sign up unless you will be able to attend] Some programs have waitlists. Reach for Resources to discuss the needs/accommodation for yourself or • If you are concerned about your program filling up quickly, please feel free to call or your child. We require a minimum of stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete a registration form in person The two weeks notice for a successful registration form is also available on our website www.reachforresources.org on the inclusion. News and Schedules page. • You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with schedules for all Available in Brooklyn Park Brooklyn Center,Chanhassen,Chaska Crystal, programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the Golden Valley,Hopkins,Minnetonka, program Minneapolis,New Hope,St Louis Park and • REFUNDS ARE NOT GIVEN IF YOU CANCEL 1 WEEK OR LESS BEFORE THE PROGRAM Waconia. Call Sarah at 952-988-4176 for more BEGINS! information. • Please note that some programs have changed in pricing MEMBERSHIPS NON-RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP FORM • A Non-Resident Membership option is available : For residents of cities OTHER THAN Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center • for$200 annually for those non-resident •Chanhassen, Chaska, Golden Valley, Hopkins, Maple Grove, participants who wish to receive guaranteed slots :Minnetonka Plymouth,St Louis Park or Waconia You may purchase in programs** priority registration, and reduced .an annual REACH membership that will give you the same benefits as ro fees .residents of those cities including priority in registration and reduced program :program fees PLEASE NOTE Members must still pay the resident program fees in addition to their membership fee • • Scholarships. Reach has limited scholarship •To purchase an annual membership, please complete this form and : funds available to help cover the cost of this :mail with your payment to REACH : membership fee. If you would like more • . information regarding scholarships or to apply, : Name contact Sarah at 952-988-4176 •Address REGISTRATION DEADLINES :City Zip Guaranteed Registration 5/11/15-5/15/15. Residents of Phone; . consortium cities and Members are guaranteed a spot . Payment Options in programs if registration and payment is received by • S.00p.m.on 5/15/15 • Annual (1 payment of$200) . Priority Registration 5/18/15-5/22/15. Residents of Bi-Annual,2 payments of$100 consortium cities and Members are given priority for •: (REACH will bill you for the 2nd payment) • open program slots on a first-come first-served basis Oben Registration 5/26/15-5/29/15: Registration is :$ Amount enclosed today • open to Non Residents as well as Residents and Mem •Please contact Reach at 952-988-4177 if you would like to discuss ' bers who will be placed in any remaining open pro • ;other payment options : gram slots on a first-come,first-served basis. Note: No • registrations will be accepted after 5:00pm on May 29, '**Members/residents are guaranteed a spot in a program ONLY if they except for"Special Programs"listed on page 8. :register and pay by the Guaranteed Registration Deadline** • 4 All A es Programs 5+) g Bowling gni ' Youth Bowling (5-17) Adult Bowling (Ages 18+) • Join us for fun, noncompetitive bowling You bowl two games each week North West WHERE: Doyle's Lanes WHERE: Park Tavern 5000 W Broadway 3401 Louisiana Ave S Crystal St Louis Park WHEN: Tuesdays,Jun 9th-July 28th WHEN: Mondays,Jun 8th-July 27th TIME: 6 30-8.30 p.m. TIME: 6.30-8:30 p.m COST: $40-residents COST: $40-residents $48-non-residents $48-non-residents week$4.25 Plus$3.50 per week Plus per Yoga (Family & Adult) Relax, get in shape and improve flexibility! For the summer,we will be taking yoga outside! (Weather permitting) This is a combination class for kids and adults with disabilities Adults may sign up to participate independently Children with disabilities and their parents participate together All children under 13 must be accompanied by at least one adult WHERE: Wolfe Park Pavilion 'f r < . St Louis Park Recreation Center W , 3700 Monterey Drive r , St Louis Park `� WHEN: Tuesdays,June 9th -June 30th TIME 6 15-7 15 p m Adult Fee: $32-residents $40-non-residents Family Fee: $42 parent/child pair ($20 for each additional family member) (Resident) $50 parent/child pair ($28 for each additional family member) (Non-Resident) ■f Inclusion Support '. r. Reach for Resources provides inclusion support to children and adults with disabilities who would like to par- ticipate in their city park and recreation programs. Registration for these programs is done through your Park and Recreation Department We require a minimum of two weeks' notice for a successful inclusion. Contact Sarah at 952-988-4176 for more information. ;: Available in Brooklyn Park,Brooklyn Center,Chanhassen Chaska,Crystal,Golden Valley,Hopkins,Minnetonka, Minneapolis,New Hope,St Louis Park,and Waconia 5 Youth Programs (Ages 5-12) Challengers League Move With Me We will use the big exercise balls and play games to keep our bodies moving.This program will provide an opportunity Take me out to the ball game .. Play baseball in this for participants to have fun, make new friends, and exercise their bodies and minds in a safe welcoming great league that uses a buddy system to help youth environment Program specifically designed for children with disabilities learn the sport of baseball Sponsored with autism spectrum disorder by Hopkins Area Little League WHERE. Chaska Community Center Call 952-988-4177 for more information 1661 Park Ridge Drive0:>r;o, Chaska WHEN: Wednesdays, June 24th -July 29th ,,, TIME 6 00- 7.00 p m COST: $50 per child Teen programs (Ages 13-21 Teen Explorers Non-Competitive Softball (Ages 13+) Get to know new friends while trying new activities, This is a weekly social group that gives teens the opportunity to go A non-competitive softball league for teens