CC Staff Report 07-12-2010CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952,227,1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us I1 ' l l J�/_ TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: July 12, 2010 SUBJ: Final Plat Approval The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 Addition Planning Case No. 06 -14 PROPOSAL SUMMARY Final plat approval for The Preserve at Bluff Creek a Addition includes 25 lots and 3 outlots. Since the 1" and 2 °d Additions have been constructed, Ryland Homes in no longer the developer /builder. Chanhassen Residential Development Partners, LLC is now the developer and LDK Homes is the builder. LDK has 7 lots that were approved with the l and 2 °d Additions and currently has one home under construction with another to begin shortly. Because this development is a PUD, design standards are required. BACKGROUND On Monday, May 8, 2006 the Chanhassen City Council approved the rezoning of the land within the plat for "The Preserve" from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Planned Unit Development - Residential, PUD -R; approved a conditional use permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and alterations within the flood plain; and approved the preliminary plat for "The Preserve" creating 155 lots, 15 outlots and right -of -way for public streets. The l Addition was platted in June of 2006 and included 53 lots; the 2nd Addition was platted in May of 2007 and had 4 blocks with 12 lots and 8 outlots. Development Design Standards Setbacks: Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Standards Lyman Boulevard 50 feet Exterior Eastern (Perimeter) Setback 50 feet (creek on west) Front Yard garage side 25 feet Front Yard on corner lots 20 feet Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 2 of 10 The entire development, including the public and private streets and Outlots, may not exceed 30 percent hard coverage. Individual lots will exceed the 30 percent site coverage (see Lot Impervious Coverage Analysis Attachment #5). Materials and Design: The new builder will comply with the original design standards to ensure consistency with the entire PUD. LDK proposes 10 home styles with different options for each style (see attachments). The finished square footage of the homes range from 1900 square feet to 2750 square feet. There is room for additions such as three - season porches and decks. No two adjacent housing units may be of the same style or color scheme. FINAL PLAT REVIEW Chanhassen Residential Development Partners, LLC is the applicant. They are continuing the streets Mills Drive and Degler Circle to provide access to the 25 lots. Outlot A will be platted into lots in the next addition, and outlots B and C will be used as an internal trail. The 25 lots to be platted are consistent with the original preliminary plat approval. EASEMENTS AND RIGHT -OF -WAY Blanket drainage and utility easements will be platted over Outlots B and C. Private utilities (e.g. storm sewer that only conveys runoff from a private street) within outlots shall be owned and maintained by the association. Public streets will be within a 60 -foot wide right -of -way. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The lots within the third addition were mass graded with the second addition in order to balance the earthwork. Standards Side Yard 5/10 feet minimum 15 between units Rear Yard 15 feet Hard Surface Coverage * 30 % averaged over the entire site Wetland: Buffer and buffer setback 16.5 feet and 40 feet Bluff Creek Primary zone bound 40 feet with the first 20 feet as buffer Minimum lot size Average 8,000 square feet Public street 60 foot right of way 32 foot paved Private street 40 foot right of way 28 paved surface The entire development, including the public and private streets and Outlots, may not exceed 30 percent hard coverage. Individual lots will exceed the 30 percent site coverage (see Lot Impervious Coverage Analysis Attachment #5). Materials and Design: The new builder will comply with the original design standards to ensure consistency with the entire PUD. LDK proposes 10 home styles with different options for each style (see attachments). The finished square footage of the homes range from 1900 square feet to 2750 square feet. There is room for additions such as three - season porches and decks. No two adjacent housing units may be of the same style or color scheme. FINAL PLAT REVIEW Chanhassen Residential Development Partners, LLC is the applicant. They are continuing the streets Mills Drive and Degler Circle to provide access to the 25 lots. Outlot A will be platted into lots in the next addition, and outlots B and C will be used as an internal trail. The 25 lots to be platted are consistent with the original preliminary plat approval. EASEMENTS AND RIGHT -OF -WAY Blanket drainage and utility easements will be platted over Outlots B and C. Private utilities (e.g. storm sewer that only conveys runoff from a private street) within outlots shall be owned and maintained by the association. Public streets will be within a 60 -foot wide right -of -way. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The lots within the third addition were mass graded with the second addition in order to balance the earthwork. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 3 of 10 RETAINING WALLS A 245 -foot long retaining wall is proposed on the east property line, north of Mills Drive. The maximum height of this retaining wall is four feet. There may be an opportunity to reduce the height of this wall or eliminate this wall when the property to the east develops. This wall will not be constructed until the lots are platted. UTILITIES Lateral sanitary sewer and watermain will be installed within Phase 3 of the final plat. Lateral utilities to serve the future lots will be installed when the area is final platted. When the area south of Lyman Boulevard is final platted, an 18 -inch diameter watermain must be installed on the south side of Lyman Boulevard to the east property line. The developer will be reimbursed the cost difference between an 8 -inch lateral and the 18 -inch trunk watermain with final plat approval of that area of the development. Homes with a low floor elevation of 935' or lower will require a pressure- reducing valve within the house. The developer will be responsible for extending lateral sewer and water service to the lots; therefore, the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be waived. The assessments for the 2005 MUSA improvements were paid in full with the first phase. