Application ChecklistInterim Use Permit—Soil Correction Holasek Greenhouse Parcel Application Checklist 1. Attached 2. Attached 3. Check per email in the amount of $792.00 4. Site plan: there will be no structures added to the parcel. Poor soil will be removed. a. No change A-2 b. None C. None d. None e. None f. None g. No change, consistent with Office Industrial uses and neighbors h. None, no impervious surface created L None 5. Grading plan attached a. There will be no change or detriment b. Enhances the ability to execute on the City's plan c. No change to existing bare farmland d. It will not be hazardous or a disturbance to existing area or uses. Modern farm equipment and modern soil equipment is similar. This operation will not be applying farm chemicals. e. The site is signalized and service by a County Road f. None services needed g. This activity will not be producing or causing excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare odors rodents or trash. h. Signalized intersection entrance i. No change to solar access, no change to buildings of any kind j. No change k. Enhance future potential for neighbor values and City values I. It will meet standards 91 CITYOPOHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 0 'l 2015 CHANHASSENPLANNING OEPT