and adults that to restaurants, movies, plays sporting events,shopping and focuses on teamwork, improving skills,and having fun Join more! your friends each week to get outside and play some balli WHERE: Harley Hopkins Fields �', 108 Jackson Ave S N _ WHERE: Various metro locations Hopkins WHEN Tuesdays,June 9th -July 28th TIME. 6 30-8 30 pm WHEN: Thursdays, June 11th-August 13th FEE. $45-residents (Makeup Day August 20th) $53- non-residents TIME: 6.30-8:00 p m FEE: $35-residents $43-non-resident Adult L `_ Club West(west metro)and Wednesday Night Social(northwest metro)are social 'j1j programs for adults age 18 and older Meet new friends and visit with old friends • while fil enjoying games, dances, movies, bingo, and other fun events 4111) Club West Wednesday Night Social WHERE. Vanous west metro locations WHERE. Various north metro locations 41)) ao WHEN• Wednesdays, WHEN Wednesdays June 10th July 29th Junel Oth-July 29th TIME: 6.30-8.30p m TIME 6.30-8.30p m 4 FEE $45 CO Resident FEE. $45.00 Resident $53.00 Non-resident $53.00 Non-resident 40W 11. Plus additional activity fees Plus additional activity fees ! -. „. min .1111 6 Adult Leisure Friday Night Dances • Bingo Night • (No pre-registration required) ages 13+ All dances are from 7-9 p m ; (Pre-registration required) • $5 at the door : Join your friends to play everyone's favorite game! • Call Danielle at 952 988-4178 for more information ; • WHERE: Brooklyn Park Community 8 ,NCO : MAPLE GROVE ST LOUIS PARK : Activity Centerm31 ; 5600 85th Ave N, it 35 1 • WHERE. Maple Grove Junior WHERE. St Louis Park High School : Brooklyn Park ��3t 586 High School 6425 W 33rd St • MZ1j66 • 7000 Hemlock Ln N ; WHEN: Friday, May 1st St Louis Park Maple Grove WHEN June 19th : TIME: 6:30-8:00 pm J WHEN• May 22nd July 17th : Aug 21st : FEE. $7—pre-registration is required • • Fitness Ad lt Non-Competitive Softball (Ages 13+) A non-competitive softball league for adults and teens that focuses on teamwork, improving skills, and having fun Join your friends each week to get outside and play some ball! WHERE. Harley Hopkins Fields 108 Jackson Ave S _ Hopkins - WHEN Thursdays, June 1 1 th-August 13th ,, J}� .-,_.f,4- (Makeup Day August 20th) TIME 630-800p.m. 'Iv FEE. $35-residents ""` $43-non-resident Competitive League also available on Monday evenings Call Molly at 952-582-8264 for more information. Zumba Fitness Have fun while learning the popular dance moves! Join the sensation! WHERE: St Louis Park Rec Center 3700 Monterey Drive St. Louis Park WHEN: Mondays June 8th-July 27th IA TIME: 630-7.30 p.m FEE: $55 residents411) SO $63-non-residents6 7 Special Intake Required Social Seekers This is a program for teens and young adults with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder We meet once a week for fun and social interaction Intake is required for all new participants. Call 952 988 4176 for more information High School Group (Ages 15-18) Young Adult Group (Ages 19+) WHERE The Depot Coffee Shop, Hopkins WHERE Living Waters WHEN: Mondays, June 15th -August 17th WHEN: Wednesdays, June 17th -August 19th TIME 545-715pm TIME 500-630pm FEE: $200 FEE: $200 Weekend Ventures (Ages 16+) Need a mini-vacation? Join us for this great weekend respite program! Call Kirsten at 952-988-5321 for more information. Valleyfair Weekend Stay at a great hotel in Bloomington and spend all day \-� Saturday at Valleyfairi Ride the roller coasters,see a show, PA hang out in the water park,and so much more! ', V� WHEN. Friday, Jun 5 at 6:00 p.m.to Sunday, Jun. 7 at 11:00 a.m (' ' \> A11114 1 COST. $400 �I�� V V V N Upcoming: Weekend Ventures WHEN• Friday, Sept.4 to Sunday, Sept 6 „ + - WHERE.Camp Eden Wood 0-414N 4 Eden Prairie 2015 Empowerment Conference Please Finding your purpose - using your challenges to build opportunity RSVP! ® Speakers. Liz Kulp 8� Sam Guerrldo Call 952.988.4177 WHEN : May 12th, 2015 WHERE: Vescio's Restaurant TIME: 6:00- 8:00 COST: Free due to co-sponsorship funds; up to 75 participants Dinner will be provided. Drinks will be on your own. Thank you to the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities for their co-sponsorship. 8 0Q�R� n The Town Summer 2015 On the Town is open to adults 18 and older who have done an intake and been accepted into the program Individuals may sign up for each On the Town activity separately Each activity costs$5 to register plus any additional fees(such as tickets,transportation,etc) There will be other costs associated with each activity,which are noted below and on your schedule You are welcome to sign up for as many activities as you'd like,as long as space is available Each quarter,at least 1 activity will combine all 3 groups Limited transportation is available for On The Town North and West at a flat fee of$40 Transportation is not provided for On The Town Friday To register for an On the Town activity check the box next the event(s)you will be attending.Send in this sheet along with your payment and a completed registration form found on page 10 of the newsletter Signing up for an event is considered your RSVP Call Danielle Liebl at 952-988-4178 for more information or if you have any questions On the Town Friday ❑ I would like to receive On The Town transportation for the FLAT RATE of$40 ❑$5 Como Zoo On the Town North On the Town West WHEN Friday,June 12th 0$5 Out to Eat ❑$5 Movie in the Park WHERE Como Zoo,St Paul TIME. 4 00-6 00 p m WHEN Saturday,June 13th WHEN. Saturday,June 13th ADDITION COST Spending$$ WHERE Dave and Buster's, Maple Grove WHERE* TBA TIME 630-830pm TIME. 830 11 15 p m Play at Stages Theater ADDITION COST $15-$20 per meal+tip ADDITIONAL COST $0 ❑$16 Title The Little Mermaid Jr ❑$5 Twin Cities Jazz Festival ❑$5 Earle Brown Days Festival WHEN Friday, June 26th WHERE Stages Theater, Hopkins WHEN Saturday,June 27th WHEN Saturday,June 27th TIME 7 00 p m Show WHERE. Centennial Park, Brooklyn Park WHERE Mears Park,St Paul TIME 