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. A portion of these fees is collected with the final plat and is calculated as follows: SAC fee partial payment: 25 units x $608.00 /unit = $15,200.00 WAC fee partial payment: 25 units x $1,618.00 /unit = $40,450.00 The remainder of these fees will be collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. Based on the 2010 fees, this amounts to $1,418.00 /unit for the SAC fee and $3,775.00 /unit for the WAC fee. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. STREETS The development is subject to the arterial collector fee, which must be paid in cash with the final plat and is calculated as follows: 4.34 developable acres x $2,400 /acre = $10,416.00 Future phases of the development will be subject to this fee at the rate in effect at the time of final plat. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 Addition July 12, 2010 Page 4 of 10 The plat must be revised to reflect that private streets will lie within outlots, not public right -of- way. The developer will construct five -foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of River Rock Drive. The developer should consider the location of the garages and driveway configurations on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1 when coordinating the street light installation at the corner of Mills Drive and Degler Circle. A temporary hammerhead turnaround must be installed at the terminus of Degler Circle within the third addition. This turnaround shall be removed when the adjacent area is final platted and Degler Circle is extended. All dead -end streets must be barricaded according to the Minnesota Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual. LANDSCAPING The developer has provided a landscape plan that exceeds the minimum standards of the City. WETLANDS The preliminary plat review indicated that any exemption to wetland impacts would need to be presented to the City for review and acceptance. Because impacts have already occurred as part of this development, no wetland exemptions will be applicable. However, having reviewed the plan set, it does not appear that any additional wetland impacts are proposed with the 3rd addition. Lots 1 through 4, Block 1 are all proximal to Wetland 5 and the adjacent wetland mitigation area. As documented in Wetland Alteration Permit 06 -20, the mitigation area also included buffer as Public Value Credit. Per MN Wetland Conservation Act rules, the buffer must be 25 feet in urban areas. Buffer monuments must be placed before site grading begins. The signs are available from the City for $20.00 each. Lakes, Bluffs and Shoreland Bluff Creek runs from north to southwest of the 3 addition. This is a public water and is subject to the shoreland rules. This requires that a 50 foot setback from the top of bank is required for all structures. This line needs to be shown on the plan set and the final plat. Grading and Erosion A NPDES Phase H Construction Site Storm Water Permit will be required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for this site. Proof of permit acquisition should be provided to the City prior to the commencement of any earth- disturbing activities. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 5 of 10 For the most part, the original plans appear adequate. However, the NPDES permit and the City's Surface Water Management Plan have both been updated since the original submittal. Bluff Creek needs to be identified as an impaired water for turbidity and fish IBI on the grading and erosion control plans. This information should also be included in the SWPPP with the caveat that no untreated water may be discharged to Bluff Creek and that any discharge must be done such that it dissipates energy to the greatest extent practicable and does not create erosive conditions, and these discharge points and the SWPPP must be updated to include any associated best management practices. Areas of channelized or otherwise concentrated flows directed off site must be stabilized over the last 200 lineal feet. In particular, the swales between what are currently identified as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 must be stabilized. This could be accomplished through the use of sod, biorolls, blanket or another acceptable best management practice. The City of Chanhassen has updated their standard detail plates. City Plate number 5300 has been updated and the Grading Details sheet should be changed to reflect that. Also, under the new NPDES Construction Permit, the amount of time a disturbed area may remain open has changed. The SWPPP should be changed to reflect that as well. Those existing CBMH structures which are down gradient of the proposed grading and at risk of receiving sediment or sediment -laden waters must have inlet protection measures installed. This also applies to those CBMH which may be up- gradient of the construction entrance but are at risk of sediment input due to construction traffic. Surface Water Management Connection Charges Water Quality Fees Because of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for this proposed development are based on single - family residential development rates of $2,540 per acre. Assessable area is equal to the total area less that portion which is within Outlots A, B, and C. This area equals 6.08 acres. Therefore, the gross water quality fees associated with this project are 6.08 acres multiplied by $2,540 /acre or $15,443.20. SWMP Credits The overall project proposes the construction of three NURP basins. The third addition will be directed to, and treated in, Pond 2. The applicant will be credited for 50% of the water quality charge for each acre draining to a NURP basin on site. With the exception of a portion of Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, all of the 3 Addition is treated. Credit for this treatment will be $6,908.80 or [$2540(0.5) *5.44ac]. The outlet structures with BMPs for rate control and the removal of floatables have already been credited on earlier additions. