CC Work Session Minutes 04-27-2015City Council Work Session – April 27, 2015 DISCUSS VISIONING PROCESS FOR THE LIFESTYLE CENTER. Todd Gerhardt asked for discussion of the Charge Statement to receive feedback from the council on how to proceed in the visioning process. He explained the need for flexibility in proceeding with a project like this. Councilwoman Ryan explained that her goal is when the visioning process is complete the council feels they had the time to explore all options, clearly understands the needs of community now and in the future, and the development team’s vision of what they would like to see on this parcel. Councilman Campion favored expanding the vision for a lifestyle center without going into too much detail with a desired result of capturing information from the public to determine a relatively short list of permitted and prohibited uses. He explained how he would like to see the free market work. Councilwoman Tjornhom supports moving forward with visioning process to obtain feedback from residents, developers, and downtown business council. Councilman McDonald provided background information on how this parcel was zoned and explained that he does not feel it’s the council’s job to design what goes on this parcel. He would like the developer to present a plan to the council. Mayor Laufenburger explained that he supports Barry Warner doing the work of obtaining information from all parties involved, i.e. residents, developer, downtown businesses, etcetera. Councilman McDonald reiterated his disconnect and the need for the developer to come up with a plan first before spending time on visioning. Councilwoman Tjornhom agreed with Councilman McDonald. Mayor Laufenburger stated he also agreed with Councilman McDonald but after thinking about it would like to go through the visioning process to share with the developer what the people of Chanhassen would like to see. He explained what the AUAR will entail and that the developer will move forward on a parallel path. Councilman McDonald stated he would support completion of the AUAR before moving forward with the visioning process. Council members discussed receiving a vision from the developer to give to Barry Warner or getting a plan from the developer before moving forward with the visioning process. Mayor Laufenburger th stated he would like to see a final visioning report no later than July 24 with the goal of giving the council clear understanding of what the residents want, architecture, and strategies outlined in the consultant’s proposal. After discussion amongst council members and staff there was consensus from council to move forward with Barry Warner’s proposal with one message that the developer speak with as much clarity as possible on their vision. Todd Gerhardt explained that staff will keep the council updated on the process. Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 10:05 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 3