6 30-8 30 p m TIME 6 30-8 30 p m COST INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION $11 ticket fee ADDITIONAL COST Spending$$ ADDITIONAL COST Spending$$ 0$5 Maple Grove Days ❑$10 Fis Ina 0$5 Out to Eat • WHEN Friday,July 10th WHEN Saturday,July 11th WHEN. Saturday,July 11th WHERE Maple Grove Community Center WHERE. Fish Lake Regional Park, Maple Grove WHERE* Olive Garden,St Louis Park TIME 630-830pm TIME 600 800pm TIME 630-830pm COST INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION $5 Equipment ADDITIONAL COST Spending$$ Fee ADDITIONAL COST $10-$20 per meal+tip ADDITIONAL COST $0 0$40 Twins Baseball Game �flir` 171$40 Twins Baseball Game 0$40 Twins Baseball Game 4y WHEN Saturday,July 25th WHEN Saturday,July 25th WHEN Saturday,July 25th WHERE* Meet at Eisenhower Comm Center WHERE Meet at Eisenhower Comm Center WHERE Meet at Eisenhower Comm Center TIME Meet at 5 15pm 6 10pm Game TIME Meet at 5 15pm 6:10pm Game TIME Meet at 5:15pm 6 10pm Game COST INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION Ticket fee+ COST INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION Ticket fee+ COST INCLUDED IN REGISTRATION Ticket fee+ Transportation Transportation Transportation ADDITIONAL COST. Spending$$ ADDITIONAL COST. Spending$$ ADDITIONAL COST Spending$$ 0$5 Out to Eat 0$5 Concert in the Park 0$5 St Louis Park Aquatic Center WHEN. Friday,August 7th WHEN Saturday, August 8th WHEN Saturday, August 8th WHERE. Big 10, Hopkins WHERE' Lake Harriet Band Shell, Minneapolis WHERE St Louis Park Aquatic Center TIME: 6 30-8 30 p m TIME 7 30-9 30 p m TIME 5 00 7 00 p m ADDITIONAL COST. $10-$20 per meal+tip ADDITIONAL COST $0 ADDITIONAL COST. $5 entry fee+Spending$$ I I L Name: Total # of events chosen. = Total 19 Registration Form—Summer 2015 Advance payment is required for all programs NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE Residents of the West&Northwest consortium of cities and Members receive priority registration up to the deadline Registration is then open to non-residents(unless program is full) Guaranteed Rcistn for residents/members 5/11-5/15 Priority Rgstn 5/18-5/22. Open Rgstn 5/26-5/29 1 Name Gender Soc Sec # - - Birth date Address City Zip. Home Phone Alt Phone Email O I have a Waiver 0 I have SILS DISABILITY/DIAGNOSIS(ES) (Please check ALL that apply) Developmental Disability Autism Asperger s/PDD _TBI Deafness Blindness ADD/ADHD Down Syndrome _Cerebral Palsy Seizures Emotional/Behavior Disorder Uses Wheelchair RACE/ETHNICITY _Hispanic/Latino _White _Multi-Racial _Black or African American Asian Am Indian Other Other Disability or Mental Health Conditions Allergies/Medical Concerns/Diet. Function Level of Client Borderline Mild Moderate Severe Other Photo Waiver. To photograph my son/daughter/individual for use in the agency's publicity by using pnnted material,photographs,videos,website images,photo displays,newsletters,TV radio,Internet,brochures,and social networking media If photographed,my son/daughter/individual may be identified by name Photo. Yes_No Name: Yes No_ Emergency Contact Emergency Phone. Social Worker Social Worker's Phone Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Parent(s) Email Home Address City Zip Parent(s)Primary Phone Secondary Phone Annual House- ❑$0-$24 999 ❑$25,000-$49,999 ❑$50 000-$74,999 ❑$75,000-99,999 hold Income ❑$100 000-$124 999 ❑$125,000-$149,999 ❑$150,000-$174 999 ❑$175,000-$199,999 ❑$200,000+ I the undersigned,certify that the above information is accurate I understand that participation in this activity is completely voluntary and the activity is being offered 1 for the benefit of the participant Reach for Resources shall not be liable for any claims,injuries,or damages of whatever nature,incurred by the participant arising out of,or connected with,the activity On behalf of myself and the participant,I expressly forever release and discharge Reach for Resources its agents or employees from any such claims injuries or damages I have received a copy of Notice of Privacy as required by HIPAA I have read,understood and agree to these privacy practices Legal Guardian Date lil Youth&Special Programs Resident/Non-Res la Adult Programs Resident/Non-Res ❑ Youth Bowling Doyle's $40 00/$48 00 ❑ Adult Bowling Doyle's $40 00/$48 00 ❑ Youth Bowling Park Tay $40 00/$48.00 ❑ Adult Bowling Park Tay $40 00/$48 00 ❑ Family Yoga#Attending_ $42 00/$50 00(+$20/$28) ❑ Adult Yoga $3200/$40 00 In Move with Me $50 00 Summer ❑ Adult Softball T-shirt size $35 00/$43 00 ❑ Teen Softball T-shirt size $35 00/$43 00 2015 ❑ Zumba Fitness $55 00/$63 00 ❑ Challenger League Send Me Info ❑ Club West $45 00/$53 00 ❑ Bingo $7 00 ❑ Wednesday Night Social $45 00/$53 00 ❑ Teen Explorers $45 00/$53 00 ❑ On the Town Friday See pg 8 ❑ Social Seekers (teens&adults) Send Me Info ❑ On the Town North/West See pg 8 ❑ Weekend Ventures Valleyfair Send Me Info ❑ OTTN/OTTW Transportation $40 00 o— ❑ Weekend Ventures camp Eden Send Me Info ❑ Empowerment Conference See page 10 Please mail completed form with payment to Approved by Amt Pd$ Ck# Reach for Resources 1001 Highway 7#235 Hopkins,MN 55305 Date Initials Cash Waiver Exp Registered by Program Total $ Date Initials Schedule Sent by Donation to support REACH Date initials Pymt Rec'd by programs(optional) $ Total Enclosed $ 0 I have made arrangements with the County for Reach to bill my Waiver directly for recreation programs (If not,you must pay for programs when registering) 10 Thank you to our Basketball Sponsors! . ' The Barbetta Family . _ _._ 4- • 1. i The Brooklyn Park Lions ' II. . y __ ,_:-.. fk ,... .1"-- 5-' 9 filif George Daum 9 1 t Physical Electronics USA 4 o - II, Iiii, , v.- ° ,_ ,: '1 , .:z: Randy Rhein Construction ,a1„,,,--, 4,,,:- V.F.W. Post 494 r If you are interested in t ” •' _:;„. :.: k ;.0 ', is ', 'Ti. I .=_. r ______________:: -:,-.