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 6 of 10 Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage in addition to mitigation for flood damage. Single - family residential developments have a connection charge of $3,640 per developable acre. This results in a water quantity fee of $22,131.20 for the proposed development. The total net SWAP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $30,665.60. Drainage The HydroCAD model was provided and reviewed with the original submittal. No significant changes have occurred to site grading or storm sewer design. Therefore, there is no reason to conclude that the modeled conditions no longer apply. It is noteworthy that the classification of soils as Hydrologic Group B is suspect given the fills and cuts proposed for the site. However, according to the provided calculations, Pond 2 exceeds the NPDES required permanent storage volume by approximately 55%. As was requested, Westwood provided the Rationale Storm Sewer Design Tabulation. Staff reviewed the supplied information and based upon this information, the storm sewer design appears adequate. Bluff Creek Overlay District The Preserve 3 rd Addition is adjacent to the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The plans do not show any of the required lines including the Primary Zone, the 40 -foot structure setback and the 20 -foot grading setback. It appears that no lots are proposed within the overlay district but without the depiction of the lines on the plan set it is difficult to determine. Other Agencies The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Carver SWCD, Minnesota Department of Transportation, et al) and comply with their conditions of approval. PARKS AND RECREATION The Park and Recreation Commission recommended at the time of preliminary plat that the City Council require the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for The Preserve PUD: 1. The payment of full park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat approval in lieu of parkland dedication. For 2010, the Park dedication fee is $5,800 per dwelling. Based on Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 7 of 10 approval of 25 lots with the Third Addition, the total fee due and payable with the final plat is $145,000.00. 2. The applicant shall provide all design, engineering, construction and testing services required of the "Bluff Creek Trail." All construction documents shall be delivered to the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of each phase of construction. The trail shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with bituminous material and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of construction materials for the Bluff Creek Trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials utilized in its construction. This trail has been constructed. 3. Outlot H be enlarged through the addition of the land area currently depicted as Lots 1 and 2, Block 11. The resulting property to be utilized as a private association operated recreational and open space site. The development has a private park facility. 4. Outlots A, B, L and H shall be conveyed to the city as public property by warranty deed. The land has been conveyed to the City. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motion: The Chanhassen City Council approves the Final Plat for The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3rd Addition subject to the following conditions: Planning_ Department Conditions of Approval 1. All homes shall comply with the design standards of the PUD. City Engineer Conditions of Approval 1. Due to the anticipated timing of the final plat with respect to the timing of formal approvals from FEMA, the proposed lots that are within the current flood plain may be preliminary platted subject to FEMA approval of the LOMR. 2. Any retaining wall four feet high or taller requires a building permit and must be designed by an Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. The developer must pay $15,200 for the partial payment of the SAC fees and $40,500 for the partial payment of the WAC fees with the final plat. The remainder of these fees will be collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. Based on the 2010 fees, this amounts to $1,418.00 /unit for the SAC fee and $3,775.00 /unit for the WAC fee. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 8 of 10 4. The arterial collector fee for this phase is $10,416.00 and must be paid in cash with the final plat. 5. Sidewalks adjacent to private streets and within privately owned outlots can be used by the public. 6. The plat must be revised to reflect that private streets will lie within outlots, not public right - of -way. 7. The developer should consider the location of the garages and driveway configurations on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1 when coordinating the street light installation at the corner of Mills Drive and Degler Circle. 8. A temporary hammerhead turnaround must be installed at the terminus of Degler Circle within the third addition. This turnaround shall be removed when the adjacent area is final platted and Degler Circle is extended. 9. All dead -end streets must be barricaded according to the Minnesota Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual. Water Resources Coordinator Conditions of Approval 1. Lots 1 through 4, Block 1 are all proximal to Wetland 5 and the adjacent wetland mitigation area. As documented in Wetland Alteration Permit 06 -20, the mitigation area also included buffer as Public Value Credit. Per MN Wetland Conservation Act rules, the buffer must be 25 feet in urban areas. Buffer monuments must be placed before site grading begins. The signs are available from the City for $20.00 each. 2. All structures shall maintain a 50 -foot setback from the ordinary high water level of Bluff Creek. All structures shall maintain a minimum 40 -foot setback from the primary corridor. No alterations shall occur within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. The 50 -foot setback, primary corridor boundary, 40 -foot structure setback and 20 -foot grading setback shall be shown on the plans. 3. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. These areas include constructed storm water management pond slopes above the NWL, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or manmade systems that discharge to a surface water. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the current NPDES Permit for Small Construction Sites. 4. Areas of channelized or otherwise concentrated flows directed off site must be stabilized over the last 200 lineal feet. In particular, the swales between what are currently identified as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 must be stabilized. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 9 of 10 5. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed. 6. City Plate Number 5300 has been updated and the Grading Details sheet should be changed to reflect that. 7. Inlet protection shall be provided for any existing catch basins down gradient of disturbed areas at risk of receiving sediment or sediment -laden waters. Further, any catch basins that are at risk of receiving sediment due to construction traffic shall also have inlet protection provided. 8. Any proposed catch basins shall have inlet protection provided as soon as they are connected until final stabilization is achieved. 9. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $30,665.60. 10. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase 11 Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval. 11. A turf establishment plan shall be submitted to the City indicating the location of sod and seeding areas. 12. The developer shall work with staff to develop and install appropriate markers at lot lines to demarcate the primary zone. 13. The applicant shall submit a plan for the revegetation of any areas of grading within Outlot A. The plan shall incorporate native plants and be consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan Appendix C. Special attention should be paid to areas with steep slopes (greater than 3:1). 14. Drainage and utility easements (minimum 20 feet in width) shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water ponds. Environmental Resources Coordinator Conditions of Approval 1. No burning permits shall be issued for tree removal. All trees removed on site shall be chipped and used on site or hauled off. 2. Buffer plantings shall be installed along the east property line in the rear yards of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6. 3. Applicant shall remove all Ash trees from the planting schedule. The applicant shall substitute another species with approval from the City. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3 rd Addition July 12, 2010 Page 10 of 10 Parks and Recreation Department Conditions of Approval 1. Park and Trail fees in the amount of $145,000.00 shall be shall be paid as per city ordinance prior to recording the plat. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map. 2. Application. 3. The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3rd Addition Final Plat. 4. Lot Area Tabulation. 5. Lot Impervious Coverage Analysis. 6. Lot Study Sketch. 7. Lot Type Exhibit. 8. House Designs. g: \plan\2006 planning cases \06 -14 the preserve\final plat documents -3rd addition \preserve 3rd addition fp.doc Location Map The Preserve 1630 Lyman Boulevard Planning Case No. 06 -14 City of Chanhassen Planning Case No. 0 6 — 14 P L CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227 -1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: Property Owner Na a and Address: & oa vta one U � C;�� Lcfe A A A/ Contact: „ Contact: Phone: -290 - q,? - Z? Fax: Phone: _ q 2. - qg - 3f< x: Email: � iFr/sa Email: NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non - conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)* Subdivision* (P,.( P0 Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign — $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees /Attorney Cost ** - $50 CUP /SPR/VAC/VAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB /�� c ppI%'a y% - TOTAL FEE $ oZSO ' Pa cr- 10 1) An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8 %" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: 9 TOTAL ACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: YES NO REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1 'I-- � - (0 ///-0 J Signature dYApplicant Y Date = 2 C0 _ / o Signature7of Fee OvAer Date c: \docume—1 \ws26 \locals \temp \development review application.doc SCANNED 0/cki ✓L THE PRESERVE AT BLUFF CREEK 3RD ADDITION 0IOw ALL PER5T.W5 BY TMW PREMM met Oo9/a Lmd CompmY• Ua 0 /hired Ii ity comp.y, owns of the fwnawh9 deeaaed property slt.ted h the Cmnfy of caw, Stofe of Mimaaora, to wIt. .1.1 B. RIE PRESERVE Al SLMEP fitEE 2N0 A0a'77pN, accereh9 to m­f, Caw Cmnfy, MNnerota. Nos c Me Cane fo be surveyed d Plotted as ?HE PREmAE AT BLUFF CREEK 390 AOOmQv and does h amore and dedicefe to Me public la Publk use f­ Me pvboo —ye and Wee dedicatee the sosannte oe shown . this plot lad wd .d Welty pvrpone .ly In Wheat .—f sold Oegla Land Cwnpmy, Ur o Ilmlfed Ikbkify ro y, has mused these p is to be st v o,f by Its props o/RCna Mk _ day oI 20 DiXEM LAIR) NIPANY, 4C By Rs $rA7E OF AWWWWTA oaF TY a Ise loragohg hsfnnnnf vas a D. e, two Co bales ms . day 11 10_ b Ufa oI Depr Lmpany. LLC o Nnfted llobifty campmY. m baba! of Me Canpmy. 