- _i_ ____ _ sponsoring our 2015 Softball League please contact Kirsten at 952-988-5321 or koster@reachforresources.org 11 f Non-Profit U S POSTAGE r� PAID Address Service Requested LITTLE FALLS,MN 1l /1- PERMIT NO 9 Rea for Resources, Inc. 1001 Highway 7 #235 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 www.reachforresources.org Help Us Save Costs ,lh=IIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIIIhllIiIpuniiIIrII1iiidddIIiIJIrlil Sign up to receive the 699*1O*313"'- =""h"-=x -#AUTO*3-DIGIT 553 Reach Reader through __ email between April 10th CITY OF CHANHASSEN and June 10th and you PO BOX 147 could win one of two CHANHASSEN MN 553174147 $25 Target Gift Cards! Summer Fundraiser All ages welcome WHEN: Tuesday, July,21 st, .)2015 WHERE: LTD Brewery, 8 8th Ave. N. Hopkins, MN 55343 More information to come Reach For Resources Staff Community Living Services Thuy Tran,Community Living Specialist Kate Bottiger Cassie Keller,Designated Coordinator - Alexander Varner,Community Living Specialist Executive Director Broulilette,Community Living Specialist Makenzie Walker,GRH Demo Coordinator Lisa Rivers,MA, LP Hannah Dolloff,Community Living Specialist Chance York,Community Living Specialist Director of Mental Health Sarah Thorsen,CTRS Carolyn Fenne,Community Living Specialist Director of Recreation & Jeremy Garrigan,Community Living Specialist Mental Health Services Inclusion Services Thanh Glasco,Community Living Specialist Jessica Cermak,Assistant Director of Mental Health Larissa Beck,MS Community Living Lorraine Gurley,SES Coordinator Marnie Fest-Wilson,Mental Health Practitioner Program Manager Kristen Hamilton,Community Living Specialist Angie Dierks,Mental Health Practitioner Roseanne LentDon Horsman,Community Living Specialist Allison Henderson,Mental Health Practitioner Office&Business Manager Brianna Johnson,Mental Health Rehabilitation Worker Colleen Monahan Malachi Ireland-Covington,Community Living Jane Mcaleese-Schrupp,Parenting Skills Trainer Marketing Specialist Specialist Kara Marell,Community Living Specialist Melanie Miller,Mental Health Case Manager Chelsie Moreno,Community Living Specialist Kimberly Quamme,Parenting Development Specialist Sarah Selseth,Mental Health Case Manager Irene Neal,Community Living Specialist Kristen Ryan,Community Living Specialist Therapeutic Recreation Marcus Skallman,Community Living Specialist Kirsten Oster,Asst Director of Recreation Riawa Thomas-Smith, Homemaker Danielle Liebl,Recreation Program Assistant 4. Ir.__ isit ri a, 4. ni ng ‘,, ..,.. i. . , ,., ■ ■ ® Summer 9,- , A 0 or AiL 2015 For adults with unique learning abilities Magnifying Abilities is published ; .,-.***.•••.:,,�-. ' ',;I if Ii" ! 1 three times per year. ° ''' 1' ir , Volume 26, No. 2 Sponsored by Carver/Scott Community Education . , ... i , Consortium y" 4 !unifying Abilities .Contacts }4 Denise Fedie 952.556.3671 Summertime Fun Cancel Line Great opportunities are coming your way through Magnifying 952.556.3670 Abilities. Summer is a great time to spend outside with friends or learn something new. Magnifying Abilities will provide you with Cell Phones many opportunities to learn and to Just relax There's fun inside 612.750.9381 for everyone - so check it out!! 612.723.6374 . 612.750.7233 ` . wf_ 612.750.2009 '' ;.-r'',..','-,,- --ltzte In This Issue Program information 2 g Registration Procedures 2 {f Participant Guidelines 2 / / Classes 3 i, ; i . Volunteer Opportunities 3 ,/ j, Fitness.... 4 �1 , Vii; Trips and Tours 4 - 1 II At" _ Recreation 9 F Special Events io ' `'� Participant Highlight 11 i Wish List io { � t i ! ji ;t Magnifying Abilities Program and Registration Information Magnifying Abilities is a social/recreational Weather Line Guidelines for program for persons with cognitive and In the event of bad weather it may be physical disabilities The program is necessary to cancel an activity. Please call Participating in Activities designed to enhance the community the cancel line at 952 556 3670 to hear about The following guidelines have been involvement and lifelong learning of adults cancellations Individuals will be notified developed to ensure participants' safety with disabilities Adults who participate in and enjoyment. The Magnifying,Abilities if there is a cancellation. Cancellations are the program are generally from Carver and made by 4 pm for week night activities or 2 staff supervising each activity will enforce Scott County, but may include individuals hours before the event on weekends these guidelines. from surrounding areas. • Show respect and be supportive of each Through the program, adults with Cancellation Potic other.Use proper names when speaking disabilities may participate in craft classes, y to each other and avoid teasing tours, sporting events, and informational To receive a full refund,please contact us at • classes. Persons with disabilities may also 952 556 3671 before the last day to register Use appropriate language receive assistance when signing up for any for each class/activity In the event of a • Be respectful of participant's personal Community Education classes We also cancellation the day of the event, refer to space. encourage any community individual who the voice mail system There are no refunds • Be respectful of and responsible for the is interested in the program to participate given for cancellations received after the vehicle used in transportation last day to register.If an event is cancelled Magnifying Abilities is looking for eager by Magnifying Abilities,a full refund will be • Be respectful of and responsible for the volunteers and teachers to expandgiven facilities used for events/classes the variety of social and recreational • Avoid activities that may hurt or opportunities injure other participants(physically or Voice Malt System emotionally) Registration Procedures 952.556.3670 • Avoid drinking of alcoholic beverages Registration for the Magnifying Abilities Please use this number for the following during activities(this will not be allowed) program is accepted through the mail. situations: Enclosed in each Magnifying Abilities If concerns arise regarding participants,the newsletter is a participant registration • If you will not be attending an supervising Magnifying Abilities staff will form Participants are asked to complete the activity and need to cancel discuss the situation with involved parties registration form and return it to. • If fewer participants will be If needed, families, home staff, or other attending the activity than have individuals will be contacted regarding Magnifying Abilities the incident If issues cannot be rectified, 545 Pioneer Trail Chaska,MN 55318 been registered individuals may be required to attend If several forms are necessary due to • To check to see if an activity has activities with a supervisor or will be asked individuals living in group homes, been cancelled for any reason to not attend the activity for a period of time apartments, and/or foster homes, feel This number is only a voice mail and will free to make copies as necessary or call only be checked on the day of activities. Expectations of Staff 952.556.3671 to request additional forms If p • Assist with any medical/emergency specific individuals from group homes are FirstTime Participants concerns that arise with your not please complete the form and indicate the Welcome!If you are a first time participant, participant number of individuals to attend you are required to attend the first few • Assist your participant with bathroom activities with a family member or staff breaks Receipts will be sent to individuals upon Some participants may need a family receiving the registration form and fees. member or home staff to attend with them • Assist with any behavior issues indefinitely due to medical issues, safety • Cell phone turned on vibrate Payment concerns,or behavioral issues y + Speak respectfully to all participants Payment for each activity is required at the • Refrain from smoking on school time of registration. If there is significant Transportation Fee grounds Smoke only in designated hardship to individuals regarding this new Magnifying Abilities transportation fee is$7 areas policy, please contact Denise Fedie at 952 per ride.You will receive pick up times one 556-3671• •week prior to the activity Notify Magnifying Abilities staff of any issues with other participants Confirmation • Only give permission to your Once your fee is paid you are officially Drop Off/Pick Up participants regarding restrooms/ registered We will only notify you if the We ask that all staff,parents,providers enter leaving activity class is filled or cancelled the activity when dropping off and picking • Assist your participant in any way that up participants We want to be sure that all is needed 2 participants have safely left the activity. Classes Mother's Day Surprise Garden Stepping Stones Come decorate a special surprise that your mom can put on Time to create a beautiful stone that you can display in your a shelf She will love the gift that is uniquely designed by garden, front yard or rocked area of your home. You will each participant.Register by April 29. have a variety of shells, glass tiles and beads to decorate 0 Shakopee Jr.High $7 your stone Please wear old clothes Please register by June 200 E loth Street Shakopee 8 Tuesday,May 5 6.30-8•0o PM 1 ; South West Metro Co-op $6 401 E 4th Street Chaska Thursday,June 18 6 30 8 0o PM Caramel Roll Delight There is nothing better than a sticky, warm caramel roll to eat Learn how to make delicious rolls for any special Woodworking occasion or for a week-end breakfast. You will have a roll Break out your hammer,nails and sander for woodworking it to eat and several to take home.Please register by April 29. class Participants will be making a wooden serving tray to 100 Shakopee Jr.High $6 use in their home Please wear old clothes and enter in the north door of the building.Please register by June 6 200 E loth Street Shakopee Thursday,May 7 6•oo-8.00 PM Aoi South West Metro Co-op $12 401 E 4th Street Chaska Tuesdays,June 23&30 6.30 8 3o PM Spaghetti & Meat Balls Learn how to prepare a delicious meal of spaghetti and meatballs.We will have salad,garlic bread and dessert.It's July 4th Jewelry a meal you won't want to miss. If utilizing transportation, Design a special bracelet or necklace to wear on the 4th Carver County participants sign up for Tuesday and Scott of July You will be able to pick from a variety of beads, County for Thursday class Please register by May 14 jewels,rope and string So dress yourself up for the `° ,l 'r4 cit:,'Chaska Middle Sch East,Rm 105 $8 celebration.Please register by June 29. 1600 Park Ridge Drive Chaska 1020 Lions Park Shelter $6 Tuesday,May 26 5.3o-7.3o PM 1101 Adams Street Shakopee 1042 co`CO;Shakopee Jr,High $8 Wednesday,July 1 6.3o-8.00 PM 200 E loth Street Shakopee Thursday,May 28 5.30-7 3o PM T-shirt Pillow 1 ..1110-.4.z. Time to get creative with your old t-shirt and make it into comfy pillow.You will learn how to recycle that t-shirt. _•� So bring your own t-shirt and we'll provide the rest.Please `4 register by August 4 i ;r i' Waconia High School $6 1400 Community Dnve Waconia �"� Cal,.. � Tuesday,August ii 6.3o-8.00 PM Volunteer Opportunities Lunch Bag Decorating Humane Society Blankets Come show your artistic talents as you decorate Meals on Do you love cats and dogs? Want to make a better life Wheels bags.Everyone will have many bags to decorate to for them? This is the activity for you. We will be making brighten someone's day Refreshments provided. Please blankets to donate to the animals at the Humane Society register by May 13 Giving back is a great feeling.Please register by June 29 3606 Jordan High School $3 1605 South West Metro Co-op $3 600 Sunset Drive Jordan 401 E 4th Street Chaska , Wednesday,May 20 6.30-8•oo PM Monday,July 6 6.3o-8.00 PM 3 ■ r' s att Tours MN