14rY ar, wwW Notary publk, Cmnfy, --to My Commfaai. C+ _ 11,—by certify MotI mrvsyed and platted a d Y m Weed the ­*9 and PlottNg o/ M lmd Min e I,ec d m fhla plat' fh /s plot k e cared repreamfvfim /the bc.dey rvney, dl mafhamotkof dole and 1.0, Pm 1 � des/gnofed all mmvmnfa drykted . Me plat here ben a wY be comec0y rot elmN .e year; NI eote bm an ndwles d ref /ands o o/ d are ate eh own and IobMed; old ap puWo ways ore shown and k W.. By aoi9 W. Mane, cone Surreys MNneeofa 111— No. 21021 MW OF LYArE50TA Ca,WTY OF lF11NEPW Me /weyaerq Su—w a Caflpcofe woe ecknowadpM be /we me ink day o/ 21— Dy Gm /9 W. wore, L.d su �. Mlnnssofo Lknae N. 23021. Notary Public, Cmnfy, N _I. My C_ ee,. Erpbee aTY FLAMM COY/S" RaMewed by Me Plmnfng Can WW of Me City of LTmhoecrr, MWesofo, at o regWer meethg fhereof, . the day of 20— Gei Semtav M4N f L 7W t� L£ AT HGRi CBEs: JBD MB71LW roe M&e, m q, of o —Wa meethg bald m/a _ doY o1 appovs0 .d eccl fed by f in e d /y N C­0 of the mmy/knce eRh of provh/ons o Mfnnerota statutes, sect!. WS.W. Subd 2. Ad mmumnfa re be set es apecifisd by the aty Camci and . stated . MI, plot, attadkg fo MNnerofo Statute. SOS02 9,bd 1. ask CARLER COWTY BOA/. OF CaMNSWIM !Iris plot of 7W PRESER1E AT BUFF gTIN ALg77aR was opproved and accepted by the Boa" of CwnmkN.ecs oI CPrw Cmnfy, Mhnsrot a of a re9,dor meethg he'd m/s _day oI 20� and k N I— ollmce with Me prodal.s o/ — ta sMtvtes all' 505. W, Subs. 2. All ­­t, e9l be set oe 1—d by the C.nty Bond .d oe stated m .1, pat, oc -, to Mhnerofa Sfofutq —az 9Ybd 1. Attest a.k,, Cmnfy Bmrd Dawn "wmP, C.— NuTtyL Yhnsly Pu .f to alter J9.% Alhneeafo Lars oI 1971, fhle plot hes ben eppmeed We _ doy of ?D ,bhn E F y ec, Cmnfy SLrvycr COLMY ALUM- 7REASLOR, Lbw County, MNmeeto I hereby c o, that fares pa .. N 10_ .d pdo, Ivore haw ben pIY la I.d demhed . fhla plot D.I. Mh doy of 20_ Lmrie En90ed, Cmnfy Auditso l?, m I oetify th. I this Ptp/a�t m o(71V pRf.SFRLE AT BWfF ova 3v ABYRaY woe Msd mis day of 20� at o dock .�M.. m Oommanf No. Caf W. It— A'., Cores (a ty Remrdr Westwood Professional SmIces, Inc Shesf 1 of 2 ehoefa L sb »r 2 .I2 M »r. THE PRESERVE AT BLUFF CREEK 3RD ADDITION C.R. DOCENO. r - — -T — — — . — — N01 ° 089YE aoaoo I 1JOfX1 I I I I -r I � �. nl i mj brer 4 I" �•_ - A'VHf ROCI? MENMH cj amor a Is I > I ai s 4V8 \ I I /_Y; I wroev>r ,sao° � L,lm_as•,az ,ma.J � \ r. GOT 1 8 81 rti 0 Omee.e ..f 1/2 hM . 14 hm .W,d b. m.A.d by U-- Nn 2302, y Ih 1� tl •.:, ` / I - I a5cs aa�d a , °._r ,_..�° r \ 9,_� P� 30. 06 / / f B Dmoha w 1/2 hM x 1. ho c. d km rrbm moM1ed by Ll— N° 4J°00 0 51 ♦. �9• <Y� n (>IOLOTB 1.4-ae' G v°_� e� �yy t _ --------- GSENE'xa / / rns oAmf.f /m of .1, bwrhg N hosed I I I c+41oo it �3 ; ' Z a r�.,s��s Ixi> Y; $ ,: .Wnarc l , l nrmr AI °uo°aoadfnoN'.nkn HESCnr I C`iP oaor °w m e f I.. >p� �. \ g B" / ) l »m.d f° b..r N 01.05'17' E. JU zlal AN v 003 NO1051 S ��• �%'�:>'� x ) / 4 I I E 2B7.IJ °1 \� \ $a �° -'''^ / - \s �3� \�►4 ��r��� `ib o� \� �6J�ma`' y h ,� \�/ Y \ •6 \6> d,�j�i� / / 0 »h.ge vntl UlglfY Evsemmfa we anvm Mus a `°" \$ e\ 3 rd 2 G / $\ � " \ s I-5 I s ( �'��p4 ao- � v / \$ $\ \ I , I ;�q� \J! %iii J L ____ 1 _____ y nl`J✓ 8\ �'iJyN 1 �) �p OIV6 / I („ I ��� ���i �M1V� \ \ \� 8 \ � ' � � 9 ' • / 'W 3I f h v/d u I Idth, d. \. x 8 / Ny r °33'S \ @, 14.6 and mtl °tlphhy rot /h. .etl 1 fwr h I n, ums a z 1 o fmt ornw.i» htllcvfeq and °d' ' h q� s at�wf ,lsnf- %f -.or lh» wd.r rh.a ..o l r .a me /. I \ M.f. <� I i, L L.I I \ � � L NV.ISVr a,�Wiir. Ss �J`• J ( YZ n��egzls �' \ \ \ `' ?8 . °o,:rx R I:- xJ,• �• \ \ �8� s il. I I I � aaoo a i � P �\\ a \ ) •�• \ •��`tT�k n �.� 660 0 60 120 �� I : $ .(—' n4 v im ,i". 1 a i § 1 Pm oac � RG x 6 sla . 1 hch 60 feet N75� 3� NOJ °DI'21'W JDA'S.7 103 Westwood Prlofasslo l SarWm Inc. sb »r 2 .I2 M »r. THE PRESERVE AT BLUFF CREEK 3RD ADDITION 20101049 June 9, 2010 Final Plat Areas --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: BILL Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B1L2 Perimeter: 391.9442 Area: 9,116.65 sq.ft. 0.21 acres Parcel name: BIL3 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: BIL4 Perimeter: 353.0955 Area: 7,130.54 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Parcel name: B2L1 Perimeter: 391.1224 Area: 8,970.85 sq.ft. 0.21 acres Parcel name: B2L2 Perimeter: 371. 4795 Area: 7,687.50 sq.ft. 0.18 acres Parcel name: B2L3 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres 1 SCANNED Parcel name: B2L4 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B2L5 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B2L6 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B2L7 Perimeter: 411.3974 Area: 9,779.94 sq.ft. 0.22 acres Parcel name: B3L1 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B3L2 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B4L1 Perimeter: 358.0916 Area: 7,183.54 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Parcel name: B4L2 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres 4 SCANNED Parcel name: B4L3 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B4L4 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B4L5 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: B4L6 Perimeter: 346.2294 Area: 6,958.46 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Parcel name: B5L1 Perimeter: 345.8377 Area: 6,905.88 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Parcel name: B5L2 Perimeter: 350.0000 Area: 6,600.00 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Parcel name: B5L3 Perimeter: 350.0000 Area: 6,600.00 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Parcel name: B5L4 Perimeter: 369.5150 Area: 7,922.71 sq.ft. 0.18 acres 3 SCANNED Parcel name: B611 Perimeter: 414.4945 Area: 9,234.35 sq.ft. 0.21 acres Parcel name: B6L2 Perimeter: 409.8548 Area: 8,664.77 sq.ft. 0.20 acres Parcel name: DEALER CIRCLE Perimeter: 704.0922 Area: 14,913.19 sq.ft. 0.34 acres Parcel name: MILLS DRIVE Perimeter: 1916.6060 Area: 53,865.41 sq.ft. 1.24 acres Parcel name: OUTLOT A Perimeter: 4213.3832 Area: 538,315.00 sq.ft. 12.36 acres Parcel name: OUTLOT B Perimeter: 289.4534 Area: 2,926.62 sq.ft. 0.07 acres Parcel name: OUTLOT C Perimeter: 374.6054 Area: 5,551.11 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Parcel name: RIVER ROCK DRIVE NORTH Perimeter: 365.4506 Area: 7,362.27 sq.ft. 0.17 acres Parcel name: TOTAL BOUNDARY Perimeter: 4416.8258 Area: 812,088.78 sq.ft. 18.64 acres 4 SCANNED Site Impervious Coverage Calculations Fanelli) 5%)) "• ra.n����as «Matir,c °.ti°'� � for PHOW 952-M Pemtom Land Co. F NZ-977-NU o� wx>.1M 14014D.3150 V twood ...w.b---,.