Twins Game Stages Theater: Little Mermaid Time to'take me out to the ball game' Come cheer on your Experience the magic of the Little Mermaid as never seen favorite Minnesota Twins at Target Field as they take on the before You will be able to sing along to your favorite songs Toronto Blue Jays We have seats in the upper level, first like 'Part of Your World" and "Under the Sea" See Prince base side It's a great way to start the summer fun Staff Eric and Ariel defeat the wicked Ursula. Meet at Stages attending please pay registration fee. Please meet the bus Theater at 12 3o pm Staff attending please pay registration at Chaska Kwik Trip at 11:3o a.m.Please register by May ii. fee.Please register by July io 1211 Target Reid $18 1-240 Stages Theater Company $10 353 N 5th Street Minneapolis 1111 Mainstreet Hopkins Sunday,May 31 11.30 AM-5.00 PM Saturday,July 25 12.3o-3.00 PM Como Zoo Glewwe Castle Brewery Time to spend a beautiful summer day at the Como Zoo Calling all root beer lovers Come take a tour of a local root with your friends.You will see the crazy monkeys, Sparky beer bottling company You will find out all about root beer the seal and giant gorillas We will meet the bus at the and then be able to bottle and label your own bottle.Please Chaska Kwik Trip at io oo a m Bring money to buy lunch register by August 20 Staff attending please pay registration fee. Please register 2234 Glewwe Castle Brewery $5 by May 22. 4620 207th Street East Prior Lake 1218 Como Park Zoo $6 Thursday,August 20 6.3o-8.00 PM 1225 Estabrook Drive St Paul Saturday,June 6 10 0o AM-3.00 PM Magnolia Blossom Cruise Board the Magnolia Blossom River Boat for scenic tour of Elko Speedway the Mississippi We will board the boat and enjoy a two If racing, cars and loud noise is what you enjoy, then this hour cruise as you have pizza, pop and dessert for lunch is the activity for you. You will see crowd entertaining Meet the bus at the Chaska Kwik Trip promptly at 9 45 a m stunts, NASCAR racing and lots of fast cars Please bring We'll board the boat in St. Paul at 11:00 a.m. and cruise money for snacks and souvenirs Staff attending please pay for two hours Staff attending please pay registration fee registration fee.Meet at Elko's main gate.Please register by Please register by August 7 June 29 Magnolia Blossom Cruise $22 3-Elko Speedway $15 2500 Crosby Farm Road St Paul 26350 France Avenue Elko Saturday,August 22 9 45 AM-2 00 PM Saturday,July 11 615-9 3o PM Fitness Nature Walk and DQ Softball Lace up your tennis shoes for a night of walking on a Join your friends for fun filled softball nights It's a great summer night. We will walk the trails through the park way to enjoy the summer nights and a good source of then head to the D.Q for a treat Wear good walking exercise. Indicate on the registration form if you want shoes and bring money for your D Q treat Transportation to play competitively or for recreation Refreshments provided for Carver County on June 15th and Scott County provided No transportation Please register by July 27 participants on July 13rh.Please register by June 11. 1520 Westministet Fields $9 1519A Carver County Lowry Nature Center $2 801 Valley View Red. E. Shakopee 7025 Victoria Drive Victoria Mondays,August 3,10,17 6.3o-8.00 PM Monday,June 15 6.3o-8.00 PM l.5l.9B Scott County Huber Park $2 150 Fillmore Street N Shakopee Monday,July 13 6.30-8.00 PM Ri } fa \ 2) co \ ■: z CO Mt / N CY) nn CO Cl MCI 0 al Ln° OS i.13 E \ M.) rC / U.^ < L k S E f CO 14 C 0 fn .0 N N a)05 O. $ 2m28% in 2 0ce 3 »co = ©22m N. & E % E ° �� � SSR rig 1-- @c � 0/ am5Q3 03 CZ * \ t © CU - N ` CO Cl. gym/ ] eNeSR@ 0 >1 --- - ' = w = 3R@ ci, m � $tm N .0 ■ 0 2 cocƒ � m � aft c kJ 0 0 CI .0 N 3 * Q 3\ LLmONI- +-I ?6 = � 2g % ~ a ® = QRR ■ U) CO � . - ® _ q g / \ \ ƒ « e •» wN « � ' E o_ m2@R 14 o = \ N � R c* % / m z23@ * V) \ I- � N � CZmJ ■ -0 C 0 E .0 Co 10 N > 0 2 \ ■ = gk CO W E Co10) eit M •i 5 A 1) CU S o_ 0 73 RI 0 Ln s .� Q � VILi CO CC p ccoo >cip. 0 ® �M 0 N. o t.) 2 r N N > 2 v > `. Rf 73 -se u v LL c E d •4-' m o 0 r V) Cu \o r N Z bl) °' �� = a) U) V ,--I.-i .-O N Q rat 03 73 N QtA 0 r. RS 11..M , .^-i NM 3 •Q▪ Vcti rigNa'�NO Lrill s r ▪ 0 N O N '-,CO 1-4 N Ca N d. r CO Ira .� m Lt) N M 0 V". r CD N 1.0 N 37. 7 n H n 'N N 01 >1c VI Lf) N CU •5-2 � CU Cl) t G) d C m2 61 -a al V w to Q Q M 0 C M N. v V)N C7' N rn T'• Q u, r N LL '-., CO ,-.1N N ACti ^ 74 N N CI 0 N 1/40 ;2-1(NN bo o bA o >` IIII, (I) :I_ � 2 - g1-- - � � N I� 3v 3v `r � � N .,� E -o E Q n' Q In M � .^i NM N O� N QM 0 QM 3 � 3q) d > o ca *V (-12 a � L, o = > L. = 0 Ln *'' o N 0) r r z .0 N N A U) 73 COC ~ r N CO CO > , y 2 km2 , 2 wEE U) Q. � * C ■ 0 p CO � RI V R r 2 r 0 % N >. CO . . §CI 0 V v 2 N M RS 0 t G ® = $ RN in 2 ) U. , $ g \ 6in c ) o& ® S2R 11111.41, N � k � � r M � ® g3 % 11W >1 � Sm N ° - Q < « zm /% \ % in w « $ R / ■ E ra_ k CL $ ƒ .12 � �/ co \ \ 4-1 OP% `.1- \ � \ .- \ �\ CO r x \ N N � 7 � QR % = =22\ = e §& - t5\ In21 0>CTI1 m ~ m3 \ 3 ■ 0 — » Rera $ R \ = ® = 2RR -. \ (Ivo 03 e » $ % \ in x- N N CI e al v w \ 2 VI \ � � o g3 = \ 2 \ , \ & c W o O CO x m so z .0 N N >, ■ "0 C 0 C/) U) N r CO E ,.,fav - C , a) N =` o C E. =r ra m a " g •O aiE r H N * u` d. N > 03 73L LL0 r CO Z r N N lin I_________ INN -0 v LI')N D1 1p Y CU V) .-4 1-� N V • Z 0 � o ' �as a,n- Ng M2 ,^-iN i. ;-1)-1 0 M O M 0 as as au 0 N. i N M N '- N L'? m .a N wE a~ ~ �i N N a.) (a = a) (/) ‘,0M M0 r-4. N I13Us VII C 13 _E m P C AA c M N OCO O m ,..0r r N V) +-i N -�101/ V) CU IL M .CD moi N M CO •igNO �N OM 0 ra C Nti W +L-� NN E .= r3 O „11,1 1, rc, t rLi Z v) N I. r M m CO La s- 0 V) Ln r t= .o r N Y o A a, v a) a Q LD 13 Y Y Y a t � CO O — cn N N .0 co a .0 a -0 a M 0 ^, 0 0 M I` O M CW Ln .o r to a r V} .o N M A ca C CO N CD CD N 0 Cl I Recreation Trivia Mania Horseback Riding Enjoy a night of trivia with your friends.We will play Trivia Time to put on your cowboy hat and boots and come on Mania like Trivia Crack where you'll have to win correct a trail ride in Jordan. You will be able to ride your horse questions in several different category areas The team to through trails along the beautiful Minnesota river. Please complete all there trivia categories will be the winners wear closed toed shoes Staff asked to pay registration fee. Refreshments provided Please register by May 4. Meet at the ranch.Please register by July 2 1344 South West Metro Co-op $5 1322 River Valley Ranch $25 401 E 4th Street Chaska 16480 Jonathan Carver Pky Carver Tuesday,May 12 6.30-8 0o PM Wednesday,July 15 6-oo-8-oo PM Annual BBQ Picnic The Price is Right Enjoy a night of food from the grill as we have a barbeque You love the the TV show, now's the time to see how you in Chanhassen We will have cheeseburgers, beans, chips, would do playing the Price Is Right You'll be able too desert and beverages After the BBQ we will play outdoor play games such as Cliff Hanger, Clock Game, Bullseye, games, walk the trails, feed the ducks or play at the park. Any Number, and much more You can also cheer on your So join friends for an evening of fun Staff attending please friends to win a prize Refreshments provided Please pay registration fee Please register by June 3. register by July 8. 1316 Lake Susan Park $7 1332 Shakopee Youth Building $6 903 Lake Drive East Chanhassen 1099 Adams Street S Shakopee Wednesday,June io 5.30-7.3o PM Tuesday,July 21 6.30-8 0o PM Staring Lake Park Performance Big Stone Mini Golf The Eden Prairie Players present'Once Upon a Mattress'at If mini golf and sculpture art are you interest, then this is Staring Lake Park amphitheater. In this musical you will your activity You will play 18 holes of mini golf, all built see Princess Winfred swim the moats and tries to sleep on within a sculpture garden You'll see a very creative mini an uncomfortable bed of 20 mattresses to win the hand golf course Bring money for refreshments Staff attending of Prince Dauntless. Please bring money for refreshments please pay registration fee Please register by July 23 and a lawn chair or blanket to sit.Meet at the park Please 1311 Big Stone Mini Golf $9 register by June 5 7110 County Road 110 W Minnetrista i3i8 Starring Lake Park Free Wednesday,July 29 6.3o 8-oo PM 1480o Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie Friday,June 12 6 30-9.00 PM Bingo Time Again Come try to win some amazing prizes There will be prizes Everyones Birthday Party for all Refreshments provided Please register by August i Happy Birthday to You - that's everyone! Join friends in Belle Plaine Lutheran Home $5 playing old fashion birthday games, pin the tail on the 1304' donkey, drop clothes pin, musical chairs and more We 611 W Main Street Belle Plaine will have birthday cake and everyone will go home with a Wednesday,August 5 6 30-8 0o PM present Please register by July 2. 530E South West Metro Co-op $6 Karaoke and Hot Fudge Sundaes 401 E 4th Street 1,# Chaska Time to sing your favorite songs and socialize with your Thursday,July 9 ' 6.30-8 oo PM friends. You will be able to sing karaoke or listen to your % friends while enjoying a hot fudge sundae. Please register by August 18 I ; r 1339 South West Metro Co-op $6 h 5 1 4ol E 4th Street Chaska Tuesday,August 25 6 30-8.00 PM e 9 ■ cta Events Ballet Narnia Pizza Ranch Join Twin Cities Ballet of Minnesota as they put on the You will enjoy all your favorite pizza,chicken,veggies and `Ballet of Narnia' The story will be based on the`Chronicles delicious desserts Staff attending please pay registration of Narnia',where you can escape to magic,talking animals fee Register by June 17. and mythical beasts Please meet at Ames Theater. Staff •f.^c,,Pizza Ranch $13 attending please pay registration fee Please register by 1266 Vierling Drive East Shakopee April 27 Thursday,June 25 5 3o-7.3o PM t9 Ames Center $33 12600 Nicolette Avenue Burnsville Saturday,May 9 6 3o 9.00 PM Valleyfair Experience the thrill of your favorite rides at Valleyfair!You can get crazy on the Wild Thing and Power Tower or choose Dance ® A - Than a more mellow time on the Ferris Wheel Please bring Join friends for a great night of dancing and raising money money for lunch and souvenirs. Staff attending please pay for Magnifying Abilities. We will have a Dance-A-Thon at registration fee Please meet at front entrance to Valleyfair the Chaska Community Center Here's what you can do Please register by June 11 Enclosed in the newsletter is a pledge form. You can take _ Valleyfair $36 this form to family and friends and ask them to pledge 1 Valley Fair Drive Shakopee you in the Dance-A-Thon There will be prizes for various categories of fund raising You'll need to raise$25 to get a Saturday,June 27 10 00 AM 3.00 PM t-shirt, so indicate that on the registration form and size of your t-shirt Refreshments provided.Register by May 6 Pow Wow :f,--,-, Chanhassen High School,Sm Gym $10 attend dance OR Celebrate Native American culture and away of life You will $25 plus pledges gets t-shirt and dance be able to buy lunch(bring money)and then see the Grand 2200 Lyman Boulevard Chanhassen Entry dance Please meet at main gate Staff attending Friday,May 15 6.30-9.00 PM please pay registration fee.Please register by July 31 =: f'Midewakanton Pow Wow $7 3212 Dakotah Parkway Shakopee Saturday,August 15 ii 3o AM-3.00 PM CornmunIt Evenis _ , curnrner Fun . Belle Plaine BBQ Days July 17-19 Norwood/YA Stiftenfest August 28-30 Music in Park Thursday Nights NO Carver Steamboat Days September 11-13 Prior Lake Lake Front Music Fest July 17-18 Chanhassen 4th of July Celebration July 3-4 Lake Front Days August 7-8 City Center Park Perform Thursdays Shakopee Renaissance Festival Aug 22-Oct 4 Chaska Taste of Chaska May 13 Derby Days July 30-Aug 2 River City Days July 24-26 Huber Park Performances Thursdays Town Square Perform Fridays IR State Fair August 27-Sept 7 Cologne Glad Days July 24-26 Victoria Lions