— ..o:a ►,ia.� Eden Prithie, Minnesota SM" Total Site Area 79.86 t ac. Site Impervious Components: Streets 8.37 ac. Sidewalks 1.24 ac. Trails 1.68 ac. Homes & Drives 10.61 ac. Overall Impervious Coverage 22.11 ac. (277 %) Allowable Impervious Coverage 23.96 ac. (30.0 %) Excess Impervious Coverage 1.85 ac. (80,586 sf) Maximum Impervious Area for Homes & Drives 12.67 ac. (551,905 sf) (Excess coverage allotted to homesites) Allowable Impervious Coverage per Lot 3,631 sf (551.905 sf Maximum Homes and Drives area / 152 homes) Additional Imp. Coverage Potential per Lot 571± sf (3,631 sf Maximum — 3,060 typical coverage) X e m a Dees 4/27/06 sheet 1 or 1 The X —XX 20031110im .DWG Preserve got �"� °'� Coverage Analysis Chenbunn, Minnesota Ezhit>!t w 02006 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 10 ve IV dea f `0 Tre5e rye. ��dL i - 5 "o de Sef�� i lO���de 5G�{'buj� � � CI ease rnarrL q a rage la "��y cas�m�n Sun . IM a F T a F] v IW 2M xo• 2i 40' Pad Width - Side Load Option I � Ryland Homes eas n.iek �a bmu NOT FOR The Preserve at Bluff Creek o.s 6/19/06 Pad Size Graphic e e I f � m.a rem <imj �' limj LEFT SIDE ELEVATION PI H sm� RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE J /1P�1' -P ry s — im m NIL BXAECMN. SCALE: J /1P�I�P uTC MC MS M w PRMn'CIIMx Ibarnn ax m,Ewxc Pws nnAwm FAN: F1 9blM WSPEMIIMN �auWLn. XIFD cMlblEie EaAixEn PXmEMMH ffFMle nmAAna ioetran awls XEan Ar ExtEWw cEAs PAno oaabs LMi IHMNS YUSf BE NSIBIE AT nYE 6 f'OMlr1M INSPECnMN 3 Y,/S' XEiIEC,II£ HWSE NUNSFAS MRIED B6MIIE NIL WSPECIIMN DM NMT APPLY SEMlM 011 HMUSE WtAP 1M11L 1F'IEII SNFAMXG P15PEM110N g, ar rtxa XEauWEn PWa ro W�ECnoxs s /IZ eaaF nlul t7 YAIWn1N peNMAY WDiH AT aLxe U ittT A m PxMPmlr utE e� rv�nn Ivc lm o �e fIASMa - NFFI+ Nd£s ORE NF}P SMItIDe 12 12 o b:e¢ bEMIED f9R eXICK - SNCCO - 51VIE MreEElt J � �e Me�P� Na�bEAY� CMNSnaMIP1 Is USED. M: 0®MN SHIM BE IX AMtaaMIQ WEH Z § n1E PeMN9MNS OF Ms CWF. P09nNi CCHNECnMN SX.NL BE P0.0Npm ro fNSUIE AMNNSi UAIi'I 0 f f f f r M unnAL msPLnmlulT. V • • • • • ALUIL soma e� FASG SYSIEM ��• - W .� SNOMiX PANEL 9MMM % % S _4b 4" MN BO SroNE 11 F I I f • I e" ImN BM sAMMic As iao'o ��� � U % • XGiL IP bgXM z _ / • f iI (s Elb.) sxoon� Wwo PAxE r TAY {p 11 P P sNOOm PAIf1 sera P W ea suPPMxT Posy ® f 7 e EP.) b'Nlb' 91W1N W) C0. Y 1MN W� 1e"�'Ib' SfP1E BASE 4" 1PoN BM YNa ro BE RNK MRACFD CMXC SOCNILf NANM APFACE MmWWAY REAR ELEVATION cPa 5 qE SCALE ] /IQ�I�P FRONT ELEVATION XMUSE Jbl.M2 F SG1IE 1 /W1' -P 47— 1e1.ME d ).ert STONE ss 5 a SQ FE: 2)12 � O 6 x �,l0I ! �u p hill ONm Y /12 PMX21 ROOF Ri01 1 4 H �€ II II �c o Nc 3 2 NNri 9OM0 k HORZ W SmNG NORZ V 9MNC NNri RMNO k OPTIONAL 24' CORNFA POSiS (A' owJ W—) CpmtA PORrS FMEPLACE CWT. NWg TRM IIEWEIFD ON ALL SRmCTM6 RcivaES of Xax NRM Msruunox Axm LEFT SIDE ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION xmmnox RELpm wro wsr eE siaDm9 ro mLR aT1a RROR ro Rxu MSPE9na,. PAK RA D/NS DW PX01ECn011 RE91ARm RCUF 1/4"1' -0• SCALE: 1 /{ti1�tl' a D1,F111„0 RLR ATiAQ,FD FAN: RA°NNO INSPECIIpI PEOOSYD. X® COYPI£IE NFAT°A PR01EC9M BFf'ME MSUU1pH TEYPFAm 0A4 REO9 AT E %IDNMt OrtSS ! PA90 GOON° ° fOOiMO M�ECllpl NSAeLE AT lME CF ,� ° /1z Roof Rrw i RXU wSAELT� xlluBflas APPUm e /,x Ros RA21 Oo NM APRY 9MN0 M MOUSE WRW UN1L AFIFR SHFAMNO MSPm110X 1 9LT fExa REMAIm PMMt TO MSPEC9M° 1 ° i mRr. Ro °�Mi iw �° m vR1°°avEm°flv�Nia eY w°iN Ar aim xa F¢T ° 12 ° spA9 °os xEAA RuE °, EL.vx1mD - ',NFS xa,a aRE rlus salm° TMII w ,EWIRm FON BRIG - °NOD] - STONE 1tT,EtR ROAm/BATIFA 9MN0 L ' e' R00221 POSE BEAM CONXECRON m Y� AWY. SOfF1i ! 1AHLAE POSE WO BEW OR LIMA CONSIXUC9M 5 FASOA °1s1EIx us.9, iME omw sXAU ee m ACCORDWR: NIIH ONTO ME PRONSIMS d- 11RS CaE POSIIIN: CONNEOIION K. SNNL eE RRONOm ro EXSDRE AONXSf URJR R AxD urrnu Mmumm,r. ® ® y 0 HC o a o ONm r SYS EY p W s' 1RN a 9i 7 i i b xaRZ w S9RID i q 4 /tx ROOF RiO1 4/12 RDOf R1CX 4/1� I c � ®� ❑❑ ❑ suoom MOa vWlx ❑ v' P EW t iC P % $ m ®mm MID m xd12 VmIND x4'Xaa•sraE V.¢ ®13®®®®®® 1313®® (e•9am ®®®®®®®® 1313®® REAR ELEVATION YMmro� 1313®®®®®® ®1313® OPTIONAL 24" SCNE: 1/4 +imp FlN °RWm grpm 7 NNm 5916A2 DI°YEWAY FlRETiAQ CWT. /O % % % fj FRONT ELEVATION NWg 4DJ 2X NNri SpxO ! SCNE 1 /{ "�1� -p 41tlE 1H.°{ CORNkII POSTS J7.Or; SIOXE o il o i l , /aoo,N soFr. RooF Mzrr Pm !e ��' 1 SOFT. mwF ANEk eOi N @�� RIir,T. SOi HEM ROW 3 Ye = ' r uw.%Tt FAWA srsnz, �;• ; ,•-n w• ,,_ 1 ONX: t SNNNE AS IEOn UY11G u e� z o ii 9r xaRZ v sowc Nxx soma a Nai¢ tP sdxo soN�e roTaxu. z{" eawm Posrs ( {• ov.) WRxd FReP1Af£ cwr. xasE xMeP REWNFD ax ur_ smucluMs MCNR6 a xaus: MM wsruunw um I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ro� °X ED RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION mrs an¢ waaR To Fmu. wsxcnw. scut: 1 /r -,w, FANi ruswcMc ou, FRmmWx REaARm scuE V {'"tea ax oMUNC P,us eruam u� nwsxxc INSPECTION Ie:WIRm. NEm CdIF1E1E MJAn1d PRO oom BkFGiE Im-nW --.MAT-.- "no OWNS sr ae NsRaIE er nxE aF @ FooTixc wsPECnox >-1 r mtt Ix�EWOn M. M xuNeds ePPUm Fwu. W xvr rrFUr sdxc aR xWSE xaw uxm °�' u�Hw sxuTlRHC wmECTIaN sl HFNm IEWIMD PMOR ro . - 12 e NAI0.RIN Om1 uw Mont AT 0.� E4 FEI:l R no PROPmx uxE e FUSimO -MID H0.e4 ORE MID SGFIDS NNx 91wf6 I¢anRm FaR eMa - sNOW - sTaxE lv1nn Y r mIN W Rsoaxl Posy o eEMI coxxECnox Ixmz u• smxo p 5 MIdE PWT ex0 BEIV OR 1. A CONSIRULTd, R (e' HOw•) N usn, n,E E9w sNTU. eE w eaamav¢ M,N mE PRaNSOxs aF nas Woc> WxxECna 3 uwFr W NLN. To SOFf1T t 1 2 F•We SKIFm C ® ® F e /It ROOF PI1Cl1 e• Twe m 2 @ s oxE ~ �a � 4/12 ROOF MTW OVHC OMIC ({ '• ' v 0 , ) 901MO eM PNX,FD POSTS ® ® ® ®oo ®o Q ®DD E)m.) 1313®®®®®® 1313®® R1 1313 1313 ®® ®1313® 1313®® 13LJUr3 ®1313® ruMroeE MOME3 13® ®131313 vwx mrnFn stare cae sWwux e• TRM xum susAa anM.war FRONT ELEVATION Nxx 90NO • SGIL 1 / {' -1�-P Ng1Y. '.