Tourney July 17-19 Eden Prairie Starring Lake Plc Call Park Performances Wednesdays Hamburg Zummerfest 3rd weekend in June Waconia Carver County Fair August 5-9 Jordan Scott County Fair July 22-26 Nickle Deckle Day September 12 New Prauge Half Marathon May 9 Watertown Rails to Trails July 17-18 Dozinky Days September 18-19 Classic Car Cruz September 19 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL Magnifying Abilities = L& ish LIst participant Highlight =- Prizes gift cards,crafts,t-shirts,gently used items Snacks individually wrapped items,store bought items I(eri L�wso - Beverages/WaterPaper products-napkins,plates,paper towels j t r -.,h Birthday: 4/27/90 =- Decorations ,�,,� - If you have any ideas on how to raise money for the I Family:Grandma and 2 nephews _ _ ,; = program or if you would like to sponsor an event,please call MagnifyingAbilities at 2 Place of Employment: = 95 556 3671 MRCI Chaska = = Hobbies: Walking and outdoor = Thant yOU for games Favorite Thing to Eat: Veggies, = your support! raw crunchy F- avorite Movie: Musical Biography's, "I am Sam" =_ = Something new you want to try:To live on my own Favorite MA activity: Chanhassen Dinner Theater - Anything else you want to share. I like to volunteer "rilill liliiiiiillIIIiiiiiiii111111111111iiiiii111111IiiiiiiIIIIIIIII!iiiii1111111I iii IT SciiiiiVii i'41i ik..iii,t- ___ , .__ . ., , From Vikings Parties, Octoberfest and Bingo, we had a blast this past year Sign up for a summer event to join the funs _ - -..:'''' r; Y # i� 1,..4' * c....w, . ... , -gthikt __,, , .--'i,„1 -- t 1 , October Fest yr ., j7 `C. : rw Vikings Part,/ * * 11 � , r NMagnifying Abilities Registration Form -/ r Name Phone Address Special Info or Accommodations. Please check the box if you do NOT wish for your picture to be used for publicity purposes Classes Recreation 1015 Mother's Day Surprise $7 1344 Trivia Mama $5 1o15TMother's Day Transportation $7 1344T Trivia Transportation $7 1002 Caramel Roll Delight $6 1316 BBQ Picnic $7 loo2T Carmel Roll Transportation $7 1316T BBQ Picnic Transportation $7 13165 BBQ Picnic Staff $7 1o42A Spaghetti&Meatballs $8 1o42AT Spaghetti Transportation Carver Co $7 1318 Staring Lake Performance Free 1318T Staring Lake Transportation $7 1o42B Spaghetti&Meatballs $8 1o42BT Spaghetti Transportation Scott Co $7 1308 Birthday Party $6 1041 Garden Stepping Stones $6 13o8T Birthday Party Transportation $7 1o41T Garden Stones Transportation $7 1322 Horseback Riding $25 1322T Horseback Riding Transportation $7 1016 Woodworking $12 1322S Horseback Riding Staff $25 ioi6T Woodworking Transportation $14 1332 The Price is Right $6 1020 July 4th Jewelry $6 1332T Price is Right Transportation $7 1o2oTJewelry Transportation $7 1043 T-shirt Pillow $6 1311 Big Stone Mini Golf $9 1311T Mini GolfTransportation $7 1o43T Pillow Transportation $7 13115 Big Stone Mini Golf Staff $9 Fitness 1304 Bingo Time Again $5 1519A Nature Walk and DQ $2 13o4T Bingo Transportation $7 1519AT Walk&DQ Transportation(Carver Co) $7 1339 Karaoke and Sundaes $6 1519B Nature Walk and DQ $2 1339T Karaoke and Sundaes Transportation $7 1519BT Walk&DQ Transportation(Scott Co) $7 1520 Softball (no transportation) $9 Trips/Tours 1211 Minnesota Twins $18 Special Events 121TMinnesotaTwinsTransportation $7 1211S Minnesota Twins Staff $18 1429 Ballet Narnia $33 1429T Ballet NarniaTransportation $7 1218 Como Zoo $6 1429S Ballet NarniaStaff $33 1218T Como Zoo Transportation $7 1422 Dance-a Thon Dance only,no pledges $10 1218S Como Zoo Staff $6 1422T Dance a Thon Transportation $7 1231 Elko Speedway $15 I will raise at least$25 in pledges Yes $25 minimum,bring to dance 1231T Elko Speedway Transportation $7 T shirt size S M L XL XXL 1231S Elko Speedway Staff $15 1306 Pizza Ranch $13 1240 Stages Theater Little Mermaid $10 13o6T Pizza Ranch Transportation $7 1240T Little Mermaid Transportation $7 13o6S Pizza Ranch Staff $13 1240S Little Mermaid Staff $10 1409 Valley Fair $36 1234 Glewwe Castle Brewery $5 1409T Valley Fair Transportation $7 1234T Glewwe Castle Transportation $7 14o9S Valley Fair Staff $36 1233 Magnolia Blossom Cruise $22 1428 Pow Wow $7 1233T Cruise Transportation $7 1428T Pow WowTransportation $7 1233S Cruise Staff $22 14285 Pow Wow Staff $7 Volunteer Opportunities 7y„ 1605 Humane Society Blankets $3 c Mail or drop off your registration form to: y<.- 16o5T Blankets Transportation $7 MagnifyingAbilities 545 Pioneer Trail Chaska,MN 55318 ' Fees are due when you register. Call 952.556 3671.with questions. i6ob Lunch Bag Decorating $3 9 16o6T Lunch Bag Transportation $7 r�%,.. . ;�• i', a MagnifyingAbilities Dance-a a nce_a ...Thon Use this form when you ask family and friends to pledge you in the Dance-a-Thon. Here is what you can tell people: "Hello, on Friday, May 15 I will participate in a Dance-a-Thon to raise money for Magnifying Abilities. If I get $25 in donations I will get a t-shirt. Plus, there are more prizes I can win. Will you please help me raise money for Magnifying Abilities by donating to me?" Don't forget to say Thank (Doul Participant Name Name Phone Amount Pledged Total Raised: Please bring this form and money to the Dance A Thon. Magnifying Abilities Non-Profit 545 Pioneer Trail U S. Postage Chaska, MN 55318 PAID 952.556.3671 CE REQVES-TED Permit #43 RETURN SERVI Chaska, MN 55318 CITY OF CHANHASSEN JERRY RUEGEMER 7700 MARKET BLVD BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Abilities• , . , ft tin .1 `` 11.0;� 'Oliii hail ,, for Adults with Unique Learning Abilities ,� A „g • x ' ,, "lir ' ---A 4-.t .�. i�-3 1 .. 1 � *ma � _.. Its V, t — 'Al $_,,A, ty "'r'It'' ,.., --- la., '...- , :.`t: _ ,. „ A 'Olt,*tc: . 's -*-10 s A..,„ .t-. , # , i .. ,_ i. .. 41 pint -, ,,,..__.. 1, '*I it, 4 ‘ _ - , 4 , . ,,,.... , -.., , a ,v .i. „. __....,_ _,f _ \„,,,, -ips ._..„ ,1111. ‘ 1 , . i a Air.A 1 ' ` -- 4 I n Sit - ,,� a ' e - 0 onsored t Carver /Scott Community Education Consortium