�.Eei A ezlaEn Posrs slaxE: zae.ez, d smxE 56 FE: O, {M 5 � slwa_ eE PROMOm daIRE NIO 4AlmAL m�lA49IQfT. e /,z RoaF PROI 211 r z• -v' ]2 axwo Oi 9 9 ii ii oN,c REAR ELEVATION 4i v 9/ b 4i nom¢ cwn 9 eF sr �s �y 39 gg i x-o- x�v xaXZ w MOXrO o « 1.) pM; >: P e 11 � 2— e Y � �• �4 SAOOIE AS REOD 1�0" oNa ovxc axNc ii 0 t - - v ! NpIL V SIDIXC rXY1Z V SAMO OPTprAL n• pXeaA FOSIe (1• owJ (V' EIP.) GM FA pPOWi'IS FPFPIACE CAM. 110115E 1RM REPAIED ON ALL S1RUCnX25. PNnUR6 6 NpISE NMM XrspWOON AND Ix�Erna RECpiD rum Musr eE suaerDD LEFT SIDE ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION ro mrs aFTIL, PRxA ro FlxAL MmLCnax. sour: i /ate -I�v u� ruwxa�¢ wl Pxorzrna uaman s<xc 1 /atil�o- Rr DXElLNO PWe ATTACXFD FAM: f1A51[rrO IXSPECIION REOJMm. ram caMREiE'AUixm PROrecna eFrwE Msuuna mlPmFn p, ss RmD AT E%IWOR uwss PAno ooms e ROxS Wef BE NSA9E AT TIMER '� F0011X0 MSPEOnON 11/1" REFlECIIXE rxXISE xUYemS APPLIfD BEfdO: .LL MSPECIIp! t 00 NOT APPLY 9pN0 CR NOUSE 11xM UNIe e •vim sNUiwxc IxsPECnax � e Sei FmCE lSpXleD PPoOR ro MSPmO0X5 MAAMUM pUN*XAY •aOnl AT ppB M FFEr ro PrtaPmtt IWE p x r l? 1/JOOIx sa'r. aoa l: 1 Fx '� sF y 1 30: 1 ROOF 1 2: SOi M P S flA91MC - XFID xOIFS OeE xQP epEmS SOiili; Sp[!ffM FlOO£ PEWMFD FOR EMpt - SNCCO - SIONE Nlam �e F Rsma.l Pon BEAM OWxEO110N W AWIL spsir a MimE POSE AW BFhll oR rmom coxsiRUCnm rs fAStp SYSIEY USED. TE OESipI SHALL 9E M AC�ImAxOE M1H 1NE PXOxMas a ilXS cctE PosmN: rnearnax M . rM�o eE PROwm ro ExsuRE AoMxsr uPrar _ nwu psumm�r. 1`o no- z`v O — EORIT a FASOA SYSIF]I ONTO i i i � �V 9pX0 2 6 NN BO 4` 1lpl y a /IT ROOF Plipl SAOIXr � 1� � FI ONM ON10 I 1' -v I ONTO 4" TRIM BO / O O (aEr�V SIpNO �e I 6 SUPPORT P I I La NO Wag I 1eSIC M000 WI. 51p1E REAR ELEVATION YARD ro eE FlgRAQ1C1Nf. Y J1E 1 /V' -1�0• M1K pUDkD yl� Cp1G SIOEWNIf � xNA 9IIIFAOE peMNAY FRONT ELEVATION —2 Nxn sXMrc a surf 1 /a'�1`v' rouse sn.au � OpdFlr P0515 p ltoZ>0 d s:larE sv. rt: tale '° a � � � D a,= M ! I II •�— °l f�al sew �I�a• I' a ' o m.0 roan v s� °tl • ,: eFa O10 { xoug xaw RECUmm oN Au smlwnul>Q : wcnmXS a xWg OnAP ixsruunax uro LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ^ K sPE RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION S CNE J /1P�t�P EAYE Fl�tMD/Na: D� NX)1EC11P! ISQA6D SCNE J /iT -1'-P OM DOE]11N0 PUTS CNm FAxE NS@!O 111gmTM REWFOD. x® eOlr,clE Rewllcm PROnena BEJCRE wsvunIX Pno 01/54 RE09 AT tX1EmOR 4AS5 PAno Doons Lor IROxs xtal g NsxB1E AT 101E OF Faonxc msPECmax }1/Y RFFlECOK NWg XU1apa NMNJm BEfwiE FMAI mSRYlgtl 0o xor APPLr ssxxo IX xoug xmAP uxm 3 AFIFR slunnxo ixsPECnax RT mm REWmm PRlgt ro m—s —MO Md AY NIDIH AT WRB R4 FEEi 0 /1Z ROOF mRJI ro PRamn uxE Flwwxa - xva xaus aRE stm scams '�+ REWmm raR ewa - svca - slnvc xv+m, m .� Bps RJ0221 POJT BENZ CONfECMx • � 0101E POOT Na � oR 011DFn ccxsmucna a Usm. 1HE Dt9IX 91N1 BE m AOCORON1g 1xIH � PROS,sas aF lxa woF. Posng W11Nm11IX ALL a PtxAVm ro vmme Acw�sr uPUFr - N10 u1wAO o1�um1slr. as /tz Rar wla� .v woE FAL4 p son DPe•n U• W ^ Pw . r • f r NW. A —T T • +' V FASaSYSIEII ® � V c c Las /tz RaOF P�1� a /tz RooF Prcw LL eoum/BArm1 sonic If (1Y' EC • ' r mm ao � m m °� � % � 1 • r ® ° "' c N1N. surer e b b FAmA SYSRII J iORZ V 5mN0 �� _� a. c �a ® ❑ ❑❑ 00000000 06 APPgIT m15T ® ® ® ® ® ®®® ®®®® rmd DD Om 1•'.10• RDW BAg ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ®® �• 1HI W ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ®®®® FAU%BRIm( ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ®®®® TARO ro eE FlNAI 4RAwD Nl% �IX OOxG Sm! NN XAPO 9R6A¢ Om�EM`AY I REAR ELEVATION SCAIE J /1FL1' -P FRONT ELEVATION BRICK: ,128, SCAT£ 1 /4"�1' -P J0.Hl BMIX m n P a 12 5� ILIIY. SDETIT !� NNri 901M0 CPafJE ROSIS REAR ELEVATION SGIE 1 /{tiP -P HWSE MRAP NeanRW w Au smucnaEs acluRES a HausE rAVa asTAw,nox AW MSPEOnP! R£COIm CMW YU3f BE SUBIIIi1ED ro TRS OEF1f£ RRDR ro faAL MSPECMfX. m N: —W. DAY PROIECTdI IiWEND UY4L1W Rfus ATrAa1m uNE R. 41M0 a�ECrlax REOU116D. !® COYP1ElE YF.NIfEII PROIECDOH BEFORE INRAARON PA ppay3 NEO'D AT E%BAlat 6A.SS IDT aW3 WST of NSAa£ AT U OF EDOOMC MSPECiIOX I� xPnFCn�xw� xuvems APaan W WT Avl>LY RarW aR xaug wEAS uxm RE0221 POST IIFU1 WMECIICII wln¢ Fosr AW euv aR drtoFA oox3,RUCnax rs nE�Paa OF M6 N�oc - �illE MD BE FRONDED ro p 51aE ACAWST 11PdR AHO umEU dsPUmmRr. AWY. SOfi1T ! '—A SYSIEL �i N iMN BDS —� HDHL V $MNO� W E6.j - HARD RIIEACE DRIN£NAY o a I FRONT ELEVATION HOnSE 3{2165 IeaP Noao a1. SCAtE , /Y. SQ R.: LMf STONE 116. 36anE SWxE �� gq NA 1° r m p° `i1 11°f SY. W �DPT. 1A• CMR. f0P FlAfPIAf£ vAW ro ee mvu auoED ® � ❑III � ❑— � awn ����, —l— l —u� � REAR ELEVATION SGIE 1 /{tiP -P HWSE MRAP NeanRW w Au smucnaEs acluRES a HausE rAVa asTAw,nox AW MSPEOnP! R£COIm CMW YU3f BE SUBIIIi1ED ro TRS OEF1f£ RRDR ro faAL MSPECMfX. m N: —W. DAY PROIECTdI IiWEND UY4L1W Rfus ATrAa1m uNE R. 41M0 a�ECrlax REOU116D. !® COYP1ElE YF.NIfEII PROIECDOH BEFORE INRAARON PA ppay3 NEO'D AT E%BAlat 6A.SS IDT aW3 WST of NSAa£ AT U OF EDOOMC MSPECiIOX I� xPnFCn�xw� xuvems APaan W WT Avl>LY RarW aR xaug wEAS uxm RE0221 POST IIFU1 WMECIICII wln¢ Fosr AW euv aR drtoFA oox3,RUCnax rs nE�Paa OF M6 N�oc - �illE MD BE FRONDED ro p 51aE ACAWST 11PdR AHO umEU dsPUmmRr. AWY. SOfi1T ! '—A SYSIEL �i N iMN BDS —� HDHL V $MNO� u s� I PMEkl SIdM4 5/13 R W E6.j HARD RIIEACE DRIN£NAY CWG 90flYAd( Y SUPPDR, POST I FRONT ELEVATION HOnSE 3{2165 IeaP Noao a1. SCAtE , /Y. SQ R.: LMf STONE 116. 36anE SWxE �� gq NA 1° r m p° `i1 11°f SY. W �DPT. 1A• CMR. f0P FlAfPIAf£ vAW ro ee mvu auoED u s� I PMEkl SIdM4 5/13 R AS REDS R i; �s Y y e 4 y R ]C CL le Ld Q 7 e6� p LI➢9dW � !� iRM WS � e R r O Seri awe LLLVAnun S CNE f /A'_1�P HARD RIIEACE DRIN£NAY CWG 90flYAd( I FRONT ELEVATION HOnSE 3{2165 SCAtE , /Y. SQ R.: LMf STONE 116. 36anE SWxE AS REDS R i; �s Y y e 4 y R ]C CL le Ld Q 7 e6� p LI➢9dW � !� iRM WS � e R r O Seri awe LLLVAnun S CNE f /A'_1�P �e l z x B U h l E FA�SOA s�oi ! 'ie�l� XAAd s,uao vAraL x�o- z`o- sAOac As REO9 u � S NXIt SUNG a 2S g wm+m vosrs �, <2 OHIO ONTO CHIT. OHIO RE0.111ND dl ALL S1INCNRES vinses aaF xause wnw IxsrAUAnax Aro NSPECIIM PERNO CAIU YwSf 9E SIA➢NIRD ro nIR OPFILE PRIOA ro iMAL MSPECMN. FAME FlA91M0/iQ DAY PNOIEClld1 REWIRED W oePVND PWe ATrAdIm ERNE nASIMD MSPECnON REQIIAEO. HORZ. V 90M0 NNYL 9dN0 ! NEED CONPIE,E NFARXDI PROrEC1Ut1 BEFORE IxSI _ OPT, x9' —T NNYL 9dN0 t (e" EIOt) CCRNFR POSR IIXt FlREAACE CORNEA P0515 (e EI�LP SUING TURFAFD 0.A. REOD AT FMlElildl 0.A.4 PAID DOORS RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION on o w " ""` °F LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SG11E , /Vy,' -p ��IR1lEM� MIYBFnS IPMhD scwe , /stir -o- DO MOT APPLY SUNG OR NWSE NOM DNR AP s�Anmc IxmECna sLr PENCE raamm� PRIOR ro MmECnWs WVPwUw dtlS£MAY IMDM AT CUAB xa FEET ro vRaPmrr uxE FLA91M0 - MFE➢ HOILS OIE NEFP SCIRIDS ReWlren PnA dxa - snAxo - sronE wIEEA Reoaz, POSE eEAN coxNErnw NMUE POST AND BEAN ON tlNOm COIISMUCnON 6 UgD, U1E OF.SW SXALL BE N ACCdUAXCE N11H 5 /1x ROOF Plidl ME PRON9CN5 Oi 1M5 C ODE POSdIN: CONNErnW SHALL BE PIN \UFD ro EN9ME AWMSf IIPNR u AM urERAL dSPIACEIIENT. s� , /Dwu soFr. rrooF wIr PEP s 1 SOPT. PUOF AREA: 30R xE IN saPTTn sdl AR wo¢ Aww. sm,r e FASOA SYSlF11 ALOw. SOPFR e FAmA SYSIEL V x`p ❑ ONN ON,O 9 0 MAPDI SNCCO PANEL HAIm1 snkm PAxE1 W e•,ww W _�_I Hd2 V SUNG S /1x ROOF Mldl SApOIE AS IEOU 2` �S AWw. mfflT! V �� fASDA MifRl 1 1 0 � a D D D D D � N,D XDRL IP SUMO C.� (e" EIwJ I 1 e� wwaRr vosr i l �avr. xa^ DANV e".,e' woc ca. 1 fOH FlAEPUCE 1 �ARO ro a NIL QAOED 5,0.1E OOK SIDfl1M1( NAIU SMFAS peNIIAY EM Mil SIpE FRONT ELEVATION House xa as STONE: 020xe IREAR ELEVATION I�I , . I i L = J 1 '. `I e� z e /12 ROa uul. sanr !� fAmA smn b� BOAim/11ATTkT1 SIpNO (Ie' nwJ 4/12 ROa P6w 1�p a /1x Rocf Paw oSHo _ 1 ' 1x��E AS RE09 �e i &A H II 11 11 //' f 9 i t 1 °� suPPwr Posr 1 1 B• NOW COI. 1 24564" SfwE RISE 1 11 1 I OPT. 2 {^ CANT. 11 Fat FllDPU¢ _ll rum ro re f55AL alADm XOlfi V SNw0 REAR ELEVATION SOAK 1/V'— I FRONT ELEVATION scAxc t /4'�r -a' 40. fn: 2x65 xalsT: °wAr REauIRm w Au smucrinvs wcnnlES a HWg twAP wsruunw Am wsPErnw REOdm cxno uusr ec sulnmm ro rins ana maw rD RxAI wsPECnw. uNt: FuseHO�a Dw moTEmw REWIRm w DreTUNO PI65 ATrAwm EAN: IusxlHo 1N�ECnw REauIRm. NN 9dN0 ! SmwO COlelm P0515 NEm CONPIEIE nE6T1EA PImIECnw PETORE INMAnw OPT. x4• CAHr. NNSL SIOMC ! RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION Fort nRrrlACE aro+w POSIS OR2 Ir srowc ILEFT SIDE ELEVATION SCAIE 1 /P�1' -p mT waR YUe! � N°IBI£ AT nYE 6 fODnNO YISPEClION SCAIF: 1 /{"�t�P }t/? RFr1E0NN: MOUSE NUt1(pt5 IPPIID BEFORE rwly_ wsPEnTmx DO NOT APRY SIOw0 w HWg YBUP UNTL AFRR slurHwc lxsPECnaH s2r fTna REauIRm Pmw ro INSPErnws uAnrnly daSERAr rsoTH AT amB x4 fffr TD PRarSnTr ImE a /1z Roa wrw fLA411N0 - YeFP HIXFS ORE PREP SCMmS REadRm fDR eRla - s5uao - sroxE Le�Em e /tx Raa Plral R60221 PORT BE.W CONNECnw rBlom Posr AxD BuN w txRDFn cwsmucnw Is UBm. INE DE9w SMALL aE w AttCRDAIICE xlnl TIE P1mNSOxs a Txls coDC rosnSE caxxECTlw sxAU °E Prroxom ro msuRE AcAwsT uPUfr R 1 6NEA IHD IAIFRAI d5flAC91mT. suwo 9�a"f. R °mw Ix sane sa° HFAR POfE ( �� e' mu �° �uw. sanr e ° e /12 ROa uul. sanr !� fAmA smn b� BOAim/11ATTkT1 SIpNO (Ie' nwJ 4/12 ROa P6w 1�p a /1x Rocf Paw oSHo _ 1 ' 1x��E AS RE09 �e i &A H II 11 11 //' f 9 i t 1 °� suPPwr Posr 1 1 B• NOW COI. 1 24564" SfwE RISE 1 11 1 I OPT. 2 {^ CANT. 11 Fat FllDPU¢ _ll rum ro re f55AL alADm XOlfi V SNw0 REAR ELEVATION SOAK 1/V'— I FRONT ELEVATION scAxc t /4'�r -a' 40. fn: 2x65 j F - ' - REOD F Aa IT FAedA -e � so� � T HWS YNAP REWNEO W ALL e11NCMaS NC11Rax 6 XWEE ARM MSfALLATW Aw IN�ECIIPI RECOiD LWO! YUS! BE ABYITiw ro 1105 6r1fE PRw ro FlXAL NFPECIIMI. OPf. 2V' CAIIT. YMYL SWNC ! FPI EAtE ftA9M0/X£ OAY PROIECIKKI REMERw COTe1t POS1x W OxFI1e10 Plllx ATlACNlD FAY£ Fuaew INSPEOTW REONRw. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION H® COMP E E u x x FamFCnox mnR MARA W RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCAIE 1/4'�1�P �� MA5555 RE09 AT tXlFledt ClA°e 0 OOMIS mNE 1 /V'�1�P wT lwxs tnaT w YsAas AT ma a FwIINO nsPE4TW e-tR^ raslxcmc Xoug xutMOa Nww BFSOfe: FelAl N4ECIION w XOT APRY 901X0 OR IIOUg Y.MP TRIM AsaR saAmlxo nsPECnW 9LT FFNfE REOIIIIaD PIdOR ro MSPEO11We e /1S POOP PITCH ro PPOPfINY UNE W1H AT WRB K iEET 0/12 ROOF NTd1 FtA9fo10 - xi8 MMES Ptl: xFFP mR®s RF)YJWkD F°R aea - sNao - sraa Yvan 1 /OwM mr RaaF Yvlr PFR Rmul Posr eFAY COxxECMlI u 1 SOT. ROOF ARFA: mx IN YRala Posr Aw BFIN OR NImEn CMSIINC110x le mmr, Pox XFM wMa �sm, mF oma SxN1 w N AcWwul¢ wTx e� e' TRY w PROYYMIe R iMe CwE P09nYE CDYXECTW 91ANE 9MN0 w PROYOm ro tNmRe Acnxsr uNar Al1M. wmT a �vm umI•u MsPUmmlr. sxAlo-: eMHo FAStlA 3YShL ALW. WT! a FA°OA SYSRLC ® t e/u ROOF RTOI 2 u % 4• nw w e 1 s ( �.) a/u ROOi PHb1 � �° W `` �SAOME AS REPO AWY. mfFlT ! D FAmA SYSipI t•-s � OYrw o 0 q ;; ® ❑ ❑❑ o®0000 oo ®a "OPT. x4 ^Dort. ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ®® 4•TNYw Cj e FNAL tl1A0ED Net wRFA2 OPoYFMAT VNYL 9PXO ! % � % � � � IID1£/ CR1G 90EM'N1f S � X LAMER PO515 FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION m 1 /4�1�P ]6edf SroNE sFUE: t /v-rvP m. FE: tat s s d .. g 1/d00N sDPr. RODE , T PER , SOFl. ROOr AIG 50w N 50'f1n 50{ NFIA RODE r� �� AuN. sanr! sAdNE As REOV ,yo- l oxr ° c axa I1 3 P0 � u lea a ¢ I I o o- o�tio 94 axr. cAxr. oNw XWSE W2AP wearREO ON ALL SDNONRES NCNR6 OP NDUSE wUP IXSdLUTON AND rX5PEO11W REWRO CARD WST BE SImMl,m m T115 OPF10= PNOR m flNAL NSPEOTW. UM: f,A91MDr11£ DAY PROIECnON REODIPFD d DNEllMO PWS ATfAO1ro FUA£ RA XD IXSPE4TW REWNw.D. NEED COYPIEIE NEATIEA PROIEOIIdI BFFdE MAIUTW W' HDRL lP 9DN0 NNri 9d 1fNPklim GhSS RE00 AT EXIFINOR E —TT. � RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION f xs " LEFT SIDE � ELEVATION , n' RErLEL N XWSE NUW wS 0 SfJIE 1/4 "�,'' -P BEFORE FlNAL MSPECTdi $CA1E• 1 /1•.T -a DO XOi APPLY 9dN0 DII HWSE 1NIM UNTL As,m sHEA,HIxc NmWnox szr Awa REaIRPn PwaR m MsPECnoxs Av Arom Ar arm u PrET m rROPmtt uxE fL51MC -AFB HNES ORE wEp+ SObIDS REaNEO Fpl BMd( -SNOW - SIONE N]iEElt 850221 POS! BEAY CONNECTON a 1PoY BD 11 wldE POST AND B%JI OR CNOfn WNSINICTON R 11 UBFO ME SHALL BE N ACWRDANfE MT, ] � TiE PRONYMd1S 6lIDS WDE POATNE WNXECTDN ] T SNALL BE PRONDFn ro d AWNVSf Wl6f AxD unxAL asxnmml. - NNri 41/Jff5 y = AM T .* W � 2 - �' TTO` TADE CARE SADdE AS REOD r N ,ter IM lu ll bNa s /,1 RoaP a,a Ma U tea:) - Ld J a TDY W u � 7 SAOME AS 1E09 ] PAStlA 4 /1Z RODF Prid1 �a by�p AWY. SOfFlT! V Lol [a] ONrc ; 1•-P �D. I y � ®®®® ®® ( V SAND QUEM3 ®® aTRN BO �DPn 1A• �,XT. ® ® ® ® ® ®® fdl XPfIXAt£ O EM= ® ® arm] Wall rum ro ff fl1AL CRADEO SIWE ,:LNC SmfllNlf HARD Sd6A6 d ➢1fWAY srac w/ cAP uax I FRONT ELEVATION Hd SE Anws smXE: ,w.eeT I REAR ELEVATION s /a" a ]LAlw S E scut , /a•.1• -0• � m. rr_ z1m q- a